Chronology of World War II

September 1944

Air Operations, Europe

The Allied Air Offensive continues to be very destructive. Altogether 112,400 tons of bombs are dropped by the heavy bombers this month. RAF Bomber Command drops just under half with targets including Frankfurt, Bremerhaven and Karlsruhe. The Channel ports Calais, Boulogne and Le Havre are also strongly hit with Calais being the target for 6,500 tons on two occasions. The US 8th and 15th Air Forces drop 60,000 tons in their attacks at Mainz, Hamm and Ludwigshafen among the general targets and in the more specialized oil offensive they hit Sterkrade, Merseburg, Bratislava and Lutzkendorf among others. The lighter forces of both Allies continue to be very active in their tactical role. Their attacks are particularly heavy in support of the airborne Operation MARKET GARDEN.

German avgas production is now less than 10,000 tons per month, compared with the May figure of 156,000 tons.

Air Operations, Far East

The Superfortresses from China bomb targets in Manchuria on several occasions including Anshan and Penhsiku. There are also attacks on various Japanese-held islands in the Pacific.

Atomic Research

Work on the atomic program at Los Alamos has now proceeded so far that a special bomber unit is established to begin training to drop a bomb when one can be made. Some of the scientists working on the project are now beginning to have doubts about the morality of continuing their work when the war seems to be well on the way to being won and when intelligence information suggests that there is little danger of any of the Axis powers making a bomb. There are also some suggestions that the knowledge that is being gained should not remain secret after the war but should be shared throughout the scientific world. Despite these doubts the work continues.

(Allied Ships Lost to U-boats this month)

Friday, September 1

Air Operations, Bonin and Volcano Islands

USN carrier aircraft from Task Group 38.4 attack Chichi Jima and Iwo Jima. A VF(N)-77 F6F downs an H8K 'Emily' flying boat at sea at 0330 hours.

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Air Operations, Carolines

  • 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based in the Marshall Islands attack the Truk Atoll.
  • 5th and 307th Heavy Bomb group B-24s attack targets in the Palau Islands. One B-24 is downed by anti-aircraft fire over the Palau Islands.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 1Several 10th Air Force P-47s attack Bhamo and nearby river traffic.
  • 4 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack a small freighter in the Formosa Strait.
  • 12 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Kaitak airfield at Hong Kong and a supply depot near Canton.
  • B-25s attack the Hengyang airfield, road traffic near Nanyo, and targets of opportunity around Anjen.
  • 61 14th Air Force P-51s and P-40s attack numerous targets in east-central China.
  • A 23rd Fighter Group P-40 downs a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter near Tatung.
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Air Operations, East Indies

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack Boela and the Amahai airfield on Ceram.

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Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 121 aircraft of Nos. 4 and 8 Groups bomb V-2 rocket storage sites at Lumbres and La Porchinte. In the aircraft total are 97 Halifaxes, 15 Mosquitos and 9 Lancasters. Both raids are successful without any aircraft loss.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 35 Mosquitos are sent to Bremen, 7 aircraft are on Resistance operations, and there are 39 Mosquito patrols and 4 RCM sorties.
    • There are no losses.
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Air Operations, Japan

6 28th Composite Bomb Group B-25s attempt to attack Paramushiro through bad weather, but only 1 is able to do so.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • V Bomber Command B-25s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command P-40s, attack the airfields at Babo and Urarom.
  • A 419th Night Fighter Squadron P-61 crew downs a Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane near the Moemi airfield at 2200 hours.
[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • 55 V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Likanan, Matina and Sasa airfields on Mindanao.
  • Several B-24s unable to reach Mindanao attack targets on Talaud Island in the Sunda Islands.
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While the Germans prepare to evacuate the Aegean and Ionian islands, as well as part of Greece, British and American air forces pound the main railway line that will be used in the withdrawal.

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Bulgaria, Politics

The Prime Minister Ivan Bagrianov resigns and is replaced by Constantine Muraviev.

Eastern Front

The Russian advance reaches the Bulgarian frontier at Giurgiu on the Danube. Calarasi is also taken. Since its adhesion to the Tripartite Pact in March 1941, Bulgaria has occupied Yugoslav and Greek territory, in Greece as far as Thessaloniki, and is consequently at war with Great Britain and the United States, though it has declared its own neutrality in its relations with Russia. It has had little experience of war until the beginning of 1944, since when - especially Sofia, the capital - it has become a target for Allied air raids. Now, faced with the threat of Russian occupation, the Prime Minister, Constantine Muraviev, asks for support from the British and Americans. But he does not get it.


Army Group North is stretched along a 500-mile front in the Baltic States. In the north Gen Ehrenfried-Oskar Boege's 18th Army has the Narva Group (essentially the III SS Panzer Corps) between the Gulf of Finland and Lake Peipus, while south of the lake is the remainder of the 18th Army. Gen Carl Hilpert's 16th Army is grouped in force around Riga, holding open communications with the 3rd Panzer Army. The army group comprises 1 panzer, 2 panzer grenadier and 29 infantry divisions and 3 SS brigades.


Calarasi and Giurgiu falls to Soviet forces in Romania.


A re-formed 17th Army enters the line to the right of the 1st Panzer Army in Slovakia, while a new 6th Army is hastily raised in southern Hungary. The 6th comprises 20 weak battalions grouped around the headquarters of the XXIX Corps and the reinforces 13th Panzer and 10th Panzer Grenadier Divisions.

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English Channel

An aircraft radar report is received off Trevose Head on the north coast of Cornwall and the ships of Escort Group 9 is sent to the area. A contact is made 15 miles east of Wolf Rock Light and depth-charge and Hedgehog attacks are made by the British frigates St John, Swansea and Colborne. No results from the attacks are seen. St John regains contact 3 miles from Wolf Rock and delivers 2 depth-charge attacks which produce oil and explosions from the target.


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Gerhard Matschulat
Location English Channel, SW of Wolf Rock
Cause Depth charge
Casualties 52
Survivors None
[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]


The IV Corps of the US 5th Army begins the pursuit of the Germans across the Arno. In the eastern sector 8th Army continues its attacks on the 'Gothic' Line as they capture Monte Gridolfo, a bastion of the 'Gothic' Line. The advance of the Canadian I Corps around Tomba di Pesaro is particularly successful.

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The US motor minesweeper YMS-21 sinks when it hits a mine off Southern France area.

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Northern France

Verdun, scene of the heroic French stand under Marshal Pétain in the last war, is liberated by Gen Patton's 3rd Army. The British I Corps, having crossed the Seine, thrusts westward toward Le Havre. Dieppe is liberated fittingly by units of the Canadian II Corps. 2 divisions of XXX Corps, the 11th Armored and the Guards Division, reach Arras. In the sector where the US XIX and V Corps are operating, the Americans advance rapidly toward St Quentin and Cambrai. On the east of the Allied line the US XX Corps advances from Verdun in the direction of Metz.

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  • The Japanese suffer heavy losses of material during the US Navy's latest bombing offensive against the Bonin and Volcano Islands. A US Navy communiqué lists the damage as including about 50 Japanese aircraft destroyed either on the ground or in air combat; around 15 ships sunk; and extensive damage to shore installations, hangers and ammunition and fuel dumps.
  • The US submarine Pilotfish (SS-386) sinks the Japanese auxiliary vessel Ina Maru (833t) north-northwest of Chichi Jima.
  • [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    The US submarine Narwhal lands men and supplies on the eastern coast of Luzon beginning the build-up of troops and logistics ready for the main Philippines offensive.

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    Southern France

    Units of the VI Corps are rapidly approaching Lyons. Narbonne and St Agrève are taken by French forces. Nice falls to the 1st French Army of Gen de Tassigny.

    [rarrrarr | rarr]

    Western Front

    Eisenhower officially establishes his HQ in France and takes over direction of the Allied land forces.

    During the past few days there has been an increasingly acrimonious strategic debate among the Allied generals as to how to exploit the serious German collapse. Eisenhower believes in a 'broad front' advance with all the Allied armies having an approximately equal share of the supplies and other support. This is entirely safe because no part of the force will ever get far enough ahead to be in any danger of isolation. The alternative is for the majority of resources, especially in logistical support, to be placed behind a portion of the allied force and for this group to push forward at speed and, it is hoped, quickly cross the Rhine and win the war. The most forceful version of this argument is put forward by Gen Montgomery. He proposes a thrust by a force of about 20 divisions drawn from both his and Bradley's armies which should aim to cross Belgium and encircle the Ruhr. Of course, he wishes to command himself but he is prepared to work under Bradley. Eisenhower recognizes the risks inherent in this plan and the political difficulties which would arise if a large part of the US forces was compelled to halt to allow the narrow front attack. He argues too that there are simply too few trucks to carry the supplies needed for such a scheme. In fact there are probably just enough. This debate on strategy is to continue in various forms for several months. It is clear that many of the Allied supply problems which are making a strategic choice pressing stem from the lack of a major port near the advance. None of the French Channel ports are really large enough to fill the gap and they are in any case still in German hands. Antwerp is the obvious choice and will be the focus of much of the Allied efforts for the next two months and more once the excitement of the MARKET GARDEN parachute operation is over. In practice it may have proved impossible to have brought Patton's Army to a halt because his supply officers are already in the habit of commandeering any supply columns which fill their needs whether they have priority or not. They have also been less able to put captured railroad equipment into service than the other armies largely because of the troops' habit of wildly shooting up any such capture.

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Images from September 1, 1944

Montgomery Crosses the Seine

Montgomery Crosses the Seine

On the Way to Arras

On the Way to Arras

Entering Arras

Entering Arras

Covering a Street in Arras

Covering a Street in Arras

First World War Memorial at Fouilloy

First World War Memorial at Fouilloy

Germans Captured at Avesnes

Germans Captured at Avesnes

Destruction of Flying Bomb Train

Destruction of Flying Bomb Train

Canadian Graves at Dieppe

Canadian Graves at Dieppe

Coldstream Guards Enter Arras

Coldstream Guards Enter Arras

Passing through Villers-Bretonneux

Passing through Villers-Bretonneux

Tanks Advancing Toward Arras

Tanks Advancing Toward Arras

Nearing the River Foglia

Nearing the River Foglia

Saturday, September 2

Air Operations, Bonin and Volcano Islands

USN carrier aircraft from Task Group 38.4 attack Chichi Jima and Iwo Jima, then Task Group 38.4 departs to take part in attacks on targets in the Caroline Islands.

[larr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Carolines

5th and 307th Heavy Bomb group B-24s attack Koror Island. 1 battle-damaged B-24 ditches and only 4 members of the crew are rescued.

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Air Operations, CBI

  • 8 10th Air Force B-25s attack two bridges and other targets along the Burma Road near Wanling and one B-25 attacks a target near Indaw.
  • 2 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the airfield at Hengyang. 30 14th Air Force P-40s attack troops, river traffic, and artillery positions in the Changning and Hengyang areas.
  • 20 P-40s attack troops, river traffic, and artillery positions around Changsha, Pengste, and Siangtan.
  • 12 P-51s attack a bridge at Yangtien.
  • A 23rd Fighter Group P-40 downs a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter near Pengste.
  • 24 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel to Kunming.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • 380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Lautem, Timor.
  • 13 345th Medium Bomb Group B-25s dispatched against the Langoan airfield on Celebes attack shipyards and warehouses on the Lembeh Strait when their P-38 escorts fail to appear.
  • 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack defenses near the Pitoe airfield on Morotai at minimum altitude.
  • 2 B-25s are downed by ground fire over Lembeh, and 2 other B-25s are severely damaged.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 67 Lancasters of No. 5 Group bomb shipping Brest harbor in clear visibility.
    • There are no losses.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

  • V Fighter Command P-39s attack Sorong and several other areas.
  • During the night, a Japanese bomber attacks the Mokmer airfield on Biak, where 1 man is killed, 7 men are wounded, and 5 aircraft are damaged.
[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • V Bomber Command B-24s, escorted by 21 V Fighter Command P-38s, staging through the Sansapor airfield attack various targets on Mindanao.
  • 12 43rd Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack dumps at Bunawan.
  • 24 22nd Heavy Bomb Group attack military targets near Lasang.
  • 22 90th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack a Japanese Army barracks near Likanan.
  • 8th Fighter Group P-38s down 1 Ki-48 'Lily' bomber, 1 A6M Zero, and 1 E13A 'Jake' reconnaissance plane over the Davao area of Mindanao at 1215 hours. These are the first USAAF fighter victories in the Philippines since April 12, 1942.
  • During the night, 6 345th Medium Bomb Group B-25s staging through the Middleburg airfield attempt to attack shipping at Davao, but only 1 B-25 reaches the target area, and the results are nil.
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Eastern Front

The Russians reach the Bulgarian border.


The Finns break off diplomatic relatinos with Germany and demand that all fores leave their country by September 15.

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Following the collapse of Romania, the Finnish Prime Minister Antii Hackzell announces that Finland is breaking diplomatic relations with Germany and demands that all German troops be withdrawn.

[larr2larr | rarr]

Germany, Armed Forces

Strength of the German armed forces at the beginning of Septempber 1944: 10,163,303, including 7,536,946 in the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS, 1,925,291 in the Luftwaffe and 703,066 in the Kriegsmarine. But few of these are troops comparable with those serving at the beginning of the war; many of them are elderly men and boys.

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Germany, Home Front

Field-Marshal Erwin von Witzleben, condemned to death by a People's Court for his part in the conspiracy against Hitler, is barbarously executed, hung on a butcher's hook.

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The Canadian forces in 8th Army make a partial breakthrough and advance several miles to the Conca River west of Cattolica. San Giovanni is taken. The advance toward Rimini makes progress. The Polish forces of Gen Wladyslaw Anders' II Corps fighting in Pesaro have nearly completed the capture of the city. The 5th Army captures Pisa. The eastern end of the 'Gothic' Line has been overrun despite the arrival of some German reserves.

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New Guinea

Operations in the area of the Wadke-Sarmi beachhead are officially declared closed. Although there are no published figures for casualties, losses were probably high on both sides.

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Northern France

The Allied advance continues all along the front, in the west toward Le Havre by the British I Corps, and in the east toward the Belgian frontier by units of the US 1st Army. Among the towns liberated by various Allied forces are Douai, St Valery and Lens.

The US 3rd Army under Patton is temporarily immobilized through lack of fuel. In Brittany the German garrison at Brest still holds out.

Eisenhower orders a halt to the drives of the US 1st and 3rd Armies because of a lack of fuel. They are to remain in place until gasoline supplies are replenished. Each army needs about 400,000 gallons a day. The 3rd Army is down to about 25,000. The US 3rd Cavalry Group is one of the few units still attacking, but with captured gasoline. Germany uses this pause to build up its defenses along the Siegfried Line.


Norwegian Sea

As Convoy RA-59 is passing the Kola Inlet, Swordfish 'A' of 825 NAS sights a U-boat and drops a smoke marker. The British frigates Mermaid and Peacock and destroyers Whitehall and Keppel are sent to investigate. All 4 ships drop numerous depth charges until oil and wreckage come to the surface.


ClassType VIIC
CO Kapitänleutnant Wolfgang Borger
Location Norwegian Sea, W of Lofoten Islands
Cause Depth charge
Casualties 50
Survivors None
[larr2larr | rarr]


  • A US naval task group consisting of 1 aircraft carrier, 3 cruisers and 3 destroyers bombards Japanese positions on Wake Island. The island is one of the most isolated outposts of the Japanese Empire and will be bypassed by the main US advance across the Pacific toward the Philppines and the Ryukyu Islands.
  • The US submarine Guardfish (SS-217) sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship Shirakami Maru (720t) north of Chichi Jima.
  • The British submarine Sirdar sinks the Japanese guardboat No. 5 Kaiyo Maru off northwestern Sumatra.
  • The British submarine Strongbow sinks the Japanese army cargo ship No.1 Toso Maru off the west coast of Siam.
  • [larr2larr | rarrrarr]

    Southern France

    Having reached the outskirts of Lyons, the American 36th Division halts to allow the French II Corps to enter the city first. In southern France the Allied landings have now put ashore 190,000 men with 41,000 vehicles and 220,000 tons of supplies.


Images from September 2, 1944

The British Enter Rouen

The British Enter Rouen

7.2-in Howitzer

7.2-in Howitzer

German Tiger Tank Passing Through Beauvais

German Tiger Tank Passing Through Beauvais

Tanks in the Assault on the Gothic Line

Tanks in the Assault on the Gothic Line

Young Polish Soldiers

Young Polish Soldiers

Sunday, September 3

Air Operations, CBI

  • 5 10th Air Force B-25s attack two bridges near Hsipaw.
  • 12 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack marshalling yards at Nanking.
  • 2 B-25s attack the airfield at Hengyang.
  • More than 100 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack numerous targets in east-central China.
  • During the evening, 8 11th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s sweep the road between Hengyang and Yochow. Many motor vehicles are destroyed and a ferry crossing and bivouac area are set on fire.
  • A 23rd Fighter Group’s 74th Fighter Squadron P-51 downs 2 D3A 'Val' dive bombers near Tsienshan during the early afternoon.
  • 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack targets near Haiphong and in the Red River valley.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Carolines

5th and 307th Heavy Bomb group B-24s attack targets in the Caroline Islands.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • 22 90th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Langoan airfield on Celebes.
  • 37 22nd and 43rd Heavy Bomb group B-24s attack warehouses and shipping in the Lembeh Strait area.
  • B-25s attack Tobelo Island.
  • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack oil installations at Boela, Ceram.
  • 1 90th Group B-24 is shot down by Japanese Army fighters.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 675 aircraft carry out heavy raids on 6 airfields in southern Holland. In the aircraft total are 348 Lancasters, 315 Halifaxes and 12 Mosquitos. All raids are successful.
    • 1 Halifax is lost on the Venlo raid.
Minor Ops:
  • There are 2 Mosquito Ranger patrols and 1 RCM sortie.
    • There are no losses.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack airfields at Babo, Nabire, and Waren, troops and stores at Manokwari, and coastal targets around MacCluer Gulf and Wewak.

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Air Operations, Volcano Islands

30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based on Saipan attack Iwo Jima.

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Eastern Front


Elements of the 70th Army cross the Bug River north of Warsaw.

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Canadian units cross the Conca and continue their advance.

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The US tank landing craft LCT-151 is sunk by storm.

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Occupied Holland

Prince Bernhard is appointed commander of underground forces.

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Secret War

Retreating Germans abandon hundreds of thousands of intelligence dossiers at Brussels. These are subsequently discovered and examined by British investigators and found to contain street maps of every town and village in the UK and Ireland, maps of the entire British and Irish coastlines and innumerable photographs, ranging form 1890s postcards to 1940 views of the Battersea Power Station. All these data were to have been used during Operation SEA LION.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Wake Island

Rear-Adm A. E. Smith leads 3 heavy cruisers and 3 destroyers to bombard the Japanese positions on the island. The light carrier Monterey (CVL-26) provides air cover.


Western Europe

Brussels is entered by the British Guards Arm Division. Other towns take by the 21st Army Group are Tournai and Abbeville. The US 3rd Army has advance units across the Moselle. Mons is taken by US 1st Army.

At this point the Allied front in the north runs from the mouth of the Somme in the north to Troyes in the south, following the line Lille-Brussels-Mons-Sedan-Verdun-Commercy.

In the south the French 1st Infantry Division enters Lyons. Gen Friedrich Wiese has managed to withdraw most of the German 19th Army. The German 1st Army under Gen Kurt von der Chevallerie, manning the Bay of Biscay, has also withdrawn from southwest France, 130,000 German soldiers succeed in re-joining Army Group B, but 80,000 others are taken prisoner.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from September 3, 1944

The Advance on Brussels

The Advance on Brussels

On the Road to Brussels

On the Road to Brussels

German POW Captured in Belgium

German POW Captured in Belgium

Tanks Passing German POWs

Tanks Passing German POWs

In Antoing, Belgium

In Antoing, Belgium

Taking Brussels

Taking Brussels

Armored Car in Rongy

Armored Car in Rongy

French Women Help British Troops

French Women Help British Troops

US Tank Passes Destroyed German Convoy

US Tank Passes Destroyed German Convoy

Wounded POWs Taken to Aid Post

Wounded POWs Taken to Aid Post

Getting Ready to Attack

Getting Ready to Attack

German Panther Tank Turret

German Panther Tank Turret

Monday, September 4

Air Operations, Carolines

5th and 307th Heavy Bomb group B-24s attack targets in the Caroline Islands.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 9 10th Air Force P-47s attack Bhamo and Myothit.
  • 12 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack river traffic around Kweiyang.
  • 6 B-25s supported by 14th Air Force P-51s attack the Lingling and Paishui areas.
  • More than 100 P-51s and P-40s attack numerous targets on the Salween River front and east-central China.
  • 24 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Kunming.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • Planned B-24 strikes against targets on Celebes are rained out.
  • During the night, 23 380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Kendari airfield on Celebes.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 5 Mosquitos of No. 100 Group fly Ranger patrols. 2 trains are attacked, but 2 Mosquitos are lost.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 43 Mosquitos are sent to Karlsruhe and 14 to the Steenwijk airfield, and there are 6 Serrate patrols.
    • There are no losses.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Japan

6 28th Composite Bomb Group B-25s conduct an anti-shipping sweep around Paramushiro Island.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

  • Most of the FEAF is grounded by bad weather, but V Bomber Command B-25s and A-20s attack the airfield at Urarom.
  • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack Moemi and Napido.
  • 2 P-38s and 1 pilot are lost to ground fire over the Jefman airfield.
[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]


Gen William Slim, Commander of the British 14th Army, directs the XV Corps to engage the enemy in the Arakan sector, while the XXXIII Corps will launch a big offensive across the Chindwin at the beginning of December.

In the XXXIII Corps sector the 11th East African Division, which has replaced the 23rd Indian Division in pursuit of the enemy forces beyond Tamu, occupies Sittaung without opposition and sends several units forward to Kalemyo.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Eastern Front

In their attacks through the Carpathians the Russians take Brasov. Senaia is also taken.


The Germans launch a furious attack in Warsaw to establish control of the banks of the Vistula. Slightly farther north the 70th and 65th Armies of the 1st Belorussian Front close up to the Narew River around Pultusk.


Brasov and Senaia fall to Soviet troops while the 53rd Army reaches the Danube at Turnu Severin.


The armistice between Finland and the Soviet Union is ratified, bringing Finland's war to an tnd.

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A cease-fire is agreed between the Russians and the Finns and comes into effect immediately. The armistice is signed on September 10 and provides for the restoration of the 1940 frontiers and for Finland to pay reparations. The Germans begin to pull out of Finland by land and sea. The bulk of their force will go to Norway, but about 7,000 men will be take off through the Baltic ports.



In the western sector, divisions of the British V Corps advance toward the hills of Gemmano and Coriano, two key enemy defense positions manned by Gen Valentin Feuerstein's LI Mountain Corps and Gen Traugott Herr's LXXVI Panzer Corps.

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  • The first units of the III Amphibious Corps of the US Marines leave the Solomons for the invasion of the Palau Islands, between the Caroline Islands and the Philippines. In New Guinea troops are being trained for the invasion of Morotai in the Moluccas, north of Halmahera and east of the Celebes.
  • The US submarine Bowfin (SS-287) sinks the Japanese guardboat No.6 Hinode Maru east of Nanpo Shoto.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Western Front

Gen Eisenhower lays down the general objectives of his armies: the 21st Army Group, Canadian 1st Army and British 2nd Army, and the US 1st Army are given the task of following up the advance towards the Ruhr area, and the final objective of Gen Patton's 3rd Army is the Saar.

The British 11th Armored Division enters Antwerp but fails to push forward to take the important canal crossings which lead to ground dominating the approaches to this large and enormously valuable port. The Germans still control the Scheldt estuary, through which Antwerp communicates with the sea. In southern France, after capturing Lyons, the American VI Corps and French II Corps continue to advance north, on Besançon and Dijon. Other towns freed by the Allied advance are Lille, Louvain, Malines and Etaples.

Hitler restores command of the German forces in the Western Front to the aging Field-Marshal von Rundstedt.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from September 4, 1944

British Troops Enter Brussels

British Troops Enter Brussels

Civilians Celebrate in Brussels

Civilians Celebrate in Brussels

Greeting Allied Troops

Greeting Allied Troops

French Civilians Welcome US Troops

French Civilians Welcome US Troops

M-10 Tank Destroyer Enters Bourg

M-10 Tank Destroyer Enters Bourg

Tuesday, September 5

Air Operations, Carolines

5th and 307th Heavy Bomb group B-24s attack the airfield on Peleliu.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 8 10th Air Force B-25s attack Indaw.
  • 25 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Hengyang, the airfield there, and Kiyang.
  • 6 B-25s attack a ferry crossing at Siangtan and other nearby targets.
  • 2 B-25s attack a shipyard at Kowloon.
  • 26 14th Air Force P-40s attack troops, horses, and river traffic around Kiyang and Wangyang.
  • Fighter-bombers mount numerous small missions against various targets in east-central China.
  • 23rd Fighter Group P-51s down a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter and an unidentified bomber near Chaling at 0930 hours.
  • 21 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Kunming, China.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Central Pacific

Light Carrier Air Group 28 (USS Monterey) attacks Wake Island.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • 380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s mount several small pre-dawn attacks against the Kendari airfield on Celebes.
  • 60 V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Langoan airfield on Celebes.
  • B-25s attack Djailolo airfield, anti-aircraft batteries at the Kaoe airfield on Halmahera, and several occupied villages elsewhere in the Molucca Islands.
  • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the Galela airfield on Halmahera.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 348 aircraft of Nos. 1, 3 and 8 Groups carry out the first in a series of heavy raids on German positions in the Le Havre area which is still holding out after being bypassed by the Allied advance. Included in the aircraft total are 313 Lancasters, 30 Mosquitos and 5 Stirlings. This is an accurate raid in good visibility without a loss.
  • 60 Lancasters and 6 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group bomb gun positions outside Brest whose garrison is still holding out.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 43 Mosquitos are sent to Hannover and 12 to Steenwijk, 19 aircraft are on Resistance operations, and there are 23 Mosquito patrols and 8 RCM sorties.
    • There are no losses.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the airfields at Moemi and Waren, and occupied villages on the Soepiori Peninsula.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Volcano Islands

20 30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Saipan attack Iwo Jima.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


U-362 is depth-charged by the Soviet minesweeper SC-116.


ClassType VIIC
CO Kapitänleutnant Ludwig Franz
Location Arctic, Kara Sea
Cause Depth charge
Casualties 51
Survivors None
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Diplomatic Relations

The Benelux Customs Union (between Belguim, Netherlands and Luxembourg) is established by agreement of the exile governments. This is one of the first moves which will lead eventually to the establishment of the European Economic Community.

The Bulgarian attempts to stay out of the war prove unsuccessful. The Soviet Union today declares war. 5-1/2 hours later Bulgaria requests an armistice. The Bulgarian prime minister broadcasts and declares war in turn on Germany on September 7.

Under heavy US pressure, Argentina announces all war criminals will be denied asylum.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

The Red Army captures Brasov, in the middle of the Carpathians, and starts to penetrate the so-called 'Carpathian Trench'. The Russians reach Turnu Severin, south of the Iron Gates gorge on the Danube River. The Hungarian 2nd Army attacks the Romanian 4th Army.

Moscow broadcasts calls on Poles in Warsaw to stage an uprising: 'Fight the Germans. No doubt Warsaw already hears the guns of the battle with the Germans, this time for the decisive action.'


Group Panev, operating alongside the 65th and 70th Armies, cross the Narew near Pultusk.


The 2nd Hungarian Army counterattacks with 5 divisions south of Cluj toward Sibiu, forcing back the newly committed 4th Romanian Army that is now fighting alongside the Soviet Army. The Romanians fall back, compelling Malinovsky to move the 6th Tank Army up toward Sibiu to provide support. The main part of the 6th, together with the 27th Army, reach Pitesti.


The Soviet Union declares war on Bulgaria, the Bulgarian goverment surrendering the same day.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


Units of the American 1st Armored Division, IV Corps, enter Lucca. 8th Army's attacks continue but they are now up against the strong German positions on the Coriano and Gemmano ridges. Tank units have been brought forward but cannot break through.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


  • The US submarine Albacore (SS-218) sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship Shingetsu Maru (880t) north of Muroto Saki.
  • The British submarine Tantivy sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship Shiretoko Maru (1799t) off Sumatra.
  • The Japanese merchant cargo ship Kokka Maru (5300t) is sunk by a mine off Keelung, Formosa.
  • [larr2larr | rarrrarr]

    Secret War

    In Operation ZEPPELIN a KG-200 plane carrying saboteurs crashes near Moscow.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    Major successes for the Allied armies on the whole front: in the north, units of the Canadian II Corps take Boulogne and approach the Calais area; Hodges' divisions take Namur and Charleroi and approach Liè and across the Meuse at Sedan; in the south, the 3rd Army crosses the Moselle near Nancy. The American 9th and 3rd Armored Divisions cross the Meuse, near Sedan and Dinant. Stiff German resistance halts the US XII Corps at the Moselle River.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 5, 1944

    German Prisoners in Antwerp

    German Prisoners in Antwerp

    German POWs in Antwerp Zoo

    German POWs in Antwerp Zoo

    Collecting Prisoners North of Oudenarde

    Collecting Prisoners North of Oudenarde

    'Red Ball Express' Motor Convoy

    'Red Ball Express' Motor Convoy

    German POWs in Antwerp

    German POWs in Antwerp

    Railroad Station Damage in Avignon

    Railroad Station Damage in Avignon

    Germans Packing to Leave Amsterdam

    Germans Packing to Leave Amsterdam

    LSTs Unloading Directly onto Trucks

    LSTs Unloading Directly onto Trucks

    Wednesday, September 6

    Air Operations, Carolines

    • USN carrier aircraft from Task Group 38.1, Task Group 38.2, and Task Group 38.3 opening a planned three-day preinvasion bombardment of the Palau Islands find that few worthy targets are left following several attacks by XIII Bomber Command B-24s.
    • USN carrier aircraft from Task Group 38.4 attack the Yap Atoll.
    • 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based in the Marshall Islands attack the Truk Atroll.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI


    • 6 10th Air Force B-25s attack Indaw.
    • 3 B-25s attack Katha.
    • 20 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the airfields at Hengyang and Paishui, road traffic near Lingling, rail facilities at Lingkuantien, the town area at Yiyang, and Japanese Army troops at Kiyang.
    • 45 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack numerous targets over a wide area.
    • 24 7th Heavy Bomb Group transport 32,000 gallons of fuel from India to Kunming.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack defensive positions along Morotai Island’s southern coast at minimum altitude.
    • V Bomber Command B-25s attack Galela.
    • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the Djailolo airfield and the Kaoe airfield on Halmahera.
    • A 49th Fighter Group P-38 downs an A6M Zero near Celebes at 1420 hours.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 344 aircraft including 311 Lancasters, 30 Mosquitos and 3 Stirlings bomb German fortifications and transportation targets at Le Havre.
      • There are no losses.
    • 105 Halifaxes and 76 Lancasters of Nos. 6 and 8 Groups are sent to Emden in the first raid on this city since June 1942. Escort is provided at first by Spitfires, the later by Mustangs. The bombing is accurate and Emden was seen to be a mass of flames, but no local report is available other than a brief note hich states that several small ships in the harbour have been sunk.
      • Only 1 Lancaster, that of the deputy Master Bomber, Flight Lieutenant Granville Wilson, DSO, DFC, DFM of No. 7 Squadron, a 23-year-old Northern Irishman, is lost. Wilson's aircraft received a direct hit from a flak shell and he was killed instantly, together with his navigator and bomb aimer, Sergeants D. Jones and E. R. Brunsdon. The 5 other members of the crew escape by parachute.
    Evening Ops:
    Minor Ops:
    • 32 Mosquitos are sent to Hamburg and 6 to Emden, 8 Halifaxes lay mines in the Ems River and off Texel, 6 Stirlings are on Resistance operations, and there are 33 Mosquito patrols and 17 RCM sorties.
      • 1 Serrate Mosquito is lost.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    • V Bomber Command B-25s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the airfields at Manokwari, Moemi, Ransiki, Waren, and Nabire.
    • P-39s attack Suain.
    • P-40s attack Napido and the Soepiori Peninsula.
    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Philippines

    • 45 V Bomber Command B-24s attack the dock area at Santa Ana, Mindanao.
    • Several B-24s attack Rainis on the return flight.
    • 11 345th Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Buayoan airfield on Mindanao at low level.
    • The B-24s are escorted by 29 475th Fighter Group P-38s, and the B-25 are escorted by 35 347th Fighter Group P-38s that also strafe Buayaon airfield. As a result of this and earlier attacks, the Japanese withdraw nearly all their aircraft to unreachable bases in northern Mindanao and the central Philippines.
    • A 347th Fighter Group P-38 downs a Ki-57 'Topsy' transport plane over the Buayoan airfield on Mindanao at 1300 hours.
    [rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Volcano Islands

    30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Saipan attack Iwo Jima.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    In Serbia the German-backed government under Milan Neditch is still in power. The government was set up by the German on August 30, 1941. But Neditch has been in secret contact with Draja Mihailovic, leader of the Croatian monarchists, the 'Chetniks'. However, both Neditch and Mihailovic have steadily lost influence, as the initiative in a long and courageous struggle against the Germans has been taken by the Communist partisans led by Tito, Secretary-General of the Croat Communist party.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Britain, Home Front

    The Minister for Home Security, Herbert Morrison relaxes blackout and other civil defense duties. The War Office ends compulsory training and drills for Home Guard units.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    On the Salween front the commander of the Japanese forces in the Sung Shan sector is killed in action. Chinese forces from Burma and western Yunnan in China link up at the Kaolingkung Pass, the first opening of a land route between the two countries since 1942.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]


    Over the next three days all four groups, 16 carriers in all escorted by cruisers and destroyers, of Vice-Adm Marc A. Mitscher's TF 38 attack Japanese airfields and other installations in the Palau Islands and Yap and Ulithi Islands in the western Carolines. The attacks cause tremendous damage. The targets are also shelled from the sea. Adm William F. Halsey, commanding 3rd Fleet, is present aboard the battleship New Jersey (BB-62).

    [rarrrarr | rarr2]

    Diplomatic Relations

    A Finnish delegation flies to Moscow to negotiate an armistice.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Eastern Front

    The Russian advance, with the 3rd Ukraine Front leading, through Romania reaches the Yugoslavian border on the Danube at Turnu-Severin. Nearer the opposite end of the Russian front Ostroleka is taken only 25 miles from the East Prussian border.

    The loss of Romania and its oilfields has the most serious consequences for Germany. Any attempt to hold the Carpathian-Hungarian line must now fail for the lack of fuel, manpower and equipment.


    The German 20th Mountain Army, commanded by Col-Gen Lothar Rendulic, begins to withdraw to a new defensive line across northern Finland from Lyngen through Ivalo to Petsamo. This operation is codenamed BIRKE.


    Soviet attacks north of Warsaw gain ground slowly as the Germans put up a strong defense. Ostroleka falls to the 48th Army as the Narew is crossed again.

    Inside Warsaw, the Germans clear the Vistula banks of Polish forces, forcing the Poles back into the city center.


    The 53rd Army crosses the Danube and enters Yugoslavia. With the situation on the southern wing fluid, The Germans commit the LVII Panzer Corps to support the new 6th Army's efforts to halt the Soviet attacks into Hungary.

    The 2nd Hungarian Army is brought to a halt south of Cluj. To the east the 40th and 7th Guards Armies hit Gen Otto Wöhler's 8th Army on the Hungarian border.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    Units of the British V Corps prepare an offensive on a huge scale to capture Coriano. Patrols from the Canadian I Corps reach the Marano River.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    • The US submarine Albacore (SS-218) sinks the Japanese auxiliary minesweeper No.3 Eguchi Maru at the entrance to Kii Suido, Japan.
    • The Japanese army cargo ship Eiji Maru (6968t) sinks on a mine.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]

    United States, Home Front

    The army is able to announce that it will demobilize 1,000,000 men when the war with Germany is over.

    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Western Front

    The Canadian forces reach the Channel north of Calais and just south of Boulogne. The US 1st Army crosses the Meuse at several points south of Namur. The US VII Corps pushes on toward Liège. Ghent, Courtrai and Armentières all fall to the 21st Army Group. Units of the 3rd Army cross the Moselle. In southern France Chalons-sur-Saone is taken by the French II Corps. The American VI Corps moves rapidly toward Belançon.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 6, 1944

    Entering Lannoy, France

    Entering Lannoy, France

    Planning an Attack

    Planning an Attack

    Daylight Raid near Le Havre, France

    Daylight Raid near Le Havre, France

    Destroyed German Tank in Meximieux

    Destroyed German Tank in Meximieux

    Self-propelled Gun near Mondaino, Italy

    Self-propelled Gun near Mondaino, Italy

    US Soldiers Crossing Destroyed Bridge

    US Soldiers Crossing Destroyed Bridge

    B-24J Unloading Fuel

    B-24J Unloading Fuel

    Armored Car in Ramillies, Belgium

    Armored Car in Ramillies, Belgium

    Thursday, September 7

    Air Operations, Carolines

    • USN carrier aircraft and surface warships from Task Group 38.1, Task Group 38.2, and Task Group 38.3 continue to bombard targets in the Palau Islands.
    • During the night, 868th Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s now based on Noemfoor Island attack airfields and Japanese defenses in the Palau Islands.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 5 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping near Hong Kong.
    • 24 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack targets in and around Kiyang, Lingling, and Yoyang.
    • 11 B-25s attack the Tienho and White Cloud airfields at Canton.
    • 2 B-25s attack the ferry at Siangtan.
    • More than 100 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack numerous targets across large parts of southeastern and east-central China.
    • 22 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Kunming.
    • 4 449th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack targets of opportunity between Hanoi and the lower Red River valley.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • 53 V Bomber Command B-24s attack Menado, Celebes.
    • XIII Bomber Commands B-24s attack the Galela airfield on Halmahera.
    • FEAF B-25s attack Wasile Bay in the Molucca Islands.
    • V Bomber Command A-20s attack the Boela airfield on Ceram.
    • V Fighter Command P-38 dive-bombers attack the airfield on Djailolo.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Evening Ops:
    Minor Ops:
    • 41 Mosquitos are sent to Karlsruhe, 12 to Steenwijk and 6 to Emden, and 16 Stirlings are on Resistance operations.
      • There are no losses.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Japan

    6 28th Composite Bomb Group B-25s attack fishing boats in the Kurile Islands.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    • V Bomber Command A-20s attack the airfield at Mongosah.
    • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the airfields at Manokwari and Wewak and occupied villages in the Schouten Islands.
    • A 421st Night Fighter Squadron P-61 crew downs a Ki-21 'Sally' bomber near Japen Island at 0320 hours.
    • During the night, 2 Japanese bombers attack the Owi airfield. 1 man is wounded and 5 parked aircraft are damaged.
    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]


    On the Salween front the Chinese 8th Army completes the mopping up of the Sung Shan zone. The battle for the capture of this important staging point on the Burma Road has cost the Chinese 7,675 dead. The Japanese garrison of 2,000 odd has been wiped out.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Diplomatic Relations

    Bulgaria declares war on Germany, as occupation by part of the 3rd Ukraine Front continues.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Eastern Front

    The Russians have penetrated into the eastern Carpathians, almost up the the Hungarian border. Hungary and Romania begin fighting each other for control of Transylvania.


    The Home Army is facing a desperate situation. Low on food and ammunition, the Poles have begun surrender talks, which so far have come to nothing.The Polish Home Army begins to negotiate surrender terms with the Germans.

    The Soviet 38th Army and the 4th Ukrainian Front (combined total of 363,000 troops) begin operations to break through the Dukla Pass. The defending 1st Panzer Army resists stubbornly.

    The Soviet 37th and 57th Armies occupy Bulgaria, which undergoes a pro-Soviet coup and promptly declares war on Germany.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    France, Politics

    The first elements of the French provisional government arrives in Paris to begin administrating the country.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    During the night the Germans withdraw from their positions on the hills north and northeast of Florence.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    The US submarine Paddle sinks the Japanese transport Shinyo Maru (2518t) which is carrying 750 American POWs not known by her attacker.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]

    Western Front

    In Belgium the British 2nd Army and American 1st Army units cross the Albert Canal east of Antwerp and take Ypres. The 113th Cavalry Group of the US XIX Corps crosses the canal near Hasselt. Dieppe is opened to Allied shipping. Other American formations from 1st Army, the 3rd Armored Division, have nearly reache Liège. The American VI Corps enters Besançon. The US 3rd Army secures two bridgeheads over the Moselle River.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 7, 1944

    British Troops Enjoy a Drink

    British Troops Enjoy a Drink

    Battling Snipers in Dreux

    Battling Snipers in Dreux

    Members of the Maquis

    Battling Snipers in Dreux

    Knocked-out German Tanks

    Knocked-out German Tanks

    M7 105-mm Howitzer Motor Carriage in Neuville

    M7 105-mm Howitzer Motor Carriage in Neuville

    F6F-3 Hellcat

    F6F-3 Hellcat

    Negotiating Safe Passage of Civilians

    Negotiating Safe Passage of Civilian

    Germans Shelling in Warsaw

    Germans Shelling in Warsaw

    Friday, September 8

    Air Operations, Bonin and Volcano Islands

    30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based on Saipan attack Iwo Jima and shipping off Chichi Jima.

    [larr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Carolines

    • USN carrier aircraft from Task Group 38.1 and Task Group 38.4, plus surface warships from Task Group 38.1, Task Group 38.2, and Task Group 38.3 continue to bombard targets in the Palau Islands.
    • During the night, 868th Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s attack airfields and Japanese defenses in the Palau Islands.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 9 10th Air Force B-25s attack Katha.
    • 3 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack a Japanese destroyer near Hong Kong.
    • 5 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Hengyang and Lingling and two bridges near Hengyang and Kiyang.
    • More than 100 14th Air Force P-51s and P-40s attack numerous targets across a large area of southeastern and east-central China.
    • A 449th Fighter Squadron P-38 downs 2 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighters in an engagement over Paoshan at 1505 hours.
    • 23 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Kunming.
    • 90 of 108 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s staging through Chengtu attack a steel plant at Anshan.
    • 3 B-29s attack targets of opportunity at Anshan.
    • 5 B-29s attack rail facilities at Sinsiang.
    • 3 B-29s attack unspecified targets of opportunity.
    • 3 B-29s are destroyed in forced landings.
    • During the night, Japanese bombers attack a headquarters, parked planes, and stores at the Hsinching airfield at Chengtu. 1 B-29 and 1 C-46 are damaged and 2 US soldiers are injured.
    • 18 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack five rail bridges in northern and central French Indochina.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-24s attack Lolobata.
    • 380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack airfields in the Kai Islands.
    • 45 V Bomber Command B-24s attack Langoan and the airfield there on Celebes.
    • B-25s attack Galela and Tobelo Island.
    • B-25s attack small vessels around Ceram.
    • V Fighter Command P-47s attack the Kaoe airfield on Halmahera, anti-aircraft batteries at the Djailolo airfield, and barges at Point Lelo.
    • P-38s attack Boela.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    There is an explosion in Chiswick and 3 people are killed and 10 are injured. A supersonic boom is heard all over London announcing the first V-2 rocket attack on London. The rocket was launched from Wassenaar, a suburb of The Hague still in German hands. At this point the threat from the V-1 has been chiefly removed by the capture of the launch sites in France, but now the new projectile, fired from mobile launchers, poses a new problem. Its 192-mile flight is completed in 5 minutes and brings devastation to six houses in Stavely Road and much additional damage. This was not the intended target, of course, but those witnessing the event cannot explain the cause of the explosion because the speed of the projectile is such that it arrives before the sound of its passage is heard. Press statements are minimal and the public remains in the dark for two months. The Allies will find it difficult to fly raids against the mobile launch vehicles even though they quickly trace the area in which they are operating. The V-2 program will have minimal effect on the war as a whole, the daily bombardment barely equalling the effect of a single Allied bomber over Germany.

    The luxury liner Rex (51,062t) is set on fire by the RAF at Trieste.

    Daylight Ops:
    • 333 aircraft of Nos. 1, 3 and 8 attempt to bomb German positions at Le Havre, but the weather is bad with a low cloud base. In the aircraft total are 304 Lancasters, 25 Mosquitos and 4 Stirlings. Only 109 aircraft drop their bombs with indifferent results. The 4 Stirlings on this raid, all from No. 149 Squadron based at Methwold, are the last Bomber Command Stirlings to carry out a bombing operation. It is believed that Stirling LK396, piloted by Flying Officer J. J. McKee, an Australian, was the last Stirling to bomb the target.
      • 2 Lancasters are lost on the raid.
    • 2 Hudsons carry out Resistance operations without a loss.
    Evening Ops:
    Minor Ops:
    • 45 Mosquitos are sent to Nuremberg, 6 to Emden and 3 to Steenwijk, 13 aircraft are on Resistance operations, and there are 13 RCM sorties.
      • 1 Stirling is lost on a Resistance flight.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Far East

    China-based B-29 Superfortress bombers make their first daylight raid against Japanese industrial targets at Anshan, Manchuria.

    [rarrrarr | rarr]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    • V Bomber Command B-24s attack the airfields at Faan, Langgoer, Letfoean, and Toeal.
    • A-20s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack airfields and targets of opportunity at or near Babo, Efman Island, Manokwari, Moemi, Ransiki, and Urarom.
    • P-39s attack coastal targets around Wewak.
    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]


    The Belgian government of premier Hubert Pierlot, which took refuge in London when Belgium capitulated in May 1940, returns to Brussels.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    On the Salween front the Japanese have received substantial reinforcements and open an offensive against the Chinese positions north of Lung-ling.

    In China, the Japanese advance from Hengyang toward the south and occupy Ling-ling from which the US 14th Air Force has withdrawn.

    The US air bases at Kweilin and Liuchow are also threatened by 2 divisions and 1 brigade of the Japanese 23rd Army, advancing northward from Canton.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Eastern Front

    The Russians complete the occupation of Bulgaria and continue their advance into the eastern Carpathians. The German South Army Group of Johannes Friessner, after the loss of the German-Romanian 6th Army and the Romanian 3rd Army now consists of no more than the German 8th Army, the Romanian 4th Army and German XVII Corps. It is quite unable to stand up to the 8 armies, including 1 armored and 1 air army, that make up Rodion Malinovsky's 2nd Ukraine Front, which is supported by a large part of Fedor Tolbukhin's 3rd Ukraine Front with its 4 armies, one motorized corps and one air army. With these 2 Fronts the Russians have 929,000 men in the line, the Germans only half that number.[MORE]

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    After two days of rain 8th Army continues its attacks on the Gemmano and Coriano ridges without success. Consequently the Allied advance on Rimini is stalled.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    • The US submarine Bashaw (SS-241) sinks the Japanese transport Yanagigawa Maru (2813t) west of Mindanao.
    • The US submarine Spadefish (SS-411) sinks the Japanese transport Shokei Maru (2557t), the army cargo ship Shinten Maru (1254t) and the merchant cargo ships Nichiman Maru (1922t) and Nichian Maru (6197t) off Sakishima Gunto, Japan.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    The first German V-2 rocket weapon lands in the Chiswick area of London. These are quite different and a great deal more deadly that the slow V-1s, which the British fighters could pursue and shoot down. The construction of the main launching bases near St Omer, south of Dunkirk, has been halted by the massive Allied bombing raids. More easily constructed ramps are then put up on the Dutch islands. The range of the V-2s is about 230 miles and their accuracy is remarkable. The main target is England, and particularly London, but after the Germans lose Antwerp that city also becomes a constant target for the new weapon in order to prevent the Allies from making use of the harbor. Hitler's objective, the breaking down of the morale of the British, is not achieved. Instead, the V-Waffen increase Britain's determination to crush Germany. The last V-2 lands on London on March 27, 1945. By that date some 1,115 have been launched at Britain, resulting in 2,724 dead and 6,467 seriously wounded. By the end of the war, the total number of British civilians killed in air raids amounts to 60,000. Up to April 5, 1945, more than 2,050 V-2s are fired at Antwerp, Brussels and Liège.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    In the northern sector of the front, the Canadian 2nd Division attacks Dunkirk, while the 4th Division reaches the outskirts of Bruges.

    In Brittany, after a heavy bombardment, the VIII Corps begins a general offensive against Brest. The German 106th Panzer Brigade is decimated in a futile counterattack between Landres and Mairy, northwest of Metz, losing 30 tanks and 60 halftracks.

    The VII Corps from the US 1st Army takes Liège. The Albert Canal is crossed opposite Gheel by British XXX Corps units and at Maastricht by US XIX units. Troops from Canadian 1st Army capture Nieuport and Ostend.

    In southern France Besançon falls to US VI Corps. French troops of the II Corps enter Beaune and Autun, southwest of Dijon.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 8, 1944

    V-2 Rocket Hits London

    V-2 Rocket Hits London

    V-2 Rocket Taking Off

    V-2 Rocket Taking Off

    Cutaway Drawing of a German V-2 Rocket

    Cutaway Drawing of a German V-2 Rocket

    113th Cavalry Group in Belgium

    113th Cavalry Group in Belgium

    113th Cavalry Group in Belgium

    113th Cavalry Group in Belgium

    Americans on a Road in Belgium

    Americans on a Road in Belgium

    British Armored Cars in Ghent

    British Armored Cars in Ghent

    First V-2 Strike on Britain

    First V-2 Strike on Britain

    Saturday, September 9

    Air Operations, Carolines

    • During the night, 868th Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s attack airfields and Japanese defenses in the Palau Islands.
    • During the night, 868th Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s attack airfields and Japanese defenses in the Palau Islands.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 9 10th Air Force B-25s attack a Japanese Army headquarters at Manwing.
    • 5 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping in the South China Sea.
    • 24 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and about 50 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack numerous targets in east-central China.
    • 17 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Kunming.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    US and British bombers batter cities along the Rhine form Düsseldorf and München-Gladbach to Mannheim-Ludwigshafen.

    Daylight Ops:
    • 272 aircraft including 230 Halifaxes, 22 Lancasters and 20 Mosquitos of Nos. 4, 6 and 8 Groups are sent to Le Havre, but because of poor visibility the Master Bomber orders the raid to be abandoned before any of the planes drop their bombs.
      • There are no losses.
    Minor Ops:
    • 1 Hudson is on a Resistance operation and there are 2 Wellington RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    Evening Ops:
    • 113 Lancasters and 24 Mosquitos of Nos. 5 and 8 Groups carry out a devastating raid on the center of Münchengladbach.
      • No aircraft are lost.
    Minor Ops:
    • 39 Mosquitos are sent to Brunswick and 6 to Steenwijk, and there are 30 Mosquito patrols and 22 RCM sorties.
      • Thee are no losses.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Mapanget airfield on Celebes.
    • FEAF B-24s attack the Galela airfield on Halmahera.
    • More than 100 V Bomber Command A-20s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the Boela and Haroekoe airfields on Ceram, the Liang airfield on Amboina, and the Namlea airfield on Boeroe.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Japan

    • Of 6 28th Composite Bomb Group B-25s dispatched on an anti-shipping mission around Paramushiro Island, 4 return to base without locating targets, 1 lands at Petropavlovsk in the Soviet Union (where it and its crew are interned), and 1 ditches after colliding with the mast of a ship.
    • During the night, 3 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s attack Kashiwabara.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    • A 421st Night Fighter Squadron P-61 crew downs a Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane near Japen Island at 0310 hours.
    • V Bomber Command B-25s attack the airfield at Babo.
    • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the airfields at Manokwari, Moemi, and Ransiki.
    • During the night, 10 Japanese bombers attack Owi and Biak islands. Anti-aircraft fire downs 2 of the raiders, but 3 men are killed and 12 are wounded by bombs.
    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Philippines

    • US carrier aircraft from Task Group 38.1, Task Group 38.2, and Task Group 38.3 attack targets on Mindanao in support of the upcoming invasion of the Palau Islands.
    • A VF-15 F6F downs 2 D3A 'Val' dive bombers near Del Monte at 0700 hours.
    • VF-18 F6F downs a D4Y 'Judy' dive bomber near the airfield at Davao at 0710 hours.
    • VF-15 and VF-8 F6Fs down 2 Ki-57 'Topsy' transports over northern Mindano between 0715 and 0730 hours.
    • A VF-15 F6F downs a P1Y 'Galaxy' bomber at sea at 0910 hours.
    • A VF-21 F6F downs a Ki-45 'Nick' fighter at sea at 0946 hours.
    • A VF-15 F6F downs a Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane at sea at 1445 hours.
    [rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

    Battle of the Atlantic

    The sinking of U-484 is attributed to depth-charge attackes by the British corvette Portchester Castle and the frigate Helmsdale.


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Korvettenkapitän Wolf-Axel Schaeffer
    Location Atlantic, S of Hebrides
    Cause Depth charge
    Casualties 52
    Survivors None
    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Eastern Front

    It is announced by Moscow radio that Russian troops have ceased operations in Bulgaria. The Allies prepare peace terms.

    The Germans concentrate forces in Hungary for a counterattack against the 2nd Ukraine Front.


    The attacks by the 38th Army in the Dukla Pass make reasonable progress despite determined German resistance. A penetration is maked near Krosno but 1st Panzer Army counterattacks to seal the gap.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    France, Politics

    Gen de Gaulle appoints a new Cabinet. The principal change is the appointment of Georges Bidault as Foreign Minister.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    The British V Corps and Canadian I Corps step up their attacks on the Coriano and Gemmano hills. In Val d'Ossola and Val Cannobina, held by the partisans, a provisional government is set up.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    • The US submarine Bang (SS-385) sinks the Japanese transport Tokiwasan Maru (1804t) and the merchant cargo ship Shoryu Maru (1916t) south of Japan.
    • The US submarine Queenfish (SS-393) sinks the Japanese transport Toyoka Maru (7097t) and the merchant passenger/cargo ship Manshu Maru (3054t) and damages the torpedo boat Manazuru northwest of Babuyan, Luzon.
    • The US submarine Seal (SS-183) sinks the Japanese army cargo ship Shonan Maru (5859t) in the Sea of Okhotsk, north of Etorofu, Kurils.
    • The Japanese merchant cargo ship Tsinan Maru (3232t) is sunk by a mine off Woosung, China.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    Over the next two days, 3 groups, 12 carriers in all, from TF 38 attack Japanese industrial, naval and aviation targets around Mindanao. Airfields at Del Monte, Valencia, Cagayan, Buayan and Davao are targeted; and, and on the first day of the attack, 60 Japanese aircraft are destroyed. There is little Japanese resistance.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Western Front

    Units of the American XIX Corps cross the borders of Belgium and Holland in the area of Maastricht. In Belgium the Canadians take Bruges while in southern France Beaune, Le Creusot and Autun all fall to the French II Corps.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 9, 1944

    Advancing into Brest

    Advancing into Brest

    M5A1 Light Tank in Verviers

    M5A1 Light Tank in Verviers

    M8 75-mm Howitzers

    M8 75-mm Howitzers

    M20 of the 3rd Armored Division

    M20 of the 3rd Armored Division

    Ernest Hemingway with 4th Infantry Division

    Ernest Hemingway with 4th Infantry Division

    Using a Tank for Protection

    Using a Tank for Protection

    M2 Half-track Towing 76-mm ZIS-3 Gun

    M2 Half-track Towing 76-mm ZIS-3 Gun

    Sofia, Bulgaria, September 9, 1944

    Sofia, Bulgaria, September 9, 1944

    Near Neerveld, Holland

    Near Neerveld, Holland

    Infantry of the Toronto Scottish Regiment

    Infantry of the Toronto Scottish Regiment

    Canadian Soldiers in Dieppe

    Canadian Soldiers in Dieppe

    Germans Fighting the Polish Resistance

    Germans Fighting the Polish Resistance

    Sunday, September 10

    Air Operations, Carolines

    • While also covering strikes against Mindanao airfields by the rest of Task Force 38, carrier aircraft from Task Group 38.4 begin two days of preinvasion strikes against Japanese antiaircraft and beach defenses at Peleliu and Angaur islands.
    • 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based in the Marshall Islands attack the Truk Atoll.
    • During the night, 868th Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s attack airfields and Japanese defenses in the Palau Islands.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 45 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Lingling and other cities in east-central China.
    • Nearly 140 14th Air Force fighter-bombers mount aggressive sweeps over the Salween River area (including eastern Burma) and southeastern and east-central China.
    • 449th Fighter Squadron P-38s and 51st Fighter Group P-51s down 2 Ki-48 'Lily' bombers and 2 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighters over and near Tengchung during a mid-afternoon engagement.
    • 24 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Kunming.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • 380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Laha airfield on Ceram.
    • FEAF B-24s attack Tomohon (Celebes), port facilities at Menado (Celebes), Wasile Bay (Moluccas), the Langoan, Mapanget and Menado airfields on Celebes, and Hate Tabako airfield.
    • B-25s, A-20s, and V Fighter Command P-38s attack oil stores and the Amahai and Boela airfields on Ceram and the Namlea airfield on Boeroe. 1 B-25 and 2 A-20s are downed by ground fire over the Amahai airfield.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 992 aircraft including 521 Lancasters, 426 Halifaxes and 45 Mosquitos, attack 8 different German strongpoints around Le Havre. Each target is marked separately by Pathfinders and then accurately bombed. There are no losses.
    Daylight Ops:
    Minor Ops:
    • 24 aircraft are on Resistance operations and there are 8 RCM sorties. There are no losses.
    Evening Ops:
    Minor Ops:
    • 47 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 2 Lancasters lay mines of Texel, and there are 24 Mosquito patrols and 11 RCM sorties. There are no losses.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    V Bomber Command A-20s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the airfields at Manokwari, Moemi, Nabire, Ransiki, Sagan, and Samate.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Philippines

    • Carrier aircraft from Task Force 38 continue to attack targets on Mindanao in support of the upcoming invasion of the Palau Islands.
    • Carrier-based F6Fs down 3 Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance planes, 1 J1N 'Irving' fighter, and 1 D3A 'Val' dive bomber over Mindanao between 0730 and 0845 hours.
    [rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Volcano Islands

    30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Saipan attack Iwo Jima and shipping off Iwo Jima.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Black Sea

    • After U-18 is damaged by the advancing Soviet armies, the choice for the crew of U-19 is between scutlling off the Soviet Union and becoming POWs or scuttling near Turkey and becoming interned in Turkey. They chose the latter.
    • U-19

      ClassType IIB
      CO Oberleutnant zur See Willi Oldenburg
      Location Black Sea, off Ergeli, Turkey
      Cause Scuttling
      Casualties Unknown
      Survivors Unknown


      ClassType IIB
      CO Oberleutnant zur See Karl Grafen
      Location Black Sea, off Ergeli, Turkey
      Cause Scuttling
      Casualties Unknown
      Survivors Unknown
    • U-20 chose the same fate as U-19.
    • U-23 also opted for scuttling near Turkey.
    • U-23

      ClassType IIB
      CO Oberleutnant zur See Rolf Wahlen
      Location Black Sea, off Ergeli, Turkey
      Cause Scuttling
      Casualties Unknown
      Survivors Unknown
      [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

      Diplomatic Relations

      The Russo-Finnish Armistice is signed in Moscow ending their 3-year war. The Finns agree to pay reparations but get the borders restored to the 1940 positions.

      [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

      Eastern Front

      The 1st Belorussian Front attacks German forces in Praga, outside Warsaw. Warsaw's mayor appeals for immediate Allied aid. Stalin approves the use of Russian airfields for British and US planes to drop supplies to the Polish forces in Warsaw.


      The 47th Army launches a fierce attack into the Warsaw suburb of Praga but is held in the strong German defenses. The 1st Panzer Army is holding off the Soviet 38th Army near Krosno.


    The 38th Army fights its way into Krosno but is unable to press any farther due to the arrival of German reinforcements.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    India, Home Front

    The Commission of Inquiry into the Fort Stikine disaster publishes its findings. It concludes there was a faulty loading of the ship, negligence by the captain and uncoordinated emergency services.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    The Allied offensive to reduce the 'Gothic' Line continues. In the US 5th Army sector the Allies cross the Serchio River at Vecchiano, capture Villa Basilica and cross the Sieve. But in the east, units of the German 10th Army keep up their powerful resistance on the summits of the Gemmano and Coriano hills.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    • The US submarine Sunfish (SS-281) sinks the Japanese merchant tanker Chihaya Maru (4701t) east of Quelpart Island.
    • Two Japanese ships are lost to mines: the army tanker Bukun Maru (3029t) in the Strait of Malacca and the merchant tanker No.2 Hoei Maru (834t) off Woosung, China.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]

    Palau Islands

    Aircraft from a fast US carrier task force under Rear-Adm Ralph E. Davison carry out a heavy raid, repeated the next day, against Japanese defenses on the islands of Peleliu and Angaur, in preparation for the invasion.

    [rarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    Gen Eisenhower decides to postpone the operation to liberate the port of Antwerp. Eisenhower accepts Montgomery's proposal that an airborne operation should be mounted to take the bridges over a series of canals and rivers in Holland, namely at Arnhem, Grave and Eindhoven. This operation will be known as MARKET GARDEN and is designed to allow a rapid advance into Germany. It is based on the assumption that the Germans have only light forces in the relevant areas and will not be able to prevent the advance of ground forces to link up with the paratroops. The operation will begin on September 17.

    After a heavy air raid in which Allied bombers dropped 5,000 tons of bombs and a shelling by the battleship Warspite and the monitor Erebus, in preparation for an Allied assault, the British 49th and 50th Divisions launch a general offensive against Le Havre, and succeeds in piercing German defenses. The Canadians of II Corps occupy Ostend. Troops from US 1st Army enter Luxembourg.

    The French II Corps enters Dijon. At Sombernon the 1st Division mades contact with the French 2nd Armored Division, XV Corps, 3rd Army.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 10, 1944

    Bombing the Defenses of Le Havre

    Bombing the Defenses of Le Havre

    Aware of Destruction from Allied Air Raids

    Aware of Destruction from Allied Air Raids

    German Picture of Air Raid Casualties

    German Picture of Air Raid Casualties

    A Knocked-out Cromwell Tank

    A Knocked-out Cromwell Tank

    Advancing toward the Gothic Line

    Advancing toward the Gothic Line

    Advancing in Belgium

    Advancing in Belgium

    Civilian Woman Killed during Air Raid

    Civilian Woman Killed during Air Raid

    Motor Transport in Northern Apennines

    Motor Transport in Northern Apennines

    Monday, September 11

    Air Operations, Bonin and Volcano Islands

    30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Saipan attack Iwo Jima and shipping off Chichi Jima.

    [larr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Carolines

    • US carrier aircraft from Task Group 38.4 complete two days of pre-invasion strikes against Japanese anti-aircraft and beach defenses at Peleliu and Angaur islands.
    • During the night, 868th Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s attack airfields and defenses in the Palau Islands.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 12 10th Air Force P-47s attack roads, towns, and targets of opportunity in eastern Burma and near the Chinese cities of Lungling and Tengchung.
    • 18 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack stores at Manling.
    • 30 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Kiaotow and Tunganhsien, and targets of opportunity around Lingling. 12 14th Air Force P-40s attack targets along the Burma Road near Lungling.
    • 50 P-40s and P-51s attack a wide variety of targets between Tungting Lake and Canton.
    • 23 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Kunming.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-24s attack the Galela and Miti airfields on Halmahera.
    • B-25s attack the Kairatoe and Boela airfields on Ceram and nearby villages.
    • V Bomber Command B-25s and A-20s attack the Kaoe airfield on Halmahera.
    • V Fighter Command P-38s attack oil stores at Boela, the Amahai airfield on Ceram, and the Namlea airfield on Boeroe.
    • 1 A-20 is downed by ground fire over the Kaoe airfield on Halmahera.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Japan

    4 28th Composite Bomb Group B-25s attack small vessels off Shimushu Island.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    • V Bomber Command A-20s attack the airfields at Nabire, Otawiri, Sagan, and Urarom.
    • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack facilities and anti-aircraft batteries at the airfields of Manokwari and Ransiki.
    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    The US 8th Air Force carries out the last of its 'shuttle' raids, 139 aircraft attack an arms factory at Chemnitz, in Germany, and go on to land at bases in the Soviet Union.

    Daylight Ops:
    • 218 aircraft of Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 8 Groups attack German positions outside Le Havre. Included in the aircraft total are 105 Halifaxes, 103 Lancasters and 10 Mosquitos. The bombing is carried out accurately in good visibilty, but the Master Bomber orders the final wave to cease bombing because of smoke and dust. 171 aircraft bomb without a loss.
    • 205 Halifaxes, 154 Lancasters and 20 Mosquitos are sent to bomb synthetic oil plants at Castrop-Rauxel, Kamen and Gelsenkirchen. The first two targets are clearly visible and are accurately bombed, but the Nordstem plane near Gelsenkirchen is partially protected by a smoke screen which hinders bombing and prevents the observation of results. The bombing forces are escorted by 26 squadrons of fighters, 20 squadrons of Spitfires and 3 each of Mustangs and Tempests. They meet no German fighters.
      • 5 Halifaxes of No. 4 Group and 2 Pathfinder Lancasters are lost on the Nordstem raid and 1 Lancaster on each of the other 2 raids. The losses are caused either by flak or by 'friendly' bombs.
    Minor Ops:
    • 19 aircraft are on Resistance operations and there are 5 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    Evening Ops:
    • 226 Lancasters and 14 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group are sent to Darmstadt. A previous raid by this Group in August had failed to harm Darmstadt but, in clear weather conditions, the group's marking methods produce an outstandingly accurate and concentrated raid on this almost intact city of 120,000 people. A fierce fire area is created in the center and in the districts immediately south and east of the center. Property damage in this area is almost complete. Casualties are very heavy.
      • 12 Lancasters are lost.
    • The Darmstadt raid, with its extensive fire destruction and its heavy casualties, was held by the Germans to be an extreme example of RAF 'terror bombing' and is still a sensitive subject because of the absence of any major industries in the city. Bomber Command defended the raid by pointing out the railway communications passing through Darmstadt. The directive for the offensive against German communications had not yet been issued to Bomber Command, although advance notice of the directive may have been received. Darmstadt was simply one of Germany's medium-sized cities of lesser importance which succumbed to Bomber Command's improving area-attack techniques in the last months of the war when many of the larger cities were no longer worth bombing.
    Minor Ops:
    • 47 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin and 7 to Steenwijk, 76 Halifaxes and Lancasters lay mines in the Kattegat, and there are 44 Mosquito patrols and 13 RCM sorties.
      • 3 minelaying Lancasters and 1 Mosquito on the Berlin raid are lost.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Allied Planning

    Over the next six days Churchill and Roosevelt and their staffs meet in Quebec for the Octagon Conference. There is little change made in the overall strategy. It is agreed to continue with the campaigns in northwest Europe and Italy along the established lines. Guidelines are laid down for the war in the Pacific and the occupation of Germany after the Allied victory. Unusually there is no opposition even from the US Navy representatives to a vigorous policy in Italy. A program of attacks for Burma is agreed. Adm Mountbatten's task will be the re-capture of Burma and re-opening the road from India to China, objectives to be achieved by March 15, 1945. Also after Churchill and Roosevelt have talked the matter over the US Navy concedes that British forces should join their own for the final campaigns against Japan. The conclusive operations in the Pacific are to be the invasion of Kyushu Island in October 1945 and Honshu Island in December.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Eastern Front

    The initial armistice between the USSR and Bulgaria is confirmed. Bulgaria begins to evacuate its troops from the occupied provinces of Yugoslavia.


    The Germans launch fierce attacks near the Poniatowski Bridge and in Czerniakow inside Warsaw.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    5th Army's advance continues. Units of the American IV Corps reach the suburbs of Viareggio, while Pistoia is taken by units of the South African 6th Armored Division of British XIII Corps.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    • In New Guinea forces are assembled for the invasion of Morotai Island, in the Moluccas.
    • The Japanese submarine chaser No. 165 is sunk by the US submarine Albacore (SS-218) off Kyushu, Japan.
    • The US submarine Finback (SS-230) sinks the Japanese army cargo ship Hassho Maru (536t) and the merchant cargo ship No2. Hakon Maru (860t) north of Chichi Jima.
    • The US submarine Pargo (SS-364) sinks the Japanese auxiliary netlayer Hinoki Maru (599t) in the Java Sea.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]

    Western Front

    Apart from the ports of Boulogne, Calais and Dunkirk, the whole of the French Channel coast is now in Allied hands. The advance of the Allied divisions continues along the whole front.

    The attack on Le Havre by British I Corps goes in after a heavy RAF raid. The 85th Reconnaissance Squadron of the 5th Armored Division, US 1st Army, actually reach German soil at Stalzenburg north of Trier but they have little strength here. This action does create panic among the defenders, however. Malmédy is taken in this sector. The British 2nd Army enters Holland near Bourg Leopold and takes an important bridgehead over the Meuse-Escaut canal. The forces moving up from the south of France take Dijon and link with the French 2nd Armored Division of US 3rd Army near Sombernon.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 11, 1944

    Synthetic Oil Installation at Kamen

    Synthetic Oil Installation at Kamen

    Darmstadt Damage

    Darmstadt Damage

    Another Area of Darmstadt

    Another Area of Darmstadt

    Closer View of Same Area

    Closer View of Same Area

    Luisenplace in Darmstadt

    Luisenplace in Darmstadt

    Bodies in Front of Bunker

    Bodies in front of Bunker

    In the Streets of Brest

    In the Streets of Brest

    Allied Troops Enter Dijon

    Allied Troops Enter Dijon

    Attending the Wounded

    Attending the Wounded

    Belgian Children Greet Soldier

    Belgian Children Greet Soldier

    Passing Through Montefiore

    Passing Through Montefiore

    Crossing into Germany

    Crossing into Germany

    Allied Troops Clearing Germans

    Allied Troops Clearing Germans

    Crossing the Albert Canal

    Crossing the Albert Canal

    Der Marktplatz

    Der Marktplatz

    Aircraft Shot Down near Chamvres

    Aircraft Shot Down near Chamvres

    Tuesday, September 12


    The Germans evacuate Mytilene.

    The exiled Greek government moves from Cairo to Caserta in southern Italy to be nearer to home when the time comes for the return.

    [rarrrarr | rarr2]

    Air Operations, Carolines

    • US carrier aircraft from Task Group 38.4 and a force of 4 3rd Fleet escort carriers covers a US surface force as it arrives to begin a final bombardment of invasion objectives in the Palau Islands. Aircraft and warships open a coordinated bombardment, especially of Peleliu Island.
    • During the night, 868th Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s attack airfields and Japanese defenses in the Palau Islands.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 4 10th Air Force B-24s attack the Katha area.
    • 8 10th Air Force P-47s conduct a sweep along the Irrawaddy River from Bhamo to Katha.
    • 3 P-47s strafe buildings in Katha.
    • 16 P-47s attack the airfield at Loiwing and targets of opportunity along the Burma Road from Lungling (China) to Wanling and Namhkam.
    • 15 14th Air Force P-40s attack coastal and river shipping in southern China, the South China Sea, and the Red River in French Indochina.
    • 22 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Kaochishih and Tunghsiangchiao, and the Kiyang area.
    • 14 B-25s attack the town area and bridges in and around Sungpai.
    • 10 B-25s and 6 14th Air Force P-40s attack Lungling.
    • 27 P-40s and P-51s attack targets across a wide area of east-cental China.
    • 23rd and 5th CACW Fighter group P-40s and P-51s down 1 D3A 'Val' dive bomber and 3 Japanese fighters in a series of engagements from Chuanhsien to near Changsha between 1500 and 1530 hours.
    • 25 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Kunming.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • 380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Lautem, Timor.
    • FEAF B-24s attack three airfields on Celebes.
    • B-24s attack the Galela and Kaoe airfields on Halmahera.
    • 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack radar facilities on Morotai at extremely low level.
    • V Fighter Command P-38s dive-bomb the Namlea airfield on Boeroe.
    • P-47s attack the Boela airfield on Ceram.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Japan

    3 28th Composite Bomb Group bombers attack Suribachi airfield and nearby shipping in the Kurile Islands.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 412 aircraft of Nos. 4, 6 and 8 Groups are sent to bomb synthetic oil plants at Dortmund, Scholven/Buer and Wanne-Eickel. Included in the aircraft total are 315 Halifaxes, 75 Lancasters and 22 Mosquitos. The Dortmund raid is particularly successful, but smoke screens prevent results from being observed at the other targets.
      • 3 Lancasters and 1 Halifax are lost on the Wanne-Eickel raid and 2 Halifaxes and 1 Lancaster on the Scholven/Buer raid.
    • 119 Halifaxes of No. 4 Group and 5 Pathfinder Lancasters carry out the first raid by RAF heavy bombers on Münster since June 1943. Many fires are seen but smoke prevented an accurate assessment of the bomb damage. A brief report from Münster describes a 'sea of fire' in the southern part of the town which could not be entered for several hours and tells of water mains destroyed by high-explosive bombs so that 'the firemen could only stand helpless in front of the flames'.
      • 2 Halifaxes are lost.
    Minor Ops:
    • 2 aircraft are on Resistance operations and there are 9 RCM sorties.
    Evening Ops:
    • 378 Lancasters and 9 Mosquitos of Nos. 1, 3 and 8 Groups are sent to Frankfurt, the last major raid on this city by the RAF. The bombers drop 400,000 incendiaries on the city. The local report says that the raid occurred when many of the city's firemen and rescue workers were away working in Darmstadt. The bombing caused severe destruction in the western districts of the city, which contained many industrial premises. Property damage was extensive. A troop train was hit at the West Station.
      • 17 Lancasters are lost.
    • 204 Lancasters and 13 Mosquitos of Nos. 1 and 5 Groups are sent to Stuttgart. The attack is successful and local reports say a firestorm was created.
      • 4 Lancasters are lost.
    Other Ops:
    • Support and 138 training aircraft make a diversionary sweep over the North Sea, 29 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin and 6 to Steenwijk, 12 Halifaxes lay mines in Oslo harbor, and there are 81 Mosquito patrols and 31 RCM sorties.
      • 1 Halifax is lost on the diversionary sweep and 1 from mine-laying.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    V Bomber Command B-25s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the airfields at Babo, Manokwari, Moemi, Mongosah, Sagan, and Samate and anti-aircraft batteries.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Philippines

    • US carrier aircraft from Task Force 38 open an ad hoc offensive against airfields and other targets in the central Philippines. Japanese air opposition from Leyte is so much weaker than expected that US carriers station themselves within sight of land.
    • 2 VF(N)-41 F6Fs down 1 G4M 'Betty' bomber at sea at 0755 hours.
    • Carrier-based F6Fs (and a VB-19 dive-bomber crew) down 1 Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane, 1 P1Y 'Galaxy' bomber, 1 D4Y 'Judy' dive bomber, and 77 Japanese fighters in almost continuous action over Cebu and Negros between 0900 and 1345 hours.
    • 2 VF(N)-41 F6Fs down 1 Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane at sea at 1846 hours.
    [rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

    Battle of the Atlantic

    • U-925 left for patrol on August 24, 1944 and was not heard from again. Her fate is not known. It could have been a drifting mine or the victim of an accident resulting from material or drill failure.
    • U-925

      ClassType VIIC
      CO Oberleutnant zur See Helmut Knoke
      Location N Atlantic, off Iceland
      Cause Unknown
      Casualties 51
      Survivors None
    • The US freighter George Ade (7176t), en route from Mobile, Alabama to New York, via Key West, Florida, is torpedoed by U-518). There are no casualties among the 41-man crew or the 27-man Armed Guard. The salvage vessel Escape (ARS-6) takes the stricken vessel in tow. She is taken to Hampton Roads where the ship is repaired and returned to service.
    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Diplomatic Relations

    The armistice between Romania and the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States is signed in Moscow. Romania will take part in the war against Germany and Hungary supplying 12 divisions and will pay reparations for damage inflicted on Soviet territory. The frontier between the USSR and Romania will be that fixed by the Romanian-Soviet agreement of June 28, 1940. The USSR promises that Transylvania will be restored to Romania.

    During fighting in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Germany, the Romanian army is to lose a further 170,000 men killed, wounded and missing by April 1945.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Eastern Front

    A lull on the various fronts while the Russians consolidate, and overhaul their supply system. Red Army forces break through the Negotin gap in Yugoslavia, opening the way to the Dalmatian coast.


    In Warsaw the 25th Panzer Division attacks in Zoliborz.


    The 6th Tank Army has redeployed at Maros in order to attack the German and Hungarian forces around Cluj. The Stavka elevates the 6th Tank to Guards status.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    At 11:00pm the second battle for the capture of the Coriano hill-top begins.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    • The 16 aircraft carriers of the Mitscher group begin a 3-day attack against the central Philippines, meeting very little resistance from the Japanese air force and navy. No resistance forthcoming from Leyte, one of the objectives of the next landing. More than 200 Japanese planes are destroyed in the 2,400 missions flown.
    • The US submarine Growler sinks two Japanese ships in the South China Sea: the destroyer Shikinami and the frigate Hirato.
    • The US high speed transport Noa (APD-24) is sunk in a collison with the destroyer Fullam (DD-474) off Palau, Carolines.
    • The US submarine Pampanito (SS-383) sinks the merchant passenger/cargo ship Kachidoki Maru (10,509t) and the tanker Zuiho Maru (5135t) about 400 miles southwest of Hong Kong.
    • The US submarine Pipefish (SS-388) sinks the Japanese auxiliary vessel No.7 Hakutetsu Maru (1018t) off Shiono Misaki, Japan.
    • The US submarine Sealion (SS-315) sinks the Japanese transport Nankai Maru (8416t) and the merchant passenger/cargo ship Rakuyo Maru (9419t) in the South China sea, east of Hainan Island.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]

    Palau Islands

    The US battleships, cruisers and aircraft carriers under the command of Rear-Adms Jesse B. Oldendorf and Ford begin an intensive bombardment of the Palaus in advance of the landing. The Americans undertake the necessary mine-lifting and the destruction of under-water obstacles protecting the beaches.

    The US high-speed transport Noa (APD-24) sinks after a collision with the destroyer Fullam (DD-474) in operations off the Palau Islands.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    The 12,000-strong German garrison of Le Havre surrenders to the attacks of British I Corps. More units of the US 1st Army reach the German border between Aachen and Trier and advance up to 5 miles. Units of the 3rd Division push to within 1,000 yards of the Siegfried Line. Bridgeheads across the Moselle are established by the US XII Corps north and south of Nancy.

    A German force of 20,000 men under Maj Gen Erich Elster formally surrenders to the US 83rd Infantry Division at the Beaugency bridge on the Loire. Elster originally suggested a face-saving mock battle which the Americans would 'win'. The US commander, Robert C. Macon, turned him down, and the Germans laid down their arms without incident.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 12, 1944

    Münster Damage

    Münster Damage

    Daimler-Benz factory, Stuttgart

    Daimler-Benz factory, Stuttgart

    Belgian/Dutch Border

    Belgian/Dutch Border

    Area of Noorbeek, Holland

    Area of Noorbeek, Holland

    The Rakuyo Maru

    <i>Rakuyo Maru</i>

    Survivors of the Sinking of the Rakuyo Maru

    Survivors of the Sinking of the <i>Rakuyo Maru</i>

    Crossing into Germany

    Crossing into Germany

    Hanging an Effigy of Hitler

    Hanging an Effigy of Hitler

    British Tanks in Heusden

    British Tanks in Heusden

    Bombing of Salzburg

    Bombing of Salzburg

    M4A1 Sherman Dozer

    M4A1 Sherman Dozer

    M10 Tank Destroyer

    M10 Tank Destroyer

    A 7.2-in Howitzer in Borgo San Lorenzo

    A 7.2-in Howitzer in Borgo San Lorenzo

    The Hague Residents Forced to Leave

    The Hague Residents Force to Leave

    Wednesday, September 13

    Air Operations, Carolines

    During the night, 868th Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s attack airfields and Japanese defenses in the Palau Islands.

    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 12 10th Air Force P-47s attack road targets near Kutkai.
    • 8 P-47s attack Mawhun and targets of opportunity along the Irrawaddy River.
    • 8 P-47s sweep the Irrawaddy River between Bhamo and Katha.
    • A 459th Fighter Squadron P-38 downs a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter over Rangoon at 1105 hours.
    • 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack vessels off the Pescadore Islands.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    The US 8th Air Force, on its return flight to Italy, bombs the great Diosgyoer steelworks in Hungary.

    Daylight Ops:
    • 140 aircraft are sent to hit the Nordstern oil plant at Gelsenkirchen. In this total are 102 Halifaxes of No. 4 Group and 28 Lancasters and 10 Mosquitos of No. 8 Group. Large explosions are seen through the smoke screen.
      • 2 Halifaxes are lost.
    • 98 Halifaxes and 20 Lancasters of Nos. 6 and 8 Groups attack Osnabrück. The mission is to cut railway communications in the area. The marking and bombing are accurate but there are no details on the results.
      • There are no losses.
    Minor Ops:
    • There are 13 RCM sorties.
    Evening Ops:
    Other Ops:
    • 36 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin and 3 to Karlsruhe, and there are 41 Mosquito patrols and 29 RCM sorties.
      • 2 Mosquitos are lost on the Berlin raid.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Japan

    During the night, 3 28th Composite Group B-24s attack the airfield at Kurabu Cape and nearby shipping.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    • V Bomber Command B-25s attack the airfield at Langgoer.
    • A-20s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack two airfields on Efman Island.
    • B-25s, A-20s, and fighter-bombers attack the airfields at Mano-kwari and Ransiki, and anti=aircraft batteries near the airfield at Babo.
    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Philippines

    • Virtually unopposed, carrier aircraft from Task Force 38 mount numerous attacks against targets throughout the central Philippines.
    • 2 VF-21 F6Fs down a P1Y 'Galaxy' bomber at sea at 0629 hours.
    • Carrier-based F6Fs (and 2 dive-bomber crews from VB-8 and VB-2) down 1 F1M 'Pete' reconnaissance plane, 2 G4Ms 'Betty' bombers, 2 Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance planes, and 80 fighters over and around Negros between 0710 and 0945 hours.
    • VF-13 F6Fs down 5 fighters over Legaspi (Luzon) at 0810 hours.
    • 3VF(N)-41 F6Fs down an G4M 'Betty' bomber at sea at 0812 hours.
    • A VF(N)-76 F4U downs a G4M 'Betty' bomber near Luzon at 1415 hours.
    [rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


    4 US warships including the destroyer Warrington (DD-383) and the Coast Guard cutters Bedloe (WSC-128) and Jackson (WSC-142) and a Liberty ship, previously torpedoed by U-518 are lost in a hurricane off the East Coast.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Eastern Front

    The 2nd Belorussian Front takes Lomza on the Narew west of Bialystok, a German strongpoint for the defense of East Prussia and Warsaw.

    The Soviets respond to British and American pressure and begin supply drops to the Polish Home Army (AK) forces fighting in Warsaw regarded by the Poles as too little too late.


    The Leningrad, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Baltic Fronts prepare to launch a new offensive aimed at destroying the 18th and 16th Armies between Riga and Narva. While the Leningrad Front drives in from the north, the 2nd and 3rd Baltic Fronts will pin down the German forces south of Lake Peipus. The 1st Baltic Front will sweep around the right wing of the 16th Army to regain the Baltic coast west of Riga and repeat the isolation of the 2 armies.

    The Leningrad Front's 2nd Shock, 59th and 8th Armies along the Narva have 195,000 men, the 1st Baltic Front 621,000 (in the 4th Shock, 6th Guards, 51st, 43rd, 2nd Guards and 39th Armies), the 2nd Baltic 339,000 men (in the 10th Guards, 3rd Shock and 22nd Armies) and the 3rd Baltic Front 345,000 men (in the 42nd, 67th, 1st Shock abd 54th Armies). The 3 Baltic fronts also have 17,000 arty pieces, 3,000 tanks and 2,600 aircraft. The Army Group North has around 400,000 ment with 400 panzers.


    The 49th Army crosses the Narew and takes Lomza, while the 47th Army clears the Praga suburb of Warsaw but fails to link up with the Polish Home Army.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Britain, Home Front

    The death of William Heath Robinson, an eccentric cartoonist, is reported.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    Gen Joseph Stilwell has a meeting with emissaries from the Chinese Communist army, and also inspects the Chinese positions at Kweilin.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    The 5th Armored Division, Canadian I Corps, and the 1st Division, British V Corps of the 8th Army have succeeded in clearing the Germans entirely from the Coriano Ridge and almost completely from the Gemmano positions. The Germans are forced to retire to the north leaving the road to Rimini open.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    The US invasion force for Morotai is on its way.

    [rarr | rarrrarr]


    • The Japanese submarine chaser No. 55 is sunk by US carrier-based aircraft in the Philippine Islands area.
    • The US high speed minesweeper Perry (DMS-17) is sunk by a mine just off the southeast coast of Angaur, in the southern Palaus.
    • The US submarine Sunfish (SS-281) sinks the Japanese army cargo ship Etashima Maru (6435t) and damages the army cargo ship Gyoku Maru (6854t).
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]

    Palau Islands

    Over the next two days, the American forces begin their preliminary bombardment of Peleliu and Angaur. Adm Jesse B. Oldendorf leads 5 battleships, 9 cruisers and numerous destroyers in this operation. Also in support is an escort carrier force which varies in strength at different times form 7 to 11 ships. Minesweeping operations also begin to clear the approach to the islands.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    (when?) The armistice between the Allies and Romania is signed. The terms have been dictated by the Soviets and include reparations of $300,000,000 and the cession of territory to the USSR.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    The German garrison at Brest refuses to surrender. Units of the US 3rd Army continue their offensive along the line of the Moselle from Thionville to Epinal. The US 3rd Army takes Neufchâteau. French troops of the 3rd and 7th Armies make contact at Chatillon-sur-Seine. Canadian 4th Armored Division elements cross the Leopold Canal near Bruges.

    Eisenhower orders the capture of the Ruhr basin and a deep-water port, either Antwerp or Rotterdam, to facilitate the flow of supplies.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 13, 1944

    Abandoned German 88-mm Anti-tank Gun

    Abandoned German 88-mm Anti-tank Gun

    Destroyed German Jagdpanther

    Destroyed German <i>Jagdpanther</i>

    Passing Abandoned German Gun

    Passing Abandoned German Gun

    Following the Assault on Le Havre

    Following the Assault on Le Havre

    Flak Hit on a B-17G

    Flak Hit on a B-17G

    First Crossings of the Moselle

    First Crossings of the Moselle

    Having Tea Beside Upended Tank

    Having Tea Beside Upended Tank

    Royal Artillery in Action

    Royal Artillery in Action

    Thursday, September 14

    Air Operations, Carolines

    • 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based in the Marshall Islands attack the Truk Atoll.
    • During the night, 868th Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s mount their final attack against airfields and Japanese defenses in the Palau Islands.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 4 10th Air Force B-25s attack Bhamo with fragmentation and booby-trap bombs.
    • 6 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Tunganhsien.
    • 91 14th Air Force P-40s and P-51s attack numerous targets across a wide area of east-central China and the Salween River front.
    • 23rd Fighter Group P-51s down 2 Ki-44 'Tojo' fighters in a morning engagement near Sanshui.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-24s attack 4 airfields on Halmahera.
    • B-25s attack the Mapanget airfield on Celebes.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Germany is pounded by 5,000 Allied aircraft in raids on targets from the Siegfried Line to Berlin.

    Daylight Ops:
    • 133 Halifaxes and 51 Lancasters of Nos. 4, 6 and 8 Groups are sent to Wilhelmshaven but are recalled while over the North Sea. No reason for the recall is in Bomber Command records.
      • There are no losses.
    • 35 Lancasters and 10 Mosquitos of Nos. 3 and 8 Groups bomb 'an ammunition dump' near The Hague at Wassenar. This site is possibly a suspected V-2 storage facility. The bombing is considered accurate but smoke and dust cover the target preventing the results being observed.
    Minor Ops:
    • There are 6 RCM sorties without a loss.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    • V Bomber Command B-25s and A-20s attack the airfield at Babo.
    • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers conduct numerous small attacks against airfields, anti-aircraft batteries, and targets of opportunity across the Vogelkop Peninsula.
    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Philippines

    Virtually unopposed, US carrier aircraft from Task Force 38 continue to mount numerous attacks against targets throughout the central Philippines and Mindanao. In three days, US aircraft undertake more than 2,400 effective combat sorties, down an estimated 173 Japanese aircraft, destroy an estimated 305 Japanese aircraft on the ground, sink 59 ships, probably sink 58 other ships, destroy numerous ground tagets, and inflict serious casualties upon Japanese military personnel. US losses are 8 aircraft in combat, 1 airplane in an operational accident, and 10 pilots and aircrew killed.

    [rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Volcano Islands

    30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Saipan attack Iwo Jima.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    The Chinese complete the capture of Teng-chung, the town they first managed to enter on August 4. With the loss of Teng-chung and increasingly strong Chinese resistance in the Lung-ling sector, the Japanese break off their counter-offensive on the Salween front.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]


    With the capture of Zollara the Gemmano Ridge is finally cleared of German forces and the 8th Army is able to push forward to the Marano River, which is crossed by several patrols. In the western sector the American 5th Army continues to pound the defenses of the 'Gothic' Line.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Eastern Front

    The Warsaw suburb of Praga is taken by Soviet troops of the 1st Belorussian Front. There is no real attempt to cross the Narew or the Vistula, strongly defended by the Germans, or to break into the city proper to aid the AK (Armia Krajowa).


    The Soviet Baltic Offensive begins, against the German 16th and 18th Armies between Riga and Narva. The formations involved are the Leningrad Front (2nd Shock, 8th and 59th Armies) - 195,000 troops; 1st Baltic Front (2nd Guards, 4th Shock, 6th Guards, 39th, 43rd and 51st Armies) - 621,000 troops; 2nd Baltic Front (3rd Shock, 10th Guards and 22nd Armies) - 339,000 troops; and 3rd Baltic Front (1st Shock, 42nd, 54th and 67th Armies) - 345,000 troops. The Germans can muster 400,000 troops.

    Supported by heavy artillery fire and air attacks, the 43rd Army at the center of the thrust by the 1st Baltic Front pushes north around Jelgava. However, the Germans have established strong defenses with just such an attack in mind and bogs the Soviet attacks down.


    Although the Soviet 47th Army has cleared Praga, the 25th Panzer Division is pummelling the Home Army in Zoliborz and Czernaikow.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    The Japanese transport No. 5 is sunk by US carrier-based aircraft in the Philippine Islands area.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]

    Western Front

    Field-Marshal Montgomery issues instructions for the British 2nd Army's offensive toward the Rhine and the Meuse, Operation MARKET GARDEN, and for a possible attack by the Canadian 1st Army to liberate the port of Antwerp and capture Boulogne and Calais. US forces and Dutch Resistance capture Maastricht.

    The newly appointed commander of German forces in the west, Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, tells Hitler 'the Battle for the West Wall' has begun. The West Wall (or Siegfried Line) had been largely dismantled since 1940, but it still represented a formidable barrier between the Allies and the Rhine River.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 14, 1944

    Fighting in Warsaw

    Fighting in Warsaw

    French Fleet Returns Home

    French Fleet Returns Home

    Members of the Maquis

    Members of the Maquis

    American Soldier Receives Gift

    American Soldier Receives Gift

    A Break in the Action on Peleliu

    A Break in the Action on Peleliu

    Personnel and Equipment of the 99th Evacuation Hospital

    Personnel and Equipment of the 99th Evacuation Hospital

    US troops and Dutch Resistance Fighters

    US troops and Dutch Resistance Fighters

    Children in Warsaw

    Children in Warsaw

    Friday, September 15

    Air Operations, Carolines

    • The 1st US Marine Division lands at Peleliu Island against heavy opposition. Air cover is provided by Task Group 38.4 and the escort carriers of Task Group 32.7.
    • At the last minute, before Marines arrive ashore, 48 FMs (12 each from VC-20, VC-21, VC-27, and VC-75) strafe the landing beaches and areas immediately to the rear. Later in the day, escort-carrier aircraft help Marines beat off a counterattack by IJA tanks.
    • Advance headquarters detachments of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing and Marine Air Group 11 land with the invasion force. They will oversee Marine air operations undertaken in support of the Palaus Campaign.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 16 10th Air Force P-47s sweep the Irrawaddy River between Bhamo and Katha.
    • 12 P-51s attack Mawhun.
    • 8 P-47s attack Kutkai.
    • Several P-47s sweep the Burma Road from eastern Burma to Lungling (China).
    • 19 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack military stores at Hengyang.
    • 20 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Chuanhsien.
    • 5 B-25s attack Lingling.
    • More than 90 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack Changsha, Kiyang, and wide surrounding areas.
    • 8 10th Air Force B-25s attack fuel stores and targets of opportunity in the Chefang area.
    • 13 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Liuchow, China.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 38 Lancasters of Nos. 9 and 617 Squadrons and a No. 5 Group Mosquito for weather reconnaissance had set out on September 11 to fly to Northern Russia in preparation for this raid on the 45,000-ton battleship Tirpitz, which is at anchor in Kaa Fjord in Northern Norway. 1 aircraft returns to Britain and 6 crash-land in Russia but their crew members are not seriously hurt. Only 27 Lancasters and a further Lancaster with a cameraman on board are available for the raid on the Tirpitz, which eventually takes place this day. 20 aircraft are loaded with the 12,000-pound Tallboy bomb and 6 (or 7, the records are not clear) carry several 'Johnny Walker' mines - of 400-500-pound weight developed for attacking capital ships moored in shallow water. The attack catches the Tirpitz by surprise and her smoke-screens are late in starting. One Tallboy hits the Tirpitz near the bow and causes considerable damage. The shock caused by the explosion of this bomb, or possibly from other bombs which are near misses, also damage the battleship's engines. The Germans decide that repairs to make Tirpitz fully seaworthy are not practicable and she will be later moved to an anchorage further south in Norway, but only for use as a semi-static heavy artillery battery. These results of the raid are not known in England at the time and further raids against Tirpitz will take place.
    • None of the Lancasters are shot down on the raid and all return safely to the airfield in Russia but the No. 617 Squadron aircraft of Flying Officer F. Levy crashes in Norway while returning to Lossiemouth 2 days later with 11 men on board.
    Minor Ops:
    • There are 9 RCM sorties and 1 aircraft on a Resistance operation.
      • There are no losses.
    Evening Ops:
    • 490 aircraft are sent to Kiel. In this total are 310 Lancasters, 173 Halifaxes and 7 Mosquitos of Nos. 1, 4, 6 and 8 Groups. The evidence of returning crews and of photographs cause Bomber Command to record this as 'a highly concentrated raid' with 'the old town and modern shopping center devastated'.
      • 4 Halifaxes and 2 Lancasters are lost.
    Other Ops:
    • Support and 164 aircraft make a diversionary sweep over the North Sea, 27 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 9 to Lübeck and 8 to Rheine airfield, 68 Halifaxes and Lancasters lay mines near Oslo, the Kattegat and in the Elbe River, and there are 56 Mosquito patrols and 34 RCM sorties.
      • 4 Mosquitos and 1 Stirling are lost on the operations.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • US Army ground troops land on Morotai Island against negligble opposition. The Pitoe airfield there is quickly captured.
    • In support of the invasion of Morotai, US aircraft from Task Group 38.1 and 7th fleet escort carriers attack targets on Halmahera, Batjan, and Celebes islands. US surface warships also attack areas of Halmahera.
    • FEAF B-24s, V Bomber Command A-20s, and V Fighter Command P-47s attack the airfield at Hate Tabako, the Kaoe and Lolobata airfields on Halmahera while 2 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s spray insecticide over Morotai.
    • A VF-2 F6F downs a G4M 'Betty' bomber 30 miles from the US carriers at 1220 hours.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    V Fighter Command P-39s attack Manokwari and the airfield there.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Allied Planning

    The Joint Chiefs of Staff, examining the situation in the Pacific in the light of the limited resistance by the Japanese in the central Philippines, decide to bring forward the invasion fo Leyte from December 20 to October 20, and to cancel the planned operations against the islands of Yap, east of the Palaus, Talaud, south of Mindanao, and Mindanao in the southern Philippines.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Battle of the Atlantic

    It is not known when or how U-743 is lost. It is presumed to have been a victim of a mine or an accident during the middle of September 1944.


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Helmut Kandzior
    Location N Atlantic, NW of Ireland
    Cause Unknown
    Casualties 50
    Survivors None
    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    Chiang Kai-shek threatens to withdraw his troops from the Salween if the Chinese and American forces in the Myitkyina sector do not carry out an offensive to the south within a week.

    In Burma, in the British XXXIII Corps sector, the 5th Indian Division continues its advance on Tiddim, establishing a bridgehead across the Manipur River near Tuitum.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Eastern Front

    The German South Ukraine Group succeeds in concentrating 27 divisions and brigades, including 6 armored divisions, before Cluj in Transylvania. These forces block the advance of the 2nd Ukraine Front. The Polish 1st Army of the 1st Belorussian Front begins crossing the Vistula from Praga to Warsaw.


    The German 20th Mountain Army launches an abortive attack against the port of Suursaari, prompting the Finnish Government to demand its immediate withdrawal from the country.


    The Germans put up stout resistance against the Soviet 1st Shock Army near Valk and the 3rd Shock, 10th Guards and 22nd Armies near Madona.[MORE]

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    France, Politics

    François de Menthon, the Justice Commissioner, orders the arrest of Marshal Pétain and all the members of the Vichy Cabinet because of their alleged collaboration with the Germans.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    Between September 12 and 15 the Germans evacuate Mitilini and the Ionian Islands.

    [larr1larr1 | rarrrarr2]


    8th Army creates a bridgehead over the Marano. The first infantry detachment of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force joins the 5th Army.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Moluccan Islands

    American forces land at 8:30am on the southwest of Morotai at the Gila Peninsula. There is no Japanese resistance but the conditions of the terrain are terrible. The landing force is from Charles P. Hall's XI Corps and includes the 31st Division under Gen John C. Persons and an additional regiment. The landing has been preceded by an intense 2-hour naval bombardment. The naval support is commanded by Adm Daniel E. Barbey and includes 6 escort carriers as well as cruisers and destroyers. Gen MacArthur is present. Within the day the division occupies the whole of Gila peninsula. On the first day 19,960 men go ashore and by the start of October the force has been built up by 26,000 combat troops and 12,200 in the construction units. Airfields are quickly built and until they become operational 5th Air Force gives cover.

    [rarrrarr | rarr]


    • The US submarine Guavina (SS-362) sinks the Japanese transport No. 3 in the Philippines Islands area.
    • The US submarines Pampanito (SS-383) and Sealion (SS-315) rescue 73 British and 54 Australian POWs who survived the loss of the Rakuyo Maru when she was sunk by Sealion on September 12, about 300 miles west of Cape Bojeador, Luzon. There had been about 1,300 men on board the Japanese ship when she was attacked.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    At 8:30am the US 1st Marine Division, under the command of Gen William H. Rupertus from Roy Geiger's III Amphibious Corps, lands on the southwest coast of Peleliu Island, in the Palau group east of the Philippines. The Japanese garrison of the island is made up of a regiment of the 14th Division commanded by Col Kunio Nakagawa. The main Japanese force in the area is on Babelthaup. The naval forces which carried out the preliminary bombardment remain in support.

    The landings meet fairly moderate resistance on the beaches but as soon as they move inland the fighting becomes very fierce. The Japanese have constructed a formidable defense system based principally on the complex of caves with which the island is riddled. At the end of the day the perimeter of the beachhead measures a mile and a half from north to south but is only a few hundred yards wide at the most.

    The Palau Islands, which have been made into a strategic center for the concentration of Japanese air and naval forces since the destruction of Truk, are defended by over 30,000 soldiers, crack troops under the command of Gen Sadao Inoue. The Japanese have 20,000 men on Babelhuap, the biggest of the islands, 11,000 men on Peleliu and 1,400 men on Angaur, an islet about 10 miles south of Peleliu. There is an excellent airfield on Peleliu and another on the islet of Ngesebus, joined to Peleliu by a narrow embankment. Peleliu has been strongly fortified, with over 500 strongpoints in caves connected by tunnels.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    The Allied armies enter Germany. From Aachen to Luxembourg, units of the US VII and V Corps have reached the southwestern frontiers of the Reich. Since D-Day June 6, the Allies have landed more than 2,000,000 men in France, 40,000 of whom have fallen in battle. In the same period German losses have been catastrophic, the ranks of the Wehrmacht have been depleted by 700,000.

    Apart from a strip of land on the German border, Belgium and Luxembourg are completely liberated. The new front runs from near Ostend to Epinal, west of Colmar, by way of Antwerp, Maastricht, Thionville, Metz and Nancy. The Germans employ Gen Walther Model's Army Group B in the north and Gen Johannes Blaskowitz's Army Group G in the south. The first consists of the 15th Army under Gen Gustof A. von Zangen and the 1st Parachute Army under Gen Kurt Student, stationed in Holland, and Gen Erich Brandenberger's 7th Army defending the German border between the Ruhr and the Saar. The second Group deploys, between Metz and Epinal, Gen Otto von Knobelsdorff's 1st Army and Gen Hasso von Manteuffel's 5th Panzer Army.

    The British 2nd Army take a second crossing point over the Meuse-Escaut canal. Maastricht and Eisden are both taken by US 1st Army and Nancy and Epinal by US 3rd Army. The forces moving up from the south of France, Gen Alexander Patch's US 7th Army and Gen Jean de Lattre's French 1st Army come under Gen Eisenhower's command.

    German frogmen mount a daring raid on the floodgates at Antwerp and make the port unusable to large vessels for 6 weeks.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 15, 1944

    US Marines on Peleliu

    US Marines on Peleliu

    Marines on the Beach at Peleliu

    Marines on the Beach at Peleliu

    LVTs Approaching the Beaches

    LVTs Approaching the Beaches

    Marine Command Post on Peleliu

    Marine Command Post on Peleliu

    Palau D-Day from the Air

    Palau D-Day from the Air

    US Marines Rest on Peleliu

    US Marines Rest on Peleliu

    LCI’s Unloading Assault Forces

    LCI’s Unloading Assault Forces

    Peleliu Prelude

    Peleliu Prelude

    Amphibious Tanks Heading for the Island

    Amphibious Tanks Heading for the Island

    US Soldiers Pushing Jeep

    US Soldiers Pushing Jeep

    Attack on Shipping

    Attack on Shipping

    LCI’s Move in Close to the Peleliu Beach

    LCI’s Move in Close to the Peleliu Beach

    Saturday, September 16

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 12 14th Air Force B-25s attack Kutkai.
    • Despite bad weather, 10th Air Force P-47s sweep the Lungling-Wanling-Loiwing road in eastern Burma and southwestern China.
    • 20 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Hengyang.
    • 28 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Chuanhsien, Lengshuitang, Pakmushih, and a ferry at Yuangshsho.
    • More than 130 14th Air Force fighter-bombers sorties are mounted against numerous targets in the Salween River area and east-central China.
    • 5th CACW Fighter Group P-40s down 2 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighters in an engagement near Siansiang at 0900 hours.
    • 23rd Fighter Group P-40s fail to score any confirmed victories in an engagement near Shaoyang at 0945 hours.
    • 2 3rd CACW Fighter Group P-40s down a Ki-45 'Nick' fighter near Kokow during the morning.
    • A 23rd Fighter Group P-51 downs an A6M Zero near Kinhwa at 1100 hours.
    • 19 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Liuchow, China.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • In their first response to the Allied invasion, Japanese aircraft mount light raids against US ground and naval forces at Morotai.
    • FEAF B-24s attack the Ambesia and Kendari airfields on Celebes.
    • B-24s and B-25s attack airfields on Ceram, Kamarian, Amboina, and Boeroe.
    • B-25s attack a large warehouse at Gorontalo, Celebes.
    • A VC-66 FM downs an A6M Zero at sea at 0650 hours.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    Minor Ops:
    • 14 Stirlings and 4 Hudsons are on Resistance operations, and there are 2 Mosquitos on Ranger patrols and 9 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    Evening Ops:
    • Bomber Command's main operations on this night are in support of Operation MARKET GARDEN, the landings by British and American airborne troops at Arnhem and Nijmegen which take place the following morning. 200 Lancasters and 23 Mosquitos of Nos. 1 and 8 Groups bomb the airfields at Hopsten, Leeuwarden, Steenwijk and Rheine, and 54 Lancasters and 5 Mosquitos of Nos. 3 and 8 Groups bomb a flak position at Moerdijk. The runways of all the airfields are well cratered but there are only near misses at the flak position, although its approach road is cut.
      • 2 Lancasters are lost on the Moerdijk raid.
    Minor Ops:
    • 29 Mosquitos are sent to Brunswick and 4 to Dortmund, and there are 29 Mosquito patrols and 14 RCM sorties.
      • 1 Mosquito is lost on the Brunswick raid.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Japan

    3 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s attack the Kataoka naval base.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the airfields at Manokwari, Moemi, Sagan, and Waren.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Volcano Islands

    17 30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Saipan attack Iwo Jima.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Eastern Front

    Guderian counterattacks near the Gulf of Riga with troops brought from far south of the front, spearheaded by a scratch Panzer division under Col-Gen Hyazinth Graf Stachwitz. Contact will be re-established between Army Groups Center and North by September 26.

    There is a new large-scale Soviet offensive in the Baltic States by troops of the Leningrad Front and the 3 Baltic Fronts. This offensive will involve principally attacks toward Riga and Tallinn.

    In the south in Bulgaria, Sofia is taken by that proportion of 3rd Ukraine Front which has crossed the Danube before turning west to threaten the retreat of the German forces in Greece. The German forces in danger are Army Group F of Maximilian von Weichs and E under Alexander Löhr. In Romania fighting continues between the South Ukraine Army Group and the 2nd Ukraine Front.


    The fighting in the Baltic intensifies as the 3rd Panzer Army launches a new counterattack aimed at strengthening the ling with Army Group North. More than 400 panzers strike the 51st and 5th Guards Tank Armies. Bitter fighting ensues as the Germans advance slowly. To the east, the 22nd Army is hit by a 16th Army counterattack at Dobele.


    Elements of the 1st Polish Army cross the Vistula at Magnuszew and begins to attack north in an effort to break through to the Home Army. However, the 9th Army puts up a ferocious defense, inflicting heavy casualties. Inside Warsaw the 25th Panzer Division has pushed the Poles back about half a mile in Zoliborz after fierce battles. Progress is also made in Czerniakow as the Poles lose their grip on the Vistula.


    The 2nd Hungarian Army and 8th Army attacks east of Cluj, hitting the 7th Guards, 4th Romanian and 40th Armies hard.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Germany, Planning

    Hitler outlines his plans for an offensive in the Ardennes to his generals. He tells Keitel, Jodl, and Guderian: 'I have just made a momentous decision. I shall go over to the counterattack, that is to say, here (pointing to a map) - out ot the Ardennes, with the objective Antwerp.' At the time, Germany has 55 divisions on the Western Front, facing 96 Allied divisions in place and another dozen in Britain.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    British commandos land on Kithira Island, south of the Peloponnese.

    [larr1larr1 | rarrrarr2]


    The headquarters of the British 8th Army issues instructions for the advance on Rimini. The British V Corps will follow Highway 9 in the direction of Bologna and the Canadian I Corps will make for Ravenna and Ferrara.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    On Morotai the US 31st Division extends the depth of its beachhead by an average of 4 miles, while the Japanese begin a series of not very powerful air raids.


    Occupied Denmark

    A general strike begins that will last until September 21.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Occupied Holland

    Hendrick Colijn, the ex-Prime Minister of Holland, dies in German custody. He was 75.

    [larrrarr | rarr2rarr2]


    • The Japanese escort carrier Unyo is sunk by the US submarine Barb (SS-220) in the South China Sea. Although the US surface fleet has no presence in the South China Sea, US submarines are effectively interdicting Japanese supply convoys running between the Dutch East Indies and Japanese forces in Southeast Asia.
    • US submarine operate against Japaness shipping south of Formosa: Picuda (SS-382) sinks the army cargo ship Tokushima Maru (5975t) in Bashi Channel; Redfish (SS-395) sinks the fleet tanker No.2 Ogura Maru (7311t).
    • The US submarine Sea Devil (SS-400) sinks the Japanese submarine I-364 off Yokosuka, Japan.
    • The Japanese cargo vessel Imaji Maru (1986t) is sunk by a mine in Brunei Bay.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    The Marines consolidate and extend their beachhead on Peleliu. The 7th Marine Regiment occupies the south point of the island and begins mopping up. The beachhead reaches a depth of about a mile and a quarter, despite strong fire by the Japanese. The 5th Marines capture a good part of the island's airfield. Gen William H. Rupertus takes over command on land now that the amphibious phase of the operation, under naval command, is completed.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 16, 1944

    Peleliu - September 1944

    Peleliu - September 1944

    Wounded, Waiting for Help

    Wounded, Waiting for Help

    British Moving Up in Belgium

    British Moving Up in Belgium

    Canadian Engineers Checking for Mines

    Canadian Engineers Checking for Mines

    Knocked-out Jagdpanther in Geel

    Knocked-out <i>Jagdpanther</i> in Geel

    American Tank Passes Through the Siegfried Line

    American Tank Passes Through the Siegfried Line

    British Artillery Support

    British Artillery Support

    Loading onto a Transporter

    Loading onto a Transporter

    Sunday, September 17

    Air Operations, Carolines

    Following heavy air and naval bombardments, US Army ground forces land against light opposition at Angaur Island in the Palau Islands. After 7 US carrier-based F6Fs mistakenly attack US Army ground troops during the afternoon killing 7 and wounding 46, ground-support flight operations over Angaur are temporarily halted.

    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 3 10th Air Force B-25s attack Indaw.
    • 8 10th Air Force P-47s attack Bhamo.
    • 8 P-47s attack Katha.
    • 8 P-47s attack Momauk and Wanling.
    • 29 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Changsha.
    • 15 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 8 14th Air Force P-51s attack Japanese Army positions at Nanyo.
    • 12 B-25s attack Hwangshapu and Kiyang.
    • 14th Air Force fighter-bombers conducting armed reconnaissance missions mount more than 130 effective sorties against numerous targets through east-central China.
    • 6 10th Air Force B-25s attack Mangshih.
    • 3rd CACW Fighter Group P-40s down 2 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighters over Yiyang between 1145 and 1220 hours.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 762 aircraft drop more than 3,000 tons of bombs on German positions around Boulogne in preparation for an attack by Allied troops. Included in the aircraft total are 370 Lancasters, 351 Halifaxes and 41 Mosquitos. The German garrison surrenders soon after this attack.
      • 1 Halifax and 1 Lancaster are lost.
    • In support of Operation MARKET GARDEN, 112 Lancasters and 20 Mosquitos of Nos. 1 and 8 Groups bomb German flak positions in the Flushing area without a loss.
    Minor Ops:
    • 10 Stirlings and 1 Hudson are on Resistance operations and there are 6 Mosquito patrols and 9 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    Evening Ops:
    • In support of Operation MARKET GARDEN, 241 aircraft make 2 diversionary sweeps - 1 to the Dutch coast and 1 into Holland. The intent is to draw up German fighters from southern Holland. The intention is not achieved.
      • There are no losses.
    Other Ops:
    • 42 Mosquitos are sent to Bremen and 6 to Dortmund, and there are 29 Mosquito patrols and 29 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-24s, B-25s, and P-38s attack the Langoan airfield on Celebes.
    • B-25s and V Fighter Command P-39s attack airfields and occupied villages on Amboina and Ceram through bad weather.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    V Fighter Command P-47s and P-40s attack the airfield at Samate.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Philippines

    FEAF B-25s attack the Buayoan airfield on Mindanao.

    [rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

    Britain, Home Front

    The 'blackout' ends in Britain. It is replaced by the 'dim-out' allowing diffused car headlights and low street lighting.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    On the British XXXIII Corps front, the 5th Indian Division captures Tuitum.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Eastern Front

    Russian forces enter Estonia.


    The 3rd Baltic Front attacks around Tartu as they try to drive into the rear of the German Narva Group. During the last week the 2nd Shock Army has been transferred from its positions north of Lake Peipus to the Tartu sector. The 2nd attacks alongside the 42nd and 67th Armies, and after bitter fighting breaks through the 18th Army defenses.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    In the western sector the American IV Corps opens a general attack on the left flank.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    The US 31st Infantry Division begins mopping up the island and occupies the islets off the coast.



    • The US submarine Barb (SS-220) sinks the Japanese tanker Asuza Maru (11,177t) about 230 miles southeast of Hong Kong. Barb and the US submarine Queenfish (SS-393) pick up an additional 15 British and Australian POWs, survivors to the sunken Rakuyo Maru.
    • The Japanese merchant cargo ship Shinai Maru (2410t) is sunk by a mine off the east coast of Celebes.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    Gen Paul J. Mueller's US 81st Infantry Division lands on Angaur. The Japanese garrison is about 1,600 strong. Resistance to the landings immediately and later during the first night is energetic but neither very powerful nor effective.

    During the morning, with all the south of the island captured, including Peleliu airfield, the 1st and 5th Marines mount attacks from southwest and southeast on the southern spurs of the highly fortified Mount Umurbrogol in the center of the island, but are halted with heavy losses after taking one or two pill-boxes. The heavy guns of the battleship Mississippi (BB-41) are brought into action, successfully bombarding the Japanese positions.

    At 8:30am a regiment of the US 32nd Infantry Division lands on the east coast of the little island of Angaur, south of Peleliu. Japanese resistance is not great and the landing force makes good progress. Japanese counterattacks during the night fail.

    There are Japanese attacks by night but by day the Americans still hold most of the south side of Peleliu comfortably enough. They begin attacks on the Japanese positions here dispite the support from heavy naval guns because of the strength and elaboration of the Japanese defenses.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    Operation MARKET GARDEN is begun. The Allied plan has as its chief proponent Gen Montgomery and is for airborne troops to seize a series of bridges over river and canal lines in Holland allowing the main Allied forces, or part of them, to continue their advance into Germany unimpeded by such natural barriers.

    The belief is that the German armies in the west have been so decisively weakened by the battles since D-Day that they will collapse if momentum can be sustained. In fact the German forces in Holland generally and especially around the Arnhem area in particular are not as weak as has been believed. It is indeed arguable that the effort put into MARKET GARDEN would have been better spent in clearing the Scheldt estuary and getting Antwerp working to create a solid basis for the future Allied campaigns.

    In detail the plan provides for 3 airborne Divisions to be dropped and 5 main bridges to be captured while the British XXX Corps attacks north to link up with each division in turn. The nearest bridges, over canals north of Eindhoven at Veghel and Zon, are the objectives of the US 82nd Airborne Division. These objectives are taken on the first day. The US 101st Airborne Division is dropped around Grave south of Nijmegen with the task of taking the bridges over the Maas at Grave and the Waal at Nijmegen. The first of these is taken on the first day. The farthest bridge is at Arnhem over the lower Rhine. This is the objective of the British 1st Airborne Division. They are dropped deliberately a little distance away from the town to allow some organization before going into battle and on balance this proves to have been a mistaken tactic because of the time it gives the German forces to react. It is unfortunate that a SS Panzer Division, recovering from a mauling on the Eastern Front, is close by and is still a very formidable opponent. The airborne troops, of course, have only weapons light enough to be carried in gliders. One battalion manages to reach the bridge but is there cut off from the remainder of the force which is itself fighting for its life. The Germans retain control of one end of the bridge while the parartroops hold the other. Overall the first day of the operation has been fairly successful. All the bridges are still intact but the deciding factor will be whether XXX Corps can advance fast enough to aid the paratroops in the various landing grounds.

    As well as the air support for this operation there is a heavy, 3,500 tons, RAF attack on Boulogne before an assault by the Canadian 3rd Division goes in.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 17, 1944

    Fairford, September 17, 1944

    Fairford, September 17, 1944

    No. 3 Platoon at Fairford

    No. 3 Platoon at Fairford

    Landing Zone S

    Landing Zone S

    Paratroopers of the First Allied Airborne Army

    Paratroopers of the First Allied Airborne Army

    Inside a C-47 Transport Plane

    Inside a C-47 Transport Plane

    Flying over Gheel, Belgium

    Flying over Gheel, Belgium

    Men and Supplies Drop

    Men and Supplies Drop

    Dutch Children Greet Paratroopers

    Dutch Children Greet Paratroopers

    Gathering Near Arnhem

    Gathering Near Arnhem

    Unloading a Horsa Glider

    Unloading a Horsa Glider

    Ambush Casualty

    Ambush Casualty

    82nd Airborne Division Dropping

    82nd Airborne Division Dropping

    Irish Guards Sherman Tanks

    Irish Guards Sherman Tanks

    Airborne Landing near Arnhem

    Airborne Landing near Arnhem

    Preparing to Board

    Preparing to Board

    An Abandoned German PzKpfw IV Tank

    An Abandoned German <i>PzKpfw</i> IV Tank

    Monday, September 18

    Air Operations, Carolines

    28 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based in the Marshall Islands attack the Truk Atoll.

    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 9 10th Air Force P-47s attack Japanese Army positions at Myothit.
    • 4 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping in the Formosa Strait.
    • 30 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack targets at and near Chuanhsien, Lingling, and Taohsien.
    • 14th Air Force fighter-bombers mount nearly 115 effective sorties against numerous targets across east-central China.
    • 8 10th Air Force B-25s attack dumps and other installations at and around Chefang.
    • 18 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Liuchow.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • Despite bad weather, FEAF B-24s are able to mount individual and small attacks against targets, including four airfields on Amboina and Ceram.
    • B-25s attack the Langoan airfield on Celebes.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack Manokwari, the airfield there, and anti-aircraft batteries at Moemi.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Philippines

    • 27 22nd and 43rd Heavy Bomb group B-24s attack Japanese Army barracks at Davao, Mindanao.
    • 23 90th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack oil stores at Sasa, Mindanao.
    [rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 74 aircraft including 34 Lancasters, 30 Halifaxes and 10 Mosquitos of Nos. 6 and 8 Groups, attempt to bomb a coastal battery at Domberg on the island of Walcheren, but the Master Bomber abandons the raid after 8 Mosquitos had attempted to mark the target in poor weather conditions.
      • There are no losses.
    • 7 RCM sorties are flow without a loss.
    Evening Ops:
    • 206 Lancasters and 7 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group are sent to Bremerhaven. This is another successful No. 5 Group method raid and Bremerhaven, which had not been seriously bombed by the RAF before, requires only this one knock-out blow by the comparatively small force of aircraft carrying fewer than 900 tons of bombs. The center of the town, the port area and the suburb of Geestemünde are gutted by fire as 420,000 incendiaries are dropped. 2,670 buildings are destroyed and 369 seriously damaged.
      • No. 100 Group's RCM Operations successfully keep German night fighters away from the force and only 1 Lancaster and 1 Mosquito are lost.
    Minor Ops:
    • 33 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin and 6 to Rheine, 4 Lancasters lay mines in the Weser River, and there are 67 Mosquito patrols and 30 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Battle of the Atlantic

    U-855 is returning home from a weather-reporting patrol when she hits a mine.


    ClassType IXC/40
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Prosper Ohlsen
    Location Atlantic
    Cause Mine
    Casualties 56
    Survivors None
    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Eastern Front


    The German defenses at Tartu collapses. As the 2nd Shock, 42nd and 67th Armies advance the Narva Group begins to abandon its increasingly exposed positions. The 8th and 59th Armies press along the Estonian coast, harrying the Narva Group.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    As the German army is leaving Talinn, Estonian civilians rise up and proclaim an independent government. The Estonians, under Otto Tief, battle the retreating Germans until the 21st when Russian armor sweeps through the city.


    On the south coast, east of Gila peninsula, surveying begins for the construction of an airfield able to accommodate heavy bombers. The Pitoe airfield only takes fighters.

    [rarr | rarr]

    Occupied Romania

    Ion Antonescu is arrested by the Russians.


    • The US submarine Flasher (SS-249) sinks the Japanese auxiliary gunboat Saigon Maru (5350t) off Manila Bay.
    • The US submarine Thresher (SS-300) sinks the Japanese army cargo ship Gyoku Maru (6854t) in the Yellow Sea.
    • The British submarine Tradewind sinks the Japanese army cargo ship Junyo Maru (5065t) off Sumatra.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    On Peleliu the Marines, with perhaps inadequate preparation, try to extend their attacks on Mount Umurgrobol but they are thrown back by the Japanese and suffer heavy losses.

    The American force makes a confident advance inland toward the center of Angaur. Although the Japanese infiltrations cause some problems, they are too heavily outnumbered to do much more.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    In the only major attempt to drop supplies allowed by the Soviets 1,284 containers are dropped to the AK in Warsaw by a force of B-17 bombers, but only 228 fall in Polish held territory. Stalin refuses further missions of this kind. The Soviet air force also stops airlifts to the Polish garrison in Warsaw, but they are resumed 3 days later.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    The British XXX Corps links up with the 101st Airborne Division at Eindhoven and Veghel. These attacks continue, meeting gradually increasing resistance. To the north both the other airborne Divisions in the MARKET GARDEN operation are fighting fiercely to maintain their position. German units counterattack around Arnhem. Allied reinforcements are late in arriving. The 5th Panzer Army counterattacks to eliminate the US bridgeheads over the Moselle but are rebuffed with the loss of 50 tanks.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 18, 1944

    Sherman Tanks Advancing Through Valkenswaard

    Sherman Tanks Advancing Through Valkenswaard

    Recon Squadron near Arnhem

    Recon Squadron near Arnhem

    Dropping Supplies

    Dropping Supplies

    Eindhoven September 17-18, 1944

    Eindhoven September 17-18, 1944

    Troops Digging In

    Troops Digging In

    Salvaging Equipment From Wrecked Glider

    Salvaging Equipment From Wrecked Glider

    British Paratroopers in Arnhem

    British Paratroopers in Arnhem

    Cornwall's Light Infantry in the Netherlands

    Cornwall's Light Infantry in the Netherlands

    German Soldiers Searching for Allied Troops

    German Soldiers Searching for Allied Troops

    SS Troops Ready to Repulse Allies Troops

    <i>SS</i> Troops Ready to Repulse Allies Troops

    Dutch Underground Share Intelligence

    Dutch Underground Share Intelligence

    Irish Guards

    Irish Guards

    Tuesday, September 19

    Air Operations, Bonin Islands

    29 30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Saipan attack shipping at Chichi Jima.

    [larr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-24s, B-25s, and P-38s attack the Langoan airfield on Celebes and port facilities, fuel stores, bivouacs, anti-aircraft batteries throughout northeastern Celebes.
    • VP-33 PBYs begin operating from Morotai, where they are serviced by the seaplane tender USS Tangier.
    • During the night, V Bomber Command A-20s and V Fighter Command P-47s attack Kaoe, Halmahera.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    100 German bombers attack Eindhoven, the only time long-range Luftwaffe aircraft are used in the fight for western Europe.

    Daylight Ops:
    • 28 Lancasters, 27 Halifaxes and 1 Mosquito of Nos. 6 and 8 Groups are sent to attack the Domberg coastal battery but are recalled.
      • 1 Halifax crashes in England.
    Minor Ops:
    • 6 Hudsons and 4 Stirlings fly Resistance operations and there are 8 RCM sorties.
    Evening Ops:
    • 227 Lancasters and 10 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group are sent to the twin towns of Mönchengladbach/Rheydt, key traffic centers behind the Siegfried Line. Bomber Command claims severe damage to both towns, but particularly to Mönchengladbach.
      • 4 Lancaster and 1 Mosquito are lost.
    • The Master Bomber for this raid is Wing Commander Guy Gibson, VC, DSO, DFC flying a No. 627 Squadron Mosquito from Coningsby, where he was serving as Base Operations Officer. Gibson's instructions over the target are heard throughout the raid and give no hint of trouble, but his aircraft crashes in flames - according to a Dutch eyewitness - before crossing the coast of Holland for the homeward flight over the North Sea. There are no German fighter claims for the Mosquito. It may have been damaged by flak over the target or on the return flight, or it may have developed engine trouble. It is possible it was flying too low for the crew to escape by parachute. Gibson and his navigator, Squadron Leader J. B. Warwick, DFC are both killed and are buried in the Roman Catholic Cemetery at Steenbergen-en-Kruisland, 13 km north of Bergen-op-Zoom. Theirs are the only graves of Allied servicemen in the cemetery.
    Minor Ops:
    • Aircraft of No. 100 Group fly 17 Mosquito and 15 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 28 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Lingling and four other cities in east-central China.
    • 14th Air Force fighter-bombers mount more than 150 effective sorties against numerous targets through east-central China, especially at Changsha.
    • A 5th CACW Fighter Group P-40 downs an A6M Zero in an early-morning engagement near Changsha.
    • An 81st Fighter Group P-47 downs a Ki-44 'Tojo' fighter over Koyiu during a late-morning engagement.
    • 18 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Chengkung and Liuchow.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Battle of the Atlantic

    U-865 sailed for patrol on September 8 and is not heard from again. There is no Allied claim for her loss. She is presumed loss after striking a mine southeast of Iceland.


    ClassType IX/40
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Dietrich Stellmacher
    Location Atlantic, SE of Iceland?
    Cause Unknown
    Casualties 59
    Survivors None
    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Black Sea

    The last 3 U-boats operating in the Black Sea are scuttled after running out of fuel and a rejection of a planned sale to the Turkish Navy.



    Roosevelt and Churchill send a message to Chiang Kai-shek telling him of the decisions of the Quebec Conference. The message is accompanied by a letter from Roosevelt which, in far from diplomatic terms, demands that the Generalissimo stop vacillating and make good his words. Chiang Kai-shek is furious.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Diplomatic Relations

    The armistice between the Finns and the Allies is signed in Moscow. Finland retains its independence within the 1940 frontiers, but Finland has to cede Viipuri to the USSR because of its proximity to Leningrad. Also ceded by the Finns, the Petsamo district in the north of the country, and control, but not sovereignty, over the Porkala peninsula south of Helsinki, important for the control of communications between the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic. The Russians restore Hanko, or rather do not press their claim to that town. The Finns will have to pay reparations in the amount of $300 million to the Soviet Union and the Allies will have the right to use the country's airfields.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    The enormous superiority of MacArthur's 7th Amphibious Force gives the Americans an easy victory over the few hundred Japanese manning this little island, which is soon turned into a big air base less the 400 miles from Mindanao in the Philippines.


    Eastern Front

    Bitter fighting rages near Cluj between the 2nd Ukraine Front and the North Ukraine Army Group. In Estonia Valga, on the frontier between Estonia and Latvia, falls to Ivan I. Maslennikov's 3rd Baltic Front troops. The Russian offensive here and throughout the Baltic States continues as they push on toward Tallinn and Riga.


    The 2nd Shock Army, moving up from Tartu, links up with the 8th Army at the northwest tip of Lake Peipus. Valk falls to the 1st Shock Army as other attacks threaten to isolate the left wing of the 18th Army in Estonia.


    Fierce battles rage aroung Cluj as the 8th and 2nd Hungarian Armies pound the 2nd Ukrainian Front.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    A Hedgehog attack is delivered by the Polish destroyer Garland on U-407 on the afternoon of September 18 after which the contact is lost. The hunt for the U-boat is joined by the British destroyers Troubridge, Terpsichore, Brecon and Zetland. Depth charge attacks are made by Troubridge and Terpsichore during the evening, but without result. With air supply exhausted U-407 surfaces early this morning and is scuttled.


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Hans Kolbus
    Location Mediterranean, S of Melos
    Cause Depth charge/scuttling
    Casualties 5
    Survivors 47
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Norwegian Sea

    U-867 is picked up on radar by Liberator 'Q' of No 224 Squadron RAF. The aircraft sees the U-boat fully surfaced and delivers a depth-charge attack through heavy flak. After the explosions subside the boat is stopped and then sinks on an even keel.


    ClassType IXC/40
    CO Kapitän zur See Arven von Muhlendahl
    Location Norwegian Sea, NE of Shetlands
    Cause Air attack
    Casualties 61
    Survivors None
    [larr2larr | rarr]


    • The Japanese frigate Ioshima is sunk by the US submarine Shad (SS-235) 85 miles off Hachijo Jima.
    • The US submarine Bang (SS-385) attacks Japanese shipping off the east coast of Formosa sinking the tanker No.2 Tosei Maru (507t) and damaging the Coast Defense Vessel No.30.
    • The US submarine Redfin (SS-395) sinks the Japanese fishing vessel Nanko Maru east of Jolo Island.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    The heavy fighting on Peleliu around Mount Umurbrogol goes on where the Japanese have the 1st and 7th Marines pinned down. Elements of the latter regiment, advancing from the east, capture the village of Asias. Because of Mount Umurbrogol, The American U-shaped advance is held up at both extremities.

    US Marines capture Ngardololok and flush out most Japanese resistance on the eastern coast of Peleliu. They also take Peleliu airfield, capturing 77 fighter aircraft, 36 bombers and 4 transport planes although most are badly damaged. However, the Japanese are deeply embedded in fortified positions and are well armed, and the advance is painfully slow. US estimates now put the Japanese death toll on Peleliu at 8792.

    On Angaur the fighting is also intense.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    In the morning the continuing XXX Corps attacks link up with the 82nd Airborne Division at Grave. Together these formations move toward Nijmegen. At Arnhem the main body of the British paratroops still cannot reach the battalion which continues to hold its position at the north end of the bridge.

    Back in Brittany the last resistance of the German garrison in Brest comes to an end when the 8th Division takes the Crozon peninsula and takes Gen Hermann Bernhard Ramcke, the garrison commander, prisoner.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 19, 1944

    Recon Photo of the Arnhem Road Bridge

    Recon Photo of the Arnhem Road Bridge

    Tanks Are Moving Up

    Tanks Are Moving Up

    German Self-propelled Anti-aircraft Guns

    German Self-propelled Anti-aircraft Guns

    Air Re-supply of British Airborne Forces

    Air Re-supply of British Airborne Forces

    Moving Forward into Arnhem

    Moving Forward into Arnhem

    King’s Own Scottish Borderers Moving Up

    King’s Own Scottish Borderers Moving Up

    Dutch Civilians Cheering in Eindhoven

    Dutch Civilians Cheering in Eindhoven

    Liberation of Eindhoven

    Liberation of Eindhoven

    Troops Examining a Wrecked Tank

    Troops Examining a Wrecked Tank

    Bombing of Eindhoven

    Bombing of Eindhoven

    Cromwell Tanks

    Cromwell Tanks

    Dutch Red Cross in Arnhem

    Dutch Red Cross in Arnhem

    Wednesday, September 20

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 3 10th Air Force B-25s attack Indaw after diverting from Bhamo because of bad weather.
    • 10th Air Force P-47s attack Indaw, rail facilities, and Japanese Army ground troops.
    • 27 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Chuanhsien, Kiyang, and Lingling.
    • 14th Air Force P-51s and P-40s mount more than 100 effective sorties against the same targets as well as Changsha and Yiyang.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • Despite bad weather, FEAF B-24s attack northeastern Celebes and the airfield at Djailolo.
    • FEAF B-24s and B-25s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers, attack airfields on Ceram, Amboina, and Boeroe, and various targets of opportunity.
    • 380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Lautem, Timor.
    • During the night, FEAF B-24s attack the Menado and Sidate airfields on Celebes.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the airfields at Moemi and Ransiki and a supply dump on the Orai River.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 646 aircraft attack German positions around Calais. In the aircraft total are 437 Lancasters, 169 Halifaxes and 40 Mosquitos. Visibility is good and the bombing is accurate and concentrates.
      • 1 Lancaster is lost.
    Minor Ops:
    • 5 Hudsons and 2 Lysanders are on Resistance operations and there are 7 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    Evening Ops:
    • 2 Mosquitos and 1 Fortress of No. 100 Group take off, but are quickly recalled because of widespreag fog in England which prevents any major operation from being mounted.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Eastern Front


    With its armies already fighting in the eastern provinces, the Hungarians are presented with a German ultimatum. Unless they accept integration of their forces in the German chain of command they will be disarmed and Germany will seize control of the state. Horthy has little option but to comply.

    The Germans form the Volkssturm, a collection of battalion-sized units made up from men and boys between the ages of 16 and 60. The first draft calls 1,200,000 up for service. The new units are given the most basic training and sent to fight the experienced Allied and Soviet soldiers.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    The 4th Indian Division, the advance of British V Corps, 8th Army, enters the Republic of San Marino.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    On Angaur the main Japanese forces have been wiped out, but a few units will hold out for some time in the northwest of the island in a wide depression near Lake Salome.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    A joint attack by the British Guards Armored Division and the US 82nd Airborne Division takes Nijmegen and the vital bridge over the Waal before it can be destroyed by the Germans. At Arnhem the British paratroops are driven away from the north end of the bridge despite a desperate fight.

    In other attacks Polish troops of Canadian 1st Army make gains along the Scheldt estuary and US 3rd Army takes Châtel and Lunèville.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 20, 1944

    British Troops Crossing the Waal

    British Troops Crossing the Waal

    British Tanks Crossing the Nijmegen Bridge

    British Tanks Crossing the Nijmegen Bridge

    Surrey Bomb Damage

    Surrey Bomb Damage

    Advancing Toward Nijmegen

    Advancing Toward Nijmegen

    Cromwell Tanks Driving Toward Nijmegen

    Cromwell Tanks Driving Toward Nijmegen

    Cromwell Tanks Driving Toward Nijmegen

    Cromwell Tanks Driving Toward Nijmegen

    The Bridge at Nijmegen

    The Bridge at Nijmegen

    British Engineers Removing the Charge

    British Engineers Removing the Charge

    A 6-pdr Anti-tank Gun

    A 6-pdr Anti-tank Gun

    Convoy of Allied Trucks Under Fire

    Convoy of Allied Trucks Under Fire

    Oosterbeek Re-supply Drop

    Oosterbeek Re-supply Drop

    Armored Cars Move Forward

    Armored Cars Move Forward

    Crossing the Meuse

    Crossing the Meuse

    Nijmegen Road Bridge

    Nijmegen Road Bridge

    Thursday, September 21

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 7 10th Air Force B-25s attack Man Mawn and 1 B-25 attacks Indaw.
    • 27 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Kiyang, Lingling, Yungming, and targets near Chuanhsien.
    • 14th Air Force P-51s and P-40s mount more than 100 effective sorties against numerous targets in east-central China.
    • 5th CACW Fighter Group P-40s, 23rd Fighter Group P-40s, and an 81st Fighter Group P-47 down 8 Japanese fighters during a morning engagement over Sinshih.
    • 21 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Liuchow.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-24s attack Piroe Bay, the Kairatoe airfield and Laha on Ceram.
    • FEAF B-25s and P-38s attack small craft off Belang (Sunda Islands), Kairatoe (Ceram), Kakas (Celebes), barges off Kaoe (Halmahera), Menado (Celebes), the Namlea airfield on Boeroe, and Tomohon (Celebes).
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    Minor Ops:
    • 12 Stirlings and 1 Hudson are on Resistance operations, and 2 Fortresses and 2 Wellingtons make RCM sorties. There are no losses. Bad weather in the form of rain and low cloud prevents any major operation during the next 48 hours.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack targets of opportunity on the Orai River and at Ransiki and Windissi.
    • During the night, V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the Geelvink Bay and Bentoni Bay areas.
    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Philippines

    Task Force 38 carrier-based aircraft undertake punishing strikes against shipping and airfields in the Manila area and airfields in the central Philippines. US Navy fighter pilots (and 2 SB2C crews) down 147 Japanese aircraft over and near Luzon in two actions from 0740 to 1115 hours and from 1500 to 1700 hours.

    [rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

    Allied Command

    Gen MacArthur tells the US Chiefs of Staff that he is in a position to launch a big operation against Luzon, in the Philippines, following the advance deadline for the landing on Leyte. He also declares that there will be no point in landing on Formosa once Luzon has been captured.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Eastern Front


    The Polish 1st Army is forced to withdraw from its bridgeheads in Warsaw.

    The last air drop by Western aircraft to the Home Army in Warsaw takes place.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    8th Army's advance reaches Rimini. The Canadians of the I Corps and the Greek 3rd Mountain Brigade enter the town which the Germans have evacuated. Since the beginning of operations against the 'Gothic' Line, the British 8th Army has lost 14,000 men killed, wounded and missing.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Occupied Denmark

    The general strike in Denmark is crushed by the Germans.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    • The US submarine Haddo (SS-255), while lifeguarding TF-38, sinks the Japanese surveying ship Katsuriki 80 miles southwest of Manila.
    • In action off the east coast of Luzon, the US submarine Picuda (SS-382) sinks the Japanese transport Awaji Maru (1948t) and Redfish (SS-395) sinks the transport Mizuho Maru (8506t).
    • The US submarine Searaven (SS-196) sinks the Kurils-bount Japanese army transport Rizan Maru (4747t).
    • The US submarin3 Shad (SS-235) sinks the Japanese auxiliary minesweeper No.2 Fumi Maru (230t) east of Shinto.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    On Peleliu the stalemate continues for the US Marines in the face of the powerful Japanese defense from the caves on Mount Umurbrogol.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    Over the next 4 days 12 carriers from Vice-Adm Mitscher's TF 38 attack targets on Luzon, especially near Manila and in Manila Bay on September 21 and 22. On the 23rd there are no attacks, but on Sept 24 the Visayan islands are hit once again. Japanese ships sunk in the day's operations include the destroyer Satsuki, the tanker Sunosaki, the surveying ship Katsuriki by the submarine Haddo (SS-255), the coast defense vessel No. 5, the auxiliary submarine chaser No. 39 and the minesweeper No. 7. In the operations since August 31 TF 38 had destroyed at least 1,000 Japanese aircraft and sunk 150 ships of all types. The Americans have lost 72 aircraft which includes 18 in accidents.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Western Front

    The British XXX Corps continues to attack northward from Nijmegen but can only make very slow progress because the advance must go along or very near to the roads and rail lines which are raised above the marshy surrounding ground and consequently exposed. It is, therefore, comparatively simple to meet these attacks. The British paratroopers have been driven out of Arnhem and are now holding a permiter west of the town but still north of the Rhine. A Polish Parachute Brigade or 750 men is dropped 2 miles south of this position on the opposite side of the river.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Yugoslavia, Politics

    The partisan chief Marshal Tito meets the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. They reach agreement on the 'temporary entry of the Red Army into Yugoslavia.'

    [larrlarr | rarrrarr]

    Images from September 21, 1944

    Airborne Artillery Near Arnhem

    Airborne Artillery Near Arnhem

    Mortar Crew in the Oosterbeek Perimeter

    Mortar Crew in the Oosterbeek Perimeter

    Waiting for the Enemy

    Waiting for the Enemy

    Searching for Snipers

    Searching for Snipers

    Searching for Snipers

    Searching for Snipers

    Wounded Man Being Carried Away

    Wounded Man Being Carried Away

    Cromwell Tanks at Nijmegen

    Cromwell Tanks at Nijmegen

    A Vickers Machine-gun Team

    A Vickers Machine-gun Team

    Tanks Carrying Infantry

    Tanks Carrying Infantry

    17 Pounder Anti-tank Gun Guarding the Bridge

    17 Pounder Anti-tank Gun Guarding the Bridge

    A New Zealand Anti-aircraft Gun

    A New Zealand Anti-aircraft Gun

    Germans Captured in the Herqulingue Hill

    Germans Captured in the Herqulingue Hill

    Tanks in the Village of Veghel

    Tanks in the Village of Veghel

    Friday, September 22

    Air Operations, Bonin Islands

    15 30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Saipan attack Chichi Jima.

    [larr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Carolines

    • VC-10 TBMs and FMs from Task Unit 32.7.3 sweep the Yap Atoll.
    • During the night, US carrier aircraft take part (with warships and land-based artillery) in attacking troop-laden Japanese Army landing barges discovered as they approach northern Peleliu.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 24 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Hankow.
    • 12 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 7 14th Air Force P-51s attack transportation targets around Hengyang. 7 B-25s attack Kianghwa. 5 B-25s attack Yungming.
    • 44 P-51s and P-40s attack road targets in the Changsha, Siangtan, and Sintsiang areas.
    • More than 50 P-51s and P-40s attack targets of opportunity near Chuanhsien, Hankow, Kiyang, Lingling, and Paoching.
    • 23rd Fighter Group P-40s and P-51s down 5 Japanese fighters around Sintsiang at an unspecified time.
    • 13 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Liuchow.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 7 aircraft of No. 100 Group fly signals investigation patrols without a loss.
    Evening Ops:
    Minor Ops:
    • There are 5 Mosquito Intruder patrols and 9 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-24s attack the Mapanget and Sidate airfields on Celebes.
    • B-24s and B-25s attack Amahai (Ceram), the Haroekoe airfield on Ceram, and Liang (Amboina).
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    • V Bomber Command A-20s attack the airfield at Urarom.
    • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack Idorra, Kaimana, Moemi, and Windissi.
    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Philippines

    • US carrier aircraft from Task Force 38 mount punishing attacks in the Manila area and across the central Philippines.
    • Carrier-based F6Fs down 1 Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane, 1 torpedo bomber, 1 Ki-21 'Sally' medium bomber, 10 D3A 'Val' dive bombers, and 13 fighters over and near Luzon between 0630 and 1350 hours.
    [rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


    In Croatia Ante Pavelitch decrees general mobilization. Since the changed allegiance of Romania and Bulgaria, Pavelitch has been receiving more help from the Germans. But despite mobilization and German aid, Tito's force become more and more threatening, and the Croat units armed by the Germans, collapse the first time they encounter the partisans.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Battle of the Atlantic

    The US storeship Yukon (AF-9) is torpedoed by U-979 43 miles west of Reykjavik, Iceland. She made it back to Reykjavik with the help of a couple of tugs where temporary repairs were made.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Eastern Front

    Troops from Leonid Govorov's Leningrad Front take Tallinn the capital of Estonia. In Romania the Russian advance reaches Arad.


    Lead elements of the 59th and 8th Armies reach Tallinn and capture the city as the 18th Army rapidly evacuates its units south to avoid encirclement.

    The 3rd Panzer Army has to abandon its counterattack in Latvia, having lost more than 140 panzers during bitter fighting. The 43rd and 4th Shock Armies immediately counterattack and force the 16th Army back upon Riga.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    All the units of the US 5th Army are now past the 'Gothic' Line; only one little strip on the Tyrrhenian coast, between Leghorn and La Spezia, remains in German hands.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    Gen Roy Geiger decides to bring in the 321st Infantry, a regiment of 81st Infantry Division, to replace some of the Marine units which have taken heavy losses in the attacks on Mount Umurbrogol. Later a second regiment of this division will be committed. The Japanese are still solidly dug in in their 'termite nests' and still hold the attackers at bay.

    On Angaur units of he 323rd Regiment of the 81st Division press on into the Lake Salome area, but withdraw at nightfall.

    A regimental combat group of the US 81st Division lands on Ulithi atoll, in the northwest Carolines, the same group that includes the Palau Islands.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    The Polish paratroops joined later by British 43rd Division try to reach the Rhine to help the British airborne troops still cut off on the north bank. Other XXX Corps forces continue to meet heavy resistance in their advance toward Arnhem. Elst, 5 miles north of Nijmegen, is taken. In other Allied attacks Boulogne falls to the Canadian 3rd Division. Gen Eisenhower decides to give absolute priority to the operations for the liberation of the Scheldt estuary so as to be able to use the port of Antwerp.

    The Germans surrender at Boulogne after a long and costly defense. Stolberg, east of Aachen, is captured.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 22, 1944

    1st Airborne Division Commander

    1st Airborne Division Commander

    11th Armored Division Carrier Crew

    11th Armored Division Carrier Crew

    Airdrop Supplies Falling into German Area

    Airdrop Supplies Falling into German Area

    German Assault Gun

    German Assault Gun

    Sherman Tank of 11th Armored Division

    Sherman Tank of 11th Armored Division

    American Soldiers in Veghel

    American Soldiers in Veghel

    Canadians Filling a Jeep with Gasoline

    Canadians Filling a Jeep with Gasoline

    Gen McAuliffe and Col Sink

    Gen McAuliffe and Col Sink

    101st Airborne in Veghel

    101st Airborne in Veghel

    German POWs in Boulogne

    German POWs in Boulogne

    British Advance in the Netherland

    British Advance in the Netherland

    Saturday, September 23

    Air Operations, Bonin Islands

    15 30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Saipan attack Ani Jima, Chichi Jima, and Haha Jima.

    [larr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 50 aircraft of Nos. 1 and 6 Groups carry out a good attack on the Domberg coastal batteries. In the aircraft total are 34 Halifaxes, 10 Mosquitos and 6 Lancasters. One particularly large explosion is seen.
      • There are no losses.
    Minor Ops:
    • 5 Hudsons are on Resistance operations, and there are 2 Mosquitos on Ranger patrols and 6 RCM sorties.
    Evening Ops:
    • 549 aircraft including 378 Lancasters, 154 Halifaxes and 17 Mosquitos of Nos. 1, 3, 4 and 8 Groups are sent to Neuss. Bomber Command reports say that most of the bombing falls in dock and factory areas.
      • 5 Lancasters and 2 Halifaxes are lost.
    • 136 Lancasters and 5 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group are sent to bomb the banks of the 2 parallel branches of the Dortmund-Ems canal at a point near Ladbergen, north of Münster. At this point the level of the canal water is well above the level of the surrounding land. Despite the presence of 7/10ths cloud in the target area, breaches are made in the banks of both branches of the canal and a 6-mile stretch of it is drained. Most of this damage is caused by 2 direct hits by 12,000lb Tallboy bombs dropped by aircraft of No. 617 Squadron at the opening of the raid. This raid destroys an aqueduct on the Dortmund-Ems canal and brings to a halt the shipment of prefabricated U-boat parts by this route.
      • 14 Lancasters are lost.
    • 107 Lancasters, 5 Mosquitos and 1 Lightning carry out a supporting raid on the local German night-fighter airfield just outside Münster. There is no photographic record of the damages, but reports from the ground say the area is hit by 100 high-explosive bombs without any fatal casualties.
      • 1 Lancaster is lost.
    Minor Ops:
    • 38 Mosquitos are sent to Bochum and 6 to the Rheine night-fighter airfield, and there are 45 Mosquito patrols and 31 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 6 10th Air Force B-25s and 19 10th Air Force P-47s attack bridges throughout northern and eastern Burma.
    • 15 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Burma Road targets in the Chefang area. 2 B-24s attack the port area at Amoy.
    • 36 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Chuanhsien and nearby targets of opportunity.
    • 12 B-25s attack Lungling.
    • 6 B-25s attack Kuanyang.
    • 2 B-25s attack a bridge at Jinyang.
    • 14th Air Force P-51s and P-40s mount more than 90 effective sorties against numerous targets across southeastern and east-central China.
    • 19 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Liuchow and 2 B-24s transport fuel to Kunming.
    • 6 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack a bridge at Dara.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-24s and B-25s attack the Mapangat and Sidate airfields on Celebes throughout the day and night.
    • V Fighter Command P-47s attack the Kaoe airfield on Halmahera.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    V Fighter Command P-40s and P-47s attack anti-aircraft batteries at the airfields at Manokwari, Moemi, and Ransiki.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]


    On the Salween front the Japanese dispatch a column with supplies for the garrison at Pingka, which the Chinese are attacking.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Diplomatic Relations

    The tiny republic of San Marino declares war on Germany, following the capture of its 300-man army by a German platoon.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    5th Army's attacks north of Florence clear the Futa Pass through the Appenines.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Eastern Front

    In Estonia the troops of the 3rd Baltic Front reach the Baltic at Parnu. The German Army Group North can do nor more than try to slow down the Russian advance. The Russian force in Romania pushes on beyond Arad to the Hungarian frontier.


    The 2nd Shock Army captures Parnu.


    The Polish 1st Army is halted north of Magnuszew, having suffered heavy losses. The Home Army in Warsaw has abandoned Mokotow.[MORE]

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    A specially picked British unit is parachuted on to Arazos, on the northwest coast of the Peloponnese, to occupy the local airfield. From here the Allies will be able to strike at the Germans as they retreat from Greece, and possibly advance and occupy Patras. The Germans have abandoned the whole of the Peloponnese 48 hours earlier and are now carrying out the evacuation of 60,000 men from Crete, as well as the small garrisons in the Aegean islands.

    [larr1larr1 | rarrrarr2]


    • Ulithi atoll, just north of the Palaus, is occupied by a part of the US 81st Division after a naval reconnaissance has suggested that it is not used by the Japanese. They abandoned it in August. By the end of the war it will have become one of the main bases for the American fleets.
    • U-859 is about to enter the port of Penang when spotted by British submarine Trenchant. The British submarine fires 3 torpedoes and records one hit. The Trenchant then surfaces and rescues 10 of the 18 survivors. Another 8 are later rescued by a Japanese submarine.
    • U-859

      ClassType IXD/2
      CO Kapitänleutnant Johann Jebsen
      Location Malacca Strait, off Penang
      Cause Submarine attack
      Casualties 47
      Survivors 18
    • The US submarine Escolar (SS-294) departs Midway for her first war patrol. After October 17, Escolar is never heard from again. It is presumed she was lost on a Japanese mine.
    • The US submarine Apogon (SS-308) sinks the Japanese guardboat No.6 Choyo Maru (74t) east of Honshu.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    On Peleliu the 321st Infantry Regiment, only just arrived in the line, advances along the west coast as far as the village of Garekoru. But efforts to advance along the whole line fail in face of solid resistance of the Japanese on Mount Umurbrogol and on another position in the eastern part of the island which the Americans call 'Bloody Hill'.

    On Angaur there is another raid by the US 322nd Infantry into the Lake Salome area, and another withdrawal in the evening.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Soviet Union, Strategy

    The Stavka suspends the Baltic Offensive due to poor gains, and plans to concentrate on the destruction of the 3rd Panzer Army rather than the 16th Army.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    The battles in the Arnhem area continue with no real change in fortune for either side. To the west of the British XXX Corps advance, Canadian units cross the Escaut canal in the beginning of their offensive to clear the north bank of the Scheldt.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 23, 1944

    Dortmund-Ems Canal Breached

    Dortmund-Ems Canal Breached

    Oosterbeek Action

    Oosterbeek Action

    More Oosterbeek Action

    More Oosterbeek Action

    German Anti-aircraft Gun at Arnhem

    German Anti-aircraft Gun at Arnhem

    Allied Air Strike on German Column

    Allied Air Strike on German Column

    A German Casualty

    A German Casualty

    Destroyed Medical Supplies Truck

    Destroyed Medical Supplies Truck

    Clearing Rubble in Firenzuola

    Clearing Rubble in Firenzuola

    Results of Dusseldorf Bombing

    Results of Dusseldorf Bombing

    Dropping the Polish Airborne Brigade

    Dropping the Polish Airborne Brigade

    He-177 Rear Gunners Position

    He-177 Rear Gunners Position

    Evacuees from Arnhem

    Evacuees from Arnhem

    Evacuees from Arnhem

    Evacuees from Arnhem

    Sunday, September 24


    U-565 is badly damaged during a raid on Piraeus and Skaramanga by USAAF B-24 Liberators. The U-boat is scuttled on September 30.


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Kapitänleutnant Fritz Henning
    Location Aegean, near Skaramanga
    Cause Air attack
    Casualties 5
    Survivors Unknown

    Air Operations, Bonin Islands

    18 30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Saipan attack shipping and port facilities on and near various islands, especially Chichi Jima.

    [larr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Carolines

    24 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based in the Marshall Islands attack the Truk Atoll.

    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 20 10th Air Force P-47s attack the Mawhun area; and 13 P-47s attack the Bhamo area.
    • More than 20 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the White Cloud airfield at Canton, Kuanyang, Mangshih, and Taohsien.
    • 3 B-25s attack the Changtuikuan area.
    • More than 70 14th Air Force P-51s and P-40s attack numerous targets in the Burma Road area and across east-central and southeastern China.
    • A 5th CACW Fighter Group P-40 downs a Ki-48 'Lily' bomber near Chihkiang during the evening.
    • 11 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Liuchow.
    • 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack a bridge at Dara.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-24s attack Lautem, Timor.
    • B-24s and B-25s attack airfields on Ceram and Boeroe, and Boela.
    • 347th Fighter Group P-38s down 2 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighters over the Kendari airfield on Celebes at 1140 hours.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 188 aircraft are sent to bomb in the Calais area. Included in the aircraft total are 101 Lancasters, 62 Halifaxes and 25 Mosquitos. The German positions are completely covered by cloud at 2,000ft and only 126 aircraft bomb. Most of these bomb Oboe-aimed skymarkers, but some aircraft come below cloud to bomb visually and 7 Lancasters and 1 Halifax are shot down by light flak, which is very accurate at such a height.
    • 2 Hudsons are on Resistance operations.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Japan

    8 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s are challenged by 12 A6M Zeros while attacking the airfield on Kurabu Cape. 4 Zeros are downed and 1 of 2 damaged B-24s lands in the USSR, where it and its crew are interned.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    • V Bomber Command B-25s attack Sorong.
    • V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack airfields at Babo, Manokwari, and Urarom.
    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Philippines

    US carrier aircraft from Task Force 38 mount punishing attacks in the Manila area and central Philippines. US carrier-based fighter pilots down 1 Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane and 7 fighters over the Philippines between 0840 and 1620 hours.

    [rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


    Anti-submarine nets foil an attempted U-boat attack on the Russian battleship Arkhangelsk (ex-HMS Royal Sovereign).

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Battle of the Atlantic

    U-871 is spotted by 2 aircraft of No 220 Squadron RAF. Fortress 'P' attacks the submarine with 3 depth charges which explode around the conning tower as the ship was just breaking surface. After the explosions oil and wreckage were seen on the surface.


    ClassType IXD2
    CO Kapitänleutnant Erwin Ganzer
    Location Atlantic, NW of Azores
    Cause Air attack
    Casualties 69
    Survivors None
    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    In the north, the British 36th Division, advancing cautiously southward in the area of Namma, runs into considerable enemy forces and the advance is held up.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Eastern Front

    After 9 days of bitter fighting, the 2nd Ukraine Front succeeds in repelling the 27 German and Hungarian divisions and brigades holding them up in the Cluj area in northern Romania. Romania is now almost entirely in Russian hands, and the Red Army reaches the Romanian-Hungarian frontier in the area of Mako. Red Army forces penetrate 20 miles into Czechoslovakia from Poland. Soviet naval units begin occupying Estonian ports on the Baltic.


    The 19th Panzer Division attacks the Poles in Mokotow, pushing them slowly back. German attacks from the south and west also make progress.


    Army Group South Ukraine's counterattack near Cluj wears itself out after costly fighting.


    Hitler redesignates his army groups in the southern sector, renaming Army Group North Ukraine, Army Group A and Army Group South Ukraine, Army Group South.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Germany, Armed Forces

    Army Group North Ukraine is renamed Army Group A, while Army Group South Ukraine becomes Army Group South.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    The Allies steadily continue their advance north of the 'Gothic' Line.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    • The British Aegean Force, which includes 7 carriers, lands troops to reoccupy the Aegean Islands and mainland Greece. This operation will continue until the end of October. Two German submarines, U-565 and U-596 are sunk by US Army aircraft off Salamis, Greece.
    • U-596 is destroyed in a raid on the port of Salamis by USAAF B024 Liberators.


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Hubertus Korndorfer
    Location Mediterranean, Salamis
    Cause Air attack
    Casualties 1
    Survivors Unknown
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    • In the Visayas area raid in the Philippine Islands, carrier-based aircraft sink the following Japanese ships: the torpedo boat Hayabusa, the seaplane tender Akitsushima, the minelayer Yaeyama and the submarine chaser No. 32.
    • The US motor minesweeper YMS-19 is sunk by a mine off the southeast coast of Angaur, Palaus.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    On Peleliu heavy naval and air bombardments herald new American attacks. The US 321st Infantry Regiment advances beyond Garekoru, on the American left flank. Infantry and Marines try to take the enemy positions on Mount Umurbrogol in the rear, but the attempt is frustrated by a powerful Japanese counterattack.

    On Angaur the Americans invite the Japanese still holding out in the Lake Salome area to surrender, but only 2 men come forward. The artillery thereupon begins a murderous bombardment which lasts until the next day.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    XXX Corps advance reaches the south bank of the Rhine west of Arnhem. North of the river the paratroopers are still holding out despite many casualties from fierce attacks and shortages of food and ammunition. Other XXX Corps units enter Germany southwest of Nijmegen.

    The Canadian 2nd Division establishes a bridgehead over the Antwerp-Turnhout canal.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 24, 1944

    German Reinforcements Arrive

    German Reinforcements Arrive

    Mortar Attack on the Hartenstein Hotel

    Mortar Attack on the Hartenstein Hotel

    Infantry Ride on Sherman Tanks

    Infantry Ride on Sherman Tanks

    Men of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Men of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Crossing a Canal at Someren

    Crossing a Canal at Someren

    Preparing for an Attack

    Preparing for an Attack

    Firing from the Hartenstein Hotel

    Firing from the Hartenstein Hotel

    VIII Corps in Asten

    VIII Corps in Asten

    German Mortar Attack on 1st Airborne Division's HQ

    German Mortar Attack on 1st Airborne Division's HQ

    British Paratroopers in Arnhem go into Captivity

    British Paratroopers in Arnhem go into Captivity

    Monday, September 25

    Air Operations, Carolines

    During the night, 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based in the Marshall Islands attack the Truk Atoll.

    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Central Pacific

    During the night, VII Bomber Command B-24s based at Kwajalein stage through Eniwetok to attack Wake Island.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 13 10th Air Force P-47s attack Haungton, Mawlu, and Myintha.
    • 11 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Nanking.
    • 12 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack barracks at Mangshih.
    • 12 B-25s attack Kweiyang.
    • 6 B-25s attack the town area and rail facilities at Hengyang.
    • 14th Air Force P-51s and P-40s mount nearly 120 effective sorties against numerous targets across broad areas south of the Yangtze River.
    • 15 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to Kunming, 1 B-24 transports fuel to Liuchow and 1 B-24 transports fuel to Yungning.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 872 aircraft including 430 Lancasters, 397 Halifaxes and 45 Mosquitos are again sent to bomb defensive positions at Calais. Low cloud is again encountered and only 287 aircraft drop their bombs.
      • There are no losses.
    • 70 Halifaxes of No. 4 Group start a series of flights to carry petrol in jerricans from England to airfields in Belgium, in order to alleviate the severe fuel shortage being experienced by Allied ground forces. No. 4 Group will fly 435 such sorties during an 8-day period. Each Halifax carries about 165 jerricans, approximately 750 gallons of fuel, on each flight. The total amount of fuel carried during the period is approximately 325,000 gallons, about the same amount of fuel that the Halifaxes themselves consume.
      • No aircraft are lost during these operations.
    Minor Ops:
    • 5 Hudsons are on Resistance operations and there are 4 RCM sorties.
    Evening Ops:
    Minor Ops:
    • 48 Mosquitos are sent to Mannheim and 4 to a chemical factory at Höchst, just west of Frankfurt, and there are 30 Mosquito patrols and 3 RCM sorties.
      • 1 Mosquito is lost on the Mannheim raid.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-24s attack the Kendari airfield on Celebes and the Namlea airfield on Boeroe.
    • B-25s attack the Langoan airfield on Celebes.
    • V Bomber Command A-20s attack stores and bivouac areas at Kaoe Bay.
    • FEAF P-38s attack Boela and Kairatoe.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    • V Bomber Command B-25s and A-20s attack the airfields at Sagan and Urarom.
    • V Fighter Command P-40s attack Kaimana.
    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Volcano Islands

    30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Saipan attack Iwo Jima.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    The US minelayer Miantonomah (CM-10) is lost in the Normandy area when it hits a mine.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    After so much hesitation, and stung by Roosevelt's candid message, Chiang Kai-shek refuses to entrust the operational command of the Chinese Nationalist army to Gen Joseph Stilwell.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Eastern Front

    In Estonia the Baltic port of Haapsalu falls to the Russians. In Yugoslavia the Partisan forces take Banja Luka.


    Haapsalu falls to the 8th Army. The Germans take around 11,500 men across the straits to the Moonzund Islands.


    Tito's partisans capture Banja Luka.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Germany, Home Front

    The Allies exhort an estimated 12 million foreign worders and slave laborers in Germany to rise against their tormentors.

    Hitler formst the Volkssturm (home guard) to operate under the Nazi Party rather than the military. Himmler and Bormann are to oversee the organization.

    Hitler orders the formation of the Volkssturm ('People's Militia') to defend Germany. Men up to 65 are pressed into the last-ditch defense force.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    Although forced back to the north by the massive, unrelenting Allied offensive, the German units of Joachim Lemelsen's 14th Army and Heinrich von Vietinghoff's 10th Army continue to fight back determinedly against the American divisions of Gen Mark Clark, on the west of the front, and Oliver Leese's British divisions in the east. But the position of von Vietinghoff's divisions is becoming more and more critical. He has now no more than 90 battalions of infantry, only 10 of which are more than 400 strong, while at least 38 of them can only deploy some 200 men.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    • The US submarine Barbel (SS-316) sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship Bushu Maru (1222t) off Togara Gunto.
    • The US submarine Guardfish (SS-217) sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship No.2 Miyakawa Maru (873t) in the Yellow Sea off Chinnampo, Korea.
    • The US submarine Searaven (SS-196) attacks Japanese small craft off the southwest tip pf Etorofu, Kurils, sinking No.1 Hirota Maru.
    • The US submarine Thresher (SS-200) sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship Nissei Maru (1468t) in the Yellow Sea.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    The 7th Marines and 321st Infantry attack on the left flank to dislodge the Japanese from the northwest part of the island. The 5th Marines also attack along the coast on the right flank. The Americans make some gains in the north of Peleliu on Mount Amiangal after attacks employing tanks and flame throwers.

    On Angaur, finding that their raids and their shelling are equally ineffective in the Lake Salome area, the 322nd Infantry and the engineers begin to build a road so that they can get at the enemy pocket from the northeast.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    Troops from British 2nd Army take Helmond and Deurne only a few miles east of Eindhoven. This illustrates well on how narrow a front XXX Corps has been compelled to advance to Arnhem. It is decided to evacuate as many as possible of the surviving Arnhem paratroops across the Rhine in small boats. During the night 2,400 of the 10,000 who landed get away. About 1,100 have been killed and 6,400 are taken prisoner. Some few more are sheltered by Dutch families until the Allies advance again despite dreadful food shortages and the terrible danger of discovery.

    On the Channel coast after an intense artillery bombardment the Canadian 3rd Division attacks Calais where the German garrison still holds out.

    The Allied landings in the south of France which are still continuing have now contributed 324,000 men to the AEF along with 68,000 vehicles and 490,000 tons of supplies. Much of the supplies for the southern armies along the German border are still coming through Marseilles.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 25, 1944

    Dutch Guide for British Troops

    Dutch Guide for British Troops

    Captured British Paratroops

    Captured British Paratroops

    Arnhem Survivors

    Arnhem Survivors

    Captured British Paratroopers Escape

    Captured British Paratroopers Escape

    Airborne Troops Taken Prisoner at Arnhem

    Airborne Troops Taken Prisoner at Arnhem

    A German Picture of Men Captured at Arnhem

    A German Picture of Men Captured at Arnhem

    Building That Was British HQ

    Building That Was British HQ

    384th BG Mission 198

    384th BG Mission 198

    Tuesday, September 26

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 10th Air Force P-47s attack the Bhamo-Myothit and Pinwe-Mawlu areas.
    • 12 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and a small number of 14th Air Force P-40s attack Mangshih and Lungfukwan.
    • More than 50 14th Air Force P-51s and P-40s attack numerous targets across large parts of southern China.
    • 9 10th Air Force B-25s attack troops and stores at Hinlong.
    • More than 20 10th Air Force P-47s attack Tingka, Wanting, and fuel stores at Chefang.
    • 73 of 109 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s dispatched attack steel works at Anshan through heavy cloud cover. All bombs miss the target. No B-29s are lost.
    • 19 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to several destinations in China.
    • Japanese Army ground forces capture Tanchuk and the city’s 14th Air Force airfield.
    • 6 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 4 449th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack a bridge at Dara.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 722 aircraft including 388 Lancasters, 289 Halifaxes and 45 Mosquitos, carry out 2 separate raids in the Calais area. 531 aircraft are sent to 4 targets at Cap Gris Nez and 191 aircraft to 3 targets near Calais. A total of 3,500 tons of bombs are dropped. Accurate and concentrated bombing is observed at all targets.
      • 2 Lancasters are lost.
    Minor Ops:
    • 5 Hudsons are on Resistance operations, 74 Halifaxes are on fuel-carrying flights, and there are 2 Ranger patrols and 5 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    Evening Ops:
    • 226 Lancasters and 11 Mosquitos of Nos. 1 and 5 Groups are sent to Karlsruhe. Bomber Command claims a concentrated attack with a large part of the city devastated.
      • 2 Lancasters are lost.
    Minor Ops:
    • 50 Mosquitos are sent to Frankfurt and 6 to Hamburg, and there are 26 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Central Pacific

    During the night, VII Bomber Command B-24s attack Wake Island.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-24s and B-25s attack the Kendari airfield on Celebes and the Liang airfield on Amboina.
    • B-25s attack Maumere Bay in the Sunda Islands.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Japan

    4 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s employ radar to attack the Suribachi airfield in the Kurile Islands.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Britain, Home Front

    German cross-Channel guns carry out a furious bombardment of Dover. A shell strikes a hostel killing 49.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Eastern Front

    The Central Front stabilizes along the line of the Narew and Vistula Rivers. The Russians have advanced 604 km since June 23 and virtually annihilated 25 divisions of German Army Group Center.


    Following a bitter, 3-day battle, 2,000 Polish fighters are forced to surrender in Mokotow. Elements of the Polish Mokotow detachment attempt to escape through the sewers to the city center but the Germans kill most of them, just 600 managing to escape. Gen Tadeusz Komorowski knows the end is near but continues to resist the German attacks.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Greece, Politics

    At Caserta in Italy an agreement is concluded between the exile Greek government and the various guerilla leaders in which the guerillas undertake to obey the orders of the government. The government delegates military authority to the British Gen Ronald Scobie who has been appointed by Gen Maitland Wilson who has supervised the talks.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


    8th Army units cross the Uso (the ancient Rubicon) River as their advance goes on.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    • The Japanese submarine I-175 is sunk by the US destroyer escort McCoy Reynolds (DE-440) northeast of the Palau Islands.
    • The US submarine Thresher (SS-200) sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship Koetsu Maru (873t) in the Yellow Sea.
    • The US submarine Pargo (SS-264) sinks the Japanese minelayer Aotaka off Borneo.
  • The US freighter Elihu Thompson is damaged by mines off Noumea, New Caledonia. The fleet tug Apache (ATF-67) rescues survivors, and later beaches the ship to facilitate salvage. Of the 211 troops on board as passengers, 32 die in the explosions. There are no casualties among the 42-man crew or the 33-man Armed Guard.
  • [larr2larr | rarrrarr]

    Palau Islands

    On Peleliu, after repelling three furious Japanese counterattacks, the Marines reach the point at which the western and eastern roads meet, at the foot of Mount Amiangal in the north of the island. A special unit attacks the Japanese positions toward the south with flame-throwers and tanks, blocking up the pill-boxes with earth and stones and directing flames through the slots. By evening the important Hill 120 is in American hands. The Japanese are by now cut off in a number of pockets on Mount Umurbrogol and 'Bloody Hill', in the center of the island, and Mount Amiangal in the north.

    On Angaur, the US 322nd Infantry succeeds in making a small penetration into the northern part of the Lake Salome basin.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    The Allied attacks in Belgium and Holland continue. Turnhout, in north Belgium midway between Antwerp and Eindhoven, and Oss, west of Grave, are both taken as the advance of XXX Corps to the Rhine is consolidated. This has been a considerable achievement even though the prize of the bridge at Arnhem has not been won.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 26, 1944

    Universal Carriers in Deurne

    Universal Carriers in Deurne

    British Armor Passes Through Deurne

    British Armor Passes Through Deurne

    British 11th Armored Passes Through Deurne

    British Armor Passes Through Deurne

    Survivors of 1st Airborne Division

    Survivors of 1st Airborne Division

    Maj Lonsdale Accepts a Light

    Maj Lonsdale Accepts a Light

    Self-propelled Guns Pass through Deurne

    Self-propelled Guns Pass through Deurne

    Kamikaze Attack Damage

    <i>Kamikaze</i> Attack Damage

    Inspecting the Engine of a Japanese Zero

    Inspecting the Engine of a Japanese Zero

    Churchill and His Wife Clementine

    Churchill and His Wife Clementine

    Germans in the Ruins of Arnhem

    Germans in the Ruins of Arnhem

    Wednesday, September 27

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 7 10th Air Force B-25s attack Hsenwi.
    • 30 P-47s attack several occupied towns and ammunition dumps and the town area at Myothit.
    • 13 P-47s attack the Katha area.
    • 7 P-47s attack a rail bridge at Nansiaung.
    • 7 P-47s attack a bivouac at Pinwe.
    • More than 40 14th Air Force P-51s and P-40s attack river traffic, communications targets, troops, and buildings in east-central China.
    • 10 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to China.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-24s attack Menado.
    • B-25s attack oil stores at Boela.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 341 aircraft including 222 Lancasters, 84 Halifaxes and 35 Mosquitos of Nos. 1, 3, 4 and 8 Group bomb in the Calais area again. The target areas are covered by cloud, but the Master Bomber brings in the planes below the cloud to bomb visually. The attacks on the German positions are accurate.
      • 1 Lancaster is lost.
    • 96 Halifaxes, 71 Lancasters, and 8 Mosquitos of Nos. 6 and 8 Groups attack the Ruhroel AG synthetic oil plant in the Welheim suburb of Bottrop. The target is almost entirely cloud-covered and most of the bombing is aimed at Oboe skymarkers, although a few aircraft are able to bomb through small breaks in the cloud. Explosions and black smoke are seen.
      • There are no losses.
    • 171 aircraft of Nos. 6 and 8 Groups attempt to bomb the Sterkrade oil plant. In the aircraft total are 143 Halifaxes, 21 Lancasters and 7 Mosquitos. Only 83 aircraft bomb the main target, through thick cloud. 53 aircraft bomb alternative targets, most of them aiming at the approximate position of Duisburg.
      • There are no losses.
    Minor Ops:
    • 73 Halifaxes are on fuel-carrying flights, 5 Hudsons are on Resistance operations, and there are 6 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    Evening Ops:
    • 271 Lancasters and 10 Mosquitos of Nos. 1 and 5 Groups are sent to Kaiserslautern, the only major raid on this city during the war.
      • 1 Lancaster and 1 Mosquito are lost.
    Minor Ops:
    • 46 Mosquitos are sent to Kassel, 6 to Aschaffenbyrg and 6 to Heilbronn, and there are 27 Mosquito patrols and 12 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    • German planes try but fail to destroy the Nijmegen bridges.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    V Fighter Command P-40s attack the airfield at Waren, Kokas, Waren, and shipping off the Vogelkop Peninsula.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Eastern Front

    The 13 armies of the Leningrad Front and the 3 Baltic Fronts force the German Army Group North back into the defensive perimeter around Riga, which is powerfully fortified. German resistance on the Estonian mainland is largely over. The Germans still retain a narrow corridor back into East Prussia. The Soviets land on Vormsi Island just west of Haapsula.

    In Hungary there has been heavy fighting around Cluj for several days because of German counterattacks. These battles continue. The Russian 57th and 46th Armies prepare to advance on Belgrade from Bulgaria and Romania.


    Units of the 8th Army land on Vormsii Island and quickly overrun the island. The 13th Air Army provides support.


    The Germans launch renewed attacks against the Polish forces in the Zoliborz district and Kampinos Forest. The Poles attempt to push south of the forest and break out.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    • The Japanses coast defense vessel No. 10 is sunk by a topedo from US submarine Plaice (SS-390) in the East China Sea.
    • The US submarine Apogon (SS-308) sinks the Japanese cargo ship Hachirogata Maru (1999t) in the Sea of Okhotsk off Shimushir Island.
    • The US sumarines Flasher (SS-249) and Lapon (SS-260) attack a Japanese convoy in the South China Sea west of Luzon. Flasher sinks the army transport Ural Maru (6374t) and damages the merchant tanker Tachibana Maru. Lapon sinks the merchant tanker Hokki Maru (5599t).
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]

    Palau Islands

    On Peleliu the 321st Infantry, supported by the 7th Marines, attacks the enemy pocket on Mount Umurbrogol. The fire from the defenders, experienced veterans of the 14th Japanese Infantry Division, which distinguished itself in Manchuria, opens wide gaps in the attackers' ranks. Units of the 5th Marines mop up on Mount Amiangal, while others reach the north point of the island, where they come under fire from enemy artillery in the islets of Ngesebus nad Kongauru.

    On Angaur the US 322nd Infantry begins the methodical liquidation of the Japanese in the Lake Salome area.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    Swedish ports are closed to German shipping.


    United States, Home Front

    Aimee Semple McPherson ('Sister Aimee'), charismatic and controversial evangelist, dies at the age of 53.

    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Western Front

    The US XX Corps, 3rd Army, begins to attack the outer defenses of Metz. Much of 3rd Army's efforts will be devoted, perhaps wastefully, to this sector for some time to come.

    Field-Marshal Montgomery presses Gen Harry Crerar, Commander of the Canadian 1st Army, to free the Scheldt estuary as quickly as possible.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 27, 1944

    Humber Armored Cars

    Humber Armored Cars

    Sherman Tanks of 26th Armored Brigade

    Sherman Tanks of 26th Armored Brigade

    Gen Montgomery’s Command Tank

    Gen Montgomery’s Command Tank

    Northrup P-61 Black Widow

    Northrup P-61 Black Widow

    P-47 'Frenchie'

    P-47 'Frenchie'

    Peleliu Is Secured

    Peleliu Is Secured

    Airfield Repair At St. Trond, Belgium

    Airfield Repair At St. Trond, Belgium

    Polish Soldier Surrenders

    Polish Soldier Surrenders

    Thursday, September 28

    Air Operations, Bonin Islands

    30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Saipan attack Chichi Jima.

    [larr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Carolines

    20 VMF-114 F4Us bombard Ngesebus Island, just north of Peleliu, as US Msrines mount an amphibious assault.

    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI


    4 10th Air Force P-47s attack Mawhun and Nansiaung.

    • 26 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Samshui.
    • 31 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Tienho and White Cloud airfields at Canton, two occupied towns, and road traffic in east-central China.
    • 14th Air Force fighter-bombers mount more than 100 effective sorties against numerous communications targets and troop concentrations in east-central and southwestern China and northern French Indochina.
    • P-51s with the 51st Fighter Group’s 26th Fighter Squadron down 2 Japanese fighters in an afternoon engagement near Samshui.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-25s attack small vessels off Kairatoe, Celebes.
    • V Bomber Command A-20s attack the Langoan airfiel on Ceram.
    • FEAF P-38s attack barges and the town area at Pajahi in the Molucca Islands.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    V Fighter Command P-47s attack the airfield at Manokwari.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 494 aircraft of Nos. 1, 3, 6 and 8 Groups are sent to attack 4 German positions at Calais and 6 battery positions at Cap Gris Nez. In the aircraft total are 230 Lancasters, 214 Halifaxes, and 50 Mosquitos. About 50 aircraft are assigned to each position. Only 68 aircraft bomb at Calais before the Master Bomber cancels the raid because of worsening cloud conditions and only 198 out of 301 aircraft bomb at Cap Gris Nez. Calais will surrender to the Canadian Army soon after this raid and all the French Channel ports will be thus in Allied hands, although most of the facilities require extensive clearance and repair. This, and the continuing presence of German troops along the River Scheldt between Antwerp and the sea, will cause the Allied ground forces serious supply difficulties for several more weeks.
      • There are no losses.
    Minor Ops:
    • 2 Liberators and 2 Wellingtons are on signals investigation patrols, 10 Hudsons and 2 Lysanders are on Resistance operations, and 75 Halifaxes are on fuel-carrying flights.
      • There are no losses.
    Evenings Ops:
    Minor Ops:
    • 44 Mosquitos are sent to Brunswick, 5 to Heilbronn and 4 to Aschaffenburg, and there are 52 Mosquito patrols and 43 RCM sorties.
      • 1 Mosquito Intruder is lost.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]


    The British XV Corps receives orders to go over to the offensive on the Arakan front to drive the Japanese from the area of Chittagong and from the estuary of the Naaf River.


    Eastern Front

    The Russian 57th Army, with 9 divisions, moves from Vidin in Bulgaria into Yugoslavia, heading for Belgrade.


    Gen Nikolai Gagen's 57th Army attack from Vidin toward Belgrade but meet determined resistance from Army Group F.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Occupied Greece

    All Greek Resistance groups and political factions agree to accept orders from the Allied Supreme Commander in the Mediterranean and from Lt-Gen Ronald Scobie, commander of Allied operations in Greece.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    The US submarine Bonefish (SS-223) sinks the Japanese merchant tanker Anjo Maru (2068t) in the South China Sea.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    At 9:00am units of the 5th Marines, supported by artillery, tanks and figher-bombers taking off from Peleliu airfield land on the islet of Negesbus and on Kongauru, and begin to clear them of the enemy. There is little fighting on either. The Ngesebus airfield is almost entirely captured by 3:00pm.

    On Peleliu itself , where bad weather has set in, the full-scale US attacks come to an end but bitter fighting continues all around Mount Umurbrogol as the Americans keep trying to eliminate individual Japanese positions.

    On Angaur mopping up continues in the Lake Salome area.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    The Canadian 3rd Division succeeds in penetrating into the defenses of Calais. After further heavy bombing by the RAF the Germans surrender the Calais Citadel.

    German frogmen attempt to blow up the bridge over the Waal River at Nijmegen.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 28, 1944

    Belly Landing at Kimbolton

    Belly Landing at Kimbolton

    British Mainres Train in Jungle Warfare

    British Mainres Train in Jungle Warfare

    The Queen Mary On War Service

    The <i>Queen Mary</i> On War Service

    Jeep in the Mud in Huertgen Forest

    Jeep in the Mud in Huertgen Forest

    Hemingway with Col Charles 'Buck' Lanham

    Hemingway with Col Charles 'Buck' Lanham

    Jungle Warfare Exercises

    Jungle Warfare Exercises

    Going Ashore on Tinian

    Going Ashore on Tinian

    US Soldiers Patrol in Nijmegen

    US Soldiers Patrol in Nijmegen

    Friday, September 29

    Air Operations, Carolines

    11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based in the Marshall Islands attack the Truk Atoll.

    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 11 10th Air Force B-25s attack antiaircraft emplacements, a bridge, and a bypass on the Burma Road at Uamhkai.
    • 24 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Tienho and White Cloud airfields at Canton.
    • 15 B-25s attack targets of opportunity around Chuanhsien.
    • 11 B-25s attack Mangshih.
    • 14th Air Force fighter-bombers mount nearly 100 effective sorties against troops and numerous transportation targets throughout east-central China south of the Yangtze River.
    • 18 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to three locations in China.
    • During the night, 9 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the White Cloud and Tienho airfields at Canton.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • FEAF B-24s attack the Haroekoe airfield on Ceram, the Kendari airfield on Celebes, and the Liand airfield on Amboina.
    • B-25s attack the Namlea airfield on Boeroe.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    The Russians fly their last missions to drop supplies for the Poles in Warsaw. In 10 nights of airlift operations, the Red Air Force has flown 2,500 sorties in support of the Warsaw garrison and delivered 50 tons of munitions and food.

    Daylight Ops:
    Minor Ops:
    • 3 Lysanders are on Resistance operations, 72 Halifaxes are on fuel-carrying flights and there are 5 aircraft on RCM sorties.
      • 1 Lysander is lost.
    Evening Ops:
    Minor Ops:
    • 40 Mosquitos are sent to Karlsruhe, 15 Lancasters lay mines in the Kattegat and off Heligoland, and there are 42 Mosquito patrols and 25 RCM sorties.
      • There are no losses.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Japan

    2 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s attack the Kataoka naval base and the Kokutan Cape.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    • V Bomber Command A-20s attack the airfield at Faan.
    • A-20s and RAAF aircraft attack the airfield at Urarom.
    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Battle of the Atlantic

    • The German submarine U-863 is sunk by naval land-based aircraft (VP-107) in the South Atlantic area.
    • U-863

      ClassType IXD2
      CO Kapitänleutnant Dietrich von der Esch
      Location Atlantic, off Ascension Island
      Cause Air attack
      Casualties 69
      Survivors None
    • The US freighter Edward H. Crockett (7176t), en route from Archangel to Scotland in Convoy RA-60, is torpedoed by U-310. She is irreparably damaged and is scuttled by gunfire from a British destroyer. 1 of the 41-man crew is lost in the explosion. There are no casuaties among the 27-man Armed Guard.
    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


    Chinese engineers and civilians, assisted by American technicians, begin the construction of a military road between Myitkyina, Teng-chung and Kunming.

    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Eastern Front

    The Russians begin a campaign to recapture the Moonsund Archipelago off Estonia. This operation will continue until November 24. Troops of the Russian 8th Army land on Muhu Island in the Baltic. The German forces withdraw from this position to the nearby Saaremaa.

    The Russians land on Himmaa on October 5 where there is heavy fighting until October 10. The Germans then retreat into the Syrver Peninsula and are not finally destroyed until November 24.


    The 8th Army overruns Muhu Island.


    The battle for Warsaw enters its final phase. Polish forces in the Kampinos Forest reach the Skierniewice-Zyrandow railway but are held up by German units. A fierce German attack destroys the Poles, only 100 of the 2,500 strong force escaping to link up with other units.


    Fighting at Cluj intensifies once again as the 6th Army and 2nd Hungarian Army attacks. To the south the 57th Army continues its drive toward Belgrade, together with the IV Guards Mechanized Corps. This force comprises 200,000 men while the 46th Army, supporting the northern wing of the attack, has another 93,500 men.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    At Marzabotto, in Bologna province in the foothills of the Apennines, 2 SS regiments begin a reprisal operation against the partisans. Within a few days the Germans, commanded by Maj Walter Reder, have murdered 1,836 civilians.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    • The US submarine Narwhal (SS-167) rescues 81 Allied prisoners of war who had survived the sinking of the Japanese freighter Shinyo Maru. Hundreds of the prisoners were being transported from Mindanao when the ship was torpedoed by another American submarine. More than 2,000 Allied prisoners went down with the ship. The survivors found their way to Sindangan Bay in Mindanao, where Filipino guerrillas radioed for aid, bringing in Narwhal (SS-167).
    • The US submarine Skate (SS-305) sinks the Japanese auxiliary minesweeper Hoei Maru and army cargo ship Ekisan Maru (3690t) off Yoron Jima.
    • The Japanese gunboat Riki Maru is sunk by mine off Kota Bharu, Malaya.
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr]


    On Peleliu the 7th Marines are replaced by units of the 321st Infantry in the attack on the Japanese positions in the Mount Umurbrogol pocket. The reduction of the Mount Amiangal pocket also goes ahead.

    The Americans succeed in driving the Japanese out of the center of the Lake Salome area, forcing them to withdraw to the extreme northwest of the island. The islets of Ngesebus and Kongauru are reported clear.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    United States, Policy

    US ships are forbidden to call at Argentine ports as Roosevelt warns of the Argentine government's neo-fascist leanings.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    In their continuing attacks at Calais the Canadian 3rd Division begins to make real progress against the stubborn German defense. The Canadians take Cap Gris Nez.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 29, 1944

    Carrying Ammo to a Tank

    Carrying Ammo to a Tank

    Liberation of the Netherlands

    Liberation of the Netherlands

    German Tank Burning

    German Tank Burning

    Officers from the 115th Regimental Combat Team

    Officers from the 115th Regimental Combat Team

    First Raid on Pandansari Refinery

    First Raid on Pandansari Refinery

    Firing a Captured German 88

    Firing a Captured German 88

    Saturday, September 30

    Air Operations, Carolines

    20 VMF-114 F4U dive-bombers attack front-line Japanese Army ground positions on Peleliu with 1,000-pound bombs at 0700 hours. 14 of the bombs strike an area only 100 yards square.

    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, CBI

    • 11 10th Air Force B-25s attack the main bridge and two bypass bridges at Hsenwi.
    • More than 50 10th Air Force P-47s attack the airfields at Anisakan and Nawnghkio, a rail bridge at Nansiaung, the Bhamo and Myothit areas, and targets of opportunity at Khalayang and along the Burma Road between Bhamo and Mangshih, China.
    • 29 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s and 12 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Tienho and White Cloud airfields at Canton and Wuchou.
    • 6B-25s attack targets of opportunity near Lungfukwan.
    • 14th Air Force fighter-bombers mount nearly 100 effective sorties against river shipping and targets of opportunity along and south of the Yangtze River.
    • 18 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s transport fuel from India to three locations in China.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, Central Pacific

    During the night, VII Bomber Command B-24s based at Kwajalein attack Wake Island.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

    Air Operations, East Indies

    • In one of the Pacific War’s longest missions, 70 5th, 307th, and 90th Heavy Bomb group B-24s based at or staging through the Kornasoren airfield on Noemfoor attack oil installations at Balikpapan, Borneo.
      • 4 B-24s are lost.
    • V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Ambesia airfield on Celebes.
    • FEAF B-25s attack Langoan (Celebes), Mapanget (Celebes), Sidate (Celebes), and shipping off Halmahera.
    • FEAF P-38s attack shipping in Wasile Bay in the Molucca Island, the seaplane base at Halong (Celebes), and the airfields on Ceram.
    • 347th Fighter Group P-38s down 1 Ki-49 'Helen' heavy bomber and 2 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighters over Celebes at 0920 hours.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

    Air Operations, New Guinea

    • V Bomber Command B-25s and A-20s attack Faan.
    • A-20s and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack Babo, Fak Fak, and Urarom.
    [larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

    Air Operations, Europe

    Daylight Ops:
    • 139 aircraft of Nos. 4 and 8 Groups are sent to attack the oil facility at Sterkrade. In the aircraft total are 108 Halifaxes, 21 Lancasters and 10 Mosquitos. The target is covered in cloud and only 24 attack the main target while the other bomb the general area of the town of Sterkrade.
      • 1 Halifax is lost.
    • 101 Halfaxes, 25 Lancasters and 10 Mosquitos of Nos. 6 and 8 Groups also encounter heavy cloud at Bottrop. Only 1 aircraft attempts to bomb the oil pland while the rest bomb the estimated positions of various Ruhr cities.
      • There are no losses.
    Minor Ops:
    • 6 Hudsons are on Resistance operations, 74 Halifaxes are on fuel-carrying flights and there are 2 Ranger patrols and 3 RCM sorties. The 2 Ranger aircraft, of No. 515 Squadron and having flown from a forward airfield in France, are both lost as they are force-landed in Switzerland.
    Evening Ops:
    Minor Ops
    • 46 Mosquitos are sent to Hamburg, 6 each to Aschaffenburg and Heilbronn, and 5 to Sterkrade, there are 14 aircraft on Resistance operations and there are 20 Mosquito patrols and 1 RCM sortie.
      • 1 Mosquito of No. 100 Group is lost.
    [rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]


    During the passage of Convoy RA-60 from the Kola Inlet to the UK, Swordfish 'F' of 813 NAS on a routine anti-submarine patrol spots U-921 and attacks.


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Alfred Werner
    Location Artic, W of Bear Island
    Cause Air attack
    Casualties 50
    Survivors None
    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Battle of the Atlantic

    • The German submarine U-1062 is sunk by the US destroyer escort Fessenden (DE-142) in the mid-Atlantic area.
    • U-1062

      ClassType VIIF
      CO Oberleutnant zur See Karl Albrecht
      Location Atlantic, SW of Cape Verde Islands
      Cause Air attack/depth charge
      Casualties 55
      Survivors None


      ClassType VIIC
      CO Oberleutnant zur See Joachim Brunner
      Location Atlantic, SE of Iceland
      Cause Air attack/depth charge
      Casualties 54
      Survivors None
    • U-703 is presumed loss to unknown causes since no word has come from the U-boat since September 16.
    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Britain, Home Front

    There are great celebrations in Dover following the news that all the German cross-Channel guns have been captured.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Germany, Home Front

    Constant Allied air attacks on the synthetic fuel sites supplying the German war effort begin to take effect. Needing a minimum of 150,000 tons per day, production falls to less than 7,000. Fuel of any type is in such short supply that aircraft have to be towed to their hangers by horses and oxen.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Eastern Front

    Following the 57th Army, the 47th Army of the 3rd Ukraine Front now crosses the Danube in force upstream of Turnu Severin which is on the frontier between Romania and Yugoslavia and advances on Belgrade.


    After a final stand the 1,500 remaining defenders of the Zoliborz district surrender, leaving only the city center in Polish hands.


    The conquest of Romania has cost the Soviet forces 47,000 killed and 171,000 wounded, while 2,000 artillery pieces, 2,200 tanks and 530 aircraft have been destroyed.


    The Germans lose 7 infantry divisions form their order of battle, receiving in return 1 panzer, 1 SS panzer grenadier and 5 Volksgrenadier divisions. Strength now stands at 21 panzer, 10 panzer grenadier and 103 infantry divisions. The replacement divisions are nowhere near divisional strength. The Ostheer also deploys 4,186 panzers (against 11,200 Russian tanks). Barely a third of the armor is operational at any time and that is short of fuel.

    Hungary deploys 19 divisions and 4 brigades alongside the Ostheer.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


    Rear-Adm George H. Fort, Commander of the Western Attack Force or Task Force 32, takes over command of the American operations in this group from Rear-Adm Theodore S. Wilkinson, Commander of Task Force 31, and announces that Peleliu, Angaur, Ngesebus and Kongauru have all been completely occupied. The fighting is not over yet, despite this announcement.

    Almost all of the 10,600 Japanese soldiers, commanded by Col Nakasawa Kunio, have been killed, although 150 become POWs. The Marines have lost 1,252 killed and 5,274 wounded, a high toll for an island only 11 miles square. However, intense fighting continues in several pockets around the island, particularly on the aptly named 'Bloody Nose Ridge' where Japanese survivors refuse to surrender.

    [rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

    Western Front

    The attacks of 1st Canadian Army north and west of Antwerp continue. The Polish 1st Division captures Merxplas, northwest of Turnhout. Calais surrenders to the Canadian 3rd Division.

    In the American XII Corps sector, a powerful counter-attack by the Germans to recapture the forest of Gremlecey is only contained with the help of the American 6th Armored Division.

    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Images from September 30, 1944

    Carrying Supplies to Nijmegen

    Carrying Supplies to Nijmegen

    'Nebelwerfer' In Action

    'Nebelwerfer' In Action

    Destroying Buildings in Warsaw

    Destroying Buildings in Warsaw

    Polish POWs on Opaczewska Street

    Polish POWs on Opaczewska Street

    People of Warsaw

    People of Warsaw

    Warsaw in Ruins

    Warsaw in Ruins

    US 5th Army in Costel De Rio, Italy

    US 5th Army in Costel De Rio, Italy

    [ August 1944 - October 1944]