Chronology of World War II

July 1941

Thursday, July 17th

Battle of the Atlantic

The Italian submarine Malaspina sinks the British steamer Guelma (4402t) north of the Canary Islands. The entire crew is rescued by the British submarine Thunderbolt.

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Diplomatic Relations

Spain's Franco issues a warning to the US to stay out of the war or face a 'catastrophe'. He added, 'The Allies have lost. . . . German arms are leading the battle . . . in which the blood of our youth is going to be mingled with that of our comrades of the Axis, as a living expression of our solidarity.'

Stalin calls on the British to open up a 'Second Front' as a means of easing the pressure on the Russian forces on the Eastern Front.

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Eastern Front

The invading forces continue their pressure all along the line. In the central sector the Germans establish an important bridgehead over the Dniepr near Mogilev, east of Minsk.

The Rumanians in the southern sector take Kishinev, the capital of Bessarabia. Near Vitebsk, Stalin's eldest son, Jakov Djugashvili, an artillery lieutenant in an armored division, is taken prisoner by the Germans.

Gen Giovanni Messe takes over command of the Italian expeditionary force in Russia.

In an attempt to stiffen resistance the political commissars are restored to the Soviet army and navy units.

Finns have reached Kollaa, a famous battlefield of the Winter War. July 17, 1941, the first day of combat in the area.

Finns Reach Kollaa

Finns Reach Kollaa

Soviet forces attacking the LVI Panzer Corps along its long line from Lake Ilmen to Dno wear themselves out, having suffered crippling casualties. The 27th Army, attacking the lines of communication of the LVI Panzer Corps, is exhausted.


The 19th Panzer Division breaks into and captures Velikiye Luki after hard fighting. At the same time, the XXXIX Panzer Corps struggles to push its way forward from Yartsevo as strong Soviet concentrations attacking from the east try to hold off the German armor.


In Moldavia, the Germans and Rumanians capture Kishinev. The Germans peel north to cross the Dneistr at Dubossary and push into the rear of the South Front, while the Rumanian 4th Army pushes southeast, across the river and Tiraspol and on to Odessa.

Jewish women and children removed from their homes in Russia on 17 July 1941

Jews Removed from their Homes

Jews Removed from their Homes

When Romanian and German units enter Kishinev, many Jews are slaughtered in the streets and in their homes. In total, around 10,000 Jews are killed (Einsatzgruppe D is active in this part of the USSR). In addition, Antonescu, dictator of Romania, issued a secret order before Operation BARBAROSSA that all Jews in Bessarabian villages were to be murdered on the spot, Jews in the towns were to be removed to ghettos and anyone who served the Soviets during their rule ws to be executed after being found guilty. Following this murder spree the occupiers established a ghetto in the town that held 11,000 Jews.

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Germany, Policy

The Gestapo issues an order providing for the killing of all Soviet prisoners of war who are, or might be, dangerous to National Socialism. The order states: 'Above all, the following must be discovered: all important functionaries of State and Party, especially professional revolutionaries ... all People's Commissars in the Red Army, leading personalities of the State ... leading personalities of the business world, members of the Soviet Russian Intelligence, all Jews, all persons who are found to be agitators or fanatical Communists.'

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During the night Axis aircraft bomb bases on thre island, and in the morning there are fierce air battles between British and Italian fighters.

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North Africa

There are more Italian and German air raids on Tobruk and on Tripoli by the British.

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[July 16th - July 18th]