March 1945

Saturday, March 10th

Eastern Front


The 19th Army captures Lauenburg on the approaches to Gotenhafen. Elements of the 1st Guards Tank Army are now operating in conjunction with the 19th, overwhelming the hastily erected German defenses.

The 1st Ukrainian Front pounds the 17th Army and 4tn Panzer army along the Niesse and Oder lines, particularly heavy fighting rages near Oppeln, Grottkau and Lauban. Striegau is isolated by German forces after heavy fighting. The Russians defend fiercely but are gradually forced back. A little farther south the 4th Ukrainian Front also attacks around Morava Ostrava but quickly becomes stuck in the well established 1st Panzer Army defenses.


The Germans are suffering under intense Soviet air attacks as their attack around Lake Balaton bogs down entirely. Tolbukhin requests permission to commit the 9th Guards Army in order to halt the German attack completely but the Stavka refuses.

[ March 9th - March 11th]