Chronology of World War II

July 1941

Monday, July 14th


Yugoslavia and Montenegro see the start of armed resistance by 'partisans' against the occupying Italians and Germans. The resistance is led by the mysterious Tito (Josip Broz). There are many fabulous stories about his origin; some western journalists even say that he is a woman.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The Swedish steamer Aspen (1305t) is sunk by German bombing 45 miles from Rotterdam with the loss of 2 crewmen.
  • The Italian submarine Morosoni sinks the British steamer Rupert de Larrinaga (5358t) from dispersed Convoy OG-67 southeast of the Azores. 44 survivors are picked up by the Spanish tanker Campeche.
  • The Italian submarine Malaspina sinks the Greek steamer Nikolis (3576t) from dispersed Convoy Convoy OG-67 105 miles southwest of the Azores with the loss of 17 of her crew.
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Eastern Front

The German advance continues and the Luga River is reached in the northern sector. They now threaten Leningrad. Soviet resistance in the area is disorganized. The Russian leaders are well aware of the seriousness of the situation. The Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Front, Voroshilov, and the chief of the party organization for Leningrad, issue a general order addressed 'to all units on the northwestern front' in which it says: 'Leningrad, cradle of the proletarian revolution, is directly threatened with invasion by the enemy. While the troops in the line from the Barents Sea to Tallinn and Hanko are fighting back bravely against the hordes of the Nazi and Finnish aggressors, defending every inch of our beloved Soviet ground, the troops on the central-western front (those in the Leningrad sector) often fail to stand up to the enemy attacks and abandon their positions without fighting, and by such behavior encourage the ever-increasing arrogance of the Germans. There are cowards who not only desert the front line without orders but are spreading panic among good, brave soldiers; and in some cases officers and political leaders not only do nothing to allay the panic, but by their disgraceful conduct actually increase it, causing serious disorder at the front.'

The order goes on to warn that anyone who leaves the front line without orders from a superior will be court-martialled and may be shot 'absolutely regardless of their rank or position.' It is clear that the Russians admit that the situation is critical, but that they are determined to hold firm at any cost.


The XLI Panzer Corps approaches the mouth of the Luga, and the 8th Panzer Div captures Soltsy.


Although the German panzers are advancing north and south of Smolensk, the infantry of their 2nd and 9th Armies are struggling to keep up with the armored units and are marching up to 30 miles a day. The Soviet 13th Army engages in heavy combat with the enemy at Gorki and Mstislavl. Multiple rocket salvos are fired against the German 5th Infantry Dif by the 20th Army.

The Katyusha Enters the Battle

<i>Katyusha</i> enters the battle

The Soviet III Airborne Corps is deployed to Borispol in anticipation of a German airborne assault across the Dnieper.[MORE]

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Germany, Strategy

Anticipating victory in the USSR, Hitler orders war production away from guns and vehicles to U-boats and aircraft.

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Italian East Africa

Gen Smuts broadcasts on the destruction of the Italian Empire.

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A force of German Ju-88 bombers attacks Suez from bases in Crete causing damage to harbor installations and to ships unloading.

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The armistice is accepted by Vichy and signed at St-Jean-d'Acre in Palestine by the British and French ending the fighting in Syria and Lebanon. Syria is declared an independent nation. The agreement leaves the two Arab states under British and Free French control.

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[July 13th - July 15th]