Chronology of World War II

July 1945

Air Operations, Far East

Among the targets for the US bomber forces are Akashi, Osaka, Kure and Kumamoto. A new tactic is tried starting on the 28th when 11 cities are told by leaflets that they are on the US target list and six of them are bombed on the 29th. Medium bombers join in the attack early in the month doing particular damage to shipping around the Japanese islands. There is much activity over China. In additon to the 14th Air Force attacks there are 2 heavy attacks on Shanghai by planes based on Okinawa.

Sunday, July 1st

Air Operations, CBI

  • Several 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack a bridge and the ferry terminal at Chungmow.
  • 4 81st Fighter Group P-47s strafe the airfield at Kaifeng and locomotives.
  • 4 P-47s attack rail yards at Yuhsiang.
  • 4 14th Air Force P-51s attack a bridge near Kiehsiu.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • Following weeks-long air and naval attacks, and a 40-minute final preinvasion strike against beach targets by 83 FEAF B-24s, an Australian Army corps lands at Balikpapan to seize the strategically vital oilfields. The landing itself is concealed by a last-minute smoke screen laid down by an FEAF B-25.
  • Once the troops are ashore, direct support is provided by FEAF B-25s, XIII Fighter Command P-38s, and USN and USMC carrier aircraft from Task Group 78.4* operating under the direction of Marine Air Support Group 48 (the first time carrier-based Marines have overseen such an operation).
  • The Balikpapan landing is the last major amphibious operation of the Pacific War.
  • FEAF B-24s attack the Limboeng and Mandai airfields on Celebes and Balikpapan.
  • B-24s, B-25s, and XIII Fighter Command P-38s attack the Oelin, Tabanio and Trombol airfields on Borneo and targets in the Tawau area.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • In the first attack against Japanese soil by USAAF B-25s since the Doolittle raid of April 18, 1942, 33 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s, escorted by US Marine Corps F4Us, attack the Chiran airfield on Kyushu.
  • 413th Fighter Group P-47s based at Ie Shima attack targets on Kyushu.
  • 83 VII Fighter Command P-51s based on Iwo Jima attack 4 airfields on Honshu: atHamamatsu, Itami, Kasumigaura, and Nagano.
  • A 413th Fighter Group P-47 downs a G4M 'Betty' bomber over Kagoshima Bay at 0730 hours.
  • 21st Fighter Group P-51s down a G3M 'Nell' bomber and 2 G4M 'Betty' bombers over Honshu between 1525 and 1545 hours.
  • The 20th Air Force’s 507th Fighter Group, in P-47s based at Ie Shima, makes its combat debut while attacking ground targets on Kyushu.
  • During the night 152 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Kure. 154 73rd Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Kumamoto. 100 313th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Ube. 126 314th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Shimonoseki. 9 B-29s attack targets of opportunity. 24 505th Very Heavy Bomb Group Bomber Command B-29s sow mines in Shimonoseki Strait and off Fushiki and Nanao.
    • 2 B-29s are lost.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack several targets on Luzon.

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Chinese troops advancing through southern China liberate Liuchow, a key town astride the main north-south rail line and featuring a large air base formerly used by US air units. USAAF forces are now working to reopen captured air bases for the strategic bombing campaign against the Japanese mainland.

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Dutch East Indies

In Operation OBOE II, after a series of preparatory air raids beginning on June 25 and with the support of an American naval attack group, 33,000 men of the reinforced 7th Australian Division land at Balikpapan. The naval support group consists of 9 cruisers and 13 destroyers led by Adm Daniel E. Barbey. Three escort carriers give support to the landing for the first three days ashore. Gen Edward Milford commands the troops. There is hardly any opposition to the landing, but the Japanese have prepared powerful positions inland.

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The Japanese Coast Defense Vessel No.72 and merchant cargo ships Konri Maru (3106t), No.1 Taiun Maru (2220t) and No.2 Taiun Maru are sunk by the US submarine Haddo (SS-255) in the Yellow Sea.

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Images from July 1, 1945

Landing at Balikpapan

Landing at Balikpapan

Taking Wounded Back to Beach Dressing Station

Taking Wounded Back to Beach Dressing Station

Bombing Balikpapan

Bombing Balikpapan

Firing Fockets at the Beach

Firing Fockets at the Beach

Landing Craft Taking Troops to Shore

Landing Craft Taking Troops to Shore

Heading toward Green Beach

Heading toward Green Beach

Just off Green/Yellow Beach

Just off Green/Yellow Beach

Co. A LVTs On Shore

Co. A LVTs On Shore

Monday, July 2nd

Air Operations, CBI

  • 28 14th Air Force P-51s attack various targets.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • Supplementing Royal Australian Air Force efforts, FEAF B-24s attack defenses at Balikpapan.
  • B-25s attack troops at Bintula.
  • XIII Fighter Command P-38s and US Navy and Marine Corps carrier-based aircraft support Australian Army ground forces at Balikpapan. Australian Army ground forces capture the town area and vital oil facilities at Balikpapan.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

V Bomber Command B-24s attack the airfield at Toyohara.

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Air Operations, Japan

  • In what might be the final aerial engagement over the Japanese home islands by US Marine Corps land-based fighters, VMF-311 and VMF-224 F4Us down 8 Japanese fighters between 1015 and 1045 hours.
  • During the night, 39 315th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack an oil refinery at Maruzen.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack Japanese Army troops on Luzon.

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Dutch East Indies

The Australians capture the oil installations on Balikpapan and extend their beachhead.

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Japan, Home Front

Only 200,000 people remain in Tokyo. All others have been evacuated to safer areas. Japan says 5 million civilians have been killed or wounded in the American air raids.

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  • Rockets are fired at Kaihyo Island, northern Japan, by the US submarine Barb (SS-220), the first underwater craft to do so.
  • The Japanese merchant tanker No.5 Nanki Maru (834t) is sunk by marine casualty southeast of Yokohama.
  • The Japanese submarine chaser CHA-188 is sunk by a mine in the Sea of Japan.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Ryukyu Islands

Operations on Okinawa are officially concluded.


Images from July 2, 1945

Western End of Sepinggang Airstrip

Western End of Sepinggang Airstrip

Vickers Machine Gun Position

Vickers Machine Gun Position

505th Bombardment Group

505th Bombardment Group

USS Barb Bombards Japanese Installations on Kaihyo

USS <i>Barb</i> Bombards Japanese Installations on Kaihyo

Supplies Being Transported by Jeep

Supplies Being Transported by Jeep

Preparing To Blow Up Pipelines

Preparing To Blow Up Pipelines

Tuesday, July 3rd

Air Operations, CBI

  • 3 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and more than 70 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack numerous targets associated with the Japanese Army withdrawal from southern China.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Limboeng and Mandai airfields on Celebes and an airstrip near Kuching.
  • FEAF B-24s and US Marine Corp and Navy carrier-based aircraft support Australian Army ground forces around Balikpapan.
  • A VMF-511 F4U operating from the USS Block Island downs an E13A 'Jake' reconnaissance plande near Balikpapan at 0600 hours.
  • The headquarters of the Royal Australian Air Force’s 1st Tactical Air Force is established ashore at Balikpapan and assumes control for all air-support missions and aircraft.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • 36 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s, organized into 2 flights, attack the Chiran airfield on Kyushu.
  • 35th Fighter Group P-51s based on Okinawa attack Japanese Navy floatplanes in Fukuoka Harbor. 35th Fighter Group P-51s down 3 A6M2-N 'Rufe' fighter-bombers over Sasebo at 1315 hours.
  • During the night, 116 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Takamatsu. 125 73rd Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Kochi. 106 313th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Himeji. 129 314th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Tokushima. 8 B-29s attack other targets. 26 505th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s sow mines in Shimonoseki Strait and off Funakawa and Maizuru.
    • 3 B-29s are lost.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack several targets on Luzon.

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Air Operations, Ryukyus

A VMF(N)-543 F6F night-fighter downs a Ki-61 'Tony' fighter just off Ie Shima at 0345 hours.

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Dutch East Indies

The troops landed at Balikpapan take Sepinggan airfield and by the 5th have cleared most of the oil producing area in the immediate vicinity. The Australian 7th Division is now making good advances into Borneo's interior and along its coastline.

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Occupied Germany

The first US occupation troops arrive in Berlin. A British contingent arrives on July 4.

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The US oiler Ashtabula (AO-51) is damaged in a collision in the Okinawa area.

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Images from July 3, 1945

Australians during the Battle of Balikpapan

Australians during the Battle of Balikpapan

First British destroyers enter Hamburg

First British destroyers enter Hamburg

Matilda Tank in Action

Matilda Tank in Action

Giant Chandelier in the Reich Chancellery

Giant Chandelier in the Reich Chancellery

Wednesday, July 4th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 30 14th Air Force P-38s and P-51s attack numerous targets in southern China and northern French Indochina.
  • A party of USAAF officers arrives in Chungking from India to organize the newly created Army Air Forces, China Theater headquarters.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air perations, East Indies

  • FEAF B-24s attack defenses near Balikpapan, a seaplane base at Donggla, and the Boeloedowang and Limboeng airfield on Celebes.
    • 1 B-24 crashes into a mountain.
  • The Manggar airfield on Borneo is captured by Australian Army ground forces.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

20 V Bomber Command B-24s attack barracks at Toshien.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • 8 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s attack Kataoka naval base with the aid of radar.
  • 161 VII Fighter Command P-51s attack the Yokosuka naval base, Imba, Kasumigaura, and Tsukuba.
  • 35th Fighter Group P-51s sweep Kyushu.
  • 2 15th Fighter Group P-51s down a biplane over the Kasumigaura airfield on Honshu at 1410 hours.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack Batan Island and various targets on Luzon.

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The US submarine Tirante (SS-420) sinks Japanese guardboats Koshe Maru and Mashuye Maru in the Yellow Sea east of Tsingtao, China.

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On Mindanao the US 24th Division organizes an amphibious expeditionary force to liberate Sarangani Bay, in the south of the island, south of Davao.

(5th?)MacArthur announces the liberation of the Philippines.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 4, 1945

Balikpapan, Borneo, July 4, 1945

Balikpapan, Borneo, 4 July 1945

British Troops Enter Berlin

British Troops Enter Berlin

Balikpapan, Borneo, July 4, 1945

Balikpapan, Borneo, July 4, 1945

Inspecting Japanese Strongpoints

Inspecting Japanese Strongpoints

Thursday, July 5th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 2 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 2 81st Fighter Group P-47s attack a bridge near Chumatien.
  • 37 14th Air Force P-51s attack various targets in northern French Indochina and southern and eastern China.
  • 8 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack shipping and small craft in Haiphong harbor.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

FEAF B-24s attack Manggar and Riko.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

V Bomber Command B-24s attack airfields at Taihoku, Takao, Toshien, Toyohara and supplies near Kamioka.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • 47 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s and 25 41st Medium Bomb Command B-25s, escorted by 102 VII Fighter Command P-47s attack the Omura airfield on Kyushu and 2 nearby towns.
  • More than 100 VII Fighter Command P-51s attack targets on Honshu.
  • 35th Fighter Group P-51s sweep Kyushu. 35th Fighter Group P-51s down 4 N1K 'Rex' fighters over the Sasebo area at 1245 hours.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers mount nearly 100 sorties against targets on Luzon.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Australia, Home Front

John Curtin, Prime Minister since 1941, dies at the age of 60. Curtin had held the post since October 1941, and although his political power was tenuous at times he had fully mobilized Australia for war, often against internal government opposition. More than 30,000 people attend his funeral in Perth on July 9. Mr Ben Chifley takes over on July 13.


Britain, Politics

The British election is held. The results are not available until July 26 because of the time taken to bring home and count the soldiers' votes. The Labor Party wins: Labor, 394; Conservatives, 188; Liberals, 14; National Liberals, 13; Ulster Unionists, 9; Communists, 2; Others, 20.

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Diplomatic Relations

Britain and the United States recognize a new Polish government of National Unity. Stanislaws Mikolajczyk, formerly leader of the London exile government, is one of the deputy Premiers.

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Dutch East Indies

More Australian forces land in Borneo, near Penadjim Point in the Bay of Balikpapan. The Australians quickly extend their control from a number of beachheads along the coast and toward the interior.

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  • In Operation COLLIE the East Indies Fleet clears mines from the west coast of Malaya, prior to Operation ZIPPER (see September 9) and bombards Japanese bases in Nicobar Island and Sumatra over the next week.
  • The US destroyer Smith (DD-378) is damaged accidentally by a depth charge in the Balikpapan area of Borneo.
  • The US submarine Barb (SS-220) sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship No.11 Sapporo Maru (2820t) outside Odomari harbor, southwest of Sakhalin.
  • Mines sink the Japanese transport Toyokawa Maru (5123t) near Mutsure Jima and merchant tanker No.1 Tosei Maru (523t) off Nigata harbor.
  • The Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser CHA-37 is sunk by the US submarine Lizardfish (SS-373) off Java in the Dutch East Indies area.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


Gen MacArthur announces that the Philippines have been completely liberated. The Philippines campaign has been the largest operation for US forces in the Pacific, and the Japanese have lost well over 200,000 men. However, many other Japanese troops remain on the island -- around 50,000 will surrender at the end of the war.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

United States, Command

It is announced that Gen Carl A. Spaatz will lead the US Strategic Air Force against Japan. Spaatz had formerly commanded the US bombing effort against Germany, and now he will oversee the air campaign against Japan and the deployment of the atomic bombs.


Images from July 5, 1945

National Polling Day in London

National Polling Day in London

RAF Flying Boat Base in India

RAF Flying Boat Base in India

Exploding Mines off Okinawa

Exploding Mines off Okinawa

F4U Corsair Hitting the Barricade

F4U Corsair Hitting the Barricade

Friday, July 6th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 98 14th Air Force P-38s and P-51s attack a wide range of transportation targets and troops in northern French Indochina and southern and eastern China.
  • A 449th Fighter Squadron P-38 downs a Ki-27 'Nate' near Hanoi's Gia Lam airfield.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

FEAF B-24s attack several targets on Borneo.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack airfields at Heito, Ryutan, and Taein.
  • 3rd Light Bomb Group A-26s attack rail yards at Taito.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • 35th Fighter Group P-51s attack transportation targets around Kagoshima Bay.
  • VII Fighter Command P-51s based on Iwo Jima attack several airfields on Honshu.
  • A 21st Fighter Group P-51 downs an A6M Zero near Sagami Bay.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack several targets on Luzon.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

A VMF-351 F4U, off the USS Cape Gloucester downs a Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane at sea at 0925 hours.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


Gen Claire Chennault, the legendary commander of the 'Flying Tigers', offers his resignation.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


Mines sink the Japanese merchant cable ship Toyo Maru (3718t) northeast of Tobigasuhana, merchant cargo ship Shori Maru (2080t) off Ogushi, merchant cargo ship No.5 Tokai Maru (879t) off Mutsure light, and Shinei Maru (2218t) near Shimonoseki.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

United States, Policy

Operation OVERCAST is authorized. It calls for the search and removal of valuable German scientists to the United States.

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World Affairs

Nicaragua becomes the first nation to ratify the UN Charter.

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Images from July 6, 1945

Memorial Service for Prime Minister Curtin

Memorial Service for Prime Minister Curtin

USS Wilkes-Barre (CL-103) Operating off Okinawa

USS <i>Wilkes-Barre</i> (CL-103) Operating off Okinawa

Beaufort Area, Borneo

Beaufort Area, Borneo

Prime Minister John Curtin's Casket Lying In State

Prime Minister John Curtin's Casket Lying In State

Saturday, July 7th

Air Operations, CBI

  • More than 80 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack Japanese forces withdrawing through northern French Indochina and southern and eastern China.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

Supplementing Royal Australian Air Force efforts, FEAF B-24s and B-25s, and XIII Fighter Command P-38s support Australian Army ground forces in the Balikpapan area.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

V Bomber Command B-24s mount strong attacks against the airfields at Matsuyama and Taihoku.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • Between 0700 and 0800 hours, 124 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Chiba. 123 73rd Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Akashi. 133 313th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Shimuzu. 131 314th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Kofu. 59 315th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack an oil refinery at Maruzen. 4 B-29s attack targets of opportunity.
    • 4 B-29s are lost.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Bomber Command B-25s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack Japanese ground forces and support US 8th Army and Filipino guerrilla forces in several areas of Luzon.

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  • Many small Japanese vessels are sunk or damaged by USN Privateer patrol bombers, which are modified B-24s, in the Yellow Sea off southern Japan.
  • The US submarine Trepang (SS-412) sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship No.2 Koun Maru (606t) off south Hokkaido.
  • Mines sink the Japanese merchant cargo ships Meizan Maru (5480t) at the mouth of Mokpo harbor and Nachizan Maru (880t) in Kammon Strait.
  • Over the next few days, US carrier aircraft attack Japanese airfields on the Tokyo plain. A total of 173 Japanese machines are destroyed, utterly overwhelmed by more than 1,000 US fighter-bombers. Japan still has huge numbers of aircraft on the mainland, although many are committed to suicide missions. Japan also has an appalling deficit of trained pilots, and veteran US aviators easily pick off young crews with only a few hours' flying experience.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 7, 1945

Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church

Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church

Baseball Game between Two Army Air Fields

Baseball Game between Two Army Air Fields

Damaged TBM Avenger

Damaged TBM Avenger

Gate at Oak Ridge

Gate at Oak Ridge

Sunday, July 8th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 6 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 4 81st Fighter Group P-47s attack a bridge and trains near Sinsiang.
  • More than 60 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack Japanese forces witdrawing through Don Son, Haiphong, and Tourane, as well as in the China-French Indochina border region.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Asia

Sgt Simon Eden of the RAF, aged 20 and son of the British Foreign Secretary, is missing in action over Burma.


Air Operations, East Indies

FEAF B-24s and B-25s, with a small number of Royal Australian Air Force bombers, attack various targets on Borneo and support Australian Army ground forces around Balikpapan.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack the airfield at Shinchiku.
  • B-25s attack Koto Island and an alcohol plant at Getsubi.
  • V Fighter Command P-38s attack an oil installation.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • More than 100 VII Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack airfields and nearby targets on Honshu.
    • 8 USAAF fighters are lost against the most aggressive opposition encountered over Japan by the VII Fighter Command.
  • 15th and 506th Fighter group P-51s down 6 Japanese Navy fighters near Honshu's Hyakurigahara and Tokorozawa airfields between 1405 and 1505 hours.
  • A 318th Fighter Group P-47 down a Ki-44 'Tojo' fighter at 1640 hours.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command P-38s and P-51s support US 8th Army and Filipino guerrilla forces on Luzon.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


  • The US submarine Sea Robin (SS-407) sinks the Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser CHA-85 off Quelpart Island.
  • The Japanese merchant passenger/cargo ship Saitsu Maru (1045t) is sunk by the US submarine (SS-420) near Dairen, Korea.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


On Mindanao fighting is still going on in the Sarangani Bay area, in which Filipino guerrillas under American leadership take part.

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Images from July 8, 1945

Shipping Damage at Hamburg

Shipping Damage at Hamburg

Victory Parade in Leningrad

Victory Parade in Leningrad

Grounded Dutch Submarine O-19

Grounded Dutch Submarine <i>O-19</i>

Transferring Sick and Wounded to a Hospital Ship

Transferring Sick and Wounded to a Hospital Ship

Monday, July 9th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 5 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack 2 bridges in the Sinantien area.
  • 14 14th Air Force P-38s and P-51s attack several bridges and transportation targets.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • XIII Fighter Command P-38s support Australian Army and Royal Netherlands Army ground forces around Balikpapan.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack shipyards at Samarinda.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s support Australian Army ground forces in the Brunei Bay area.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack airfields at Okaseki, Takao, and Toyohara.
  • 3rd Light Bomb Group A-26s attack Karenko.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • 43 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Omura airfield on Kyushu.
  • 1 B-24 attacks Kikai Shima.
  • More than 100 VII Fighter Command P-51s based on Iwo Jima attack tactical targets at several locations on Kyushu. 507th Fighter Group P-47s down 6 K5Y 'Willow' biplane trainers over Goshoura, Kyushu, at 1035 hours, and 4 K5Ys near Maki Shima at 1205 hours.
  • 21st Fighter Group P-51s down 13 fighters over the Osaka area between 1245 and 1312 hours.
  • During the night 123 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Sendai. 115 73rd Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Sakai. 108 313th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Wakayama. 129 314th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Gifu. 61 315th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack an oil refinery at Yokkaichi. 7 B-29s attack other targets. 29 6th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines in Shimonseki Strait and off Nanao and Niigata.
    • 3 B-29s are lost.
  • The 315th Very Heavy Bomb Wing’s 331st Very Heavy Bomb Group makes is combat debut.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers support US 8th Army and Filipino guerrilla forces on Luzon.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

More than 50 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the airfield at Tokuno Shima.

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The Brazilian cruiser Bahia is sunk by a mysterious explosion. 294 are killed.



Chinese forces recapture the Tanchuk air base.

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Dutch East Indies

Dutch troops land north of Balikpapan completing encirclement of the bay.

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  • The US motor minesweeper YMS-84 is sunk by a mine in the Balikpapan area of Borneo.
  • Mines sink the Japanese cargo ship Nippu Maru outside Wakamatsu harbor.
  • The Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser CHA-50 is sunk by the US submarine Bluefish off Malaya.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 9, 1945

Scots Honor Guard in Wageningen

Scots Honor Guard in Wageningen

Sketching Resting Troops

Sketching Resting Troops

Carrier Group Bombing Hakodate

Carrier Group Bombing Hakodate

Damage at Baguio

Damage at Baguio

Tuesday, July 10th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 22 14th Air Force P-38s and P-51s attack various targets.
  • 14 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Dong Anh, railroad repair shops at Phu Lang Thuong, and Japanese forces withdrawing through China’s Siang-Chiang valley.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Tabanio airfield on Borneo, warehouses at Donggala, and an occupied town.
  • XIII Fighter Command P-38s sweep southeastern Borneo.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

V Bomber Command B-24s attack the airfield at Tainan and warehouses at Takao.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • Task Force 38 (see July 1, 1945) and USAAF aircraft open a sustained pre-invasion offensive against all manner of targets throughout Japan, especially airfields and industrial targets in and around Tokyo. Only light opposition is encountered and the airfields are devoid of airplanes. Nonetheless, prowling carrier fighter-bombers locate and destroy an estimated 100 degassed Japanese aircraft on the ground at widely dispersed sites no closer than 10 miles to any airfield.
  • 4 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s attack Minami Cape with the aid of radar.
  • A VF-50 F6F downs a Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane 50 miles from Task Force 38 at 1320 hours.
  • A 21st Fighter Group P-51 downs a D3A 'Val' dive bomber near Kobe at 1410 hours.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

  • More than 50 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Wan airfield on Kikai Shima and several nearby targets of opportunity.
  • During the night 43 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Sateku and the Wan airfield on Kikai Shima.
  • 1 B-24 attacks the airfield at Karasehara.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command P-38s and P-51s attack pockets of resistance near Manila and support US 8th Army and Filipino guerrilla forces elsewhere on Luzon.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


  • 1,022 American aircraft taking off from a fast carrier squadron commanded by Vice-Adm John S. McCain attack 70 airfields in the Tokyo area. 173 aircraft are destroyed. Industrial targets are also hit. There is little Japanese response: the air force of the Rising Sun has been shattered at Okinawa. What remains of the Japanese navy is also practically immobilized by American attacks and by lack of fuel. The American navy, by contrast, is stronger than ever, in spite of the losses suffered at Okinawa. Its current strength is about 68,000 ships of all types, with a complement of over 4,000,000 men.
  • The US submarine chaser SC-521 is sunk in the Solomon Islands area after foundering.
  • The US submarine Hammerhead (SS-364) sinks the Japanese cargo ship Sakura Maru (900t) and merchant tanker No.5 Nanmei Maru (834t) in the Gulf of Thailand.
  • The Japanese destroyer Sakura sinks when it hits a mine in the Sea of Japan.
  • The US submarine Moray (SS-300) sinks the Japanese merchant whaler No.6 Fumi Maru east of Kinkazan.
  • Mines laid by USAAF B-29s sink the Japanese cargo ship Nippu Maru (891t) outside Wakamatsu harbor and the merchant cargo ship Chikuma Maru (9951t) off Mojizaki.
  • The US submarine Sea Robin (SS-476) sinks the Japanese army cargo ship Sakishima Maru (1224t) north of Quelpart Island.
  • The Japanese minesweeper W-27 is sunk by the US submarine Runner (SS-476) off northern Honshu, Japan.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 10, 1945

TBM-3E Avenger on a Raid over Japan

TBM-3E Avenger on a Raid over Japan

Sick and Injured Await Transfer

Sick and Injured Await Transfer

USS Indianapolis off Mare Island

USS <i>Indianapolis</i> off Mare Island

U-530 Surrenders

<i>U-530</i> Surrenders

Wednesday, July 11th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 25 14th Air Force P-40s and P-51s attack troops and transportation targets at various locations.
  • A 51st Fighter Group P-51 downs a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter over the Vinh airfield at 1310 hours.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s and XIII Fighter Command P-38s attack road targets around Balikpapan.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

V Bomber Command B-24s attack Shinchiku.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • 5 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s attack Kataoka with the aid of radar.
  • 4 B-25s attack shipping and a fishery in the Kurile Islands.
  • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers sweep Kyushu.
  • A 3rd Air Commando Group P-51 downs a B5N 'Kate' torpedo bomber near the Kumamoto airfield on Kyushu at 1045 hours.
  • During the night 6th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines in the Shimonoseki Strait and off Maizuru, Miyazu, and Obama Island.
  • 2 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Byu and Miyazaki airfields on Kyushu.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Korea

During the night several 6th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines off Najin and Pusan—the war’s first such mission to this area.


Air Operations, Philippines

  • V Bomber Command B-25s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack troop concentrations on Luzon.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack troop concentrations on Negros.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Canada, Home Front

In the General Election the results: Liberals, 119 seats; Progressive Conservatives, 65; C.C.F., 28; Others, 33. Prime Minister Mackenzie King is defeated at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. He is re-elected at by-election on August 6, 1945.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


There is the first meeting of the Inter-Allied Council for Berlin. The Soviets agree to turn over administration of the allocated areas to the British and Americans who have themselves made arrangements to allocate some of their sectors to the French.



  • Mines laid by USAAF B-29s sink the Japanese escort destroyer Sakura off Osaka and the merchant cargo ship No.3 Takechi Maru (870t) near Shodo Jima.
  • The US submarine Barb (SS-220) sinks the Japanese guardboat No.15 Seiho Maru and a merchant diesel sampan off Hokkaido.
  • The US submarine Kingfish (SS-234) sinks the Japanese fishing boat Inari Maru off Maedate, Japan.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


Over the next two days on Luzon thousands of napalm bombs are dropped on the Japanese in the pockets on the Sierra Madre and in the Kiangan area. The Americans are tightening the screw on the last Japanese forces.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

United States, Preparations

2,118 4-engined bombers of the 8th Air Force are redeployed from Britain to the US en route for the Pacific. The operaton is completed in 51 days.


Images from July 11, 1945

Spraying DDT over Okinawa

Spraying DDT over Okinawa

British Troops enter Berlin

British Troops enter Berlin

A Group of Allied Generals

A Group of Allied Generals

Thursday, July 12th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 23 90th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the main supply depot at Canton.
  • 3 341st Medium Bombardment Group B-25s attack supply convoys in the Siang Chiang valley.
  • 43 14th Air Force P-38s and P-51s attack airfields, coastal shipping, and transportation targets in northern French Indochina and southern and eastern China.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack barracks at Tandjung and warehouses at Donggala.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

  • 26 V Bomber Command B-24s attack oil stores at Toshien.
  • 9 3rd Light Bomb Group A-26s attack a sugar refinery at Taiharo.
  • V Fighter Command P-51s attack targets along the western coast.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • More than 50 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Kanoya airfield on Kyushu, a town on Kyushu, and the Tokuno Shima airfield in the Amami Islands.
  • More than 70 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 32 319th Medium Bomb Group A-26s attack the Chiran airfield on Kyushu.
  • 2 A-26s attack the seaplane base at Ibusuki.
  • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers sweep Kyushu.
  • 4 28th Composite Bomb Group B-25s strafe a freighter during an anti-shipping sweep in the Kurile Islands, but 1 B-25 is lost.
  • During the night 115 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Utsunomiya. 123 73rd Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Ichinomiya. 92 313th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Tsuruga. 123 314th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Uwajima. 53 315th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack oil-industry targets at Kawasaki. 11 B-29s attack targets of opportunity. 2 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Byu and Miyazaki airfield on Kyushu.
    • 3 B-29s are lost.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack troop concentrations on Negros.
  • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers support US 8th Army ground forces on Luzon.
  • Following a virtual rain of napalm over the past several days, a Japanese defensive pocket at Kiangan, Luzon, is easily overrun by US 8th Army ground troops.
  • The 1st Marine Aircraft Wing conducts its last major support operation of World War II when its aircraft cover a landing by a US 8th Army infantry division in southern Mindanao.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

47 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack an airfield in the Amami Islands after being diverted because of bad weather over their primary target. A VMF(N)-543 F6F downs a G3M 'Nell' bomber off Okinawa at 0420 hours.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Diplomatic Relations

Hirohito appoints former Prime Minister Prince Fuminaro Konoye as a secret peace emissary in Moscow. The Russians refuse to receive him.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Dutch East Indies

There is an Allied landing near Andus. Australian troops take Maradi in the north of the island.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


  • The Japanese home islands of Shikoku and Honshu are heavily bombed.
  • Mines sink the Japanese salvage ship Nasu Maru (694t) near Niigata, Japan, cargo vessel No.3 Fukushin Maru off Osaka harbor, merchant cargo ship Kojun Maru (2177t) east of Niigata light and tanker Mitsu Maru (5682t) in Akashi Strait.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 12, 1945

Refueling At Sea

Refueling At Sea

President Truman At Lunch on the Augusta

President Truman At Lunch on the <i>Augusta</i>

Friday, July 13th

Air Operations, Carolines

Operating temporarily from Guam, the 20th Air Force’s 414th Fighter Group, in P-47s, makes it combat debut in an attack against the Truk Atoll.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 14 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 12 14th Air Force P-51s attack anti-aircraft batteries, bridges, rail yards, and targets of opportunity at Anyang, Do Cam in French Indochina, and Puchi.
  • 33 P-38s and P-51s attack a variety of targets in northern French Indochina and southern and eastern China.
  • 14 90th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack a small-arms plant in Canton that has been attacked many times as a secondary target by 63rd Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Fighter Command P-38s attack artillery positions at Miri and sweep southwestern Celebes.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack boatyards at Suo.
  • 3rd Light Bombardment Group A-26s attack rail yards at Karenko.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

Bad weather prevents the opening of an offensive by Task Force 38 carrier aircraft against hitherto untouched targets on Hokkaido and northern Honshu. During the night 6th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines in Shimonoseki Strait and off Fukuoka.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Korea

During the night 6th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines in off Masan, Reisui, and Seishin.

[rarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Bomber Command B-24s, B-25s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers fighter-bombers attack pockets of resistance and troop concentrations on Luzon.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Diplomatic Relations

Italy declares war on Japan.

The Japanese ambassador in Moscow, Naotake Sato, meets with the Soviet foreign minister, Molotov, and discusses possible peace initiatives with the Allies that do not involve Japan's unconditional surrender.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Germany, Home Front

Berlin's municipal council confiscates all property held by members of the Nazi party.



  • The US Government admits responsibility for the sinking, in error, of the Japanese relief ship Awa Maru.
  • USAAF B-29-laid mines sink Japanese merchant cargo ships No.7 Agata Maru (873t) and No.13 Yamabishi Maru in Wakamatsu harbor.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


On Mindanao the Americans continue to make progress in the Sarangani Bay area.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 13, 1945

Final Assembly of the Trinity Gadget

Final Assembly of the Trinity Gadget

Accident on Guam

Accident on Guam

German Refugees Moving West

German Refugees Moving West

Artillery Ready To Fire

Artillery Ready To Fire

Saturday, July 14th

Air Operations, CBI

  • V Fighter Command P-47s attack shipping and shore targets along the northern China coast.
  • 25 51st Fighter Group P-38s and P-51s attack dumps and transportation targets, mainly in northern French Indochina and in the China–Indochina frontier area.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack several targets on Borneo and Celebes.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

3rd Light Bomb Group A-26s attack a refinery and warehouses at Taiharo.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • V Fighter Command P-51s attack rail targets in western Kyushu. VII Fighter Command fighter-bombers based on Iwo Jima abort in the face of bad weather while on their way to attack targets on Honshu. Against no aerial opposition whatsoever, Task Force 38 carrier aircraft launched from only 80 miles offshore mount 1,381 effective sorties against hitherto untouched airfields and other targets on Hokkaido and northern Honshu.
  • Few Japanese aircraft are located at their dispersal sites on the ground, but the carrier aircraft are able to attack numerous shipping targets and claim the sinking of small ships and landing craft amounting to an estimated 50,000 tons. Also, without opposition from the air, 3 US 3rd Fleet battleships, 2 cruisers, and 9 destroyers are able to mount an unprecedented bombardment of iron plants at two locations. VF-85 F4Us down a G4M 'Betty' bomber at sea at 1245 hours, and damage another bomber.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s support US 8th Army ground forces on Negros.
  • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers support US 8th Army ground forces on Luzon.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


Gen Eisenhower announces the closure of SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force) and eases some of the restrictions on private contact between American soldiers and German civilians.


Occupied Germany

The ban on troop fraternization with Germans is lifted in the US and British zones of Germany and Austria.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


  • TF 38 launches a devastating attack on ferry traffic between Honshu and Hokkaido. 37 steamers and 6 warships are sunk in 2 days. Japanese ships sunk in the day's action include the destroyer Tachibana and the coast defense vessels Nos. 65 and 74. 3 battleships, the South Dakota (BB-57), Indiana (BB-58) and Massachusetts (BB-59), from Rear-Adm J. F. Shafroth's group, lead a bombardment of the steel works at Kamaishi, north of Tokyo.
  • Mines sink the Japanese merchant cargo ships Senju Maru off Moji, Japan and Kiukiang Maru east of Busan, Korea.
  • The Japanese submarine I-351 is sunk by the US submarine Bluefish (SS-222) off Borneo.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 14, 1945

Ready to Bombard Japanese Coast

Ready to Bombard Japanese Coast

The Augusta and Her Escort

The <i>Augusta</i> and Her Escort

Camouflaged Airplane Assembly Hall

Camouflaged Airplane Assembly Hall

Trinity Gadget at Base of Tower

Trinity Gadget at Base of Tower

Sunday, July 15th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 3 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 39 14th Air Force P-47s and P-51s attack various transportation targets.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack an arms factory in Canton.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

V Fighter Command P-51s attack targets near Takao and targets of opportunity on Hoko Island.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • Unimpeded by aerial opposition, hundreds of Task Force 38 carrier aircraft pummel Japanese air bases, shipping and transportation targets, and an array of other military targets on Hokkaido and northern Honshu. It is estimated that Japan’s maritime coal-carrying capacity is halved by this series of raids.
  • 58 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Tomitaka and Usa airfields on Kyushu.
  • 25 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack targets on Kikai, Tamega, and Yaku islands.
  • VII Fighter Command fighter-bombers based on Iwo Jima attack airfields and tactical targets on Honshu.
  • A 35th Fighter Group P-51 downs an N1K 'Rex' floatplane fighter near the Kumamoto airfield on Kyushu at 1300 hours.
  • 21st Fighter Group P-51s down 4 fighters in the Nagoya area between 1330 and 1400 hours.
  • During the night 59 315th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack an oil facility at Kudamatsu. 6th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines off Niigata and Naoetsu.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Korea

During the night 6th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines off Najin, Pusan, and Wonsan.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Bomber Command B-25s and V Fighter Command P-38s and P-51s support US 8th Army ground forces on Luzon.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Pacific

10 large Japanese cities are devastated by US bombers.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Diplomatic Relations

(?) Italy declares war on Japan.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Dutch East Indies

Australian troops capture Mount Batochampar in Borneo which has been a key Japanese defense position.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


  • Another 3 battleships head a bombardment of the iron and steel works at Muroran.
  • US carrier-based aircraft sink the Japanese minesweeper No. 24 and the coast defense vessel No. 219 off northern Honshu, Japan.
  • The US destroyer Flusser (DD-368) is damaged in a collision in the Balikpapan area of Borneo.
  • The US submarine Skate (SS-305) sinks the Japanese transport Miho Maru east of South Sakhalin, Kurils.
  • The US light minelayer Thomas E. Fraser (DM-24) is damaged in a collision in the Okinawa area.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 15, 1945

Preparing for Atomic Test

Preparing for Atomic Test

Redesigned Landing Craft

Redesigned Landing Craft

Japanese Wooden Luggers Under Attack

Japanese Wooden Luggers Under Attack

Heading for the Potsdam Conference

Heading for the Potsdam Conference

Monday, July 16th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 5 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and more than 60 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack transportation targets across northern French Indochina and southern and eastern China.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack warehouses on Celebes.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

V Fighter Command P-51s attack a bridge and rail targets while sweeping the island.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • 33 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack rail bridges at Nobeoka.
  • 6 B-24s attack port facilities and the town area at Aburatsu.
  • 27 319th Medium Bomb Group A-26s, 1 B-24, and 39 FEAF P-47s attack the Miyazaki airfield on Kyushu and a nearby bridge.
  • 36 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s, 1 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24, and 1 A-26 attack a bridge at Sadohara.
  • 5 FEAF P-47s attack Yanagawa.
  • V Fighter Command P-51s attack coastal targets around Kagoshima Bay.
  • More than 100 VII Fighter Command fighter-bombers based on Iwo Jima attack airfields and several tactical targets on Honshu.
  • 4 28th Composite Bomb Group B-25s attack shipping and strafe shore targets in the Kurile Islands.
  • During the morning, 2 VC-13 (USS Anzio) anti-submarine TBMs help sink a Japanese submarine off Honshu.
  • 21st and 506th Fighter group P-51s down 25 Japanese fighters over Honshu between 1320 and 1400 hours.
  • During the night 119 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Numazu. 124 73rd Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Oita. 94 313th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Kuwana. 129 314th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Hiratsuka. 3 B-29s attack targets of opportunity.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Bomber Command B-25s and V Fighter Command P-51s support US 8th Army ground forces on Luzon.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Pacific

A force of 500 B-29s bomb targets on Honshu and Kyushu. Altogether, more than 1,500 American planes pound Japan.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Atomic Research

The world's first atomic weapons test takes place at Alamagordo in New Mexico. The bomb used is based on the element plutonium and gives a yield of between 15 and 20 kilotons. It is mounted on top of a steel tower which is vaporized by the head of the explosion which is greater that the temperature inside the sun. The explosion is visible and audible up to 180 miles away. Truman is advised of the successful test at Potsdam in a terse coded message, 'Babies satisfactorily born.'

The type of bomb dropped on Hiroshima will not be identical to this but based on the isotope Uranium 235. The Nagasaki bomb will be a second Plutonium weapon.



Japanese units begin pulling out of Amoy, in southern China.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Occupied Germany

Churchill tours Berlin. During an inspection of Hitler's bunker, he declares: 'I have tracked the Nazi beast to his lair!'

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


  • The Japanese submarine I-13 is sunk by aircraft from the US escort carrier Anzio (CVE-57) and by the destroyer escort Lawrence C. Taylor (DE-415) east of Japan.
  • The US submarine Blenny (SS-324) sinks the Japanese gunboat west of Surabaya, Java.
  • Mines sink the Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser Byoritsu Maru at the entrance to Chongjin Bay, the merchant cargo ship Nanjin Maru (2486t) off Wakamatsu, the merchant cargo ship Nissho Maru (2284t) off Mutsure, and merchant cargo ship Taikosan Maru off Motoyama-misaki.
  • The Japanese torpedo boat Kari is sunk by the US submarine Baya (SS-318) in the Java Sea.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 16, 1945

Trinity Site Explosion

Trinity Site Explosion

Churchill and Truman

Churchill and Truman

Churchill Leaving the Chancellery

Churchill Leaving the Chancellery

'The Gadget'

'The Gadget'

Tuesday, July 17th

Air Operations, CBI

  • Nearly 150 FEAF B-24s, B-25s, and A-26s attack Chiang Wan airfield at Shanghai.
  • FEAF P-47s attack warehouses and shipping at Tinghai and Taishan Island.
  • 1 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25 and more than 70 14th Air Force fighter-bombers disrupt Japanese troop movements in northern French Indochina and southern and eastern China.
  • FEAF B-25s attack Itu Aba Island.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack barracks at Limboeng.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Jesselton airfield on Borneo.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • Despite bad weather, Task Force 38 and Task Group 37.2 carrier aircraft attack various targets in the Tokyo area, but carrier operations are canceled in the afternoon.
  • V Fighter Command P-51s attack shipping off Kyushu.
  • FEAF P-47 dive-bombers attack rail tunnels near Kagoshima.
  • During the night 27 6th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s sow mines in Shimonoseki Strait and other areas.
  • Against no aerial opposition whatsoever, elements of the US 3rd and British Pacific fleets bombard shore targets.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

V Fighter Command P-51s attack targets in Amami O Shima and the northern Ryukyus.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Britain, Home Front

Field Marshal Ernst Busch, former commander of German Army Group Center in Russia, dies in a military hospital in Notts at age 60.

The King, Queen and Princess Elizabeth visit Ulster.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Diplomatic Relations

Truman, Stalin and Churchill meet at Potsdam near Berlin. The meeting will last until August 2. There are further clarifying dicussions of plans for dealing with defeated Germany and all the former occupied countries of Europe. Stalin confirms his undertaking to join the war with Japan but also tells the other Allies of peace moves that the Japanese have made via the as yet neutral USSR. There are no definite proposals contained in these approaches and it is therefore decided to do nothing direct to follow them up. On July 26 a broadcast is made to Japan with what has become known as the Potsdam Declaration. This repeats the demand for unconditional surrender, but states that the Allies do not want to reduce Japan to poverty in the postwar world. It says nothing of allowing or preventing the Emperor to remain at the head of the Japanese government.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


Aircraft taking off from ships of the US 3rd Fleet and TF37 of the British Pacific Fleet, commanded by Vice-Adm John S. McCain and Vice-Adm Henry B. Rawlings, begin a series of bombardments of military installations and airfields in the Tokyo-Yokohama area. This is the first joint US-British naval operation in the Pacific. Battleships alone fire 2,000 tons of shell on their targets. The battleship Nagato is put out of action in these operations. Another American squadron of battleships, cruisers and destroyers, shells the industrial area of Mito-Hitachi, on Honshu Island.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 17, 1945

The Potsdam Conference

The Potsdam Conference

Around the Conference Table at the Potsdam Conference

Around the Conference Table at the Potsdam Conference

Japanese Navy D4Y 'Judy'

Japanese Navy D4Y 'Judy'

FAA Seafire over Japan

FAA Seafire over Japan

Wednesday, July 18th

Air Operations, Asia

200 B-24s and B-25s of the Far East Air Force from Okinawa bomb Kinagwan airfield in Shanghai.

[rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • Nearly 150 FEAF B-24s, B-25s, and A-26s, and 54 FEAF P-47s, attack targets in the Shanghai area, port facilities at Shanghai, shipping on the Whangpoo River, airfields on Chusan Island, the Chiang Wan airfield at Shanghai and the airfields at Lunghua and Wusung.
  • 4 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack rail yards at Dong Anh.
  • 36 51st Fighter Group P-38s and P-51s attack defenses and transportation targets in northern French Indochina and adjacent areas of China.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack targets on Celebes.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Jesselton.
  • XIII Fighter Command P-38s attack Langkon.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Formosa

  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack the airfield at Matsuyama.
  • V Fighter Command P-38s attack various targets in northern Formosa.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • Despite lingering bad weather, Task Force 38 and Task Group 37.2 carrier aircraft attack various targets in the Tokyo area, especially the Yokosuka naval shipyard, where VF-88 fighter-bombers damage the battleship HIJMS Nagato at her moorings. In the attack, a Japanese destroyer, a submarine, 2 escort ships, and a patrol boat are sunk, and 5 small vessels are damaged.
  • FEAF P-47s and P-51s based on Okinawa and Ie Shima attack targets across Honshu and Kyushu.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command P-38s attack troops on Luzon.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

VMF(N)-533 F6Fs down 2 D4Y 'Judy' dive-bombers off Okinawa at 2136 and 2140 hours, respectively.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Central Pacific

Fleet Carrier Air Group 86 aircraft (USS Wasp) attack Wake Island.

Belgium, Politics

The Belgian Senate votes to forbid the return of Leopold III.


Brazil, Home Front

The Brazilian Expeditionary Force parades through Rio de Janeiro on its return from Italy.


Canada, Home Front

Explosions in a RCN Magazine rock Halifax. Firemen narrowly avert a cataclysmic detonation of the main magazine, containing 6,000 tons of ammunition, vast numbers of depth charges and mines. There are 15 casualties.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Dutch East Indies

Units of the Australian 7th Division in Borneo occupy the Sambodja oilfield, evacuated by the Japanese.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Italy, Home Front

Captured German mines explode destroying an American Red Cross club. 36 people are killed.

[larr2larr1 | rarr1rarr2]


  • Allied air and naval attacks against a number of targets in the Tokyo area meet with almost no opposition from the Japanese. Yokosuka naval base and the surrounding airfields are hit hard. During the night there is a smaller bombardment of targets in the Cape Nojima area southeast of the Japanese capital. The Task Force then withdraws because a typhoon is forecasted.
  • The coastal city of Hitachi is pounded by a fierce one-hour bombardment from US Navy warships, which fire 2,000 tons of shells.
  • The US transport George F. Elliott (AP-105) is damaged from an unknown cause in the Okinawa area.
  • The British submarine Trenchant attacks a Japanese convoy northwest of Lombok Island and sinks the army shuttle vessel Hayabusa Maru.
  • The Japanese merchant cargo ship Tenyo Maru is sunk due to an unknown cause north of Honshu.
  • The Japanese Coast Defense Vessel No.112 is sunk by the US submarine Barb (SS-220) off Karafuto, Japan.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 18, 1945

Yokosuka Naval Aresenal

Yokosuka Naval Aresenal

Damage from Bedford Magazine Explosion

Damage from Bedford Magazine Explosion

Bedford Magazine Explosion

Bedford Magazine Explosion

Attack on Yokosuka

Attack on Yokosuka

Moving on a Muddy Road

Moving on a Muddy Road

25 Pounder in Action

25 Pounder in Action

Thursday, July 19th

Air Operations, Asia

The Far East Air Force bombs 4 air bases in the Shanghai area.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 20 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 20 14th Air Force P-47s and P-51s attack rail yards at Shihkiachwang.
  • 7 B-25s and 2 P-51s attack motor-vehicle convoys in the Siang-Chiang valley and bridges near Yoyang.
  • FEAF B-25s attack Itu Aba Island.
  • 37 fighter-bombers attack various targets across northern French Indochina and southern and eastern China.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Jesselton airfield on Borneo.
  • XIII Fighter Command P-38s attack suicide boats hidden near Sandakan.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • More than 90 FEAF fighter-bombers attack targets throughout the Nagoya area.
  • VII Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack numerous targets on Honshu.
  • 15th and 506th Fighter group P-51s down a D3A 'Val' dive bomber and 8 fighters over the Osaka area between 1005 and 1100 hours.
  • During the night 127 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Fukui. 126 73rd Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Hitachi. 91 313th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Choshi. 126 314th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Okazaki. 83 315th Very Heavy Bomb B-29s attack oil facilities at Amagasaki. 7 B-29s attack targets of opportunity. 6th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines off Kobe, Osaka, and several other port cities.
    • 3 B-29s are lost.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Korea

During the night 6th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines off Wonsan.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command P-38s attack troops and defenses on Luzon and Palawan.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

A VMF(N)-533 F6F night-fighter downs an A6M Zero off Okinawa at 0215 hours.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


Japanese units in Burma begin an all-out effort to break out of their encircled position.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]


  • The US destroyer Thatcher (DD-514) is hit and badly damaged in a suicide attack off Okinawa.
  • The US submarine Bumper (SS-333) attacks a Japanese convoy in the Gulf of Siam and sinks the fleet oil tanker No.3 Kyoei Maru (1189t).
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

United States, Politics

Congress ratifies the Bretton Woods monetary agreement.


Images from July 19, 1945

HMS Mullion Cove At Sea

HMS <i>Mullion Cove</i> At Sea

Third Day of Potsdam Conference

Third Day of Potsdam Conference

Royal Visit to Northern Ireland

Royal Visit to Northern Ireland

British Naval Construction

British Naval Construction

Friday, July 20th

Air Oprations, CBI

  • 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 14th Air Force P-51s attack motor-vehicle convoys near Hengyang and Wuchang, rail facilities near Changsha, and Japanese troops withdrawing through southern and eastern China.
  • 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 51st Fighter Group P-51s attack rail facilities near Vinh and Phu Thuong, a power plant near Vinh, and Japanese troops withdrawing through northern French Indochina.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Oprations, East Indies

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack Togian Island.
  • XIII Fighter Command P-38s attack targets on Borneo and Celebes.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Oprations, Japan

  • Nearly 100 VII Fighter Command fighter-bombers based on Iwo Jima attack 7 airfields on Honshu.
  • 8 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s attack the airfield at Matusuwa.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Oprations, Philippines

  • V Bomber Command B-24s, B-25s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers support US 8th Army ground forces and attack various targets on Luzon.
  • P-38s attack targets on Palawan.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


  • The Japanese minesweeper No. W-39 is sunk by the US submarine Threadfin (SS-410) in the Yellow Sea.
  • Continuing an attack on a Japanese convoy, the US submarine Bumper (SS-333) sinks the guardboat No.3 Kyoraku Maru.
  • Mines sink the Japanese merchant cargo ship Tatsutagawa Maru (873t) in Shimonoseki Strait.
  • The Japanese merchant ship Shintai Maru (933t) is lost due to unknown causes in the Gulf of Siam.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


On Mindanao American units land on Balut Island, at the entrance of Sarangani Bay, and wipe out the small Japanese garrison.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

United States, Home Front

Congress votes to increase Export-Import Banks lending ceiling from $700 million to $3,500 million. The Bretton Woods Bill passes with the Senate vote being 61-16.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Images from July 20, 1945

Examining a Japanese Anti-aircraft Gun

Examining a Japanese Anti-aircraft Gun

2nd Armored Division in Review

2nd Armored Division in Review

Raising US Flag over Berlin

Raising US Flag over Berlin

Laying Down a Barrage on Japanese Positions

Laying Down a Barrage on Japanese Positions

Saturday, July 21st

Air Operations, CBI

  • 11 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 2 14th Air Force P-51s attack a Japanese Army headquarters near Wuchang, motor-vehicle convoys in the Siang-Chiang valley, and targets around Sienning.
  • More than 40 fighter-bombers attack Japanese troops moving through northern French Indochina and eastern China.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command P-38s attack targets on Luzon.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

FEAF B-25s and 32 319th Medium Bomb Group A-26s attack shipping at Naze-Ko.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


Heavy fighting takes place along the Sittang River as the Japanese continue their counterthrusts.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Japan, Home Front

US radio broadcasts call on Japan to surrender or face destruction.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]


  • US Navy planes attack shipping in Tsushima Strait and off Fusan, Korea.
  • The US attack transport Marathon (APA-200) is damaged by a piloted torpedo in the Okinawa area.
  • The US submarine Sea Robin (SS-407) sinks the Japanese cargo vessels Chio Maru and Yoshi Maru about 18 miles east of Shinishi Island.
  • Mines sink the Japanese merchant cargo ship Nichiyo Maru in Tomita harbor.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 21, 1945

British Victory Parade in Berlin

British Victory Parade in Berlin

A Salute by 25-pounder Guns

A Salute by 25-pounder Guns

Returning Part of Stolen Artwork

Returning Part of Stolen Artwork

Shelling Japanese Positions

Shelling Japanese Positions

Sunday, July 22nd

Air Operations, Asia

300 planes of the Far East Air Force, including some new Invader fast bombers, again hit air bases and shipping in the Shanghai area.


Air Operations, Carolines

Operating temporarily from Guam, the 20th Air Force’s 414th Fighter Group, in P-47s, attacks the Japanese Navy base in the Truk Atoll.


Air Operations, CBI

  • 16 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 8 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack bridges at Lohochai and Sincheng, supply convoys in the Siang-Chiang valley, and rail yards at Siaokan.
  • More than 50 fighter-bombers attack Japanese forces withdrawing through northern French Indochina and southern and eastern China.
  • 22 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based on Okinawa attack Chiang Wan.
  • 37 FEAF B-25s based on Okinawa attack an oil installation at Shanghai and a Japanese destroyer on the Whangpoo River.
  • 37 319th Medium Bomb Group A-26s attack the airfield at Tachang.
  • FEAF P-47s and P-51s based on Ie Shima and Okinawa attack factories and rail shops in Shanghai and Japanese warships and gunboats on the Whangpoo River.
  • During the night 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the airfield at Tinghai and the airfield on Chusan Island.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

More than 100 VII Fighter Command fighter-bombers based on Iwo Jima attack rail facilities, airfields, and tactical targets on Honshu. A 21st Fighter Group P-51 downs an A6M Zero near Nara at 1345 hours.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Korea

During the night several 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Pusan. Also, in the longest B-29 combat mission of the war, 20th Air Force B-29s stage through Iwo Jima to sow mines off Najin. Mines are also sown in the Pusan and Masan areas.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

Despite bad weather, V Bomber Command B-25s and V Fighter Command P-38s and P-51s complete more than 30 effective sorties against targets on Luzon.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


  • During the night 9 US destroyers penetrate Tokyo Bay under cover of a storm and attack a convoy.
  • The Allied task forces are resupplied at sea in the greatest such operation of the war.
  • The Japanese auxiliary minesweeper No.7 Toshi Maru is wrecked off Sata-Misaki, Japan.
  • Mines sink the Japanese merchant cargo ship Katori Maru (2218t) off Niigata and the merchant cargo ship No.3 Manei Maru (1778t) west of Funagawa, Honshu.
  • TF92 bombards Paramushiro in the Kuriles.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 22, 1945

Australian Army Jeep Train

Australian Army Jeep Train

Curious Native Okinawan Boys

Curious Native Okinawan Boys

Monday, July 23rd

Air Operations, CBI

  • 8 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and more than 100 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack airfields, stores, bridges, rail lines, troops, and other targets across vast areas of northern French Indochina and southern and eastern China.
  • 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s mount individual attacks against Tinghai.
  • FEAF B-25s attack Itu Aba Island.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack Amboina and Tolonoeoe islands.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Jesselton.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack targets on Luzon.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Miho and Saeki.
  • Individual B-24s attack the harbor area at Kure.
  • 2 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s attack the Kurabu Cape airfield.
  • During the night 72 315th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack a coal-liquifaction plant at Ube.
  • Several 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Yonago.
  • 6th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s stage through Iwo Jima to sow mines in Shimonoseki Strait.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

VMF-351 carrier-based F4Us down a Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane and a D4Y 'Judy' dive bomber at sea at 0625 and 1105 hours, respectively.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

France, Home Front

The trial of Pétain opens at the Palais de Justice, Paris.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


  • The US submarine Barb (SS-220) lands US raiding forces on the east coast of Karafuto (an island located between Japan and mainland Asia). Once ashore, they blow up a Japanese train before escaping.
  • The US submarine Sea Poacher (SS-406) sinks the Japanese guardboat No.2 Kiri Maru between Onoosaki and Shoyasaki, Japan.
  • Mines sink the Japanese guardboat No.2 Taisho Maru off Chinhae, Korea, merchant tug Kaiko Maru and cargo ship Shoko maru off Niigata; merchant cargo ships No.1 Taiha Maru (6889t) and No.2 Taishin Maru (1152t) off Moji; No.6 Nissho Maru (642t) in Kammon Strait; Yamadori Maru (1152t) outside Wakamatsu harbor; merchant cargo ship No.2 Tsurukawa Maru (875t) off Wakamatsu; and merchant vessel Kocho Maru off Mutsure.
  • The Japanese submarine chaser No. CHA-117 is sunk by the US submarine Hardhead (SS-365) off Java in the Dutch East Indies.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 23, 1945

At the Potsdam Conference

At the Potsdam Conference

Admiral King in Bremen

Admiral King in Bremen

The Trial of Pétain

The Trial of Pétain

House of Commons Being Restored

House of Commons Being Restored

Tuesday, July 24th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 8 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and more than 100 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack a wide array of targets in northern French Indochina and across eastern and southern China.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Itu Aba Island.
  • In the V Bomber Command’s first mission from Okinawa, more than 100 B-24s attack the Chiang Wan airfiedl at Shanghai.
  • 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Lunghua and Wusang airfields at Shanghai.
  • 319th Medium Bomb Group A-26s and FEAF B-25s attack the airfields at Tachang and Tinghai.
  • FEAF fighters escorting the bombers attack shipping and numerous targets of opportunity throughout the area.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Oelin and Tabanio airfields on Borneo.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Jesselton airfield on Borneo.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • 82 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack metals factories at Osaka. 81 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack an aircraft factory at Takarazuka. 153 73rd Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Kuwana and Osaka. 66 313th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack an aircraft factory at Eitoku. 38 313th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s and 75 314th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Tsu. 77 314th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack an aircraft factory at Handa. 24 B-29s attack various other targets.
    • 2 B-29s are lost.
  • 91 VII Fighter Command P-51s based at Iwo Jima attack airfields and tactical targets in the Nagoya area.
  • Against no aerial opposition whatsoever, US carrier aircraft from Task Force 38 and Royal Navy carrier aircraft from Task Group 37.2 open a punishing series of strikes against targets in and around the Inland Sea, especially against Japanese warships hidden in coves at the Kobe and Kure naval bases. On this first day alone, the carrier aircraft complete 1,747 effective combat sorties. Among many other accomplishments, the carrier aircraft sink the never-used fleet carrier HIJMS Amagi and the battleship-carrier HIJMS Ise at their moorings at Kure. The Amagi is also struck by 11 FEAF B-24s based on Okinawa. US carrier-based F6Fs down 2 C6N 'Myrt' reconnaissance planes s at sea and 13 Japanese fighters over southern Japan between 0745 and 1815 hours.
  • During the night US cruisers bombard the Japanese seaplane base at Shionomisaki in southern Honshu.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Marianas

Marine Carrier Air Group 3 (USS Vella Gulf) opens 3 days of strikes against bypassed Japanese bases on Pagan and Rota islands.


Air Operations, Philippines

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers support US 8th Army ground forces on Luzon.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Pacific

An air armada of 1,600 planes attack Japanese airfields, the naval base at Kure and ships in the Inland Sea. The battleships Hyuga, Ise, and Haruna are sunk.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Diplomatic Relations

At the Potsdam Conference Truman and Churchill mention to Stalin that they have a new and powerful weapon for use against Japan but do not explain what it is. It is possible that Stalin already knows of the bomb through his espionage organization in the United States.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


  • The British and American carriers continue their operations against Japan. There are now 15 US ships and four British. There are extensive air operations on this day. Japanese warships sunk in the day's attacks include the battleships Hyuga, Ise and Haruna, the escort carrier Kaiyo, and the cruisers Aoba and Iwate. During the night a bombardment operation is carried out against Kushimoto and Shionomisaki.
  • The US submarine Chub (SS-329) sinks a Japanese tug, formerly Dutch Ginah off northeast Java, Dutch East Indies.
  • Mines sink Japanese merchant cargo ships Koichi Maru (873t) in Wonsan harbor, Korea and Himekawa Maru (873t) off Himejima.
  • The US destroyer escort Underhill (DE-682) is critically damaged by a Japanese piloted torpedo, and is later scuttled. The Japanese piloted torpedoes (Kaiten) were essentially Long Lance torpedoes fitted with an operating compartment and a conning tower for use by a single crewman.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

United States, Policy

Truman takes the decision to use the bomb on Japan if they do not very soon come to terms. Whatever the later doubts about the morality of using the weapon, at the time there is very little doubt. It is simply a question of quickly persuading the Japanese to surrender in order to save the many lives on both sides that would be lost if the Allies invaded the Home Islands. No real thought if given to the possible forms of a demonstration use of the bomb to frighten the Japanese without having to destroy a city.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from July 24, 1945

Japanese Cruiser Under Attack

Japanese Cruiser Under Attack

Japanese Tanker Under Attack

Japanese Tanker Under Attack

British Navy Planes Blast Japanese Airfield

British Navy Planes Blast Japanese Airfield

Japanese Battleship Under Attack

Japanese Battleship Under Attack

Wednesday, July 25th

Air Operations, CBI

  • FEAF B-25s attack Itu Aba Island.
  • 10 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 3 449th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack bridges at Quang Tri and Tho Linh, and river traffic at Wuchou, China.
  • 30 51st Fighter Group P-38s and P-51s attack river and rail targets at Bac Ninh, Duc Tho, Hanoi, Vinh, and areas of southern China.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Kuching and Pontianak airfields on Borneo.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Jesselton airfield on Borneo.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • During the morning, US Navy carrier aircraft from Task Force 38 and Royal Navy carrier aircraft from Task Group 37.2 continue to mount punishing strikes against targets in and around the Inland Sea.
  • FEAF B-24s attack Kikai Shima and the town area at Tsuiki.
  • US carrier-based F6Fs and F4Us down a D4Y 'Jill' dive bomber, a Ki-21 'Sally' medium bomber, a utility airplane, and 11 fighters over airfields on Honshu between 0610 and 0645 hours.
  • A VF-16 F6F downs a C6N 'Myrt' reconnaissance plane at sea at 0830 hours. a VBF-6 F4U downs a C6N 'Myrt' reconnaissance plane over Task Force 38 at 1822 hours.
  • A VF(N)-91 F6F downs a K5Y 'Willow' trainer at sea at 1823 hours.
  • A VF(N)-91 F6F downs a B7A 'Grace' torpedo bomber at sea at 1850 hours.
  • Carrier strikes planned for the afternoon are canceled in the face of bad weather. Nevertheless, in only a day and a half, the carrier aircraft have sunk or severely damaged most of the remaining ships of the Combined Fleet: 3 aircraft carriers, a battleship-carrier, a battleship, 3 heavy cruisers, 2 obsolete cruisers, 5 destroyers, and many lighter combat vessels.
  • During the night 75 315th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack oil-industry targets at Kawasaki.504th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines off several port cities.
    • 1 B-29 is lost.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Korea

During the night 504th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines off Pusan and Seishin.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack troops on Negros.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


Japanese forces pull out of Taunggyi in the Shan states of Burma.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Diplomatic Relations

There is a recess in the conference for the next four days when the British delegation leave for their election results. Attlee is the new prime minister and Bevin the foreign secretary.

Radio Tokyo indicates Japan would accept peace terms but not unconditional surrender.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


  • For the second day in a row, aircraft of the US 3rd Fleet attack Kure naval base and the airfields at Nagoya, Osaka and Miho. The battleships Hyuga, Ise and Haruna, the escort carrier Kaiyo and the heavy cruisers Aoba and Iwate are sunk. These air and naval attacks are taking place against a country on the verge of collapse, which no longer offers any resistance.
  • The cruisers Pasadena (CA-24), Springfield (CL-66), Wilkes-Barre (CL-103) and Astoria (CL-90) bombard air bases in southern Honshu.
  • Mines laid by USAAF B-29s sink Japanese merchant cargo ships Hoshi Maru (2853t) at the mouth of Maizuru Bay and Eian Maru (3825t) off Tottori, Honshu.
  • The British submarine Stubborn sinks the Makassar-bound Japanese Patrol Boat No.2.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


On Mindanao all organized Japanese resistance ceases in the Sarangani Bay sector. Mopping up begins, but is not completed until August 11.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 25, 1945

HMS Formidable Being Oiled At Sea

HMS <i>Formidable</i> Being Oiled At Sea

The Canadian Berlin Battalion

The Canadian Berlin Battalion

Navy PBY Lands near a Mine Field

Navy PBY Lands near a Mine Field

Firing 25-pounders on Japanese Positions

Firing 25-pounders on Japanese Positions

Thursday, July 26th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 8 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and more than 100 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack road, rail, and river facilties and traffic associated with the Japanese withdrawal from French Indochina and southern and eastern China.
  • FEAF B-25s attack Itu Aba Island.
  • FEAF B-25s attack the airfield at Tinghai.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the following airfields on Borneo: Oelin, Sengkawang, Tabanio, and Trombol.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • FEAF B-25s attack the Nakatsu airfield on Kyushu and a convoy in Tsutu Bay.
  • 7 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s attack the Kataoka naval base with incendiary bombs.
  • During the night 127 73rd Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Matsuyama. 97 313th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Tokuyama. 124 314th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Omuta. 2 B-29s attack targets of opportunity.
    • 1 B-29 is lost.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Korea

FEAF B-25s attack the port area at Pusan.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack defenses and troops on Negros.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-25s and XIII Fighter Command fighter-bombers support US 8th Army ground forces on Luzon.
  • The 13th Air Force assumes responsibility for all air operations throughout the Philippines and East Indies.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Britain, Politics

The election results begin to be announced. The Labor party garners 393 seats to 213 for the Conservatives with 31 going to minor parties while the popular vote was 47.8 percent Labor to 39.8 Conservative. It is a massive victory for the Labor Party and a terrible defeat for Churchill's Conservatives. Attlee becomes prime minister. The reason for the Conservative defeat, despite Churchill's war record is that they have failed to convince the electorate that they would be active and original enough to prevent any return to the conditions of the 1930s when the Conservative governments did too little, it is felt, to mitigate the economic effects of the world depression and failed to stand up to Hitler. In the war years, too, it has mostly been the Labor politicians who have been responsible for the government departments charged with running the rationing system and organizing industry and it is felt that they have done this in a way that has benefitted the people in ways apart from helping the war Attlee becomes the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense; Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevin; Chancellor of the Exchequer, Hugh Dalton; President of the Board of Trade, Sir Stafford Cripps; Lord President, Herbert Morrison; Lord Chancellor, W. Jowitt.

[larr2larr | rarr]

Diplomatic Relations

The Allies meeting at Potsdam issue a proclamation demanding that Japan should surrender unconditionally on pain of 'complete destruction'. This also refers to the successful atom bomb experiment at Alamogordo, about which Stalin's intelligence service has kept him informed.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Indian Ocean

The first kamikaze attack on the British East Indies Fleet is made off Malaya. The escort carrier Ameer is damaged and the minesweeper Vestal is sunk.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]


The US heavy cruiser Indianapolis (CA-35) delivers a lethal consignment enough uranium-235 to make the first atomic bomb to Tinian air base. A USAAF bomber unit, the 509th Composite Group, has been specially created and trained for the deployment of the atomic bomb against Japan.



The US destroyer Lowry (DD-770) is damaged by an explosion in the Philippine Sea.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 26, 1945

Churchill Loses General Election

Churchill Loses General Election

Japanese Surrender Terms Defined

Japanese Surrender Terms Defined

Clement Attlee and Wife Violet

Clement Attlee and Wife Violet

Inspecting Sailors Repairing Houses

Inspecting Sailors Repairing Houses

Friday, July 27th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 13 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and more than 50 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack road, rail, and river traffic throughout northern French Indochina and southern and eastern China. Chinese Army ground forces recapture the airfield at Tanchuk.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Pontianak airfield on Borneo.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • More than 60 FEAF B-24s attack marshalling yards at Kagoshima, and their 50 P-51 escorts attack numerous targets of opportunity in the Kagoshima area.
  • More than 150 FEAF P-47s attack bridges, a tunnel, a power plant, and numerous industrial and communications targets across Kyushu.
  • During the night 24 504th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines in Shimonoseki Strait, Fukawa Bay, and off 4 port cities.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Pacific

B-29s drop 660,000 leaflets by night over 11 Japanese cities, warning inhabitants to flee before selected targets are destroyed. By August 5, 35 cities have been subjected to this novel, and highly effective, form of psychological warfare. 16 of the cities are actually bombed.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Britain, Politics

Attlee immediately flies to Potsdam to join Stalin and Truman in the Big Three conference.



The first Chinese forces enter Kweilin. Fighting for possession of the town continues until the end of the month. Other Chinese forces capture Tanchuk airfield.

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  • More extensive air operations are carried out against Japan by the British and American carriers.
  • The US cargo ship Ganymede (AK-104) is damaged in a collision in the Philippine Islands area.
  • The Japanese transport No. 176 is damaged by US Army aircraft off southern Kyushu, Japan.
  • USAAF B-29-laid mines sink the Japanese army cargo ship Unten Maru (1025t) off Suo Nada; merchant cargo ships Maiko Maru (887t) off Kokushi, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and No.55 Banshu Maru in Odo Strait, Shimonoseki.
  • The US submarine Pogy (SS-266) sinks the Japanese merhcant cargo ship Chikuzen Maru (2448t) southwest of Kyogasaki, Honshu.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 27, 1945

San Matao, California

San Matao, California

The Potsdam Conference

The Potsdam Conference

Water Polo Match

Water Polo Match

First Operational Mission

First Operational Mission

Saturday, July 28th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 7 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and nearly 100 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack Japanese forces withdrawing through eastern and southern China.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • More than 70 FEAF B-24s attack Japanese warships and other shipping at Kure.
  • FEAF B-25s and 319th Medium Bomb Group A-26s attack the Kanoya airfield complex on Kyushu.
  • B-25s and FEAF P-51s sweep shipping in the Inland Sea.
  • 137 FEAF P-47s based on Ie Shima attack artillery positions, rail yards, industrial targets, warehouses, and other targets across Kyushu.
  • 21 P-47s attack shipping at Yatsushiro.
  • More than 140 VII Fighter Command P-51s based on Iwo Jima attack military installations and airfields at 9 locations in the Tokyo area.
  • VII Fighter Command P-51s sink a Japanese destroyer-escort off the Chiba peninsula.
  • US Navy aircraft from Task Force 38 and Royal Navy aircraft from Task Group 37.2 mount massive attacks against airfields and naval targets around the Inland Sea. The battleship-carrier HIJMS Hyuga is sunk and other Mobile Fleet warships are damaged at Kure by Task Force 38 carrier bombers. In return for this completely symbolic gain, however, very heavy anti-aircraft fire brings about the staggering loss of 133 US carrier aircraft and 102 airmen. US carrier-based F6Fs down 13 Ki-84 'Frank' fighters, 3 Ki-61 'Tony' fighters, 4 F1M 'Pete' reconnaissance planes, and an N1K 'Rex' floatplane figher over Japan between 0625 and 0845 hours. A VBF-87 F6F downs a B6N 'Jill' torpedo bomber 7 miles from Task Force 38 at 1711 hours. Royal Navy Hellcat night-fighters from HMS Formidable also down 3 night intruders.
  • During the night 76 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Tsu. 61 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Aomori. 122 73rd Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Ichinomiya.
  • 93 313th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Ujiyamada 90 314th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack Ogaki. 29 314th Very Heavy Bombt Wing B-29s attack Uwajima. 76 315th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s attack an oil refinery at Shimotsu. 7 B-29s attack targets of opportunity.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s support US 8th Army ground forces on Negros.
  • B-25s and XIII Fighter Command P-38s support US 8th Army ground forces on Luzon.
  • P-38s attack Japanese troops on Jolo Island.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Pacific

2,000 Allied planes bomb Kure, Kobe and targets on the Inland Sea. The US destroyer Callaghan is sunk by a suicide plane off Okinawa, the last ship to be destroyed by kamikazes although the next day a suicide plane damages the destroyer Cassin Young.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


The Japanese 28th Army attempts to escape across the Sittang River suffering catastrophic losses. Over 13,000 are killed or drowned.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Diplomatic Relations

Attlee and Bevin arrive at Potsdam for further consultations.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Japan, Policy

The Japanese Premier Kantaro Suzuki holds a press conference in which he says that the Japanese government will take no notice of the Potsdam Declaration. At least that is the interpretation that is put on his speech by the Allies, but it is possible that the word he use was intended to mean 'make no comment on for the moment' and that more might have been done to encourage a diplomatic response. It is upsetting to the Japanese that the declaration has not been delivered through the proper diplomatic channels via a neutral power and this contributes to their decision to take no immediate action on it.

[rarrrarr | rarr2]


  • There are more attacks by the US 3rd fleet against the naval base at Kure and other targets. This time the American bombers sink the aircraft carrier Amagi, the heavy cruiser Tone, the old cruiser Izumo, the light cruiser Oyodo, the destroyer Nashi and the submarine I-371.
  • The Japanese, incapable by now of any reaction in their own country, send yet more kamikaze pilots to attack the American ships in the Okinawa area. These attacks sink the destroyer Callaghan (DD-792) and damage the destroyer Prichett (DD-561).
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

United States, Home Front

A B-25 bomber lost in the fog collides with the Empire State Building in New York City. 19 people are killed.

The Senate ratifies the UN Charter by a vote of 89 to 2.

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Images from July 28, 1945

Empire State Building On Fire

Empire State Building On Fire

Damage to the Empire State Building

Damage to the Empire State Building

Japanese Battleship Haruna Under Attack

Japanese Battleship <i>Haruna</i> Under Attack

Japanese Battleship Haruna Under Attack

Japanese Battleship <i>Haruna</i> Under Attack

Japanese Battleship Haruna Under Attack

Japanese Battleship <i>Haruna</i> Under Attack

Aerial Photograph Showing Japanese Battleship Ise

Aerial Photograph Showing Japanese Battleship <i>Ise</i>

Leaving the Empire State Building

Leaving the Empire State Building

Raids on Japan

Raids on Japan

Sunday, July 29th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 4 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and more than 100 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack a wide array of targets from Peking to Haiphong, French Indochina.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Sidate airfield on Celebes and warehouses at Watampone.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • More than 70 FEAF B-24s attack Japanese warships and shipping at Kure.
  • 41 B-24s attack factories and stores near Aburatsu, industrial plants at Nagasaki, and town areas at Nobeoka and Oita.
  • FEAF B-25s attack Kagoshima, Kibana, Tokuno Shima, and various targets at Miyazaki and Tozakihana.
  • 319th Medium Bomb Group A-26s attack the naval base and an engine factory at Nagasaki.
  • A large number of FEAF P-47s attack various targets at Makurazuki, the Chiran airfield on Kyushu and the Izumi airfield on Honshu, and shipping and naval targets at Kure, Ibusuki, and Kagoshima Bay.
  • FEAF P-51s attack factories at Omura and Sashiki, and shipping and other targets throughout southern Kyushu.
  • US Navy aircraft from Task Force 38 and Royal Navy aircraft from Task Group 37.2 mount massive attacks against airfields and naval targets in and around the Sea of Japan and along the northern Honshu coast. A Japanese destroyer escort, 12 merchant vessels, and several small naval combat ship are sunk.
  • During the night 504th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines in Shimonoseki Strait and waters off Fukuoka and Karatsu.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Korea

  • FEAF P-51s attack targets of opportunity along the southern Korean coast.
  • During the night 504th Very Heavy Bomb Group B-29s sow mines off Najin.
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Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack pockets of resistance on Negros.
  • B-25s and XIII Fighter Command P-38s attack Japanese Army defenses and artiller positions on Luzon.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

  • At 0041 hours, 1 of the last US destroyers on radar picket duty north of Okinawa is mortally damaged by a fabric-and-wood kamikaze that kills 47 and wounds 73.
  • VMF(N)-543 F6Fs down 2 G4M 'Betty' bombers near Okinawa at 0117 and 0205 hours, respectively.
  • A 548th Night Fighter Squadron P-61 crew downs a G4M 'Betty' bomber at 0235 hours.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Britain, Home Front

The 8th Army is disbanded.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


  • 5 battleships and several cruisers and destroyers commanded by Rear-Adm John F. Shafroth shells offices, an aircraft factory and other targets at Hamamatsu, on Honshu Island.
  • On Okinawa, Japanese suicide aircraft damage the American destroyer Cassin Young (DD-793) and the fast transport Horace A. Bass (APD-124).
  • The Japanese submarine chaser No. 207 is sunk by US Army aircraft off Kyushu, Japan.
  • The US submarine Sennet (SS-408) attacks a Japanese convoy off western Honshu and sinks merchant cargo ships Hagikawa Maru (2995t) west of Noshiro harbor and No.15 Unkai Maru (1208t) and Hakuei Maru (2863t) off Sakata.
  • The Japanese merchant cargo ship Sumioyoshi Maru is a marine casualty sinking outside Kamaishi harbor.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 29, 1945

Bombing Osaka

Bombing Osaka

Mustangs Over Japan

Mustangs Over Japan

Returning from a Mission over Gifu

Returning from a Mission over Gifu

Photo after the B-25 Empire State Building Crash

Photo after the B-25 Empire State Building Crash

Monday, July 30th

Air Operations, CBI

  • 2 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and more than 40 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack numerous targets across northern French Indochina and southern and eastern China.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Kota Waringin airfield on Borneo.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • The government of Japan rejects the July 26 Potsdam ultimatum.
  • Task Force 38 and Task Force 37.2 carrier aircraft attack Kobe and Nagoya.
  • More than 60 FEAF B-25s and 319th Medium Bomb Group A-26s attack the Omura airfield on Kyushu, 4 medium bombers attack the Izumi airfield on Honshu, and escorting P-47s sweep the area.
  • FEAF B-25s and P-51 escorts unable to locate shipping targets off Korea sweep the Sendai area.
  • More than 80 P-47s bomb Sendai.
  • 80 FEAF P-47s attack the airfield at Shibushi and various military and commercial targets at Karasehara, Miyazaki, and Tomitaka.
  • FEAF P-51s reconnoitering southern Kyushu attack trains and small craft.
  • VII Fighter Command fighter-bombers based on Iwo Jima attack rail lines, airfields, and tactical targets between Kobe and Osaka.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

XIII Bomber Command B-25s and XIII Fighter Command P-38s attack various targets on Luzon.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Ryukyus

  • A VMF(N)-533 F6F downs a G4M 'Betty' bomber near Zampa Misaka at 0206 hours.
  • At 0306 hours, a fabric-and-wood kamikaze crashes into a US radar picket destroyer, killing 17 and wounding 75. This destroyer, which is moderately damaged, is the last of 368 Allied ships damaged during the Okinawa Campaign, mostly by kamikazes. A total of 30 naval ships have been sunk off Okinawa, mostly by kamikazes and other air attacks. The cost from these attacks has been more than 4,900 sailors lost and nearly 4,900 others wounded or injured. US and British land and naval air units have lost 763 aircraft during the Okinawa Campaign, both to enemy action and in operational incidents.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Japan, Home Front

Food shortages have become so acute in Japan the government calls on the civilian population to collect 2.5 million bushels of acorns to be converted into eating material. The average Japanese has to survive on a daily intake of 1,680 calories, or 78 percent of what is considered the minimum necessary to survive.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Japan, Policy

Japan rejects the Potsdam ultimatum. Nonetheless Gen Marshall gives instructions to Gen MacArthur and Adm Nimitz to co-ordinate plans in readiness for an early surrender by the enemy.


New Guinea

The Japanese 18th Army makes a last stand at the village of Numbogua. Gen Hataso Adachi orders his troops 'to die in honorable defeat'.

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  • There is renewed air bombardment of airfields and industrial plants on Honshu Island by aircraft from the US 3rd Fleet.
  • TF37 and TF38 planes sink 11 ships in the harbors of Kobe, Nagoya and Maizuru.
  • 2 British midget submarines enter Singapore harbor and sink the Japanese heavy cruiser Takao by attaching limpet mines to its bottom. Midget submarines are also used to disrupt communication cables linking Singapore, Saigon and Hong Kong.
  • The US cruiser Indianapolis (CA-35), returning to the United States after delivering the atom bomb to Tinian Island in the Marianas, is torpedoed and sunk by the Japanese submarine I-58. It is not recognized that the Indianapolis (CA-35), with a crew of 1,196, is overdue for three days and many of the 316 survivors rescued are not found for several days after this.
  • The US submarine Bonefish (SS-223) is reported as presumed lost in the Pacific Ocean area.
  • The Japanese destroyer Hatsushimo is sunk by a mine in the Sea of Japan. The Japanese frigate Okinawa is sunk in the same area by US carrier-based aircraft.
  • The US submarine Sennet (SS-408) sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship Yuzan Maru (6039t) near Mutsuta Mizaki, Hokkaido.
  • The Japanese merchant cargo ship No.15 Yamabishi Maru is lost to marine casualty in Wakasa Bay.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from July 30, 1945

Japanese Prisoners

Japanese Prisoners

The Cruiser Indianapolis

The Cruiser <i>Indianapolis</i>

Crash Landing of a Kittyhawk

Crash Landing of a Kittyhawk

Japanese-Americans Returning to Sacramento

Japanese-Americans Returning to Sacramento

Tuesday, July 31st

Air Operations, CBI

  • 3 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 52 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack numerous transportation and other targets across southern and eastern China.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

  • More than 80 FEAF B-24s attack rail yards at Kagoshima, the Sasebo naval base, Nagasaki and Yakishima.
  • FEAF B-25s and 319th Medium Bomb Group A-26s attack Marushima, the Sasebo naval base, the Kanoya and Miyazaki airfields on Kyushu, warehouses at Nagasaki, and a power plant and factory on Koyagi Island.
  • FEAF P-51s attack many targets throughout the Kyushu area.
  • In their portion of the attack against the Sasebo naval base, 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s mount exprimental attacks against shipping with a new 'glide' torpedo that can be launched from medium altitude a great distance from the target. The attack is not successful, but further experiments with the device will be conducted until the cessation of hostilities.
  • Task Force 38 and Task Group 37.2 cease combat flight operations and withdraw from the path of an oncoming typhoon.
  • During the night FEAF P-61s undertake harrassment missions over Kyushu and Honshu.
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Air Operations, Philippines

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack targets on Luzon.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-25s and XIII Fighter Command P-38s support US 8th Army ground forces on Luzon.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Canada, Home Front

Field Marshal Harold Alexander is appointed Governor General.

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  • The air and naval bombardment of Japan continues. 1 Japanese destroyer and 1 frigate are sunk.
  • The cruiser Takao is sunk by British frogmen with limpet mines at Singapore.
  • The US destroyer Bancroft (DD-598) is damaged in a collision in the Luzon area.
  • Mines sink the Japanese guardboat No.5 Teru Maru off Wonsan, Korea and naval auxiliary No.5 Matsumae Maru off Pusan, Korea.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

War Crimes

Pierre Laval is flown from Spain, where he had been given asylum, to Linz, Austria, aboard Franco's personal plane. He surrenders to US authorities who turn him over to the French army. Laval felt he should return to France to justify his role in the Vichy government and to avoid being made the scapegoat for that dismal period when France was under Nazi rule. Laval will be subsequently executed by a firing squad after failing in an attempt to commit suicide with cyanide pills he had secreted in his overcoat ever since he thought the Nazis might try to kill him.


Images from July 31, 1945

Bombs Being Dropped on Kobe, Japan

Bombs Being Dropped on Kobe, Japan

Troops Unloading Ships at Surrey Docks

Troops Unloading Ships at Surrey Docks

Colorado Hit by Japanese Plane

<i>Colorado</i> Hit by Japanese Plane

Refueling At Sea

Refueling At Sea

[ June 1945 - August 1945]