March 1945

Monday, March 19th

Eastern Front


At Danzig and Gotenhafen the 2nd Belorussian Front makes steady gains despite extremely aggressive German resistance. The Zoppot Heights fall after bitter fighting and Danzig is brought under intense arty fire. The VII Panzer Corps is now fighting just one mile outside the city.

The 47th and 2nd Guards Tank Armies reach the Oder south of Altdamm, prompting Manteuffel to order the evacuation of the bridgehead.

In Silesia the 59th Army links up with the 4th Tank Army, encircling a large part of the Hermann Goering Panzer Corps near Oppeln and ripping open the southern wing of the 17th Army. Elements of the XXIV Panzer Corps are moved to plug the hole but are too weak to relieve the pocket.


The Soviet counteroffensive in Hungary gathers speed as Tolbukhin commits his armor. Leading units of the 6th Guards Tank Army punch their way into the rear of the 6th SS Panzer Army. In immediate danger of isolation, Dietrich begins to pull his men out of the salient. Dietrich is unwilling to sacrifice his army despite a direct order from Hitler to stand and fight, and almost certainly be annihilated.


Hitler order the implementation of a nationwide scorched earth policy. He aims to take German down in a deluge of destruction and leave nothing to the Allies. Speer and other actively intrigue to prevent the implementation of the policy.

[ March 18th - March 20th]