Chronology of World War II

March 1945

Air Operations, Europe

Both RAF Bomber Command and the US 8th Air Force step up their efforts each dropping more than 73,000 tons of bombs. Among the RAF targets are Mannheim, Kassel, Essen and Dortmund. The raid on Dortmund on the 12th sees 4,850 tons of bombs dropped - the heaviest attack on any target during the war. In an attack on the Bielfeld viaduct on the 15th the largest bomb dropped during the war is used for the first time, the 22,000-pound Grand Slam. The 8th Air Force is able to send 1,500 heavy bombers out on any one day and among its targets are Chemnitz, Osnabruck and Swinemünde.

The German communications system and the synthetic oil industry are attacked by both British and American forces. Tactical targets are also hit by the heavy bombers. 9th Air Force flies 55,000 missions and drops 33,000 tons of bombs in its support tasks. RAF tactical support forces fly 30,000 missions. The Mediterranean Air Forces also contribute to the Allied effort.

Air Operations, Far East

This month there is a notable change in the American tactics for their attacks on targets in Japan. Gen Curtis LeMay, commanding the bomber forces based in the Marianas, has become dissatisfied with both the weight and accuracy of attack achieved in precision bombing from B-29's at high altitude. The very high winds met at around 30,000 feet, which has been the operational altitude until now, mean that bomb accuracy is very difficult and attaining this altitude overstrains the aircraft and restricts the bomb load.

The new tactics involve the attacks being made by night on city targets with the bombs being mostly incendiaries. The first and most horrific attack on this new pattern is aimed at Tokyo (see March 9-10). Other targets hit in Japan include Nagoya, Osaka and Kobe.

Elsewhere there are many Allied air operations in the Philippines, Burma and over China where 14th Air Force is maintaining its efforts.

(Allied Ships Lost to U-boats this month)

Thursday, March 1st

Air Operations, CBI

  • Nearly 100 10th Air Force fighter-bombers attack Japanese Army ground troops and many other targets in areas immediately behind Japanese battle lines.
  • 27 P-47s support Allied ground forces in the Mogok area.
  • 16 P-47s support Allied ground forces in the Lashio area.
  • 14 P-47s attack a bypass bridge at Na-lang.
  • 6 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 22 14th Air Force P-51s attack Ishan.
  • 9 P-51s attack targets of opportunity at Chinchenchiang.
  • 4 P-51s attack road targets between Chinchenchiang and Hwaiyang.
  • 21 V Bomber Command B-25s sweeping the sea lanes between Hong Kong and Swatow sink a cargo ship.
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Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Labuan, Manggar, and Tarakan airfields on Borneo.

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Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 478 aircraft including 372 Lancasters, 90 Halifaxes and 16 Mosquitos of Nos 1, 6 and 8 Groups are sent to Mannheim in Bomber Command's last large-scale raid on the city. This is a general attack on the city area. Skymarking is used because of the complete cloud cover. No details of the results are available.
    • 3 Lancasters are lost.
  • 151 Lancasters of No. 3 Group attack an oil plant at Kamen through cloud.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 55 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 40 to Erfurt and 3 on nuisance raids over northern Germany, and there are 13 Mosquito patrols and 32 RCM sorties.
    • There are no losses.
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Air Operations, Formosa

  • 44 V Bomber Command B-24s attack Takao.
  • B-24s attack an aluminium plant at Takao, the airfield at Tainan, and a satellite airfield.
  • V Fighter Command P-51s attack Keishu.
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Air Operations, Philippines

  • Following a pre-invasion bombardment by 13th Air Force aircraft and US warships, a US 8th Army infantry battalion lands on Lubang Island in the southern Philippines.
  • 494th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s, 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s, and 347th Fighter Group P-38s mount the first in a series of pre-invasion missions against the Zamboanga region of Mindanao.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Zettlefield airfield on Jolo.
  • 5th Air Force aircraft attack targets on Negros and Panay islands.
  • V Fighter Command fighters mount napalm attacks against Japanese Army ground troops near Fort Stotsenburg and near Corregidor.
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Air Operations, Ryukyus

  • Task Force 58 aircraft and 5th Fleet surface warships bombard several targets on a number of islands, especially Okinawa.
  • V Fighter Command P-51s attack numerous targets of opportunity throughout the Ryukyus.
  • A VF-30 F6F downs a Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane at sea at 1007.
  • 2 VF-80 F6Fs down a G4M 'Betty' bomber at sea at 1520 hours.
  • VF-80 F6Fs down 2 G4M 'Betty' bombers at sea at 1555 hours.

Air Operations, Volcano Islands

  • Task Group 52.2 TBMs and FMs provide support for US V Marine Amphibious Corps ground forces on Iwo Jima.
  • VMR-952 R5Ds air-drop ammunition, spare parts, blood, and even some mail to US Marine Corps ground troops on Iwo Jima.
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The British 14th Army begins the assault on Meiktila, attacking through the northern suburbs of the town against a tenacious defense from Maj-Gen Tomekichi Kasuya's garrison. The Japanese have converted the town into a heavy defensive outpost.

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Diplomatic Relations

Turkey declares war on Germany and Japan. Saudi Arabia declares war on Germany and Japan. Iran declares war on Japan.

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Eastern Front

In Hungary the Germans still prepare for their counteroffensive. The Vistula Army Group contains the attacks of the 1st and 2nd Belorussian Fronts southeast and southwest of Pyritz, south of Stettin; the German 7th Panzer Division and 4th SS Panzergrenadiere Division suffer heavy losses. In Yugoslavia there is fighting in the Sarajevo area.

In Pomerania the northwest attacks of Zhukov's forces achieve a breakthrough north of Arnswalde and move on in Kolberg direction.


The 1st Guards Tank, 2nd Guards Tank, 3rd Shock, 47th and 61st Armies launch a fresh attack into Pomerania, hitting the junction of the German II and X SS Corps. The Soviet 3rd Guards Tank Army defeats a counterattack by the XXIV Panzer Corps near Lauban.


With the now customary arty and air support, 1st Belorussian Front launches its offensive into Pomerania. The 1st and 2nd Guards Tank Armies and 3rd Shock Army push north from Arnswalde, while the 47th Army attacks west of Pyritz and the 61st Army east of Stargard, The main assault hits the junction of the III and X SS Corps.

The XXIV Panzer Corps launches a strong counterattack near Lauban but after initially takint the 3rd Guards Tank Army by surprise, it is brought to a halt and suffers heavy losses. Over the next few days the 4th Tank Army pulls out of the combat line and moves to Oppeln to support 21st Army.

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Iwo Jima

Turkey Crest, one of the three hills near Airfield No. 2 so fiercely contested by the Japanese, finally falls to the assaults of the Marines. The 3rd Division advances east of the village of Motoyama but is held up about half a mile beyond it by the Japanese. The Americans take part of Airfield No. 3 but are then held up by very strong Japanese resistance. The 4th Marine Div fights all day at the base of Height 382, where the enemy shows signs of giving way.

The US destroyers Terry (DD-513) and Colhoun (DD-801) are both damaged by coastal gunfire. The attack transport Berrien (APA-62) is damaged in a collision.

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Part of the TF 58 carrier force attacks targets on Okinawa and shipping nearby. Two small Japanese warships are sunk.



  • The Japanese torpedo boat Manazuru is sunk by US carrier-based aircraft in the Ryukyu Islands area.
  • US carrier-based aircraft sink the Japanese minelayer Tsubame in the Formosa area.
  • The US submarine Sterlet (SS-392) sinks the Japanese army cargo vessel Tateyama Maru (1148t) south of Yokohama.
  • The Japanese mrchant vessel cargo shi Eisho Maru (2850t) is sunk by grounding in Shihtao Bay, off Shantung Peninsula.
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On Luzon in the capital, Japanese resistance is now confined to the Ministry of Finance building. East of Manila, the US 6th Division re-groups to attack the Shimbu line, which runs north from Antipolo to Mount Oro and is strongly manned by the Japanese. Filipino guerrillas are carrying out operations against the Japanese in the south of the island. The I Corps takes the initiative again, moving north toward Baguio. The 32nd and 25th Divisions, against strong enemy opposition, move toward the Cagayan Valley and Balete Pass, in the northeast of the island. Nearer the landing area at Lingayen Gulf there are renewed efforts by I Corps in the direction of Baguio and north along the coast.

The combat group from the 41st Division, US 8th Army, which landed at Puerto Princesa on February 28 virtually completes the occupation of Palawan Island. Other units of the army land on Lubang Island and take Tilic. Lubang, the biggest of the group of islands of the same name, is occupied in the course of a few days.

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Ryukyu Islands

Aircraft from Vice-Adm Marc A. Mitscher's fast carrier squadron attack enemy installations in the area of Okinawa. It is the beginning of a solid month of aerial and naval bombardment against Okinawa in preparation for the US invasion of the island scheduled for April 1. Next day Task Force 58 hits at Okino Daito Island, also in the Ryukyu Islands and only 450 miles from the Japanese island of Kyushu.


Western Front

The British XXX Corps and Canadian II Corps, Canadian 1st Army, continue to advance in the Kervenheim sector and in the Hochwald and Balberg Forests. The town of Venlo, in Holland, is taken by units of the 35th Division, XVI Corps, US 9th Army. In the XIII Corps sector the 84th and 102nd Divisions begin a co-ordinated offensive toward Birgen, Dülken, the Niers Canal and Anrath. Units of the 29th Division, XIX Corps, seize München-Gladbach, the most important town reached by the Allies in Germany so far. The 2nd Armored Division advances northward across the Cologne plain, capturing Kleinenborich, crossing the North Danal and continuing north on the line Willich-Osterath, places which are soon captured.

In the US 1st Army sector, the VII Corps, with the Erft as its start line, continues to attack toward Cologne and the Rhine, with the 3rd Armored Division operating in the Glesch-Paffendorf region, the 10th engaged on the area of Quadrath and the 8th advancing on the town of Mödrath. The III Corps is also advancing toward the Rhine.

The VIII Corps, US 3rd Army, astride the Prüm River, is still advancing eastward, but meets with strong resistance from the German 7th Army. The 87th Division reaches Ormont and the 4th makes some progress in the bridgeheads east of the Prüm River. The 6th Armored Division reinforces the bridgehead on the right flank of the corps. Between the Prüm and Nims Rivers, the 80th Division, XII Corps, makes headway, and between the Prüm and the Kyll the 4th Armored Division captures Sefferweich and Malbergweich.

Units of the 10th Armored Division, XX Corps, begin to enter Trier; the bridge over the Moselle was taken intact overnight.

The US 7th Army, with its 3 corps, XXI, XV and VI, abreast of one another, takes up defensive positions along the Saar, Rotbach and Moder Rivers between Emmersweiler, Germany and Oberhoffen, France.

The French 1st Army remains on the defensive along the Rhine, protecting the right flank of the US 7th Army.

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Images from March 1, 1945

US Soldiers in Prum, Germany

US Soldiers in Prum, Germany

398th Bomb Group Bomb Run

398th Bomb Group Bomb Run

Norwegian Refugee

Norwegian Refugee

British Troops near Uedem, Germany

British Troops near Uedem, Germany

Panzer Grenadiers In Action

<i>Panzer Grenadiers</i> In Action

Sherman Firefly Tank in Uedem

Sherman Firefly Tank in Uedem

Decoration Ceremony in Italy

Decoration Ceremony in Italy

Dug In on the Iwo Jima Beach

Dug In on the Iwo Jima Beach

Friday, March 2nd

Air Operations, CBI

  • 10 10th Air Force B-25s attack bridges at 4 locations.
  • 2 B-25s attack ferry facilities at Li-lu.
  • More than 90 10th Air Force fighter-bombers attack numerous targets behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • More than 20 10th Air Force P-47s support Allied ground forces near Mogok.
  • 3 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping in the South China Sea.
  • On the night of March 2–3, 63rd Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s sweeping the sea lanes between Hong Kong and Swatow sink a tanker.
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Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the port area at Sandakan and the Manggar and Sepinggang airfields on Borneo.

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Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 858 aircraft including 531 Lancasters, 303 Halifaxes and 24 Mosquitos raid Cologne in 2 waves. The first raid is carried out by 703 aircraft and the second by 155 Lancasters of No. 3 Group. In the second raid, however, only 15 aircraft bomb, because the G-H station in England is not working correctly. The main raid is highly destructive, with the Pathfinders marking in clear weather conditions. This is the last RAF raid on Cologne, which is captured by American troops 4 days later.
    • 6 Lancasters and 2 Halifaxes are lost and 1 Halifax crashes in Belgium.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 69 training aircraft make a sweep, 67 Mosquitos are sent to Kassel and 3 to Berlin, 10 Halifaxes and Lancasters lay mines off Norway and 6 Mosquitos in the Kiel Canal, 21 aircraft are involved in Resistance operations, and there are 31 Mosquito patrols and 48 RCM sorties.
    • There are no losses.
  • There are 2 RAF daylight raids on Cologne.
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Air Operations, Formosa

  • 28 90th and 380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the airfield at Matsuyama.
  • 35 345th Medium Bomb Group B-25s strafe and sow 23-pound parachute bombs at the Toyohara airfield, and 36 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s do the same at the Taichu airfield.
  • 312th Light Bomb Group A-20s in their first mission to Formosa fail to locate the Kagi airfield but attack the Shirakawa airfield instead.
  • 345th Light Bomb group A-20s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack numerous other targets.
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Air Operations, Malaya

50 of 64 40th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s dispatched attack the Singapore naval base with 107 tons of bombs. 5 of the B-29s attack targets of opportunity.

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Air Operations, Philippines

  • At 0200 hours, while 1 G4M 'Betty' bomber at high altitude diverts searchlight and anti-aircraft batteries guarding the Mingaladan airfield on Luzon, 2 (or 3) other G4M 'Bettys' attack the base from 300 feet with 12 500-pound bombs and 300 small anti-personnel bombs. 4 Marines are killed and 78 are wounded, 1 SBD is destroyed, and 1 SBD is damaged.
  • 494th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s, 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s, and 347th Fighter Group P-38s attack ground targets in the Zamboanga region of Mindanao.
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Air Operations, Volcano Islands

Task Group 52.2 TBMs and FMs provide support for US V Marine Amphibious Corps ground forces on Iwo Jima.

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U-3519 sinks after hitting a mine in the Baltic Sea off Warnemünde.


ClassType XXI
CO Kapitänleutnant Richard von Harpe
Location Baltic, off Warnemünde
Cause Mine
Casualties 65
Survivors None
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


The 20th Indian Division and British 2nd Division join up their bridgeheads west of Mandalay.

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Eastern Front

The Vistula Army Group evacuates the bridgehad over the Oder in the Schwedt area, southwest of Stettin. Fighting flares up again in the whole of East Prussia, where the Russians want to wipe out the German 4th Army before it can be evacuated by sea.


The 1st Belorussian Front's offensive is lancing through the German lines, with the 1st Guards Tank Army approaching Kolberg, the 2nd Guards Tank nearing Stettin and the Polish 1st Army threatening the left flank of the X SS Corps.


The 1st Belorussian Front has ripped apart the 3rd Panzer Army defenses north of Arnswalde and has isolated the X SS Corps and Corps Group Tettau (Maj-Gen Hans von) around Dramberg. The 3rd Shock Army is thrusting to the northeast toward Belgard and northwest toward the Isle of Wollin, while the 1st and 2nd Guards Tank Armies move upon Kolberg and Stettin respectively. To the east of Dramberg the 1st Polish Army envelops the left wing of the X SS Corps as it also pushes toward Belgard and Kolberg.

In Silesia the XXIV Panzer Corps continues its fruitless attacks near Lauban.

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In the British 8th Army sector, the Italian Cremona combat group, V Corps, supported by partisians of the 28th Garibaldi Brigade, opens the offensive against Comacchio.

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Iwo Jima

The 3rd Marine Division, in the center of the line, completes the capture of Airfield No. 3 under intensive Japanese artillery and machine-gun fire. In the area of the 'Mincer' the Americans take another important position, the one called the Amphitheater. It has been a tremendous struggle, conducted with flame-throwers and explosive charges. The Americans are now in control of two thirds of the island.

Several US vessels are damaged due to collisions in the day's operations including the attack cargo ship Stokes (AKA-68) and landing craft LST-224, LST-247 and LST-634. The landing craft LST-642 is damaged running aground.

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  • The US submarine Bowfin (SS-287) sinks the Japanese transport Chokai Maru (1285t) northeast of Miyake Jima.
  • The British submarine Terrapin attacks a Japanese Penang-to-Singapor convoy sinking the small cargo vessel Sanko Maru.
  • The Japanese transport Kasei Maru (2220t) is sunk by unknown causes off Shiogama, northeren Honshu.
  • [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    On Luzon, while the XIV Corps clears up the last Japanese resistance in Manila, the US I Corps advance north.

    Mopping up of Corregidor is complete, and the island has been inspected by MacArthur. During the operations the Japanese have lost 4,700 dead and another 500 men have been buried alive in the caverns and tunnels. The Americans have lost 1,000 men killed, wounded and missing.

    On Samar, American units reach the outskirts of Mauo.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    Under pressure from the Soviets King Michael of Romania is forced to dismiss his government and on March 6 to appoint a new government dominated by the Rumanian Communist Party. This is the first token since Yalta that Stalin will not hold to his assurances about doing nothing to hinder the process of democracy in eastern Europe.


    Ryukyu Islands

    4 cruisers and 15 destroyers commanded by Adm Francis E. Whiting and drawn from TF 58 bombard Okino Daito Jima.

    [rarr | rarrrarr]

    Western Front

    The 53rd Division, British XXX Corps, Canadian 1st Army, captures Weeze and advances south toward Geldern.

    From Venlo the 35th Division, XVI Corps, US 9th Army, moves quickly into German territory and reaches Sevelen after passing through Strälen and Nieukerk.

    The Niers Canal is crossed by the 84th Division, XIII Corps, near Süchteln and Odt; the other 2 divisions of the corps, the 102nd and the 5th Armored, reach Krefeld and Ficheln. The 29th Division reaches its positions at München-Gladbach, and the 83rd completes the capture of Neuss and reaches the Rhine opposite Düsseldorf, but the retreating Germans have destroyed all the bridges over the rivers.

    In the US 1st Army sector, the 99th Division, VII Corps, crosses the Erft in the neighborhood of Glesch, while further south the 3rd Armored Division and the 104th Division defend the bridgeheads east of the Erft. The III Corps continues its advance toward the Rhine; its divisions reach Erp, the Roth River at Friesheim, Mülheim and Wichterich, establishing a bridgehead in the neighborhood of Friesheim.

    In the US 3rd Army sector, units of the 87th and 4th Divisions, VIII Corps, meet with strong resistance near Ormont, and east of Prüm. The XII Corps opens an offensive toward the Kyll River during the night, while the 5th Division tries to establish a bridgehead across the same river between Erdorf and Philippsheim. The 10th Armored Division, XX Corps, completes the capture of Trier, while the 94th Division continues to extend the bridgehead at Saarsburg, now some 6 miles deep.

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Images from March 2, 1945







King Tiger 2 Tank

King Tiger 2 Tank

Dachau Inmates on a Death March

Dachau Inmates on a Death March

M24 Chaffees

M24 Chaffees

Japanese Dead Near Meiktila

Japanese Dead Near Meiktila

Punjab Rifles Advance toward Meiktila

Punjab Rifles Advance toward Meiktila

Two soldiers of the 3rd Monmouthshire Regiment

Two soldiers of the 3rd Monmouthshire Regiment

Canadian Engineers Clearing Railway Roadbed

Canadian Engineers Clearing Railway Roadbed

Demolition Charge Damage

Demolition Charge Damage

Saturday, March 3rd

Air Operations, CBI

  • 10 10th Air Force B-25s and more than 80 fighter-bombers attack troops and many other targets immediately behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 2 B-25s attack a bridge at Loi-leng.
  • 24 P-47s and 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s support Chinese Army ground forces near Mansam.
  • 16 P-47s support British 14th Army ground forces near Mogok.
  • 10 P-47s attack a bridge at Na-lang.
  • 4 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping in the Gulf of Tonkin and South China Sea.
  • 3 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack a bridge and rail line at Kep.
  • 12 51st Fighter Group P-51s attack targets of opportunity between Nam Dinh and Vinh.
  • 2 P-51s attack a Japanese Army headquarters in Hanoi.
  • A P-38 with the XIII Fighter Command’s 18th Fighter Group downs a Ki-21 'Sally' bomber near the airfield at Phanrang.
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Air Operations, East Indies

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack airfields in northern Borneo.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Ternate Island.
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Air Operations, Europe

100 German night intruders attack more than 20 airfields from Northumberland to Oxon. 20 RAF bombers are destroyed for a loss of 6 intruders.

The Luftwaffe mount Operation GISELLA on this night, sending approximately 200 night fighters to follow the various bomber forces to England. This move takes the British defences partly by surprise and the Germans shoot down 20 bombers: 8 Halifaxes of No. 4 Group, 2 Lancasters of No. 5 Group, 3 Halifaxes, 1 Fortress and 1 Mosquito of No. 100 Group and 3 Lancasters and 2 Halifaxes from the Heavy Conversion Units which have been taking part in the diversionary sweep. 3 of the German fighters crash through flying too low. The German fighter which crashes near Elvington airfield is the last Luftwaffe aircraft to crash on English soil during the war.

Daylight Ops:
  • 201 Halifaxes of No. 4 Group and 21 Lancasters and 12 Mosquitos of No. 8 Group repeat the attack on Kamen. The synthetic oil refinery at Bergkamen is severely damaged in this accurate raid and no further production of oil takes place.
    • No aircraft are lost over Germany.
  • 212 Lancasters and 10 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group attack the Ladbergen aqueduct on the Dortmund-Ems Canal, breach it in 2 places and put it completely out of action. The gunners in the No. 619 Squadron Lancaster of Wing Commander S. G. Birch claim to have shot down a V-1 flying bomb near the target area. The V-1 was probably aimed at the port of Antwerp.
    • 7 Lancasters are lost.
Minor Ops:
  • 95 training aircraft make a diversionary sweep, 64 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin and 32 to Würzburg, 31 Lancasters lay mines in the Kattegat and in Oslo Fjord, 17 aircraft make Resistance flights, and there are 29 Mosquito patrols and 61 RCM sorties.
    • 1 mine-laying Lancaster is lost.
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Air Operations, Formosa

  • Despite bad weather, 90th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Kiirun harbor with the aid of H2X radar guidance.
  • 22nd Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Tainan airfield through a hole in the clouds.
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Air Operations, Philippines

  • 494th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s and 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Zettlefield airfield on Jolo and the San Roque airfield on Mindanao.
  • 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Basco airfield on Batan after diverting from their weathered-in primary and secondary targets on Formosa.
  • A-20s attack Caballo Island and Echauge.
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Air Operations, Volcano Islands

  • Task Group 52.2 TBMs and FMs provide support for US V Marine Amphibious Corps ground forces on Iwo Jima.
  • A VMR-952 R5D transport carrying ammunition, blood products, and mail from Guam is the first multi-engine airplane to make use of the partially rehabilitated 3,000-foot Motoyama Airfield No. 1 on Iwo Jima. The R5D evacuates USMC casualties on the return flight.
  • 2 VC-81 FMs down a P1Y 'Galaxy' bomber at sea at 1215 hours.
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U-3036 is destroyed while being fitted out in a air raid on Bremen by B-17 bombers of the US 8th Air Force.


ClassType XXI
CO None appointed
Location Baltic, Bremen
Cause Air attack
Casualties Unknown
Survivors Unknown
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


Meiktila is completely occupied by Gen David Cowan's 17th Indian Division and the 255th Indian Tank Brugade of the IV Corps. They immediately dig in. The main route for supplies to the bulk of the Japanese forces in Burma is, therefore, cut and they will be compelled to turn away from the fighting farther north and try to clear their lines of communication. At the same time they must do something to hold of XXXIII Corps to the north.

Chinese troops capture Lashio to the northeast of Mandalay. Lashio includes the northernmost of a series of vital airfields stretching throughout central and southern Burma, and each one captured provides extra logistical capability fof the Allied advance.

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Diplomatic Relations

Finland declares war against Germany with retrospective effect from September 15, 1944.

In the Act of Chapultepec 20 American states, meeting in Mexico City, pledge themselves to protect each other's territorial and political integrity.

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Eastern Front


The right flank of the 3rd Panzer Army begins to abandon the Schwedt bridgehead as the 2nd Guards Tank, 61st and 47th Armies converge upon Stettin on the lower Oder. Heavy fighting rages around Lauban in Silesia.

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Germany, Home Front

German 15-year-olds are ordered to frontline duty.

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The IV Corps, US 5th Army, begins the second phase of its limited, local offensive against the hills northeast of Monte Torraccia and Monte Castello.

In the V Corps, British 8th Army, sector, the 56th Division takes a strong position on the east bank of the Senio near San Severo, and the Cremona group continues the battle for Comacchio.

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Iwo Jima

The 3rd, 4th and 5th Marine Divisions continue to attack the strong Japanese positions. Hill 382, after yet another assault, is finally taken. Once the countless caves and tunnels have been mopped up, the 'Mincer' is securely in American hands; but at the cost of 6,500 American troops. The 5th Marine Division, on the left, attacks Height 362, using flame-throwers against the fortified Japanese positions.

Coastal gunfire damages the attack transport Bolivar (APA-34) which is the only naval casualty of the day in the area.

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  • The Japanese oiler Hario sinks when it hits a mine off French Indochina.
  • The US submarine Sea Robin (SS-407) sinks the Japanese transport Suiten Maru (2500t) off Malang, Java.
  • The US submarine Trepang (SS-412) sinks the Japanese gunboat No.2 Nissho Maru (1386t) off southern Honshu near Mijake Jima.
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On Luzon all Japanese resistance in Manila is at an end. The 20,000 defenders have been wiped out and the town devastated. With the liquidation of the Japanese units in the Ternate area the whole of Manila Bay is now also clear of the enemy. The 32nd Division, US I Corps, capture Digdig and prepares to elimnate some pockets of enemy resistance in the Puncan area, which part of the division now tackles.

Units of the Americal Division, US 8th Army, land on the islands of Burias and Ticao west of the San Bernardino Strait, without opposition. Verde Island is firmly in American hands. On Palawan Island the US 186th Infantry meets sharp resistance from the Japanese.

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Western Front

Winston Churchill, during a visit to the Western Front, lunches at Jülich. This is the first time a British Prime Minister has set foot in Germany since Chamberlain went to Munich in 1938.

At Walbeck, southwest of Gelderen, contact is made between the British XXX Corps, Canadian 1st Army, and the American XVI Corps, 9th Army.

East of Sevelen, the 35th Division, XVI Corps, 9th Army, has to slow down in the face of severe opposition by the German paratroopers of the 1st Army. German resistance makes itself felt also in the XII Corps sector, but the 84th Division still succeeds in taking Rath and advancing toward Homberg.

The units of the VII Corps, US 1st Army, advance rapidly toward the Rhine, taking Sinsteden, Stommeln, Glessen and Dansweiller among other places, and then opening operations against the Königsberg, 104th Division. In the III Corps sector the 1st Division and the 9th Armored Division reach the Erft. On the south flank of the corps, the 78th Division retains its bridgehead near Hambach. The 2nd Division, V Corps, crosses the Rur at Heimbach and continues south toward Gemund.

There is no improvement in the situations of the 87th and 4th Divisions, VIII Corps, US 3rd Army, virtually pinned down in the vicinity of Ormont and Reuth. Further south, the 11th Armored Division crosses the Prüm River and attacks toward the Kyll River, taking Fleringen, while the 6th Armored Division completes its advance from the Prüm to the Nims, which some of its units cross north of Schönecken.

The 5th Division, XII Corps, manages to secure a small bridgehead east of the Kyll. The 76th Division completes the mopping up along the Kyll and Moselle Rivers and during the night begins to cross the Kyll. The 4th Armored Division concentrates near Bitburg, a short way from the west bank of the Kyll, in readiness for an offensive across the river. In the XX Corps sector, the 10th Armored Division advances toward Schweich but has to halt at the Ruwer River, near Eitelsbach, where the bridge has been blown up.

In the 7th Army sector Forbach is taken.

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Images from March 3, 1945

Dortmund-Ems Canal

Dortmund-Ems Canal

US Troops Move Through Krefeld

US Troops Move Through Krefeld

1st Royal Norfolks in Kervenheim

1st Royal Norfolks in Kervenheim

US Army Rangers in Rurberg, Germany

1st Royal Norfolks in Kervenheim

4th Royal Welch Regiment in Weeze

4th Royal Welch Regiment in Weeze

M4 Sherman at Altenkirchen

M4 Sherman at Altenkirchen

A Medic Helps an Injured Soldier

A Medic Helps an Injured Soldier

US 3rd Army Moving Toward the Rhine

US 3rd Army Moving Toward the Rhine

First Flight Nurse on Iwo Jima

First Flight Nurse on Iwo Jima

Sunday, March 4th

Air Operations, CBI

  • More than 100 10th Air Force fighter-bombers attack numerous targets in proximity to Japanese Army battle lines across central Burma.
  • 4 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping in the South China Sea.
  • During the night, 11 XX Bomber Command B-29s staging through the airfield at Luliang sow mines in Tai-hsing Narrows and at the confluence of the Yangtze and Whangpoo rivers.
  • 1 B-29 sows mines in Tungting Lake.
  • 63rd Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s sweeping the sea lanes between Hong Kong and Swatow sink a Japanese submarine chaser.
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Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack airfields in northern Borneo.

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Air Operations, Europe

For the first time in 7 months German bombers attack Britain.

Synthetic oil facilities in Hamburg and Gelsenkirchen are pounded by 2,000 Allied bombers.

Daylight Ops:
  • 128 Lancasters of No. 3 Group carry out a G-H attack through cloud on Wanne-Eickel. The results are unknown.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 31 Mosquitos are sent to Berlina, 24 to Essen and 28 in small numbers to 5 ports in northern Germany, 12 Halifaxes lay mines off Heligoland, 16 aircraft are on Resistance operations, and there are 6 Mosquito patrols.
    • 2 Stirlings on Resistance flights are lost.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • 192 XXI Bomber Command B-29s are dispatched on a precision daylight bombing attack against an aircraft factory in Tokyo. Due to heavy cloud cover over the target, 159 of the B-29s attack the Tokyo city area and 18 B-29s attack various alternate targets. This is the final daylight precision bombing mission mounted by B-29s against the Japanese aircraft industry.
    • 1 B-29 is lost.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Pacific

192 B-29 Superfortress bombers of the US XXI Bomber Command bomb the Musashino aircraft factor in Tokyo. This is the last 'precision bombing' by the Americans who now go over to carpet bombing.

The first damaged B-29 uses a landing field on Iwo Jima.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • 494th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Likanan and Sasa airfields on Mindanao and Zamboanga City.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 347th Fighter Group P-38s attack targets throughout the Zamboanga area.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack numerous targets on Luzon.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Volcano Islands

  • Task Group 52.2 TBMs and FMs provide support for US V Marine Amphibious Corps ground forces on Iwo Jima.
  • VMR-952 R5Ds and 9th Troop Carrier Squadron C-46s air-drop more than 50 tons of supplies to V Marine Amphibious Force units on Iwo Jima.
  • VC-84 TBMs spray Iwo Jima with DDT.
  • A 9th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29 makes an emergency landing at Motoyama Airfield No. 1 on Iwo Jima, the first landing of its kind. This is precisely the purpose to which the bloody Iwo Jima invasion has been directed, saving B-29 crewmen who might otherwise have perished in battle-damaged airplanes.
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Battle of the Atlantic

U-3508 is sunk at Wilhelmshaven during an attack by B-24s of the US 8th Air Force.


ClassType XXI
CO Kapitänleutnant Detlev von Lehsten
Location North Sea, Wilhelmshaven
Cause Air attack
Casualties Unknown
Survivors Unknown
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In the British IV Corps sector, the 17th Indian Division occupies part of the town of Meiktila, a very important objective on account of its eight airfields. After three days of heavy fighting, 2,000 Japanese are dead. The Japanese 15th and 33rd Armies are now trapped at Mandalay.

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Diplomatic Relations

Finland declares war on Germany although an unofficial state of hostilities has existed since September 1944.

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Eastern Front

Bitter fighting continues at Breslau where the center of the city is shelled by Russian 400-mm guns.

Troops of the 1st Belorussian Front force the Vistula Army Group to retire northeast of Stettin (Szczecin), and take Regenwalde (Resko). The X SS Corps suffers heavy losses. Further east the Russians take Rummelsburg (Miastko). In this sector the Germans even send the 600th Russian Division into the line, under the command of Gen Andrei A. Vlassov, who went over to the Germans after being taken prisoner.

In East Prussia the Russians also attack Königsberg from the north for the first time.

In Norway, the German 7th and 199th Mountain Divs attempt a retreat south through snowstorms.


The Soviet 1st Guards Army and Polish 1st Army have reached the Baltic; X SS Corps is being degraded at Dramberg and the Soviet 61st Army has captured Stargard. At Lauban, the XXIV Panzer Corps is still attacking the 3rd Guards Tank Army.


The 1st Guards Tank Army reaches the Baltic coast near Kolberg. Elements of the 1st Polish Army link up with the tankers to invest the garrison of 3,200 soldiers and 68,000 civilians. Regenswalde also falls as the X SS Corps fights for its survival around Dramberg. Stargard falls to the 61st Army.

The XXIV Panzer Corps draws closer to Lauban, inflicting heavy losses upon the 3rd Guards Tank Army.

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The IV Corps, US 5th Army, continues its offensive, reaching Monte Acidola, Monte della Croce and Madonna di Brasa. On the right flank of the Allied line, V Corps of the British 8th Army, the Cremona combat group enters Torre di Primaro.

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  • The US submarine Baya (SS-318) attacks a Japanese convoy off Cape Varella, French Indochina, and sinks the merchant tanker Palembang Maru (5236t).
  • The US submarine Tilefish (SS-307) sinks the Japanes fishing vessel Shiko Maru off Setsuko Saki.
  • The British submarine Clyde sinks the Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser Kiku Maru (233t) off western Sumatra.
  • The British submarines Trenchant and Terrapin sink the Japanese submarine chaser CH-8 in central Malacca Strait.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


The Americans prepare to attack the Japanese defensive line, the Shimbu line, east of Manila.

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Western Front

In the Canadian 1st Army sector, ther 43rd Division, Canadian II Corps, thrusts southeast toward Xanten, while the other two divisions in the Corps, the Canadian 2nd and 3rd, complete the capture of the Hochwald and Balberg Forests. On the army's right flank, the 53rd Division, British XXX Corps, captures Geldern and makes contact there with the 35th Division of the US XVI Corps, US 9th Army.

Repelen falls to the 5th Armored Division of the XIII Corps, US 9th Army, which succeeds in cutting the road linking Rheinberg with Mörs. The 2nd Armored Division captures Kaldenhausen and completes mopping up in the area between Ürdingen and Vietelsheide, bringing operations in the Cologne lowlands to a close.

The 99th Division, VII Corps, US 1st Army, continues to advance northeast along the Erft, but is halted just past the confluence of the Erft and the Rhine, on the line Derikum-Ükrath. The 104th Division forces a way into the outer defenses of Cologne. In the III Corps sector, while the 1st Division establishes a bridgehead over the Erft, the 9th Division takes Derikum and Hausweiler on the east bank of the river. The 87th Division and 4th Division, VIII Corps, US 3rd Army, resume their advance, while the XII Corps divisions extend and reinforce their bridgeheads over the Kyll River.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from March 4, 1945

Sherman Tank in Kevelaer, Germany

Sherman Tank in Kevelaer, Germany

British Tanks Moving Through Kevelaer, Germany

British Tanks Moving Through Kevelaer, Germany

Churchill Visits the Siegfried Line

Churchill Visits the Siegfried Line

Challenger A30 Tank at Hellmannshof

Challenger A30 Tank at Hellmannshof

Wounded Infantryman Being Evacuated

Wounded Infantryman Being Evacuated

Sherman Tanks of 8th Armored Brigade

Sherman Tanks of 8th Armored Brigade

Sherman Tank of the 751st Tank Battalion

Sherman Tank of the 751st Tank Battalion

Instruction in the Use of the Panzerfaust

Instruction in the Use of the <i>Panzerfaust</i>

Monday, March 5th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 12 10th Air Force B-25s and 46 P-47s attack troops, road traffic, supplies, and targets of opportunity in and around the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • More than 50 P-47s support British 14th Army ground forces around Mogok and Chinese Army ground forces in the Mansam area.
  • More than 40 14th Air Force P-40s and P-51s attack road, river, and rail traffic, occupied towns, and targets of opportunity from the Yangtze River to northern French Indochina.
  • V Bomber Command B-25s sink 1 ship and damage several others while sweeping the South China Sea.
  • 36 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack bridges at 8 locations.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack airfields in northern Borneo.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 170 Lancasters of No. 3 Group carryd out a G-H attack on the Consolidation benzol plant at Gelsenkirchen. No results are seen.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost.
Evening Ops:
  • 760 aircraft including 498 Lancasters, 256 Halifaxes and 6 Mosquitos are sent to Chemnits to continue Operation THUNDERCLAP. The operation starts badly when 9 aircraft of No. 6 Group crash near their bases soon after taking off in icy conditions. No. 426 Squadron, at Linton-on-Ouse, loses 3 out of their 14 Halifaxes taking part in the raid in this way, with only 1 man surviving. 1 of the Halifaxes crashedsin York, killing some civilians.
    • 14 Lancasters and 8 Halifaxes are lost in the main operation.
  • 248 Lancasters and 10 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group attack the synthetic oil refinery at Böhlen. The target area is covered by cloud, but some damage is caused to the refinery.
    • 4 Lancasters are lost.
Minor Ops:
  • 75 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 15 to Gelsenkirchen, and 36 in small numbers to 6 other targets, and there are 27 Mosquito patrols and 52 RCM sorties.
    • 2 Mosquitos are lost on the Berlin raid, 1 Mosquito is lost on the small raid to Hallendorf and 2 RCM aircraft 1 Halifax and 1 Sterling, are believed to have been shot down over France by an American artillery unit.
  • East Anglia in England is bombed by 12 Luftwaffe planes.
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Air Operations, Formosa

  • V Bomber Command B-24s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers sweep the island.
  • A 475th Fighter Group P-38 downs a Ki-21 'Sally' bomber over Takao.
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Air Operations, Philippines

  • V Bomber Command B-24s support US Army ground forces in the Antipolo area.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the San Roque airfield on Mindanao and the Zettlefield airfield on Jolo.
  • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack Fort Drum and San Pablo, and support Filipino guerrilla forces near Lingayan Gulf.
  • In one coordinated attack against Japanese Army ground forces on Luzon’s Mount Pinatubo, 12 348th Fighter Group P-47s and supporting artillery are credited with killing 574 Japanese soldiers.
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Air Operations, Ryukyus

FEAF B-24s and fighter-bombers mount sweeps over the Ryukyus.

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Air Operations, Volcano Islands

Task Group 52.2 TBMs and FMs provide support for US V Marine Amphibious Corps ground forces on Iwo Jima.

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In the British XV Corps sector, the 25th Indian Division advances along the coast from Arakan and takes Tamandu. In the XXXIII Corps sector, the 19th Indian Division advances at a fair pace toward Mandalay. Japanese conterattacks against IV Corps begin. The small town of Taungtha in retaken by the Japanese and 17th Indian Division is almost cut off in Meiktila. Air supply continues, however.

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Eastern Front

Troops of the 1st Belorussian Dront capture Stargard (Stargard Szczecinski) and Naugard, the southeast bulwarks of the defense of Stettin. The Vistula Army Group announces that it has destroyed 1,800 Russian tanks to date, but has to admit that it has no more news of the German 2nd Army.

Fierce battles continue in East Prussia and in the northern tips of Latvia.


The Soviet 19th Army captures Koslin as the X SS Corps tries to break out to the west. The XXIV Panzer Corps recaptures Lauban and forces the 3rd Guards Tank Army back. Col Hans von Luck (25th Panzer Division) is witness to Red Army atrocities around Lauban: 'For all of us, a terribly depressing experience was to stay forever in our minds. In the villages we recovered, we ourselves saw for the first time how the Russians had rampaged in the past weeks. Never in my life shall I forget the sight of the maltreated, violated women who came to meet us, screaming or completely apathetic. Neither old women nor girls, who were still children, were spared; the houses were plundered, old men were shot.'[MORE]

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Germany, Home Front

Fifteen- and sixteen-year-old boys from the class of 1929 are called up to serve in the German army.

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The limited offensive of the IV Corps, US 5th Army, is concluded.

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  • The Japanese submarine chaser No. 110 is sunk US Army aircraft in the Netherlands East Indies area.
  • The Japanese minesweeper No. 15 is sunk by the submarine Tilefish (SS-307) north of the Ryukyu Islands.
  • The US submarine Bashaw (SS-241) attacks the same Japanese convoy that Baya (SS-318) hit the previous day and sinks the oiler Ryoei Maru (10,016t) and the army tanker Seishin Maru (5240t) off Tourane, French Indochina.
  • The US submarine Sea Robin (SS-407) attacks a Japanese convoy in the Java Sea and sinks the gunboat Man-yo Maru (2904t), the auxiliary netlayer Nagara Maru (856t) and the merchant cargo ship Shoyu Maru (853t).
  • The US support landing craft LCS-127 sinks after grounding off San Clemente Island, California.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


On Luzon in the US XIV Corps sector, the 11th Airborne Division, reinforced by 1 regiment, begins operations for the occupation of Balayan and Batangas Bays, in the south of the island. The Japanese halt the advance near Langanan. In the I Corps sector to the north, Filipino guerillas now control the north coast west of the mouth of the Cagayan River, and the west coast, except for Vigan, as far as the San Fernando area. The 33rd Division is advancing on San Fernando from the south and the Japanese garrisons in the area are in danger of being encircled. The 25th Division is advancing toward the Cagayan Valley.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Western Front

In the US 9th Army sector, the 5th Armored Division, XIII Corps, reaches the Rhine at Orsoy, which is taken, together with Rheinkamp. The XIX Corps reaches Rheinhausen and eliminates the pocket near the Adolf Hitler bridge south of Ürdinger, so carrying out the last of the tasks given it in Operation GRENADE. German demolition teams begin destroying those bridges left standing over the Rhine. The 3rd Armored Division, VII Corps, opens the attack on Cologne from the south in the early hours of the morning, and enters the city during the day. Some units of the 104th Division, continuing their advance eastward toward Cologne, take Junkersdorf. There is considerable activity in the US 3rd Army sector, where the 3 corps, VIII, XII and XX, from north to south, cross the Kyll at several points.

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Images from March 5, 1945

Operation THUNDERCLAP: Chemnitz

Operation T<small>HUNDERCLAP</small>: Chemnitz

German Anti-tank Weapon

German Anti-tank Weapon

'A Present for Hitler'

'A Present for Hitler'

Support for the Attack on Metternich

Support for the Attack on Metternich

Soviet IS-2 Tanks

Soviet IS-2 Tanks

A US Army M-25 Tank Retriever

A US Army M-25 Tank Retriever

Light Cruiser Kiso Sunk at Manila

Light Cruiser <i>Kiso</i> Sunk at Manila

Canadian Soldiers in the Hochwald

Canadian Soldiers in the Hochwald

Filming German Troop Movements in the Rhine Valley

Filming German Troop Movements in the Rhine Valley

Moving to the Interior of Iwo Jima

Moving to the Interior of Iwo Jima

Tuesday, March 6th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 12 10th Air Force B-25s and more than 60 fighter-bombers attack troops, dumps, road traffic, and other targets in and directly behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 31 P-47s support British 14th Army ground forces around Mogok.
  • 4 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Chikhom.
  • Nearly 50 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack troops, stores, and road, rail, and river traffic across southern China.
  • FEAF B-25s and V Fighter Command P-38s attack Hainan Island, especially the Samah airfield there.
  • 49th Fighter Group P-38s based in the Philippines down 7 A6M Zeros over the Samah airfield on Hainan between 1307 and 1350 hours.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 119 Lancasters of No. 3 Group carry out a G-H attack through cloud on the Wintershall oil refinery at Salzbergen.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost.
  • 48 Mosquitos of No. 8 Group attack Wesel, which is believed to contain many German troops and vehicles. The target had been cloud-covered for several days. Oboe Mosquitos provide the marking.
    • 1 Mosquito is lost.
Evening Ops:
  • 191 Lancasters and 7 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group attack the port of Sassnitz on the island of Rügen in the Baltic. Considerable damage is caused to the northern part of the town and 3 ships are sunk in the harbor.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost.
  • 87 Lancasters of No. 3 Group and 51 Mosquitos of No. 8 Group continue the attack on Wesel with two separate raids.
    • There are no losses.
Minor Ops:
  • 42 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 15 Lancasters lay mines off Sassnitz, and there are 5 Mosquito patrols and 2 RCM sorties.
    • There are no losses.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the Koshun area.

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Air Operations, Philippines

  • 98 V Bomber Command B-24s attack Antipolo, Luzon, with 240 tons of bombs.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s and 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the San Roque and Zamboanga areas of Mindanao.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s and B-25s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers support Filipino guerrillas on Luzon and attack Fort Drum, and Caballo Island.
  • A 58th Fighter Group P-47 downs a reconnaissance aircraft near the Silay airfield on Negros at 1900 hours.
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Air Operations, Volcano Islands

Task Group 52.2 TBMs and FMs provide support for US V Marine Amphibious Corps ground forces on Iwo Jima.

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In their slow advance down the Burma Road units of the Chinese 1st Army reach and capture Lashio.

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Eastern Front

The 2nd Belorussian Front finishes off the capture of Grudziadz, a key point in the German defensive system on the lower Vistula in Poland, and advances along the Polish Corridor toward Danzig. Enemy forces surrounded in the area of Köslin (Koszalin), in Pomerania, are also destroyed. The 1st Belorussian Front also advances in Pomerania, taking Belgard (Bialogard) and other towns that the Germans had determined to defend to the last.

In Hungary, the German Army Group South, having assembled considerable forces, Dietrich's 6th SS Panzer Army, 6th Army, Hungarian 3rd Army and 8th Cavalry Army, I SS Panzer Corps, 2nd Panzer Army, launches a powerful counteroffensive (Operation WALDTEUFEL)(FRÜHLINGSERWACHENBOR/SPRING AWAKENING) north and south of Lake Balaton against the armies of the 3rd Ukraine Front. Simultaneously, Army Group E attacks in the southeast on the Drava. The mass of the German forces strike east from Székesfehérvár, toward Pecs from Lake Balaton in the south and toward Tatabanya in the north. The mobile reserves of the 3rd Ukraine Front are quickly sent up to prearranged positions in the Lake Velencei and Sarviz Canal sector, in support of the 27th Army.


Grudzladz is captured by the Soviet 65th Army, and Belgard by the Soviet 3rd Shock and Polish 1st Armies.


The last German offensive of the war, Operation SPRING AWAKENING, begins. The German forces comprise the 6th SS Panzer Army (I and II SS Panzer Corps and III Panzer Corps), 6th Army (IV SS Panzer Corps and Hungarian VIII Corps) and 2nd Panzer Army (XLIV and LXVII Corps)

430,000 troops, 5,600 artillery pieces and 880 tanks and assault guns, supported by 850 fuel-starved aircraft. Facing this force is the 3rd Ukrainian Front's 4th Guards and 26th Armies in the frontline, and the 27th and 57th Armies in reserve south of Lake Balaton (the Bulgarian 1st and Yugoslav 3rd Armies are facing Army Group E on the northern bank of the Drava River). The Soviets have 407,000 troops, 7,000 artillery pieces, 400 tanks and assault guns and 960 aircraft. Im the Stavka reserve is the 9th Guards Army while the 2nd Ukrainian Front lies to the south.

The German plan is to recapture Budapest by breaking through the junction of the 4th Guards and 26th Armies, thereafter annihilating the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts trapped on the west bank of the Danube River

a totally unrealistic plan given Wehrmacht resources and the strength of the Soviet fronts. Due to the water-logged ground, the offensive gets off to a slow start, and the II SS Panzer Corps even fails to reach its jump-off position.[MORE]

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Iwo Jima

After a barrage by artillery and naval guns unprecedented in this campaign, the American V Amphibious Corps renews its attempts to break through the Japanese defensive line in the north of the island, but at the end of the day such progress as it has made can be measured in yards. Moreover the Japanese are by now used to the American technique; as soon as the enemy guns begin to fire, they take cover in the deepest dugouts, and come out again at once as soon as the barrage stops and the Marines advance to the attack. The scenes of the most bloody struggles are Height 362 B, the area around Airfield No. 3 and that to the east of the village of Motoyama. 28 Mustang fighters and 12 twin-engined P-61s arrive to be stationed on Airfield No. 1, where they can give speedy support to the ground operations.

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  • The Japanese army tanker Rikko Maru (9181t) is stranded and sunk near Keelung, Formosa.
  • The Japanese merchant cargo ship Hokusui Maru (3944t) is sunk, probably by mine, off Otabe, Hokkaido.
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On Palawan the Japanese, firmly dug in, repulse the attacks fo the 186th Infantry. On Burias the Americans make contact with the enemy for the first time.

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Western Front

The British 43rd Division and Canadian 2nd Division, II Corps of the Canadian 1st Army, reinforce their positions in the Xanten area, preparing for the final offensive against the city. The Canadian 3rd Division concludes its mission when it takes Sonsbeck; the 4th Armored Division pushes on from Sonsbeck toward Veen, while in the British XXX Corps sector, the 53rd Division continues to advance slowly toward Alpen, on the road to Wesel.

In the 9th Army sector Operation GRENADE is brought to a successful conclusion; the XVI, XIII and XIX corps have moved up from the Rur to the Rhine.

The offensive of the units of the VII Corps, US 1st Army, against Cologne continues, the 3rd Armored Division attacking from the north and the 104th Division from the south, while south of the city the 8th Division pursues its attacks toward the Rhine. The 9th Armored Division attacks toward the confluence of the Ahr River with the Rhine. In the 3rd Army sector operations continue along the Kyll.

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Images from March 6, 1945

Churchill At the Siegfried Line

Churchill At the Siegfried Line

British Troops Meet US Troops in Issum

British Troops Meet US Troops in Issum

M4 Sherman vs Panther

M4 Sherman vs Panther

Firing at Retreating Germans

Firing at Retreating Germans

British and US Troops Greet Each Other

British and US Troops Greet Each Other

Sharing a Drink in the Citadel in Julich

British and US Troops Greet Each Other

An LCM Heading Toward the Shore at Iwo Jima

An LCM Heading Toward the Shore at Iwo Jima

Treating Wounded US Marines

Treating Wounded US Marines

Wednesday, March 7th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 12 10th Air Force B-25s and 35 fighter-bombers attack numerous targets in and directy behind the Japanese Army.
  • 30 P-47s support British 14th Army ground forces near Mogok.
  • 18 P-47s support Chinese Army ground forces near Mansam.
  • 4 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 9 14th Air Force P-40s attack rail targets near Kiaotow.
  • More than 130 fighter-bombers attack rail, road, river, and other targets of opportunity across southern and eastern China.
  • 51st and 3rd CACW Fighter group P-51s down 1 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter and 3 Ki-44 'Tojo' fighters over the airfield at Taichaiochan between 1455 and 1525 hours.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 526 Lancasters and 5 Mosquitos of Nos. 1, 3, 6 and 8 Groups raid Dessau. This is another devastating raid on a new target in eastern Germany with the usual town center, residential, industrial and railway areas all being hit.
    • 18 Lancasters are lost.
  • 256 Halifaxes and 25 Lancasters of Nos. 4, 6 and 8 Groups attempt to attack the Deutsche Erdoel refinery at Hemmingstedt, near Heide, with little success.
    • 4 Halifaxes and 1 Lancaster are lost.
  • 234 Lancasters and 7 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group carry out an accurate attack on the oil refinery at Harburg. One local report states that a rubber factory was seriously damaged as well as the oil targets.
    • 14 Lancasters are lost. No. 189 Squadron, from Fulbeck, loses 4 of its 16 Lancasters on the raid.
Minor Ops:
  • 80 Mosquitos are sent to Berlina, 10 to Frankfurt, 9 to Münster and 5 to Hannover, 15 Halifaxes and 5 Lancasters lay mines off Eckemforde and Flensburg, and there are 43 Mosquito patorls, and 56 RCM sorties.
    • 1 Mosquito is lost on the Berlin raid, and 2 Halifaxes and 1 Fortress of No. 100 Group are also lost.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s, 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s, and 347th Fighter Group P-38s attack targets in the Zamboanga area.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack numerous targets across the Luzon area.
  • Many fighter-bombers support US 6th Army and Filipino guerrilla ground forces on Luzon.
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Air Operations, Volcano Islands

Task Group 52.2 TBMs and FMs mount their final missions in support of US V Marine Amphibious Corps ground forces on Iwo Jima.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-1302 had been operating St George's Channel with some success having sunk the US freighter Soreldoc (1926t) and the British freighter Norfolk Coast on February 28. On March 2 she sinks the British ship King Edgar (4536t) and the Norwegian freighter Novasli (3204t). Escort groups begin looking for her. On the night of March 7 the Canadian frigate La Hulloise picks up a suspicious radar contact followed by an asdic contact which classified it as 'submarine'. Depth charge and Hedgehog attacks are made by La Hulloise and Canadian frigates Strathadam and Thetford Mines which resulted in the sinking of U-1302.


ClassType VIIC/41
CO Kapitänleutnant Wolfgang Herwartz
Location Irish Sea, Cardigan Bay
Cause Depth charge
Casualties 49
Survivors None
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In the north, a regiment of the Chinese 38th Division occupies Lashio, northeast of Mandalay and on the 'Burma Road'.

In the British IV Corps sector, the Japanese 7th Division launches a counter-offensive to recapture Meiktila, and succeed in cutting off much of the 17th Indian Division in Taungtha. The British threat to Mandalay, from Lashio in the northeast and Meiktila in the southwest, continues to grow. Lashio falls to the Chinese 37th Division.

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Eastern Front

In Hungary and Yugoslavia, along the line Lake Velencei-Balaton-Drava, Operation WALDTEUFEL goes ahead. Army Group E crosses the Drava in the area of Donji Miholjac and Valpovo, inflicting heavy losses on the Bulgarian 1st Army and Yugoslav 3rd Army, and heading for Mohacs. South of Lake Balaton, the 2nd Panzer Army breaks through the lines of the Russian 57th Army, 3rd Ukraine Front, making for Nagybajom. Between Lake Balaton and Lake Velencei, the Russian 27th Army contains the advance of the 6th SS Panzer Army.

In Poland evacuations begin from around Danzig. These last until the middle of April.


The II SS Panzer Corps joins the attack, hitting the Soviet 26th Army north of Lake Balaton, although the Soviets manage to hold the panzers. The German 2nd Panzer Army and Army Group E join the offensive, the former making some gains against the 57th Army, but Army Group E is largely contained on the Drava.


The fighting north of Lake Balaton intensifies as leading elements of the II SS Panzer Corps attacks between the I SS to its south and III Panzer to the north. The 26th Army is hit by upwards of 170 panzers and assault guns but fights doggedly in the waterlogged ground, holding up the German spearheads long enough for Tolbukhin to reinforce the battered army with his remaining reserves. To the south the 2nd Panzer Army and Army Group E join the offensive, the 2nd Panzer managing to penetrate the 57th Army's forward positions after hard fighting. Along the Drava Army Group E also attack but only manage to establish small bridgeheads on the north bank in the face of determined resistance by the 1st Bulgarian and 3rd Yugoslav Armies near Donji Miholjac and Valprovo.

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The Jewish brigade enters action crossing the Montone River in its first encounter.

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Iwo Jima

Taking the Japanese by surprise by attacking without the usual artillery preparation, a regimental combat group of the 3rd Marine Division captures Height 362 E on the Motoyama plateau. The 5th Marine Division, attacking on the left of the line, makes limited progress, slowed by the broken nature of the terrain. Supporting fire from ships has to be cut to the minimum because the two sides are so close to one another, something which has already caused several incidents, with losses among the Marines.

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On Luzon in the I Corps sector, a battalion of the 127th Infantry Regiment occupies the bridge and village of Aringay and advances toward Mount Magagang. Another battalion of the same regiment is held up by strong Japanese resistance on the Villa Verde track.

The XIV Corps begins operations against the Shimbu line, the 158th Infantry occupy Taal, which is undefended, and advance rapidly in the area of Lake Taal.

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Western Front

In the Canadian II Corps, 1st Army, sector, preparations go on for the final attack on Xanten. Apart from some limited activity by the XVI Corps to extend its north flank toward Wesel, the US 9th Army front remains quiet. Cologne, Germany's third city, is captured by the US 3rd Armored Division and the 104th Division, VII Corps, US 1st Army. While some units of the 9th Armored Division, III Corps, succeed in establishing bridgeheads across the Ahr and Rhine Rivers, others at Remagen manage to seize the Ludendorff Bridge across the Rhine, the only one that the German have not been able to blow up, establishing a small bridgehead on the east bank. Troops are immediately rushed across and brilliant staff improvisation sends more units hurrying to join them. Hitler is furious and sacks Field Marshal von Rundstedt from command of the German armies in the west.

In the US 3rd Army sector, while the 87th Division, VIII Corps, advances swiftly to the northeast toward the Ahr River and the units of the 11th Armored Division take Dockweiler, Boxberg and Kelberg, the 4th Armored Division, XII Corps, proceeds along the Ulmen-Kaisersech-Kehrig-Ochtendung axis, south of Andernach. In little more than two days the American division has advanced 45 miles, taking some 5,000 prisoners, capturing huge amounts of equipment and sowing disorder among the units of the German 7th Army, dispersed north of the Moselle and west of the Rhine.

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Yugoslavia, Politics

The two existing governments, Tito's and the royalist government, are merged into a new single government dominated by Tito and his followers. This is a temporary measure, as Tito intends to retain full control of the government for the Communist Party, which he believes the population will accept without question as a result of partisan successes during the war.


Images from March 7, 1945

Harburg Oil Refinery Attack

Harburg Oil Refinery Attack

The Ludendorff Bridge

The Ludendorff Bridge

Marching Through Remagen

Marching Through Remagen

Ludendorff Railway Bridge

Ludendorff Railway Bridge

A Woman Crying in Dessau

A Woman Crying in Dessau

Joe Rosenthal on Iwo Jima

Joe Rosenthal on Iwo Jima

British Army Priest 105-mm

British Army Priest 105-mm

The Rhine, a Formidable Barrier

The Rhine, a Formidable Barrier

Examining a Damaged German 75-mm Self-propelled Gun

Examining a Damaged German 75-mm Self-propelled Gun

Thursday, March 8th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 40 10th Air Force fighter-bombers attack troops and supplies in and directly behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 39 fighter-bombers sweep roads and attack artillery positions and targets of opportunity.
  • 20 P-47s support British 14th Army ground forces near Mogok.
  • 34 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s and 21 14th Air Force P-51s attack Shihkiachwang.
  • 3 B-24s attack a transport in the South China Sea.
  • 16 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 6 P-40s attack bridges and rail targets in and around Chungmow, Hengshan, Lohochai, and Yehhsien.
  • More than 140 fighter-bombers attack numerous targets across southern and eastern China.
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Air Operations, Europe

A V-2 kills 110 and seriously injure 123 at Farringdon Market, London.

Evening Ops:
  • 312 aircraft includin 241 Halifaxes, 62 Lancasters and 9 Mosquitos of Nos, 4, 6 and 8 Groups attack Hamburg. The purpose of this raid is to hit the shipyards which are now assembling the new Type XXI U-boats, whose parts are prefabricated in many parts of inland Germany. Thanks to the Schnorkel breathing tube and a new type of battery-driven electric engine, the Type XXI could cruise under water for long periods and was capable of bursts of high speed. Its development in numbers would pose great problems for Allied convoy defense if the war lasts longer. The Hamburg area is found to be cloud-covered and the bombing is not expected to be accurate enough to cause much damage to the shipyards.
    • 1 Halifax is lost.
  • 262 Lancasters and 14 Mosquitos of Nos. 1 and 8 Groups carry out the first large raid on Kassel since October 1943. It ias also the last large RAF raid on this target. This target is also covered by cloud.
    • 1 Mosquito is lost.
Minor Ops:
  • 39 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 33 to Hannover, 7 to Hagen, and 5 each to Bremen and Osnabrück, 23 Halifaxes and 14 Lancasters lay mines in the Elbe and Weser Rivers, 5 aircraft make Resistance flights, and there are 36 Mosquito patrols and 50 RCM sorties. The 5 Stirlings of No. 161 Squadron, which are carrying supplies to Resistance units at unrecorded destinations, but probably in Denmark and Norway, are the last Resistance operations flights of the war.
    • 1 RCM Halifax is lost.
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Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s, 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s, and 347th Fighter Group P-38s attack targets in the Zamboanga area.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack road targets around Balete Pass.
  • V Bomber Command A-20s support Filipino guerrilla forces in the San Fernando area.
  • FEAF fighter-bombers attack numerous targets.
  • A VMF-115 F4U patrolling over the Calarian airfield on Mindanao downs a Ki-44 'Tojo' fighter at 0930 hours.
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Air Operations, Volcano Islands

Guided by a VC-84 TBM, 15th Fighter Group P-51s mount their first mission in support of US V Marine Amphibious Corps ground forces on Iwo Jima.

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The 2nd British and 20th Indian Divisions begin to break out of their bridgeheads over the Irrawaddy to the west of Mandalay.

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Diplomatic Relations

Secret talks begin between Allen Dulles, OSS intelligence chief in Bern, and Karl Wolff, SS commander in northern Italy, on ending the war in Italy. Field Marshal Kesselring is willing to stop fighting if the forces under his command could be repatriated and fight with the Allies in Germany against Russia. Stalin, when he learns of the talks, accuses Britain and the US of duplicity.

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Eastern Front

Fighting goes on south of Stettin and Danzig as well as in Silesia, while in Hungary and Yugoslavia the German 6th SS Panzer Army presses on from Székesfehérvár toward the Danube and along the Sarviz Canal, and the 2nd Panzer Army, south of Lake Balaton, advances on Nagybajom. The Germans have so far made penetrations of from 6 to 15 miles.

The German Army Group E engages the Bulgarian and Yugoslav forces across the Drava and contains the Yugoslav forces west of Sarajevo.


SPRING AWAKENING is faltering, with the II SS Panzer Corps being held by the 26th Army and the 2nd Panzer Army by the 57th Army.

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Germany, Home Front

Hitler decrees: 'Anyone captured without being wounded or without having fought to the limit of his powers has forfeited his honor. He is expelled from the fellowship of decent and brave soldiers. His dependents will be held responsible.'

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The 1st Armored Division, US II Corps, 5th Army, carries out limited attacks to reinforce the positions of the Corps' left flank, taking Carviano, northeast of Vergato.

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Iwo Jima

The 3 Marine divisions renew their attacks against the Japanese positions with support from artillery and flame-throwers, winning a few hundred yards all along the line. The 4th Marine Division then drives off a violent Japanese counterattack. The Americans observe that the number of suicides among the enemy dead has greatly increased

an encouraging sign for the Allies.

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The Japanese transport No. 143 is sunk by US Army aircraft in the Formosa area.

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On Luzon the US XIV Corps continues its attacks on the Shimbu line with the 6th Division and the 1st Cavalry Division and some progress is made toward Antipolo. In the I Corps area the Americans capture Mount Magabang, northeast of Aringay, and the village of Putlan.

All organized Japanese resistance ceases on Palawan Island. The Americans also occupy the islets of Busuanga, Balabac and Pandanan.

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United States, Command

Vice-Adm William Ward Smith take command of the Service Force, US Pacific Fleet. The Service Force has a massive job in providing logistics support to US operations in the Pacific. Smith was formerly chief of staff to Adm Kimmel, and commanded a cruiser task group that saw action in the battles of Coral Sea and Midway.

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Western Front

After meticulous preparation, the British 43rd and Canadian 2nd Divisions, Canadian II Corps, 1st Army, launch an attack on Xanten, which they take.

In the US 1st Army sector, the 1st Division, VII Corps, pushes on toward the Rhine opposite the city of Bonn.

At Remagen the III Corps is engaged with every means available in reinforcing and extending the bridgehead over the Rhine, however, the haste with which the operations have to be mounted does lead to some lack of coordination and to congestion on the routes leading to the bridge. The Germans too are making desperate attempts to plug the leak at Remagen; within 2 days, more than 300 Luftwaffe aircraft carry out dive-bombing attacks on the bridge in attempts to destroy it, but in vain. The VIII Corps of the US 3rd Army advances rapidly toward the Rhine.

There are still German garrisons in the Channel Islands, and during the night they mount a raid on Granville on the west coast of the Cotentin. One small US warship is sunk and 4 merchant ships. 67 prisoners of war are freed in the raid.

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Images from March 8, 1945

US Army in Köln

US Army in Köln

Mandalay Hill

Mandalay Hill

Smithfield Market

Smithfield Market

Lake Balaton Offensive

Lake Balaton Offensive

Moving Through Bonn

Moving Through Bonn

Watching for Enemy Movement

Watching for Enemy Movement

Low-level Reconnaissance

Low-level Reconnaissance

Bombing Raid on Kassel

Bombing Raid on Kassel

Friday, March 9th

Air Operations, CBI

  • More than 80 10th Air Force fighter-bombers attack troops, artillery positions, motor vehicles, and horse-drawn carts directly behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 16 P-47s support Chinese Army ground forces near Mansam.
  • 31 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s and 12 311th Fighter Group P-51s attack the rail yard at Sinsiang and a bridge spanning the Yellow River.
  • 15 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 2 P-40s attack bridges at 2 locations and rail targets and targets of opportunity at 4 locations.
  • More than 50 fighter-bombers attack troops, artillery positions, transportation targets, bridges, and supplies across southern and eastern China.
  • A 51st Fighter Group P-51 downs 2 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighters in a mid-afternoon melee near the Ming Ku Gung airfield at Nanking.
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Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  •   159 Lancasters of No. 3 Group bomb the North and South plants of the Emscher Lippe benzol plant near Datteln. The target area is cloud-covered and G-H is used. The bombing appears to be accurate, but no results are seen.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost.
  • 21 Lancasters and 2 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group are sent to bomb the Bielefeld Viaduct, but the raid is abandoned because of low cloud.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 92 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, and 16 on nuisance flights over Bremen, Hannover, Osnabrück and Wilhelmshaven, 21 Halifaxes lay mines in the Kattegat and off Oslo, and there are 12 Mosquito patrols and 29 RCM sorties.
    • There are no losses.
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Air Operations, Formosa

V Bomber Command B-24s attack port facilities at Takao.

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Air Operations, Pacific

334(279?) B-29 bombers from Guam, Saipan and Tinian drop incendiary bombs on Tokyo in a massive 3-hour raid. Over 1,650(1667t?) tons of incendiaries (napalm and oil bombs) are dropped on the city in a new form of attack designed specifically to take advantage of the wood and paper construction of many Japanese houses. 10 square miles, a fifth of the total area of the city, are razed to the ground. A casualty figure of 130,000 is reported with about 83,000 dead being confirmed, but some sources put the number as high as 200,000. A million are rendered homeless. It is the most damaging air attack of the war including the atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is only the first of many such raids on Japanese cities.

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Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s, 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s, and 347th Fighter Group P-38s attack targets in the Zamboanga area.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack targets in the Ipo area.
  • V Bomber Command B-25s attack Basilan Island.
  • B-25s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers support US 6th Army ground forces on the eastern side of Manila Bay.
  • B-25s, A-20s, and fighter-bombers attack the Aparri airfield and several occupied towns on Luzon.
  • At 1050 hours, a XIII Bomber Command B-24 in the process of bombing Zamboanga is blown up in the air by a bomb from another B-24. 1 survivor is saved by a US Navy cruiser-launched OS2U.
  • A 547th Night Fighter Squadron P-38 downs a reconnaissance airplane over the Tuguegarao airfield on Luzon at 1940 hours.
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In the British XXXIII Corps sector, the 19th Indian Division penetrates into the outskirts of Mandalay, where bitter fighting develops. Other XXXIII Corps units are advancing toward the city from the west. The fighting around Meiktila is still very fierce as the Japanese continue to bring troops from the Mandalay area in a desperate attempt to free their communications.

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Eastern Front

In Yugoslavia, the Yugoslav 3rd Army launches a counterattack against the bridgehead established over the Drava by the German Army Group E. The counterattack is contained.

In the Vistula Army Group sector, the Russians storm through the defenses of Küstrin (Kostrzyn) and bitter house-to-house fighting develops. The 2nd Belorussian Front pushes on in the Danzig area.


The Soviet 2nd Shock Army captures Marienburg.


There are now more that 600 panzers committed against the Soviet 4th Guards and 26th Armies, but still the Germans can make little progress. To compound their problems, the Soviets are feeding the 6th Guards Tank and 27th Armies into the line as reinforcements. On the Drava, the Yugoslav 3rd Army goes over to the offensive against Army Group E.[MORE]

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French Indochina

The Japanese fearing an American landing, deprive Adm Jean Decoux of all authority as Governor-General of the colony, and dismiss the whole French administration and establish the puppet 'Empire of Annam'. They start on a series of brutal acts which only serve to strengthen the resistance movement. It is in this atmosphere that the Vietminh is born.

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Iwo Jima

During the night large numbers of Japanese with demolition charges tied to their belts thrown themselves against the American positions, achieving some penetration and putting the 4th Marine Division in some difficulty. The suicide attack, which Gen Tadamichi Kuribayashi had forbidden, is repulsed. In the morning the Americans count 784 enemy dead on the ground.

The 3 Marine divisions continue their systematic attacks with flamethrowers and explosive charges against the Japanese caves and other strongpoints. Still held up on the right and in the center, they make good progress along the west coast of the island.

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On Luzon hard fighting continues on the Shimbu line, east of Manila, and in the central eatern part of the island.

American aircraft and ships bombard Zamboanga area on the island of Mindanao, in readiness for a landing. American troops are withdrawn from Samar, where the liquidation of the remaining Japanese is left to the Filipino infantry.

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Soviet Union, Strategy

The Stavka is already planning a counteroffensive in Hungary, using the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts to attack the 6th SS Panzer Army and Hungarian 3rd Army and capture Vienna.


Western Front

On the northern flank of the Allied line, the Germans abandon their bridgehead in the area of Wesel and destroy the bridges over the river.

In the Canadian 1st Army sector, the 4th Division, Canadian II Corps, takes Veen.

While the German 15th Army abandons the west bank of the Rhine, Bonn is captured by the units of the US 1st Division, US 1st Army.

Control of the bridgehead at Remagen is taken over by the 9th Division, III Corps. The Germans continue to send aircraft over to try to destroy the bridge. Meanwhile the 7th Armored Division has taken over the defense of the west bank of the Rhine between Bonn and Remagen.

In the US 3rd Army sector, units of the VIII Corps have reached the Rhine at Andernach, while the 4th Armored Division, XII Corps, is ordered to establish a bridgehead at Treis.

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Images from March 9, 1945

Firebombing of Tokyo

Firebombing of Tokyo

M4 Tank Hits Mine

M4 Tank Hits Mine

US Troops on Ludendorff Bridge

US Troops on Ludendorff Bridge

M4 Tank Explodes after Hitting Mine

M4 Tank Explodes after Hitting Mine

Mortars Supporting 1st Cavalary Units

Mortars Supporting 1st Cavalary Units

Tokyo after the March 9 Firebombing

Tokyo after the March 9 Firebombing

B-29 Firebombing Tokyo

B-29 Firebombing Tokyo

Cologne Cathedral Stands Intact

Cologne Cathedral Stands Intact

Saturday, March 10th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 49 10th Air Force fighter-bombers attack Japanese Army supply lines, a bivouac, and a truck park.
  • 46 P-47s and 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s sweep roads.
  • 13 P-47s support British 14th Army ground forces near Mogok.
  • 32 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack rail yards at Tehsien and Tsanghsien.
  • 10 B-24s and 4 14th Air Force P-40s attack Siangtan and nearby targets of opportunity.
  • More than 60 fighter-bombers attack troops, artillery positions, airfields, and road, rail, and river traffic at Changsha, Hankow, Hengyang, Kiyang, Sinyang, Wuchang, Yiyang, and Yoyang.
  • Thirty-two 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack rail yards at Tehsien and Tsanghsien; 10 B-24s and 4 14th Air Force P-40s attack Siangtan and nearby targets of opportunity; and more than 60 fighter-bombers attack troops, artillery emplacements, airfields, and road, rail, and river traffic at Changsha, Hankow, Hengyang, Kiyang, Sinyang, Wuchang, Yiyang, and Yoyang.
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Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Jesselton and Kudat airfields on Borneo.

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Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:

  • 155 Lancasters of No. 3 Group carry out a G-H attack on the oil refinery at Scholven/Buer. Photographs taken later show this to have been a very accurate and effective raid.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 60 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, and 4 each to Gotha, Jena and Weimar, and there are 10 Mosquito patrols and 35 RCM sorties.
    • There are no losses.
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Air Operations, Japan

Before dawn, 279 of 325 XXI Bomber Command aircraft attack Tokyo urban areas with 1,665 tons of incendiary bombs from between 4,900 feet and 9,200 feet. This is the opening of a program of night fire raids to be directed against the Japanese civilian population. 20 other B-29s attack alternate targets. 15 square miles of the Tokyo city area is burned out and an estimated 83,000 Japanese are killed. 14 B-29s are lost. 5 of 7 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s dispatched attack several targets in the Kurile Islands with the aid of radar.

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Air Operations, Malaya

24 40th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s attack marshalling yards at Kuala Lumpur with 100 tons of bombs while 3 other B-29s attack other targets.

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Air Operations, Pacific

In another fire raid on Tokyo, 170 B-29s destroy a square mile of the city and 27,970 buildings. Premier Koiso expresses sympathy to the Japanese people for their suffering at the hands of the 'most cruel and barbaric' Americans.

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Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s and FEAF B-25s attack several targets on the Zamboanga Peninsula.
  • B-25s and A-20s support Filipino guerrilla forces.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Aparri airfield on Luzon and the Ipo area.
  • 5th Air Force tactical aircraft support a US 6th Army attack against the Japanese Army’s Shimbu Line and numerous other targets on Luzon.
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In the northern sector, units of the British 36th Division take Mongmit.

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Diplomatic Relations

Roosevelt informs Spain she can expect no US aid while the Franco dictatorship continues.

Transylvania is restored to Romania by the Soviet Union.

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Eastern Front

- The commander of the 3rd Ukraine Front, Fyodor Tolbukhin, asks the Soviet Supreme Command for reinforcements in view of the very real threat constituted by the German counteroffensive (Operation WALDTEUFEL). But he is denied any. The German advance in the Lake Balaton area begins to be slowed by the fierce Soviet ground and air resistance, by the atrocious muddy conditions and by the lack of fuel for the tanks and other vehicles. The Germans have to break off their thrust toward the Danube, which is stoutly resisted, but they continue with their penetration along the Sarviz Canal, west of Lake Velencei. They send all their armored reserves into the battle. The German Army Group Center is still heavily engaged by the 1st Ukraine Front near Oppeln (Opole), in Breslau, near Grottkau (Grodkow), Striegau (Strzegom) and Lauban (Luban).[MORE]

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English Channel

U-275 becomes the victim of a mine when she strays into the deep minefield laid off Beachy Head.


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Helmut Wehrkamp
Location English Channel, SW of Beachy Head
Cause Mine
Casualties 48
Survivors None
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The US submarine Kete (SS-369) attacks a Japanese Kagoshima-to-Naha convoy north of Okinawa and sinks the transport Keizan Maru (2116t) and army cargo ships Sanka Maru (2495t) and Dokan Maru (2270t) about 100 miles northwest of Amami O Shima.

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On Luzon there is a violent aerial and artillery bombardment of the Shimbu line, east of Manila and fighting continues south of Lagura de Bay where the US forces are still trying to break through to the east. With support provided by US Navy gunfire and USAAF ground-attack aircraft, part of the US 41st Division is landed near Zamboanga on the westernmost tip of Mindanao.

Units of the US 8th Army sail from Mindanao to occupy Romblon and Simara islands. On Mindanao, after a powerful preparation by aircraft and warships, the US 41st Division lands on the Zamboanga peninsula and overcoming weak Japanese resistance, occupies Wolfe airfield and advances on Mindanao City. The operation is designed to deny the Japanese passage from the Sulu to the Celebes Sea. Gen Jens A. Doe commands the troops and Adm Daniel E. Barbey the naval support.

Organized Japanese resistance on the island of Palawan comes to an end.

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Western Front

The 1st Army finishes off Operation VERITABLE with the capture of the region between the Moselle and Rhine Rivers and, with the II Corps, also concludes Operation BLOCKBUSTER, as a result of which the Allies have control of the Calcar-Uden-Xanten sector. The success of the two operations has cost the 21st Army Group over 23,000 casualties - 7,300 American, about 5,500 Canadian and 10,500 British.

In the US 1st Army sector, the 9th Division, III Corps, extends its bridgehead over the Rhine at Remagen, where the 78th Division also intervenes, while the Germans continue their efforts to destroy the bridge. The 4th Armored Division, XII Corps, US 3rd Army, completes the occupation west of the Rhine between Andernach and Koblenz and north of the Moselle between Koblenz and Cochem, which last place is reached by units of the 5th Division. On the southern flank of the army the XX Corps is reinforced by the 80th Division in readiness for the attack on the Saarburg bridgehead planned for March 13. The 10th Armored Division reaches its objectives in the Wittlich sector and begins to advance toward the Moselle.

Field Marshal Albert Kesselring arrives from Italy to take command of the German armies in the west.

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Images from March 10, 1945

Indian Soldiers in Burma

Indian Soldiers in Burma

A 5.5-in Gun in Action near Mandalay

A 5.5-in Gun in Action near Mandalay

19th Indian Division near Mandalay

19th Indian Division near Mandalay

P-61 Black Widows

P-61 Black Widows

Burmese Family Sharing Tea

Burmese Family Sharing Tea

Tokyo Residential Section Destroyed

Tokyo Residential Section Destroyed

Iwo Jima, March 10, 1945

Iwo Jima, March 10, 1945

Easter Eggs for Hitler

Easter Eggs for Hitler

Sunday, March 11th

Air Operations, Bonin Islands

16 15th Fighter Group P-51s mount an attack against the Susaki airfield on Chichi Jima, their first offensive mission since arriving on Iwo Jima on March 6. Through the end of the war, VII Fighter Command fighter-bombers will fly 1,638 effective sorties to neutralize airfields and interdict shipping in the Bonins.

[larr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Carolines

24 Japanese amikaze aircraft based on Kyushu attack US Navy ships in the Ulithi anchorage. 22 of the attackers are downed by anti-aircraft fire, one intentionally crashes into a small island, and one crashes into the fleet carrier USS Randolph, which will be out of commission for a month.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 14 10th Air Force B-25s attack troops, motor vehicles, and ammunition dumps at 4 locations.
  • More than 30 10th Air Force P-47s sweep road nets behind the Japanese Army battle lines. 8 P-47s attack troops at Kyaukme.
  • 4 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack a bridge at Mong Tong.
  • 5 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping in the Gulf of Tonkin and South China Sea.
  • 10 14th Air Force P-40s and P-51s attack locomotives and 3 occupied villages.
  • 4 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack a bridge and rail cars at Kep and near Don Met.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 1,079 aircraft includin 750 Lancasters, 293 Halifaxes and 36 Mosquitos from all bomber groups bomb Essen. This is the largest number of aircraft sent to a target so far in the war. 4,661 tons of bombs are dropped on Oboe-directed skymarkers through complete cloud cover. The attack is accurate and this great blow virtually paralyzes Essen until the American troops enter the city some time later. All production stops at Krupp's Works. This is the last RAF raid on Essen, which had been attacked so many times, though often in the early years of the war with such disappointing and costly results. Most of the city is now in ruins. 7,000 people had died in air raids. The pre-war population of 648,000 had fallen to 310,000 by the end of April 1945. The rest had left for quieter places in Germany.
    • 3 Lancasters are lost.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 90 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, and 6 each to Brunswick, Hannover and Magdeburg, 22 Lancasters lay mines in the Kattegat and off Oslo, and there are 4 Mosquito patrols.
  • 1,000 US bombers attack the U-boat yards in northwest Germany.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack Mako.
  • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack Takao.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

During the night, 285 of 310 XXI Bomber Command B-29s dispatched attack Nagoya with incendiary bombs from 5,100 to 8,500 feet. 6 B-29s attack other targets. 1 B-29 is lost.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Pacific

In Operation TAN GINGA fast 2-engined bombers carry out a night kamikaze raid on the Ulithi Atoll, the Pacific Fleet base. The carrier Randolph (CV-15) is damaged in the raid.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack Aparri and support US Army ground forces at Wawa.
  • XIII Bomber Command attack the San Roque airfield on Mindanao and targets in Zamboanga.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s support US Army ground forces near Zamboanga and US Navy PT-boats in several attacks in the southern Philippines.
  • V Bomber Command A-20s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers support US Army ground forces and attack dumps and many targets of opportunity on Luzon.
  • A 421st Night Fighter Squadron P-61 crew downs a G4M 'Betty' bomber off northern Luzon at 0626 hours.
  • A 348th Fighter Group P-51 downs a G4M 'Betty' bomber at 1105 hours.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Battle of the Atlantic

US Army aircraft sink two German submarines, U-682 and U-2515, in the Hamburg, Germany area.


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Sven Thienemann
Location North Sea, Hamburg
Cause Air attack
Casualties Unknown
Survivors Unknown


ClassType XXI
CO Kapitänleutnant Rolf Bolchers
Location North Sea, Hamburg
Cause Air attack
Casualties Unknown
Survivors Unknown
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Britain, Home Front

70 Germans stage a mass escape from a PoW camp at Bridgend, Glamorgan in southern Wales. All will be recaptured by March 17.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


In the British XXXIII Corps sector, the 19th Indian Division carries on the battle for the capture of Mandalay, occupying a hill that overlooks the northeast part of the city.

Mongmit is captured by a converging attack by the two brigades of the British 36th Division which have moved south from Myitsos and the third brigade of the division which moves in from the west.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Diplomatic Relations

Emperor Bao Dai proclaims Vietnam's independence from the French, but the Japanese remain in firm control.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

Troops of the 2nd Front press from the south toward Danzig and Gdynia. Berlin announces slight penetrations inthe area of Küstrin (Kostrzyn). In Hungary, the Germans persist with their offensive, but their losses are getting heavier and heavier, and the Russian resistance is stiffening.


Fierce fighting rages around Kustrin as the 5th Shock Army and 8th Guards Army attempt to dislodge the isolated garrison. Gen Rendulic is appointed to command Army Group Kurland, Gen Weiss, Army Group North and Gen Manteuffel the 3rd Panzer Army. Von Saucken takes over the remains of the 2nd Army in East Prussia.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

English Channel

U-681 had suffered some damage after running aground trying to enter St Mary's roads in the Isles of Scilly. As a result, she could not dive. She is spotted by Liberator 'N' of VP-103 which makes two attacking depth-charg runs after which the U-boat is abandoned.


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Werner Gebauer
Location English Channel
Cause Grounding, air attack
Casualties 11
Survivors 38
[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Germany, Home Front

In a Berlin speech commemorating Heroes' Day, Hitler urges Germans to fight on: 'We know what the fate of Germany would be otherwise. Our enemies, drunk with victory, have made it clearly known: extermination of the German nation.'

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Iwo Jima

The 4th Marine Division finally overcomes Japanese resistance in its sector on the right flank of the American line. In the center, the 3rd Marine Division eliminates the remaining Japanese strongpoints one by one, while on the left the 5th Division advances very slowly despite support from close-range fire and the use of tanks armed with flame-throwers.

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The US submarine Segundo (SS-398) sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship Shori Maru (3087t) off Shori Island, southern Korea.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


On Luzon in the US XIV Corps sector, the 43rd Division replaces the 1st Cavalry Division in the operations against the Shimbu line. A regiment of the 6th Infantry Division makes considerable progress south of Antipolo and repulses a series of night counterattacks by the Japanese. In the southern part of Luzon the Americans occupy the Batangas area. In the I Corps sector, the US 33rd Division advances to within 10 miles west of Baguio, while on the Villa Verde track the 32nd Division is held up by the Japanese at Salacsac Pass. Units of the 32nd Divisoin occupy Salazar.

The US 41st Division occupies Zamboanga City on Mindanao Island. The completion of the occupation of the islands of Burias and Ticao is handed over to the Filipino guerrillas. During the night small American units land unopposed on Romblon Island.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Secret War

Ultra gives warning of jet attacks on the Remagen Bridge.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Western Front

With the capture of the Blucher strongpoint, the 35th Division, XVI Corps, US 9th Army, completes its advance on Wesel.

American units take up positions around the Remagen bridgehead. The 78th Division, III Corps, 1st Army, is responsible for the northern flank of the bridgehead, while in the center the 9th Division continues its attacks in the Hargarten area and on the right the 99th Division appears, in an offensive toward the southeast and south that reaches Leubsdorf and Ariendorf. Meanwhile, further south, the 2nd Division, V Corps, strengthens its positions on the Rhine.

The VIII and XII Corps, US 3rd Army, continue mopping-up operations on the west bank of the Rhine and betwen the Rhine and the Moselle, in preparation for a crossing of the Moselle. The Moselle is also the objective of the XX Corps, whose 10th Armored Division begins to advance toward the river in the Bullay sector.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from March 11, 1945

M-16 Gun Motor Carriage, Halftrack

M-16 Gun Motor Carriage, Halftrack

The 8th Portable Surgical Hospital

The 8th Portable Surgical Hospital

Fighting Fires on the Flight Deck

Fighting Fires on the Flight Deck

The Carrier Randolph Alongside Repair Ship Jason

The Carrier <i>Randolph</i> Alongside Repair Ship <i>Jason</i>

43rd Division Troops and Vehicles

43rd Division Troops and Vehicles

Wrecked Locomotive Shop

Wrecked Locomotive Shop

461st Bomb Group B-24 Liberators

461st Bomb Group B-24 Liberators

The Bridge at Remagen

The Bridge at Remagen

Monday, March 12th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 13 10th Air Force B-25s and 35 P-47s attack troops, anti-aircraft batteries, motor vehicles, and supplies in and right behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 66 P-47s attack transportation targets and a bridge in central Burma.
  • 12 P-47s attack a bypass bridge.
  • 6 14th Air Force P-51s attack road targets at Hwayuan and a bridge at Ha Coi, French Indochina.
  • During the night, 63rd Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s sink a Japanese Navy frigate off the China coast.
  • 4 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack a bridge at Song Rang.
  • A three-month campaign by 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s against rail bridges in northern French Indochina is formally concluded primarily because of a lack of worthy remaining targets. Since December 11, 1944, the B-25s have undertaken 23 missions that have accounted for 21 major bridges destroyed and 17 major bridges damaged—at a cost of 4 B-25s lost, 31 B-25s damaged by anti-aircraft fire, 20 crewmen killed, and 12 crewmen wounded.
  • 12 V Bomber Command B-25s sink a tanker and a cargo ship in Tourane Bay.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

44 XX Bomber Command B-29s attack oil stores at Samboe and Sebarok Island in Sumatra, and Bukum Island in Malaya.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 1,108 aircraft including 748 Lancasters, 292 Halifaxes and 68 Mosquitos attack Dortmund. This is another new record to a single target, a record which will stand to the end of the war. Another record tonnage of bombs, 4,851, is dropped through cloud on to this unfortunate city. The RAF 'earthquake' bomb is dropped for the first time. The 10-ton weapon is used to knock out the Bielefeld viaduct. The only details available from Dortmund state that the attack fell mainly in the center and south of the city. A British team which investigated the effects of bombing in Dortmund after the war says that, 'The final raid … stopped production so effectively that it would have been many months before any substantial recovery could have occurred'.
    • 2 Lancasters lost.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 81 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, and 3 each to Halle, Magdeburg and Stendal, 16 Lancasters and 3 Halifaxes lay mines in the Kattegat, and there are 2 RCM sorties.
    • 3 mine-laying Lancasters are lost.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

  • V Bomber Command B-24s and V Fighter Command P-38s attack Takao and Tainan.
  • V Fighter Command P-51s attack Tainan and several power plants.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

5 28th Composite Bomb Group b-24s attack targets in the Kurabu Cape airfield area.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Pacific

The US strategic bombing campaign against Japan continues. During the night the city of Osaka is wiped out by a raid of 274 US bombers.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • FEAF B-24s attack Ipo, Malabang and Mercedes.
  • B-25s attack Japanese Army troops and supplies at 2 locations.
  • A-20s and fighter-bombers attack numerous targets throughout Luzon.
  • Fighter-bombers attack Caballo Island.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Battle of the Atlantic

U-260 is conducting operations in St George's Channel when she hits a mine. The captain keeps her afloat for two days before abandoning and scuttling the submarine inside Irish territorial waters.


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Klaus Becker
Location St George's Channel, off Galley Head
Cause Mine
Casualties None
Survivors 49
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


Myotha, southwest of Mandalay, falls to the 20th Indian Division as they also mop up in the area.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Eastern Front

Stalin, in his 300th Order of the Day, announces that after violent fighting, the 1st Belorussian Front has taken Küstrin, one of the few bridgeheads on the east bank of the Oder left to the Germans and only about 50 miles from Berlin. Apart from that small area in the north near Stettin the Soviets now hold the whole of the Oder-Neisse line as far south as Görlitz. The reduction of the other bridgehead east of Stettin continues. The 2nd Belorussian Front continues to press on towards the Baltic, threatening Danzig and Gdynia. In the Polish Corridor they capture Tczew. In Hungary, the German thrust between Lake Venelcei and Lake Balaton is completely exhausted. There are signs of disaffection among the troops, even amoung the elite SS Panzer corps. Hitler is beside himself with anger, and orders that the division of his personal bodyguard be stripped of their distinctive privileges.


Operation SPRING AWAKENING peters out in the face of fuel shortages, Soviet resistance and water-logged terrain. However, Hitler orders a resumption of the attack.


Elements of the 1st Guards Tank Army reaches the outer defenses around Gotenhafen. Only the remnants of the VII Panzer Corps oppose them.


The German offensive in Hungary has virtually ground to a halt, the attacking units having exhausted themselves after a week of bitter fighting. Hitler is furious at the failure to break through to the Danube and orders the attack to be resumed, raging against both the army and the SS.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

English Channel

U-683 is sunk by the British sloop Wild Goose and the frigate Loch Ruthven while proceeding down the English Channel.


ClassType VIIC
CO Kapitänleutnant Günther Keller
Location Englishs Channel, off Land's End
Cause Depth charge
Casualties 49
Survivors None
[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Iwo Jima

The Americans launch the final attacks against the Japanese fortifications in the center and east of the island.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


On Luzon the Americans begin attacks in force on the Shimbu line.

The occupation of Mindanao continues; there is hard fighting northeast of San Roque, in a village tenaciously held by the Japanese. Small American units land on Simara and meet with no opposition from the Japanese.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Western Front

In the northern part of the Remagen bridgehead, the 78th Division, III Corps, US 1st Army, succeeds in holding off several counterattacks by the German 7th Army against Honnef, and opens an offensive eastward toward Kalenborn. In the center, the 9th Division is heavily engaged in the vicinity of Hargarten, but manages to take the village by the evening and on the southern flank of the bridgehead the 99th Division succeeds in advancing in the area between Hargarten and Höningen.

In the US 3rd Army sector, the VIII Corps completes the occupation of the west bank of the Rhine, while the XII And XX Corps prepare to cross the Moselle.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from March 12, 1945

Sherman Firefly Ic

Sherman Firefly Ic

Inspecting Propulsion Unit of a V-2

Inspecting Propulsion Unit of a V-2

Tornado in India

Tornado in India

Crossing the Rhine

Crossing the Rhine

Commuters Boarding a Tram

Commuters Boarding a Tram

Receiving the Croix de Guerre

Receiving the Croix de Guerre

The Polish City and Port of Swinoujscie

The Polish City and Port of Swinoujscie

4th Marine Division Post Office

4th Marine Division Post Office

Tuesday, March 13th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 12 10th Air Force B-25s attack troops, artillery positions, and supplies in and around the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 26 10th Air Force P-47s sweep roads across central Burma.
  • 16 P-47s support Chinese Army ground forces in the Namhsan area.
  • 4 P-47s support British Army troops while several other P-47s attack bridges.
  • 7 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping in the Gulf of Tonkin and South China Sea.
  • 13 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack stores at Chingchenchiang and a bridge at Lang Son, French Indochina.
  • 22 38th and 42nd Medium Bomb group B-25s sink a cargo ship, a Japanese Navy frigate, and sampans while sweeping the sea lanes between Swatow and Hainan Island.
  • V Fighter Command P-51s attack the Samah airfield at Hainan.
  • 348th Fighter Group P-51s down 2 Ki-84 'Frank' fighters over the Hainan's Samah airfield at 1110 hours.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 354 aircraft including 319 Halifaxes, 24 Lancasters and 20 Mosquitos of Nos. 4, 6 and 8 Groups are sent to Wuppertal and Barmen. This attack also tales place over a cloud-covered target and the bombs fall slightly east of the area intended, covering the eastern half of the Barmen district and extending into Schwelm.
    • There are no losses.
  • Bomber Command had now dispatched 2,541 sorties by daylight to Ruhr targets in a 3-day period. Approximately 10,650 tons of bombs had been dropped through cloud with sufficient accuracy to cripple 2 cities and 1 town. The bomber losses were only 5 aircraft, a casualty rate of 0.2 per cent. These results show the great power now wielded by Bomber Command, its technical efficiency and the weakness of the German defenses.
  • 38 Lancasters of No. 5 Group that are sent to bomb the Arnsberg and Bielefeld viaducts encounter bad weather. 1 aircraft bombs at Arnsberg and 2 further aircraft bomb alternative targets.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
  • 195 Lancasters and 32 Mosquitos of Nos. 1 and 8 Groups attack benzol plants at Herne and Gelsenkirchen. The Gelsenkirchen attack is successful, but not the Herne raid.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost on the Gelsenkirchen raid.
Minor Ops:
  • 50 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin and 6 to Erfurt, and there are 37 Mosquito patrols and 58 RCM sorties.
    • 1 Mosquito from the Berlin raid crashes in Belgium and 1 RCM Halifax crashes in France.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

Despite bad weather that causes most V Bomber Command B-24s assigned to divert from two power plants and attack secondary targets and targets of opportunity, 16 90th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s are able to attack one of the power plants through cloud cover owing to the use of radar. Other V Bomber Command B-24s assigned to attack the naval base and fuel stores at Mako harbor in the Pescadore Islands are able to do so with good results.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • During the night, 274 of 301 XXI Bomber Command B-29s dispatched attack Osaka with incendiary bombs from 5,000 to 9,600 feet. 5 of the B-29s attack other targets.
    • 2 B-29s are lost.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack Lago and Sarangani Bay.
  • 494th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Angaur attack stores at Sarangani Bay.
  • B-25s support US 8th Army ground forces near Zamboanga.
  • B-25s and A-20s support US 6th Army ground forces in the Cagayan Valley.
  • Late in the day, 2 Japanese aircraft strafe Moret Field on Mindanao and drop one bomb, but this is the only air attack the base will endure.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


The British capture Maymyo, cutting the rail communications of the Japanese garrison in Mandalay.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Eastern Front


The 3rd Belorussian Front launches an offensive against the German 4th Army holed up in Heiligenbeil, Königsberg ans Samland.


The Polish 1st Army begins the destruction of the garrison of Kolberg.


The 3rd Belorussian begins a new offensive aimed at destroying the remnants of the 4th Army holed up around Heiligenbeil, Konigsberg and Samland. Marshal Vasilevsky has massed 7 armies to defeat the Germans and opens his attack with overwhelming arty and air strikes. The initial attack hits the Konigsberg corridor and the Heiligenbeil pocket.

In Pomerania heavy fighting breaks out at Kolberg as the 1st Polish Army begins to reduce the garrison.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Iwo Jima

The Americans go ahead with the liquidation of the Japanese positions on their left flank. Flamethrowers, bulldozers and tanks are continually in action, as well as field artillery. US troops seal up 115 caves with the Japanese defenders still inside. Naval guns and aircraft cannot intervene because the two sides are at such close quarters.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


The Japanese coast defense vessel No. 66 is sunk by US Army aircraft in the South China Sea.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


On Luzon the US XIV Corps drives off further Japanese counterattacks in the area east of Manila.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

United States, Politics

Congress votes 354 to 28 to extend the Lend-Lease act for one more year, but with the restriction it not be used for 'postwar relief, rehabilitation or reconstruction.'

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Western Front

On the north flank of the Remagen bridgehead the 78th Division is unable to advance against the firm opposition of the German 7th Army. In the center the 9th Division, having taken Hargarten, moves on in the region between Kalenborn, Notscheid and Hargarten, while on the southern flank the 99th Division reinforces its positions and succeeds in repulsing a number of counterattacks. The divisions of the XII Corps, US 3rd Army, complete their preparations for their attack against the Moselle.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from March 13, 1945

Commanding Generals in Manila

Commanding Generals in Manila

Destruction of the Propaganda Ministry

Destruction of the Propaganda Ministry

Rocket Launcher on a Sherman

Rocket Launcher on a Sherman

Crossing the Saar River

Crossing the Saar River

Crossing the Rhine River at Worms

Crossing the Rhine River at Worms

Guiding in a F6F Hellcat Fighter Aboard

Guiding in a F6F Hellcat Fighter Aboard

Standing Guard along the Rhine at Erpel

Standing Guard along the Rhine at Erpel

Carving a New Road near Baguio

Carving a New Road near Baguio

Wednesday, March 14th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 11 10th Air Force B-25s attack troops and motor vehicles near Laihka.
  • 3 B-25s attack a bridge at Laihka.
  • 39 10th Air Force P-47s attack troops, motor vehicles, and supplies between Laihka and Namlan.
  • 29 P-47s sweep roads behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 20 P-47s support Chinese Army ground forces around Mansam.
  • 3 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping in the South China Sea.
  • 1 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25 and 4 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack a rail line near Tungyangchen.
  • 4 P-51s attack targets of opportunity near Chihsien.
  • FEAF B-25s attack several coastal targets during an anti-shipping sweep.
  • 19 51st Fighter Group P-51s and 449th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack a Japanese Army barracks at Vinh Yen.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 169 Lancasters of No. 3 Group carry out G-H attacks through cloud on oil plants at Datteln and Hattingen (near Bochum). Both attacks appear to be accurate, but no results are seen.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost on the Hattingen raid.
  • 32 Lancasters and 1 Mosquito of No. 5 Group, with 4 Oboe Mosquitos of No. 8 Group, are sent to hit the Bielefeld and Arnsberg viaducts. 28 Lancasters drop Tallboy bombs and the No. 617 Squadron Lancaster of Squadron Leader C. C. Calder drops the first 22,000lb 'Grand Slam' bomb at Bielefeld. The Arnsberg viaduct, No. 9 Squadron's target, is later found to be undamaged, but more than 100 yards of the Bielefeld viaduct collapses through the 'earthquake effect' of the Grand Slam and 'Tallboys' of No. 617 Squadron. This damage will prevent movement from the Ruhr to Remagen.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
  • 244 Lancasters and 11 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group attack the Wintershall synthetic oil refinery at Lützkendorf. Photographic reconnaissance shows that 'moderate damage' is caused.
    • 18 Lancasters are lost.
  • 230 aircraft including 121 Lancasters, 98 Halifaxes and 11 Mosquitos of Nos. 6 and 8 Groups are sent to Zweibrücken. This attack is directed on to the town area to block the passage through it of German troops and stores to the nearby front line. The raid takes place in good visibility and is very effective. The local report shows that every public building and inn and 80 per cent of the houses in the town are destroyed or damaged. Most of the civilian population had been evacuated. Those remaining take shelter in 2 large caves in the north and south of the town or in the normal basement shelters of their houses.
    • There are no losses.
  • 161 aircraft including 127 Halifaxes, 23 Lancasters and 11 Mosquitos of Nos. 4 and 8 Groups, on the same task as the Zweibrücken raid, proceed to Homburg. No local report is available, but it is believed that this attack is equally successful.
    • 2 Halifaxes are lost.
    Minor Ops:
    • 75 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, and 6 each to Bremen and Brunswick, and there are 27 Mosquito patrols and 52 RCM sorties.
      • No. 100 Group loses 2 Mosquitos and 1 Fortress.
      • The last Stirling operation of Bomber Command is flown on this night when Stirling LJ516, from No. 199 Squadron at North Creake, flies a Mandrel screen operation. Squadron Leader J. J. M. Button, the Australian pilot, and his crew land safely.
  • A total of 372 Luftwaffe planes attacked the Rhine River bridges during the past week. Allied antiaircraft shoot down 80.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

V Bomber Command B-24s and 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the naval base and fuel stores at Mako in the Pescadore Islands.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Pacific

US bombers raid Osaka, inflicting 13,000 casualties.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • FEAF B-24s attack the Konel area.
  • 23 494th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack supply installations at Sarangani Bay.
  • B-24s and B-25s attack port facilities at Isabella and anti-aircraft batteries and occupied villages in the Zamboanga area.
  • V Bomber Command A-20s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack numerous targets on Luzon.
  • A-20s attack Pandanan Island in the Panay area.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Volcano Islands

VII Fighter Command P-51s undertake a ground-support mission—the last of the Iwo Jima campaign—in behalf of V Marine Amphibious Corps troops. 7th Air Force B-24s and VII Fighter Command P-51s and P-61s will continue to attack targets in the bypassed Bonin Islands.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Battle of the Atlantic

On March 10 U-714 sunk the Norwegian freighter Nordhav II (425t) in Convoy FS-56. The newly-commissioned South African frigate Natal is ordered to carry out a search. She acquires asdic contact which classifies as 'submarine'. A Squid attack is made after which a large amount of oil is seen on the surface. A second attack, more oil, but contact is loss. Ships of Escort Group 17 locate the U-boat on the bottom and depth-charge her to destruction.


ClassType VIIC
CO Kapitänleutnant Hans-Joachim Schwebke
Location North Sea, off W coast of Scotland
Cause Depth charge
Casualties 50
Survivors None
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


The 19th Indian Division, British XXXIII Corps, takes most of the city of Mandalay, apart from a few enemy strongholds including Fort Dufferin, which is heavily bombarded by Allied artillery and aircraft. Maymo, to the east of Mandalay, falls to the 20th Indian Division.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Eastern Front

The Soviets capture Zvolen in western Czechoslovakia.


The 6th SS Panzer Army renews its offensive against the Soviet 27th Army but makes no headway.


Heavy fighting rages at Kolberg. The Poles demand the surrender of the town but the garrison comander, Gen Fritz Fullriede, refuses. He is aided in his defense by 2 naval destroyers lying offshore.

Fighting at Atldamm intensifies as the 47th Army renews its attacks. The 3rd Panzer Army has steadily strengthened its positions over the previous few days and withholds the Soviet attack.


The 6th SS Panzer Army launches a last ditch effort to break through the positions of the 27th Army. 200 panzers, with arty and infantry support, surge forward but become embroiled in bitter fighting. To the north the 2nd Ukrainian Front captures Zvolen.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Germany, Home Front

Adolf Eichmann declares he could go to his grave happy knowing he had helped kill six million Jews.

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Iwo Jima

At 9:30 the Americans consider that the capture of the island is complete, and hoist their flag. But in the north a number of pockets of resistance have still to be eliminated.

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    The US destroyers Cotten (DD-669) and Dortch (DD-670) sink the Japanese guardboats Futa Maru and No.17 Kaiko Maru off the Bonins.

  • The US submarine Bream (SS-243) sinks the Japanese auxiliary submarien chaser Keihin Maru (76t) in the Java Sea.
  • The US submarine Trepang (SS-412) sinks the Japanese guardboat Kaiko Maru off Inubosaki.
  • The British submarine Spirit sinks the Japanese auxiliary sailing vessel Ryuho Maru off Massalambo Island.
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On Luzon the biggest engagements take place north of Antipolo, east of Manila, where the Americans advancing against the Shimbu line find themselves facing a series of strong Japanese defensive positions.

The Americans attack Japanese positions on Mount Capisan, on Mindanao, while fighting continues southeast of San Roque.

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Western Front

While the Germans continue their air attacks aimed at destroying the Remagen bridge and the pontoon bridges erected by the American sappers in this sector held by units of the III Corps, US 1st Army, the VII Corps reorganizes its formations in readiness for the attack east of the Rhine. On the northern flank of the Remagen bridgehead, the 78th Division, III Corps, reaches its objectives near Ägidienberg, Rottibz and Kalenborn.

In the US 3rd Army sector, the 87th Division, VIII Corps, is moved into the Koblenz-Lehmen sector. Meanwhile, in the early hours of the morning, the XII Corps begins to advance from the Moselle to the Rhine, and on the southern flank of the army units of the XX Corps take Heddert, the 94th Division, Weiskirchen, the 80th Division, Nieder Felle and Fell, the 65th Division.

The American 7th Army completes its preparations for the offensive against the Siegfried Line; in the XXI Corps sector, the 101st Cavalry Group and 70th Division penetrate into Germany and patrol the south bank of the Saar River.

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Images from March 14, 1945

Bielefeld Viaduct

Bielefeld Viaduct

Bielefeld Viaduct

Bielefeld Viaduct

Bomb Damage To Köln

Bomb Damage To Köln

A 26 Foot Long 22,000-lb Bomb

A 26 Foot Long 22,000-lb Bomb

Men of the Jewish Brigade

Men of the Jewish Brigade

MA Lancaster Dropping a Grand Slam Bomb

A Lancaster Dropping a Grand Slam Bomb

Tugs under construction

Tugs under construction

Recon Photo of the Railway Viaducts at Schildesche, Bielefeld

Recon Photo of the Railway Viaducts at Schildesche, Bielefeld

US Soldiers near French-German Border

US Soldiers near French-German Border

Flag Raising at US Headquarters on Iwo Jima

Flag Raising at US Headquarters on Iwo Jima

Thursday, March 15th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 32 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s sweep roads behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 30 10th Air Force P-47s support Chinese Army ground forces in the Namhsan area.
  • 4 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping in the South China Sea.
  • 4 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack targets near Pingsiang.
  • 4 14th Air Force P-51s attack locomotives.
  • 4 P-51s attack motor vehicles.
  • 13 38th and 345th Medium Bomb group B-25s severely damage a cargo ship and a Japanese destroyer while sweeping the sea lanes between Hong Kong and Swatow.
  • A 49th Fighter Group P-38 downs a Ki-44 'Tojo' fighter over the China coast at 1100 hours.
  • 348th Fighter Group P-51s down a Ki-44 'Tojo' fighrter and a J2M 'Jack' fighter near the Kaitak airfield in Hong Kong between 1115 and 1130 hours.
  • 20 2nd Air Commando P-51s Group attack the Don Maung airfield at Bangkok. 1st Air Commando and 2nd Air Commando Fighter squadron P-47s down a Ki-21 'Sally' bomber and 2 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighters over the Dong Muang airfield at 1315 hours.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Wehrmacht GHQ at Zossen, south of Berlin, is pounded by the 8th Air Force.

Daylight Ops:
  • 188 aircraft including 150 Halifaxes, 24 Mosquitos and 14 Lancasters of Nos. 4, 6 and 8 Groups attack oil plants at Bottrop and Castrop-Rauxel. Both raids are believed to have been successful.
    • 1 Halifax of No. 4 Group is lost on the Bottrop raid.
  • 16 Lancasters of Nos. 9 and 617 Squadrons attack the viaduct at Arnsberg. Two aircraft of No. 617 Squadron each carry a Grand Slam. The 14 aircraft of No. 9 Squadron carried Tallboys. The viaduct is not cut.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
  • 134 Lancasters, 122 Halifaxes and 11 Mosquitos of Nos. 4, 6 and 8 Groups are sent to bomb Hagen. This area attack takes place in clear visibility and causes severe damage. The local report estimated that the bomber force was 800 aircraft strong! The main attack falls in the center and eastern districts. There are 1,439 fires, of which 124 are classified as large.
    • 6 Lancasters and 4 Halifaxes are lost.
  • 257 Lancasters and 8 Mosquitos of Nos. 1 and 8 Groups attack the Deurag refinery at Misburg on the outskirts of Hannover. Visibility is good and some fires are started, but the main weight of the raid falls south of the target.
    • 4 Lancasters are lost.
Minor Ops:
  • 54 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 27 to Erfurt, 16 to Mannheim, and 6 each to Jena and Weimar, and there are 37 Mosquito patrols and 53 RCM sorties.
    • 1 RCM Fortress is lost.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack the naval base and fuel stores at Mako harbor in the Pescadore Islands.
  • V Fighter Command P-47s dive-bomb a power plant at Takao.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • FEAF B-24s attack Lahug.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s and 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack troops near Sarangani Bay and troops and artillery positions near Zamboanga.
  • B-24s, V Bomber Command A-20s, and V Fighter Command P-38s attack a Japanese Army headquarters near Baguio.
  • A-20s and P-47s attack positions and gun positions near Batangas.
  • P-47s attack a bridge at Minuli and troops in Balete Pass and near Fort Stotsenburg.
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U-367 sinks after hitting a mine in the Baltic Sea, off Danzig.


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Hasso Stegemann
Location Baltic, off Danzig
Cause Mine
Casualties 43
Survivors None
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


In the British IV Corps sector the 17th Indian Division, cut off at Meiktila, holds out against Japanese counterattacks. A brigade of the 5th Indian Division is air-lifted to the area and the other two brigades of the division advance in that direction from Jorhat.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Eastern Front

In East Prussia the 3rd Belorussian Front splits the German forces in two, reaching the Baltic coast southwest of Königsberg. In Hungary and Yugoslavia the Russian forces go over to the offensive.


The Soviet 2nd Shock, 49th, 69th and 70th Armies are fighting in the suburbs of Gotenhafen and Danzig, while at Kolberg Polish troops are battling their way through the streets. The Soviet Upper Silesian Offensive begins as the 1st Ukrainian Front attacks from Oppeln with its 4th Tank, 21st, 59th and 60th Armies.


SPRING AWAKENING has ended with German losses of 500 tanks and assault guns, 300 artillery pieces and more that 40,000 troops the Wehrmacht's last operational reserves.[MORE]

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Iwo Jima

The fighting continues but the Japanese forces are now mostly confined in a small area in the northwest of the island.

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Adm John L. McCrea leads a squadron of US cruisers and destroyers in a bombardment of Matsuwa.

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The US submarine Bream (SS-243) is damaged by depth charges off North Borneo and is forced to terminate her patrol.

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Western Front

In the III Corps sector, US 1st Army, the 9th Division captures Lorscheid and Notscheid, while the 99th Division widens its bridgehead over the Rhine to the east and southeast. The German attacks on the American-built bridges across the Rhine are beginning to slacken. The 87th Division, VIII Corps, US 3rd Army, prepares to cross the Moselle in the Koblenz sector and, with the other formations of the corps, to capture the area between the Moselle and the Rhine. In the center and on the right of the army, the units of the XII and XX Corps continue to advance.

The US 7th Army launches Operation UNDERTONE, with which the Allied headquarters intends to make a clear breach in the Siegfried Line and, working with the 3rd Army to the north, to liberate the Saar-Palatinate triangle between the Rhine, Moselle and Lauter-Saar Rivers. 3 corps are engaged, the XXI in the Saarbrücken sector, the XV moving toward Zweibrücken, Schorbach, Bitche and Reyersviller and the VI operating on the Rothbach and Moder Rivers.

The new Commander-in-Chief of German forces in the west, Field-Marshal Kesselring, reports to Hitler on the situation on the front at the time he took over. In his opinion, although the situation is undoubtedly critical for the German troops, it will almost certainly be possible to halt the Allies if the western armies are reinforced by some picked divisions transferred from the Eastern Front after the defensive success he envisages by the Germans on the Oder.

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Images from March 15, 1945





158th RCT Moves along a Batangas Coastal Road

158th RCT Moves along a Batangas Coastal Road

Crew members of 'Cairngorm'

Crew members of 'Cairngorm'

US Army Patrol Crosses a Footbridge

US Army Patrol Crosses a Footbridge

A Treadway Bridge, across the Moselle River

A Treadway Bridge, across the Moselle River

British Soldiers on Patrol

British Soldiers on Patrol

Troops of the Indian 19th Division In Action

Troops of the Indian 19th Division In Action

A Japanese Supply Dump Burning

A Japanese Supply Dump Burning

Air Attack on Fort Dufferin

Air Attack on Fort Dufferin

Friday, March 16th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 12 10th Air Force B-25s attack troops and a fuel dump at Panghai.
  • 40 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s sweep roads behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 23 P-47s support Chinese Army ground forces near Hsipaw.
  • 4 P-38s attack artillery positions near Mogok.
  • 32 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack rail yards at Shihkiachwang.
  • A 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25 and 2 P-51s attack a train near Shihkiachwang.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • XIII Bomber Command B-25s attack the Jesselton and Tarakan airfields on Borneo.
  • 347th Fighter Group P-38s down 4 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighters near Balikpapan, Borneo, at 1115 hours.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • There is a raid on Nuremburg by 231 Lancasters of No. 1 Group and 46 Lancasters and 16 Mosquitos of No. 8 Group. A local report states that the southern and southwestern districts are hit as well as the ruins of the Altstadt which was destroyed in a previous raid. A serious fire is started in the Steinbuhl district. The main railway station is also on fire and the city's gasworks are so badly damaged that they do not resume production before the end of the war. This is the last heavy Bomber Command raid on Nuremberg.
    • 24 Lancasters, all from No 1 Group, are lost. Most of these losses are due to German night fighters, which found the bomber stream on its way to the target.
  • 225 Lancasters and 11 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group attack Würzburg. This is another dramatic and devastating blow by No. 5 Group. 1,127 tons of bombs are dropped with great accuracy in 17 minutes. According to a post-war survey, the old cathedral city with its famous historic buildings suffered 89 per cent of its built-up area destroyed. Würzburg contains little industry and this is an area attack.
    • 6 Lancasters are lost.
Minor Ops:
  • 56 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 24 to Hanau, and 6 each to Brunswick and Osnabrück, 12 Halifaxes and 12 Lancasters lay mines in the Kattegat and off Heligoland, and there are 40 Mosquito patrols and 32 RCM sorties.
    • There are no losses.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

In the first large attacks since March 3—a break caused by almost continuous bad weather—86 V Bomber Command B-24s attack airfields at Heito, the naval base at Okayama, and the town area at Taihoku.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

During the night, 306 of 330 XXI Bomber Command B-29s dispatched attack Kobe with incendiary bombs from 5,000 to 9,500 feet. 3 of the B-29s attack other targets. 3 B-29s are lost.

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Air Operations, Pacific

Kobe is bombed by 307 B-29s, resulting in 15,000 casualties.

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Air Operations, Philippines

  • FEAF B-24s attack the Talisay airfield on Negros and the Carolina airfield on Cebu, and other targets on Cebu.
  • B-24s and V Bomber Command A-20s attack Baguio.
  • V Bomber Command A-20s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the Batangas area.
  • Fighter-bombers attack Caballo Island and motor vehicles and supplies at Patapat.
  • As the pre-invasion bombardment of Panay begins, US Army artillery spotter planes are flown to an airstrip built on the island by American and Filipino guerrillas.
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Diplomatic Relations

The British Foreign Office confirms there has been German peace feelers through its legation in Stockholm.

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Eastern Front

The 3rd Ukraine Front goes over to the offensive in the Székesfehérvár area, in Hungary, against the German Army Group South. The final objective is Vienna.

The Soviet forces in Hungary have regrouped following the German advance in the Lake Balaton area and now begin an offensive agains the northern flank of the recently won German salient. The 3rd Hungarian Army takes the brunt of the first assaults and is soon in great difficulty.


The Soviet 3rd Ukrainian Front (536,000 troops) opens the Vienna Offensive, with the 4th and 9th Guards Armies attacking the weakened German 6th Army west of Lake Balaton. Nevertheless, the Soviets find enemy resistance is initially strong.


During a day of intense fighting the remaining civilians are evacuated from Kolberg. To the south elements of the 4th Tank Army cross teh Niesse River.


Tolbukhin's 3rd Ukrainian Front, with 536,700 men, begin the Vienna Offensive Operation. The 4th and 9th Guards pound the 6th Army between Szekesfehervar and Mor. Already fully committed south of Lake Velencei, Gen Otto Wöhler has nothing left with which to meet this attack. Only the desperation of the German defense prevents an immediate breakthrough, a hard day of fighting gaining the Soviet forces just 2 miles.

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Iwo Jima

Japanese resistance on Iwo Jima breaks down as US Marine forces push their way to Kitano Point, the northernmost tip of the island. A small pocket of disorganized Japanese defenders remains in the northeast, but is easily contained. The central airfield comes into operation.

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The Japanese coast defense vessel No. 69 is sunk by US Army aircraft in the South China Sea.

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Part of the US 41st Division lands on Basilan Island. Here, as on other small islands, the pattern will be for the US forces to subdue the Japanese in the first few days' fighting and then mostly to withdraw, leaving the mopping up to Filipino guerrillas.

Fighting continues along the Shimbu Line southeast of Manila and in the I Corps sector to the north, especially on the Villa Verde track.

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Western Front

Units of the VII Corps, US 1st Army, further extend the bridgehead over the Rhine at Remagen; the 78th Division cuts the autobahn between Cologne and Frankfurt.

In the VIII Corps sector, US 3rd Army, the 87th Division launches the offensive for the crossing of the Moselle, sending 2 regiments over the river in the area between Willingen and Kolber. The units of the XII and XX Corps also cross the Moselle. Tanks of the US 4th Armored Division advance 32 miles to the Nahe River and capture 2 bridges south of Bad Kreuznach. All resistance south of the Moselle collapses.

In the US 7th Army sector Operation UNDERTONE goes on with the 3 corps trying to break through the Siegfried Line.

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Images from March 16, 1945

Dagupan POW Camp

Dagupan POW Camp

Bomb-damaged Liberator

Bomb-damaged Liberator

Examining a German Jagdpanther

Examining a German <i>Jagdpanther</i>

Bombs hit Liberator B Mk VI KK320 V-Victor

Bombs hit Liberator B Mk VI KK320 V-Victor

M16 MGMC with M45 Quadmount

M16 MGMC with M45 Quadmount

Nuremburg Bomb Damage

Nuremburg Bomb Damage

Liberator Bomb Damage

Liberator Bomb Damage

One of Two Tigers Lost near Felso Major

One of Two Tigers Lost near Felso Major

Saturday, March 17th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 70 of 77 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s dispatched attack stores in Rangoon.
  • 12 10th Air Force B-25s attack troops and supplies near Nawlam.
  • More than 40 10th Air Force fighter-bombers attack targets immediately behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 33 P-47s sweep roads behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 16 P-47s support British 14th Army ground forces near Mogok.
  • A 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25 and 12 14th Air Force P-51s attack locomotives in and around the Peking area.
  • During the night, 63rd Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s unable to attack their primary targets attack the White Cloud and Tienho airfields at Canton.
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Air Operations, East Indies

307th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack targets in northern Borneo.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 167 Lancasters of No. 3 Group carry out G-H attacks through cloud on benzol plants at Dortmund and Hüls. Both raids appear to be accurate.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
  • 66 Lancasters and 29 Halifaxes from training units make a sweep over Northern France to draw up German fighters, 39 Mosquitos are sent to Nuremberg, 38 to Berlin and 2 each to Mannheim and Stuttgart, and there are 15 Mosquito patrols and 6 RCM sorties.
    • 1 Intruder Mosquito of No. 100 Group is lost.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

Despite bad weather that forces them to high altitude, 70 radar-guided B-24s from all 4 V Bomber Command heavy bomber groups attack the Taichu, Tainan, and Toyohara airfields and the town area at Shinchiku with 500-pound bombs.

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Air Operations, Japan

2 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s photograph and attack several targets in the Kurile Islands.

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Air Operations, Philippines

  • 5th and 494th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Tigbauan invasion beaches on Panay, Japanese Army ground troops on Mindanao, and the Alicante, Bacolod, Carolina, Fabrica, Malogo, Silay, and Talisay airfields on Negros. V Bomber Command B-24s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers complete more than 500 effective sorties over Luzon.
  • Marine Air Group 12 F4Us mount their first missions of the Mindanao campaign in direct support of US 8th Army ground forces operating within sight of Moret Field on Mindanao. Guidance is provided by Marine air liaison parties operating with the infantry.
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Fierce fighting continues in Mandalay, where the Japanese still hold some positions, and at Meiktila, where the British and Indians are defending themselves against Japanese counterattacks. The British 2nd Division takes Ava Fort, on the bend of the Irrawaddy south of Mandalay.

Units of the Chinese 6th Army take Hsipaw on the Burma Road, 50 miles southwest of Lashio. The Chinese 1st Army is still trying to advance along the road from Lashio to clear it of Japanese roadblocks.

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Eastern Front

The Führer authorizes the evacuation of the Donij-Miholjac bridgehead over the Drava. The 3rd Ukraine Front, on the offensive in Hungary, makes progress between Lake Vencei and Lake Balaton.


The commitment of the Soviet 46th Army (100,000 troops) to the Vienna Offensive shatters the Hungary 3rd Army. The 6th SS Panzer Army is also struggling to hold off the 26th and 27th Armies. To the south, Army Group E abandons its bridgeheads on the Drava.[MORE]

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English Channel

U-878 sinks the Canadian minesweeper Guysborough off Ushant with the loss of 51 of her crew. 37 survivors are rescued by the British frigates Inglis and Loring.


Iwo Jima

The last Japanese units still resisting are confined within an area about 200 to 500 yeards wide and 625 yards deep.

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  • The US submarine Spot (SS-413) attacks a Japanese Keelung-to-Shimonoseki convoy and sinks the army cargo ship Nanking Maru (3305t) and damages the cargo ship Ikomasan Maru (3173t), which is beached off Matsu Island. Spot is damaged by naval gunire from the escorts off Formosa.
  • The US submarine Sealion (SS-315) sinks the Bangkok-bound Thai oiler Samui (1458t) off Trengganu coast.
  • The Japanese army cargo ship Mansei Maru (3120t) is sunk by USAAF mine in the Yangtze, near Shanghai.
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On Luzon the Americans continue their attacks on the Shimbu line, east of Manila. Powerful Japanese counterattacks force the US 1st Infantry to withdraw in the San Isidro area.

On Mindanao Japanese resistance is mainly concentrated in the area of Masilay and Pasananca.

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Western Front

The US 1st Division, VII Corps, US 1st Army, opens its offensive on the east bank of the Rhine toward the Sieg River. Meanwhile, after the Americans have been able to take thousands of tanks, trucks and guns across it, the Ludendorff bridge at Remagen suddenly collapses the combined strain of bomb damage and heavy use. US Army engineers, however, have built several other bridges nearby and the advance over the Rhine continues.

The 9th and 99th Divisions, III Corps, reach their objectives, the former cutting the railway line near Windhagen, the latter reaching the Wied.

Eisenhower calls on civilians in Frankfurt and Mannheim to evacuate the cities.

Units of the 87th Division, VIII Corps, US 3rd Army, succeed in crossing the Moselle near Guels and then opening an offensive in the direction of Koblenz. In the XII Corps sector the 90th Division reaches Boppard and St Goar, while the 4th Armored Division and 89th Division expand their bridgehead on the Nahe and at Bullay. The Nahe is also crossed at Turkismuhle, by the 10th Armored Division, XX Corps, and while the 94th Division takes Birkenfeld, its final objective, the 80th establishes a bridgehead over the Prims in the Krettnich area. The 65th Division is preparing to break out of the Saarlautern brudgehead. Some of its units cross the Saar River in the vicinity of Menningen and take the heights south of Merzig in readiness for the offensive against Dillingen. At Lunéville, near the US 7th Army's headquarters, Eisenhower meets Gen Patton to discuss co-ordination between the 3rd and 7th Armies for the offensive planned for the end of March. Meanwhile, in the 7th Army sector, the XXI, XV and VI Corps continue their offensive aimed at breaching the Siegfried Line, Operation UNDERTONE, and liberating the Saar-Palatinate triangle.

Field Marshal Kesselring issues a somewhat ambiguous directive which, while ordering 'the maintenance of present positions', adds the 'encirclement, and with it the annihilation of most of the troops' is to be avoided. Hitler's orders against retreat are thus not directly contradicted, but Gen Paul Hausser, Commander of Army Group G considers this directive is enough to justify the withdrawal of his two most seriously threatened formations, and he orders the retirement of the divisions of the 7th and 1st Armies from the most western positions in the Siegfried Line.

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Images from March 17, 1945

B-29s in India

B-29s in India

Coastal Command Mosquitos in Norway

Coastal Command Mosquitos in Norway

Disabled German Tank

Disabled German Tank

Ludendorff Bridge Shortly after the Collapse

Ludendorff Bridge Shortly after the Collapse

Sherman Tanks Equipped with Flamethrowers

Sherman Tanks Equipped with Flamethrowers

Bringing Supplies to Iwo Jima

Bringing Supplies to Iwo Jima

V-2 Bomb Damage at Arkwright Gardens

V-2 Bomb Damage at Arkwright Gardens

Remains of the Ludendorff Bridge

Remains of the Ludendorff Bridge

Sunday, March 18th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 11 10th Air Force B-25s and 20 fighter-bombers attack troops and supplies in and behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 16 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s sweep roads.
  • 12 P-47s support Chinese Army ground forces near Hsipaw.
  • 8 P-47s support British 14th Army ground forces near Mogok.
  • A 1st Air Commando Group P-47 downs a Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane near Rangoon's Hlegu airfield at 0655 hours.
  • 6 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s sweep the Gulf of Tonkin and the South China Sea.
  • During the night, 63rd Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s unable to attack their primary targets attack the White Cloud and Tienho airfields at Canton.
  • 2 14th Air Force P-51s attack road traffic and troops in northern French Indochina.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Jesselton and Sepinggang airfields on Borneo.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Massive air attacks are launched against Berlin and Frankfurt. 1,300 US bombers and 700 escorts drop 3,000 tons of bombs on Berlin despite heavy flak and numerous jet fighters. 25 bombers and 5 fighters are lost. Another 600 planes are damaged. More than 1,000 people are killed in Frankfurt Typhoons of the RAF 2nd Tactical Air Force attack the headquarters of Generals Johannes Blaskowitz and Friedrich Christiansen in Holland with bombs and rockets.

Daylight Ops:
  • 100 Lancasters of No. 3 Group carry out G-H attacks on oil plants at Hattingen and Langendreer. Both raids appear to be accurate.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
  • 324 aircraft including 259 Halifaxes, 45 Lancasters and 20 Mosquitos of Nos. 4, 6 and 8 Groups are sent to Witten. This is an area raid carried out in good visibility. 1,081 tons of bombs are dropped, destroying 129 acres, 62 per cent of the built-up area, according to the post-war British Bombing Survey Unit.
    • 8 aircraft are lost including 6 Halifaxes, 1 Lancaster and 1 Mosquito.
  • 277 Lancasters and 8 Mosquitos of Nos. 1 and 8 Groups bomb Hanau. This is another accurate area raid. Many industrial buildings and 2,240 houses are destroyed. The Altstadt is completely devastated and, says the report, all of the town's churches, hospitals, schools and historic buildings are badly hit.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost.
  • Support and 70 aircraft make a sweep over France, 30 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 24 to Kassel and 18 to Nuremberg, and there are 53 Mosquito patrols and 40 RCM sorties.
    • There are no losses.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

46 V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Tainan airfield, the Takao seaplane base, and an emergency airstrip at Koshun.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • Beginning at 0545 hours, Task Force 58 carrier aircraft open an interdiction campaign aimed at preventing Japanese ships and aircraft based on Kyushu and Shikoku from interfering with Operation ICEBERG, the upcoming invasion of Okinawa. An estimated 275 Japanese aircraft are destroyed on the ground at the 45 airfields attacked by the carrier aircraft this day.
  • Between 0725 and 1300 hours, USS Enterprise, USS Intrepid, and USS Yorktown are slightly damaged by bomb or kamikaze near misses.
  • US carrier-based F6Fs and F4Us down 97 Japanese aircraft over Kyushu and at sea between 0030 and 1640 hours, and US Marine Corps carrier-based F4Us down 27 Japanese fighters over the Kanoya East Airfield on Kyushu, Kagoshima Bay, the Miyazaki airfield, and the Tomitaka airfield during numerous missions between 0720 and 1630.
  • During the night, 290 of 310 XXI Bomber Command B-29s dispatched attack Nagoya with incendiary bombs from 4,500 to 9,000 feet.
    • 1 B-29 is lost.
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Air Operations, Philippines

  • FEAF B-24s attack Bacolod (Negros) and targets on Cebu; and B-24s, V Bomber Command A-20s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack targets across southern Luzon.
  • US 8th Army ground forces invade Panay at Tigbauan, where they are greeted on the beach by Filipino guerrillas. An air umbrella is provided by Marine Air Group 14 F4Us based at the Guinan airfield on Samar and V Bomber Command A-20s based on Mindoro, but there are no missions assigned by ground controllers, so the A-20s are diverted against airfields and other targets on Negros.
  • 1st Marine Aircraft Wing SBDs mount their first missions of the Mindanao campaign in direct support of US 8th Army ground forces operating near Zamboanga City. Guidance is provided by Marine air liaison parties with the infantry.
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Battle of the Atlantic

The German submarine U-866 is sunk through the combined efforts of US destroyer escorts Menges (DE-320), Mosley (DE-321), Pride (DE-323) and Lowe (DE-325) in the northwest Atlantic area.


ClassType IXC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Peter Rogowsky
Location Atlantic, SE of Sable Island
Cause Hedgehog
Casualties 55
Survivors None
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The British 2nd Division takes Ava on the bend of the Irrawaddy only a few miles south of Mandalay. The heavy fighting in Mandalay and round Meiktila continues.

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Eastern Front

The 1st Belorussian Front captures the town and harbor of Kolberg (Kolobrzeg) in Pomerania, the last German strongpoint on the Baltic between the Polish Corridor and Stettin on the Pomeranian Bay. Other Soviet forces are closing in around Gdynia and Danzig to the east and making further inroads into the German positions in East Prussia.


Kolberg falls to the Polish 1st Army.


After a week of bad weather and brutal fighting the skies over East Prussia clear and the Red Air Force begins to pound the 4th Army. German resistance seems to slacken immediately as the air armies pulverize anything that moves. Under heavy attack, the VI Corps of the 4th Army requests permission to withdraw but is denied, even though it means the corps will likely be destroyed. The simple fact is there is nowhere to withdraw to. In Pomerania, Kolberg falls to the 1st Polish Army as Group Fullriede (Gen Fritz Fullriede) escapes to the west.

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Iwo Jima

The island is declared 'safe' for American forces. A part of the American force is withdrawn, while the 5th Marine Division proceeds with the liquidation of the last Japanese nests of resistance in the south of the island.

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Over the next few days the carriers of Adm Marc A. Mitscher's TF 58 carry out a series of attacks on targets in the Japanese Home Islands. Adm Raymond Spruance, commanding 5th Fleet is also present. The airfields on Kyushu are the main targets. There are kamikaze attacks by about 10 planes on the American ships in which the carriers Intrepid (CV-11), Yorktown (CV-10) and Enterprise (CV-6) are all hit but are not put out of action.

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  • The Japanese transport No. 18 is sunk by the US submarine Springer (SS-414) south of the Ryukyu Islands.
  • The US submarine Balao (SS-285) sinks the Japanese merchant trawler No.2 Daito Maru in the East China Sea west of Korea.
  • The US submarine Trigger (SS-237) sinks the Japanese army cargo ship No.3 Tsukushi Maru (1012t) northwest of Okinawa.
  • [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    In the I Corps sector the Japanese are preparing to withdraw from San Fernando under pressure from the Filipino guerrillas in the north and the Americans from the south. The US 25th Division overcomes Japanese resistance north of Putlan; its next objective is Kapintalan. In the XI Corps sector, east of Manila, the Americans retake ground lost in the Japanese counterattack and attack toward Mount Baytangan and Mount Tanauan.

    The American forces, 14,000 men of 40th Infantry Division commanded by Gen Rapp Brush, land on Panay Island in the area of Tigbauan, after a short naval bombardment. The Japanese do not oppose the landing.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Western Front

    East of the Rhine, in the 1st Army sector between Bonn and Remagen, the III Corps continues its offensive, reaching Windhaven, strengthening its positions east of Vettelschoss and capturing the hills along the Wied River in the area of Strodt.

    Units of the 87th Division, VIII Corps, US 3rd Army, press on with the battle for Koblenz. The units of the XII Corps are ordered to advance toward the Rhine in the region between Mainz and Worms, the 90th Division in the direction of Mainz and the 4th Armored toward Worms. While units of the 5th Division reach the sector between Gemünden, Mengerschied and Sargenroth, the 89th Division reinforces its positions east of the Moselle and the 76th succeeds in establishing a bridgehead over the river southeast of Wittlich.

    All formations of the US 7th Army launch a simultaneous offensive against the Siegfried Line positions, while the finishing touches are put to the plans for the Rhine crossing. Both the XXI and XV Corps, as well as the VI Corps on the southern flank of the army, succeed in penetrating across the German frontier.

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Images from March 18, 1945

14th Armored Division Building a Bridge

14th Armored Division Building a Bridge

Japanese Dive Bomber Shot Down

Japanese Dive Bomber Shot Down

Road Repair

Road Repair

German Fleeing from the East

German Fleeing from the East

Fighting in Pomerania

Fighting in Pomerania

8th Air Force Hits Berlin Factories

8th Air Force Hits Berlin Factories

Advancing on Japanese Positions on Panay

Advancing on Japanese Positions on Panay

Berlin Attack by 100th Bomb Group

Berlin Attack by 100th Bomb Group

Monday, March 19th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 27 10th Air Force P-47s attack troops and supplies at 4 locations directly behind Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 24 P-47s support Chinese Army ground forces near Hsipaw.
  • 12 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s sweep roads behind the battle areas.
  • 5 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping in the Gulf of Tonkin and the South China Sea.
  • During the night 63rd Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s attack the White Cloud and Tienho airfields at Canton.
  • 4 449th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack motor vehicles between Hoa Binh and Son La.
  • 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack rail lines linking Bangkok with Singapore and Thailand with Malaya.
    • 3 B-24s are downed by anti-aircraft fire.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 79 Lancasters of No. 3 Group attack the Consolidation benzol plant at Gelsenkirchen. Smoke and dust from the bombing prevent observation of the results.
    • There are no losses.
  • 37 Lancasters of No. 5 Group attack the railway viaduct at Arnsberg and the bridge at Vlotho, near Minden. The attack at Arnsberg by No. 617 Squadron using 6 Grand Slams is successful and a 40-foot gap is blown in the viaduct. No. 9 Squadron's attack at Vlotho is not successful.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 34 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin.
    • There are no losses.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • In support of the upcoming invasion of Okinawa, Task Force 58 aircraft attack Japanese Navy fleet units based around Kobe and Kure beginning at 0545. At least 16 Japanese ships are damaged. Among the ships severely damaged are the fleet carriers Amagi and Katsuragi, the light carrier Ryuho, which are all disabled in a single attack by 14 TBMs, 12 SB2Cs, and 19 rocket-equipped Marine and Navy F4Us from the USS Bunker Hill's Fleet Carrier Group 84. The heavy battleship Yamato is also damaged.
  • A lone Japanese D4Y 'Judy' dive bomber is able to severely damage the fleet carrier USS Franklin at 0708 hours by setting armed aircraft on her deck afire with two bombs. By the time the fires are brought under control, 772 Marine and Navy personnel have been killed. The USS Wasp is also damaged by a bomb at 0710 with 302 men killed or wounded.
  • US Navy carrier-based F6Fs and F4Us down 80 Japanese aircraft over Kyushu, Shikoku, southern Honshu and at sea between 0500 and 1730 hours. VMF-123 carrier-based F4Us down 10 Japanese aircraft north of Kure at 0645 hours. A VMF-221 F4U downs an A6M Zero at sea at 0825. In addition, an estimaged 225 aircraft are destroyed on the ground in various attacks against airfields on Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.
  • 8 28th Composite Bomb Group B-25s attack canneries in the Kurile Islands.
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Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command and 494th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack ammunition and supply dumps on Cebu in anticipation of an upcoming invasion.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack targets in northern Luzon.
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Baltic Sea

U-boats are withdrawn from the eastern Baltic.

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In the British XXXIII Corps sector, the 19th Indian Division follows up its attacks against Fort Dufferin in Mandalay, and a powerful air bombardment succeeds in opening a gap in its walls. Mogok is taken by the British 36th Div.

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Eastern Front

There are renewed attacks by 3rd Belorussian Front against the German forces in East Prussia, especially in the area south of Königsberg. The drive lasts for a week until most of the German forces are eliminated or evacuated. About 38,000 are taken off by the many ships involved including many wounded and refugees.

Soviet troops have recaptured all Hungarian territories lost to the Germans since their counterattack was launched two weeks before.


The Soviet 2nd Guards and 47th Armies reach the Oder River at Altdamm, and in Silesia the 4th Tank and 59th Armies have linked up and encircled the Hermann Göring Panzer Corps near Oppeln, also shattering the southern flank of the 17th Army.


The Soviet 6th Guards Tank Army joins the Vienna Offensive, a move that endangers the 6th SS Panzer Army. Its commander, Sepp Dietrich, orders an immediate withdrawal.[MORE]

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Germany, Home Front

Hitler orders a total scorched earth policy to be put into operation on all fronts. Industrial plants, buildings and food are to be completely destroyed. This is the so-called 'Nero Decree'. Albert Speer, who remains in charge of German industry, does his best to prevent this insane directive from being carried out. He is helped by many army leaders, especially Heinz Guderian, Chief of Staff of the Wehrmacht.

The government cancels all army leaves, orders the registration of all refugees, and commands civilians to inform the police of all army and Labor Corps deserters.

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Germany, Strategy

Hitler issues the decree on Demolitions on Reich Territory in response to the Soviets and Western Allies entering the Reich. It states: 'It is a mistake to think that transport and communication facilities, industrial establishments and supply depots, which have not been destroyed, or have only been temporarily put out of action, can be used again for our own ends when the lost territory has been recovered. The enemy will leave us nothing but scorched earth when he withdraws, without paying the slightest regard to the population. I therefore order: all military transport and communication facitlities, industrial establishments and supply depots, as well as anything else of value within Reich territory, which could in any way be used by the enemy immediately or within the foreseeable future for the prosecution of the war, will be destroyed.' Albert Speer, Armaments Minister, is appalled and will secretly refuse to implement this directive.

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The carrier strikes continue and are mostly sent against Japanese naval bases in the Inland Sea area. Kure is especially singled out. 6 Japanese carriers and 3 battleships are damaged. The kamikaze attacks in reply are very effective. The carriers Franklin (CV-13) and Wasp (CV-18) are both badly damaged and the Enterprise (CV-6) and Essex (CV-9) less so. The 772 dead on Franklin (CV-13) make this the heaviest ever casualty list on any US ship. Lt-Cmdr Joseph T. O'Callahan won the Congressional Medal of Honor for heroism aboard the carrier Franklin (CV-13). He is the first naval chaplain ever to be so honored. The Franklin (CV-13) is able to make the 12,000-mile voyage to the Brooklyn Navy Yard for repairs.

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  • The last surviving ship of a 21-vessel Japanese convoy is sunk off Singapore. The tanker Sarawak Maru ends up like the others, picked off one by one over a ten-week period as the convoy attempted to bring supplies from Japan to forces in southeast Asia. Some were sunk in daylight attacks by carrier planes and in nighttime attacks by submarines in the China seas; others were hit by mines strewn along their path in the Singapore Strait; eventually all were lost, testament to the effectiveness of the Allied blockade.
  • The Japanese river gunboat Suma hits an army mine and sinks off Shanghai, China.
  • The US submarine Balao (SS-285) attacks a Japanese convoy off the Yangtze estuary sinking the troopship Hakozaki Maru (10,413t) and damaging the transport Tatsuharu Maru about 90 miles north-northwest of Shanghai. Balao also sinks the merchant fishing vessels No.1 Katsura Maru, No.1 Eiho Maru and No.2 Eiho Maru in this encounter.
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On Luzon in the US I Corps sector, the 33rd Division occupies the town of Bauang, with its bridge, south of San Fernando. The offensive against the Shimbu line, east of Manila, continues.

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Western Front

In the US 3rd Army sector Koblenz is taken by units of the 87th Division, VIII Corps. The 90th Division, XII Corps, launches its offensive across the Nahe near Mainz, while the 4th Armored Division makes rapid progress to reach Wendelsheim and Schimsheim. South of the Nahe River the 11th Armored Division breaks through the last defenses of the German 7th Army and starts to pursue the enemy on the east bank of the Rhine. The 76th Division extends its bridgehead across the Moselle so as to allow the engineers to throw a bridge over the Mühlheim. The XX Corps advances rapidly toward the Rhine; units of the 10th Armored Division reach the neighborhood of Kaiserslautern, the 80th Division takes Kusel and St Wendel, and the 65th adds considerably to the Saarlautern bridgehead.

In the US 7th Army sector the 70th Division, XXI Corps, crosses the Saar in the area of Saarbrücken. The army persists in its offensive against the Siegfried Line; in the area in which the XV Corps is operating the village of Webenheim falls to the 45th Division and Zweibrücken to the 3rd Division, while on the south flank the 36th Division, VI Corps, takes Wissembourg.

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Images from March 19, 1945

Franklin Listing

<i>Franklin</i> Listing

Aft 5-inch Gun Turret On Fire

Aft 5-inch Gun Turret On Fire

Burning USS Franklin

Burning <i>USS Franklin</i>

Burning USS Franklin

Burning <i>USS Franklin</i>

Bombing a Railway Viaduct

Bombing a Railway Viaduct

The Burning Franklin with Santa Fe Alongside

The Burning <i>Franklin</i> with <i>Santa Fe</i> Alongside

The Sadness of War

The Sadness of War

Sherman Tank in Gelsenkirchen

Sherman Tank in Gelsenkirchen

Tuesday, March 20th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 20 10th Air Force P-47s sweep roads across central Burma.
  • 16 P-47s attack supply dumps.
  • A 1st Air Commando Group P-47 downs a light liaison plane near Bkhun Yuam.
  • 22 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack a convoy of 4 freighters and 4 escorts off Quemoy Island. 1 freighter and a Japanese destroyer are claimed as sunk and 2 freighters and 1 destroyer are damaged.
    • 2 B-25s are downed by ships’ fire, and 2 others that are damaged fly inland and crash land.
  • FEAF B-25s attack coastal shipping near Qui Nhon.
  • 4 449th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack motor vehicles between Hoa Binh and Son La.
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Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 153 aircraft including 125 Halifaxes, 16 Lancasters and 12 Mosquitos of Nos. 4 and No 6 Groups attempt to hit the railway yards at Recklinghausen, but cloud and a strong wind spoil the Pathfinder marking and the bombing is well scattered.
    • There are no losses.
  • 99 Lancasters of No. 3 Group attack the railway yards at Hamm and 14 Lancasters of No. 9 Squadron attack the railway bridge at Arnsberg. Bombs are seen to explode in the target area at both targets.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
  • 224 Lancasters and 11 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group attack the synthetic oil plant near Böhlen. This accurate attack puts the plant out of action and it is still inactive when captured by American troops several weeks later.
    • 9 Lancasters are lost.
  • 166 Lancasters of Nos. 1, 6 and 8 Groups carry out an equally effective attack upon the oil refinery at Hemmingstedt.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost.
Minor Ops:
  • Support and 70 training aircraft make a diversionary sweep over France, 12 Lancasters make a feint raid on Halle, 38 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 27 to Bremen and 16 to Kassel, 9 Lancasters minelaying off Heligoland, and there are 55 Mosquito patrols and 47 RCM sorties.
    • 3 aircraft are lost: 1 Lancaster from the Halle raid and 1 Fortress and 1 Liberator RCM aircraft.
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Air Operations, Formosa

22 V Bomber Command B-24s attack a barracks and the northern town area at Tainan.

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Air Operations, Pacific

Nagoya is hit by B-29 incendiaries.

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Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack troops and supplies on Cebu.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack targets on Luzon.
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Air Operations, Western Pacific

Task Force 58 slowly withdraws from the coast of Japan under intermittant air attack. At 1454 hours, a kamikaze that narrowly misses the USS Hancock crashes into a destroyer in the Task Group 58.2 formation. At 1626, the USS Enterprise is damaged by friendly anti-aircraft fire as Task Force 58.2 fights off an attack force of 18 G4M 'Betty' bombers and an estimated 30 other aircraft. A number of the 'Bettys' are carrying manned MXY7 Oka rocket-propelled bombs, seen here by the US carrier pilots for the first time.

  • A VT(N)-90 TBM crew downs an unidentified airplane at sea at 0520 hours.
  • A VBF-86 F4U downs a C6N 'Myrt' reconnaissance plane at sea at 1120 hours.
  • A VF-47 F6F downs a Ki-44 'Tojo' fighter near Task Force 58 at 1300 hours.
  • VF-45 F6Fs down 2 B6N 'Jill' torpedo bombers 70 miles from Task Force 58 at 1440 hours.
  • A VF-47 F6F downs a D4Y 'Judy' dive bomber near Task Force 58 at 1630 hours.
  • A VF-6 F6F downs a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter near Task Force 58 at 1635 hours.
  • A VF-47 F6F downs a C6N 'Myrt' reconnaissance plane near Task Force 58 at 1640 hours.
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U-995 attacks Convoy JW-65 off Kola Inlet and torpedoes the US freighter Horace Bushnell (7176t) 24 miles east of Kilden Light. Heavy seas prevent the British destroyer Orwell from beaching the damaged ship, but she does rescue the survivors. Russian tugs later beach the freighter, but she is subsequently declared a total loss. U-968 torpedoes the freighter Thomas Donaldson (7210t) about 5 miles off Kilden Island. The British corvettes Bamborough Castle, Oxlip and Honeysuckle rescue the survivors. Attempts to tow the ship to safety fails and she sinks a half mile from Kilden Island.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-905 is sunk in an attack by Liberator 'B' or No 86 Squadron.


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Bernhard Schwarting
Location Atlantic, N of Cape Wrath
Cause Air attack
Casualties 45
Survivors None
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Britain, Home Front

The death of Lord Alfred Douglas, poet and much-maligned friend of Oscar Wilde is reported. He was 75.

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In the British XXXIII Corps sector, the 19th Indian Division takes the last major positions held by the Japanese in Mandalay. Mandalay is now totally under Allied control. This marks the consummation of Slim's victory over Gen Kimura's Burma Area Army, which now retreats toward Rangoon with losses up to a third of its strength.

In the northern sector the British 36th Division reaches Mogok and advances in the southeast toward Kyaukme.

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Eastern Front

Troops of the 1st Belorussian Front under Zhukov take Dabie Altdamm in Pomerania and wipe out the last German bridgehead across the Oder, opposite Stettin. In East Prussia, the 3rd Belorussian Front takes Braunsberg (Braniewo), near the coast northeast of Elbing. The Red Army keeps up strong pressure on Gdynia and Danzig. Gen Gotthard Heinrici, one of the best defensive tacticians in the German army, is appointed to succeed Himmler in command of the Vistula Army Group; until he does command is temporarily taken over by Gen Hans von Tippelskirch. Heinrici will have the task of building up defenses along the Oder for when the Soviets extend their advance toward Berlin, but Army Group Vistula has already lost a large part of its original force in the fighting a Pomerania. It is perhaps unnecessary to point out that only the small pockets holding out near Danzig are anywhere near the Vistula.


The Hermann Göring Panzer Corps is wiped out in Oppeln: 30,000 killed and 15,000 taken prisoner.[MORE]

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Germany, Home Front

Hitler makes his last public appearance, decorating children who had distinguished themselves in combat.

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Iwo Jima

The 5th Marine Division advances slowly northwest toward the sea.

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The carriers are replenishing to prepare for operations around Okinawa, but the Japanese attacks continue. The destroyer Halsey Powell (DD-686) is damaged by a suicide plane off Japan.

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  • The US submarine Devilfish (SS-292) is damaged by a suicide plane near the Volcano Islands.
  • The US submarine Blenny (SS-324) attacks a Japanese convoy of the coast of French Indochina sinking the merchant tankers No.21 Nanshin Maru (834t) and Hosen Maru (1039t) and the fishing boat Yamakuni Maru (500t)about 40 miles south of Cam Ranh Bay.
  • [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    On Luzon in the US I Corps sector the Americans advance from the Bauang area on San Fernando, which the Japanese have evacuated overnight. Fighting continues around Norton's Knob.

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    Western Front

    Units of the 78th Division, VII Corps, US 1st Army, continue to advance north along the Rhine and reach Geislar, Oberpleis and Bergahausen, cutting the road that runs from Eudenbach to Buchhols.

    In the US 3rd Army sector the 4th Armored Division, XII Corps, blocks the roads leading to Worms. The 94th Division, XX Corps, is still advancing swiftly; some units of the 12th Armored Division reach the Rhine north of Mannheim. While the 80th Division converges on Kaiserslautern, halting level with Enkenbach and Neukirchen, northeast of Kaiserslautern, the 10th Armored Division by-passes the town to north and south and makes for the sector between Neukirchen, Enkenbach and Hochspeyer.

    The US 7th Army is across the Siegfried Line in the XXI Corps and XV Corps sectors. The 70th Division of XXI Corps occupies Saarbrücken and makes contact with the XX Corps. On the right flank of the army, the divisions of the VI Corps are finding difficulty in penetrating the Siegfried Line.

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Images from March 20, 1945



Tank Crew South of Mandalay

Tank Crew South of Mandalay

Adolf Hitler Touches the Face a Hitlerjugend

Adolf Hitler Touches the Face a <i>Hitlerjugend</i>

A Lee Tank during the Advance

A Lee Tank during the Advance

Road Repair

Road Repair

Damaged B-24 Liberator

Damaged B-24 Liberator

Moving Into Saarbrucken

Moving Into Saarbrucken

US Soldiers Take Cover

US Soldiers Take Cover

A Lee Tank Supporting Infantry

A Lee Tank Supporting Infantry

Wednesday, March 21st

Air Operations, CBI

  • 13 10th Air Force B-25s and 18 P-47s attack troops and motor vehicles directly behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 34 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s sweep roads south of the battle areas.
  • 34 P-47s support Chinese Army ground forces in the Hsipaw area.
  • 6 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping in the South China Sea.
  • 37 V Bomber Command B-24s escorted by V Fighter Command P-38s attack the Samah airfield at Hainan.
  • 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack shipping near Nanao Island.
  • 4 51st Fighter Group P-51s attack rail facilities at the Vinh airfield.
  • V Bomber Command B-25s attack a convoy composed of 7 merchant ships escorted by 8 to 10 Japanese fighters. While shooting down an estimated 4 fighters, the B-25s sink a tanker, a submarine chaser, and a repair ship.
    • 1 B-25 is lost and 5 are damaged.
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Air Operations, Europe

Mosquitoes destroy Gestapo Headquarters in Copenhagen. 35 are killed including 9 Danish prisoners. Bombs accidentally dropped on a nearby Catholic grade school kill 86 pupils and 17 teachers. The 8th Air Force attacks Me-262 bases in western Germany.

Daylight Ops:
  • 178 aircraft including 150 Halifaxes, 16 Lancasters and 12 Mosquitos of Nos. 4, 6 and 8 Groups carry out an accurate attack upon the railway yards and the surrounding town area at Rheine.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost.
  • 160 Lancasters of No. 3 Group attack the railway yards at Münster and a nearby railway viaduct. The only information available from Münster is that 17 people were killed.
    • 3 Lancasters are lost.
  • 133 Lancasters and 6 Mosquitos of Nos. 1 and 8 Groups attack the Deutsche Vacuum oil refinery at Bremen. This appears to be an accurate raid in clear weather conditions.
    • There are no losses.
  • 20 Lancasters of No. 617 Squadron attack the Arbergen railway bridge just outside Bremen. 2 piers of the bridge are destroyed.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost.
Evening Ops:
  • 151 Lancasters and 8 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group attack Hamburg. The target for this raid is the Deutsche Erdölwerke refinery. The attack is accurate with 20 storage tanks being destroyed and putting the plant out of action until the end of the war.
    • 4 Lancasters are lost.
  • 131 Lancasters and 12 Mosquitos of Nos. 1 and 8 Groups carry out an accurate attack on the benzol plant at Bochum.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost.
Minor Ops:
  • 142 Mosquitos are sent in 2 attacks to Berlin, with some aircraft making 2 trips, and 3 Mosquitos to Bremen, 7 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group lay mines in Jade Bay and the Weser River, and there are 56 Mosquito patrols and 26 RCM sorties.
    • 1 Mosquito is lost on the Berlin raid and 1 RCM Fortress is lost.
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Air Operations, Pacific

  • Japanese piloted bombs make their first known appearance of the war while futilely attempting to attack the US naval fast carrier task force whose planes were striking targets on Honshu and Kyushu.
  • Japanese air attacks around Iwo Jima result in the sinking of the US carrier Bismarck Sea. Bombing and kamikaze raids start fires on the ship that rage out of control and force the crew to abandon the carrier.
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Air Operations, Philippines

  • V Bomber Command B-25s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack targets throughout Luzon.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack Cebu City.
  • V Bomber Command A-20s attack other targets on Cebu.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Western Pacific

Japanese fighters and bombers mount numerous small attacks against Task Force 58 in the area between the Ryukyu and Bonin islands. US Navy carrier-based F6Fs and F4Us down 54 Japanese aircraft at sea between 0336 and 1500 hours, and US Marine Corps carrier-based F4Us down a P1Y 'Galaxy' bomber and a J1N 'Irving' fighter at sea between 1030 and 1045, and 2 J2M 'Jack' fighters at sea at 1420 hours.

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Japanese resistance ceases in Mandalay. The British 2nd Division advances along the Ava-Mandalay road, and the 20th Indian Division puts pressure on Wundwin. The British 36th Division advancing down from northern Burma with the Chinese New 6th Army reaches Mandalay, and falls back under the British 14th Army jurisdiction.

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The Japanese begin to advance against the air base at Laohokow (Guanghua) in the province of Hupeh, northwest of Wuhan.

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Eastern Front

German Army Group E holds the attacks by Yugoslavs and Bulgarians against the Valpovo bridgehead across the Drava. The 3rd Ukraine Front takes the industrial district of Tatabanya, in Hungary, and occupies part of Székesfehérvár. The 1st Ukraine Front attacks in Silesia in the Ratibor-Grottkau (Raciborz-Grodkow) area and savage fighting still rages north and south of Breslau. The 2nd Belorussian Front maintains pressure on the Gdynia-Danzig sector.


The remnants of the German 3rd Panzer Army isolated on the east bank of the Oder River are liquidated near Altdamm: 40,000 killed and 12,000 captured.


As Soviet forces advance, the German 6th Army is fighting to prevent the encirclement of the 6th SS Panzer Army around Lake Balaton.[MORE]

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The carrier task force continues their replenishing task to prepare for operations around Okinawa, but the Japanese attacks continue.

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  • The Japanese submarine chaser No. 33 and cable layer Tateishi are both sunk by US Army aircraft in the South China Sea.
  • In an attack on a Japanese convoy off the coast of French Indochina, US submarine Baya (SS-318) sinks the auxiliary netlayer Kainan Maru (524t) off Cam Ranh Bay.
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On Luzon troops of the 33rd Division, US I Corps, join up with the Filipino guerrillas organized by American armed forces in the north of the island at San Fernando, which is occupied without opposition. The Americans now control all the west coast of Luzon. The 161st Infantry, 25th Division, attacks the Japanese positions west of Kapintalan, but powerful and accurate Japanese fire holds up the advance unitl April 8. The 27th Infantry, 25th Division, repels vigorous counterattacks by the enemy in the are of Mount Myoko.

In the XI Corps sector, units of the American 6th Division advance about 650 yeards, cutting the track leading from Antipolo northward by way of Guagua. Units of the 43rd Division occupy Mount Caymayuman, Mount Yabang and other heights; other units reach the top of Mount Tanauan. In the US XIV Corps sector, the 158th Infantry advances rapidly east of Cuenca as far as the foothills of Mount Macolod.

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Western Front

In the US 1st Army sector, the 78th and 1st Divisions, VII Corps, reach the Sieg River. Units of the XII Corps reach Bingen and extend their control along the Rhine as far as Frei Weinheim. The 90th Division is approaching Mainz and liberates much of the territory west of the Rhine. Units of the 4th Armored Division advance northward along the west bank of the Rhine to liberate the region between Worms and Oppenheim. Worms itself is occupied, while south of the city and as far as Mannheim the west bank of the Rhine is occupied by units of the XX Corps. Units of the 12th Armored Division reach the outskirts of Ludwigshafen. Farther south, the 10th Armored Division captures Neustadt, Darmstadt, Annweiler, Queichhambach and Demsieders.

The US 7th Army continues its offensive toward the Rhine. In the XXI Corps sector, the 63rd Division liberates the region around Neukirchen, while on the right flank of the army the 42nd Division, VI Corps, resumes the offensive toward the West Wall.

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Images from March 21, 1945



Railway yards at Rheine

Railway yards at Rheine

Arbergen Railway Bridge

Arbergen Railway Bridge

Artillery Support for Rhine Crossing

Artillery Support for Rhine Crossing

Jeeps on Railway Tracks

Jeeps on Railway Tracks

Churchill Tanks Firing on German Positions

Churchill Tanks Firing on German Positions

Avro Lancaster Bombing a Target

Avro Lancaster Bombing a Target

Royal Artillery 7.2-in Howitzers

Royal Artillery 7.2-in Howitzers

James M. Gavin Receiving the DSO

James M. Gavin Receiving the DSO

A Synthetic Oil Plant at Bohlen

A Synthetic Oil Plant at Bohlen

Loading Main Gun Rounds

Loading Main Gun Rounds

Thursday, March 22nd

Air Operations, CBI

  • 76 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack stores in Rangoon in 2 waves with 519 tons of bombs.
  • 12 10th Air Force B-25s and 41 fighter-bombers attack numerous targets directly behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 16 fighter-bombers support Chinese Army ground forces in the Hsipaw area.
  • 1 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25 and 24 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack rail yards and lines Chukiatsi, Shihkiachwang, and between Chenghsien and Sinsiang.
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Air Operations, East Indies

Japanese aircraft mount what turns out to be the last in a long series of attacks against US bases on Morotai.

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Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 227 Lancasters and 8 Mosquitos of Nos. 1 and 8 Groups are sent to bomb Hildesheim. The target is the railway yards. These are bombed, but the surrounding built-up areas also suffers severely in what is virtually an area attack. This is the only major Bomber Command raid of the war on Hildesheim and the post-war British survey found that 263 acres or 70 per cent of the town, had been destroyed. 4 Lancasters are lost.
      There is an attack on Dülmen by 130 aircraft includin 106 Halifaxes, 12 Lancasters and 12 Mosquitos of Nos. 4 and 8 Groups. This is an area attack and the town is soon burning after a concentrated raid in clear weather conditions. No other details are available.
    • There are no losses.
  • 124 aircraft including 100 Halifaxes, 12 Lancasters and 12 Mosquitos of Nos. 6 and 8 Groups bomb Dorsten. Dorsten is a rail and canal center and also the location of a Luftwaffe fuel dump. All these targets are believed to have been hit, but the town probably suffers as well.
    • There are no losses.
  • 100 Lancasters of No. 3 Group carry out a G-H attack on the town of Bocholt, probably with the intention of cutting communications. The town is seen to be on fire.
    • There are no losses.
  • 102 Lancasters of No. 5 Group attack bridges at Bremen (82 aircraft) and Nienburg (20 aircraft of No. 617 Squadron). The bridge at Nienburg is destroyed while the bombing at the Bremen bridge appears to be accurate, but no results are seen.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 56 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 8 to Paderborn and 6 to Bochum, 21 Lancasters and 8 Mosquitos lay mines in Oslo Fjord, and there are 30 Mosquito patrols and 39 RCM sorties.
    • 2 Intruder Mosquitos of No. 100 Group are lost.
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Air Operations, Formosa

Although briefed for multiple targets, poor weather over Formosa forces all of the 77 V Bomber Command B-24s dispatched to attack the airfield at Tainan.

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Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s, 494th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s, V Bomber Command A-20s and 1st Marine Aircraft Wing F4Us attack Cebu City and other targets on Cebu especially ammo and supply dumps.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s, B-25s and A-20s attack many targets on Luzon.
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The US freighter Charles D. McIver (7176t) sinks after striking a mine as she leaves Antwerp, Belgium in Convoy ATM-100. There are no casualties and the four boatloads of survivors are rescued by the British motor minesweeper BYMS-2278 and the tank landing ship LST-430. The freighter is later written off as a total loss.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • After a collison with the Canadian frigate New Glasgow, U-1003 then hit the bottom very violently at 60m. The U-boat surfaced to survey the damage. The damage was so extensive, it was decided to scuttle her.
  • U-1003

    ClassType VIIC/41
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Werner Struebing
    Location Atlantic, N of Lough Foyle
    Cause Collision/scuttling
    Casualties 18
    Survivors 31
  • German U-boats attack Wales-bound Convoy TBC-102 and Ghent,Belgioum-bound Convoy BTC-103. U-399 torpedoes and sinks the US freighter John R. Park (7194t). All hands are rescued by the US freigher American Press. U-1195 torpedoes and sinks the US freighter James Eagan Lane (7176t). British freigher Monkstone and rescue tug Flaunt picks up the survivors. The freghter is eventually beached by two tugs, but is subsequently written off as a total loss.
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Dutch East Indies

The Japanese carry out their last air raid on Morotai Island in the Moluccas.

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Eastern Front

The 3rd Belorussian Front continues its attacks against German pockets in East Prussia, while the 2nd Belorussian Front makes a little progress against the Germans' fortified line in front of Gdynia and Danzig. The 1st Ukraine Front breaches the enemy lines west and south of Oppeln (Opole) in Silesia. In Hungary, the 3rd Ukraine Front steps up its offensive to break through the German lines between Lake Balaton and the Danube. Hard fighting continues at Székesfehérvár.


The Soviet 49th Army reaches the Baltic near Zoppot, effectively isolating Danzig from Gotenhafen, and the German 4th Army is isolated at Heiligenbeil.


The Soviet 5th Shock and 8th Guards Armies linke up at Golzow, encircling 2,000 German troops in Küstrin.


The German 6th Army is overrun by the Soviet 4th, 6th Guards Tank and 9th Guards Armies, trapping the 6th SS Panzer Army. Dietrich orders his units to fight their way out to the west.[MORE]

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Iwo Jima

Supported by tanks armed with flame-throwers, the 5th Marine Div continues its slow advance toward the sea in the northwest of the island.

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As the task force continues to prepare for further operations on Okinawa, the Japanese continue their attacks but this day many are made by manned rocket bombs.

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The US submarine Perch (SS-313) sinks the Japanese Communication Vessel No. 463 en route to Balikpapan.

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On Luzon units of the US 25th Division, I Corps, advancing along the valley of the Putlan River toward Balete Pass are held up by strong Japanese resistance. In the other sectors mopping up proceeds in the positions taken the previous day.

The Americal Division prepares to invade the island of Cebu, west of Leyte and east of Los Negros. The US 8th Army under Gen Robert L. Eichelberger continues with its program for the systematic occupation of the southern Philippines. The islands are defended by 102,000 men of the Japanese 35th Army, mostly concentrated on Mindanao, under command of Gen Sosaku Suzuki.

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Ryukyu Islands

Since March 18 in preparation for the landing, Task Force 58 has been carrying out a series of air and naval attacks against the defenses of Okinawa and enemy shipping, damaging 16 Japanese warships and transports and destroying over 500 enemy aircraft on the ground or in combat.

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Don Juan, the Pretender, demands the resignation of Franco and the restoration of the Monarchy.

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Western Front

During the night the III Corps, US 1st Army, begins limited attacks across the Wied River. On the southern flank of the army the V Corps liberates the region between the Wied and Rhine Rivers. The XII Corps, US 3rd Army, completes the capture of the west bank of the Rhine and then prepares to cross the river. The 5th Division re-groups near Oppenheim and begins to cross the Rhine near Nierstein. In the XX Corps sector, the 89th Division prepares to cross the Rhine near the bridgehead established by the 5th Division. The 10th Armored Division, XII Corps, captures Landau.

Units of the US 7th Army continue their advance toward the Rhine. In the VI Corps sector the 103rd Division reaches Klingenmünster and the 36th approaches Bergzabern, while the 14th Armored Division completes the capture of Steinfeld.

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Images from March 22, 1945



RAF Bomb Bocholt

RAF Bomb Bocholt

Ruins of Wesel, Germany

Ruins of Wesel, Germany

Photo Taken by a Pilot

Photo Taken by a Pilot

Victor Bridge

Victor Bridge

US Troops Crossing the Rhine

US Troops Crossing the Rhine

784th Tank Battalion Preparing to Cross the Rhine

784th Tank Battalion Preparing to Cross the Rhine

Liberated Allied Prisoners

Liberated Allied Prisoners

Working On Iwo Jima Airstrip

Working On Iwo Jima Airstrip

Friday, March 23rd

Air Operations, CBI

  • 9 10th Air Force B-25s attack lines of communication.
  • 16 10th Air Force P-47s attack targets of opportunity in the Kunlong, Mong Nawng, and Wan Sing areas.
  • 15 P-47s support Chinese Army ground forces at Nakang and Nampongpang.
  • 11 P-47s attack barracks at Monglawng.
  • 3 P-47s attack supply dumps at Laihka.
  • 28 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s, escorted by 16 14th Air Force P-51s, attack the rail yard at Tsinan and a bridge spanning the Yellow River.
  • 5 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack occupied towns, stores and targets of opportunity at Hsiangcheng, Sinsiang, and Wuyang.
  • More than 50 fighter-bombers attack troops, horses and transportation targets in southern and eastern China and northern French Indochina.
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Air Operations, Europe

6,000 Allied planes participate in operations connected with the Rhine crossings.

Daylight Ops:
  • 128 Lancasters of Nos. 1 and 5 Groups attack bridges at Bremen (117 aircraft) and Bad Oeynhausen (11 aircraft). Both bridges are hit.
    • 2 Lancasters are lost on the Bremen raid.
  • 80 Lancasters of No. 3 Group attack Wesel, which is an important troop center behind the Rhine front in an area about to be attacked by British troops. The raid is accurate and there are no losses.
Evening Ops:
  • 195 Lancasters and 23 Mosquitos of Nos. 5 and 8 Groups carry out the last raid on the unfortunate town of Wesel. Wesel claims to have been the most intensively bombed town, for its size, in Germany. 97 per cent of the buildings in the main town area are destroyed. The population, which had numbered nearly 25,000 on the outbreak of war, is only 1,900 in May 1945.
    • There are no losses.
Minor Ops:
  • Support and 78 training aircraft make a sweep across France and as far as Mannheim, 65 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin and 23 to Aschaffenburg, and there are 39 Mosquito patrols and 41 RCM sorties.
    • 2 Mosquitos are lost on the Berlin raid.
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Air Operations, Formosa

  • 23 22nd Heavy Bomb Group B-24s and 14 43rd Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack 2 power plants, respectively, in central Formosa and cause such damage as to shut down 60 percent of the island's electrical power for the rest of the war.
  • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack Takao.
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Air Operations, Philippines

  • FEAF B-24s, B-25s and A-20s attack targets on Cebu and throughout the Visayan Islands, and targets on Luzon.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack targets on Mindanao.
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Air Operations, Ryukyu Islands

  • Task Force 58 carrier aircraft attack numerous pre-invasion targets on Okinawa and Kyushu. Numerous photographs of Japanese defensive systems taken by carrier aircraft will help in the final planning for the upcoming Allied invasion of Okinawa and other islands in the Ryukyus.
  • A VMF-123 F4U downs a B6N 'Jill' torpedo bomber at sea at 1005 hours.
  • 3 VBF-6 F4Us down a C6N 'Myrt' reconnaissance plane at sea at 1252 hours.
  • A VF-17 F6F downs a 'Myrt' reconnaissance plane 23 miles from Task Force 58 at 1610 hours.
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Battle of the Atlantic

The US tanker Oklahoma, bound for Dakar, French West Africa, is torpedoed and sunk by U-532 in mid-Atlantic. 36 of the 46-man crew and 14 of the 26 Armed Guard die in the resultin fire as the ship was carrying a cargo of high-octane gasoline and kerosene. Survivors will be picked up by another tanker on April 14.

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Britain, Home Front

Jockey 'Steve' Donoghue, winner of the Derby 6 times, dies at the age of 61.

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In the British XXXIII Corps sector Wundwin is occupied and a column from the 20th Indian Division moves north toward Kume. In the VI Corps sector the 7th Indian Division, with reinforcements from the 5th Indian Division, occupies Myingan. Fighting continues at Meiktila, which the Japanese are now trying to re-capture from the 17th Indian Division.

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Eastern Front

In the sector of the German Army Group North, northwest of Zoppot (Sopot), between Gdynia and Danzig, the 2nd Belorussian Front occupies further stretches of the coast and threatens to cut off the retreat of the German forces. The German navy supports operations along the Baltic coast, bombarding enemy positions and evacuating refugees and troops.


Severe fighting erupts on the outer defenses around Danzig as the 49th Army presses in from the north, the 65th from the west and 2nd Shock from the south.

A counterattack by 2 divisions of the 9th Army toward Kustrin is repulsed by the 8th Guards Army. A second attack later in the day also fails.


Komarno and its oilfields fall to the 7th Guards Army as did Esztergom to the 46th Army as the 3rd Hungarian Army is destroyed south of the Danube and the 8th Army thrown back to its north.

The 6th SS Panzer Army narrowly escapes from the Balaton area as the 26th Army to the south links up with the 4th and 9th Guards pushing in from the northeast. German defenses around Veszprem disintegrates as the 6th SS Panzer and 6th Armies begin a headlong retreat into Austria.

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France, Politics

De Gaulle announces that Indochina will be given a limited form of self-government after the war. He adds, however, that Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos will remain within the French Union.

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Gen Heinrich von Vietinghoff takes over command of German forces in Italy replacing Field Marshal Kesselring who has been withdrawn to the Western Front. Throughout March there have been small attacks by both II and IV US Corps of 5th Army in the area around the Pistoia-bologna road and to the west.

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  • The US destroyer Haggard (DD-555) is damaged after being rammed by the Japanese submarine I-371 in the Philippine Sea before sinking the submarine.
  • The US submarine Spadefish (SS-411) attacks a Japanese convoy in the East China Sea and sinks the transport Doryu Maru (2274t).
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On Luzon the US 5th Air Force begins a series of raids in the Legaspi area in preparation for a vast amphibious operation. San Fernando is taken by I Corps with help from Filipino guerrillas.

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Ryukyu Islands

  • The squadron of fast US aircraft carriers under Vice-Adm Mitscher, Task Force 58, launches a series of daily raids on Okinawa in preparation for the invasion. There are now 14 carriers organized in 3 groups.
  • The US submarine Seahorse (SS-304) is damaged by a Japanese bomber in the Ryukyu Islands area.
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Western Front

The 21st Army Group begins Operation PLUNDER, the offensive across the Rhine north of the Ruhr. Montgomery issues an Order of the Day: '21st Army Group will now cross the Rhine. The enemy possibly thinks he is safe behind this great river obstacle . . . we will show him he is far from safe behind it.' Monty also issues a 'no fraternization' order to his troops.

At 900pm following a heavy continued artillery and air bombardment, the Canadian 1st Army sends in its divisions north of Emmerich, while the British 2nd Army crosses the Rhine near Rees, the British XXX Corps, and Wesel, XII Corps. Two airborne divisions are also to be dropped to aid the crossing. The two towns are attacked by 2 British infantry divisions, the 51st and 15th.

In the US 1st Army sector, the 9th and 90th Divisions widen their bridgehead east of the Wied River, through which the units of the V Corps have also passed. The US 3rd Army advances in the Koblenz-Boppard sector, VIII Corps, and in the area of Wallerstädten-Erfelden and Oppenheim-Worms, XII Corps. Units of the 94th Division enter Ludwigshafen, while the 10th Armored Division, pushing on toward Lauterbourg, makes contact with units of the American 7th Armored Division.

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Images from March 23, 1945

British 6th Airborne Division Dropping East of the Rhine

British 6th Airborne Division Dropping East of the Rhine

A Mosquito Attack in Dalsfjord

A Mosquito Attack in Dalsfjord

B-24 Crash on Take Off

B-24 Crash on Take Off

Laying a Smoke Screen

Laying a Smoke Screen

POW Search

POW Search

Crossing the Rhine on a Combat Engineer Bridge

Crossing the Rhine on a Combat Engineer Bridge

Preparing to Cross the Rhine

Preparing to Cross the Rhine

British Commandos near Wesel

British Commandos near Wesel

Saturday, March 24th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 9 10th Air Force B-25s and 40 fighter-bombers attack troops, motor vehicles, supplies and targets of opportunity across central Burma.
  • 34 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s, escorted by 9 14th Air Force fighters, attack a locomotive park at Chenghsien and a bridge spanning the Yellow River.
  • More that 30 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and more than 100 fighter bombers, organized into one-to-eight-plane flights, attack Japanese Army troops, artillery positions, locomotives, motor vehicles, bridges and other targets across southern and eastern China.
  • In distant support of the upcoming Okinawa invasion, as a means to tie down Japanese aircraft in China, the 14th Air Force opens a campaign against Japanese air bases. In the first mission, 6 P-51s of the 311th Fighter Group's 530th Fighter Squadron, based at Ankang, mount a low-level sweep against air bases in the Nanking area. While attacking the airfields, the P-51s down a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter and a Ki-44 'Tojo' fighter over the Taichiaochan airfield at 1140 hours.
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Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • The final phase of the land war opens on this day, with the amphibious crossing of the Rhine on the Wesel sector and the airborne landings among the enemy defenses a few hours later. British Commandos capture Wesel in the early hours, just after the Bomber Command raid had left the defenders dead or too dazed to fight properly. The weather remained good for further Bomber Command operations. It is interesting to observe that the Ruhr is still supplying fuel and munitions for the fighting front which is now only 15 miles away and that tactical bombing and strategic bombing are taking place almost side by side.
  • 155 Halifaxes, 16 Lancasters and 6 Mosquitos of Nos. 4 and 8 Groups attack the railway yards at Sterkrade so successfully that, according to Bomber Command, there is 'complete destruction of a well packed marshalling yard'.
    • There are no losses.
  • 175 aircraft including 153 Halifaxes, 16 Lancasters and 6 Mosquitos of Nos. 6 and 8 Groups attack Gladbeck situated on the northern edge of the Ruhr and not far from the new battle area. The target is 'devastated'.
    • 1 Halifax is lost.
  • 173 Lancasters and 12 Mosquitos of Nos. 1, 6 and 8 Groups attack the Harpenerweg plant at Dortmund and the Mathias Stinnes plant at Bottrop. 3 Lancasters are lost on the Dortmund raid.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 67 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 8 to Nordheim and 2 which bombed both Berlin and Magdeburg on nuisance flights, and there are 33 Mosquito patrols and 38 RCM sorties.
    • There are no losses.
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Air Operations, Formosa

  • Using radar to bomb through heavy cloud, 22 V Bomber Command B-24s attack port facilities at Takao.
  • Other B-24s attack industrial targets near Okayama.
  • During the night 63rd Heavy Bomb Group SB-24s attack shipping and port facilities at Kiirun.
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Air Operations, Japan

  • During the night 223 of 248 XXI Bomber Command B-29s dispatched attack an aircraft engine plant at Nagoya while 3 B-29s attack other targets.
    • 5 B-29s are lost.
  • 5 VII Bomber Command B-24s base on Guam the Omura airfield on Kyushu and the town of Omura.
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Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s and V Bomber Command A-20s attack various targets on Cebu.
  • 24 494th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Japanese Army defenses around Naga, Cebu.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s open a pre-invasion bombardment effort against Legaspi, Luzon.
  • B-24s, B-25s, A-20s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack various targets on Luzon.
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Air Operations, Ryukyus

  • Allied surface warships and minesweepers, and carrier aircraft from Task Force 58 and Task Group 52.1 open final pre-invasion operations at various places in the island chain.
  • A strike force composed of 112 US carrier aircraft from Task Group 58.1 sink an entire 8-ship convoy 150 miles northwest of Okinawa.
  • A VBF-9 F6F downs a B6N 'Jill' torpedo bomber at sea at 1230 hours.
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The Allied Chinese New First Army links up with the Chinese 50th Division near Hsipaw, thus bringing the campaign in northern Burma to an end.

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Eastern Front

The Wehrmacht's front in Hungary is rapidly collapsing. Székesfehérvár falls to the attacks of Rodion Malinovsky's troops. The 8th Army, north of the Danube, and the 6th SS Panzer Army and the Hungarian 3rd Army, between Esztergom and Lake Balaton, west of Lake Balaton is the Hungarian II Corps, have suffered enormous losses from the attacks of the 3rd Ukraine Front.

The 6th SS Panzer Army, almost surrounded near Lake Balaton, succeeds in fighting its way out through a corridor a mile and a half wide. The German 2nd Panzer, deployed south of Lake Balaton, retires westward. Nevertheless the Germans launch powerful counterattacks to save Esztergom. The 3rd Ukraine Front, advancing over 62 miles in a few days on a vast front southwest of Budapest, captures a number of places, including Mor, Veszprém and Kisbér.

In Czechoslovakia, the 4th Ukraine Front has reached the upper Vistula and is exerting pressure on Gotthard Heinrici's Army Group, on the southern wing of Army Group Center, with the object of capturing the important industrial district of Moravska-Ostrava. Today the Front captures Sorau (Zary), having broken through the German LIX Corps on a front of 10 miles to a depth of 5 miles. 5 German divisions have been surrounded southwest of Oppeln (Opole).

In north Poland the Soviets take Spolot on the west coast between Gdynia and Danzig.


The 4th Ukrainian Front launches an offensive to capture the Moravska Ostrava industrial area, the 1st Guards, 18th and 38th Armies hitting the 1st Panzer.


The Soviet 4th Guards Army captures Mor and Kisber. To the south the 2nd Panzer Army is assaulted by the Soviert 57th Army, and the German formation is now in danger of being encircled by the 57th and 27th Armies.[MORE]

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Iwo Jima

The Americans are completing the liquidation of the last Japanese pockets, reduced to a few positions on the north coast. Gen Tadamichi Kuribayashi, said to be still alive, in one of the caves, is never found.

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The Japanese coast defense vessel No. 68 and the torpedo boat Tomozuru are sunk by US carrier-based aircraft in the South China Sea.

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On Luzon the 1st Cavalry Division, US XIV Corps, advances toward Lipa, north and south of Lake Taal, taking Santo Tomas without difficulty. The 187th Infantry attack Mount Macolod, strongly defended by the Japanese.

Units of the US 8th Army proceed with the capture and mopping up of Mindanao.

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Ryukyu Islands

The Americans have begun mine-sweeping operations in the waters around these islands, particularly Okinawa, which is bombarded by a squadron of warhips under Vice-Adm Willis A. Lee including 5 battleships and 11 destroyers. Scout planes from the carriers find a Japanese convoy south of Kyushu and all 8 ships in it are sunk.

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Western Front

Units of the XII Corps, British 2nd Army, capture most of Wesel, while the 15th Division crosses the Rhine north of Xanten.

In the largest airborne operation of the war, involving 5,051 aircraft and 40,000 men, some 3,000 aircraft and gliders drop or land northeast of Wesel about 14,000 paratroopers of the British 6th Airborne Division and the American 17th Airborne Division, XVIII Corps, Allied 1st Airborne Army, who join up with the British 2nd Army forces. By late evening, the bridgehead established by Montgomery's men has reached a depth of six miles. The US 9th Army begins to cross the Rhine with the divisions of the XVI Corps.

In the US 1st Army sector the III and V Corps extend and reinforce their bridgeheads.

On the southern flank of their line, too, the Allies are ready to pass to the offensive, with the units of the XV Corps, US 7th Army. By nightfall only a few hundred scattered German soldiers are left on the west bank of the Rhine. How many men of Hitler's armies have managed to retreat across the river is not known, but during the past weeks the American 3rd and 7th Armies have taken about 100,000 German prisoners.

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Images from March 24, 1945

Operation VARSITY

Operation V<small>ARSITY</small>

Operation VARSITY

Operation V<small>ARSITY</small>

Artillery Support

Artillery Support

Specialized Armor Moving Up to Cross the Rhine

Specialized Armor Moving Up to Cross the Rhine

C-47s and CG-4A Gliders before Take-off

C-47s and CG-4A Gliders before Take-off

Medic Trying To Save a Life

Medic Trying To Save a Life

Crossing the Rhine in Buffaloes

Crossing the Rhine in Buffaloes

US Troops Begin Moving Towards Their Objectives

US Troops Begin Moving Towards Their Objectives

Sunday, March 25th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 14 10th Air Force B-25s and 44 P-47s attack troops, stores, and road targets of opportunity across central Burma.
  • 26 P-47s support Chinese Army ground forces near Hsipaw.
  • More than 25 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and more than 150 14th Air Force fighter-bombers, organized in 1-to-8-plane flights attack numerous targets across southern and eastern China.
  • In the 530th Fighter Squadron’s second airfield interdiction mission to Nanking in two days, the P-51 pilots become embroiled in a melee with 22 Japanese fighters while strafing. 1 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter and 1 Ki-44 'Tojo' fighter are downed in the dogfights.
  • Under pressure from Japanese Army ground forces, 14th Air Force personnel destroy the airfield at Laohokow and withdraw from the area. As it turns out, Laohokow is the last 14th Air Force base to fall to the Japanese in the war. For the moment, however, Japanese ground forces continue their drive toward the 14th Air Forces airfields at Sian and Ankang. Chinese Army ground forces resisting the advance are assisted by 312th Fighter Wing units (81st Fighter Group, 311th Fighter Group, and 426th Night Fighter Squadron) north of the Yellow River and the CACW (1st and 2nd CACW Medium Bomb squadrons and 3d CACW Fighter Group) south of the Yellow River.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

8th Air Force B-24s bomb the underground oil stores at Hamburg.

Daylight Ops:
  • The Bomber Command operations on this day are directed to towns on the main reinforcement routes into the Rhine battle area. Heavy attacks are made on the railway routes through these towns and on the surrounding built-up areas.
  •   Hannover is attacked by 267 Lancasters and 8 Mosquitos of Nos. 1, 6 and 8 Groups. The bombing is observed to fall in the target area.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost.
  • 175 aircraft including 151 Halifaxes, 14 Lancasters and 10 Mosquitos of Nos. 4, 6 and 8 Groups raid Münster. Few results are seen by the bombers because the target area rapidly becomes smoke-covered. Münster reports a large number of bombs, but only 2 people are killed.
    • 3 Halifaxes are lost.
  • 132 Halifaxes, 14 Lancasters and 10 Mosquitos of Nos. 4 and 8 Groups are sent to bomb Osnabrück. Osnabrück reports extensive property damage throughout the town.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 8 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin and 1 Lancaster drops leaflets over The Hague.
    • There are no losses.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

  • 18 312th Light Bomb Group A-20s attack an alcohol plant at Kyoshito.
  • A 35th Fighter Group P-51 downs an A6M Zero off Formosa at 1900 hours.
  • During the night, 63rd Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s heckle Kiirun while 19 radar-guided V Bomber Command B-24s attack port facilities at Takao.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Pacific

  • 5th Air Force Liberators destroy a hydro-electric power station on Formosa.
  • The first kamikaze attack is carried out on US warships near Okinawa.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • Nearly 70 XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack Cebu City.
  • 23 494th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack ammo and supply dumps on Cebu.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack Legaspi.
  • V Bomber Command B-25s attack Pandanan Island.
  • B-25s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack various targets on Luzon.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

  • Task Force 58 and Task Group 52.1 carrier aircraft attack numerous pre-invasion targets on Okinawa.
  • Task Group 52.1 aircraft mount pre-invasion strikes against the Kerama Islands.
  • VC-92 FMs down 2 P1Y 'Galaxy' bombers and 1 Ki-44 'Tojo' fighter over the southern Ryukyus at 1823 hours.
  • One FM and its pilot are lost in an operational accident.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Volcano Islands

6th Night Fighter Squadron P-61 crews down 2 G4M 'Betty' bombers and probably down a third near Iwo Jima at about 2100 hours.

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Air Operations, Western Pacific

A VF-17 F6F downs an E13A 'Jake' reconnaissance plane near southern Kyushu at 0743 hours.

[rarrrarr | rarr]


The US 14th Air Force abandons Laohokow airfield after destroying the installations. But this is the last airfield that the Americans have to abandon. The continuing Japanese thrusts, toward Sian and Ankang, are halted by Chinese forces a short way from their objectives.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

In East Prussia the 3rd Belorussian Front takes Heiligenbeil while the 2nd Front capture Oliva near Danzig. The 2nd Ukraine Front joins in the advance of the 3rd Ukraine Front toward the Austrian frontier, advancing 30 miles and capturing Esztergom, desperately defended by the Germans, and also Tata and Tatabanya.

In Czechoslovakia the 53rd and 7th Guards Armies, with the Romanian 1st Army, begin to advance along the left bank of the Danube toward Bratislava, taking Loslaw. The Russian 40th Army and Romanian 4th Army have meanwhile liquidated the German bridgehead over the Hron River.


Heiligenbeil falls to the 3rd Belorussian Front, although the Germans continue to fight on a strip of land on the coast.


The 2nd Ukrainian Front launches its 7th Guards, 40th, 53rd and Romanian 1st and 4th Armies at the Hron River defenses, pushing the German 8th Army back as it establishes a bridgehead.[MORE]

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Japan, Home Front

The Imperial GHQ initiates Operation TENGO for the defense of Okinawa and Kyushu. Vice-Adm Matome Ugaki commands the kamikaze force '5th Air Fleet'.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]


In the Okinawa area Japanese suicide aircraft damage the US destroyer Kimberley (DD-521), the destroyer escort Sederstrom (DE-31), the light mine-laying vessel Robert H. Smith (DM-23) and the high-speed transport ships Gilmer (APD-11) and Knudsen (APD-101).

[rarr | rarrrarr]


The US submarine Tirante (SS-420) sinks the Japanese auxiliary netlayer Fuji Maru (703t) off Tori Jima, Japan.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


On Luzon the US 1st Cavalry Division moves on from Santo Tomas toward Tanauan; a column from the division occupies Los Baños. The 25th Division advancing toward Mount Myoko meets with powerful Japanese resistance.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Ryukyu Islands

The 17 escort carriers of Adm Calvin T. Durgin's TF 52 begin attacks on the same targets as the fleet carriers, both supplementing their efforts and giving them opportunities to refuel. There is a bombardment of the small island of Kerama Retto just to the west of Okinawa itself.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Western Front

The town of Wesel is liberated by the British XII Corps, 2nd Army. The various crossings of 21st Army Group are consolidated into one bridgehead 30 miles wide.

In the US 9th Army sector the XVI Corps maintains pressure on the east bank of the Rhine during the night and the early hours of the morning. The offensive of the VII and III Corps, 1st Army, continues in the area roughly between Cologne and Remagen.

The VIII Corps, US 3rd Army, opens an offensive across the Rhine at midnight, sending the 87th Division over to the east bank in the area of Braubach and Boppard. To the south Darmstadt is taken by XII Corps units who crossed at Nierstein. The 6th Armored Division, XII Corps, after crossing the Rhine opposite Oppenheim, heads for the Main River and Frankfurt; units of the 4th Armored Division reach Aschaffenburg and Hanau. All organized resistance west of the Rhine ends.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from March 25, 1945

British Paratroops in Hamminkeln

British Paratroops in Hamminkeln

British Troops with a 6-pdr Anti-tank Gun

British Troops with a 6-pdr Anti-tank Gun

DUKWs Ferrying Supplies

DUKWs Ferrying Supplies

British Triple 20-mm Anti-aircraft Guns

British Triple 20-mm Anti-aircraft Guns

Gliders Outside Hamminkeln

Gliders Outside Hamminkeln

Captured German Tank Destroyers

Captured German Tank Destroyers

Large Group of German POWs

Large Group of German POWs

Churchill on the East Bank of the Rhine

Churchill on the East Bank of the Rhine

A Japanese Tank Wedged Between Earth Banks

A Japanese Tank Wedged Between Earth Banks

Monday, March 26th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 10 10th Air Force B-25s and 28 P-47s attack troops, artillery positions, road targets, and supplies across central Burma.
  • A 2nd Air Commando Group P-47 brings down a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter over Rangoon's Hwambi airfield at 0625 and 1st Commando Group P-47s down 2 more 'Oscars' in the same action.
  • 15 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and more than 80 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack lines of supply and communication across southern and eastern China.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 86 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 2 each to Erfurt and Paderborn, and 2 which bomb both Berlin and Magdeburg on a 'siren tour'.
    • There are no losses.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

V Bomber Command B-24s attack Takao.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

4 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s attack the Kataoka naval base, but 2 flights of 4 B-25s are prevented by enemy fighters and bad weather from attacking canneries in the Kurile Islands.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • V Bomber Command B-24s, B-25s, and A-20s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack Legaspi and a fuel dump.
  • Fighter-bombers attack targets in northern Luzon.
  • A-20s and fighter-bombers support US 6th Army ground forces in southwestern Luzon.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s and V Bomber Command A-20s attack Cebu City and other targets on Cebu.
  • 5th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack pre-invasion targets at Legaspi, Luzon.
  • US 8th Army ground forces invade Cebu following a devastating air and naval bombardment. Cover and direct support is provided by Marine Air Group 14 F4Us based at the Guinan airfield on Samar, V Bomber Command A-20s based on Palawan, and FEAF fighters based on Leyte.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

  • Covered by Task Group 52.1 TBMs and fighter-bombers, US 10th Army ground forces open Operation ICEBERG with landings in the Kerama Islands, which will be converted into a seaplane base and a fleet anchorage. Opposition following a full-scale air and naval pre-invasion bombardment is negligible. Japanese aerial reaction is mainly in the form of uncoordinated attacks against shipping by 9 kamikazes.
  • Task Force 58 and Task Group 52.1 carrier aircraft attack numerous pre-invasion targets on Okinawa and Royal Navy carrier aircraft from Task Force 57 mount neutralization strikes against airfields in the Sakishima Islands.
  • US 5th Fleet destroyers and destroyer-minesweepers establish a radar picket barrier aimed at thwarting Japanese air attacks against the Okinawa invasion fleet. Each ship is host to a fighter-director team that can guide elements of a standing 'barrier combat air patrol' against attackers while the attackers are still some distance from the fleet off Okinawa.
  • A VC-84 FM downs a Ki-61 'Tony' fighter at sea at 0615 hours.
  • A VF-33 F6F downs a D3A 'Val' dive bomber at sea at 0618 hours.
  • A VF-6 F6F downs a Ki-61 'Tony' fighter at 0945 hours.
  • A VF-10 F4U downs a G4M 'Betty' bomber at sea at 2045 hours.
  • A VF-10 F4U downs a G4M 'Betty' at sea at 2130 hours.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Battle of the Atlantic

U-399 attacks the coastal Convoy BTC-108 and sinks the Coastal Pacific (362t). Trailing the convoy are ships of Escort Group 3. The British frigate Duckworth delivers a Hedgehog attack followed by other 'tin opener' attacks resulting in the sinking of the U-boat.


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Heinz Buhse
Location English Channel, SW of The Lizard
Cause Hedgehog
Casualties 46
Survivors 1
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Britain, Home Front

David Lloyd-George, Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor, dies at the age of 83.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

In Hungary, the 3rd Ukraine Front takes Papa and Devecser.

Dietrich's 6th SS Panzer Army and the 6th Army try to dig in on the Raba River, where they manage to contain the Russian thrust for two days.

In Czechoslovakia, the 2nd Ukraine Front takes the important road and railway junction of Banská Bystrica.

In East Prussia, the 3rd Belorussian Front continues with the liquidation of those German forces that have not been able to save themselves, while the 2nd Belorussian Front crushes the second line of defense in front of Danzig and Gdynia and reaches the third and last line defending these ports in many places.


The 19th Army begins the assault upon Gotenhafen.


The 26th Army captures Devecser as the 6th SS Panzer Army falls back to try and establish a line of defense on the Raab River. North of the Danube the 40th Army (2nd Ukrainian Front) takes Banska Bystrica.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Indian Ocean

British destroyers and Liberator bombers annihilate a Japanese convoy.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Iwo Jima

At dawn the remaining Japanese troops on the island launch a last desperate attack on the American forces, with no other aim than to kill as many Americans as possible. Of the 200 attackers, 196 are killed. At 8:00am the Americans declare that the capture of the island has been completed.

Only just over 200 of the Japanese garrison of 20,700 remain alive as prisoners of the Marines. It has cost them more than 20,000 casualties, of which about 6,000 have been killed and 17,200 wounded or about one-third of all those taking part in the campaign. In addition 90 US Navy personnel have died. The Japanese garrison of 21,500 men has been literally annihilated; the body of Gen Tadamichi Kuribayashi is never found. The island provides the Americans with a new air base against Japan and serves to enhance the effect of the air and sea blockade of the enemy country.



  • The British Pacific Fleet, TF 57, launches the first of many air strikes against airfields on Sakishima Gunto Island between Okinawa and Formosa.
  • The US destroyer Halligan (DD-584) sinks when it hits a mine in the Okinawa area. Damaged by suicide planes in the Okinawa area are the high-speed minesweeper Dorsey (DMS-1) and the minelayer Skirmish (AM-303).
  • The US submarine Balao (SS-285) sinks the Japanese army stores ship No.1 Shinto Maru (880t) in the middle of the Yellow Sea.
  • British destroyers Saumarez, Volage, Vigilant and Virago annihilate a Japanese Port Blair-bound convoy east of Khota Andaman. They sink the submarine chasers CH-34, CH-63, the transport Risui Maru (1500t) and the supply ship Teshio Maru (361t).
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


In the US I Corps sector, units of the 25th Division begin the final attack on Norton's Knob after the enemy positions have been 'softened up' by heavy air and artillery bombardment. In the XI Corps sector, units of the 1st Cavalry reach Malvar, while the 11th Division launches unsuccessful attacks on the Japanese positions on Mount Macolod and advances slowly toward Lipa.

American units, about 14,000 men commanded by Gen William H. Arnold from the Americal Division, come ashore near Talisay on Cebu Island. Overcoming the weak Japanese resistance, they advance on Cebu City, taking the line of the Mananga River before the end of the day. Adm Russell S. Berkey leads a bombardment group in support.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Ryukyu Islands

Forces of the US 77th Division land on Kerama Retto Island and on some nearby islets, in readiness for the main landing on Okinawa and overrun weak Japanese resistance. The operations are supported by aircraft and ships of the US 5th Fleet, namely the 10 battleships, 10 cruisers and 33 destroyers of TF 54 under Adm Morton L. Deyo. Japanese reaction is entrusted to a group of suicide aircraft, which manage to damage the battleship Nevada (BB-36), not seriously, the light cruiser Biloxi (CL-80) 4 destroyers: Murray (DD-576), Porterfield (DD-682), O'Brien (DD-725), and Callaghan (DD-792) and the destroyer escort Foreman (DE-633).

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Soviet Union, Home Front

Marshal Boris M. Shaposhnikov, former personal military adviser to Stalin and the Red Army's greatest strategist, dies after a protracted illness at the age of 62.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Western Front

Units of the British XXX Corps, 2nd Army, succeed in extending their bridgehead over the Ijssel. The front line of the XVIII Airborne Corps now runs between Ringenberg in the north and the Lippe River near Krudenberg in the south.

The swift advance of the XVI Corps, US 9th Army, continues without a break with average gains of from 2 to 3 miles per day.

In the US 3rd Army sector the 6th Armored Division, XII Corps, reaches the south bank of the Main River near Frankfurt and attempts to enter the city, under heavy bombardment from the Germans. The other divisions of the XII Corps, the 5th, 90th, 26th and 4th Armored, also reach the Main.

The 45th and 3rd Divisions of the XV Corps, US 7th Army, now cross the Rhine, in the early hours of the morning, the first near Hamm and Rhein, Dürkheim, the second near Worms and Mannheim.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from March 26, 1945

British Vehicles Crossing 'Lambeth Bridge'

British Vehicles Crossing 'Lambeth Bridge'

Churchill Crosses the Rhine

Churchill Crosses the Rhine

40-mm Bofors Gun In Action

40-mm Bofors Gun In Action

Talking to Scottish Troops

Talking to Scottish Troops

German Prisoners Taken by 6th Airborne Division

German Prisoners Taken by 6th Airborne Division

Alexander Patch Bridge

Alexander Patch Bridge

US Army Vehicles South of Darmstadt

US Army Vehicles South of Darmstadt

B-24 of the 460th Bomb Group

B-24 of the 460th Bomb Group

Tuesday, March 27th

Air Operations, Bonin Islands

Despite Japanese Army ground attacks against its base on Iwo Jima during the night, the VII Fighter Command’s newly arrived 21st Fighter Group, in P-51s, makes its combat debut in bombing and strafing missions against ground targets on Haha Jima.

[larr2rarr2 | rarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • More than 80 10th Air Force fighter-bombers attack troops and supplies along and directly behind the Japanese Army battle lines.
  • 25 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack occupied towns and road, rail, and river traffic at numerous locations.
  • 28 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack a bridge near Liuchow, an occupied town, and river traffic at several locations.
  • During the night, a 63rd Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24 sinks a cargo ship off the Liuchow Peninsula.
  • 28 51st Fighter Group fighter-bombers attack power facilities, trucks, trains, sampans, and other targets.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s mount a light attack against Sandakan.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

A V-2 destroys a block of flats in Hughes Mansions, Stepney, killing 131 and seriously injuring 49. 9 and one-half hours later, the last V-2 to reach Britain lands at Orpington, Kent. The V-2s have killed 2,754 civilians and seriously injured 6,523 more. The last V-1 launched at the UK lands in Kent on the 29th. V-1s have killed 6,184 civilians and seriously injured 17,981. Hitler's 'terror weapon', however, has not succeeded in breaking the British spirit. A fact usually ignored in histories of the war is that German long-range coastal batteries opposite Dover killed 148 and seriously injured 255 people.

Daylight Ops:
  • 268 Lancasters and 8 Mosquitos are sent to attack Paderborn where American troops are attempting to complete the encirclement of the Ruhr. The area is covered by cloud but the raid is still carried out with almost perfect accuracy and this old town is virtually destroyed in less than a quarter of an hour.
    • There are no losses.
  • 50 Lancasters of No. 3 Group carry out G-H raids on 2 benzol plants in the Hamm area. No results are seen, because of cloud, but dense black smoke rises through the cloud from both targets.
    • There are no losses.
  • 115 Lancasters of No. 5 Group attack an oil storage depot (95 aircraft) and a U-boat shelter (20 aircraft of No. 617 Squadron) at Farge on the Weser River north of Bremen. Both attacks appear to be successful. The results of the raid on the oil depot are not known, because this target is attacked with delayed-action bombs so that clouds of smoke would not obscure the target. The U-boat shelter is a particularly interesting target. It is a huge structure with a concrete roof 23 feet thick. It is almost ready for use when No. 617 Squadron attack it on this day and penetrate the roof with 2 Grand Slams which bring down thousands of tons of concrete rubble and render the shelter unusable.
    • There are no losses in these attacks.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 82 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 7 to Bremen, 4 to Erfurt and 3 each to Hannover and Magdeburg, 8 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group lay mines in the Elbe River, and there are 23 Mosquito patrols and 46 RCM sorties.
    • 4 Mosquitos are lost, 3 from the Berlin raid and 1 from the minelaying operation.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Kinsui.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • As part of the bombardment campaign leading to the upcoming Okinawa landings, more than 151 of 161 XXI Bomber Command B-29s dispatched attack an aircraft factory at Omura and the Oita and Tachiarai airfields on Kyushu while 3 B-29s attack other targets.
  • During the night 92 of 102 313th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s dispatched sow mines in Shimonoseki Strait and 2 B-29s mine other waters. This the first mission of a long-term night-mining campaign aimed at blockading Japanese shipping.
    • 3 B-29s are lost.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Pacific

B-29 Superfortresses based on Tinian begin a huge mining operation in Japanese waters, while the day and night bombing of the metropolitan Japanese islands is stepped up.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • 494th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack pre-invasion targets at Legaspi.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack airfields on Negros.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s and XIII Fighter Command P-38s attack targets around Cebu City.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s, B-25s, A-20s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack numerous targets on Luzon.
  • Fighter-bombers support US Army landings on Caballo Island.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

  • Task Force 58 and Task Group 52.1 carrier aircraft attack numerous pre-invasion targets on Okinawa, and Task Force 57 Royal Navy carrier aircraft attack airfields and support facilities in the Sakishima Islands.
  • Because of earlier strikes by Task Force 58 against their bases in Japan, from which their organizations have not yet been able to recover, kamikaze aircraft are able to mount only light, uncoordinated attacks against the US invasion fleet in the Kerama Islands. However, a US destroyer is severely damaged in a kamikaze attack at dawn, and a US battleship, a cruiser, and a destroyer are struck and damaged by 3 of 7 D3A 'Val' dive bombers that attack a force of fire-support vessels during the evening.
  • 2 VBF-6 F4Us down an A6M Zero 15 miles from Task Force 58 at 0353 hours.
  • A VF-17 F6F downs an H8K 'Emily' flying boat at sea at 0416 hours.
  • A VF-17 F6F downs a B6N 'Jill' torpedo bomber at sea at 0600 hours.
  • A VC-84 FM downs a D3A 'Val' dive bomber over the Kerama Islands at 0615 hours.
  • A VF-17 F6F downs a B6N 'Jill' torpedo bomber 35 miles from Task Force 58 at 0655 hours.
  • A VF-30 F6F downs a B6N 'Jill' torpedo bomber 10 miles from Task Force 58 at 0715 hours.
  • A VBF-83 F4U downs a twin-engine fighter at sea at 0759 hours.
  • A VF-17 F6F downs a C6N 'Myrt' reconnaissance plane 50 miles from Task Force 58 at 0815 hours.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-722 is sunk in a depth-charge attack by the British frigates Fitzroy, Redmill and Byron of Escort Group 21. Sufficient evidence is released after the attack to confirm the kill.
  • U-722

    ClassType VIIC
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Hans-Heinrich Reimers
    Location The Minches, ENE of Butt of Lewis
    Cause Depth charge
    Casualties 43
    Survivors None


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Günther Unverzagt
    Location Atlantic, W of Cape Wrath
    Cause Depth charge
    Casualties 51
    Survivors None
  • U-965 is attacked by the British frigate Conn of Escort Group 21. A few days later the Escapade carries out 'tin opener' attacks releasing enough evidence that the U-boat had been destroyed.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Britain, Home Front

    The last German V-2 rocket lands southeast of London at Orpington. The V-2 campaign has killed 2,855 British civilians and injured 6,268. As well as the 1,115 launched at British targets a further 2,050 were aimed at Antwerp, Brussels and Liège.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Diplomatic Relations

    Argentina declares war on Germany; this declaration brings the number of countries in the anti-German coalition to 53 out of the 70-odd sovereign countries including Andorra, San Marino, Liechtenstein and Vatican City, existing in the world today.

16 prominent anti-communist Poles including the deputy premier of the government-in-exile, are invited to a conference with Russian officials on political matters. When they arrive, all are arrested. The Poles are sent to Moscow and imprisoned, eliminating the last vestiges of anti-communist leadership remaining within Poland.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

South of the Danube, the Russian 46th Army surrounds and routs huge German forces west of Esztergom. Other forces of the 2nd Ukraine Front advance toward the Raba River, where the enemy forces try to stem their advance.

The 2nd Belorussian Front penetrates into Danzig and Gdynia where house-to-house fighting begins. The 1st Ukraine Front captures the towns of Strehlen (Strzelin), south of Breslau, and Rybnik, east of Ratibor (Raciborz), while the 4th Ukraine Front, operating southeast of Ratibor, seizes Zary (Sorau) and Wodzislaw. In Hungary and Czechoslovakia the 2nd and 3rd Ukraine Fronts continue their attacks.


The heartland of Prussian militarism is falling to the Red Army: the remnants of the 4th Army are annihilated, the Soviet 19th Army takes Gotenhafen, and the 2nd Shock and 19th Armies break into Danzig.


A counterattack by a weakened German 9th Army to relieve Küstrin fails and incurs 8,000 casualties.[MORE]

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


  • The Japanese cable layer Odate is sunk by the US submarine Trigger (SS-237) in the East China Sea.
  • The Japanese auxiliary minesweeper WA-1 is sunk by mine near the Deli River, Sumatra.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


On Luzon in the US I Corps sector, units of the 32nd Division open the offensive for the capture of Salcsac Pass No. 2 on the Villa Verde track. The 25th Division takes Norton's Knob and holds it against violent night counterattacks.

The units which landed on Cebu break through the weak Japanese resistance and take Cebu City, and advance beyond the town. The Japanese dig in on the surrounding hills. As on the other islands the Japanese are beginning to withdraw to inland strongholds where they will be confined and worn down by Filipino guerrillas.

In Manila Bay an American force lands on Caballo Island, better known to the former defenders of the island as Fort Hughes. After struggling to penetrate the Japanese defenses until April 5, the US forces will pour thousands of gallons of a diesel/gasoline mixture into the fort and set it on fire. Even after this treatment the Japanese resistance is not entirely finished.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Ryukyu Islands

The Americans proceed with the occupation of Kerama Retto and the neighborong islands in preparation for the invasion of Okinawa.

Japanese suicide pilots continue to attack American ships, damaging the aircraft carrier Essex (CV-9), the light minelayer Adams (DM-27) and the high-speed minesweeper Southard (DMS-10).

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


The V-2 rocket lands in England killing 131 people in Orpington, London.


Western Front

The 51st Division, British XXX Corps, 2nd Army, reaches the Ijssel River at Ijsselburg, while the XVIII Airborne Corps advances rapidly some 10 miles across the Wesel forest.

In the US 9th Army sector, the 79th Division of the XVI Corps advances very slowly from the south toward the Ruhr area, where a huge German pocket of resistance is being formed. The VIII Corps, US 3rd Army, further widens and strengthens its bridgehead across the Rhine, mainly in the sector facing Wiesbaden. Further south, where the XX Corps is operating, the 80th Division completes its preparations for the crossing of the Rhine and the Main in the Mainz sector.

The French 1st Army quickly regroups in readiness for an offensive across the Rhine in the area of Germersheim.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from March 27, 1945

Allies Enter Frankfurt

Allies Enter Frankfurt

Aftermath of a V-2 bombing at Hughes Mansions

Aftermath of a V-2 bombing at Hughes Mansions

Worms, Germany

Worms, Germany

US 8th Army Landing at Cebu

US 8th Army Landing at Cebu

Crossing the Danube

Crossing the Danube

Crossing the Rhine near Koblenz

Crossing the Rhine near Koblenz

US Troops Cross the Lahn

US Troops Cross the Lahn

V-2 Damage at Kynaston Road

V-2 Damage at Kynaston Road

Wednesday, March 28th

Air Operations, CBI

  • More than 30 10th Air Force fighter-bombers attack troops, pack elephants, supplies and targets of opportunity directly behind the Japanese Army battle line.
  • 14 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s operating in flights of 1 to 4 aircraft attack river traffic and targets of opportunity across southern and eastern China.
  • 9 B-25s attack junks, stores and targets of opportunity at Lushan.
  • 9 B-25s and 8 14th Air Force P-40s attack river traffic and targets of opportunity between Sienning and Yanglowtung.
  • 7 B-25s attack Chingmen.
  • 120 fighter-bombers attack Canton, Hankow, and the Kaitak and Wuchang airfields on Hong Kong and troops and road, rail and river traffic across southern and eastern China and northern French Indochina.
  • During the night 10 40th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mouth at the mouth of the Whangpoo River and in a channel of the Yangtze River at Shanghai.
  • 6 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack port facilities at Hanoi and Haiphong and a barracks at Bakli Bay.
  • V Bomber Command B-25s attack coastal targets, including a Japanese convoy near Ben Goi Bay from which 4 or 5 ships are sunk.
  • 475th Fighter Group P-38s down 11 Japanese fighters over and around Ben Goi Bay between 1150 and 1220 hours.
  • During the night 17 40th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s off Saigon and Camranh Bay.
  • At 1100 hours, in response to a sighting by a night search plane, 1 63rd Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24 attacks a large coastal convoy. 3 bombs dropped on a tanker are duds, but a second run on a cargo ship leaves the vessel in sinking condition. The B-24, already damaged by ships' fire, is attacked by 2 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighters during its withdrawal. 2 of the crew are killed and the hydraulic system is knocked out, but while the pilot wrestles to keep the B-24 in flight, a gunner downs 1 of the 'Oscars'. The B-24 crash lands at its base 7 hours later without additional casualties.
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Air Operations, Formosa

After being weathered out of the airfield at Okayama, 24 V Bomber Command B-24s attack Tainan.

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Air Operations, Japan

  • Dispatched to attack a Japanese surface force reported to be en route to the Okinawa area, Fleet Carrier Air Group 10 strike aircraft armed with 11.75 inch aerial rockets attack several small vessels in Japanese waters. The results are inconclusive, and so the bulky, hard to handle experimental rockets are withdrawn from use by carrier aircraft.
  • While searching for the Japanese surface battle force, VMF-112 F4Us down 1 E13A 'Jake' reconnaissance plane and 1 B5N 'Kate' torpedo bomber over Kagoshima Bay between 1615 and 1656 hours.
  • Vf-17 and and Vf-82 F6Fs down 1 A6M2-N 'Rufe' fighter-bomber, 1 C6N 'Myrt' reconnaissance plane, a glider-towing G3M 'Nell' bomber, a utility plane, 1 A6M Zero and 1 Ki-45 'Nick' fighter off souther Kyushu between 1630 and 1645 hours.
  • A VF-17 F6F downs an E13A 'Jake' reconnaissance plane near Kagoshima Bay at 1700 hours.
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Air Operations, Malaya

During the night 32 40th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines off Singapore.

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Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Likanan airfield on Mindanao.
  • B-24s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack targets on Luzon.
  • FEAF B-25s and A-20s attack Japanese Army ground troops at Baguio and Ilagan on Luzon.
  • Various bombers attack the Cebu City area and airfields on Negros.
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Air Operations, Ryukyus

  • Task Force 58 carrier aircraft and Task Group 52.1 aircraft attack numerous pre-invasion targets on Okinawa. Task Group 52.1 aircraft also attack targets in the Sakishima Islands while Task Force 57 withdraws to refuel.
  • A VC-84 FM downs a D3A 'Judy' dive bomber over the Yontan airfield on Okinawa at 0630 hours.
  • A dawn kamikaze attack on the US bombardment force is weak and ineffectual, but an Okinawa-based warplane damages a large landing craft, and 10 snoopers are downed by US surface ships during the course of the night.
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Battle of the Atlantic

Wreckage brought up from a contact attacked by the British destroyers Hesperus and Havelock assisted by Sunderland 'H' of 201 Squadron is conclusively identified as coming from U-246. The cause of the U-boat's demise is unknown but is attributed to an accident like snorkel failure or battery explosion.


ClassType VIIC
CO Kapitänleutnant Ernst Raabe
Location Irish Sea, St George's Channel
Cause Unknown
Casualties 48
Survivors None
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The Japanese have failed in their efforts to retake Meiktila and while they have been involved in this area XXXIII Corps has been making important gains to the north. Gen Hyotaro Kimura, commanding Japanese forces in Burma, decides that with his main communications cut, he must try to retreat as best he can. Many of the Japanese will manage to escape via Thazi to the east of Meiktila.

Soldiers of the Burma National Army revolt against the Japanese in central and southern Burma and join forces with the Allies. The BNA has, over recent months, been infiltrated by the Allied Special Operations Executive (SOE), which captialized on the low status afforded to the BNA by the Japanese Army.

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Eastern Front

Troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front capture Gdynia and the western part of Danzig. The 2nd Ukraine Front, continuing its advance to the west along the south bank of the Danube, takes Györ, reaches the Raba River, and breaches the German defense line on a front of 12 miles, captures Sarvar.


The battle to hold the Heilegenbeil Pocket has cost the German 4th Army 93,000 killed, 47,000 wounded and 605 tanks, 3,600 pieces of artillery, 1,400 mortars and 130 aircraft destroyed.[MORE]

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Germany, Command

After a blazing row with Hitler, Gen Heinz Guderian is dismissed from his post as Chief of the Army General Staff. His replacement if Gen Hans Krebs, a far less talented officer. Although Guderian has only been able to achieve a fraction of his aims against Hitler's opposition he has managed to preserve some sanity in the actions of the German High Command. He is the last of the famous German leaders from the early war period to be dismissed.

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  • The US minesweeper Skylark (AM-63) is sunk by a mine in the Okinawa area. Also in the Okinawa area, the US attack cargo ship Wyandot (AKA-92) is damaged by a Japanese bomber.
  • Damaged in a collision in the Iwo Jima area is the US repair ship Agenor (ARL-3).
  • The Japanese coast defense vessel No. 33 is sunk by US carrier-based aircrafte off Kyushu, Japan. Also off Kyushu, the US submarine Threadfin (SS-410) sinks the Japanese frigate Mikura (955t).
  • US Army aircraft sink the Japanese minesweeper No. 11 and patrol boat No. 108 in the Netherlands East Indies area.
  • Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser CHA-178 is sunk by mine off Shimonoseki and the cargo ship Tensei Maru sinks on a mine in Wakamatsu harbor.
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On Luzon in the US I Corps sector, the 27th Infantry makes good progress in the Mount Myoko sector. In the XI Corps sector, units of the 20th Infantry reach the summit of Mount Mataba, but Japanese resistance is still powerful. In the XIV Corps sector, the US 1st Cavalry Division reaches the outskirts of Lipa and San Agustin. American attacks on Mount Macolod are still unsuccessful.

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Western Front

Gen Eisenhower modifies the plans and the direction of the final assault of his troops. The final objective is no longer Berlin, which the Russians are rapidly approaching from the east, but Leipzig. He sends a controversial signal to Stalin giving details of his order of battle and saying that he intends to send the main weight of his advance across southern Germany and Austria. The main thrust is to be toward Erfurt and Leipzig and a secondary effort is to go for Nüremberg, Regensburg and Linz. The British protest very strongly about this signal suggesting that decisions of such importance should not be taken by Eisenhower alone and that he is also overstepping his authority in communicating directly with the Soviets. The British would prefer the advance to be directed on Berlin as has been the plan up to now for the political value of this move. They believe that this plan is superior to one based on doubtful reports and worries of the preparation of a German National Redoubt in Bavaria. Both Churchill and the British Chiefs of Staff present this case to Washington. Pres Roosevelt has now become so weakened by his illness that most military decisions are left to Gen Marshall and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Marshall has always been inclined to favor military rather than political reasoning in making strategic decisions and, therefore, confirms his support for Eisenhower. With the advantage of knowledge of future Soviet behavior, it is easy to comment that the war was fought for political and not military reasons, and that an advance to Berlin might have left the Western Allies in a stronger position in postwar Europe.

The British 2nd Army begins its advance toward the Elbe.

The 15th Army, composed of the XXII and XXIII Corps, is given a double mission: to control the besieged fortresses of Lorient and St Nazaire, on the west coast of France, and to occupy, garrison and administer the Rhineland in Germany. Meanwhile north of Idstein, on the Cologne-Frankfurt autobahn, the US 1st Army links up with the 3rd Army.

In the American 1st Army sector the VII, III and V Corps reach the Lahn River. Marburg is taken by US III Corps which has made a rapid advance from the Remagen bridgehead.

The 80th Division, XX Corps, US 3rd Army, attacks simultaneously across the Rhine and the Main, taking a firm bridgehead in the Mainz sector.

The 45th Division, XV Corps, US 7th Army, reaches the Main in the neighborhood of Obernau and succeeds in establishing a bridgehead across the river. Further south, the 44th Division advances along the Rhine and crosses the Neckar in the direction of Mannheim and Heidelberg.

At this point the general situation on the front is as follows: starting from the Emmerich area in the north, the Allies have formed a huge wedge reaching as far as Haltern, on the Lippe River, then turning back toward Essen, continues southward passing through Düsseldorf, Cologne and Bonn and then jutting out 60-odd miles to the east as far as Marburg, Giessen and Wiesbaden, before following the course of the Main for a short distance south of Frankfurt, to reach Lauterbach in the northeast, withdrawing again toward Aschaffenburg and Mannheim, finally following the course of the Rhine as far as Strasbourg. 3 German army groups are looking for some way of stemming the Allies advance: on the northern flank Gen Johannes Blaskowitz's Army Group H, with the 25th Army and 1st Parachute Army, in the center Gen Walther Model's Army Group B, formed of Gen Gustav-Adolf von Zangen's 15th Army and Gen Hasso von Manteuffel's 5th Panzer Army, and in the south Gen Paul Hausser's Army Group G, with Gen Hans Felber's 7th Army and Gen Hermann Förtsch's 1st Army.

Heinz Guderian, Chief of the General Staff of the Wehrmacht, is replaced by Gen Hans Krebs.

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Images from March 28, 1945

Crossing the Rhine in a Buffalo

Crossing the Rhine in a Buffalo

Sharing a Brew

Sharing a Brew

Canadians Stacking 75-mm Shells

Canadians Stacking 75-mm Shells

German Civilians Lining Up for Water

German Civilians Lining Up for Water

Using a Scissors Bridge

Using a Scissors Bridge

Thunderbolt Fighters on Guam

Thunderbolt Fighters on Guam

Rations Being Handed Out to Displaced German Civilians

Rations Being Handed Out to Displaced German Civilians

Night Barrage in the Philippines

Night Barrage in the Philippines

Thursday, March 29th

Air Operations, Bonin Islands

During the night VII Fighter Command P-61s open an almost-nightly harrassment effort against Japanese airfields on Haha Jima and Chichi Jima. The effort will continue through the night of April 20.


Air Operations, CBI

  • Despite bad weather over the battle areas in central Burma, 14 10th Air Force B-25s are able to attack Japanese Army troops and 2 bridges immediately behind the Japanese battle lines.
  • 11 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping in the South China Sea at Bakli Bay and Samah Bay, and at Haiphong, French Indochina.
  • 18 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s, escorted by 12 14th Air Force P-40s, attack rail facilities at Yoyang.
  • 4 B-25s attack shipping around Liuchow.
  • 1 B-25 and more than 90 fighter-bombers attack airfields around Amoy, the Kaitak airfield on Hong Kong, and troops, transportation targets, and supplies across southern and eastern China and northern French Indochina.
  • During the night 1 of 3 63rd Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s dispatched against Yangtze River shipping claims one merchant ship sunk.
  • 2 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack rail targets and the town area at Dong Giao.
  • 475th Fighter Group P-38s down 7 A6M Zeros over Cap Batangan between 1135 and 1155 hours.
  • The large convoy attacked off the coast a day earlier by one B-24 is attacked with the aid of tracking aircraft by 31 345th Medium Bomb Group B-25s, which claim the sinking of 4 Japanese destroyers or frigates, 3 large cargo ships, 1 small cargo ship, and 1 patrol craft. 11 B-25s are damaged by ships’ fire.
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Air Operations, Europe

The 2,419th, and last, V-1 reaches Greater London. The casualty counts: from V-1s, 6,184 dead, 17,918 badly injured; from V-2s, 2,754 dead, 6,523 badly injured.(see above for numbers?)

Daylight Ops:

  • 130 Lancasters of No. 3 Group carry out a G-H raid on the Hermann Goering benzol plant at Salzgitter. No results are seen through the cloud.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 48 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 7 to Harburg and 3 each to Bremen and Hannover.
    • There are no losses.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack Toshien.
  • 18 B-24s attack port facilities at Kiirun.
  • 16 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack a power plant and oil refinery at Byoritsu.
  • 18 A-20s attack a sugar refinery at Eiko.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • Failing to locate any elements of a Japanese battle fleet reportedly sallying from its bases, air groups from 3 Task Force 58 task groups attack air bases in southern Kyushu and several Japanese gunboats located along the return routes to their ships.
  • 6 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s attack the Kataoka naval base.
  • VF-46 F6Fs down 4 Ki-84 'Frank' fighters over Kagoshima Bay at 0730 hours.
  • A VF-47 F6F downs a D4Y 'Judy' dive bomber 40 miles from Task Force 58 at 0730 hours.
  • A VMF-221 carrier-based F4U downs an A6M Zero at sea at 0811 hours.
  • A VF-46 F6F downs a Ki-44 'Tojo' fighter at sea at 0900 hours.
  • VF-6 F6Fs down 6 A6M Zeros and a utility airplane at sea between 1140 and 1225 hours.
  • 2 VF-47 F6Fs down a D4Y 'Judy' dive bomber near Task Force 58 at 1400 hours.
  • A VF-23 F6F downs a D4Y 'Judy' dive bomber over Task Group 58.4 at 1405 hours.
  • A VBF-83 F4U downs an A6M Zero 25 miles from Task Force 58 at 1442 hours.
  • VF-10 F6Fs down 6 A6M Zeros and 1 J2M 'Jack' fighter at sea at 1500 hours.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Malaya

During the night, in the last mission undertaken by B-29s based on mainland Asia, 24 40th Very Heavy Bomb Group attack oil stores at Singapore and 2 B-29s attack alternate targets.

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Air Operations, Pacific

US aircraft from 2 carrier task groups attack Japanese shipping and aircraft in the Kagoshima Bay area, Kyushu, Japan.

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Air Operations, Philippines

  • FEAF B-24s attack Camalaniugan.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s and V Fighter Command P-51s attack pre-invasion targets at Legaspi and in the Legaspi area.
  • B-25s support US 8th Army ground forces on Cebu.
  • V Bomber Command A-20s attack various targets on Luzon and support US 8th Army ground forces on Negros.
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Air Operations, Ryukyus

Despite bad weather that hampers flight operations, Task Force 58 and Task Group 52.1 carrier aircrft attack numerous pre-invasion targets on Okinawa, and Task Group 52.1 aircraft attack targets in the Sakishima Islands. 2 VC-87 FMs down a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter over the Yontan airfield on Okinawa at 0650 hours.

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Battle of the Atlantic

Liberator 'O' of No 224 Squadron is on a routine anti-submarine patrol when a wake is spotted. After a depth-charge attack U-1106's stern is visible for a moment before sinking.


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Erwin Bartke
Location N of Shetlands
Cause Air attack
Casualties 49
Survivors None
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


The 7th Indian Division, supporting the operations of the 5th Indian Division in the Taungtha-Meiktila area, is placed under command of the British XXXIII Corps.

With Mandalay taken, and Britain's XXXIII Corps now able to support the Indian 17th Division around Meiktila, the Japanese Burma Area Army is ordered to withdraw southward. Gen Heitaro Kimura uses the Mandalay-Thazi rail route to escape with a large number of troops. British forces follow closely, the ultimate objective now being the vital port of Rangoon.

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Eastern Front

Troops of the 3rd Ukraine Front enters Austria. South of Lake Balaton, the Russian 57th Army and Bulgarian 1st Army concentrate their attacks on the German 2nd Panzer Army. The Russians capture Szombathely, Köszeg and Kapuvar. In East Prussia, the 3rd Belorussian Front is engaged in the liquidation of the trapped German forces southwest of Königsberg. Bitter fighting continues in the eastern part of Danzig.


Küstrin falls to the Soviet 5th Shock and 8th Guards Armies. The commander of the K¨strin garrison, SS Lt-Gen Heinz Rheinefarth, leads a breakout at the head of 1,600 troops just before midnight. He and his men reach German lines, only for him to be arrested on the orders of Hitler.


The northern flank of the 2nd Panzer Army is encircled by the Soviet 27th and 57th Armies south of Lake Balaton.[MORE]

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Germany, Home Front

Goebbels says: 'The Germans must stay on their feet no matter how, just stay on their feet, and then the moral and historical superiority of the German people can manifest itself.'

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  • US Army aircraft sink the Japanese submarine chaser No. 192 off Formosa and coast defense vessels Nos. 18 and 130 in the South China Sea.
  • The Japanese coast defense vessel No. 84 is sunk by the US submarine Hammerhead (SS-364) in the South China Sea.
  • The Japanese auxiliary patrol vessel PA No.173 is sunk by mine at Wakamatsu, Japan.
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On Luzon in the US XIV Corps sector, the 1st Cavalry Division takes Lipa and its airfield.

Units of the US 8th Army land at Patik in Negros Island. There is hard fighting on Cebu Island, where the Japanese mine a mountain spur and blow it up, the Americans suffering heavy losses. On Mindanao Japanese resistance in the Zamboanga sector crumbles, but mopping-up operations take some time. Filipino guerillas with American assistance land on Masbate and take the town of that name.

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Ryukyu Islands

The US 77th Division completes the capture of Kerama Retto. In the several islands that they have occupied, the Americans prepare flying-boat bases. The waters around Okinawa have already been cleared of mines, so that US naval ships can come in near to the coast and carry out massive bombardments.

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Western Front

While the Canadian II Corps, British 2nd Army, continues to meet strong resistance in its advance toward Emmerich, the British VIII Corps advances rapidly toward Osnabrück.

In the US 1st Army sector, the III Corps begins its offensive northward to cross the Eder. East of Giessen the XX Corps, US 3rd Army, reaches some objectives northeast of Steinbach. Frankfurt is taken finally by the US 5th Division. The 44th Division, XV Corps, US 7th Army enters Mannheim. French forces cross the Rhine near Germersheim.

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Images from March 29, 1945

Lancaster Veterans of No 550 Squadron

Lancaster Veterans of No 550 Squadron

Churchill Tanks Carrying Paratroopers

Churchill Tanks Carrying Paratroopers

Encountering a Newly Liberated Elephant

Encountering a Newly Liberated Elephant

Clearing the Road of Burning German Vehicles

Clearing the Road of Burning German Vehicles

Churchill Tanks Pass Through Dorsten

Churchill Tanks Pass Through Dorsten

Fighting in Mannheim, Germany

Fighting in Mannheim, Germany

British Soldiers Move Through Weseke

British Soldiers Move Through Weseke

Soviet Vehicles in Danzig

Soviet Vehicles in Danzig

US Troops Using the Autobahn

US Troops Using the Autobahn

Friday, March 30th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 7 10th Air Force B-25s attack road bridges at several locations.
  • 7 B-25s attack troops, motor vehicles, and supplies at Kongleng and near Laihka.
  • 41 10th Air Force P-47s and 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack troops and supplies at Loiwing, Nawnghkio, and Pawngleng.
  • 5 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Samah Bay, Hainan.
  • 10 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Hsuchang.
  • 9 B-25s attack Changanyi.
  • 9 B-25s attack rail yards at Yanglowtung.
  • 4 B-25s and 24 14th Air Force P-40s attack a bridge at Chungmow.
  • 2 B-25s attack the airfield at Hankow.
  • 2 B-25s attack Neihsiang.
  • 1 B-25 attacks several towns.
  • More than 100 fighter-bombers attack the airfields at Kanchou and Hangchow and nearby rail yards, and numerous other targets across southern and eastern China.
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Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack Oelin and Kuching.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

In US attacks on the north German ports of Wilhelmshaven, Hamburg and Bremen, the cruiser Köln, 14 U-boats and 11 other vessels are sunk. Sunk at Wilhelmshaven are the U-boats U-96, U-429 and U-3508; at Hamburg, U-2340; at Bremen, U-72, U-329, U-430, U-870, U-884, and U-886.

Also sunk some time in March by US army aircraft at Hamburg are the U-boats U-348, U-350 and U-1167.

Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 43 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 43 to Erfurt, 4 to Nordingen and 3 each to Hamburg and Kiel, 6 Mosquitos lay mines in Jade Bay and the Weser River, and there are 31 Mosquito patrols and 36 RCM sorties.
    • 1 Mosquito is lost on the Berlin raid.
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Air Operations, Formosa

  • V Bomber Command B-25s attack industrial targets at Toyohara, a refinery and barracks at Taichu, sugar refineries at Kori and Tenshi, and rail lines along the way.
  • 312th Light Bomb Group A-20s attack alcohol and sugar plants at Shinei.
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Air Operations, Japan

  • During the night 12 314th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s mount a diversionary strike against an aircraft-engine plant in Nagoya while 85 of 94 313th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s dispatched sow mines in Shimonoseki Strait.
    • 1 B-29 is lost.
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Air Operations, Philippines

  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack Balete Pass and the Solvec Cove area of Luzon.
  • FEAF B-24s and V Bomber Command A-20s support US 8th Army ground forces on Cebu and attack several targets on Luzon.
  • P-38s attack artillery positions near Santa Fe, Luzon.
  • Fighter-bombers mount ground-support strikes near Fort Stotsenburg and Laguna de Bay.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s, B-25s, and XIII Fighter Command P-38s attack Bongao Island and Sanga Sanga in the Sulu Archipelago, but plans for XIII Bomber Command B-24s to attack pre-invasion targets in and around Legaspi, Luzon, are curtailed by bad weather.
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Air Operations, Ryukyus

Despite bad weather that hampers flight operations, Task Force 58 and Task Group 52.1 carrier aircraft attack numerous pre-invasion targets on Okinawa. Task Group 52.1 aircraft attack targets in the Sakishima Islands. A VF-10 F6F downs a G4M 'Betty' bomber at sea at 0045 hours, and VBF-83 F4Us down 2 D3A 'Val' dive bombers at sea at 0805 hours.

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In the north the British 36th Division, which has resumed its advance southeast of Mogok, reaches Kyaukme and links up with the Chinese forces. Operations in this sector come to a halt, since Chiang Kai-shek has obtained an undertaking from Adm Mountbatten not to employ Chinese forces beyond the line Lashio-Hsipaw-Kyaukme. In the British XXXIII Corps sector, the 20th Indian Division takes Kyaukse after savage fighting. In the British IV Corps sector the 17th Indian Division and the 225th Armored Brigade consolidate the capture of Meiktila and advance south toward Pyawbwe.

Kyaukse is taken by 20th Indian Division. The British forces now hold most of the important positions on the road between Mandalay and Meiktila. The Japanese forces in central Burma have been brought to battle and defeated exactly as Gen William Slim has hoped. The Japanese have not been able to slip away largely intact as they intended, and instead have been compelled to fight the main action with improvised forces against the carefully organized British defense around Meiktila.

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Eastern Front

Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky's 2nd Belorussian Front completes the capture of Danzig, while in Silesia the 1st Front, under Zhukov, continues the liquidation of the German forces surrounded at Glogau and Breslau. The 2nd Ukraine Front, advancing along the frontier between Czechoslovakia and Hungary, crosses the Hron and Nitra Rivers and heads for Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. Other units of the same Front clear the south bank of the Danube, in Hungary, where the 3rd Ukraine Front, in the west, continues to advance into Austria, having launched its attack from the Hungarian town of Köszeg, and in the southwest is advancing rapidly toward the Drava beyond Lake Balaton. More than 150,000 men of the German Army Group E, still in Yugoslavia, face a highly critical situation.


The 2nd Shock Army mops up in Danzig, capturing 10,000 prisoners.


After a bloody battle Danzig falls to the 2nd Shock Army, the German garrison having been entirely destroyed. The Soviets claim 10,000 prisoners during the battle and capture or destroy 140 panzers and assault guns and 45 U-boats. Elements of Gen Dietrich von Saucken's 2nd Army fight on to the bitter end in the Vistula delta. In the center the 60th Army and 4th Tank Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front takes Ratibor.


The 9th Guards Army pushes forward from Koszeg and enters Austria. A little to the north the 7th Guards Army (2nd Ukrainian Front) approaches Bratislava.

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The US submarine Tirante (SS-420) sinks the Japanese guardboat Eikichi Maru off Kagoshima, Japan.

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Ryukyu Islands

American air and naval bombardment in preparation for the invasion of Okinawa continues.

A Japanese suicide aircraft damages the US heavy cruiser Indianapolis (CA-35).

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Western Front

Elements from the Canadian II Corps, British 2nd Army, complete the capture of Emmerich. The British 6th Airborne and 11th Armored Divisions reach the Ems River.

In the US 1st Army sector, the III and V Corps reach the Eder River and prepare to cross it. The advance of the units of the VIII Corps, US 3rd Army, continue toward Usingen, Butzbach, Neuhof and Eltville, and the XX Corps pushes on north of Frankfurt in the direction of Kassel, reaching the Eder River in the Zenner-Wader area. The XII Corps advances in the Hersfeld sector, near Hanau, toward Fulda and Michelan-Leisenwald.

Patton issues an Order of the Day to the US 3rd Army. In it he claims that in 7 weeks, 3rd Army has occupied 14,484 sq km of Germany, taken 3,072 inhabited places, killed or wounded 99,000, taken 140,000 prisoners and eliminated 2 German armies.

Fighting goes around Mannheim between the XV Corps, US 7th Army, and the German 1st Army.

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Battle of the Atlantic

The U-boats listed below (in numeric order) were destroyed by US 8th Air Force attacks on the different U-boat bases.


ClassType VIIC
CO Unknown
Location Baltic, Bremen
Cause Air attack
Casualties Unknown
Survivors Unknown


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Robert Rix
Location North Sea, Wilhelmshaven
Cause Air attack
Casualties Unknown
Survivors Unknown


ClassType VIIC
CO None appointed
Location Baltic, Bremen
Cause Air attack
Casualties Unknown
Survivors Unknown


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Hans Norber Schunk
Location North Sea, Hamburg
Cause Air attack
Casualties 2
Survivors Unknown


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Erich Niesten
Location North Sea, Hamburg
Cause Air attack
Casualties Uknown
Survivors Unknown


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Martin Kutkatt
Location North Sea, Wilhelmshaven
Cause Air attack
Casualties Uknown
Survivors Unknown


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Ulrich Hammer
Location Baltic, Bremen
Cause Air attack
Casualties Uknown
Survivors Unknown


ClassType IXC/40
CO Korvettenkapitän Ernst Hechler
Location Baltic, Bremen
Cause Air attack
Casualties Uknown
Survivors Unknown


ClassType IXD2
CO None appointed
Location Baltic, Bremen
Cause Air attack
Casualties Uknown
Survivors Unknown


ClassType IXD2
CO None appointed
Location Baltic, Bremen
Cause Air attack
Casualties Uknown
Survivors Unknown

U-1021 is sunk by depth-charge attacks by the British frigate Rupert as the U-boat was moving in to attack Convoy EN-83.


ClassType VIIC/41
CO Oberleutnant zur See Willi Holpert
Location North Atlantic
Cause Depth charge
Casualties 43
Survivors None


ClassType VIIC/41
CO Oberleutnant zur See Karl-Herman Bordtfeldt
Location North Sea, Hamburg
Cause Air attack
Casualties 1
Survivors Unknown


ClassType XXIII
CO Oberleutnant zur See Emil Klusmeier
Location North Sea, Hamburg
Cause Air attack
Casualties 1
Survivors Unknown


ClassType XXI
CO None appointed
Location Baltic, Bremen
Cause Air attack
Casualties None
Survivors Unknown
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Images from March 30, 1945

In a Devastated German Town

In a Devastated German Town

Seabees-built B-29 Base on Tinian

Seabees-built B-29 Base on Tinian

Young German Soldiers on the Move

Young German Soldiers on the Move



Churchill Tanks in Dulmen

Churchill Tanks in Dulmen

Anti-aircraft Gun on the Rhine

Anti-aircraft Gun on the Rhine

M4A1 with Extra Plate Armor

M4A1 with Extra Plate Armor

Soviet Tank-mounted Weapon

Soviet Tank-mounted Weapon

Saturday, March 31st

Air Operations, CBI

  • 12 10th Air Force B-25s attack a bridge and troops dispersed behind Japanese Army battle lines in central Burma.
  • 8t 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack a supply dump at the Nansang airfield.
  • 30 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s and 9 14th Air Force P-51s attack rail yards at Shihkiachwang.
  • 12 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack rail yards at Sinyang.
  • 6 B-25s attack gun positions and a bridge at Sienning.
  • 6 B-25s attack stores at Samah Bay, Hainan and a bridge near Ninh Binh, French Indochina.
  • 4 B-25s attack rail yards at Yanglowtung.
  • Several B-25s and nearly 125 fighter-bombers attack numerous targets across southern and eastern China and northern French Indochina.
  • 26 P-51s attack the airfield at Ningpo.
  • 13 V Bomber Command B-24s attack port facilities and shipping at Yulin, Hainan. 2 merchant ships are claimed.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack Oelin.
  • XIII Fighter Command P-38s harrass airfields in North Borneo.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 469 aircraft including 361 Lancasters, 100 Halifaxes and 8 Mosquitos of Nos. 1, 6 and 8 Groups attempt to attack the Blohm & Voss shipyards in Hamburg, where the new types of U-boats are being assembled, but the target area is completely cloud-covered. The local report describes 'considerable damage' to houses, factories, energy supplies and communications over a wide area of southern Hamburg and Harburg.
    • 8 Lancasters and 3 Halifaxes are lost, a number being victims of an unexpected intervention by the Luftwaffe day-fighter force. This is Bomber Command's last double-figure aircraft loss of the war from a raid on one city.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

  • 13 V Bomber Command B-24s attack port facilities and shipping at Kiirun.
  • 23 22nd Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the airfield at Matsuyama with 20-pound fragmentation bombs.
  • 26 312th Light Bomb Group A-20s strafe and drop napalm on the Saiatan military camp.
  • V Fighter Command P-51s sweep waters between Luzon and Formosa.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • In hopes of diverting attention from the imminent Okinawa invasion, 137 of 149 73rd and 314th Very Heavy Bomb wing B-29s dispatched attack the Omura airfield on Kyushu and a machine works at Tachiarai.
    • 1 B-29 is lost.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack Bongao Island.
  • FEAF B-24s, A-20s, and fighter-bombers attack various targets on Cebu.
  • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack various targets on Luzon.
  • Plans for XIII Bomber Command B-24s to attack pre-invasion targets in and around Legaspi, Luzon, are curtailed by bad weather.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

  • Task Force 58 and Task Group 52.1 carrier aircraft attack numerous pre-invasion targets on Okinawa. Task Force 57 Royal Navy carrier aircraft attack targets in the Sakishima Islands.
  • Anti-aircraft defenses for Task Force 57 prove inadequate when the Royal Navy carriers are attacked by kamikazes, but HMS Indefatigable is saved from more than superficial damage when a kamikaze crashes into her armored flight deck. Another kamikaze crashes into the heavy cruiser USS Indianapolis, flagship of the US 5th Fleet commander, Adm Raymond A. Spruance, who transfers to the battleship USS New Mexico.
  • A VF-84 F4U downs a Ki-84 'Frank' fighter over Okinawa at about 0600 hours.
  • VF-83 F6Fs down 1 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter and 1 Ki-84 'Frank' fighter near Zampa Misaki between 0715 and 0720 hours.
  • A VF-23 F6F downs a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter near Okinawa at 0730 hours.
  • A VBF-83 F4U downs an E13A 'Jake' reconnaissance plane at sea at 1020 hours.
  • 2 VBF-6 F4Us down an A6M Zero at sea at 1300 hours.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


Northeast of Mandalay the British 36th Divosopm and units of the Chinese 6th Army take Kyaukme. The Burma Road from Mandalay to Lashio is now clear.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Eastern Front

In Upper Silesia Konev's 1st Ukraine Front takes Ratibor. The 4th Ukraine Front, pressing against the German Army Group Center, advances slowly on Moravska-Ostrava (Ostrava). The 2nd Ukraine Front takes Nitra and forces the crossing of the Vah River, seizing Galanta, a little more than 30 miles from Bratislava. The right flank of the 3rd Ukraine Front, under Marshal Fyodor Tolbukhin, is on the point of taking Sopron in Hungary and advances into Austria toward Wiener Neustadt; some units, in the Raba River valley, occupy Vasvar, Körmend and Szentgotthard. The Germans counterattack where they can, but are only able temporarily to slow down the inexorable advance of the Red Army steamroller.


The 7th Guards Army crosses the Vah River off the march while supporting forces take Nitra. Galanta also falls to second echelon elements of the 7th Guards. On the Austrian border Kormend and Szentgotthard falls to the 27th Army while Sopron is attacked by the 6th Guards Tank.


German deployment on the eastern front stands at 32 panzer, 15 panzer grenadier and 132 infantry divisions.

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  • The US heavy cruiser Pensacola (CA-24) is damaged in a collision in the Okinawa area. Also in the Okinawa area Japanese suicide planes damage the US light minelayer Adams (DM-27), the attack transport Hinsdale (APA-120) and landing craft LST-724 and LST-884.
  • The Japanese submarine I-8 is sunk by the US destroyers Morrision (DD-560) and Stockton (DD-646) in the Okinawa area.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


On Luzon there is fighting near Salacsac Pass No. 2, where the Americans lose ground, and on Mount Myoko. In the US XI Corps sector units of the 43rd Division advance in the Santa Maria valley, making contact with the 1st Cavalry Division.

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Ryukyu Islands

The 77th Division leaves Kerama Retto, now in American hands. American losses are 31 dead and 81 wounded; Japanese, 530 dead and 121 prisoners. 1,200 enemy civilians are also interned. 350 Japanese 'suicide boats' are captured and destroyed on Kerama and other neighboring islands.

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Western Front

Units of the newly formed 15th Army take over responsibility for the French coast and for troops stationed there, with the task of 'controlling' the besieged fortresses of Lorient and St Nazaire.

Units of the 3rd Armored Division, VII Corps, US 1st Army, continue their offensive against Paderborn.

In the American 3rd Army sector, the XX Corps is heavily engaged by units of the German 7th Army on the line of the Fulda and Eder Rivers. The 6th Armored Division continues to advance toward Kassel, with Mühlhausen as its immediate objective; the 80th Division is also advancing on Kassel, while the XII Corps move against various objectives in the area of Eisenach, 4th Armored Division, and advances along the line Nieder Jossa-Kruspis-Grossenmoor.

During the night Gen Jean de Lattre de Tassigny, Commander of the French 1st Army, opens an offensive across the Rhine in the area of Speyer and Germersheim with the French II Corps.

Forces of French 1st Army begin to cross the Rhine near Speyer. To the north all the Allied armies maintain their advance.

German troops begin withdrawing from the Netherlands.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from March 31, 1945

A British Cromwell Tank in Stadtlohn

Soviet Tank-mounted Weapon

Stuart Tanks on the Autobahn near Frankfort

Stuart Tanks on the Autobahn near Frankfort

Loading Rockets

Loading Rockets

Cromwell Command Tank of Brigadier Wingfield

Cromwell Command Tank of Brigadier Wingfield

Jeep with 2 Wehrmacht Officers as POWs

Jeep with 2 Wehrmacht Officers as POWs

Filming Ruins in Frankfort

Filming Ruins in Frankfort

A Messerschmitt Me-262

A Messerschmitt Me-262

Center of Frankfurt, Germany

Center of Frankfurt, Germany

[ February 1945 - April 1945]