Chronology of World War II

November 1941

Air Operations, Europe

The targets for R.A.F. Bomber Command include Kiel, Hamburg and Emden. British aircraft losses have been high and have risen in recent weeks. In the light of the Butt Report (see August) the practicality of the bomber offensive is being increasingly questioned. On the night of November 7/8 these problems come to a head when, of a force of 400 planes sent to Berlin, the Ruhr, Cologne and Boulogne, 37, or nearly 10 percent, fail to return. After this Churchill gives orders to conserve the bomber force until the spring brings better weather and equipment. In the last few months it is probably true to say that more Bomber Command personnel have been killed than German civilians.

Battle of the Atlantic

Allied shipping losses are the lowest of the war so far at 104,600 tons. U-boats only sink 13 ships of 62,200 tons.(Allied Ships Lost to U-boats) At the start of the month there are 10 U-boats in the Mediterranean with more on the way. Ironically the sinking of the Ark Royal by 2 of the U-boats makes submarine operations near Gibraltar more difficult since the carrier's surviving aircraft are based ashore and used solely for anti-submarine work. British air strength on the main convoy routes is now being augmented by Catapault Aircraft Merchant Ships (CAMS). The first action by an aircraft from one of these in on November 1.

North Africa

More than 60 percent of the Axis supplies sent to North Africa are lost in transit. Only about 30,000 tons arrive, compared with an average over the past few months of more that 70,000 tons. Both Rommel and Auchinleck are hoping to prepare for an offensive and the supply situation is crucial.

Yugoslavia, Resistance

Throughout the month the Germans are very active in anti-Partisan operations. This is their first major drive against the resistance forces in Yugoslavia.

Saturday, November 1st

Air Operations, Europe

R.A.F. daylight offensives over northern France, the Channel and Occupied Territory in Europe begin.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-68 sinks the British steamer Bradford City (4953t) 300 miles west of Walvis Bay, Southwest Africa. All 45 members of the crew make it to shore where they are rescued by South African troops.
  • The Swedish steamer Sigrid (1093t) is lost on a mine near Kiel with the loss of 10 of her crew.
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Identification of Jews

Identification of Jews

Eastern Front

In the Crimea Simferopol, an important communications center, falls to the German 11th Army.

The German 1st Panzer Group begins a major attack aimed at Rostov and the Caucasus.

The Germans capture Tula, south of Moscow.

Panzer III of 2nd SS Division Nearing Moscow

<i>Panzer III</i> of 2nd <i>SS</i> Division Nearing Moscow

Marshal Boris Shaposhnikov becomes Chief of Staff of the Soviet forces.


The XXIV Panzer Corps moves in upon Dedilovo but encounters fierce resistance from the reformed 50th Army. A little farther south, the LIII Corps runs into strong Soviet forces before Teploye that are attempting to attack the open southern flank of the XXIV Panzer Corps.

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Japan, Policy

The Japanese Combined Fleet changes its radio code.

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The British submarine Utmost sinks the Italian steamer Marigola (5996t) about 3 miles south of Kuriat Island, Tunisia.

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United States, Command

The US Coast Guard is placed under the jurisdiction of the military authorities for the duration of the national emergency.

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United States, Planning

The US ambassador in Tokyo warns Pres Roosevelt for the second time that Japan is planning an attack on the US.

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Sunday, November 2nd


The Chetniks and Tito's Partisans, both anti-Nazi Yugoslav guerilla forces, begin fighting each other outside Uzice in western Serbia.

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Queen Elizabeth and Gen De Gaulle

Queen Elizabeth and Gen De Gaulle

Battle of the Atlantic

  • German bombing sinks the British steamer Brynmill (9743t) north of Cromer. The entire crew is rescued. A German air attack badly damages the British steamer Marie Dawn (2157t) 20 miles from Spurn Point. She sinks on the 3rd about 4 miles from the Humber, but the entire crew is rescued.
  • U-208 sinks the British steamer Larpool (3872t) 250 miles east-southeast of Cape Race with the loss of 26 of her crew. 6 of the crew make it to Burin, Newfoundland, 11 others are picked up by the Canadian corvette Bittersweet.
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Eastern Front

The Germans capture Kursk.(3rd?)

German Troops Capture a City

German Troops Capture a City

Manstein's 11th Army captures Simferopol as it closes in upon Sevastopol. The XLIX Mountain Corps is reallocated to the 1st Panzer Army command.

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The Polish submarine Sokol damages the Italian steamer Balilla (2469t) northwest of Trapani, Italy with torpedoes and gunfire. The British submarine Utmost sinks the steamer later in the day with gunfire.

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Monday, November 3rd

Air Operations, Mediterranean

The British air raids on Sicily continue. Several targets between Syracuse and Licata are hit several times.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British submarine Trident sinks the German auxiliary patrol vessel UJ-1213 in Honningsvaag, Norway.
  • In attacks on Convoy SC-52 U-569 sinks the British steamer Rose Schiaffino (3349t) about 225 miles east of St Johns, Newfoundland with the loss of her entire crew of 41.
  • U-202 sinks the British steamers Flynderborg (2022t) and Gretavale (4586t) northeast of Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland. 3 crewmen are lost on the Flynderborg, 18 survivors are picked up by the Canadian corvette Windflower. The Gretavale loses 38 of her crew, 6 survivors are also picked up by the Windflower.
  • U-203 sinks the British steamers Empire Gemsbuck (5626t) and Everoja (4830t) northeast of Cape Charles, Labrador. The entire 43-man crew of the Empire Gemsbuck is rescued by the Canadian corvette Buctouche. The entire crew of 41 from the Everoja is picked up by the British corvette Nasturtium.
  • The German steamer Anneliese (726t) sinks on a mine off Dievenow.
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The British carrier Indomitable, due to be headed to Ceylon, is damaged in a training exercise in the West Indies.

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Diplomatic Relations

The German government informs the US that it will not offer compensation for the loss of the Robin Moore.

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Eastern Front

In the Leningrad sector there are further German attacks in the continuing effort to complete the isolation of the city. The Germans try to take the whole southern shore of Lake Ladoga, including the rail junction of Volkhov (Tikhvin) 100 miles east of the city.

During this battle there will be repeated Soviet counterattacks but they will be foolishly directed against some of the strongest German positions. The Germans fail to make their objectives but they do succeed in cutting the railway line from Leningrad to Vologda.

Ruins of the Dormition Cathedral

Ruins of the Dormition Cathedral

At the junction between Army Group Center and Army Group South, Kursk, north of Kharkov, falls to the Germans.


Heavy fighting continues around Teploye as the LIII Corps struggles to withstand Soviet attacks. Gen Werner Kempf's XLVIII Panzer Corps fights its way into and captures Kursk.

German Units Pass Through Simferopol

German Units Pass Through Simferopol
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Japan, Planning

The plan to attack Pearl Harbor, drawn up by Adm Isoroku Yamamoto, is approved by the Japanese command.

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Occupied Soviet Union

Einsatzgruppe C reports to Himmler that it has shot 75,000 Jews in Russia.

Family Members Search for Their Dead

Family Members Search for Their Dead
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Pacific Islands

American dependents are evacuated from the islands of Guam, Wake and Midway.

United States, Politics

US Ambassador Grew cables from Tokyo that Japan 'might resort with dangerous and dramatic suddenness to measures which might make inevitable war with the United States.' He also says that 'it would be shortsighted for American policy to be based upon the belief that Japanese preparations are no more than saber rattling, merely intended to give moral support to the high pressure diplomacy of Japan.'

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Tuesday, November 4th

Eastern Front

In the Crimea the German attacks are now making good progress. Feodosia is captured by the 170th Div.

German Bomber Shot Down Over Leningrad

German Bomber Shot Down Over Leningrad

The 11th Army captures Feodosia after a brief battle with the 51st Army.

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Wednesday, November 5th

Black Sea

The Italian steamer Torcello (3336t) is sunk by the Soviet submarine ShCh-214.

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Diplomatic Relations

After discussion the Japanese decide to make further peace attempts, setting their deadline for the end of any negotiations at the end of November. They send Saburu Kurusu to Washington to try to repair things between Japan and the US. The terms they offer are rejected by the United States because they contain no repudiation of the Tripartite Pact and because they contain bases in some parts of China. The outcome of the Japanese discussions and their diplomatic plans continue to be intercepted by the US code-breaking service.

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Eastern Front


There is fierce fighting on the road to Tikhvin as the XXXIX Panzer Corps pushes east.


The 1st Panzer Army renews its attack in the Donbas, forcing the 9th Army back. The XIV Panzer Corps thrust forward toward Schakhty. Realizing the potential to Rostov, Timoshenko requests additional forces. Person-S.html#S-0017" target="_blank">Stalin responds that all equipment is needed in the center.

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Japan, Planning

Combined Fleet Ultrasecret Operation Order I is issued to the Japanese navy for the attack on Pearl Harbor. It is agreed in an imperial conference to continue negotiations with the US but to go to war if they fail to produce a settlement. The military is ordered to be prepared for the worst.

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The Italian steamer Anna Zippitelli (1016t) is sunk by British bombing west of Benghazi.

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The Japanese steamer Kehi Maru (4523t) sinks on a mine in the Sea of Japan. Out of 510 crew and passengers on board, 110 are lost.

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United States, Politics

Because of the deteriorating state of relations with Japan, Congress votes to stay in session indefinitely.

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Thursday, November 6th

German Raiders

The German blockade runner Odenwald, carrying a cargo of rubber from Japan and disguised as American merchant ship Willmoto, is captured in the American Security Zone off the Brazilian coast by the US cruiser Omaha (CL-4) and destroyer Somers (DD-381). This is the first success for the increasingly extensive US patrols in the Atlantic.

USS Omaha (CL-4) and German Blockade Runner Odenwald

USS <i>Omaha</i> (CL-4) and German Blockade Runner <i>Odenwald</i>
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Japan, Planning

The Japanese Southern Army is ordered to prepare for attacks on the Philippines, Malaya, Thailand and the East Indies.

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The British steamer Thistlegorm (4898t), carrying munitions, is sunk by German bombing in the inner channel of the Strait of Jubal with the loss of 9 of her crew.

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Soviet Union, Home Front

The anniversary of the October Revolution is celebrated in Moscow's Mayakovsky underground railway station. In a major public speech, Stalin calls on the peoples of the Soviet Union to increase their efforts to defend 'holy Russia'. He also demands that a 'Second Front' be opened in western Europe. Minimizing the Soviet losses and exaggerating those of the enemy, he claims that the German forces are worn out having taken almost 5,000,000 casualties compared to 1,800,000 for the Red Army and predicts the 'inevitable doom' for Hitler.

German Stuka Dive-bombers

German <i>Stuka</i> Dive-bombers
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United States, Politics

Upon approval by Congress, Pres Roosevelt announces that a loan of $1,000,000,000 is to be given to the USSR to help finance the acquisition of Lend-Lease supplies.

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United States, Preparations

A committee of the US Natioan Academy of Sciences recomment the immediate construction of an atomic bomb.

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Friday, November 7th

Air Operations, Europe

  • There is a heavy air raid on the Italian port of Brindisi.
  • In their heaviest night raid of the war, the R.A.F. send 300 bombers to Berlin (169, 21 lost), Cologne and Mannheim. 37 planes are lost due mainly to unusually adverse weather conditions.
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On Watch at a Lookout Post

On Watch at a Lookout Post

Eastern Front

The ground begins to freeze in the central sector. The Germans will no longer be held up by the mud and they begin to resume their offensive agains Moscow, but the weather will soon again be a factor.

In the northern sector Russian defenders stall the Finnish offensive.


As the German XXXIX Panzer Corps moves upon Tikhvin, the Luftwaffe launches a number of heavy air raids on Leningrad. The Soviet situation is becoming untenable as their efforts to halt the German salient pressing toward the Svir fails. Reinforcements are urgently airlifted to the crumbling Tikhvin sector to bolster the 4th Army.


Army Group Center begins to redeploy for the next phase of Operation TYPHOON. The 3rd Panzer Group takes up new positions between the 9th Army and the 4tn Panzer Group, aiming to strike directly toward Moscow and envelop the city from the north.

The continuing drop in the temperature sees winter take an early hold, causing the first cases of frostbite among the ill-equipped German units. Most men are still wearing summer tunics and no supplies of winter uniforms exist to the rear. Only the Luftwaffe has made provisions for operating in the winter, and the infantry has to endure the worst winter in living memory virtually without protection.


The 1st Panzer Army forces the 9th Army back 20 miles along the road to Rostov. The weight of the German attack is then switched south, bringing pressure to bear upon the 56th Independent Army. von Rundstedt aims to penetrate directly into Rostov rather than enveloping the city from the northwest.

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Germany, Policy

Since the US has decided to arm their merchant ships the German government announces that U-boats will be ordered to torpedo all armed ships.

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Japan, Planning

Japan issues Combined Fleet Order No 1. This sends the 1st Air Fleet to attack Pearl Harbor, the 2nd Fleet to invade the Philippines, Malaya, and the East Indies; the 4th Fleet to attack Guam; and the main fleet to guard Japanese waters.

Japanese command informs the naval units that December 7 has been set for the planned Pearl Harbor attack.

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Soviet Union, Home Front

Stalin speaks to troops in Red Square. He says that while the German reserves are exhausted, those of the Russians are only just beginning to make their weight felt. The appeals to patriotism and the sacred union of Russians against the invader do not please all Party 'puritans', but they are necessary and effective.

Military Parade in Red Square

Military Parade in Red Square, 7 November 1941

Commander of the Parade

Commander of the Parade in Red Square

On the anniversary of the October Revolution, Stalin makes a speech in Moscow's Red Square predicting a German disaster. Among the gross distortions and lies, Stalin makes an accurate assessment of Operation TYPHOON: 'The German invaders are straining their last forces. There is no doubt that German cannot keep up such an effort for any long time.

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United States, Policy

  • The 'Lend-Lease' Act is extended to the Soviet Union although aid has been going to Russia since September.
  • Secretary of State Hull informs the US cabinet that a critical stage has been reached in the country's relations with Japan. American military leaders need to assume that the Pacific will constitute a combat area.
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Saturday, November 8th

Eastern Front

In the northern sector Tikhvin is captured by the XXXIX Panzer Corps. The object of the advance east of Leningrad is to link up with the Finnish troops, but it is not achieved.


The XXXIX Panzer Corps, with the I Corps in support, enters Tikhvin and fights its way through the town. The 4th Army is close to collapse, having lost contact with the headquarters of the Leningrad Front and threatening the rear of the 7th Independent Army on the Svir. Elements of the 44th Rifle Division pulls back along the Tikhvin-Lodenoye Pole road, while the 191st Rifle Division falls back east.


The LIII Corps continues to fight off the 3rd Army attacks around Teploye. Gen Leo von Schweppenburg's XXIV Panzer Corps, which has been earmarked to support the LIII Corps, is forced to deal with new attacks from Tula by the 50th Army. Heavy fighting rages at Uzlovaya as a rifle division and a tank brigade strike the German lines.

The West Front expect the next phase of German attacks from Volokolamsk and Tula. Zhukov proposes a number of pre-emptive attacks to hinder German redeployment. The 16th Army is to lead the first attack at Volokolamsk.

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Germany, Home Front

In a speech in Munich, Hitler exaggerates the enemy's losses even more than Stalin did. He says that since the start of the war the Soviet Union has lost 10 million men killed, wounded or captured. He describes the USSR as 'this Mongol State' and Stalin as a 'second Genghis Khan'. Also, 60-75 per cent of its industrial potential and raw materials have been lost. 'However long the war may last, the last battalion in the field will be a German one... We are deciding the fate of Europe for the next thousand years.'

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  • In a night battle about 200 miles east of Malta, the British Force K from Malta, 2 cruisers (Aurora and Penelope) and 2 destroyers (Lance and Lively, attacks an Italian convoy heading for Libya. All 7 transports and 1 of its escorts are sunk. 2 Italian destoyers, the Fulmine and the Libeccio, are sunk. The Italian covering force of heavy cruisers and destroyers does not engage. The Royal Navy had received precise intelligence data through Ultra intercepts.
  • The British steamer Rosalie Moller (3963t) is sunk by German bombing in Anchorage H, Suez Canal, with the loss of 2 of her crew. The Australian sloop Parramatta rescues the survivors.
  • The Italian steamer Paolo Z. Podesta (863t) is sunk by the British 830 Squadron southwest of Favignana, Italy.
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Sunday, November 9th

Eastern Front

In the Leningrad sector Tikhvin, east of the city, is taken by the Germans, cutting the rail route into the city. In the Crimea, Yalta falls to the German attack.


Tikhvin falls to the XXXIX Panzer Corps, but fighting continues on the eastern outskirts as the Germans try to press toward the Svir amid temperatures of minus forty degrees centigrade. The 4th Army is fighting to prevent the Germans from affecting a junction with the Finns. With the disintegration of his army, Gen Vladimir Yakovlev is relieved and Meretskov appointed in his place. Gen Kirill Meretskov is also given coordination of the 4th, 7th and 52nd Armies. The fact that the Soviets are holding back the Germans at all is astounding. With just 300 men, the 44th Rifle Division prevents the Germans from exploiting their gains toward Vologda. Soviet forces in the area are very weak, the 54th Army numbering 55,600 men, the 4th Army 62,700 and the 52nd Army just 42,000. The Novgorod Group fields 32,000 men.

The collapse of their defenses along the Volkhov compels the Soviet High Command to rush the 65th Rifle Division to this sector, its arrival being expected by November 11.

Soldiers Pulling a Car from the Mud

Soldiers Pulling a Car from the Mud

German pressure upon the outer defenses of Rostov mounts as von Kleist pushes forward. Timoshenko plans to launch his own counteroffensive and calls for additional weapons from the High Command. Again he is refused, so he has to build up a reserve by scraping together spare units from his existing forces. From these forces he reinforces the 37th Army. Timoshenko's plan is to hald the German attack by breaking into the exposed northern flank of the 1st Panzer Army with the 37th, 12th, 18th and 9th Armies, while the 56th Independent Army pins the 1st Panzer frontally. Gen Anton Lopatin's 37th Army deploys around Krasnodar and Kolpakchy's 18th at Voroshilovgrad, both beginning the movement to their new sectors. The counterattack will draw in 22 rifle and 9 cavalry divisions and 5 tank brigades. The 18th and 12th Armies are to block the German advance at Voroshilovgrad.

From the Karelian forests in the north to the vast expanse of steppe in the south, the early onset of winter and tenacious Soviet defense had brought the German advance to a standstill. Inadequate replacements and over-extended lines of communication hampered an already exhausted army. Hitler's generals sought to finish off an enemy who refused to accept defeat with forces close to breaking point. Nearly five months of continuous combat, heavy casualties and a lack of replacement soldiers and equipment was sapping the strength of the combat divisions. However, the seemingly endless resources of the Red Army also appeared to be nearing their end. With the fighting closer to Moscow than ever, the field armies were shadows of their former selves. Battered, exhausted and having retreated some six hundred miles, the Red Army refused to die. Yet in this hour of need the Soviets were finding a new generation of generals, men who would make the Germans reap what they had sown.
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People Trying to Buy Coffee and Tobacco

People Trying to Buy Coffee and Tobacco

Monday, November 10th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-126 sinks the British steamer Nailsea Manor (4926t) northeast of the Cape Verde Islands. The entire crew of 42 is rescued by the British corvette Violet.
  • The British steamer Kyma sinks on a mine east of Hornsea. The entire crew is rescued.
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Britain, Home Front

In a public speech in London at the Mansion House, Churchill announces that 'should the United States become involved in war with Japan, a British declaration of war will follow within the hour'.

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Britain, Preparations

A division of British troops, about 22,000 men, leaves Halifax, Nova Scotia for duty in the Far East. They will be traveling on US ships protected by the US Navy. The convoy is made up of the carrier Ranger, 2 cruisers and 7 destroyers to escort the 6 transports.

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Eastern Front

Convinced that Operation BARBAROSSA, the objective being to reach the Volga, will not be completed within the year, Hitler defines new objectives for his armies in Russia. In the south, von Rundstedt is to take Sevastopol and Rostov-on-Don, cross the river and take Maikop and the Kuban oilfields. In the center,von Bock will continue the attack on Moscow, which is to be taken by a giant pincer movement. In the north, von Leeb must join up with the Finns to completely cut off Leningrad.


Group Belov (Gen Pavel) counterattacks at Serpukhov, the intention being the encirclement of the XIII Corps. Gen Pavel Belov commits the II Cavalry Corps, 2 tank divisions and 2 tank brigades.


The Stavka disbands the Bryansk Front, incorporating the 50th Army into the Western Front and the 3rd and 13th Armies into the Southwest Front.


Hitler issues objectives for the continuation of Operation TYPHOON. Army Group North is to build upon its gains at Tikhvin, effecting a junction with the Fins on the Svir before pounding Leningrad into submission. The Germans do not anticipate the surrender of the city, having decided there were insufficient resources available to feed the civilian population. Army Group Center is to continue the attacks on the Moscow axis and destroy Soviet forces in and around the city. It is then to push east to the Urals. Army Group South, tasked with capturing Rostov, is to reduce the Soviet forces encircled at Sevastopol using the 11th Army and then cross the Kerch Strait into the Kuban. This will begin the advance to and capture of the Maikop oilfields, a gigantic task given the early onset of the Russian winter and the weakened state of Army Group South.

These objectives prove just how out of touch Hitler and his staff really are with the situation at the front. To expect the Ostheer, with its exhausted and under-strength divisions, to maintain an advance in the middle of winter, without winter equipment, and bring about the destruction of the Red Army in the field is utter delusion.

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20 U-boats enter the Mediterranean. This is the German high command's response to a request made by Rommel personally, after a number of Italo-German convoys heading to Africa had been sunk.

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Lighting Up Italian Cigars

Lighting Up Italian Cigars

Tuesday, November 11th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-561 sinks the Panamanian steamer Meridian (5592t) in the North Atlantic with the loss of her entire crew of 26.
  • U-580 is lost in a collison with the German target vessel Angelburg (3053t) in exercises off Memel with the loss of 12 crewmen. 32 of the crew are rescued.


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Hans-Günther Kuhlmann
    Location Baltic Sea, off Memel
    Cause Collision
    Casualties 12
    Survivors 32
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Eastern Front

The Russians counterattack powerfully in the southern sector. The 80th Regt of the Italian Pasubio Division barely escapes encirclement by a Soviet Division.


The Soviets lay pland for a counterattack at Tikhvin. The 4th Army is to hit the XXXIX Panzer Corps in 3 groups, Northern, Eastern and Southern, its aim being to split up and isolate the German force. Once Tikhvin is retaken, the 4th is to press on to Budogosh and Gruzino. Other units of the 4th Army are also to press north to help the 54th Army seal off the I Corps a Volkhov. The 54th will then unfold its main attack upon Kirishi. On the southern flank, the 52nd Army and Novgorod Group are to attack the XXXVIII Corps at Malaya Vyshera. Those units of the 4th Army operating in the 54th Army area, 5 rifle divisions and a tank brigade, are amalgamated into the latter force.


Elements of the 50th Army, 1 rifle and 1 cavalry division, and the 49th Army, a single rifle division, launch a concentric attack aimed at pinning down the 31st and 131st Infantry Divisions of the XLIII Corps north of Tula. Heavy fighting erupts that will continue for the next five days.

The LIII Corps begins to gain the upper hand against the Soviet forces attack around Teploye. The LIII, however, has to call up armored support to repel the Soviet attack, the XXIV Corps arriving in dribs and drabs from the fighting around Tula, where the 50th Army resists stubbornly.


The 1st Panzer Army halts its attack upon Rostove to briefly rest and refit.

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Diplomatic Relations

Finland rejects American advice to cease hostilities.

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Italian East Africa

The final battle to eliminate the Italian presence in Abyssinia begins. The regular Allied forces, aided by local guerillas, attack Chilga to the west and Kulkaber to the southeast of the main Italian Gondar position. The attacks are beaten off for the moment.

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Germany, Policy

Hitler and Himmler authorize the study of the 'final solution' of the Jewish problem, i.e. genocide.

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United States, Policy

US lend-lease aid is extended to the Free French.

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Wednesday, November 12th

Black Sea

The Soviet light cruiser Chervonaya Ukrania is sunk by a German bombing attack at Sevastopol.

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Eastern Front

The temperature is 12 below zero and will drop even more on the 13th. Many Germans suffer from frostbite. Tula is captured by the Russians.


The Soviets counterattack at Tikhvin with the 4th Army, and the Soviet 52nd Army attacks at Malaya Vyshera.[MORE]

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In Operation Perpetual, a further 34 Hurricanes are flown off the British carriers Argus and Ark Royal to Malta.

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Soviet Union, Strategy

Zhukov, realizing that Moscow is still in danger, places the Western Front on high alert. This formation has lost 750,000 troops since October and numbers only 250,000 men. It comprises the 30th, 16th, 5th, 33rd, 49th and 50th Armies. To the front's north is Konev's Kalinin Front (22nd, 29th and 31st Armies).

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Vichy France

The Vichy government orders the internment at Fort Portalet, in the Pyrenees, of Léon Blum and Edouard Daladier, former French Prime Ministers, and Gen Gamelin, the former Commander-in-Chief of the French army.

Former Vichy Minister of War Charles Huntziger is killed in an air crash near Nîmes. He was 61.

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Thursday, November 13th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-126 sinks the British steamer Peru (6961t) southwest of Cape Palmas, Liberia. The entire crew of 60 are picked up by the South African whaler Uniwaleco.
  • The Soviet destroyer Surovy sinks on a mine off Hango, Finland.
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Diplomatic Relations

China requests that the British fly air cover over the Burma Road.

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Eastern Front

There is an important conference of German commanders at Orsha at which Gen Halder presents the final plans for the culminating offensive against Moscow. The II Panzergruppe under Guderian is to advance from Tula towards Kolomna. The 2nd Army will protect its flank. The 4th Army will make a frontal assault in order to engage the maximum number of Russian forces. The III Panzergruppe under Hoth is to cross the Moscow-Volga canal and outflank Moscow to the north, then turn southeast to meet up with Guderian's force. The left flank will be protected by the 9th Army. The generals who will have to execute the scheme are not entirely happy with it but their opposition is fairly half-hearted and the plan is agreed.

German and Rumanian troops make an unsuccessful attempt to take Sebastopol by storm.


There is heavy fighting around Tikhvin while the 52nd Army continues to attack the XXXVIII Corps near Malaya Vyshera. The temperature is minus 22 degrees Centigrade.

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Germany, Strategy

A conference of army group and army commanders at Orsha decides that Army Group North will assume a defensive posture while Army Group Center will continue the attack against Moscow. Army Group South will capture Rostov and then drive into the Caucasus.

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The British force that delivered some aircraft to Malta is attacked by 2 U-boats, U-81 and U-205, on its return to Gibraltar. Ark Royal is hit once by a torpedo from U-81, commanded by Kapitänleutnant Friedrich Guggenberger, and badly damaged, but is able to continue towards Gibraltar. Also suffering damages from the U-boat attack is the battleship Malaya.

Sinking of the Ark Royal

Sinking of the <i>Ark Royal</i>
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United States, Politics

Changes in the Neutrality Laws pass Congress. US merchant ships may now be armed and enter war zones and to unload munitions in British ports. These administration-sponsored measures only pass by a small margin even after the Kearny incident and other development in the Atlantic have been carefully presented as German aggressions. The small margin shows that the US is not yet ready to go to war.

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Friday, November 14th

Air Operations, Europe

There are air raids by the British on Catania, Brindisi and Acireale causing casualties and damage.

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Air Operations, Mediterranean

Italian torpedo planes sink 2 British transports off the coast of Tunisia.

Italian Aircraft Attack a British Convoy

Italian Aircraft Attack a British Convoy
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Baltic Sea

The Soviet destroyer Gordy sinks on a mine off Naissaari, Finland.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-561 sinks the Panamanian steamer Crusader (2939t), a straggler from SC-53 in the North Atlantic with the loss of 33 of her crew. There is only 1 survivor.

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The US orders the evacuation of all US Marines from Shanghai, Peking and Tientsin. Of the 750 Marines involved, 183 get held up by transportation delays and eventually get imprisoned by the Japanese once the war starts.

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Diplomatic Relations

The Premier of Burma, U Maung Saw, leaves London after failing to win a promise of independence from the British. As he is returning to Rangoon passing through New York, he contacts Japanese officials in the US to set up a meeting between himself and 'prominent Japanse'. The purpose of this meeting is apparently to seek Japanese aid against the British.

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Eastern Front

The Germans begin to get in position for resuming the Moscow offensive. They are, however, running short of equipment. Guderian has to transform one of his Panzer corps, whose establishment calls for 350 tanks, into a 'brigade' of barely 50 effective tanks. Russian forces attemp a counterattack to relieve the pressure on Moscow.

The Soviet air force begins a concerted campaign to airlift essential supplies into Leningrad. Over the next 2 weeks 1,200 tons are delivered.


Fighting erupts as the 16th and 49th Armies launch spoiling attacks north of Volokolamsk and east of Serpukhov. The 49th Army hits the 98th, 13th, 17th and 137th Infantry Divisions of the XII and XIII Corps with 5 rifle divisions (415th, 5th Guards, 60th, 194th and 17th) northeast of Serpukhov, making minor gains. The II Cavalry Corps also enters the battle, the 112th Tank Division trying to exploit gains by the 49th Army but is halted in its tracks. German counterattacks by the 263rd and 268th Infantry Divisions throw the tank division back.

Knowing the resumption of the German attack is imminent, the Stavka sends out an alert to the armies at the front.

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  • It seems at first that the damage to the Ark Royal, from the U-boat attack the previous day, has been brought under control. When the carrier gets to within 25 miles of Gibraltar, at 2:15a.m., a fire breaks out in the engine room putting the pumps out of action and she is abandoned to sink. As in some carrier losses early in the Pacific war, poor damage control seems largely to have been responsible. Only 1 crewman is lost from the carrier.
  • The British steamer Empire Pelican (6463t), en route to Malta, is sunk by Italian bombing southwest of Galita Island with the loss of 1 crewmen. 44 of her crew are made prisoners of war.
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Saturday, November 15th

Baltic Sea

U-583 sinks in a collision with U-153 during a night training exercise off Danzig with the loss of her entire crew of 45.


ClassType VIIC
CO Kapitänleutnan Heinrich Ratsche
Location Baltic
Cause Collision
Casualties 45
Survivors None
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Barents Sea

U-752 sinks the Soviet minesweeping trawler T-34 near Murmansk.

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Battle of the Atlantic

The British steamer Corhampton (2495t) is badly damaged in a German bombing attack 26 miles northeast of Spurn Point. The steamer sinks in tow on the 16th in the area of the Humber. The entire crew are rescued.

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Eastern Front

The German Moscow offensive is renewed under the direction of von Bock. The main effort is to be made by the tank forces which are to drive converging attacks toward the capital from just to the north and to the south. Guderian's 2nd Panzer Group attacks from around Tula to the south of the capital, while just north of the city both 3rd and 4th Panzer Groups are involved in the advance toward the Moscow-Volga Canal. The infantry armies on the flanks, and particularly 4th Army occupying the front between the armored thrusts, are to make supporting holding attacks.

The Soviet strategy for this winter period is to try to build up reserves for a counterattack from the forces that are being brought from Siberia, while doing just enough to hold the German advances. To some extent, therefore, the inward movement of the German tank attacks will be permitted during the next few days while the Soviet reserves are built up on the outer flanks.

'French Legion' Under Review

'French Legion' Under Review

Weather Getting Colder

Weather Getting Colder as French Volunteers Arrive

All the German units are very seriously under strength both from the losses in the fighting since June and from the more recent ravages of the weather. This winter will turn out to be the most severe in the Soviet Union throughout the period for which records have been kept and the German troops and their equipment are badly prepared for it.

Losses of manpower through frostbite and of equipment through other effects of the cold - lubricating oil freezing solid and metal parts like rifle bolts becoming brittle and breaking have already helped reduce panzer divs to tank strengths appropriate for battalions. The losses will continue.

South of Orel, an armed column takes Maloarchangelsk. In the northen sector the Russians are forced to withdraw from Volkhov, on the Leningrad front.


The Soviets withdraw from Volkhov. Following the fall of Tikhvin, the XXXIX Panzer Corps begins to move away from the Volkhov sector, going south to support the 16th Army.


In frosty but clear weather, the Germans resume the attack against the West Front, heralding the final phase of Operation TYPHOON. Soviet estimates put the German attack force at 233,000 men while the defending West Front has 240,000 men, 1,254 artillery pieces and 502 tanks.

Fighting erupts as the 3rd and 4th Panzer Groups attack. The 3rd Panzer, with elements of the 9th Army in support, crash into the 30th Army around Kalinin and push toward Klin. Despite fierce resistance, the 30th Army is forced to yield ground. German infantry and armor head for the Volga as they seek to smash open the entire northern wing of the Soviet front. The 4th Panzer Group pounds the Russians as it crashes into the 16th Army before Istra.

The 49th and 50th Armies halt attacks by the 2nd Panzer Army north of Tula.


In the Crimea the 11th Army conquers the greater part of the peninsula, only the defenders of Sevastopol and the remnants of the 51st Army in flight to Kerch remaining in the field.

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Far East

A Canadian force of about 1,000 men arrives in Hong Kong in order to increase the defense garrison of the British colony.
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The British steamer Empire Defender (5649t), en route to Malta, is sunk by Italian bombing 18 miles south of Galita Island with the loss of 4 of her crew. The remainder of the crew are made prisoners of war.

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White Sea

2 Russian ships are torpedoed by U-752.

Sunday, November 16th

Eastern Front

The German forces continue to overrun the Crimea. Kerch falls to the XLII Corps under Gen Graf Hans von Sponeck, one wing of the attack while Sevastopol is now being besieged by the German 11th Army. The Soviet resistance is Sevastopol will become very stubborn.

In the Moscow sector the new German drive makes some slow advances. Severe winter conditions are reported along the entire front. Russian ski troops go into action for the first time.


A Soviet spoiling attack by the Soviet 16th Army against units of the 9th Army and 3rd Panzer Group fails. The Germans then counterattack, forcing a crossing of the Lama River. The 4th Panzer Group then attacks the 16th Army, tearing it to pieces and also mauling the 30th Army to the north. The only success for the Red Army is its attacks against XIII Corps, which suffers heavily.


The 1st Panzer Group resumes its drive to Rostov. Soviet losses in the battle for the city thus far have been high: Southwestern Front, 11,200 killed and missing; Southern Front, 132,000 killed and missing. In the Crimea the Germans take Kerch, capturing 100,000 troops as they do so. During the Crimea battles, the Red Army has lost 48,000 killed and missing, 15,000 wounded, plus 700 artillery pieces and 160 tanks captured or destroyed.[MORE]

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The Japanese Fleet disappears from US surveillance in the Pacific.

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The British corvette Marigold sinks U-433 south of Malaga, Spain with the loss of 6 crewmen. 38 of the crew are rescued.

Flower Class Corvette (HCMS Moncton)

Flower Class Corvette


ClassType VIIC
CO Kapitänleutnan Werner-Karl Schultze
Location Mediterranean, S of Malaga
Cause Depth charge
Casualties 6
Survivors 38
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Monday, November 17th

Baltic Sea

The German steamer Schwaneck (2194t) sinks on a mine near Stettin.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Bovey Tracey (1212t) is sunk by German bombing northeast of Norwich. The entire crew are rescued.
  • The Vichy submarine Le Heros sinks the Norwegian steamer Thode Fagelund (5757t) 35 miles east of East London, South Africa. The entire crew are rescued.
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Gen Chiang Kai-shek urges immediate action by the democratic nations against Japan.

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Diplomatic Relations

Foreign Minister Shigenori Togo says an understanding with the US is still possible if Washington will 'understand Japan's national requirements and her position in East Asia and consider the situation as it exists there in the light of realities.' He also says any threat will be met with resolve and there is a limit to Japan's conciliatory attitude.

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Eastern Front

Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi Party 'racial expert' and ideologist, is appointed to head a new Reich Ministry called the Reichskommissariat Ostland over the Baltic states and White Russia (Belorussia). His main tasks will be to exploit these areas for German economic benefit and to rid them of the 'undesirable elements' of their populations, such as Jews and Communist supporters. Throughout their occupation the German authorities treat the population with ever-increasing brutality. This plays into the hands of the Soviet authorities who are trying to organize partisan bands and ensure the continued loyalty of the people to the Soviet state.

In the fighting at the front the advance of 1st Panzer Group continues to go well in the southern sector near Rostov, but the Soviet 9th and 37th Armies begin a counterattack on the flank of the German drive. Gen Timoshenko is in overall charge of the Soviet forces in the south.


The Stavka transfers the 30th Army from the Kalinin to the West Front to cover the crumbling Klin sector and provide support to the 16th Army. Rokossovsky's flanks have collapsed under the force of the German attacks and his divisions are being bled to death, 3 having lost touch with army headquarters.


von Kleist pins down the 18th Army as it attempts to counterattack. The III Panzer Corps leads the assault that aims to bypass and isolate Rostov. To support the assault against Rostov, the German 11th Army transfers the 73rd Infantry Div to the 1st Panzer Group, which is pinning down the Soviet 18th Army as it strikes toward the city. The Soviet 37th Army also counterattacks, attacking without artillery preparation it pushes 10 miles into the German flank. In spite of this, the III Panzer Corps continues to concentrate its firepower upon the 56th Independent Army. The 56th has at its disposal 86,500 soldiers, while the South Front, minus the 12th Army, has a further 262,000 men.

To support the attack upon Rostov, Manstein's 11th Army hands the 73rd Infantry Division over to the 1st Panzer Army control. This move weakens Manstein's plan of attack on Sevastopol.

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Germany, Home Front

Col-Gen Ernst Udet, Director-General of Luftwaffe equipment commits suicide in despair at the ever-increasing losses in Russia, the failure of his bomber development program and his secondary role. He was 45. The true facts of his death are concealed by Göring until January as he announces that Udet is killed testing a new airplane and is given a hero's funeral. Field Marshal Milch takes his place.

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North Africa

In Operation FLIPPER British commandos led by Lt-Col Geoffrey Keyes raid Rommel's headquarters at Beda Littoria west of Tobruk. Rommel is away attending a birthday party in Gazala. Keyes is killed and only 2 commandos escape.

Lt-Col Geoffery Keyes

Lt-Col Geoffery Keyes
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Tuesday, November 18th

Baltic Sea

The Russian submarine L-2 hits a mine and sinks south of Finland. Losing his life is the 'sailor-poet' Lt Aleksei Lebedev, aged 29.

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Britain, Command

Gen Sir Alan Francis Brooke is chosen to replace Gen Sir John Greer Dill as Chief of the Imperial General Staff (the British Army Staff). Gen Dill will go to Washington to lead the British military mission there and Gen Bernard Paget becomes Commander in Chief, Home Forces in place of Brooke. These appointments will take effect in December.

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Eastern Front

One of Guderian's infantry divisions loses heavily in fighting near Venev in a counterattack sent in by one of the fresh Soviet Siberian divisions. There is a series of similar brief Soviet attacks against Guderian's force during the next few days which do much to confine the German attempts to advance.


The Soviet 52nd Army encircles units of the XXXVIII Corps at Malaya Vyshera. German counterattacks fail to dislodge the Soviets from the town.


The 3rd and 4th Panzer Groups and 9th Army continue to grind into Soviet defenses north of Moscow. The German 4th Army, however, fails to cross the Oka River due to Red Army resistance.
To the south, the XXIV Panzer Corps attack the 50th Army, but then a counterattack from Venev causes panic among German units. To avoid this sector crumbling altogether, Guderian is forces to counterattack with the XLVII Panzer Corps into the right flank of the Western Front.


The Soviet 37th Army continues to attack the 1st Panzer Group.

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Japan, Policy

The House of Representatives in Tokyo passes a resolution expressing hostility towards the US.

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North Africa

A new British offensive, Operaton CRUSADER, begins with an advance by XXX Corps over the Egyptian border into Libya. The British forces in the desert are now organized as 8th Army with Lt-Gen Alan Cunningham in command. The plan calls for the XXX Corps to outflank the German frontline defenses on the south of Sidi Omar, before advancing astride the Trigh el Abd. This move, however, would create a dangerous gap between the 2 corps of the 8th Army. Cunningham attempts to fill it by detaching Brig Alec Gatehouse's 4th Armored Brigade with supporting infantry from the 7th Armored Div. It would be able to protect left flank of Lt-Gen Reade Godwin-Austen's XIII Corps or assist Lt-Gen Willoughby Norrie's XXX Corps in the main armored thrust as proved necessary.

Operation CRUSADER Begins

Operation C<small>RUSADER</small> Begins

The British have about 450 cruiser tanks and 132 infantry models in their main forces with more in the Tobruk garrison. They also have good reserve stocks of all equipment. The cruiser tanks are concentrated in XXX Corps which leads the British attack. There are problems with the reliability and gun power of the British tanks and, far more importantly, defects in the tactical training of their armored units. And, Gen Cunningham has no experience of commanding tank units.

On or near the frontier there are garrisons in fortified areas on the coastal routes to west and east with 21st Panzer supporting them. The 15th Panzer Div is near Tobruk as is the bulk of the Italian force which is around Tobruk and to the south. The Germans have about 180 Mk III and IV tanks with another 220 of the much weaker Italian and other German models. Rommel was intending to attack Tobruk on November 21 and has, therefore, enough supplies for a short sharp battle, but not for the prolonged brawl which will in fact ensue. The British deception measures have been good and because of this and his determination to attack Tobruk, Rommel will not react promptly to the British attack. He is in fact returning to North Africa from Rome when the British moves begin.

The immediate goal of the operation is to reinforce the Tobruk bridgehead with the ultimate goal being the recapture of Cyrenaica and, if successful, to invade Tripolitania. The rather vague British plan is to advance round the inland flank to the area of Gabr Saleh and Sidi Rezegh, draw the Germans into making attacks and destroy their tank forces.

Heavy rain and storms the previous night prevent the Desert Air Force from making raids on the Axis airfields in order to reduce Axis interference from the air. The Axis airfields are raided over the next 2 days and numerous aircraft are destroyed on the ground.

Matilda Tanks Outside Tobruk

Matilda Tanks Outside Tobruk

Initially all goes well as the 8th Army units meet little resistance as they move up to the positions held by the Afrika Korps. The moves are observed by the German 3rd and 33rd Reconnaissance Units detached from the 21st and 15th Panzer Divs respectively. By evening XXX Corps has reached Gabr Saleh, but Rommel's armor has still not been sighted.

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A force of 11 Japanese submarines leaves their home ports to go to take up stations off Hawaii or to take part in other scouting missions. A further 9 vessels sails toward Hawaii from Kwajalein.

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Wednesday, November 19th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The German 2nd Motor Torpedo Boat Flotilla attacks Convoy FS-650 off Great Yarmouth. The British tanker War Mehtar (5502t) is sunk by S-104. The entire crew are rescued. S-105 sinks the British steamer Aruba (1159t) with the loss of 1 of her crew. The British steamer Waldinge (2462t) is badly damaged by S-41 with the loss of 1 of her crew. The damaged ship sinks on the 20th.
  • The British submarine Rorqual lays a minefield off La Rochelle, France. The French trawler Coligny (600t) sinks on a mine in this minefield.
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Reinhard Heydrich with the Crown Jewels

Reinhard Heydrich with the Crown Jewels

Eastern Front


Fighting around Tikhvin intensifies as the 4th Army's northern group fights to cut the Tikhvin-Volkhov road and prevent the German withdrawal while the southern group aims to cut the Tikhvin-Budogosh road. The Germans move the 61st Infantry Division up to reinforce the Tikhvin sector. the 52nd Army continues to batter the XXXVIII Corps at Malaya Vyshera.


Attacks by the 3rd Panzer Group has forced apart the 16th and 30th Armies, prompting the West Front to form Group Zakharov (Gen Georgy) with 3 divisions and 2 brigades to cover the gap in the line before Klin. To reinforce the 30th Army, Zhukov moved the 58th Tank Division, with just 350 men and 15 tanks, from the 16th Army.

A new thrust by the 4th Panzer Group hits the right wing of the 5th Army, pushing it back toward Zvenigorod and threatening its junction with the 16th Army. In an effort to prevent an immediated collapse, the Stavka diverts a rifle division and tank brigade from the already under strength 33rd Army to the 5th. To cover the increasingly exposed Volokolamsk-Istra axis that is being hard pressed by the 4th Panzer Group, the Soviets have 3 rifle and 2 cavalry division plus tthe 1st Guards Tank Brigade. The slow pace of the advance comples Hoeppner to commit the XL Panzer, IX and V Corps to the attack.


The III Panzer Corps fights its way through the heavily defended streets of Rostov. Fighting is extremely bitter as the 56th Army defends every street, exacting a high price on the 14th Panzer Division as it pushes deeper into the city. The 60th Motorized Division is involved in heavy fighting as it tries to protect the exposed flank and rear of the 14th Panzer. To the north the 37th Army launches a fierce attack and routs the XIV Panzer Corps, throwing it back and threatening the rear of the III Panzer Corps in Rostov.

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German Raiders

The Australian light cruiser Sydney finds a suspicious ship disguised as a Dutch merchantman in an area about 170 miles west of Western Australia. After an exchange of signals the Sydney rashly approaches close to the ship which opens fire with guns and torpedoes crippling the cruiser with the first salvo. The ship is in fact the German raider Kormoran. Sydney manages to fight back and both ships later sink. The Kormoran has sunk 11 ships of 68,300 tons during its cruise. News of the battle only becomes known when some of the crew of the Kormoran are found later on a South Pacific island. 76 crewmen are lost on the German ship. There are no survivors from Sydney; over 600 are lost. This is the only case of a mercatile auxiliary cruiser sinking a regular warship of any size during the war.

HMAS Sydney

HMAS <i>Sydney</i>
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North Africa

During the morning the 7th Armored Div splits up searching for Rommel. The 7th Armored Brigade heads for Sidi Rezegh, the 22nd Armored Brigade on its left flank makes for Bir el Gubi, and the 4th Armored Brigade stays at Gabr Saleh except for the 3rd Battalion of the Royal Tank Regt whic moves northwest after the German light forces.

The British 7th Arm Brigade advances easily to Sidi Rezegh but on the left flank the other parts of 7th Arm Div are heavily engaged. At Bir el Gubi,on the left flank of the British line, Brig John Scott-Cockburn's 22nd Armored charges the Italian positions. The Italian Ariete Division puts up a stout resistance to a wasteful, unnecessary and badly conducted attack by the 22nd Armored Brigade. 34 Italian tanks are destroyed, 15 are damaged and 12 guns are knocked out. 25 British Crusaders are destroyed while the Italians still hold their ground.

On the right flank Brig Alexander H. Gatehouse's 4th Armored Brigade with the 8th Hussars and 5th Royal Tank Regiment charges into the 5th Panzer Regt under Lt-Col Stephen. The Germans lose 3 tanks, the 4th Armored Brigade loses 23 Stuarts, 12 of which are repaired later.

Brig George Davy's 7th Armored Brigade is the most successful this day. About 1630 it overruns the Sidi Rezegh airfield destroying 19 planes on the ground.

Both British and Germans would have done better to concentrate their forces. The British have more than 40 tanks out of action already whereas the Germans have lost only a handful.

A Knocked-out German Tank

A Knocked-out German Tank

Crossing an Enemy Minefield

A British Column Moving Across an Enemy Minefield

Captured German Guns

Captured German Guns

Troops Negotiating Barbed Wire

Troops Negotiating Barbed Wire
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Thursday, November 20th

Diplomatic Relations

The Japanese envoy extraordinary to Washington, Saburo Kurusu, with Ambassador Nomura, presents his government's final proposals for the resolution of the crisis of relations between Japan and the United States. He stresses that Japan 'never pledged itself to a policy of expansion', but the tone of the proposals are really an ultimatum by which the US would not aid the Chinese and let the Japanese have a free hand in China and Indochina.

Pres Roosevelt drafts his own compromise plan to break the deadlock with Japan. He is willing to resume oil shipment to Japan and have the US participate in direct negotiations between Japan and China. In return the Japanese will send no more troops overseas and not comply with terms of the Tripartite Pact, even if the US becomes involved in an European war. China opposes these proposals as does Churchill and they are withdrawn. Instead, the US substitutes proposals outlined by Sec of State Hull which are submitted to Tokyo. They are far more severe and constitute a counterultimatum to the Japanese.

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Eastern Front

In the southern sector, after failing in a flanking movement the Germans capture Rostov-on-Don with a bloody frontal assault. Rostov is strategically located, as it sits at the mouth of the Don River on the Sea of Azov. The way to Stalingrad and the Caucasus is now open.

Starving Civilians in the Streets of Leningrad

Starving Civilians in the Streets of Leningrad

In the north, a stalemate has set in before Leningrad, but the weather is becoming a big factor as cold and hunger claim more and more victims among the population. Since the German siege began, rations are reduced for the fifth time. Workers and special personnel now receive 8-3/4 oz of bread per day, with other food stuff bringing the daily ration up to 1,667 calories. Children are getting 644 calories while old persons and others not engaged in productive activities 466 calories. A normal ration in a cold climate like that of Leningrad would be over 3,000 calories. 'The people were not strong enough to dig graves in the frozen earth. The dead were left beside the cemeteries wrapped in a blanket, and generally buried in common graves excavated with dynamite. In the spring thousands of bodies were discovered that had remained covered in snow throughout the winter.'


The Soviet 52nd Army continues its actions at Malaya Vyshera, as the Germans feed troops into Tikhvin in the face of thr 4th Army's assaults.


The Germans inflict major casualties on the Soviet 5th, 16th, 30th and 50th Armies. The 3rd Panzer Group makes good progress, although the 4th Panzer Group is suffering losses. The XXIV Panzer Corps captures Tim.


Most of Rostov has fallen to the Germans, together with 10,000 prisoners. But the Soviet 56th Independent Army continues to launch attacks, and there now exists a gap between the 1st Panzer Group and the German 17th Army. In addition, the III Panzer Corps has to switch the 13th and 14th Panzer Divs to Tuslov to counter the continuing attacks by the Soviet 37th Army.

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North Africa

Brig John C. Campbell's 7th Support Group joins Brig George Davy's 7th Armored Brigade while Brig Bertram F. Armstrong's 5th South African Brigade also prepares to move to his aid while Brig Dan Pienaar's 1st South African Brigade covers Bir el Gubi. Meanwhile the British XIII Corps begins to wheel around the Axis frontier defenses at Sidi Omar. Gen Cunningham feels sufficiently in control of the situation to order the Tobruk garrison to begin break-out attacks and, in the evening, orders are sent to Maj-Gen Ronald Scobie to begin a breakout action on the following day.

Throughout the day the 8th Army consolidates its advantages helped by the fact that Rommel's armor is still widely separated. Lt-Col Stephen withdraws in the morning to rejoin the rest of the 21st Panzer before the division moves off in pursuit of the 3rd Royal Tanks, who had rejoined the 4th Armored Brigade earlier in the day. The pursuit proves to be a wild goose chase which ends when the 21st Panzer Div runs out of fuel. While the German division is replenishing, the 5th Panzer Regt attacks the 4th Armored Brigade on its own about 1630. The main assault falls on the 3rd Royal Tank Regiment. Brig Gatehouse's unit loses 26 tanks.

During the night the 22nd Armored Brigade arrives to assist Gatehouse's 4th Armored Brigade. Lt-Gen Ludwig Crüwell concentrates his Afrika Korps bringing up the 21st Panzer. Rommel is beginning to appreciate the extent of the British aims and orders his panzer divisions to follow the enemy tanks heading toward Tobruk with their objective being the airfield at Sidi Rezegh. The airfield lies on a little plateau about 3 miles wide running roughly southeast to northwest between 2 of the 3 escarpments or rocky cliffs bound in the area. The escarpments are called by the British the 1st, 2nd and 3rd escarpments, from the sea inland. South of the airfield is the 3rd Escarpment, the highest part being Point 178. The 2nd Escarpment forms the northern boundary of the plateau, its most prominent feature being a natural one called Point 175, and it runs almost due east of the airfield. North of the 2nd Escarpment lies the Trigh Capuzzo, the middle of 3 routes running west from the frontier. Beyond this is the 1st Escarpment, and to the northwest again of the latter is Tobruk.

Both British and Germans still fail to concentrate their tank forces properly. The British 4th Arm Brigade is again mauled, this time by 15th Pzr. The 7th Arm Brigade is still active around Sidi Rezegh and 22nd Arm Brigade is moving to join 4th Arm. Gen Cunningham feels sufficiently in control of the situation to order the Tobruk garrison to begin break-out attacks, but in fact Rommel is beginning to appreciate the extent of the British aims and orders his pzr divs toward Sidi Rezegh at the end of the day.

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Occupied Poland


German Jews Arrive in the Ghetto

German Jews Arrive in the Ghetto
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Vichy, Politics

It is announced that Gen Weygand has retired from his posts in North Africa. He is actually dismissed; his title was Delegate General of Vichy France in North Africa. He has been removed after German pressure because of his non-cooperation with them.

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Friday, November 21st

Eastern Front

In the southern sector, Rostov is captured by 1st Panzergruppe units after a paricularly fierce battle. The 17th Army spreads out over the industrial and mineral area of the Donetz basin.


The 4th Panzer Group, having penetrated the junction of the 5th and 33rd Armies, turn to hit the flank of the 33rd Army in an effort to cut the Naro Fominsk-Kubinka road and open up the rear of the 5th Army. The threat to the northern wing grows as the 3rd Panzer Group pounds the 16th and 30th Armies. Zhukov orders Rokossovsky to ensure that Klin and Solnechnogorsk are held, despite the fact that German attacks have already encircled Solnechnogorsk and penetrated into the outskirts of Klin. To the south, the 2nd Panzer Army advances steadily, capturing Uzlovaya with the LIII Corps after a bitter battle.

German Mechanized Troops

German Mechanized Troops

The 1st Panzer Army's control of Rostov is increasingly threatened by the attacks of the 9th and 37th Armies from the north. The 56th Independent Army keeps up the pressure on the III Panzer Corps, launching constant attacks from across the frozen Don. Fighting continues into and through the night. Just as von Rundstedt's stated before the offensive, while the 1st Panzer can conquer Rostov it can not hold the city, its own weakness and the growing strength of the Soviet forces arrayed against it are proving too much.

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Italian East Africa

The Allied attacks on Culquaber southeast of Gondar are renewed with greater force and after a stout resistance the Italian defenders, commanded by Col Augusto Ugolini, surrender. The Italians are now confined to the immediate area of Gondar.

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During the night and continuing into the next day, there are considerable Axis convoy operations because of the growing supply difficulties of their force in North Africa. 2 of the escorting cruisers are badly hit, the Luigi di Savoia Duca Degli Abruzzi, by a Malta-based British torpedo plane and the other, the Trieste, by the British submarine Utmost. The British Malta naval forces search for the Italian ships but cannot find them.

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North Africa

Both German tank divisions attack the 7th Armored Brigade at Sidi Rezegh and by the end of the day the British force has about 20 tanks left out of its original 141. A break-out attempt by the Tobruk garrison is brought to a halt when the expected help from 7th Armored Brigade cannot arrive. The British 4th and 22nd Armored Brigades are moving toward Sidi Rezegh.[MORE]

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Norwegian Sea

The German steamer Bessheim (1774t) sinks on a mine off Hammerfest, Norway on a mine laid by the Soviet submarine K-21 on the 10th.

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Saturday, November 22nd

Diplomatic Relations

Secretary Hull tells the Japanese that the US and other governments with interests in the Pacific feel that the general differences with Tokyo 'could be settled if the Japanese could give us some satisfactory evidences that their intentions were peaceful.'

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Eastern Front

The Germans capture Rostov-on-Don.


Gen Georg-Hans Reinhardt's 3rd Panzer Group fights in Klin and Solnechnogorsk. The 16th Army is unable to hold the German attacks. Late in the day, the 4th Panzer Group penetrates between the 5th and 16th Armies, entering Istra and threatening to unhinge the Soviet defenses west of Moscow. Lead units of the 3rd Panzer Group are only 30 miles north of Moscow while the 2nd Panzer Army is fighting near Venev and Tula as it launches strong attacks in an effort to dislodge the 50th Army.

Foreign Journalists Inspect Nazi Plane

Foreign Journalists Inspect Nazi Plane

Heavy fighting around Tula compels Zhukov to move Gen Ivan Boldin's II Cavalry Corps from Serpukhov to Kashira, blocking the line of the German advance to Moscow. Boldin is instructed to prevent the fall of Kashira to the 2nd Panzer Army at all costs. On the southern wing of the 2nd Panzer Army, the XLVIII Panzer Corps comes under heavy attack near Tim. Timoshenko is trying to bring pressure to bear upon the flank of the German forces to the south of Moscow. In an effort to divert the attention away from the city, but his own lack of resources prevent any significant penetration of the German positions.

Damage in Rostov

Damage in Rostov
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German Raiders

The raider Atlantis is found and sunk by the British cruiser Devonshire while replenishing a U-boat (U-124) off the west African coast near Ascension Island. Atlantis has sunk 22 ships of 145,700 tons during the 622 days of her cruise. On December 1 the German supply ship Python is also sunk in this area by a British cruiser. Dönitz had hoped to send a force of U-boats to work off South Africa but with the loss of these sources of supply this will not now be possible. The British successes are based on code-breaking information.

German Raider Atlantis

German Raider <i>Atlantis</i>
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Germany, Home Front

While being flown to Berlin to attend the funeral of Ernst Udet, Gen Werner Mölders, a fighter 'ace' with 115 victories, is killed in an air accident near Breslau, Silesia. He was 30.

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North Africa

There is a very confused tank battle around Sidi Rezegh in which 21st Panzer forces the British 7th and 22nd Armored Brigades to withdraw away from Tobruk. The 4th Armored Brigade loses heavily in a separate action with 15th Panzer. The 2nd New Zealand Div, part of XIII Corps, begins to move into the battle to help the British tanks. The Germans now hold the initiative, however, since they have over 170 tanks left and the British less than 150.[MORE]

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Sunday, November 23rd

Axis Diplomacy

The Danes are informed by the Germans that they must join the Anti-Comintern Pact. 'If not, Germany will cancel the agreement of the April 9, 1940, and Denmark will be regarded as an enemy country and must face the unavoidable circumstances.'

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Britain, Home Front

P. C. Wren, author of Beau Geste, dies at age 56.

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Eastern Front

In the Moscow sector the German offensive continues to make gradual gains. Progress is made on a 50-mile front northwest of the city. In these attacks Klin is captured by 3 of Hoth's Panzer Divs. Also captured are Solnechnogorsk and Istra, the last being only about 30 miles northwest of Moscow.


Heavy fighting rages at Venev as the Germans struggle to take the town from the Venev Group, a force of one rifle regiment and 2 tank brigades.


Elements of the 37th and 9th Armies reach the Tuzla River to the rear of the German forces in Rostov.


Guderian meets von Bock and stresses the tiredness of his troops. von Bock relays this information to von Brauchitsch, but is is obvious that von Brauchitsch is not allowed to make any decisions, being completely under Hitler's control.

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Japan, Planning

The officers and men of the Japaneses strike force designated to attack Pearl Harbor are informed of their mission. The force will be assembled at Tankan Bay, an anchorage at Etorofu Island in the Kuriles.

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An Axis convoy bringing fuel from Greece to Benghazi is attacked by the Malta-based Force K and loses 2 freighters. The British Mediterranean Fleet puts to sea to cover the operation.

HMS Penelope

HMS <i>Penelope</i>
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North Africa

There are more violent battles southeast of Sidi Rezegh towards Bir el Gubi. The fighting is especially hot in the afternoon when both German panzer divs and the Ariete Div make a headlong charge against the British armor and 2 South African Brigades of the 5th South African Div which have now joined the tanks. The 5th South African Brigade is virtually wiped out. The losses on the German side bring their force down to less than 100 tanks. German infantry casualties are also heavy. To the Afrika Korps the day becomes known as 'Totensonntag', 'the Sunday of the Dead'. The British losses are also high and Gen Cunningham has now lost confidence in the outcome of the battle. This brings Auchinleck, the more resolute British Commander-in-Chief, forward to take more interest in the tactical moves. Rommel does not take part in the day's main fighting but is involved farther north around Gambut where the New Zealand infantry capture the Afrika Korps HQ and much of Rommel's communications equipment.[MORE]

Stukas On Their Way to Attack British Tanks

<i>Stukas</i> On Their Way to Attack British Tanks

Gun Position in the 5th South African Brigade Area

Gun Position in the 5th South African Brigade Area
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North Sea

The Swedish steamer Hedda sinks on a mine north of Borkum. The entire crew are rescued.

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With permission from the Dutch government-in-exile in London and the Brazilian government, US forces occupy Surinam, or Dutch Guiana, to protect the strategically vital bauxite mines which provide 60 per cent of the world's supply.

Monday, November 24th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British light cruiser Dunedin is sunk by U-124 in the central Atlantic north of Pernambuco, Brazil. 419 of the crew are lost, 67 survivors are picked up by the American steamer Nishmaha and taken to Trinidad.
  • Convoy FS-654 is attacked by German motor torpedo boats east of Orfordness. S-109 sinks the British tanker Virgilia (5723t) 3 miles north of Hearty Knoll Buoy with the loss of 30 of her crew. 17 survivors are picked up by the British motor launches ML-150 and ML-152. S-52 sinks the Dutch steamer Groenlo (1984t) about 1-1/2 miles north of 52E Buoy with the loss of 10 crewmen. The British steamer Blairnevis (4155t) is damaged by S-51 off Hearty Knoll and is beached at Great Yarmouth Roads. She is refloated and towed to London for repairs in December.
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Eastern Front

The Germans evacuate Rostov because of the threat to their rear from the continuing Soviet counterattacks in this sector, notably flank attacks by the Soviet 37th Army. Field Marshal von Rundstedt is personally responsible for this move which has been expressly forbidden by Hitler.

The Germans capture Solnechaya Gora, 48 km northwest of Moscow.

Early Soviet KV-1 Tank

Early Soviet KV-1 Tank

After a bitter battle, Klin falls to the 7th Panzer Division of the LVI Panzer Corps, the 30th Army being sent reeling to the east. The battle on the road to and for Klin leaves the 30th with only 20 operational tanks and 200 artillery pieces. Solnechnogorsk also falls to the 2nd Panzer Division of the XL Panzer Corps and the 10th Motorized Div enters Michailov, while the V Corps draws even with the 4th Panzer Group, opening the road to the Moscow-Volga Canal. Istra, already under attack, forms the lynchpin of the Soviet defenses.

Panzer III in Front of Moscow

<i>Panzer III</i> in Front of Moscow

A single Siberian rifle division (78th) is deployed to hold the town and the nearby reservoir, taking up positions along the Istra River. The Stavka has ordered the battered 16th Army to fall back to a new line south of Solnechnogorsk. The 5th Army is falling back to a line Istra-Zvenigorod.


The 1st Panzer Army begins to withdraw from Rostov, von Rundstedt ordering his forces to retire quickly to the line of the Mius River due to the growing Soviet threat on the northern flank. von Rundstedt feels his forces are at risk of encirclement if they remain in Rostov, the only viable option being the withdrawal of his forces westward. OKH agrees with the Army Group South's decision to withdraw.

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The British submarine Triumph sinks the Italian tug Hercules (632t) and damages the German steamer Norburg off Heraklion.

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North Africa

Rommel believes that the British armor has largely been destroyed in the fighting of the 23rd and, ignoring the New Zealand infantry, decides to collect his armor and advance along the Trigh el Abd to the Egyptian frontier. This move becomes known as 'the dash to the wire'. Although it causes some panic (the 'Matruh Stakes') in 8th Army's rear echelons, the German forces take some losses from harrying attacks and more significantly have loosened their grip on the British tank units. Rommel and the senior generals with him are out of touch with the situation.

Gen Auchinleck directs the 8th Army 'to attack and pursue. All out everywhere.'[MORE]

German forces in Libya receive air reinforcements.

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United States, Planning

US Navy commanders in the Pacific are warned that talks with the Japanese are unlikely to produce results and it seems Tokyo's forces are preparing for military action. Washington alerts the officers to be aware of the possibility of 'a surprise aggressive movement in any direction, including [an] attack on Philippines or Guam.' Japanese trasports have already been observed moving in the direction of the Malayan Peninsula from Formosa.

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United States, Policy

Lend-lease aid for the Free French is approved by the US.

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HMS Dunedin

HMS <i>Dunedin</i>

Tuesday, November 25th

Axis Diplomacy

On the fifth anniversay of its drafting, the Anti-Comintern Pact is renewed in Berlin. Signing are German, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Manchukuo (the Japanese-controlled part of Northern China previously called Manchuria), Spain and now also Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Rumania, Slovakia and the puppet Chinese government at Nanking.

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Denmark, Home Front

There are demonstrations in Copenhagen to protest Denmark's forced adherence to the Anti-Comintern Pact.

Eastern Front

In the Moscow sector, northwest of the capital, the Germans attack the town of Istra.[MORE]

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Germany, Home Front

The first prototype of the Me-262 fighter fails to take off with 2 experimental jet engines and 1 piston engine. (See July 18, 1941.)

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Italian East Africa

The British forces take Tadda Ridge, 7 miles from Gondar.

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  • In covering sorties by Allied cruiser forces against Italian re-supply convoys heading for Libya, the battleship Barham is hit by 4 torpedoes and blows up in an attack delivered by U-331 under the command of Lt Hans-Diedrich Freiherr von Tiesenhausen. 862 men lose their lives. 449 survivors are rescued by the British destroyers Jervis, Jackal, Nizam and Hotspur.

    HMS Barham After Being Torpedoed

    HMS <i>Barham</i> After Being Torpedoed

    The Barham About To Capsize

    The <i>Barham</i> About To Capsize

    The Explosion of the Barham

    The explosion of the <i>Barham</i>
  • The British destroyer Thrasher sinks the Italian armed merchant cruiser Attilo Deffenu (3510t) near Brindisi.
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North Africa

Over the next two days the German panzer divs dissipate their strength in attacks on British positions around Capuzzo and Sidi Azeiz.[MORE]

Sidi Rezegh, 25 November 1941

Sidi Rezegh, 25 November 1941
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  • The US Navy begins to establish compulsory convoying of merchant vessels.
  • American ships off Formosa (Taiwan) sight a Japanese military convoy presumably en route for Malaya.
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Wednesday, November 26th

Baltic Sea

The German steamer Egeran (1143t) sinks on a mine off Memel.

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Diplomatic Relations

The Japanese proposals of November 20 are rejected because they 'contain some features which, in the opinion of this Government, conflict with the fundamental principles which form a part of the general settlement under consideration and to which each Government declared that it is committed.' The US does suggest 'that further effort be made to resolve our divergencies of view in regard to the practical application of the fundamental principles . . .'

Roosevelt and Hull decide to present a stiff 10-point note of final terms to the Japanese. It demands that the Japanese leave China and Indochina, recognize the Chinese Nationalist Government and withdraw from the alliance with the Axis.. The Americans promise in return to negotiate new trade and raw materials agreement.

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Eastern Front

The Germans capture Klin 85 km northwest of Moscow.


The 7th Panzer Div is now at the Moscow-Volga Canal. Fierce battles rage at Istra as the 2nd SS Motorized Division Das Reich and the 10th Panzer Division attack the 78th Rifle Division in the town. The 10th Panzer is operating with just 7 tanks. The 17th Panzer Division pushes toward Kashira amid running battles with the II Cavalry Corps. In recognition of its efforts, the II Cavalry Corps is renamed the I Guards Cavalry Corps. The LIII Corps reaches the Don and encircles a Siberian division against the river near Donskoye. The isolated force continues to fight on, the LIII Corps' weakness preventing the destruction of the pocket.

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North Africa

Toward the end of the day Rommel realizes that the British armor is quietly regrouping in the Sidi Rezegh area and that the New Zealand infantry are continuing to move toward Tobruk. He therefore begins to move his tank forces back in that direction.

Gen Cunningham is relieved of command of 8th Army. Auchinleck's Chief of Staff, Gen Neil Ritchie, takes over, but Auchinleck himself will take a closer interest in the tactical control of the battle.[MORE]

British Crusader Tank Passing a Burning German Tank

British Crusader Tank Passing a Burning German Tank
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France, Politics

Free France proclaims the independence of Lebanon.

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The Japanese Pearl Harbor Attack Force under the command of Vice-Adm Chuichi Nagumo leaves its bases in northern Japan (Tankan Bay in the Kurile Islands) to move to the northern Pacific in order to approach Pearl Harbor from an unexpected direction. The force consists of 6 carriers, Zuikaku, Hiryu, Akagi, Shokaku, Kogi and Soryu, 2 battleships, Hiei and Kirishima, 2 cruisers, Tone and Chikuma, 11 destroyers (Tanikaze, Urakaze, Isokaze, Hamakaze,Kasumi, Arare, Kagero, Shiranuhi, Akigumo), Ushio, Akebono), 28 submarines and 423 aircraft all observing radio silence.

Japanese Carrier Strike Force

Japanese Carrier Strike Force
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Thursday, November 27th

SB2U Vindicator Scout Bomber on Anti-Submarine Patrol

SB2U Vindicator Scout Bomber on Anti-Submarine Patrol

Eastern Front

In the southern sector the Soviet forces have now reoccupied Rostov as their offensive goes on. The attack in the area is led by the Soviet 37th Army and part of the 2nd Army. The German 1st Panzer Group is retreating toward Taganrog.

In the Moscow sector Guderian's forces have been fighting around Kashira for 3 days, but it is agreed that they cannot continue their drive toward Moscow unless reinforced. This distance of 19 miles is as close as they will get. They will be able to maintain limited attacks for a few days, however.


The Kalinin Front begins a series of counterattacks against the left flank of Army Group Center. The 9th Army repels repeated Soviet attacks but have to divert forces from the support of the 3rd Panzer Group to deal with this threat. Heavy fighting rages at Istra as hand-to-hand battles surge through this small town.

German Army Advancing in Winter Conditions

German Army Advancing in Winter Conditions

The fighting at Kashira intensified as the Guard's cavalry counterattacked, halting the northward march of the 17th Panzer Division. The LIII Corps is unable to prevent the escape of the encircled unit at Donskoye, which rejoins the main combat line despite the loss of much of its heavy equipment.

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Italian East Africa

The Allied attack on Gondar goes in and quickly makes progress despite the very rugged terrain.

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U-559 sinks the Australian sloop Parramatta off Bardia, Libya. 138 of her crew are lost. 24 survivors are picked up by the British destroyer escort Avon Vale.

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North Africa

The seige of Tobruk is raised as the British forces capture all the positions on the 2nd Escarpment. Rommel reluctantly agrees to send the panzer divisions back to the Sidi Rezegh-Tobruk area abandoning his movements toward the frontier.[MORE]

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United States, Policy

All US military forces are placed on a 'final alert' status while Adm H. R. Stark issues his Pacific units a 'war warning'. It is said from Washington 'an aggressive move by Japan is expected within the next few days.'

US Army Nurses at Gas Mask Training

US Army Nurses at Gas Mask Training
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Friday, November 28th

Baltic Sea

The German steamer Henny (764t) sinks on a mine off Memel.

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German POWs

German POWs

Eastern Front


Labor Battalion Soldiers in Moscow

Labor Battalion Soldiers in Moscow

A newly reinforced and revitalized 4th Army launches furious attacks at Tikhvin, pinning down the I Corps. The 52nd and 54th Armies continue their attacks against the northern and southern flanks of the salient. Slowly but surely the 18th Army is squeezed back to the west.


With the 7th Panzer and 14th Motorized Divisions just 20 miles north of Moscow at Yakhroma, the Soviets deploy the 1st Shock Army from their reserve. The advance has cost the Germans their last ounce of strength, many units being severely depleted in the costly fighting and atrocious weather. After a bitter battle, the 2nd SS Division Das Reich and the 10th Panzer Division capture Istra. Farther south, the XLIII Corps comes under heavy attack as the West Front attempts to pin down the 4th Army.

Outskirts of Moscow

Outskirts of Moscow

Behind the combat line, the 10th Army completes its march to Ryazan. Gen Filipp Golikov's army stands poised to enter fighting south of Moscow where it threatens the exposed right wing of the 2nd Panzer Army. To reinforce the hard pressed 16th Army, the 5th, 33rd, 43rd and 49th Armies each gave up a rifle division. Operational Group Lizyukov (Gen Alexander) is formed around these divisions, later going on to become the 20th Army. The 5th Army is instructed to form a mobile reserve to secure its junction with the 16th Army. Its group numbers just 800 men and 21 tanks.


The 56th and 9th Armies recapture most of Rostov, the III Panzer Corps retreating from the cement factory. The bulk of the 1st Panzer Army falls back to the Mius, hotly pursued by the South Front. With Rostov virtually lost and the 1st Panzer Army in retreat, Hitler countermands von Rundstedt's order and insists that the 1st Panzer hold its positions.

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Hitler Meets with Grand Mufti Amin al Husseini

Hitler Meets with Grand Mufti Amin al Husseini

Indian Ocean

The Prince of Wales and the Repulse both arrive at Colombo, Ceylon.

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Italian East Africa

Gondar, the last outpost being occupied by the Italians, capitulates. Gen Gugliemo Nasi, commanding the Italian forces, decides to ask for terms. These are agreed and the 22,000 Italians surrender. Mussolini's East African Roman Empire has ceased to exist. In less then a year the Italian force of 350,000 men was totally defeated by a combined allied force of 21,500.


Japan, Policy

Japan's foreign ministry advises its embassies throughout the world the relations with the US and Britain has reached an extremely critical stage.

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  • The Dutch submarine O-21 sinks U-95 east of Gibraltar with the loss of 33 crewmen. 12 survivors are picked up by the Dutch submarine and taken to Gibraltar.


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Kapitänleutnant Gerd Schreiber
    Location Mediterranean, E of Gibraltar
    Cause Submarine attack
    Casualties 33
    Survivors 12
  • The Italian steamer Priaruggia (1196t) is sunk by British bombing at Benghazi.
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North Africa

There is renewed heavy fighting around Sidi Rezegh with the German tank forces trying to wipe out the link between the New Zealand infantry and the Tobruk garrison. Gen Johann von Ravenstein, commander of the 21st Panzer Div, is captured when a Bren gunner shoots up his staff car.[MORE]

British Marmon-Herrington Armored Cars

British Marmon-Herrington Armored Cars
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Saturday, November 29th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The German 4th Motor Torpedo Boat Flotilla attacks Convoy FN-564 northwest of Cromer. S-51 sinks the British steamer Cormarsh (2848t) half a mile north of the 58A Buoy. The entire crew are rescued. S-52 sinks the British steamer Empire Newcomen (2840t) 5 miles south of Dudgeon Light with the loss of 10 of her crew. S-64 sinks the British tanker Asperity (699t) with the loss of 10 crewmen.
  • U-43 sinks the British steamer Thornliebank (5569t) from Convoy OS-12 240 miles north-northwest of the Azores with the loss of the entire crew of 75.
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Diplomatic Relations

The US warns Britain of an impending attack by the Japanese in the Asia-Pacific area.

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Eastern Front

In the Moscow sector German tank forces commanded by Gen Georg-Hans Reinhardt reach the Moscow-Volga Canal and manage to cross in in the Dmitrov area. The Germans here are coming up against some of the fresh Siberian units and more of the Germans tank force is being tied down here because of the fierce Soviet resistance.

In the south the Russians recapture Taganrog and Rostov with a violent counter-offensive, forcing the 1st Panzer Army out of the 'Gateway to the Caucasus' and threatening to surround the German forces. This is the first setback for the Germans on the Russian front. In spite of having orders to stand firm, Von Rundstedt orders his troops to retire behind the line of the Mius River.


Lead units of the 4th Panzer Group take Dmitrov on the eastern bank of the Moscow-Volga Canal. The 16th and 30th Armies receive substantial reinforcement, much needed following their bloody battles with the 3rd and 4th Panzer Groups. The 1st Shock Army and the 10th Army are allocated to the West Front as reinforcement, but are held in reserve behind the wings of the front until the German attack grinds to a halt. As yet both the 1st Shock and 10th Armies need fleshing out, being short of men and equipment.

Germans Often Execute Partisans in Public

Germans Often Execute Partisans in Public

On the southern wing, the XLVII Panzer Corps come under fierce attack and is force to pull back from Skopin. The XXIV Panzer also comes under heavy fire around Tula. To the rear of the combat line, the Red Army brings up yet more reserve armies. The 60th deploys around Tarasovka, while the 24th is situated on the Moskva near Davidkovo. In addition, the 26th Army is at Noginsk and the 61st at Ryazan.


Fierce fighting continues as the 1st Panzer Army withdraws to the Mius, giving up Rostov to the 56th and 9th Armies. These 2 units press the Germans relentlessly but are unable to rout the retreating force.

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Finland restores its former border with the Soviet Union, reincorporating territories taken by recent military action. Finland had been forced to cede territory to the Soviet Union as part of the agreement ending the 'Winter War' in 1940.

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Japan, Home Front

Tojo restates Japan's leadership role in east Asia, 'Nothing can be permitted to interfere with this sphere because this sphere was decreed by Providence.'

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Japan, Policy

A Japanese government liaison conference decides that the final terms are unacceptable and that Japan must go to war.

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  • The Italian steamer Capo Faro (3476t), sailing from Brindisi to Benghazi, is sunk by British aircraft from Malta.
  • The Italian steamer Berbera (2093t) is sunk by British bombing at Navarino, Greece.
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North Africa

Lt-Gen Willoughby Norrie leads an attempt by the 1st South African Brigade to regain Point 175, but the attack does not go in until after dark and is repulsed with some ease.

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Occupied Soviet Union

Near Riga, the massacre of 38,000 Jews by the Germans begins.

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Sunday, November 30th

Air Operations, Europe

84 R.A.F. bombers from a force of 129 reach Hamburg to drop 138 tons of bombs.

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Axis Diplomacy

Japanese Foreign Minister Shigenori Togo informs his ambassador in Berlin that 'war may suddenly break out between the Anglo-Saxon nations and Japan . . . quicker than anyone dreams.' This note is not passed on to the Germans.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • A British Whitley bomber sinks U-206 in the Bay of Biscay with the aid of Air-to-Surface-Vessel radar (ASV). This is the first success achieved with this equipment. It also marks a period of greater British efforts to interfere with the German traffic across the Bay. The entire crew of 46 are lost on the u-boat.


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Kapitänleutnant Herbert Opitz
    Location Bay of Biscay, W of St Nazaire
    Cause Air attack
    Casualties 46
    Survivors None
  • U-43 sinks the British steamer Ashby (4868t), straggling from Convoy OS-12, 170 miles south-southeast of Flores, Azores with the loss of 17 of her crew. 33 survivors land at Fayal, Azores.
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Diplomatic Relations

The Japanese make proposals for an interim settlement with the United States. The proposals are unacceptable but Secretary Hull prepares a negotiating reply. This is not delivered because Chiang Kai-shek's government are successful in making the British and Dutch worry about the concessions offered to the Japanese in China.

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Eastern Front

Field Marshal von Rundstedt is relieved of his command of Army Group South for refusing to cancel his orders for retreat in the Rostov sector. Von Reichenau is the new commander. He is permitted to go on the defensive by Hitler rather than attack toward Rostov again. On the Soviet side Stalin gives his approval to Zhukov's plans and preparations for the coming counteroffensive in the Moscow sector.

German pressure on Moscow takes the Panzergruppen of Hoeppner and Gen Georg-Hans Reinhardt beyond Klin to Dmitrov on the Moscow-Volga canal. Guderian's group cuts the railway between Tula and Serpukhov.

According to German sources their losses from June 22 to November 30, 1941 are as follows: 162,000 dead, 33,334 missing and 572,000 wounded. In Leningrad 11,000 people have died of starvation during November. In December the figure is to rise to 52,000. At Christmas, thanks to a relarive improvement in the supply position, the bread ration for workers is increased from 8 oz to 10-1/2 oz, that for clerical and similar workers to 7 oz a day.


The XLVI and XL Panzer Corps and the V Corps tighten their grip around the Soviet 5th and 16th Armies. However, the Stavka releases the 1st Shock and 20th Armies from the reserve to relieve the pressure on the hard-pressed Soviet armies. Zhukov intends to destroy the whole of Army Group Center in front of Moscow. To achieve this he will attack on three axes: northern flank - 1st Shock, 16th, 20th and 30th Armies; center - 5th, 33rd, 43rd and 49th Armies; and southern flank - 10th and 50th Armies. These forces total 718,000 troops, 7,985 artillery pieces and 720 tanks. Facing them are 801,000 troops, 14,000 artillery pieces and 1,000 tanks of Army Group Center,which is now in a perilous state.


von Rundstedt's pulls his forces back to the Mius. The Führer accuses the field marshal of defeatism, sacks him and appoints Walter von Reichenau in his place.[MORE]

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German Raiders

The raider Komet arrives back in Hamburg after a cruise of 516 days in which 3 ships of 31,000 tons have been sunk along with 7 more in company with Orion.

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North Africa

Now the situation has changed in favor of the Axis forces. All morning German artillery has pounded the 6th New Zealand Brigade's remaining positions on the 2nd Escarpment. A force of Stukas with strong fighter escort attempts to join in the attack, but is routed by the Tomahawks of 112 Squadron R.A.F. and 3 Squadron RAAF, together claiming 15 enemy aircraft destroyed and another 15 damaged for the loss of 4 Tomahawks, but no pilots. About 1600, the 15th Panzer Div, recalled from Ed Duda, backed by German infantry from the 3rd Escarpment under Lt-Col Johann Mickl, and supported by a westward advance from Point 175 by Ariete, falls on the New Zealanders. By 1730 the whole of the 2nd Escarpment is back in Axis hands with 600 more prisoners taken. The surviving defenders retire to join the 4th New Zealand Brigade at Belhamed.

At the end of the day, after a very confusing 2-day battle and losses on both sides, the 6th New Zealand Brigade has been forced out of the fight.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


Japanese naval forces are reported to be on the move by British units based in Borneo. There are various other reports during the next few days of Japanese movements, which lead to an increase in tension in Malaysia and the East Indies, but draw no eyes toward Hawaii.

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[ October 1941 - December 1941]