Chronology of World War II

July 1941

Saturday, July 19th

Air Operations, Mediterranean

The German and Italian air offensive against Malta continues.

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Air Operations, North Africa

Benghazi and Tripoli are raided by British aircraft.

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Axis Diplomacy

Japan issues a virtual ultimatum of French authorities in Indochina which will give the Japanese full military control over the Vichy colony.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The United States Atlantic Fleet forms TF1 for the protection of the American forces on Iceland and support for convoys bound there. The carrier Wasp flies a cargo of P-40 fighters to the island. Early in August flying boats begin patrols from Iceland. The USN commits up to 25 destroyers to the Iceland operation as well as heavier forces. They are ordered to provide escorts for ships of any nationality sailing to and from Iceland.
  • U-66 sinks the British steamer Holmside (3433t) northeast of the Cape Verde Islands with the loss of 21 of her crew. 16 survivors are rescued by the Portuguese steamer Sete Cidades.

"V" for Victory! It was on JULY 19, 1941, that British Prime Minister Winston Churchill held up two fingers as a sign of victory.

It became a symbol for all Western European resistance during WWII, with V's painted on walls and over Nazi posters.

"V" for Victory!

V for Victory!
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Eastern Front

Guderian receives orders that after the Smolensk battle is over he is to move his II Panzergruppe along with the 2nd Army south to join the Kiev battle. The immediate goal will be to wipe out the Soviet 5th Army under Mikhail I. Potapov, surround Kiev and join up with I Panzergruppe in a pincer movement. This proposal is very much Hitler's idea. Guderian objects strongly, arguing that it will be far better to continue the attack toward Moscow, but his objections are overruled.


The 10th Panzer Division of the XLVI Panzer Corps reaches Elnya.


With the battle for Smolensk barely underway, Hitler issues Directive No. 33, instructing the infantry of Army Group Center to continue their advance toward Moscow, while the panzer groups, so vital to the success of the German offensive, are to transfer to the northern and southern sectors of the line to aid in the capture of Leningrad and of the eastern Ukraine. Hoth's 3rd Panzer Group is to be split apart, Kuntzen's LVII Panzer Corps moving up to the Leningrad area in order to aid the 18th Army and the 4th Panzer Group in their assault upon the city, while XXXIX Panzer Korps is to attack to the east from the Volkhov River in the general direction of the Svir River, where a junction with the Finnish Army of Karelia is planned.

The 2nd Panzer Group is to drive south, into the rear of Kirponos' Southwest Front, while the 1st Panzer Group advances north from the Kremenchug bridgehead on the Dniepr, bringing about the encirclement of Budenny's Glavkom Southwest in the Kiev region.

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Europe, Resistance

At midnight there is a BBC broadcast by 'Col Britton' urging the creation of resistance forces with the slogan 'V for Victory'. The BBC has been introducing programs to Europe with the Morse signal V for some time. Following this resistance members paint V signs on walls and German posters and it becomes a symbol for all Western European resistance movements.

A Jersey road sign with a 'V for Victory' slogan and the message 'British victory is certain'

Road Sign with a 'V for Victory'

road sign with a V for Victory

Germany, Strategy

Hitler issues Directive No 33 regarding the future direction of the war against the USSR. Regarding the war in the south, German forces are 'to destroy the enemy 6th and 12th Armies while they are still west of the Dnieper', plus the 5th Army. In the center, 'Army Group Center, while continuing to advance to Moscow with infantry formations, will use those motorized units which are not employed in the rear of the Dnieper line to cut communications between Moscow and Leningrad, and so cover the right flank of the advance on Leningrad by Army Group North'. In the north, 'the advance on Leningrad will be resumed only when 18th Army has made contact with the 4th Panzer Group and the extensive flank in the east is adequately protected by 16th Army. At the same time Army Group North must endeavor to prevent Russian forces still in action in Estonia from withdrawing to Leningrad.' Forces are also to advance on the Finnis Front north of Lake Ladoga, and the Luftwaffe is ordered to undertake an air raid against Moscow.

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The first Airmen’s School (US Army) for African Americans is dedicated on this day in Tuskegee, AL. The US Military is segregated until 1948.

Tuskegee Airmen

Tuskegee Airmen

[July 18th - July 20th]