Chronology of World War II

July 1941

Wednesday, July 9th

Air Operations, Europe

The British bomb Naples during a night raid and also Aachen.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-98 sinks the British steamer Designer (5945t), from dispersed Convoy OB-341, north-northwest of the Azores with the loss of 67 of her crew. 11 survivors are picked up by the Portuguese sailing ship Souta Princesca. The u-boat next sinks the British steamer Inverness (4897t) a little further west with the loss of 6 of her crew. 37 survivors land at Corvo Island, Azores.

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Eastern Front

The pockets earlier surrounded by Army Group Center have now all been wiped out. At least 300,000 prisoners have been taken and more than 40 divs have been eliminated from the Soviet Order of Battle along with about 2,500 tanks and 1,500 artillery pieces. 2nd and 3rd Pzr Groups are united to form 4th Pzr Army and the forces of this new formation have now crossed both the Dniepr and the Dvina, aiming to encircle Smolensk on the way to Moscow. Vitebsk is captured by the Germans.


OKH issues new orders to Army Group North regarding objectives: XLI Panzer Corps will advance to the Luga River prior to an assault against Leningrad, and LVI Panzer Corps will mount a flanking attack toward Lake Ilmen. Trying to stop them is the Northwestern Front, which to date has lost 73,900 troops killed or missing, 13,300 wounded, 2,520 tanks, 3,500 artillery pieces and 990 aircraft.


Resistance in the Minsk Pocket ends, signalling the destruction of the Soviet 3rd, 4th, 10th and part of the 13th Armies. The ruins of Vitebsk fall to the XXXIX Panzer Corps although the Soviet 19th Army continues to counterattack. To date the Western Front has lost 418,000 killed, wounded and missing; 4,800 tanks; 9,427 artillery pieces, and 1,777 aircraft. However, it has received reinforcements totalling 45 divisions, giving it a strength of 579,000 troops by early July.


The XIV Panzer Corps captures Zhitomir as the Soviet IV Mechanized Corps and units of the 6th Army batter the 11th Panzer Div at Berdichev. However, it is a temporary reprieve for the front and Kirponos orders a further retreat. Losses among the Southwestern Front have been huge: 242,000 troops, 4,400 tanks, 5,800 artillery pieces and 1,200 aircraft.[MORE]

German Tank Column Zhitomir. Ukraine, July 9, 1941.

German tank column
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North Africa

The bombardment of Tobruk by Axis aircraft and artillery continues.

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Secret War

A merchant seaman named George Armstrong is the first British traitor to be executed during World War II after offering his services to the German Consul in the United States.

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The Australian troops advancing north along the coast take Damour. There is now no obstacle blocking their approach to Beirut. Homs also falls to the Allied advance. Gen Dentz asks for an armistice on behalf of the Vichy forces.

German Tank Column Zhitomir. Ukraine, July 9, 1941.

German tank column
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[July 8th - July 10th]