Chronology of World War II

July 1941

Friday, July 11th

Air Operations, North Africa

There is a German night raid on Port Said and Ismalia.

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Eastern Front

Having driven off the Soviet counterattack, von Kleist's 1st Pzr Group renews its advance toward Kiev and adavances to within 15 miles of the city where the Soviet defense stiffens.


The Soviet 52nd Rifle Div holds a German assault on the Litsa line.


The LVII Panzer Corps attacks toward Velikiye Luki, XXXIX Panzer Corps strikes from Vitebsk toward Smolensk, and the 2nd Panzer Group pushes the 13th Army back from the Dnieper.


The Soviet 5th, 6th, 12th and 26th Armies continue in their efforts to hold the German advance, but the tanks of the 1st Panzer Group are pouring through a 40 mile gap between the Soviet 5th and 6th Armies.[MORE]

Russian Tanks under Attack

Russian Tanks under Attack
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There is a fierce air battle in the sky over the island. The Italians claim 4 British aircraft are shot down and many more are destroyed on the ground.

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During the night, the British destroyer Defender is bombed by German aircraft while making a supply run to Tobruk. The destroyer Vendetta tows her for a time before she sinks 7 miles north of Sidi Barani.

British Destroyer Defender Sinking

British Destroyer <i>Defender</i> Sinking
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Secret War

William J. Donovan is appointed to head a new civilian intelligence agency with the title 'Co-ordinator of Defense Information'. This appointment will lead to the creation of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) which will in turn develop into the modern CIA.

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Despite instructions from Vichy forbidding him to do so, Gen Dentz accepts the Allied armistice terms. The cease-fire begins at 2100 hours. The casualties in the campaign have been about 2500 on the Allied side and 3500 from the Vichy forces. In addition the Vichy authorities have had a number of prisoners flown out to Europe including a few after the armistice terms forbidding this have been agreed.

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United States, Command

Roosevelt appoints William Donovan to head a new civilian intelligence agency with the title 'coordinator of defense information'. This appointment will lead to the creation of the Office of Strategic Services(OSS) which will in turn defelop into the modern CIA.

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United States, Politics

As part of the new appropriations measures, Roosevelt asks for $3,323,000,000 for the navy and the Maritime Commission.

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[July 10th - July 12th]