March 1945

Friday, March 9th

Eastern Front


Fighting in Pomerania intensifies as elements of the 2nd Belorussian Front closes upon Danzig from the south and west. Marienburg falls to the 2nd Shock Army after a long battle. To the west elements of the 3rd Shock Army (1st Belorussian Front) reaches the mouth of the Oder River opposite the Isle of Wollin.

The Germans counterattack towards Striegau with 2 weak divisions. Heavy fighting develops.


In Hungary the 6th SS Panzer Army commits more forces to the attack. More than 600 tanks are operating against the 4th Guards and 26th Armies but have failed to achieve a decisive breakthrough. Furthermore, the Germans are facing difficulties in the terrible terrain, the clinging mud using up massive amounts of the slender German fuel supplies. With the attack already running out of steam, the Stavka begins to move the forces up to block any further progress. The 27th Army is inserted into the line between the 26th and 4th Guards Armies while the 6th Guards Tank Army redeploys so as to strike the area south of Biscke, into the rear of the exposed German salient. The Stavka also allocates the 9th Guards Army to the 3rd Ukrainian Front but refuses to allow Tolbukhin to commit it to battle until the Germans have completely exhausted themselves.

There is further heavy fighting along the Drava as the 3rd Yugoslav Army attempts to destroy Army Group E's Valpovo bridgehead. Despite bitter fighting the Germans manage to hold on.


The Soviet High Command plans its Hungarian counteroffensive in conjunction with its redeployment of forces. The 3rd Ukrainian Front is to deliver the main blow as it attacks with the 4th and 9th Guards Armies north of Lake Velencei toward Papa and Veszprem. The 26th Army will attack from its positions on the eastern side of Lake Balaton and drive into the right wing of the 6th SS Panzer Army to envelop the I and II SS Panzer and III Panzer Corps before Szekesfehervar. The 46th and 6th Guards Tank Armies of the 2nd Ukrainian Front are to attack between the Danube and Biscke to isolate the 3rd Hungarian Army around Tatabanya.

Following these attacks the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts will launch a general advance aimed at capturing Vienna.

[ March 8th - March 10th]