March 1945

Tuesday, March 6th

Eastern Front


Heavy fighting rages around Altdamm as the 47th Army closes upon Greifenhagen on the Oder and the 61st Army pushes in from the east.

Grudziadz falls to the 65th Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front while the 2nd Shock Army marches north to outflank the German Nogat defenses. Belgard falls to elements of the 3rd Shock and 1st Polish Armies after hard fighting.


With limited arty and air support the Germans launch Operation FRUHLINGSERWACHEN. Dietrich's 6th SS Panzer Army hits the junction of the 26th and 4th Guards Armies and immediately becomes embroiled in bitter fighting. Intense action follows as the Germans launche repeated attacks in an effort to break the Russian line. However, rather then breaking through the SS merely shove the Soviet armies back. The III Panzer Corps repeatedly hits the junction of the 2 armies while the I SS Panzer Corps strikes the 26th Army frontally. Unfortunately a heavy snowfall turns the ground into a quagmire, preventing the II SS Panzer Corps from moving up to its attack positions.

[ March 5th - March 7th]