March 1945

Wednesday, March 28th

Eastern Front


As fog grounds the Soviet air armies the Germans evacuate the bulk of their remaining forces from Balga in East Prussia. Covering the retreat a single infantry division fights to the very end, making a last stand at Balga. The horrific campaign for control of the Heiligenbell pocket has cost the 4th Army 93,000 killed and 47,000 wounded plus 605 panzers, 3,600 arty pieces, 1,400 mortars and 130 aircraft destroyed or captured. Essentially, the 4th Army no longer exists.


Elements of the 46th Army takes Gyor and forces the 6th Army back from the Raab. Sarvar also falls as the 26th Army pushes the 6th SS Panzer Army back.


Guderian is dismissed from his post as Chief of the Army General Staff and Gen Krebs, formerly military attache´ to the Soviet Union before the war, is appointed in his place.

[ March 27th - March 29th]