Chronology of World War II

January 1944

Air Operations, Europe

RAF Bomber Command drops 18,000 tons of bombs this month, more than half on Berlin which is attacked by large forces on 6 nights. Brunswick and Magdeburg are also heavily hit. The American heavy bombers of 8th and 15th Air Forces drop 22,000 tons as well as destroying many German planes in the air. Aircraft factories are among the main targets, especially at Brunswick, Halberstadt and Frankfurt. Both British and American heavy bombers are sent against the V-weapon sites in the Pas de Calais. Although the US 8th Air Force now has Mustang fighters flying as escorts on its daylight raids, losses can be heavy. On January 11 a quarter of a force of 238 bombers is lost on a mission to Oschersleben. These losses do not reflect, however, the effects of attrition on the German fighter force. For night operations the Germans have now developed an airborne version of the radar-search receiver Naxos fitted to U-boats to enable them to detect centimetric radar. This is fitted to night fighters using H2S transmissions to help them home into the bomber stream. It is not sufficiently precise for the actual interception.

A whole range of communications targets in Italy and southern Europe is attacked by the Allied theater forces. After January 22 11,000 tons of bombs are dropped in support of the Anzio operation.

Air Operations, Pacific

The tempo of the Allied effort quickens here, as elsewhere. Rabaul is attacked on 13 occasions, the Marshall Islands on 11 and other targets also suffer heavy blows.

Battle of the Atlantic

During the first three months of 1944 the efforts of the German U-boats continue but with diminishing success. Altogether 54 Allied ships are lost to submarine attack during these months, but 60 U-boats are sunk. (Allied Ships Lost to U-boats this month) Some U-boats try to operate in the Western Approaches close to the British Isles, relying on new radar receivers to give warning of aircraft but this does not prove successful. On March 22 Dönitz orders all U-Boats to disperse from groups and work singly. This is the final triumph for the Allied escort forces. The Germans decide to give up convoy attacks until the new experimental types of U-Boat are available.

Saturday, January 1

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • Beginning at 0611 hours, US carrier aircraft from Task Group 37.2 attack 2 Japanese light cruisers and 2 destroyers at Kavieng, New Ireland. Damage is negligible and 1 SB2C and 2 F6Fs are lost.
  • VF-18 and VF-30 F6Fs down 13 A6M Zeros over the Kavieng area between 1045 and 1105 hours and a VF-18 F6F downs a Ki-61 'Tony' fighter at sea near Task Group 37.2 at 1352 hours.
  • V Bomber Command B-25s attack Borgen Bay, A-20s attack Japanese Army ground forces at Cape Gloucester, and V Fighter Command P-39s attack barges along the northern coast of New Britain.
  • 15 of 21 XIII Bomber Command B-24s are sent, escorted by 48 AirSols F6Fs and 25 P-38s, to attack the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul through heavy anti-aircraft fire and as many as 90 Japanese fighters. 1 B-24 is lost over the target area and 2 battle-damaged B-24s crash-land at Torokina Field on Bougainville.
  • A VMF-321 F4U downs an A6M Zero near Rabaul at 1210 hours and VF-33 and VF-40 F6Fs down 3 Japanese fighters over the Rabaul area between 1210 and 1220 hours.
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Air Operations, Europe

Battle of Berlin
Evening Ops:
  • 421 Lancasters are sent to Berlin.
  • There is a Mosquito diversionary raid to Hamburg, but does little to draw fighters away from the main bomber stream. They hit the stream early and are active against the bombers on the way to the city. 1,000 tons of bombs are dropped this night.
    • 28 Lancasters are lost.
Other Ops:
  • 15 Mosquitos are involved in the diversion to Hamburg, 11 Mosquitos are sent to Witten, 7 to Duisburg, 4 to Bristillerie, 1 to Cologne, there are 6 RCM sorties and 11 OTU sorties.
    • There are no losses.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 6 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s, escorted by 16 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s, attack a bridge spanning the Mu River at Monywa. During the attack, quite by accident, one B-25 topples two spans while pulling up to avoid a tree. This event becomes the focus of further refinement that develops into a reliable bridge-busting tactic that will be used with great success in the future.
  • 11 311th Fighter Group A-36s and 15 P-51s attack the airfield at Myitkyina.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

16 VII Fighter Command P-39s strafe the harbor at Mille and shipping in the area.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

More than 120 V Bomber Command B-25s, B-26s, and A-20s, and RAAF aircraft attack Japanese positions at Saidor with 218 tons of bombs in preparation for an amphibious assault by elements of the US 6th Army. Also, B-25s attack Alexishafen and Madang in distant support of the Saidor operation.

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Air Operations, Solomons

  • 4 XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack Manob, 2 B-24s and 6 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Kahili, and AirSols SBDs attack Japanese Army ground forces around the Bougainville perimeter.
  • The 13th Air Force activates the independent 868th Heavy Bomb Squadron to oversee radar-equipped SB-24s already operational in the region. The 5th Heavy Bomb Group’s 394th Heavy Bomb Squadron transfers its SB-24s and their crews to the 868th Heavy Bomb Squadron.
  • A VF(N)-75 F4U night-fighter downs a D3A 'Val' dive bomber near the Torokina airfield on Bougainville at 2156 hours.
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All political parties are banned.

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Britain, Home Front

Sir Edwin Lutyens, O.M., architect, dies at age 76.

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Gen Stilwell sets up the operative headquarters of 'Zebra Force', a Chinese division armed and trained by the Americans.

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Diplomatic Relations

The Russian government has rejected the proposal of the Yugoslav government-in-exile that the two should draw up a treaty of friendship and collaboration, implicitly guaranteeing the sovereignty and independence of Yugoslavia after the war. Moscow's attitude has to be considered in relation to the support given by the Russians to Marshal Tito in opposition to Gen Mihailovic, head of the Chetnik movement and supporter of the monarchy. London, too, after supporting Mihailovic for a long time, has recentyl changed its attitude, giving political and material support to the pro-Communist partisans, who are indeed the main military and political force in the country.

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Eastern Front

The Russians capture Belokovorichi, only 43 km east of the old Polish frontier.


The Stavka creates a new 6th Tank Army.

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Germany, Command

Rommel is appointed to command Army Group B covering the expected invasion front from Brittany to the Netherlands.

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Germany, Home Front

Hitler gives his ususal New Year's message to the German people. He attacks the 'Jewish-Bolshevist' alliance fighting against Germany. Germany is determined to continue the struggle. However long it may last, it is infinitely perferable to the fate that the German people would suffer in the event of defeat.

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Gen Patton hands over command of the US 7th Army to Gen Clark. Clark retains command of the 5th Army and is given the task of planning Operation ANVIL, the Allied landing on the south coast of France.

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New Britain

The headquarters of the force landed on December 26 at Cape Gloucester decides to launch a powerful attack on January 2 in the direction of Borgen Bay.

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New Guinea

The Fleet carrying the troops of the 32nd Division, US 6th Army, on their way to occupy Saidor, north of the Huon peninsula, leaves Oro Bay and joins its escort of destroyers and cruisers commanded by the American Rear-Adm Daniel Barbey.

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New Ireland

Aircraft from Rear-Adm Forrest C. Sherman's carrier task group successfully attack a Japanese convoy off Kavieng destroying several cruisers.

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  • The US submarine Herring (SS-233) sinks the Japanese aircraft transport Nagoya Maru (6072t) 220 miles south-southwest of Tokyo Bay.
  • The US submarine Puffer (SS-268), in an attack on a Japanese convoy at the western entrance of the Mindanao Sea, sinks the army cargo ship Ryuyo Maru (6707t) about 40 miles south of Negros Island.
  • The US submarine Ray sinks the Japanese gunboat Okuyo Maru (2904t) at the mouth of Ambon Bay, N.E.I.
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Images from January 1, 1944

Departing for Berlin

Departing for Berlin

Men of the 1st Battalion, Green Howards

Men of the 1st Battalion, Green Howards

Planes in Readiness at Koskov

Planes in Readiness at Koskov

Nanda, Huon Peninsula, New Guinea

Nanda, Huon Peninsula, New Guinea

Sunday, January 2

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • During a fighter sweep against Rabaul-area targets, VF-33 F6Fs down 6 A6M Zeros over Rabaul at 1130 hours. VMF-211, VMF-214, and VMF-321 F4Us down 8 Zeros between 1150 and 1210 hours. 1 F6F is lost.
  • V Fighter Command P-40s attack barges, dumps, and anti-aircraft batteries at Cape Hoskins.
  • During the night, 39 RAAF Beauforts based at Kiriwina attack airfields at Rabaul.
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Air Operations, Europe

Battle of Berlin
Evening Ops:
  • The RAF sends 383 planes to attack Berlin. These include 362 Lancaster, 12 Mosquitoes and 9 Halifaxes. A total of 60 planes abort.
  • German fighter controllers follow the bombers all the way to the target. Night fighters are sent to a radio beacon between Hannover and Bremen but these fighters miss the bomber stream and do not come into action until they are directed to Berlin. Most of the bomber casualties occur in the Berlin area. The time over the target is 2:48-2:56. About 1,066 tons of bombs are dropped which include 624 tons of high explosives and 442 tons of incendiaries. The planned route is one that is straight-in and straight-out to allow the bombers to fly into Berlin from the northwest to take advantage of a strong following wind from that direction. The bombers take off about midnight. Some of the German airfields are closed because of bad weather, but the Germans mount a large effort anyway. Between 150 and 200 nightfighers are in the air waiting the bomber stream. German controllers, however, get the timing wrong and the bombers fly past without the German fighters being released. The Pathfinders have difficulty concentrating their markings. The main force is depleted and arrives later than planned because of the weather. About 70 bombers drop their loads at various places in Berlin

    central, eastern and southeastern districts. Most of the bombers miss Berlin altogether. 87 people are killed in the raid. Bad weather in England on the return causes many planes to be diverted to other airfields, but ther are no crashes.

    • 26 Lancasters are lost on the raid. The casualties include 10 Pathfinder aircraft; No 156 Squadron, from Warboys, loses 5 of its 14 aircraft taking part in the raid. The aircrew casualties include 168 killed and 31 POWs.
Other Ops:
  • 8 Mosquitos are sent to Duisburg, 3 to Bristillerie, 2 Beaufighters are on Serrate patrols, 26 aircraft lay mines in the Frisians and off French ports and there are 25 OTU sorties.
    • There are no losses.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack a marshalling yard and two bridges.
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack a barracks, an iron works, and a marshalling yard.
  • XIi Air Support Command A-36s attack the marshalling yards and harbor at Civitavecchia, a marshalling yard, gun emplacements, and targets of opportunity.
  • XII Air Support Command P-40s attack various tactical targets, including a German Army road column mired in the snow in the Avezzano-Popili area.
  • P-47s of the 15th Air Force's 325th Fighter Group conduct an uneventful sweep over Rome.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 27 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 16 10th Air Force P-39s attack oilfields and a refinery at Yenangyaung. 13 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Yenangyaung refinery and a power station. 4 B-24s attack Akyab. 30 311th Fighter Group A-36s and 15 P-51s attack a bridge and the town area at Loilaw. 8 14th Air Force P-40 fighter-bombers attack a Japanese Army headquarters and barracks at Hopong.
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Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Amboina Island and Pombelaa, Celebes.

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Air Operations, Marshalls

VII Bomber Command B-24s passing through Hawkins Field on Betio attack the Maloelap Atoll. 9 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Jaluit Atoll. 9 VII Fighter Command P-39s attack shipping at the Mille Atoll. 3 B-24s are downed by anti-aircraft fire over Maloelap, which results in the termination of daytime heavy-bomber attacks against this target.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • Despite continuing bad weather which caused an earlier attack to be aborted, 40 V Bomber Command B-24s attack inland targets with nearly 100 tons of bombs, and 40 A-20s directly support the landing force with 36 tons of bombs dropped from extremely low levels. V Bomber Command B-25s and B-26s attack the airfield at Madang Airdrome to thwart Japanese efforts to attack the Saidor invasion force.
  • P-40s with the 49th Fighter Group’s 7th Fighter Squadron down 2 of 9 Ki-49 'Helen' bombers and 3 of an estimated 20 fighter escorts near Saidor at 1610 hours.
  • The airfield and harbor at Saidor are quickly overrun. Also, Australian Army ground troops driving along the coast occupy Sialum.
  • During the night, Japanese nuisance bombers attack the Saidor invasion force.
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Air Operations, Pacific

The first of 14 Allied bombing raids on airfields and shipping at Rabaul during the month takes place.

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Air Operations, Solomons

24 XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack supply dumps at Buka.

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Eastern Front

The Russian Southern Fronts continue with their attacks, driving back the German troops in the area northwest of Kiev. The Soviets caputer Radovel, west of Korosten, just 18 miles from the 1939 Polish border.

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France, Politics

Gen Jean de Lattre de Tassigny is appointed commander-in-chief of Free French forces in North Africa.

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Indian Ocean

The US freighter Albert Gallatin (7176t) is torpedoed and sunk by Japanese submarine I-26 about 60 miles off the Arabian coast. There are no casualties and survivors are rescued by the Norwegian tanker Britannia.

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Gen Alexander, commanding the XV Army Group in Italy, decides that Operation SHINGLE, the combined operation on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea near Anzio, should take place between January 20 and 31. Some days before the operation the 5th Army is to launch a strong attack against Cassino and Frosinone to keep as many as possible of the German forces occupied.

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New Britain

The US 7th Marine Regiment mounts an attack against Borgen Bay to expand the bridgehead near Cape Gloucester but it meets strong resistance and does not reach its objectives.

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New Guinea

Adm Daniel E. Barbey's Task Force 38 lands 2,400 men of Gen Clarence A. Martin's 126th Regiment of the 32nd Division at Saidor to begin Operation DEXTERITY. The airfield and the harbor are quickly captured. There is little direct air support because of bad weather but other targets are attacked to prevent the dispatch of reinforcements. Adm Victor Crutchley leads an Allied cruiser and destroyer force as further cover. The invasion is roughly at the midway point between the Allied advances on New Guinea from the west and the east, and severs Japanese rearguard forces from their main base 55 miles farther up the coastline at Madang. Troops of the Japanese 20th and 51st Divisions, however, do escape entrapment. About 20,000 Japanese soldiers are now forded into the jungle-covered interior of the Huon Peninsula. To the east the Australians advance along the north coast of the Huon peninsula from Finschhafen and reach the village of Sialum.

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The US submarine Finback (SS-230) sinks the Japanese merchant tanker Isshin Maru (10,000t) in the East China Sea about 30 miles northwest of Takara Jima, Nansei Shoto.

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Images from January 2, 1944

Loading Bombs

Loading Bombs

Preparing To Go On Patrol

Preparing To Go On Patrol

Changing Boots

Changing Boots

Scharnhorst Survivors

<i>Scharnhorst</i> Survivors

Artillery Observation Plane

Artillery Observation Plane

Lancaster at Dunholme Lodge

Lancaster at Dunholme Lodge

First Assault Wave at Saidor, New Guinea

First Assault Wave at Saidor, New Guinea

M-10 Motor Carriage Mounting 3-in Gun

M-10 Motor Carriage Mounting 3-in Gun

Sign at the Bougainville Navy Yard

Sign at the Bougainville Navy Yard

US Marines with a Mortar in Action

US Marines with a Mortar in Action

Depth Charges Explode

Depth Charges Explode

Monday, January 3

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • More than 30 AirSols fighters sweep the Rabaul area.
  • VF-33 F6Fs and VMF-211, VMF-214, VMF-223, and VMF-321 F4Us down 9 Japanese fighters in the Rabaul area between 0815 and 0835 hours.
  • Despite bad weather that causes many aborts, 6 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Kavieng and more than 20 V Bomber Command A-20s attack Borgen Bay.
  • The US 1913th Engineer Aviation Battalion arrives at Cape Gloucester to rehabilitate and improve the airfield there on New Britain.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 19 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and 16 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack oil facilities at Yenangyaung. 10 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack oil facilities at Yenangyaung. 22 10th Air Force A-36s and P-51s attack a dump and a warehouse at Sahmaw. 5 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack the town area at Pingkai.
  • 28 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack rail facilities at Lampang.
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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 6 Mosquitos are sent to Solingen and 2 to Essen without a loss.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s attack a rail station, gun emplacements around Cassino, the harbor at Civitavecchia, assorted rail and tactical targets, and motor vehicles.
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack Sibenik, Spilt, and German Army troop concentrations at Projedor.
  • 53 B-17s of the 5th Heavy Bomb Wing's 2nd and 99th Heavy Bomb Groups attack the ballbearing plant at Villarperosa, scoring 12 direct hits.
  • 50 B-17s of the 5th Heavy BGomb Wint's 97th and 301st Heavy Bomb Groups attack a marshalling yard at Turin.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

24 531st Fighter-Bomber Squadron A-24s attack a radar station and communications facilities at the Mille Atoll while 24 VII Fighter Command P-39 escorts strafe fuel storage and runways.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • More than 50 V Bomber Command B-24s and B-25s attack the Alexishafen area.
  • Col Neel E. Kearby, the V Fighter Command commanding officer, downs a Ki-21 'Sally' bomber near Wewak at 1015 and an A6M Zero, also near Wewak, at 1445 hours.
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Air Operations, Solomons

15 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack supply dumps near Buka and 6 B-25s attack a bivouac near Kahili.

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  • The US destroyer Turner (DD-648) is sunk by internal explosion 3 miles north of Ambrose Lightship, New York Harbor. A Coast Guard helicopter transports needed blood plasma in the Navy's first operational use of the helicopter in treating casualties.
  • The US destroyer Somers (DD-381) sinks the German blockade runner Weserland (6528t) 900 miles west of St. Helena and recovers 130 survivors.
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In the extreme north of the country the Chinese 38th Division resumes its encounters with the Japanese in the area of Taihpa Ga.

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Eastern Front

The Soviets capture Olevsk, only 10 miles from the 1939 Polish frontier, and Novograd-Volynskiy, west and southwest of Korosten. The railway line that leads from this area to Korosten is also taken.


Olevsk falls to the 13th Army and Novgorod Volnysky to 60th as the LIX Corps is forced back. The 3rd Guards Tank Army is only 40 miles north of Vinnitsa and the 1st Tank a similar distance northwest of Uman, both of these armies having swung to the south following their initial westward advance. However, the III Panzer Corps is beginning to deploy at Uman in order to block the path of the Russian advance behind the 8th Army. The 3rd Ukrainian Front is assaulting Kirovograd with its 5th Guards, 7th Guards and 53rd Armies, tying down the XL Panzer and LII Corps in the process.

The 3rd Ukrainian Front launches a strong attack around Kirovograd with its 53rd, 5th Guards and 7th Guards Armies, pinning down the XL Panzer and LII Corps.

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Germany, Home Front

Millions of counterfeit food coupons have been dropped over Germany during recent RAF Bomber Command raids. Proffered for redemption, these superbly produced fakes cause confusion and consternation among shoppers and the authorities.

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Gen Alphonse Juin's French Expeditionary Force takes up positions on the north flank of the 5th Army, while the US VI Corps under Gen John P. Lucas is withdrawn from the front line to prepare to carry out Operation SHINGLE against Anzio.

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New Britain

A battalion of US engineers begins work on the reactivation of Cape Gloucester airfield. The fighting in the Borgen Bay area continues but the US forces are not yet able to bring up armor. The Japanese resist and counterattack, preventing the Americans from building a bridge over a stream required to allow their tanks to cross.

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  • The headquarters of the US joint expeditionary force, Task Force 51 commanded by Vice-Adm R. K. Turner, issues the operational plan for the invasion of the Marshall Islands, detailing the units to take part and laying down a 'calendar' of preliminary bombing for the air forces.
  • The US submarine Kingfish (SS-234) attacks a Japanese convoy northwest of Miri, Sarawak, Borneo and sinks fleet tankers Bokuei Maru (5135t) and Ryuei Maru (5144t).
  • The US submarine Scorpion (SS-278) departs Midway for her fourth war patrol. After her rendezvous with the US submarine Herring (SS-233) on January 5th, she is never seen again. She is most probably lost on a mine in either the Yellow or East China Sea. She is listed as overdue and presumed lost on March 6, 1944.
  • The US submarine Tautog (SS-199) sinks the Japanese transport Saishu Maru (2082t) south of Honshu.
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Images from January 3, 1944

Lt Johann Muhr and His Flak Gun

Lt Johann Muhr and His Flak Gun

Lancasters over Germany

Lancasters over Germany

Freyberg at Cassino

Freyberg at Cassino

Infantry Advancing Under Tank Cover

Infantry Advancing Under Tank Cover

Tuesday, January 4

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • US Navy aircraft from Task Group 37.2 attack several Japanese destroyers at Kavieng, New Ireland, but are unable to score any hits. VF-18 F6Fs and a VT-17 TBF gunner down 2 A6M Zeros and an E13A 'Jake' reconnaissance plane over Kavieng between 0930 and 0945 hours. Also, VF-18 and VF-30 F6Fs down 2 G4M 'Betty' bombers at sea near Task Group 37.2 between 1115 and 1125 hours and VF-30 F6Fs down 1 Ki-21 'Sally' bomber and 6 A6M Zeros at sea at 1437 hours. 1 F6F is lost.
  • Task Group 37.2 departs the area after recovery of its aircraft.
  • When the XIII Bomber Command B-24s they are to escort to Rabaul are thwarted by bad weather, more than 40 AirSols fighters based at Torokina Field on Bougainville sweep the Rabaul area.
  • VMF 211, VMF-214, VMF-223, and VMF-321 F4Us and a VF-30 F6F down 10 A6M Zeros over the Rabaul area between 1205 and 1330 hours.
  • V Bomber Command B-25s attack Japanese Army artillery batteries at Cape Gloucester.
  • During the night, 21 RAAF Beauforts attack airfields in the Rabaul area.
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Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s and V Bomber Command B-25s attack shipping targets at and near Koepang, Timor.

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Air Operations, Europe

In preparation for eventual disruptive action behind German lines, American and RAF aircraft start dropping arms and supplies of French, Belgian, Dutch and Italian partisan formations. The operation goes under the name of CARPETBAGGER.

Evening Ops:
  • 80 aircraft, including 57 Stirlings, 12 Mosquitos and 11 Lancasters, are sent to hit two flying bomb sites, one in the Pas de Calais and one at Bristillerie near Cherbourg. Both targets are effectively attacked without any loss of aircraft.
Other Ops:
  • 13 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 3 to Krefeld, 2 to Cologne, there are 4 RCM sorties, 40 aircraft lay mines off Lorient and Brest and there are 8 OTU sorties.
    • There are no losses.
  • During the night, Operation CARPETBAGGER, the parchuting of agents and supplies by air to anti-Axis partisan forces in western Europe, begins with a drop by 8th Air Force special-operations B-24s over northern France. In this and numerous other clandestine missions, the supply drop takes place under the cover of a leaflet drop.
  • Of 569 VIII Bomber Command heavy bombers dispatched, 313 B-17s and 132 B-24s attack the Kiel port area with more than 1,000 tons of bombes. 7 B-17s and 34 B-24s attack various targets of opportunity.
    • 17 heavy bombers and their crews are lost
  • Fighter support for the Kiel mission consistes of 70 P-38s of the 20th and 55th Fighter Groups and 42 P-51s of the 354th Fighter Group. Several Luftwaffe are damaged over the target by USAAF fighters. A 354th Fighter Group P-51 downs a Ju-88 over Kiel at 1224 hours.
    • 1 P-38 and 1 P-51 are lost
  • 68 3rd Bomb Division B-17s attack the city of Munster.
    • 2 B-17s are lost in a collision over Germany
  • Fighter support for the Munster mission consists of 430 VIII Fighter Command P-47s from 9 fighter groups. 7 Luftwaffe are downed by P-47s over northern Germany and Belgium between 1030 and 1100 hours.
  • Despite poor weather and visibility, 253 IX Bomber Command B-17s attack V-weapons sites in France.
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack Brodac and the marshalling yard and town at Travnik.
  • A force of 108 15th Air Force B-17s briefed for an attack against marshalling yards at Sofia is forced to abort due to cloud cover over the target. 40 of the B-17s. however, drop about 81 tons of bombs on the rail lines around Dupnica.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

During the night, 18 VII Bomber Command B-24s passing through Hawkins Field on Betio sow mines in the shipping channel giving access to Emidj Island in the Jaluit Atoll. This results in the withdrawal of Japanese shipping and all but one seaplane.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

More than 100 V Bomber Command B-24s, B-25s, and B-26s attack Alexishafen, Bogadjim, Finschhafen, Madang, and ground targets near Saidor.

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Air Operations, Solomons

XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the seaplane base and supply dumps at Sohano Island. 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Chabai and Tonolei Harbor. and US Navy PVs and AirSols fighters attack numerous targets on Bougainville.

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The last German blockade-runner, Rio Grande, is sunk by the US destroyer Jouett (DD-396) and cruiser Omaha (CL-4) en route to the Far East.

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Eastern Front

The Soviet offensive in the Ukraine continues with the capture of Belaya Tserkov, a railway town south of Kiev and then push on in the direction of Uman. The Russians cross the Polish frontier near Olevsk.


After a 4-day battle the 27th Army takes Belaya Tserkov. A rapid advance by the 60th Army pushes the LIX Corps back upon Rovno.

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Germany, Home Front

German school children are mobilized for war-related duty.

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During the night units of 5th Army launch attacks on a 10-mile front toward the south end of the 'Gustav' Line. In preparation for the attack on Monte Cedro, the British 46th Division establishes a bridgehead on the north bank of the Peccia River

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New Britain

After a powerful artillery preparation the American units succeed in getting their tanks over the Suicide Stream on an improvised dam. They destroy many Japanese positions and advance south from the Cape Gloucester beachhead to reach the line of the Aogiril stream.

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New Guinea

Patrol activity by the American units landed on Saidor. The Australians units advancing from Finschhafen reach Cape King William, 15 miles from Sio, where the Japanese survivors from Lae have take refuge.

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New Ireland

Adm Forrest Sherman's carrier group attacks Japanese shipping in Kavieng harbor yet again. The Japanese destroyer Fumitsuki is damaged.

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Occupied Greece

3 quisling P.M.s are deprived of their nationality by the exiled King.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


  • The US submarines Bluefish (SS-222) and Rasher (SS-269) attack a Japanese convoy off the coast of French Indochina. Bluefish sinks the merchant tanker Hakko Maru (6046t) and Rasher damages the tanker Kiyo Maru (7251t).
  • The US submarine Cabrilla (SS-288) sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship No. 8 Tamon Maru (2705t) off Cape Padaran, French Indochina.
  • The US submarine Tautog (SS-199), despite the presence of two escort vessels, sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship Usa Maru (3943t) off southern Honshu.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from January 4, 1944

US Soldier Adjusts a Rectifier

US Soldier Adjusts a Rectifier

Seizing Italian Artwork

Seizing Italian Artwork

Engineers Keeping Road Passable

Engineers Keeping Road Passable

Cape Gloucester, January 4, 1944

Cape Gloucester, January 4, 1944

Panzer IVs Carry Infantry

<i>Panzer IVs</i> Carry Infantry

1st Guards Tank Army, 4th Ukrainian Front

1st Guards Tank Army, 4th Ukrainian Front

Wednesday, January 5

Air Operations, CBI

  • 3 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and 8 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack the bridge spanning the Mu River at Monywa.
[rarrrarr | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 348 Lancasters and 10 Pathfinder Halifaxes raid Stettin.
  • The Mosquito diversion to Berlin keeps most of the fighters away from the main bomber force. The raid is classified successful.
    • 14 Lancasters and 2 Halifaxes are lost.
Other Ops:
  • 13 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 25 to 4 other targets, there is 1 Mosquito RCM sortie, 1 Beaufighter Serrate patrol and 6 Lancasters lay mines off Swinemünde.
    • There are no losses.
  • 112 3rd Bomb Division B-17s, escorted by 76 78th Fighter Group P-47s, attack the Bordeaux/Merignac Airdrome. A P-47 downs 2 Bf-109s over La Rochelle at 1017 hours.
    • 11 B-17s and 5 B-47s are lost with their crews
  • 78 1st Bomb Division B-17s, escorted by 149 4th and 352nd Fighter Group P-47s, attack the Tours Airdrome. Escorts down 1 He-177 and 2 FW-190s between 1145 hours and noon.
    • 1 B-17 is lost with its crew
  • Escorted by 70 P-38s and 41 P-51s, 119 1st Bomb Division B-17s and 96 2nd Bomb Division B-24s attack the shipyards and aircraft-industry targets at Kiel.
    • 5 B-17s, 5 B-24s, and 7 P-38s are lost
  • Of 78 3rd Bomb Division B-17s briefed for an attack on ball-bearing factories at Elberfield, 73 attack various targets of opportunity after running into bad weather. Escort for this attack is provided by 243 P-47s from 4 VIII Fighter Command groups.
  • XII Air Support Cokmmand A-36s attack gun emplacements and other tactical targets.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-24s, B-25s, and B-26s attack the Alexishafen, Bogadjim, and Madang areas, and barges at Finschhafen and near Saidor. V Fighter Command P-39s attack barges and artillery batteries between Sio and Bogadjim.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Solomons

An effort to move 150 AirSols SBDs and TBFs through the newly completed Piva Uncle airfield on Bougainville is thwarted by bad weater over Rabaul, and all the light bombers return to the Munda Point airfield on New Georgia. However, on the return flight, 21 TBFs and 26 SBDs attack known Japanese Army troop concentrations on Bougainville. Also, XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack Fauro Island, Poporang, and Tonolei, and supply dumps at Kahili. 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Japanese Army ground troops in Choiseul Bay and southern Buka.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


The last German blockade-runner, the Burgenland, is scuttled en route from the Far East after being spotted by the US light cruiser Omaha (CL-4) and the destroyer Jouett (DD-396).

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


The Chinese 38th Division tries without success to capture the last Japanese strongpoint keeping them from the Tarung River.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

Before dawn Ivan S. Konev's 2nd Ukraine Front begins a new series of attacks toward Kirovgrad. Nikolai F. Vatutin's 1st Ukraine Front captures Berdichev, a rail and road junction south of Zhitomir, and Tarascha, south of Kiev.


The Soviet 3rd Guards Tank and 18th Armies capture Berdichev. The 2nd Ukrainian Front opens its offensive against the German 8th Army. The 4th Guards, 52nd and 53rd Armies attack in the Kirovograd sector, with the 5th and 7th Guards assaulting farther south. The understrength 8th army is made up of LII, XLVII Panzer and XI Corps.[MORE]

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


The attacks by the British X Corps beyond the Peccia River against Monte Cedro and Monte Porchia are held by the German forces of von Vietinghoff's 10th Army. Lt-Gen Oliver Leese is appointed GOC 8th Army. 5th Army attacks the 'Winter Line', east of Cassino.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Japan, Home Front

The Japanese Government imposes major increases in taxation to meet to costs of the war.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

New Guinea

The American forces at Saidor meet their Japanese opponents in patrols to the west. The Australians advancing west along the north coast of the Huon Peninsula capture Kelanoa bringing them to within 62 miles of the Americans on Saidor.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Occupied Denmark

Pastor Kaj Munk, Danish cleric and author, is murdered by the Germans. He was 45.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


The US submarine Rasher finishes off the Japanese tanker Kiyo Maru (7251t) in the South China Sea.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Poland, Politics

The Polish government-in-exile has authorized the Polish underground movement to cooperate with the Red Army only in the event of a resumption of Polish-Soviet relations. The Soviet Union has not yet recognized the London-based Polish government-in-exile.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

United States, Command

The headquarters of the American strategic air force is moved to Britain. Gen Carl Spaatz is appointed Commander-in-Chief, to co-ordinate the operations of the US 8th and 15th Air Forces.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from January 5, 1944

US Soldier Tests Telephone

US Soldier Tests Telephone

Light Infantry Firing Mortar

Light Infantry Firing Mortar

British Soldiers with Machine Guns

British Soldiers with Machine Guns

Bomb Bay of an Avro Lancaster

Bomb Bay of an Avro Lancaster

Inspecting German Prisoners

Inspecting German Prisoners

Damaged Parked Aircraft

Damaged Parked Aircraft

Coffee and Doughnuts

Coffee and Doughnuts

Depth Charge Explosion

Depth Charge Explosion

US Tank in Pozzilli, Italy

US Tank in Pozzilli, Italy

German Blockade Runner Burgenland

German Blockade Runner <i>Burgenland</i>

After the Mission to Stettin

After the Mission to Stettin

Thursday, January 6

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • V Bomber Command B-25s attack Rein Bay and V Fighter Command P-39s attack barges between Rein Bay and Borgen Bay.
  • 32 AirSols F4Us, 26 F6Fs, and 16 P-38s sent to sweep the Rabaul area, all but 16 P-38s and 8 F4Us abort because of bad weather. Nevertheless, P-38s with the 18th Fighter Group’s 44th Fighter Squadron, and the 347th Fighter Group’s commanding officer, down a total of 9 A6M Zeros over the Rabaul area between 1115 and 1145 hours. VMF-211 and VMF-214 F4Us down 2 Zeros near Rabaul between 1150 and noon. 2 P-38s are lost in the day's action.
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 10th Air Force A-36s and P-51s attack Japanese Army cavalry and dumps at Kamaing and mount ground-support missions at Sumprabum and Taihpa Ga. 12 P-40s attack dumps near Sahmaw and strafe Pahok.
  • 2 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack a troop ship on the Yangtze River near Tungting Lake.
[rarrrarr | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 16 Mosquitos are sent to Duisburg, 2 to Bristillerie, and 1 each to Dortmund and Solingen. 57 aircraft lay mines off the Biscay ports and there are 10 OTU sorties.
    • There are no losses.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack an aircraft factory at Piaggio and marshalling yards at two locations.
  • XII Air Supporto Command A-36s and P-40s attack gun emplacements, rail lines, and railroads in and around the battle area.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

  • V Bomber Command B-24s and B-25s attack the Alexishafen and Bogadjim areas, B-25s attack targets of opportunity on the Huon Peninsula, and A-20s attack targets on the Bogadjim-Yaula road.
  • The US 808th Engineer Aviation Battalion arrives at Saidor to make improvements to the airfield there.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Solomons

42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s and US Navy PVs attack targets around Choiseul Bay.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Allied Preparations

A joint RAF-USAAF statement discloses the hitherto secret development of jet aircraft in Britain and the US. Full details of the Whittle turbojet were given to Gen Arnold in July 1941.

[rarrrarr | rarr2]


The US gunboat St. Augustine (PG-54) is sunk in a collision with the US merchant tanker Camas Meadows 73 miles south-southwest of Cape May, New Jersey.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


Brig-Gen Frank Merrill will command a volunteer unit that will become known as 'Merrill's Marauders'.

Since all available landing craft in the sector are to be transferred to the Mediterranean, Adm Lord Mountbatten, Command-in-Chief of Allied forces in Southeast Asia, officially cancels the project for a landing in central Burma across the Bay of Bengal. There is talk of giving up all offensive action in Burma until Germany is defeated. When Gen Stilwell hears this he decides to send a mission to Washington to argue against Mountbatten's decision.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

The Soviets capture Rakitino, a few miles over the former Polish frontier.


The 60th Army crosses the old Russo-Polish border, Rokitno falling.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


The US freighter William S. Rosecrans drags anchor during a storm south of Naples, Italy and strikes a mine that starts a fire that causes the ship to sink later in the day. There are no casualties; the crew and Armed guard are rescued by British naval vessels.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

New Britain

The US forces manage to extend their bridgehead at Cape Gloucester southward to the Aoriri River. The Japanese bring in fresh forces near the perimeter of the Arawe bridgehead.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

New Guinea

American engineer units arrive on Saidor.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


The operational plans for the occupation of the Marshall Islands are set out in more detail, and forces are detailed for the landing on the important atoll of Kwajalein.

Maj-Gen Hubert R. Harmon replaces Brig-Gen Ray L. Owens as commanding general of the 13th Air Force, and Brig-Gen Earl W. Barnes replaces Brig-Gen Dean C. Strother as head of the XIII Fighter Command.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from January 6, 1944

New Zealand Soldiers with Italian Children

New Zealand Soldiers with Italian Children

Bren Carrier Under Maintenance

Bren Carrier Under Maintenance

Kiwi Soldiers Fraternizing with Orphan Children

Kiwi Soldiers Fraternizing with Orphan Children

Nebelwerfer Shell

<i>Nebelwerfer</i> Shell

War Correspondents in New Guinea

War Correspondents in New Guinea

Sd.Kfz. 250/1

<i>Sd.Kfz. 250/1</i>

Friday, January 7

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • In the first successful AirSols light-bomber mission of the Rabaul air campaign, approximately 150 SBDs and TBFs, escorted by 72 fighters, pass through the Piva Uncle airfield on Bougainville from the Munda Point airfield on New Georgia. Finding the primary target, the Tobera airfield at Rabaul, beneath heavy clouds, the light bombers attack a radar installation on Cape St. George, New Ireland. 1 F6F is downed, 2 F6Fs are lost when they collide, and 2 SBDs are lost in operational accidents during the return flight.
  • VMF-211, VMF-215, and VMF-321 F4Us and VF-33 and VF-40 F6Fs down 10 A6M Zeros in the Rabaul area between 1100 and 1210 hours.
  • XIII Bomber Command attack the Vunakanau airfield at Rabaul.
  • 18 V Bomber Command B-24s attack Japanese Army defensive position at Cape Gloucester with 216 500-pound bombs while A-20s attack Japanese Army ground troops near Arawe.
  • During the night, RAAF Beauforts based at Kiriwina mount the last in a three-week series of individual night-harassment attacks against the Rabaul area. Hereafter, such attacks will be conducted by AirSols aircraft based in the Solomon Islands. Such missions, mounted by a steady succession of multi-engine bombers, will be undertaken every night, weather permitting.
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 7 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and 15 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack an oil refinery, fuel storage, and anti-aircraft batteries at Lanywa. 19 10th Air Force P-36s and P-51s attack troops and supply dumps at Nanyaseik.
  • 4 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 6 14th Air Force P-40s attack shipping in the Yangtze River near Hukow and Shihhweiyao. 2 B-25s attack a passenger vessel at Hong Kong. 11 449th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack sampans on the Yangtze River between Hankow and Chiuchiang.
[rarrrarr | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Boela, Ceram.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

The deployment of the German flying bomb is hampered by a series of Allied air raids on launch sites which have been located by reconnaissance flights. A Mosquito is brought down by German air defenses and its Oboe navigational aid is captured intact and counter-measures quickly devised.

Evening Ops:
  • 6 Mosquitos are sent to Krefeld, 5 to Duisburg, 1 aircraft is sent on a Resistance operation, and there are 28 OTU sorties. The Resistance operation aircraft - a No 138 Squadron Halifax - crashes in England soon after taking off, killing all 10 men on board, probably a crew of 7 and 3 passengers.
  • Of 502 8th Air Force B-17s and B-24s dispatched, 417 attack the I.G. Farben plant at Ludwigshafen with nearly 1,000 tons of bombs.
    • 12 bombers are lost with their crews; 14 crewmen are killed by enemy fire
  • Escort for the bomber mission is provided by 71 P-38s, 463 P-47s, and 37 P-51s. 7 Luftwaffe fighters are downed over France and Germany between 1145 and 1340 hours.
    • 1 P-38 and 5 P-47s are lost with their pilots
  • 35 IX Bomber Command B-26s attack the Cherbourg/Maupertus Airdrome.
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attakc the Perugia Airdrome.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack marshalling yards at two locations and a bridge.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s, A-36s, and P-40s attack road, rail, and tactical targets in or near the battle area.
  • P-38s of the 1st and 14th Fighter Groups down 5 Luftwaffe fighters and damage or possibly down several others in a running fight from Wiener-Neustadt southward between 1100 and 1140 hours.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attack a torpedo factory at Fiume.
  • 48 15th Air Force B-17s attack an aircraft factory at Maribor.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-24s attack Lorengau in the Admiralty Islands. B-24s and B-25s, and V Fighter Command P-47 and P-40 fighter-bombers, attack Bogadjim, Erima, and Japanese Army defenses near Saidor, and the road into Boagjim.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Battle of the Atlantic

U-305 sinks the British frigate Tweed southwest of Ireland with the loss of 83 of her crew. 44 survivors are rescued by the British frigate Nene.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

The attacks of both Ukraine Fronts make good progress around Kirovgrad, southeast of Cherkassy, and toward the former Polish town of Rovno.


The 5th Guards Tank Army is introduced through the 52nd Army, breaking the XLVII Panzer Corps defenses around Kirovograd as it fights its way into the town.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


British and US units of 5th Army take Monte Chiaia and Monte Porchia in their continuing attacks. San Vittore is also captured.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Japan, Planning

Japanese Imperial Headquarters orders the Southern Army to commence operations for the capture of strategic positions in the area of Imphal, in India, in readiness for a large-scale offensive.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Occupied France

The Resistance sabotages the electricity supply to Arsénal National at Tulle. This is the first of many such attacks.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


  • The US submarine Kingfish (SS-234) attacks a Japanese convoy southwest of Palawan and sinks the merchant tanker No. 3 Fushimi Maru (4294t).
  • The Japanese cargo vessel Katsuragisan Maru (2427t) is sunk by a Japanese mine in the northwest channel of Truk Harbor.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

United States, Home Front

Mrs Lou Henry Hoover, wife of ex-Pres Hoover, dies at age 69.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Images from January 7, 1944

40-mm Bofors Gun of 579 Battery

40-mm Bofors Gun of 579 Battery

Studying a Map

Studying a Map

Harassing Fire from a Vickers Machine Gun

Harassing Fire from a Vickers Machine Gun

Panzer IVs in Wide Open Spaces

<i>Panzer IVs</i> in Wide Open Spaces

US Trucks Burning

US Trucks Burning

US Machine Gunners on Cape Gloucester

US Machine Gunners on Cape Gloucester

US Forces Landing at Saidor

US Forces Landing at Saidor

Recruiting Volunteers for Road Work

Recruiting Volunteers for Road Work

Saturday, January 8

Air Operations, Bismarcks

V Fighter Command B-25s and A-20s attack Japanese Army ground positions near Arawe and fighters strafe a sawmill in the Cape Gloucester area.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 20 311th Fighter Group A-36s and P-51s attack a bridge near Hopin and numerous rail targets at Tigyaingza.
[rarrrarr | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Kendari (Celebes) and nearby targets.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 10 Mosquitos are sent to Frankfurt, 8 to Solingen, 3 to Aachen and 2 to Dortmund.
    • 2 Mosquitos are lost.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack marshalling yards at two locations.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s and A-36s attack rail targets in or near the battle area.
  • XII Air Support Command P-40s provide direct support for US Army ground forces.
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack the port area, warehouses, and the rail line at Metkovic.
  • 109 15th Air Force B-17s destroy two-thirds of the aircraft factory at Reggio Emilia, thereby reducing production of Regianne Re-2005 and Savoia-Marchetti SM-79 fighters.
  • The B-24 equipped 449th and 450th Heavy Bomb Groups of the 15th Air Force's 47th Heavy Bomb Wing, make their combat debuts with an attack on the Mostar Airdrome against virtually no opposition.
    • There are no losses
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Marshalls

15 VII Bomber Command B-24s pass through Hawkins Field, Betio to attack the Jaluit, Maloelap, and Wotje atolls. 2 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack shipping and gun emplacements in the Jaluit Atoll.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-24s, B-25s, and B-26s attack Bogadjim and the Bogadjim road, Madang, and Uligan Harbor.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Solomons

  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack Kahili. 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Japanese Army ground troops on small islands near Bougainville.
  • US surface warships bombard Japanese bases, including bypassed airbases, in the Shortland Islands.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Battle of the Atlantic

  • Sunderland 'U' of No 10 Squadron RAAF sights a U-boat and begins an attack as the U-boat opens fire on the aircraft. The depth charges are not released on the first run, but six are released on the second run straddling the stern. U-426 lists to starboard and appears to sink by the stern.
  • U-426

    ClassType VIIC
    CO Kapitänleutnant Christian Reich
    Location Atlantic, NW of the Cape Ortegal
    Cause Air attack
    Casualties 51
    Survivors None


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Kapitänleutnant Friedrich Deetz
    Location Atlantic, SW of the Cape Clear
    Cause Depth charge
    Casualties 49
    Survivors None
  • During the passage of Convoy OS-64 U-757 is detected close to the outer screen. The U-boat endures eight attacks by the British frigate Bayntun, the Canadian corvettes Camrose, Snowberry and Edmundston before sinking.
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Britain, Command

ACM Sir Sholto Douglas is appointed C-in-C Coastal Command.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

The Soviets retake Kirovgrad, another important road and rail junction, south of the great bend of the Dniepr. Further north the German Army Group Center launches a counteroffensive in the Zhlobin area, northwest of Gomel, on the Dniepr.


After heavy fighting Kirovograd falls to the 5th Guards Tank Army, a reserve unit of the 2nd Ukrainian Front.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


The 139th Brigade of the 46th Division, British X Corps, takes Monte Cedro without meeting any resistance. In the Tyrrhenian sector, where the American II Corps is engaged, a task force surrounds and takes Height 1109.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Italy, Politics

Over the next 4 days Mussolini's Italian Socialist Republic puts the 19 members of the Fascist Grand Council who overthrow him on trial at Verona. Only 6 of them are actually in custody, including Count Ciano, Mussolini's son-in-law. Several are convicted in their absence.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


An American task force of cruisers and destroyers commanded by Rear-Adm Walden L. Ainsworth shells Japanese coastal installations at Faisi and Poporan and in the Shortlands.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

United States, Planning

The operations division of the US War Dept asks for the Allies to maintain the initiative in Burma and China and for US Air Force effectives in this theater to be increased. Strengthening of the Far Eastern sector would help the American offensive by drawing off Japanese forces.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

United States, Preparations

The first flight of the Lockheed XP-80 Shooting Star jet fighter takes place at Muroc Dry Lake. 5,000 are ordered, but none become operational before V-J Day.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2]

Images from January 8, 1944

Heavily Damaged Mastrogiovanni

Heavily Damaged Mastrogiovanni

Eastern Front Trenches

Eastern Front Trenches

Moroccan Troops in Italy

Moroccan Troops in Italy

LST with Casualties from Cape Gloucester

LST with Casualties from Cape Gloucester

Burning US Vehicle in San Pietro

Burning US Vehicle in San Pietro

PBY Engine Maintenance

PBY Engine Maintenance

Distance to Chicago

Distance to Chicago

Action for Northern Army Group

Action for Northern Army Group

Sunday, January 9

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • 16 AirSols TBFs and 23 SBDs based at Torokina Field on Bougainville attack the Tobera airfield at Rabaul with such accuracy that the base is temporarily closed due to the damage.
  • When as many as 40 Japanese fighters attempt to intercept the light bombers, VMF-211, VMF-212, VMF-215 and VMF-321 F4Us and VF-33 F6Fs down 18 A6M Zeros and Ki-61 'Tony' fighers in the Rabaul area, especially around the Tobera airfield at Rabaul, between noon and 1345 hours. 1 F6F and 2 RNZAF Kittyhawks are lost, and 1 battle-damaged TBF ditches off the Torokina airfield at Bougainville.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Vunakanau airfield at Rabaul. 6 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Taharai airfield and targets of opportunity on New Ireland.
  • V Fighter Command P-40s attack Cape Beechey.
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 21 10 Air Force A-36s and P-51s attack a barracks, bridge, and supply dump in the Loilaw area. 8 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack Sadon.
  • 2 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack a ship near Swatow. 9 14th Air Force P-40s and P-51s strafe Yangtze River traffic at Puchi.
  • 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack Lao Kay.
  • 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack rail facilities at Atson.
  • During the night, 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s sow mines in the Menam River estuary near Bangkok.
[rarrrarr | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack a marshalling yard and docking facilities at Ancona.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s attack tanks, trucks, and troop positions in and around the battle area.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attack the aircraft factory and a marshalling yard at Reggio Emilia.
  • 15th Air Force B-24s attack the Mostar Airdrome.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

  • 5th Air Force bombers and fighters attack Alexishafen, Bogadjim, and Madang, defensive targets in the Saidor area, and Uligan Harbor.
  • Col Neel E. Kearby, the V Fighter Command commanding officer, downs 2 Ki-61 Tony fighters in the Wewak area at about 1215 hours.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Solomons

42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack supply dumps at Kahili and the seaplane base at Buka. AirSols fighters attack numerous targets.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


2 regiments of the Chinese 38th Division converge on the small town of Taihpa Ga, in the Hukawng valley, while other units of the division try to eliminate some Japanese infiltrations. On the Arakan front the XV Corps of the British 11th Army takes Maungdaw having advanced 20 miles from around Bawli Bazar near the Indian border. The offensive is part of a renewed Allied attempt to take Akyab, and Maungdaw is an important supply port for the Japanese. Despite the success, the Allied troops have an exposed left flank, against which huge Japanese forces are massing.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Diplomatic Relations

Churchill and de Gaulle meet in Marrakech, Morocco. The main issues are the role of the Free French forces in the forthcoming invasion of the continent and the degree of authority to be assumed by the French Committee in civil affairs inside France after the invasion.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

Vatutin's forces take Polonnoye, midway between Berdichev and Rovno, and farther south Konev's troops take Aleksandrovka.


The headquarters of the XLVII Panzer Corps is attacked, losing many men in the fighting and throwing the corps into confusion. Aleksandrovka falls to the 4th Guards Army.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


The 10th and 34th Divisions from US II Corps attack Cervaro and Monte Trochio, just east of the Cassino position. The last units of the American 45th Division are relieved by the Algerian 3rd Division of the French Expeditionary Corps.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


US Army aircraft sink the German submarine U-81 off the coast of Pola, Italy.


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Johann Krieg
Location N Adriatic, Pola
Cause Air attacke
Casualties 2
Survivors 44
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

New Britain

After 3 days of heavy fighting US troops take the Aogiri ridge in their advance to the Aogiri River.

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On Bougainville the US engineers complete a second airfield at Piva, inland from the coast, which will help to strengthen the air offensive against targets in New Britain.

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United States, Command

Maj-Gen Bedell Smith is appointed to be Chief of Staff to Gen Eisenhower.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

United States, Home Front

Antanas Smetona, ex-dictator of Lithuania, is killed in a fire in Cleveland, Ohio. He was 69.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Images from January 9, 1944

German Prisoners in San Vittore

German Prisoners in San Vittore

German Bombardment in San Vittore

German Bombardment in San Vittore

Flight Nurses and Medics

Flight Nurses and Medics

Nazi Rally

Nazi Rally

US Message Center

US Message Center

US Soldiers Enter San Vittore

US Soldiers Enter San Vittore

German 'Tiger' Tank

German 'Tiger' Tank

Retreat of a German Column

Retreat of a German Column

Monday, January 10

Air Operations, Asia

RAF aircraft begin mining the mouths of the Salween near Moulmein, Burma. The Japanese will close Moulmein to all shipping in early March because of the mines.

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Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • 10 XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Vunakanau airfield at Rabaul, but AirSols SBDs and TBFs prevented from attacking the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul because of bad weather attack the lighthouse on Cape St. George, New Ireland.
  • V Fighter Command P-39s attack barges and occupied villages all along the New Britain coast.
  • The XIII Bomber Command opens a night-bombing campaign against Rabaul during the night, when 20 5th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul with 500-pound bombs and parafrag clusters.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the port area at Akyab. 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s attack a Sittang River ferry crossing at Mokpalin. 15 10th Air Force P-40s attack a bridge at Namti and 12 A-36s and P-51s attack a bivouac at Nanyaseik.
  • 3 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 8 14th Air Force P-40s attack Yangtze River traffic between Anking and Chiuchiang, a bridge near Teian, and a rail line near Chiuchiang. 8 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s fighter-bombers attack a bridge at Kiechang and a troop train near Teian and 4 P-40s attack Yangtze River traffic, including three tankers, near Wusueh.
  • A 23rd Fighter Group P-40 downs a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter in an air battle over Chuichiang.
  • 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack a marshalling yard and airfield at Bangkok.
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Air Operations, East Indies

V Bomber Command B-25s attack Koepang, Timor.

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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 10 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 7 to Solingen, 2 to Koblenz and 1 to Krefeld.
    • There are no losses.
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack a town.
  • XII Air Support Command aircraft attack numerous rail, road, tactical, and communications targets throughout central Italy.
  • During the night, XII Bomber Command B-26s attack iron and steel works at Piombino.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attacking a marshalling yard at Sofia are attacked by an estimated 60 Axis fighters. 14th Fighter Group P-38 escorts down 9 Luftwaffe fighters over Sofia about 1230 hours.
    • 2 B-17s are lost
  • 15th Air Force B-24s attack a marshalling yard at Skoplje.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

  • 4 VII Fighter Command P-39s attack the Mille Atoll, including a fuel-storage area.
  • During the night, 16 VII Bomber Command B-24s based in the Ellice Islands pass through Hawkins Field, Betio, to attack the Maloelap Atoll. 4 B-24s based at Canton Island pass through Baker Island to attack the Mille Atoll.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • More than 100 V Bomber Command B-24s, B-25s, and A-20s attack Alexishafen, Bogadjim, Madang, and coastal targets between Madang and Sio.
  • A 475th Fighter Group P-38 downs a Ki-61 'Tony' fighter over Wewak at 1105 hours.
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Air Operations, Solomons

5 XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack supply dumps at Kahili while 4 B-24s attack Buka.

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The British capture Maungdaw.

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Eastern Front

The rail line between Smela and Kristinovka in the Ukraine is cut by the Russians. North of Kirovograd the Russians mop up a pocket in which several enemy divisions have been trapped. Meanwhile the Red Army resumes the offensive in the center, in the Mozyr area, west of the Dniepr and southwest of Gomel.


The 61st and 70th Armies of the Belorussian Front launch a limited attack around Mozyr striking the center of the 2nd Army.


The 3rd Ukrainian Front begins its new offensive, striking the German 6th Army in the Dniepr elbow. The 37th and 46th Armies attack toward Apostolovo, hitting the LVII Panzer Corps hard.

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A powerful German counterattack is launched near Cervara and Monte La Chiaia. The 5th Army cross the Peccia River.

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Italy, Politics

The trial of the Fascist hierarchs at Verona ends with death sentences on 18 of the 19 accused.

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New Britain

Following reports that the Japanese have brought in fresh troops, the Americans send reinforcements to their troops round the Arawe defensive perimeter. In the northern sector they make a small advance along the Aogiri Ridge despite considerable resistance and Japanese counter-attacks that were launched at 1:00am.

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New Guinea

Japanese concentrations give warning of a coming attack on the beachhead on Saidor, and it is decided to send reinforcements. The airfield at Saidor becomes operational for US aircraft.

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  • The US submarine Seawolf (SS-197) begins a series of attacks on a Japanese convoy about 70 miles north of Naha, Okinawa, sinking the army cargo ship Asuka Maru (7523t) and the merchant cargo ship Getsuyo Maru (6440t).
  • The US submarine Steelhead (SS-280), in the midst of a typhoon, attacks a Japanese convoy south of Honshu and sinks the repair ship Yamabiko Maru (6795t).
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Images from January 10, 1944

Prisoners from the Goering Division

Prisoners from the Goering Division

Dornier Do 22KI

Dornier Do 22KI

Crash on the Guadalcanal

Crash on the <i>Guadalcanal</i>

Burial of US Soldier in Marazanello

Burial of US Soldier in Marazanello

Aiming a PIAT Anti-tank Weapon

Aiming a PIAT Anti-tank Weapon

Firing a PIAT Anti-tank Weapon

Firing a PIAT Anti-tank Weapon

Cape Torokina, Bougainville

Cape Torokina, Bougainville

Tuesday, January 11

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • More than 60 AirSols SBDs, escorted by 90 AirSols fighters, attack targets around Cape St. George.
  • A P-38 with the 18th Fighter Group’s 44th Fighter Squadron downs 1 A6M Zero over the Rabaul area in an engagement at 1300 hours.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 36 10th Air Force A-36s, P-40s, and P-51s attack a large Japanese Army encampment.
  • Before dawn, 17 Japanese bombers mount an uncontested attack against the airfield at Suichwan. Later, all 3 bombers mounting a follow-on attack against Suichwan are downed by 23rd Fighter Group fighters.
  • 23rd Fighter Group P-40s and P-51s down 3 Ki-48 'Lily' bombers over Suichwan airfield during a morning engagement.
  • 8 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack an aluminum plant and the airfield at Takao, Formosa. 4 B-24s mine the harbors at Hong Kong and Takao and 1 B-24 attacks oil stores at Swatow.
    • 1 B-24 is lost.
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Air Operations, Europe

US P-38 Lightning and P-47 Thunderbolt long-range fighters flying over Germany are joined for the first time by the P-51 Mustang, but heavy losses are suffered as the Luftwaffe use rocket-firing fighters in new tactical formations against the incoming flights of bombers and escort fighters. The experience prompts the Allies to strengthen fighter escorts on such missions. Luftwaffe leaders cite evidence of the fresh successes of their fighter units to urge an increase in production, but Hitler, concentrating on the broader program of retaliation, orders more bombers.

  • The Allies strategic air offensive against Germany (Operation POINTBLANK is officially inaugurated withe the dispatch of 663 8th Air Force heavy bombers against several industrial targets in Germany.
  • 159 1st Bomb Division B-17s attack aircraft-iundustry targets at Oscherslaben.
    • 34 B-17s are lost, 83 damaged by intense flak and fighter attacks; 9 crewmen killed, 349 missing
  • 107 1st Bomb Division B-17s attack aircraft-industry targets at Halberstadt.
    • 8 B-17s are lost, 42 are damaged
  • Escort for the 1st Bomb Division is provided by 177 P-47s and 44 P-51s, who down 27 Luftwaffe fighters.
    • 2 P-47s and their pilots are lost
  • 234 3rd Bomb Division B-17s and 138 2nd Bomb Division B-24s briefed to attack aircraft-industry targets at Brunswick, are recalled because of bad weather. By then the bomber formations are over Germany, so a total of 285 heavy bombers attack various targets of opportunity through holes in the clouds.
    • 16 B-17s and 2 B-24s are lost
  • Escort for the Brunswick mission is provided by 49 P-38s and 322 P-47s. 2 Luftwaffe fighters are downed by P-47s.
    • 1 P-38 and 1 P-47 are lost
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack a rail yard and a rail junction.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s attack numerous gun emplacements and rail and road targets in the battle area and central Italy.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attack the port and shipping in the harbor at Piraeus. 1st Fighter Group P-38s down 2 Bf-109s over the harbor area about 1310 hours.
    • 6 B-17s are lost in a series of midair collisions in dense overcast
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Air Operations, Marshalls

  • 5 US Navy PB4Ys attack the Roi airfield on Kwajalein and 5 PB4Ys attack shipping in Kwajalein lagoon.
  • 9 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack land targets and shipping in the Maloelap Atoll. four VII Fighter Command P-39s attack the airfield on Mille. One Japanese Navy gunboat is sunk in the Kwajalein atoll.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • V Bomber Command B-25s and V Fighter Command P-39 and P-40 fighter-bombers attack Alexishafen, the Hansa Bay area, Uligan Harbor, and the Bogadjim road.
  • 5th Air Force C-47s begin flying personnel and supplies into the newly reconditioned airfield at Saidor.
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Air Operations, Pacific

43 Japanese landing barges are sunk off Cape Gloucester, New Britain.

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Air Operations, Solomons

XIII Fighter Command P-39s attack targets of opportunity on Bougainville.

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Eastern Front

The Red Army offensive in the central sector of the front in the Mozyr area continues. Hitler refuses to allow any rectification of the front and any strategic withdrawal, thus sacrificing men and materials in the vain hope of being able to regain the Dniepr line.

The Russian salient in eastern Poland is now 64 km across.


Tolbukhin's 4th Ukrainian Front joins the offensive in the Dniepr elbow, attacking the IV and XVII Corps with its 3rd Guards and 5th Shock Armies as it tries to link up with the 3rd Ukrainian Front.

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Indian Ocean

  • The cruiser Kuma is sunk by the British submarine Tally Ho. 138 men are lost.
  • U-boats of the Monson group sink 17 ships over the next 3 months, but British warships intercept 2 re-fuelling tankers. Both are scuttled.
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Italy, Politics

5 Fascist leaders, including former Foreign Minister Galeazzo Ciano and Marshal Emilio De Bono, are executed in Verona. Ciano's 'crime' was to have voted with other fascists to oust Mussolini in July 1943. Ciano and his wife had been lured to Bavaria in August 1943 following a report that their children were in danger. Having been promised safe passage to Spain, they were handed over to Italy's puppet fascist government.

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Marshall Islands

US naval aircraft based in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands attack Japanese shipping and installations on Kwajalein atoll. 2 vessels are sunk and 4 others are damaged. The task of destroying enemy installations and lines of communication is taking shape in readiness for the invasion.

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New Britain

Fighting continues in the jungle around the Cape Gloucester beachhead.

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New Guinea

The American forces at Saidor repair the airfield and it becomes operational.

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  • By 1944, Allied submarines are tightening the stranglehold on Japanese shipping travelling to and from the mainland. On January 8 alone, a US Navy communiqué states that US submarines have sunk 10 Japanese vessels, including an oil tanker.
  • The Japanese cruiser Kuma is sunk by the British submarine HMS Tally Ho.
  • The US submarine Seawolf (SS-197) continues operations against the convoy attacked the previous day sinking the army cargo ship Yakiko Maru (5747t) about 50 north of Naha, Okinawa.
  • The US submarine Sturgeon (SS-187) attacks a Japanese convoy in the approaches to Bungo Suido sinking the army cargo ship Erie Maru (5493t) about 20 miles east of Saeki, Kyushu.
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Soviet Union, Home Front

Moscow announces that the Soviet-Polish border established in the 1939 Russian-German partition will remain. Russian thus reclaims permanent possession of the western Ukraine and western Byelorussia.

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United States, Home Front

  • Roosevelt appeals to Congress for a new national service law to prevent damaging strikes and to mobilize the whole of the adult work force for war work.
  • John W. Christie, brilliant designer of armored fighting vehicles, dies at age 87.
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Images from January 11, 1944

Roosevelt Radio Broadcast

Roosevelt Radio Broadcast

High Wind Damage

High Wind Damage

Captured German Prisoner

Captured German Prisoner

Ground Crew Extinguishing Fire aboard B-17

Ground Crew Extinguishing Fire aboard B-17

Damage from Brunswick Raid

Damage from Brunswick Raid

Damaged German Truck

Damaged German Truck

Examining the Remains of German Artillery Weapon

Examining the Remains of German Artillery Weapon

Examining the Remains of German Artillery Weapon

Examining the Remains of German Artillery Weapon

Wednesday, January 12

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • In their unit’s first mission against Rabaul, 13 of 24 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s sent from the airfield at Stirling in the Treasury Islands are able to broach bad weather to attack the Vunakanau airfield at Rabaul during the morning. 19 XIII Bomber Command B-24s, escorted by approximately 50 AirSols fighters, attack the Tobera airfield at Rabaul late in the morning.
  • VMF-215 F4Us down 3 A6M Zeros over the Tobera airfield at Rabail at 1140 hours. VF-40 F6Fs down 2 Zeros over the Vunakanau airfield at noon.
  • During the night, 16 XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • More than 20 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s attack a marshalling yard at Letpadan and 10th Air Force fighters attack Myohaung.
  • 14 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack a marshalling yard at Bangkok.
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Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Balikpapan, Dili, and Makassar.

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Air Operations, Europe

Operation POINTBLANK gets under way, a strategic air offensive designed to cripple the German aeronautical industry and render the Luftwaffe ineffective befor the cross-Channel invasion. About 650 bombers of the US 8th Air Force attack factories in Halberstadt, Brunswick and Ochersleben. While the bombing may have had the desired effect, the price paid by the American air formations is very high. 60 aircraft are shot down in the course of the raid.

  • XII Bomber Command B-25s and B-26s attack a dam and several bridges in central Italy.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s attack at town.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s attack numerous German Army defensive positions along the battle line and many rail targets in or near the battle area.
  • 57th Fighter Group P-47s down 3 Bf-109s off the coast at Korcula during a morning mission.
  • XII Air Suppoort Command P-40s attack a ship in the Krka River.
  • 15th Air Force's 325th Fighter Group, in P-47s, strafes a marshalling yard and numerous buildings across central Italy during a fighter sweep to Rome.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

21 531st Fighter-Bomber Squadron A-24s attack dumps and anti-aircraft batteries in the Mille Atoll. 20 VII Fighter Command P-39s strafe the airfield on Mille.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-24s and B-25s attack targets in the Alexishafen area as A-20s attack Warai.

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Air Operations, Solomons

  • AirSols fighters and fighter-bombers attack Japanese Army ground troops and targets of opportunity on Bougainville.
  • A VMF(N)-531 PV crew downs a single-engine Japanese Navy plane near the Torokina airfield on Bougainville at 2205 hours.
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Eastern Front

The Soviets capture Sarny, well inside former-Polish territory, after some violent fighting. The German Army Group South counterattacks in the area of Vinnitsa, southwest of Kiev.


The 1st Baltic Front attacks the II Corps of the 16th Army with the 3rd Shock Army and 10th Guards Army. Heavy fighting erupts around Novosokolinikov.


Sarny falls to the 13th Army as it reaches the Styr and Goryn Rivers. The 60th Army closes up to Shepetovka but German resistance is beginning to stiffen, slowing the pace of the attacks.

Bitter fighting rages at Nikopol as the 3rd Guards Army tries to break open the German positions and encircle the left flank of the 6th Army between itself and the 3rd Ukrainian Front. The 6th Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front is attack the XXX Corps behind Nikopol, trying to trap Fretter Pico between itself and the 3rd Guards.

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The Allied air offensive in preparation for the Anzio landing begins. Gen John P Lucas' VI Corps receives orders to carry out the landing in the Anzio-Nettuno sector at 2:00am on January 22. The US 34th Division completes the capture of Cervaro and pushes forward toward Cassino. Farther north troops from the French Corps begin attacks toward Sant'Elia Fiumerapido with the 3rd Algerian Division on the left of the line and the 2nd Moroccan Division on the right.

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  • The US submarine Albacore (SS-218) sinks the Japanese gunboat No. Choko Maru (2629t) about 350 miles southwest of Truk.
  • The US submarine Hake (SS-256) sinks the Japanese aircraft transport Nigitsu Maru about 300 miles southeast of Okinawa.
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United States, Planning

The operations division of the US War Dept rejects the proposed Operation CULVERIN, the landing on Sumatra, and supports Gen Stilwell's point of view that priority should be given to operations in Burma that will allow land communciations to be re-opened between India and China. This means an offensive in Burma and strenghtening of the US air forces in the Far East with the object of collaborating with the operations in the Pacific.

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Images from January 12, 1944

Amphibious Training Maneuvers

Amphibious Training Maneuvers

German Troops March Past a Tiger Tank

German Troops March Past a Tiger Tank

Washing Down Trucks

Washing Down Trucks

Italian Women Washing Clothes

Italian Women Washing Clothes

New Zealand Soldiers Cleaning a Truck

New Zealand Soldiers Cleaning a Truck

Receiving a Shave

Receiving a Shave

Preparing a Meal

Preparing a Meal

Chaplain Speaks at Mass

Chaplain Speaks at Mass

Thursday, January 13

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack Gasmata and 11 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Tobera, Rapopo, and Wide Bay.
  • The US 864th Engineer Aviation Battalion arrives at Cape Gloucester, New Britain to help rehabilitate and improve the airfield there.
  • During the night, 15 XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Lakunai and Vunakanau airfields at Rabaul and other Rabaul-area targets.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 6 311th Fighter Group P-51s bomb Maran Ga and Shaduzup and attack Japanese Army ground troops at Lalawng Ga. 1 490th Medium Bomb Group B-25 and 4 P-51s attack supply dumps and the airfield at Myitkyina. 27 10th Air Force P-40s attack dumps and communications targets along the Kamaing-Mogaung road.
  • 2 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack shipping, a radio station, and warehouses between Hong Kong and Hainan Island. 6 14th Air Force P-40s attack 2 Japanese Army pack trains between Lungling and Tengchung.
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Air Operations, East Indies

V Bomber Command bombers on antishipping sweeps attack a freighter off Tanimbar Island in the Molucca Islands.

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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 12 Mosquitos are sent to Essen, 9 to Duisburg, 2 to Aachen and 2 to Koblenz.
    • 1 Mosquito is lost.
  • 193 IX Bomber Command B-26s attack V-weapons sites in France.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s mount numerous tactical missions and attack road and rail targets in and around the battle area.
MATAF (Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Force
  • MATAF fighter-bombers attack shipping at Sibenik and along the Krka River.
  • As part of the preparation for the upcoming amphibious landings at Anzio, 100 15th Air Force B-17s and B-24s and 241 XII Bomber Command B-25s and B-26s, escorted by fighters from both air forces, attack the Rome-area airdromes at Centocelle, Ciampino, Guidonia, and Perugia. The bombers are credited with destroying or disabling most of the Luftwaffe aircraft based in central Italy. In the course of the bomber attacks, which take place about noon, 8 Bf-109s and 11 others are damaged or possibly downed by planes of the 14th anf 325th Fighter Groups.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

9 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack shipping at the Wotje Atoll. 21 531st Fighter-Bomber Squadron A-24s and 16 VII Fighter Command P-39 escorts attack the Mille Atoll as does 10 VII Fighter Command P-39 fighter-bombers.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • More than 130 V Bomber Command B-24s and B-25s, and V Fighter Command P-40 fighter-bombers mount the final air attack against Alexishafen. B-24s and B-25s attack Kaukenau and Timoeka.
  • A 418th Night Fighter Squadron P-38 downs a D3A 'Val' dive bomber over Alexishafen at 1845 hours.
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Air Operations, Solomons

A VF(N)-75 F4U downs a D3A 'Val' dive bomber near the Torokina airfield on Bougainville at 0415 hours.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-231 is spotted fully surfaced by Wellington 'L' of No 172 Squadron and attacked with three depth charges. The aircraft suffers flak damage and serious injury to the rear gunner and returns to base for medical assistane. The submarine is so badly damaged the decision is made to scuttle her.


ClassType VIIC
CO Kapitänleutnant Wolfgang Wenzel
Location Atlantic, NW of the Azores
Cause Air attack
Casualties 7
Survivors 43
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In the Hukawng valley the Chinese 38th Division succeeds in eliminating a Japanese strongpoint in the Yupgang Ga area, so that they now control the whole of the Tarung River area. Some units cross the Tarung and thrust north as far as Tabawng.

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Eastern Front

Vatutin's troops take Korets between Novograd-Volynskiy and Rovno.


With the fighting in the Ukraine having raged unabated since the Battle of Kursk in the middle of 1943, the Soviets prepare to turn their attention north. Around Leningrad the Leningrad, Volkhov and 2nd Baltic Fronts have trained hard during 1942 and 1943 to break the 18th Army's grip on Leningrad.

Still in much the same positions as in the winter of 1941, the Stavka aims to break the siege for good and destroy the German 18th Army before pushing south and west to re-conquer the Baltic States. Gen Leonid Govorov's Leningrad Front will begin the offensive from the Oranienbaum pocket and the perimeter of Leningrad, encircling the left wing of the German siege positions against the Gulf of Finland. Gen Kirill Meretskov's Volkhov Front is to crush the right flank of the 18th Army against the Volkhov while Popov's 2nd Baltic Front pins down the 16th Army south of Lake Ilmen to prevent the transfer of forces to Leningrad. The Leningrad and Volkhov Fronts have assembled 417,000 and 260,000 men respectively, with 1,200 tanks and Su's, 14,300 artillery pieces and nearly 720 aircraft in support.

Against this formidable array Kuchler's Army Group North deploys 40 infantry divisions, 1 panzer grenadier and 2 panzer divisions, split between the 18th Army and 16th Army. The 18th Army fields the III SS Panzer Corps at Oranienbaum, LIV Corps between Oranienbaum and Leningrad, XXVI and XXVIII Corps on the Leningrad perimeter and the I Corps along the Volkhov, a total of only 50,000 combat infantry from a complement of over 200,000 men. It is supported by 200 panzers and assault guns, around a third of which are serviceable. South of Lake Ilmen the 16th Army has its X, XXXVIII and II Corps strung out on a long and vulnerable line to the junction with the 3rd Panzer Army near Pustoshka.

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The US II Corps is near Monte Trocchio, the last bulwark barring the road to the Rapido River.

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New Britain

Skirmishing continues around the Cape Gloucester beachhead. The US air force and artillery give unusually strong support to the units on the ground, but they still cannot take the day's objective, Hill 660. A unit of specialist engineers arrives on the beachhead to reopen the airfield captured from the Japanese.

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The plans for the next campaign in the Pacific, code-named GRANITE, are completed. Around March 24, aircraft from a task force still to be detailed are to attack the big Japanese base on Truk Island, the Japanese Pearl Harbor, in support of the landing on the Admiralty Islands and New Ireland. The invasion of the atolls of Eniwetok and Ujelang in the Marshall Islands is fixed for May 1, the capture of Mortlock and Truk in the Carolines for August 1 and the landing in the Marianas, Operation FORAGER, for November 1. If the operations go well enough to allow Truk Island to be 'skipped', a landing could be made on the Palau Islands on August 1.

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Images from January 13, 1944

Religious Ceremony in Italy

Religious Ceremony in Italy

Strike Photograph of Mission 128

Strike Photograph of Mission 128

Fueling Two Ships at One Time

Fueling Two Ships at One Time

Canadian Officers Warm Themselves

Canadian Officers Warm Themselves

Friday, January 14

Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 496 Lancasters and 2 Halifaxes are sent to Brunswick, the first major raid on this city of the war.
  • The German running commentary is heard following the progress of the bomber force from a position only 40 miles from the English coast and many German fighters enter the bomber stream soon after the German frontier is crossed near Bremen. The German fighters score steadily until the Dutch coast is crossed on the return flight. Brunswick is smaller than Bomber Command's usual targets and this raid is not a success. The city report describes this only as a 'light' raid, with bombs in the south of the city which reports only 10 houses destroyed and 14 people killed. Most of the bombs fall either in the countryside or in Wolfenbüttel and other small towns and villages to the south of Brunswick.
    • 38 Lancasters are lost 11 of which are Pathfinders.
  • 82 aircraft, including 59 Stirlings, 13 Halifaxes and 10 Mosquitos, are sent to attack the flying bomb sites at Ailly, Bonneton and Bristillerie.
    • There are no losses.
Other Ops:
  • 11 Mosquitos are sent to Magdeburg, 6 to Berlin, there are 9 RCM sorties, 2 Serrate patrols, 29 aircraft laying mines off Brest and in the Frisians, and there are 36 OTU sorties.
    • There are no losses.
  • Due to bad weather over Germany, 552 8th Air Force heavy bombers are dispatched to attack 21 V-weapons sites around Pas-de-Calais. In the end, 422 B-17s and B-24s attack 20 of the briefed targets with more than 1,500 tons of bombs and 19 B-24s attack various targets of opportunities.
    • 2 B-17s and 1 B-24 are lost with their crews
  • Escort and support of the heavy bombers is provided by 645 USAAF fighters which are credited with downing 13 Luftwaffe fighters over France and Belgium between 1448 and 1530 hours.
    • 3 US fighters are lost with their pilots
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack a bridge.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s provide direct support for US 5th Army Ground Forces around Monte Trocchio.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s attack numerous tactical, transportation, and communications targets, including an A-36 strike against the harbor at Anzio.
  • Approximately 200 15th Air Force B-17s and B-24s attack the Mostar Airdrome. 82nd Fighter Group P-38s down 3 Luftwaffe fighters and damage several others over the target.
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Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • In their first anti-shipping strike over Rabaul, 6 AirSols TBFs are forced to abort due to bad weather during the morning. Later in the day, 36 AirSols SBDs and 16 TBFs, escorted by more than 70 AirSols fighters, attack merchant ships and Japanese destroyers in Simpson Harbor after finding their primary target, the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul, beneath heavy cloud cover. 9 direct hits are scored on 7 merchant ships, and 2 Japanese destroyers are also damaged. 8 AirSols fighters are lost with 4 of their pilots, and a TBF and two SBDs are also downed in persistent attacks by an estimated 60 Japanese fighters during the approach and withdrawal phases of the strike.
  • VMF-211, VMF-215, and VMF-321 F4Us and VF-40 F6Fs down 29 A6M Zeros, and VMTB-232 and VMSB-236 TBF and SBD crews down 4 Zeros, all in the Rabaul area, between 1225 and 1300 hours.
  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Cape Busching area, B-25s and A-20s attack targets along the New Britain coasts, and 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Au and Cape Gazelle.
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 2 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping off St. John Island. 4 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Weichow Island.
[rarrrarr | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Gilberts

39 F4Us from VMF-113 and VMF(N)-532 are delivered to Hawkins Field, Betio aboard the escort carrier USS White Plains (CVE-66).

[larrlarr | larr]

Air Operations, Marshalls

12 VII Bomber Command B-24s pass through Hawkins Field, Betio to attack the Kwajalein Atoll. 3 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack shipping at the Wotje Atoll while other B-25s attack the airfield and other targets there.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

More than 50 V Bomber Command B-24s and B-25s and V Fighter Command P-40 fighter-bombers attack the Alexishafen and Erima areas.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Solomons

  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Buka. and AirSols SBDs and P-39s attack Japanese Army ground troops on Bougainville.
  • A P-38 with the 18th Fighter Group’s 44th Fighter Squadron downs a B5N 'Kate' torpedo bobmer near Cape Torokina, Bougainville, at 1550 hours.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


In a letter to Chiang Kai-shek, Pres Roosevelt asks him to use his forces in Yunnan against the Japanese occupying Burma, at the same time as the British launch an offensive from India. He makes it clear to the Generalissimo that, if he does not agree, the United States may review its policy of aid to China.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

In the central sector the Soviets break through the German lines on a broad front and re-capture Mozyr and Kalinkovichi, southwest of Gomel, forming a salient in the enemy line. In the north the troops of the Leningrad Front under Leonid Govorov, Volkhov under Kiril Meretskov and 2nd Baltic Fronts begin a major offensive to relieve Leningrad. 1,000 guns and 17 warships of the Baltic Fleet pour 500,000 shells into the Finnskoyo-Koirovo sector. The 42nd Army and the 2nd Assault Army are making for Oranienbaum and the 59th Army is attacking in the direction of Novgorod. The German Army Group North under Georg von Küchler is hard pressed to hold the vigorous Russian thrust.


The Soviet offensive by the Leningrad and Volkhov Fronts to free Leningrad begins, the customary artillery barrage softening the German defenses before the main attack is launched. The attack by the 2nd Shock Army from the Oranienbaum bridgehead takes the German entirely by surprise, ripping Gen Felix Steiner's III SS Panzer Corps apart. The 2 Lufwaffe divisions allocated to the corps take the full force of the blow and collapse almost immediately.

South of Leningrad the guns of the 42nd and 67th Armies pound the well dug in German forces in preparation for their attack on the 15th.

To the south, the 2nd Baltic Front's 22nd Army gains ground north of Novosokolnikov.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

New Britain

The fighting around the Cape Gloucester bridgehead continues. While the Japanese can score no positive success they do manage to hold up some of the American plans to expand their possessions.

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  • The Japanese destroyer Sazanami is sunk by the US submarine Albacore (SS-218) in the Central Pacific area.
  • The US fuel oil barge YO-159, under tow by US tanker Gulf Star is torpedoed by Japanese submarine RO-42, 250 miles east of Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides.
  • The US submarine Scamp (SS-277) attacks a Japanese convoy about 400 miles east-southeast of the Palaus, sinking the fleet tanker Nippon Maru (9975t) south of Sorol Island.
  • Attacking the same convoy as Scamp, Guardfish (SS-217) sinks the fleet tanker Kenyo Maru (10,022t) 520 miles southeast of Palau.
  • The US submarine Seawolf (SS-197) attacks a Japanese convoy about 300 miles northeast of Okinawa sinking the fleet tanker Yamatzuru Maru (3651t).
  • The US submarine Swordfish (SS-193) attacks a Japanese convoy off Hachijo Jima, south of Honshu, and sinks the transport Yamakuni Maru (6921t).
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

United States, Home Front

The major rail unions accept terms suggested by the president, avoiding a threatened strike. The railroads have in fact been run under the authority of Secretary Stimson since December 27 but they are returned to private ownership and operation on January 18.

[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Images from January 14, 1944

Lancaster in Flight

Lancaster in Flight

937th Day of the War

937th Day of the War

Algerian Troops at Monte Cassino

Algerian Troops at Monte Cassino

Soviet Soldiers Take Up Positions

Soviet Soldiers Take Up Positions

Brunswick Damage

Brunswick Damage

Saturday, January 15

Air Operations, Bismarcks

5 Air Force B-25s and P-39s attack Japanese Army troop positions along New Britain’s southern coast.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 1 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and 4 10th Air Force P-40s attack a train near Pinwe.
  • 2 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack a lighthouse on Nampang Island and a vessel off Swatow.
  • 2 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack a power plant and a Japanese gunboat at Hongay.
[rarrrarr | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Sofia is attacked by Allied bombers, the beginning of a series of raids on Balkan cities.

  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack a rail junction.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack Orvieto.
  • XII Air Support Command's 79th Fighter Group, in P-40s, and an RAF fighter wing attack a railroad station.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s attack gun emplacements and troop positions in direct support of the US 5th Army.
  • 12th Air Force P-40s on an armed recon attack several rail targets.
  • 52nd Fighter Group Spitfires down 3 He-115 recon float planes over Savona harbor at 1545 hours.
  • 15th Air Force B-24s attack a marshalling yard at Prato, nearby roads, and the town area at Pistoia.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attack marshalling yards at eight location and two rail bridges.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Gilberts

A P-39 with the 15th Fighter Group’s 46th Fighter Squadron downs a G3M 'Nell' bomber over Makin at 2020 hours.


Air Operations, Marshalls

9 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s mount a low-level attack against shipping and other targets in the Maloelap Atoll. 1 B-25 is lost to anti-aircraft fire.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-24s and B-25s attack Uligan Harbor. B-25s and V Fighter Command P-40s and P-47s attack targets in the Alexishafen, Bogadjim, Erima, and Madang areas.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Solomons

  • 24 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s, escorted by 60 AirSols fighters, attack East Cape and XIII Fighter Command P-39s attack barges and motor vehicles at Chabai.
  • 3 VMF-211 F4Us down an A6M Zero near Torokina Field on Bougainville at 1720 hours.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


An earthquake destroys the city of San Juan. About 1,600 people are killed.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


  • U-377, commanded by Oberleutnant zur See Gerhard Kluth, is sunk by an acoustic torpedo fired from U-972, commanded by Oberleutnant zur See Klaus König, who is to suffer a similar fate later in the month.
  • U-377

    ClassType VIIC
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Gerhard Kluth
    Location Atlantic, N of the Azores
    Cause German acoustic torpedo
    Casualties 52
    Survivors None


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Klause-Dietrich König
    Location Atlantic, position unknown
    Cause Unknown
    Casualties 49
    Survivors None
  • U-972 is lost about the same time as U-377 probably from an accident from equipment or drill failure.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Britain, Politics

A British cabinet committee headed by Clement Atlee recommends the partition of Germany after the war.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


Local actions are reported in Upper Burma between Japanese contingents and small units of the Chinese 38th Division.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

There is heavy fighting in the northern sector, especially just north of Lake Ilmen and just south of Leningrad itself. Units of the Soviet 59th Army make a surprise crossing of the frozen Lake Ilmen and make for the southern flank of the German strongpoint at Novgorod. This sector is defended by the German 18th Army. Further north the armies of the Leningrad Front push forward vigorously in the direction of Krasnoye Selo.


Gen Ivan Maslennikov's 42nd Army and the 67th Army attack. Both armies meet fierce resistance from the LIV and XXVI Corps south of Leningrad, while the 8th Army hits the XXVIII Corps as it launches diversionary attacks toward Mga. The 54th Army also attacks toward Lyuban,hitting the I Corps, while the 59th Army, on the left flank of the Volkhov Front, begins to cross the frozen surface of Lake Ilmen to assault the German forces in Novgorod.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


Supported on the right flank by the French Expeditionary Corps troops of Gen Geoffrey Keyes' II Corps capture Monte Trocchio, the last important bastion before the defenses of the Rapido valley and the formidable Cassino position itself. 5th Army has now closed up to the 'Gustav' Line all along its front and despite the heavy fighting of the past weeks it must continue to attack to play its part in drawing off German reserves before the Anzio operation. The moment has come for the Americans to try to break through the 'Gustav' Line and reach the valley of the Liri.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

New Guinea

The troops of the Australian 9th Division on the north coast of the Huon Peninsula attack and capture Sio, but not before it has been evacuated by the Japanese. There is now a gap of only 50 miles between Australian troops at Sio and US forces at Saidor, and the Japanese defense of the Huon Peninsula is in complete disarray.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


  • The US submarine Thresher (SS-200) attacks a Japanese conovy 75 miles north of Luzon sinking the army cargo ship Toho Maru (4092t) and the merchant tanker Tatsuno Maru (6950t).
  • The British submarine Tally Ho sinks the Japanese army cargo ship Ryoko Maru south of Port Blair, Andaman Islands.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from January 15, 1944

British Soldiers in Combat

British Soldiers in Combat

US Tanks in Italy

US Tanks in Italy

Italian Railroad Becomes Allied Road

Italian Railroad Becomes Allied Road

British Soldiers under Enemy Fire

British Soldiers under Enemy Fire

British Soldiers with Machine Guns

British Soldiers with Machine Guns

American Humor Brings a Laugh

American Humor Brings a Laugh

Indian Army Sikh Soldiers

Indian Army Sikh Soldiers

Soldiers Examining Tank

Soldiers Examining Tank

Members of the Polish 27th Home Army Infantry Division

Members of the Polish 27th Home Army Infantry Division

Destroyed Bridge near Cevaro, Italy

 Destroyed Bridge near Cevaro, Italy

Sunday, January 16

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • In support of a US Army ground offensive, 18 V Bomber Command B-24s and 20 B-25s attack Japanese Army ground forces around Arawe with 136 1,000-pound bombs.
  • Japanese Army ground forces around Cape Gloucester break contact with the US 1st Marine Division and begin withdrawing eastward.
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 8 14 Air Force P-40s attack Pingkai and nearby targets of opportunity.
[rarrrarr | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

Several 380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Amboina Island.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

B-17s attack the Messerschmitt factory at Klagenfurt, Austria.

  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack a marshalling yard and rail lines at Terni.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack a marshalling yard and bridge at Orte.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s attack Atina.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s attack rail lines, rail junctions, and several towns in and around the battle area.
  • XII Air Support Command p-40s attack gun emplacements in and around Cassino and several other frontline towns.
  • 33rd Fighter Group P-40s down 1 FW-190 in a morning clash over Anzio.
  • 31st Fighter Group Spitfires down 3 Bf-109s and damage several others near Cassino at 1030 hours.
  • 61 15th Air Force B-17s damage the Bf-109 components factory at Klagenfurt. 2 Bf-109s are and 2 more are probables by 14th Fighter Group P-38s at 1150 hours.
    • 3 P-38s are lost.
  • 15th Air Force B-24s attack the landing ground at Osoppo.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attack the Villaorba Airdrome.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Marshalls

  • 25 531st Fighter-Bomber Squadron A-24s, 16 46th Fighter Squadron P-39 fighter-bombers, and 45th Fighter Squadron P-40 fighter-bombers attack anti-aircraft batteries and barracks in the Mille Atoll. 2 P-39s are lost.
  • P-39s with the 15th Fighter Group’s 46th Fighter Squadron down 2 G4M 'Betty' bombers over the Mille Atoll at 0600 hours.
[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

  • 5th Air Force B-25s, A-20s, and P-40s attack Bogadjim, Erima, and Madang. V Fighter Command P-39s strafe the area between Bogadjim and Sio. V Bomber Command B-25s attack coastal targets.
  • P-40s with the 8th Fighter Group’s 35th Fighter Squadron down a D3A 'Val' dive bomer and 17 Japanese fighters near Saidor at 1030 hours.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Allied Command

Gen Eisenhower formally assumes his duties as Commander in Chief of the Allied Expeditionary Forces.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Battle of the Atlantic

The German submarine U-544 is sunk by aircraft (VC-13) from the US escort carrier Guadalcanal (CVE-60) in the mid-Atlantic area.


ClassType IXC/40
CO Kapitänleutnant Willi Manke
Location Atlantic, NW of the Azores
Cause Air attack
Casualties 57
Survivors None
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


Units of the Chinese 38th Division cross the Sanip River, but are held up by an enemy strongpoint near the confluence of the Tanai and Tarung Rivers. The Chinese 112th Regiment seizes Gum Ga and advances as far as Warang, where it halts.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

The Soviets break through in their attacks just north of Velikiye Luki. While the chief thrust of the Russian offensive is in the north, south of Leningrad, in the central sector the Red Army deepens the Sarny salient beyond the pre-war Polish frontier.


The 42nd and 67th Armies are bogged down in heavy fighting in the GeErman trenches south of Leningrad.


The 3rd and 4th Ukrainian Fronts call off their attacks against Gen Karl-Adolf Hollidt's 6th Army. The Soviets have suffered extremely heavy casualties because the 6th Army had constructed a string of strong defenses in the Dniepr elbow. The Stavka decides instead to reinforce and regroup both fronts prior to the next phase of the attack.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


Chiang Kai-shek, in reply to the recent message from Roosevelt, threatens to cut off supplies from the American forces in China and to turn them out of their quarters with effect from March 1, 1944 unless the United States grant China a credit of a thousand million dollars. This blackmail arouses violent criticism in Washington. Adm Mountbatten suggests that the Chinese army in India should be put under command of the British, but Gen Stilwell refuses the offer, preferring to retain operational control of such large units himself.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

New Britain

There are considerable Japanese counterattacks toward Cape Gloucester but these are driven off with heavy loss. Moving from the perimeter of the Arawe beachhead, American units with armored support assault the enemy positions and advance one mile.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

New Guinea

Australian forces take over the Finisterre range in the north of the Huon Peninsula.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


  • The US submarine Blackfish (SS-221) attacks a Japanese convoy about 275 miles southwest of Truk and sinks the transport Kaika Maru (2087t).
  • The US submarine Seahorse (SS-304) sinks the Japanese merchant cargo ship Nikko Maru (734t) southeast of the Marianas.
  • The US submarine Swordfish (SS-193) sinks the Japanese gunboat Delhi Maru (2182t) off Honshu.
  • The US submarine Whale (SS-239) attacks a Japanese convoy about 400 miles southeast of Okinawa and sinks the army cargo ship Denmark Maru (5870t) and the transport Tarushima Maru (4865t).
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Images from January 16, 1944

German Prisoners of War in Italy

German Prisoners of War in Italy

Soldier Being Rescued in Italy

Soldier Being Rescued in Italy

Placing Flowers on a Grave

Placing Flowers on a Grave

Evacuating French Casualties

Evacuating French Casualties

Soldiers in Bomb-damaged Town in Italy

Soldiers in Bomb-damaged Town in Italy

Inspecting the Atlantic Wall

Inspecting the Atlantic Wall

Monday, January 17

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • 29 AirSols SBDs and 18 VMTB-232 TBFs, escorted by 70 AirSols fighters, attack shipping in Simpson Harbor. 79 Japanese fighters are launched to intercept the bombers, but 5 Japanese merchant ships are confirmed sunk.
  • 18th and 347th Fighter group P-38s down 6 A6M Zeros over the Rabaul area at 1230 hours. VMF-211, VMF-212, and VMF-321 F4Us down 10 Zeros, and VMTB-232 TBF crews down 2 Zero over the Rabaul area between 1230 and 1320 hours. VF-40 F6Fs down 2 Zeros over the Rabaul area between 1320 and 1330 hours. 5 P-38s, 1 F4U, 1 F6F, 1 SBD, and 1 TBF are lost.
  • Japanese Army positions around Arawe are mopped up, but it has been decided that Arawe will not be the site of a new airfield after all.
  • During the night, several XIII Bomber Command B-24s in two separate formations attack the Rabaul area.
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, CBI

  • 10th Air Force A-36s and P-51s attack Japanese Army ground troops around Shaduzup, Ngamaw Ga, and Taro. A-36s and P-51s bomb rail cars, supply dumps, and warehouses at Sahmaw. P-40s attack the airfield at Myitkyina.
[rarrrarr | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Bandanaira, Celebes.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack marshalling yards at three locations.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack a rail bridge and a marshalling yard.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s attack Anzio, Avezzano, and Tarquinia.
  • XII Air Support Command P-40s attack the docks at Anzio and gun emplacements at two locations.
  • XII Air Support Command P-40s attack the harbor at Sibenik.
  • 15th Air Force B-24s attack a marshalling yard at Arezzo.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attack marshalling yards at two locations.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Marshalls

9 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s based at O’Hare Field, Abemama and 4 45th Fighter Squadron P-40s based at Starmann Field, Butaritari attack the Mille Atoll.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

47 V Bomber Command B-24s and B-25s attack targets around Hansa Bay, B-25s attack Nubia, and V Fighter Command P-39s attack Rai Coast.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Solomons

During the night, 2 US Navy PVs attack a Japanese coastwatcher station on Choiseul.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Australia, Home Front

Meat rationing is introduced.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Battle of the Atlantic

U-305 is sunk in a depth-charge attack by the British destroyer Wanderer and the British corvette Geranium


ClassType VIIC
CO Kapitänleutnant Rudolf Bahr
Location N Atlantic, SW of Cape Clear
Cause Depth charge
Casualties 51
Survivors None
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


The 113th Regt of the Chines 38th Division, bypassing a Japanese strongpoint on the Brangbram stream, advances on Taihpa Ga.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

Vatutin's troops take Slavuta, continuing the advance toward Rovno.


The German forces at Leningrad begin to crack under the weight of the Russian attacks. The dam at Krasnoye Selo is blown to flood the area and hold up the Russians. So far the 42nd Army has pushed 6 miles into the positions of the LIV and XXVI Corps and is about to turn toward Ropsha to link up with the 2nd Shock Army. However, the German defenses hold up the advance, enabling Kuchler to extricate his battered divisions despite Hitler's order to fight for every yard. Kuchler expects the Russians to attempt an encirclement operation at Uritsk and Ropsha.

In an effort to slow down the 8th Army at Mga, the 18th Army throws its last reserve of 3 infantry divisions into a counterattack.


The 60th Army takes Slavuta.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


The US VI Corps ends its brief but intensive training for the amphibious landing at Anzio-Nettuno. Towards evening the artillery of the British X Corps opens fire on the enemy positions on the north bank of the Garigliano, while the Allied fleet off Gaeta shells the lines of communication between the German units in the front line and their rear areas. Late in the day the British X Corps from 5th Army begins formal attacks on the German positions along the Garigliano. 3 divisions make the assault. On the left 5th Division, aided by a small seaborne left hook, get successfully across the river as do 56th Division on their right. On the right flank of the attack, however, the efforts of 46th Division at Sant'Ambrogio and to the south are frustrated by the German defense. The defenders are from the 94th Infantry Division of Gen Fridolin von Senger und Etterlin's XIV Panzer Corps.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

New Britain

The Americans continue with the mopping up of the territory captured from the enemy on the edge of the Arawe beachhead.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Soviet Union, Home Front

The official Soviet newspaper Pravda charges the Britain is planning to negotiate a separate peace with Germany. London, of course, denies the charge.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

United States, Command

Lt-Gen Omar N. Bradley is appointed to command the US Army in the Field, under Eisenhower.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from January 17, 1944

Artillery Observer in Cassino

Artillery Observer in Cassino

Canadian Gunners with Anti-tank Gun

Canadian Gunners with Anti-tank Gun

Attending to a Wounded Soldier

Attending to a Wounded Soldier

Laying Signal Lines in Cassino

Laying Signal Lines in Cassino

Gun Crew During Shelling in Italy

Gun Crew During Shelling in Italy

Soldiers Examining a Weapon

Soldiers Examining a Weapon

Perth Regiment Moving into the Line

Perth Regiment Moving into the Line

The Battle of Monte Cassino

The Battle of Monte Cassino

Theodore Roosevelt, Jr

Theodore Roosevelt, Jr

Allies Attack Toward Cassino

Allies Attack Toward Cassino

Hauling Perth AT Gun out of the Mud

Hauling Perth AT Gun out of the Mud

US Soldiers Working on Weather Reports

US Soldiers Working on Weather Reports

Tuesday, January 18

Air Operations, CBI

  • 18 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s and 9 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s attack a Japanese Army bivouac at Kyaukchaw. 20 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack the main airfield and a satellite one at Meiktila. 17 10th Air Force A-36s and P-51s attack Japanese Army ground troops, dumps, and workshops at Sawnghka. 11 P-40s attack Japanese Army ground troops and dumps at Shaduzup.
  • A 311th Fighter Group P-51 downs a A6M Zero in an engagement near Ukyinkoi at 1140 hours and an 80th Fighter Group P-40 downs a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter in an engagenent near Fort Hertz at 1250 hours.
  • 3 10th Air Force transport aircraft are downed by Japanese fighters while dropping supplies to Allied ground troops near Sumprabum.
  • 2 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack rail and port facilities at Campha Port, and oil storage at Mon Kay.
[rarrrarr | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Laha, Ceram.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack the harbor at Piombino, factories, a bridge, and a rail line.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s attack gun emplacements.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s attack troops, motor vehicles, and gun emplacements in and around the battle area, and rail targets throughout central Italy.
  • XII Air Support Command P-40s attack ships, port facilities, and railroads around Metkovic and Ploca.
  • 15th Air Force B-24s attack the marshalling yards at Pisa.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attack the marshalling yards at three locations and rail bridges at two locations.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • 12 of 34 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s sent, escorted by more than 70 AirSols fighters, attack the Tobera airfield at Rabaul.
  • 18th Fighter Group P-38s down 6 A6M Zeros over the Tobera airfield between 1230 and 1305 hours. 2 VF-30 F6Fs down an A6M Zero over Blanche Channel at 1245 hours. VMF-215 and VMF-321 F4Us down 10 Zeros and 2 Ki-61 'Tony' fighters in the Rabaul area between 1315 and 1510 hours.
[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Marshalls

12 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Mille Atoll. 25 531st Fighter-Bomber Squadron A-24s and 8 45th Fighter Squadron P-40 fighter-bombers attack an oil depot and a radio station on Jabor Island, in the Jaluit Atoll.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

40 V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Hansa Bay area and more than 70 B-25s attack the Bogadjim and Madang areas and support Australian Army forces clearing Shaggy Ridge. 8th and 475th Fighter group P-38s down 14 Japanese fighters over the Wewak area between 1050 and 1100 hours. A P-47 with the 49th Fighter Group’s 9th Fighter Squadron downs an A6M Zero near Wewak at 1150 hours. 3 P-38s are lost.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Britain, Home Front

Churchill returns from North Africa.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


By daybreak both 5th and 56th Divisions have crossed the Garigliano, are soundly established on the north bank and are pushing forward. Gen Heinrich von Vietinghoff commanding the German 10th Army gets permission from Kesselring, Supreme Commander in Italy, to start to move some of the reserve from the Anzio area to meet this attack. He cancels the order to send the Hermann Goering Panzer Division to France and transfers the 90th Panzergrenadiere from the Adriatic sector to the Aurunci Mountains to hold up the attack by the British X Corps. He also moves the 29th Panzer Division from Rome to reinforce the sector. Meanwhile, farther north, the US II Corps is engaged in clearing the minefields along the tracks leading to the Rapido.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Images from January 18, 1944

British 5.5-in Medium Artillery in Action

British 5.5-in Medium Artillery in Action

Crossing the River Garigliano

Crossing the River Garigliano

British Infantry Crossing the River Garigliano

British Infantry Crossing the River Garigliano

US Soldier Prepares Radio Transmitter

US Soldier Prepares Radio Transmitter

US Soldier Conducts a Radio Maintenance Class

US Soldier Conducts a Radio Maintenance Class

Armorers Clean Out the Cannon of a Typhoon

Armorers Clean Out the Cannon of a Typhoon

Tiger Crew with 'Kill' Markings

Armorers Clean Out the Cannon of a Typhoon

Scouts Look at Cassino

Scouts Look at Cassino

View of Cassino, Italy

View of Cassino, Italy

Italian Woman in Rubble

Italian Woman in Rubble

Bogged Sherman Tank

Bogged Sherman Tank

Tank Squeezes under a Low Railway Bridge

Tank Squeezes under a Low Railway Bridge

Wednesday, January 19

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • 2 V Fighter Command P-39 fighter-bombers attack barges around Cape Raoult.
  • During the night, XIII Bomber Command B-24s organized into two waves attack Rabaul and the Vunakanau airfield there.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 26 10th Air Force A-36s and P-51s attack road targets, and 4 P-40s attack an occupied town.
  • 2 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 14 14th Air Force P-40s attack a barracks at Mon Kay.
  • 16 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack a rail station in Bangkok.
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Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Halong (Celebes) and Amboina Island.

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Air Operations, Europe

Wing-Cmdr Lance Wade, American-born RAF fighter 'ace' with 25 victories, is killed in a flying accident over Italy. He was 28.

  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack the Rieti Airdrome.
  • XIi Bomber Command B-26s attack the Viterbo Airdrome.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s attack troop positions and rail and communications targets along the US 5th Army battlefront at the Garigliano River.
  • XII Air Support Command P-40s attack German Army troop positions and defended villages in the battle area.
  • XII Air Support Command P-40s attack two schooners at Makarska.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s and B-24s attack three airdromes around Rome.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

  • 17 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s mount a low-level attack against the Mille Atoll. 2 B-25s are lost.
  • During the night, 13 VII Bomber Command B-24s pass through Hawkins Field, Betio to attack the Wotje Atoll.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

57 V Bomber Command B-24s attack Boram, 2 B-24s attack a freighter at Aitape, and 65 V Bomber Command B-25s join RAAF bombers in supporting Australian Army ground troops clearing Shaggy Ridge.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-641 is ;sunk in a Hedgehog attack by the British corvette Violet near the convoy OS-65.


ClassType VIIC
CO Kapitänleutnant Horst Rendtel
Location Atlantic, SW of Cape Clear
Cause Depth charge
Casualties 50
Survivors None
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Britain, Home Front

In a speech to the House of Commons Eden warns the Spanish government against continued aid to Germany by maintaining Spanish troops on the Russian front.

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Eastern Front

The troops of the Leningrad Front take Krasnoye Selo, Popsha and Peterhof, linking the sectors of 42nd Army and 2nd Shock Army. The advance units of the 2 armies join up at Russko-Vysotskoye, a place southwest of Krasnoye Selo and Leningrad, thus cutting off the Germans from the Gulf of Finland. A hundred miles farther south the troops of the Volkhov Front make further encircling advances near Novgorod.


The 2nd Shock and 42nd Armies link up at Ropsha. A small part of the LIV Corps is encirled at Peterhof and quickly destroyed. However, large amounts of the German siege arty are captured as Ropsha and Strelna fall, the siege of Leningrad finally being broken for good. The 42nd Army also takes Krasnoye Selo and the heights of Voronya Gora. The 1st Corps loses a division in Novgorod as the advancing 59th Army encircles the town.

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The British 5th and 56th Divisions further widen their bridgeheads over the Garigliano. Minturno is taken by the British 5th Division in the continuing attacks by X Corps. The 56th approaches Castelforte.

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New Britain

In the Cape Gloucester area American troops try to maintain contact with the Japanese as they retreat, and at the same time to extend the occupied area in the western part of the island as far as a line Borgen Bay-Itni River.

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Images from January 19, 1944

German Prisoners of War in Italy

German Prisoners of War in Italy

Crossing the River Garigliano

Crossing the River Garigliano

A Patrol Searches for Signs of the Enemy

A Patrol Searches for Signs of the Enemy

Scanning the Jungle for Signs of the Enemy

Scanning the Jungle for Signs of the Enemy

Thursday, January 20

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • 25 V Bomber Command A-20s attack Japanese Army ground troops around Gasmata and barges between Borgen Bay and Rein Bay. 18 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s, escorted by more than 70 AirSols fighters, attack the Vunakanau airfield at Rabaul, anti-aircraft batteries, and fuel dumps.
  • VMF-211, VMF-215, and VMF-321 F4Us down 15 A6M Zeros in the Rabaul area between 1325 and 1330 hours.
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Air Operations, Europe

Battle of Berlin
Evening Ops:
  • 769 aircraft are sent to Berlin. Included in this total are 495 Lancasters, 264 Halifaxes and 10 Mosquitos.
  • The bomber approach route takes a wide swing to the north, but the German controller manages to feed his fighters into the bomber stream early and the fighters score steadily until the force is well on its way home. There are divesions but not large enough to deceive the Germans. The Berlin area is completely cloud-covered and results of the attack are unknown. The Pathfinder skymarking appears to have gone according to plan and crews who were scanning the ground with their H2S sets believe that the attack falls on the eastern districts of Berlin. No major navigational problems are experienced. No photographic reconnaissance is possible until after a further 4 raids on Berlin are carried out but the various sources from which the Berlin reports are normally drawn all show a complete blank for this night. Over 2,300 tons of bombs are dropped.
    • 22 Halifaxes and 13 Lancasters are lost. No 102 Squadron, from Pocklington, loses 5 of its 16 Halifaxes on this raid, 2 more crash in England and the squadron would lose 4 more aircraft in the next night's raid.
  • 12 Mosquitos are sent to Düsseldorf, 4 to Kiel, 3 to Hannover, there are 6 RCM sorties, 5 Serrate patrols, 29 aircraft lay mines in the Frisians and off French ports, and there are 20 OTU sorties.
    • There are no losses.
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack rail lines around Carsloi.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack a bridge and a marshalling yard.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s provide close support for US 5th Army ground forces around Minturno.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s attack rail targets and mount more than 200 close-support sorties in conjunction with the US 36th Infantry Division's crossing of the Rapido River.
  • 31st Fighter Group Spitfires down 3 Luftwaffe fighters and damage or possibly down 4 others during afternoon missions over central Italy.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s and B-24s attack the Centocelle, Ciampino, and Guidonia Airdromes around Rome.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 5 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and 16 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack rail lines, a rail bridge, and a pipeline in the Nattalin area. More than 40 10th Air Force A-36s and P-51s attack supply dumps along the rail line through the Mogaung area as well as warehouses at Mohnyin.
  • 2 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack a tanker and a freighter while conducting a sweep between Hong Kong and Swatow.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

  • 8 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Rakaaru Island, but other B-25s sent to attack shipping in the Ailinglaplap Atoll abort in the face of bad weather. Also, 9 45th Fighter Squadron P-40s strafe a Japanese Navy corvette at Jaluit. 4 P-40 fighter-bombers attack the Mille Atoll.
  • During the night, 16 VII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Kwajalein Atoll.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

37 V Bomber Command B-25s and 1 B-24 attack the Hansa Bay area. More than 60 B-25s support Australian Army ground forces clearing Shaggy Ridge. V Fighter Command P-39s attack Japanese Army ground troops at Weber Point.

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US Tank Landing Ship LST-228 sinks after running aground off the Azores.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-263 is lost on an air-dropped mine laid during one of the RAF's 'Gardening' sorties.


ClassType VIIC
CO Kapitänleutnant Kurt Nolke
Location Bay of Biscay, off La Pallice
Cause Mine
Casualties 51
Survivors None
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Eastern Front

The Soviet 59th Army takes Novgorod in a brutal storming attack. The German 18th Army is forced to retire to avoid being surrounded. Meanwhile the 2nd Baltic Front under Popov also goes into action, vigorously engaging the German 16th Army to prevent it from sending reinforcements towards Novgorod and Leningrad.


Novgorod falls to the 59th Army as the German break out. The 2nd Baltic Front launches its diversionary attack against the 16th Army.

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English Channel

British cross-Channel guns sink the blockade-runner Münsterland off Cap Gris Nez. German guns bombard Dover, Deal, Folkestoner and Ramsgate.

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The US II Corps begins attacks across the Rapido toward the Liri valley and Monte Cassino. The US 36th Division occupies the south bank of the Rapido without much difficulty, but when it tries to cross the river at Sant'Angelo in Theodice, it is beaten off by the Germans with little difficulty. Meanwhile the 34th Division carries out diversionary actions toward Cassino. Farther south the attacks of the British X Corps are still making progress and capture Tufo.

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  • The US submarine Batfish (SS-310) attacks a Japanese convoy off southern Honshu and sinks the transport Hidaka Maru (5486t) south of Shiono Misaki.
  • The US submarine Gar (SS-206) attacks a Japanese convoy on the New Guinea-to-Palau route and sinks the army cargo ship Koyo Maru (5325t) about 50 miles south-southwest of Palau.
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United States, Command

Gen Carl Spaatz takes over supreme command of the American air forces in the European theater of war.

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Images from January 20, 1944

Dead German Soldiers in San Vittore

Dead German Soldiers in San Vittore

Convoy En Route to Anzio

Convoy En Route to Anzio

Raft Transport

Raft Transport

Sherman Tank Being Rafted

Sherman Tank Being Rafted

Friday, January 21

Air Operations, Bismarcks

38 XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Borpop airfield on New Ireland. V Bomber Command B-25s and V Fighter Command P-39s strafe barges and targets of opportunity between Cape Raoult and Rein Bay. B-24s mount individual attacks against the Cape Hoskins airfield on New Britain and attack shipping near Kavieng.

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Air Operations, Europe

In Operation STEINBOCK (IBEX), also known as the 'Little Blitz' on London, a motley force of 447 aircraft, including He-177 heavy bombers, are sent to bomb London. Only 32 tons of bombs are dropped on target. 9 planes are lost. There will be 13 similar attacks from January 29 to April 18.

Evening Ops:
  • 648 aircraft are sent to Madgeburg. In this total are 421 Lancasters, 224 Halifaxes and 3 Mosquitos.
  • The German controller again follows the progress of the bomber stream across the North Sea and many night fighters are in the stream before it crosses the German coast. The controller is slow to identify Magdeburg as the target, but this does not matter because most of the night fighters are able to stay in the bomber stream, a good example of the way the Tame Boar tactics are developing. The raid is not classified as a success. Some of the Main Force aircraft now have H2S and winds which are stronger than forecast bring some of these into the target area before the Pathfinders' Zero Hour. The crews of 27 Main Force aircraft are anxious to bomb and do so before Zero Hour. The Pathfinders blame the fires started by this early bombing, together with some very effective German decoy markers, for their failure to concentrate the marking.
    • 57 aircraft including 35 Halifaxes and 22 Lancasters are lost. It is probable that three quarters of the losses are caused by German night fighters. During this raid, 2 German night fighter 'aces' are killed: Heinrich Prinz zu Sayn Wittgenstein with 83 victories and Manfred Meurer with 65 victories.
  • 22 Lancasters and 12 Mosquitos of Nos. 5 and 8 Groups carry out a diversionary raid to Berlin.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost.
  • 111 aircraft including 89 Stirlings, 12 Lancasters and 10 Mosquitos, are sent to hit 6 flying bomb sites in France.
    • There are no losses.
Other Ops:
  • 8 Mosquitos are sent to Oberhausen, 5 to Rheinhausen, there are 6 RCM sorties, 5 Serrate patrols, 8 Wellingtons lay mines of St Nazaire and there are 16 OTU sorties.
    • There are no losses.
  • After being grounded for a full week by bad weather over the Continent, 795 8th Air Force B-17s and B-24s are dispatched against 36 B-weapons sites in the Cherbourg and Pas-de-Calais areas. Results are decidedly mixed due to heavy cloud cover. 401 of the heavy bombers never drop their bombs, but 26 V-weapons sits and several targets of opportunity, including three airdromes, are eventually attack by 394 bombers releasing 1,141 tons of bombs.
    • 6 bombers are lost
  • Escort and support for the mission is provided by 628 USAAF fighters. USAAF fighters down 7 Luftwaffe fighters.
    • 1 P-47 and its pilot are lost
  • 119 IX Bomber Command medium bombers also attack V-weapons sites.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack rail bridges around Orvieto.
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack a bridge at Pontecorvo and rail lines around Rome.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s attack Atina.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s attack numerous tactical targets, troop concentrations, and a radar station in the US 5th Army zone.
  • 325th Fighter Group P-47s down 4 FW-190s near Florence about 1230 hours.
  • In an effort to stop at the source Luftwaffe bomber attacks on shipping and bases in Corsica and Sardinia, a total of 72 15th Air Force B-17s attack the Luftwaffe airdromes at Salon-de-Provence and Istres-le-Tube about noon with an aggregate of 228 tons of bombs. Damage is heavy and both bases are put out of commission temporarily just as a major Allied amphibious landing is about to take place in central Italy. 6 Luftwaffe fighters are downed over southern France by 1st and 82nd Fighter Group P-38 escorts.
  • 15th Air Force B-24s attack marshalling yards at Pisa, Pontedera, and Prato.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attack marshalling yards and a bridge at Rimini, and a marshalling yard at Porto Civitanova.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 11 10th Air Force P-40s attack a bridge at Loilaw and a nearby town. 11 A-36s and P-51s attack Japanese Army ground troops near Kamaing. 16 A-36s and P-51s support Allied ground forces near Sumprabum.
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Air Operations, East Indies

2 380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Waingapoe, Sumatra.

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Air Operations, Marshalls

6 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Arno Atoll, 12 B-25s attack the Aur Atoll, 9 B-25s attack the Mille Atoll, and 23 531st Fighter-Bomber Squadron A-24s and 11 45th Fighter Squadron P-40 fighter-bombers attack barracks, two small ships, anti-aircraft batteries, and fuel stores in the Jaluit Atoll.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-25s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command P-39 fighter-bombers attack targets and Japanese Army ground troops in the Erima, Madang, and Saidor areas. P-40 dive-bombers support Australian Army ground forces clearing Shaggy Ridge. Also, B-24s mount individual attacks against shipping near Lorengau in the Admiralty Islands.

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Air Operations, Pacific

For the third successive night American aircraft based on Attu, in the Aleutians, bomb targets in the area of Paramushiru-Shimushu, in the Kuril Islands.

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Air Operations, Solomons

XIII Fighter Command P-39s strafe the Kahili and Kara airfields on Bougainville. XIII Bomber Command B-24s and US Navy PVs attack airfield at Buka and targets on Bougainville while conducting armed reconnaissance missions.

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Allied Planning

In London, Gen Eisenhower has his first meeting with his commanders about Operation OVERLORD, the landing of Allied troops in France.

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Gen Stilwell decides to attack towards Walawbum. The 113th Regiment of the Chinese 38th Division digs in at Ningru Ga, a little more that three-quarters of a mile from Taihpa Ga.

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Eastern Front

The Soviet attacks near Leningrad continue. Troops of the Soviet 8th Army of the Volkhov Front occupy Mga, 25 miles southeast of Leningrad, and the advance goes on toward Tosno. In the Ukraine, troops of Vatutin's 1st Ukraine Front and Konev's 2nd Ukraine Front have the 1st Panzer Army trapped in a pocket in the area of Korsun-Shevchenkosky, west of Cherkassy and south of Kiev. The Germans are supplied by an improvised air lift as they try to fight their way out.


Mga falls to the 8th Army. Tosno, another major site for the German siege arty, is threatened but the 18th Army is powerless to halt the Soviet advance. Kuchler has his hands tied by Hitler's rigid insistence on a static defense.

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The attacks of US II Corps continue but only very small holdings across the Rapido can be gained and these are quickly attacked and eliminated by the Germans. South of Sant' Angelo in Theodice the 143rd Regiment succeeds in crossing the river but is forced back on to the south bank almost at once. North of Sant' Angelo some units of the 141st Infantry Regiment have managed to establish a bridgehead, but it remains isolated.

In the afternoon a new attack by the 143rd Regiment allows 5 companies to stabilize another bridgehead, but during the night it is wiped out by the Germans. The US 36th Division loses very heavily in the day's action.

The forces for the Anzio landing sail from Naples.

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  • The US submarine Seahorse (SS-304) attacks a Japanese convoy en route to Hollandia from Palau and sinks the army transport Ikoma Maru (3156t).
  • The British submarine Tally Ho sinks the Japanese cargo ship Daigen Maru in the Malaccan Strait off Kuala Lumpur.
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Secret War

German agents in Iceland report the departure of British Convoy JW-56A.

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Images from January 21, 1944

Sherman Tanks Move North

Sherman Tanks Move North

Sitting on the Hood of a Jeep

Sitting on the Hood of a Jeep

Italian Refugees near Cassino

Italian Refugees near Cassino

Aircraft Bursts into Flames on Touchdown

Aircraft Bursts into Flames on Touchdown

Flight Deck Crewmen Fight the Fire

Flight Deck Crewmen Fight the Fire

Moving Up to the Rapido

Moving Up to the Rapido

Picking Up Telephone Wire

Picking Up Telephone Wire

Sherman Tank near the Garigliano

Sherman Tank near the Garigliano

Saturday, January 22

Admiralty Islands

Relays of American bombers begin the 'softening-up' offensive in advance of the invasion, attacking Japanese shipping in the area. Photographic reconnaissance missions are carried out over Lorengau and Momote.

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Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • V Bomber Command A-20s, V Fighter Command P-40s, and RAAF aircraft attack targets of opportunity along the New Britain coast.
  • 27 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s, escorted by more than 90 AirSols fighters, attack the Lakunai airffield at Rabaul. 1 B-25 and 4 fighters are lost.
  • A VMF-321 F4U downs an A6M Zero over New Ireland at 1415 hours. VMF-211 and VMF-215 F4Us down 15 A6M Zeros and Ki-61 'Tony' fighters in the Rabaul area between 1420 and 1440 hours. A VF-40 F6F downs an A6M Zero near Rabaul at 1450 hours.
  • During the night, 33 XIII Bomber Command B-24s and 6 42d Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the town area in Rabaul. This is the largest night mission of the Rabaul campaign.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 16 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Prome. 1 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25 and 16 10th Air Force A-36s and P-51s attack supply dumps and communications targets between Kumnyen and Ngamaw Ga. 12 A-36s and P-51s provide direct support for Allied ground forces around Sumprabum. 11 P-40 fighter-bombers attack a rail bridge at Namkwin.
  • 12 449th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack bridges at Shektan and Sheklung. 16 14th Air Force P-51s and P-40s attack the airfield at Nanchang.
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Air Operations, Europe

Allied aircraft drop 2 million leaflets on Rome announcing the imminent arrival of the liberation forces.

  • 15th Air Force B-24s attack the marshalling yard at Arezzo and a road defile at Terracina.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attack a marshalling yard and the airdrome at Pontedera, a marshalling yard and rail bridges at Terni, and highway and rail bridges around Pontecorvo and Stazione di Campoleone.
  • In several afternoon clashes, 12th and 15th air force fighterd down 12 Luftwaffe fighters over central Italy especially between Anzio and Rome.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

  • 18 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Hawkins Field, Betio attack targets in the Jaluit, Kwajalein, and Mille atolls. 10 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Maloelap Atoll. 9 B-25s attack the Wotje Atoll. In the day's action, 3 B-25s are lost.
  • The B-24s undertaking pre-invasion attacks on targets in the Kwajalein Atoll are not engaged by Japanese Navy defensive fighters for the first time since the bombing program began. In fact, Japanese Navy aerial resistance around the Kwajalein Atoll has ended.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • 11 345th Medium Bomb Group B-25s and V Fighter Command P-38s working together attack numerous coastal targets and shipping. P-40 dive-bombers support Australian Army ground forces in the final clearing of the main Japanese Army defensive strongpoints on Shaggy Ridge.
  • Along with the capture of Saidor, the seizure of Shaggy Ridge leaves the Allies in complete control of the Huon Peninsula.
  • Japanese Army ground forces withdrawing toward Madang from Saidor and the Shaggy Ridge area of the Ramu Valley are attacked from the air.
  • After a perios of bad weather, 2 F-5s of the 5th Air Force’s 8th Photographic Reconnissance Squadron are able to obtain good coverage of several invasion objectives in the Admiralty Islands.
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US Tank landing craft LCT-582 sinks after running aground in the Azores.

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Eastern Front

The Germans announce that they have repulsed the attacks of the Russian armies of the 1st Baltic Front under Yeremenko against Vitebsk, northwest of Smolensk. But Vitebsk, a crucial German strongpoint, is now completely surrounded by the Russians.


Despite a desperated appeal to Hitler, Kuchler is unable to gain authorization for a withdrawal.

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New Britain

Squadrons of Zero fighters drawn from the Japanese 2nd Fleet's aircraft carriers arrive to reinforce the defenses of Rabaul, bringing the total to 92 fighters.

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In the small hours of the morning the Allied landings at Anzio begin. The landing forces are from Gen John P. Lucas's VI Corps with the US 3rd Division and the British 1st Division, under Gen Sir William Penney, providing the bulk of the assault troops. Also involved in the landing will be the US 45th Infantry Division under Gen William W. Eagles, the US 1st Armored Division and a number of British Commando and US Ranger units. They are supported by 4 cruisers, 24 destroyers and 6 transports with numerous landing craft and amphibians. The Allied attacks on the 'Gustav' Line, particularly those of X Corps, have been successful in drawing in some of the German reserves so that only light forces are in the Anzio area. Only 2 battalions of the 29th Panzergrenadier are deployed in this sector and they are completely taken by surprise. The landings against the initial light opposition are an exemplary success of the 36,000 men landed by the end of the first day only 13 are killed and the port of Anzio is taken virtually intact as well as Nettuno harbor. North of Anzio the British 1st Division is landed with some Commando units; between Anzio and Nettuno, 2 American parachute battalions; and south of Nettuno, the US 3rd Division. The American 1st Armored Division and 45th Infantry Divisoin are in reserve with the rest of the British 1st Division as 'flying reserve'.

Adm Thomas Troubridge commands the British landing north of the town and Adm Frank J. Lowry the US landing to the south.

The Luftwaffe deploys He-177 bombers against the landings, but the effectiveness of their guided bombs is reduced by the jamming techniques of the US destroyers supporting the operation. There is one US ship casualty in the operation; the minesweeper Portent (AM-106) sinks when it hits a mine near Anzio.

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  • The main body of the invasion force for the Marshall Islands sails for its objectives.
  • The Japanese submarine RO-37 torpedoes the US tanker Cache (AO-67). The ship is damaged, but does not sink. This is the last success by a Japanese submarine in the southwest Pacific.
  • The Japanese submarine RO-37 is sunk by the US destroyer Buchanan (DD-484) in the South Pacific area.
  • US Army aircraft sink the Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser No. 40 off the Admiralty islands.
  • The US submarine Tinosa (SS-283) attacks a Japanese convoy about 120 miles north of Labuan, Borneo sinking the merchant tankers Seinan Maru (5401t) and Koshin Maru (5485t).
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Images from January 22, 1944

Landing craft at Anzio

Landing craft at Anzio

Gun Crews at the Ready

Gun Crews at the Ready

Wading Ashore near Anzio

Wading Ashore near Anzio

Sherman Tank Coming Ashore

Sherman Tank Coming Ashore

German Prisoners Watch Allied Troops Disembark

German Prisoners Watch Allied Troops Disembark

On the Beach at Anzio

On the Beach at Anzio

More On the Beach at Anzio

More On the Beach at Anzio

US Troops Landing at Anzio

US Troops Landing at Anzio

British Soldier Guarding Prisoners

British Soldier Guarding Prisoners

Moving Away from the Beach

Moving Away from the Beach

Evacuating the Wounded

Evacuating the Wounded

Germans Moving to Attack the Anzio Bridgehead

Germans Moving to Attack the Anzio Bridgehead

Sunday, January 23

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • V Bomber Command A-20s attack Japanese Army ground troops and anti-aircraft batteries near Gasmata and Cape Raoult.
  • More than 60 Marine Corps SBDs, escorted by 80 AirSols fighters, attack the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul and coastal targets. 40 AirSols fighters later sweep the Rabaul area.
  • A 347th Fighter Group P-38 downs an A6M Zero near the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul at 0915. VF-40 F6Fs down 2 Zeros over the Rapopo airfield at Rabaul at 0915 hours. VMF-211, VMF-212, and VMF-321 F4Us, and a VMSB-236 SBD crew down 29 A6M Zeros in the Rabaul area between 0912 and 0930 hours. In the unprecedented second mission, VMF-211, VMF-212, and VMF-321 F4Us down 16 more Zeros in the Rabaul area between 1710 and 1730 hours.
  • During the night, 7 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Lakunai and Tobera airfields at Rabaul.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 19 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s organized into two waves attack shipping at Mergui. 6 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and 16 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack bridges at Myittha and Samon. 1 B-25 and 28 10th Air Force A-36s and P-51s attack dumps at Kamaing and Mogaung. 16 P-40s attack the airfield at Myitkyina, rail bridges at Loilaw, and rail cars at Pidaung.
  • 9 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 28 14th Air Force P-40s attack the Kaitak airfield at Hong Kong. 2 B-25s attack three merchant ships near Wenchow.
  • A 3d CACW Fighter Group P-40 downs an A6M Zero over Hong Kong at 1450 hours.
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Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Flores Island in the Lesser Sunda Islands.

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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 37 Mosquitos are sent to hit 6 different targets, there are 3 RCM sorties and 9 aircraft lay mines off Cherbourg, Brest and Le Havre.
    • There are no losses.
  • Approximately 200 IX Bomber Command B-26s attack V-weapons sites along the Channel coast.
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s and B-26s attack targets in and around Avezzano, and B-25s also attack a road junction.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s attack Vallecorsa.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s attack numerous tactical targets.
  • XII Air Support Command fighters cover the Anzio beachhead throughout the day.
  • Spitfires of the 52nd Fighter Group's 2nd Fighter Squadron down 2 Ju-88s and 3 He-111s near the port of Viareggio about 1650 hours.
  • The 414th Night-Fighter Squadron Beaufighter downs 1 Do-217 as it crosses the northern tip of Sardinia while another Beaufighter downs 1 Ju-88 from the same night-raiding formations.
  • 57th Fighter Group P-47 fighter-bombers attack a bridge at Skradin.
  • 15th Air Force B-24s attack marshalling yards at three locations, the Rieti Airdrome, and several targets of opportunity.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attack marshalling yards at two locations, a rail line, a rail bridge, and two highway bridges.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

21 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Taroa airfield at Maloelap. 23 VII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Wotje Atoll at dusk. One B-24 attacks the Mille Atoll after dropping out of the main formation because of engine trouble.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Fighter Command P-39s attack barges and coastal anti-aircraft batteries. 35 V Bomber Command B-24s are intercepted by an estimated 50 Japanese fighters while attacking Wewak. 8th, 49th, and 475th Fighter group P-38s down 19 Japanese fighters in the Wewak area between 1100 and 1130 hours. 5 P-38s are also lost in the action.

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Air Operations, Solomons

20 XIII Fighter Command P-39s attack targets of opportunity in the Shortland Islands.

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Eastern Front

Moscow announces that adverse weather conditions and difficult terrain have held up the Russian forces in the Vitebsk sector.

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By the end of day the Allies have 50,000 men ashore at Anzio but are only pushing forward very cautiously, inhibited more by the lack of drive from Gen Lucas than by the Germans. He waits for tanks and heavy artillery to arrive instead of launching immediate attacks inland against undefended roads and railway which carry supplies for defenders of the 'Gustav' Line. This caution helps the Germans who are quick to reorganize themselves. Kesselring insists that the 'Gustav' Line and Anzio can both be held despite von Vietinghoff's views to the contrary.

Hitler allows reserve forces to be assembled from north Italy, France and the Balkans in the hope of dissuading the British and Americans from future amphibious operations elsewhere in Europe. Within a week eight divisions are in place. 14th Army's headquarters arrives from north Italy to organize and lead them. In view of the scale of this rapid German reaction, criticism of Lucas for failing to push forward to Rome immediately is probably unfounded but a little more vigor could probably have secured better defensive positions before the Germans arrived in strength.

The immediate threat to the Allies, however, comes from the Luftwaffe which attack the new positions. German planes also attack 2 British hospital ships off the Anzio coast, sinking the St David and damaging the Leinster. The attacks are made at dusk with the ships fully lit and identified.

On the 'Gustav' Line, while units of the French Expeditionary Corps under Gen Juin re-take Monte Santa Croce, north of the German defensive line, the American 34th Division prepares to put in an attack towards the Rapido, north of Cassino, so as to encircle the town from the north and reach highway No 6, Via Casilina.

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The British destroyer Janus is sunk by a German aircraft glider bomb off Anzio. 160 of the crew are lost. 82 survivors are picked up by the British destroyer Jervis, 11 more by other ships in the area. Jervis is hit and badly damaged by a similar bomb, but she is able to proceed to Naples under her own power. She has no casualties.

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New Guinea

Troops of the 18th Brigade, Australian 7th Division, in the Ramu valley advance up the slopes of the Finisterre Range toward Shaggy Ridge, capturing Maukiryo. As a result of this victory and of the occupation of Saidor the Allies now control the Huon peninsula completely. The Japanese garrisons, target of frequent air raids, withdraw northwest towards Madang. Allied air superiority is an important factor here and in the rest of the campaign in New Guinea.

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  • The US submarine Gar (SS-206) attacks a Japanese convoy about 75 miles south of Palau sinking the Japanese transport Taian Maru (3670t).
  • The US submarine Snook (SS-279) sinks the Japanese gunboat Magane Maru (3120t) about 175 miles north-northwest of Chichi Jima.
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Images from January 23, 1944

Bogged Down in the Mud

Bogged Down in the Mud

British Medical Personnel in Italy

British Medical Personnel in Italy

US Infantry Moving to the Front

US Infantry Moving to the Front

Meeting on the Anzio-Rome Road

Meeting on the Anzio-Rome Road

Chaplain Leading a Group in Singing

Chaplain Leading a Group in Singing

Members of 'C' Company, Australian 2/9th Battalion

Members of 'C' Company, Australian 2/9th Battalion

Taking Cover from Enemy Fire

Taking Cover from Enemy Fire

British Soldiers Pass Deceased Germans

British Soldiers Pass Deceased Germans

Monday, January 24

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • 18 VMTB-143 and VC-40 TBFs, escorted by 84 AirSols fighters, attack ships in Simpson Harbor, and 5 merchant vessels are confirmed sunk. As a result of this attack, the Japanese cease concentrating large numbers of merchant ships at Rabaul.
  • 347th Fighter Group P-38s down 4 A6M Zeros in the Rabaul area at 1220 hours. VMF-211, VMF-215, and VMF-321 F4Us, VF-38 F6Fs, and a VMTB-143 TBF crew down 18 Zeros and Ki-61 'Tony' fighters in the Rabaul area between 1220 and 1235 hours.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack numerous vessels while conducting anti-shipping sweeps off China.
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Air Operations, Europe

  • The 8th Air Force's briefed mission against aircraft-industry targets and marshalling yards at Frankfurt am Main turns into a complete shambles when 857 B-17s and B-24s encounter immense problems forming up over England. Only 563 bombers are actually dispatched, none from the 2nd Bomb Division, which is recalled while still over England. Finally, as the lead 3rd Bomb Division combat wing is approaching the German frontier at 1020 hours, the mission is canceled and all bombers are recalled. Some 56 3rd bomb Division B-17s in the lead wing, plus 2 stray 1st Bomb Division B-17s, elect to carry out ant attack on a target of opportunity, and they drop 143 tons of bombs on a power station at Eschweiler.
    • 2 95th Heavy Bomb Group B-17s are downed by enemy fire and 2 other B-17s are lost in operational accidents during takeoffs
  • VIII Fighter Command dispatches 678 fighters to escort and support the heavy bombers. 21 Luftwaffe fighters are downed over France, Belgium, and western Germany between 1115 and 1310 hours.
    • 4 P-38s, 3 P-47s, and 2 P-51s and their pilots are lost
  • Approximately 175 IX Bomber Command B-26s attack V-weapons sites along the Channel coast.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40 fighter-bombers attack various communications targets in central Italy.
  • 12th Air Force fighters provide continuous cover over the Anzio beachhead.
  • 52nd Fighter Group Spitfires down 2 Do-217s and damage another near Pisa at 1635 hours.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attack marshalling yards at two locations. 3 Luftwaffe fighters are downed and 4 others are damaged or possibly downed over Sofia by 1st and 82nd Fighter Group P-38s between 1215 and 1230 hours.
  • 15th Air Force B-24s attack the town airdrome at Skoplje.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

  • 24 531st Fighter-Bomber Squadron A-24s, 12 VII Fighter Command P-39s, and 7 45th Fighter Squadron P-40s attack barracks, artillery batteries, and storage dumps in the Mille Atoll. 8 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the airfield on Wotje during the late afternoon.
  • During the night, 12 VII Bomber Command B-24s and 9 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Maloelap Atoll while 1 B-24 attacks the Mille Atoll.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

More than 40 V Bomber Command B-24s attack the airfield at Boram and Wewak. B-25s and V Fighter Command P-47s attack Hansa Bay and Japanese Army ground troops in the Madang area. 38 345th Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack port facilities and shipping at Manus Island in the Admiralty group. Also destroyed on the ground during the Manus attack are 8 or 9 Japanese fighters, the last seen in the Admiralty Islands.

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German submarines attack the Murmansk-bound Convoy JW-56A. The US freighter Penelope Barker (7177t) is torpedoed and sunk by U-278 about 115 miles from North Cape, Norwwy. 10 crewmen and 5 Armed Guard sailors are lost in the explosion. The British destroyer Savage rescues 33 crewmen and 23 Armed Guard sailors.

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Eastern Front

In the Leningrad sector Pushkin and Pashovsk are captured and the rail line between Narva and Krasnogvardeisk cut. In the south the 1st and 2nd Ukraine Fronts begin a major offensive to encircle and eliminate the German salient around Korsun-Sevchenovsky, west of Cherkassy and the Dniepr. 5 Soviet armies, 3 of them with large tank units, move in against the German XLII and XI Corps. In this sector the Germans have 9 infantry divisions, the SS Viking Panzer Division and the SS Valonja Motor Brigade, the 8th Army and the 1st Pzr Army. The attacking pincers are designed to meet at Zvenigorodka. From the south a number of German armored divisions try to penetrate the Russian lines to open a gap for the surrounded forces. A little further south, other troops of Konev's 2nd Ukraine Front mount an offensive in the Kirovograd area.


Pushkin and Pashovsk fall to the 42nd Army while the railway line to Narva is severed by the 2nd Shock Army.


The Soviet Korsun-Cherkassy Offensive begins against the German Cherkassy salient (held by XLII Corps). The XLII Corps still holds a small section of the west bank of the Dniepr despite the retreat of the 1st and 4th Panzer Armies and is therefore in a very vulnerable position. The corps is assaulted by the 1st Ukrainian Front's 27th Army, while the 2nd Ukrainian Front's 4th Guards, 52nd and 53rd Armies attack the German XI Corps.

The XLII Corps is attacke by the 27th Army (1st Ukrainian Front), while the 2nd Ukrainian Front throws its 4th Guards, 52nd and 53rd Armies against the XI Corps. Despite fierce resistance the German line begins to crack near Shpola.

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The slow expansion of the Anzio beachhead continues. The line is advanced to the left towards the Moletta River with Gen William Penney's British 1st Division, and to the right, where the US 3rd Division reaches the Mussolini Canal.

On the 'Gustav' Line the French Corps attack Monte Santa Croce while units of II US Corps attack over the Rapido toward Caira, a little to the south. The Germans counterattack in the southern sector, driving back the divisions of the British X Corps back and recapturing Castelforte and Monte Rotondo, but suffering heavy losses. Further north, during the night, the American 34th Division opens its attack on the Rapido River to secure a bridgehead over the river north of Cassion.

An Order of the Day from Hitler instructs German troops to hold the 'Gustav' Line at all costs.

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  • Three US ships are damaged in the ongoing Anzio operation: the destroyer Plunkett (DD-431) by a dive bomber; the destroyer Mayo (DD-422) by an external explosion; and the minesweeper Prevail (AM-107) by a horizontal bomber.
  • US tank landing craft LCT-185 founders and sinks in heavy weather off Bizerte, Tunisia.
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The US submarine Sturgeon (SS-187) attacks a Japanese convoy in the eastern approaches to Bungo Strait and sinks the army cargo ship Chosen Maru (3110t).

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Images from January 24, 1944

B-17G Showing Flak Damage

B-17G Showing Flak Damage

Raising a Flag in Leningrad

Raising a Flag in Leningrad

Unloading at Anzio

Unloading at Anzio

Tuesday, January 25

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • V Bomber Command A-20s and V Fighter Command P-40s attack Gasmata. AirSols light bombers attack targets in the Rabaul area.
  • During the late evening, 19 XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul in the light of flares dropped by 3 other B-24s.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack numerous vessels while conducting anti-shipping sweeps off the China coast.
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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 76 aircraft including 56 Stirlings, 12 Lancasters and 8 Mosquitos, attack flying bomb sites in the Pas de Calais and near Cherbourg. There are no losses.
  • 14 Mosquitos are sent to Aachen and there are 18 OTU sorties. 1 OTU Wellington is lost.
  • Escorted and supported by 174 P-47s from four other groups, 44 353rd Fighter Group P-47s conduct a dive-bombing attack with 500-pound bombs against the Leeuwarden Airdrome.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack Amelia, marshalling yards at two locations, and a road.
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack Valmontone.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s attack Terelle.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s cover the Anzio beachhead and attack motor vehicles, railroads, and rolling stock throughout central Italy, and a bridge on the British 8th Army front.
  • 79th Fighter Group P-40 pilots down 3 Bf-109s and damage 5 other Luftwaffe fighters over the Anzio beachhead area during two separate engagements, one in the morning and one at 1215 hours.
  • XII Air Support Command P-40s and P-47s attack ships off Dubrovnik and road and rail traffic around the city.
  • Although many 15th Air Force B-17s dispatched to attack the marshalling yards at Arezzo and Perugia are thwarted by bad weather and poor visibility, a number attack targets of opportunity, including severalr road and rail bridges.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

8 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Taroa Island in the Maloelap Atoll. 24 531st Fighter-Bomber Squadron A-24s and 12 VII Fighter Command P-39s attack artillery batteries in the Mille Atoll. At dusk, 18 VII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Roi airfield on Kwajalein and anti-aircraft batteries in the Kwajalein Atoll.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • More than 50 V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Hansa Bay region. 37 B-25s attack Alexishafen and Madang. V Fighter Command P-39s strafe barges on the Rai Coast.
  • 64 38th and 345th Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Lorengau airfield on Manus and the Momote airfield on Los Negros in the Admiralty Islands. 2 B-25s are lost and 1 damaged B-25 ditches.
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Air Operations, Pacific

An Allied raid by 200 planes launched from carrier groups on Rabaul results in heavy Japanese losses, including the destruction of 83 planes. Japan is suffering unsustainable aviation losses in the Pacific, both of aircraft and pilots, and the US is coming to rely more and more on achieving air supremacy in the theater.

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Battle of the Atlantic

7 U-boats attack convoy JW-56A near Bear Island sinking 3 ships.

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Eastern Front

The Soviet attacks around Korsun are driven forward ruthlessly. The south wing of the drive with the 4th Guards Army and the 5th Guards Tank Army make good progress. In the north, 6th Tank Army, led by an armor expert, Gen Andrey Kravchenko, does scarcely less well. Late in the day the Soviets begin an all-out assault in the Leningrad sector against Krasnogvardeisk, a railway junction. The town is carried early next morning.

The 1st and 2nd Ukraine Fronts continue their offensive west of Cherkassy and Kirovograd against the opposition of von Manstein's Army Group South. Over the next few days 10 German divisions will be encircled in the 'Korsun Pocket'. Further north the 3rd and 4th Ukraine Fronts under Rodion Malinovsky and Fedor Tolbukhin, keep up the pressure on von Kleist's Army Group A.


The 2nd Ukrainian Front commits its 5th Guards Tank Army to the Cherkassy battle, advancing quickly toward Shpola and into the rear of the XLII and XI Corps.

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The fruitless attacks on the 'Gustav' Line continue, especially by the US II Corps, 34th Division. They still cannot establish a bridgehead across the Rapido. The French Corps to the right makes some gains on Colle Bevedere. At Anzio the Allied forces attempt to extend their perimeter inland but only make a little progress.

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The US motor minesweeper YMS-30 sinks on a mine off Anzio.

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New Guinea

The Australians complete the capture of Shaggy Ridge, overlooking the Ramu valley.

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Occupied Norway

Edvard Munch, a Norwegian expressionist artist, dies at age 80.

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The Japanese cargo ship Nanshin Maru (1391t) sinks after running aground on a shoal off the Miyagiken peninsula.

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Images from January 25, 1944

Sherman Tanks near Anzio

Sherman Tanks near Anzio

Inspecting an He-111

Inspecting an He-111

Digging In at Anzio

Digging In at Anzio

German PoWs in Italy

German PoWs in Italy

US Troops Board LCVP in Italy

US Troops Board LCVP in Italy

US Troops Land on Beach in Italy

US Troops Land on Beach in Italy

A Sherman Tank of 46th Royal Tank Regiment

A Sherman Tank of 46th Royal Tank Regiment

Directing Traffic in Italy

Directing Traffic in Italy

Shot Down German Fighter

Shot Down German Fighter

A Knocked-out German Armored Car

A Knocked-out German Armored Car

US Troops and Landing Ships on Beach

US Troops and Landing Ships on Beach

Lt-Gen Mark Clark Talks to Allied Troops

Lt-Gen Mark Clark Talks to Allied Troops

Wednesday, January 26

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • More than 50 AirSols SBDs, escorted by more than 80 AirSols fighters, attack reventments and anti-aircraft batteries at the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul.
  • VF-17 F4Us down 8 A6M Zeros over the Rabaul area between 1215 hours. A VF-38 F6F downs an A6M Zero over Simpson Harbor at 1330 hours. VMF-215 F4Us down 14 Zeros, mostly over the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul. 3 AirSols fighters are lost.
  • V Bomber Command A-20s attack the Cape Raoult area and V Fighter Command P-40s attack barges along New Britain’s northern coast.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 15 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Maungdaw. 7 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25 and 3 10th Air Force fighters attack a Japanese Army camp at Razabil and nearby targets of opportunity.
  • 18 14th Air Force P-40 fighter-bombers attack the airfield at Kengtung and a Japanese Army barracks.
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Air Operations, Europe

  • 414th Night-Fighter Squadron Beaufighters damage and possibly down a Ju-88 and an He-111 while patrolling off Calvi between 1945 and 2015 hours.
  • 144 IX Bomber Command B-26s dispatched to attack V-weapons sites are recalled because of bad weather.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s attack German Army troops defending Cisterna di Latina against a ground attack by the US 5th Army.
  • XII Air Support Command fighters and fighter-bombers attack numerous rail, road, and tactical targets in and around the battle area.
  • Spitfire pilots of the 31st Fighter Group's 307th Fighter Squadron down 3 Luftwaffe fighters in an engagement over Nettuno, in the Anzio beachhead area, at 1525 hours.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

  • 9 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Maloelap Atoll. When the withdrawing B-25s are attacked over the Aur Atoll by 20 Japanese Naby fighters, P-40s with the 15th Fighter Group’s 45th Fighter Squadron ambush them and down a B5N 'Kate' guide plane and 9 A6M Zeros at 1530 hours. This is the longest over-water combat mission undertaken to date by P-40 fighters, and the first by VII Fighter Command P-40s equipped with belly tanks.
  • 9 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack ground targets and shipping in the Jaluit Atoll.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • More than 140 V Bomber Command B-24s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command P-39 fighter-bombers attack targets in the Alexishafen-Madang area and 18 B-25s attack Bogia.
  • 41 43rd and 90th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Momote airfield at Los Negros and nearby dumps in the Admiralty Islands.
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In further attacks on Murmansk-bound Convoy W-56A U-716 torpedoes and sinks the US freighter Andrew G. Curtin (7200t) losing 2 crewmen and 1 Armed Guard sailor in the attack. 40 of the crew and 27 Armed Guard sailors are rescued by the British destroyer Inconstant.

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From Taro units of the Chinese 22nd Division try to penetrate into the Hukawng valley.

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Pres Roosevelt tells Chiang Kai-shek that, while the question of a loan to China is still under discussion, from the beginning of March the United States will limit its monthly supply of aid to a value of 25 million dollars.

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Diplomatic Relations

Liberia declares war on Germany and Japan. Argentina breaks off diplomatic relations with Germany and Japan following the discovery of a vast Axis spy network in the country.

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Eastern Front

Fighting in the northern sector continues from the Gulf of Finland to Lake Ilmen. In the Ukraine the battle of Korsun-Shevchenkosky also rages.


The 18th Army is pressed back upon Tosno and Lyuban by the 8th and 54th Armies.


The 27th, 40th and 6th Tank Armies push in the direction of Zvenigorodka, striving to link up with the 5th Guards Tank Army as it advances upon Shpola. The 6th Tank Army has been committed from reserve to strengthen the northern prong of the pincer.

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Indian Ocean

The US freighter Walter Camp (7176t) is torpedoed and sunk by U-532 about 150 miles west of Kochi, India. All on board are rescued by the British light cruiser Danae about 4 days later.

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On the 'Gustav' Line the 3rd Algerian Division, after taking Belvedere Hill, pushes on westwards and seizes Monte Abate.

During the night the US 3rd Division launches another attack towards the Rapido River, and this time some units succeed and at last manages to establish a small bridgehead over the river a little north of Cassino.

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Marshall Islands

US B-25 bombers, escorted by fighters for the first time, carry out a raid on Maloelap and destroy a number of Japanese aircraft.

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Off Anzio, mines sink the US infantry landing craft LCI-32 and damages the tank landing ship LST-422.

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New Britain

More than 200 American fighters and bombers make a particularly heavy attack on Rabaul. Military installations are destroyed and many Japanese planes are shot down and the base is gradually becoming worthless. Since the beginning of the air offensive the US air force is reckoned to have brought down or destroyed on the ground a total of 863 enemy aircraft. At this point the second phase of the battle begins -- the destruction of Rabaul in conditions of complete impunity. For the Japanese base, from the point of view of the air offensive, has ceased to pose any threat to MacArthur's forces in the Solomons and New Guinea.

The US lose PT-110 after a collision with PT-114 off New Britain.

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New Guinea

Elements of the Japanese 18th Army, attempting to by-pass the beachhead at Saidor and reach Madang, come under heavy bombardment from US warships. Troops of the Australian 18th Brigade capture the Kankiryo Saddle, an important Japanese position crossing the western tip of the mountainous Finisterre range. This puts the Australians only 20 miles from the coast.

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  • The US submarine Skipjack (SS-184) sinks the Japanese destroyer Suzukaze 140 miles northwest of Ponape, Carolines and the transport Okitsu Maru (6666t).
  • US naval land-based aircraft sink the Japanese submarine chaser No. 14 in the Central Pacific area.
  • The US motor torpedo boat PT-110 is sunk by depth charge explosion following a collision with motor torpedo boat PT-114 in Ablingi Harbor, New Britain.
  • The US submarine Crevalle (SS-291) sinks the Japanese gunboat Busho Maru (2552t) in the South China Sea about 175 miles southeast of Capt St. Jacques, French Indochina.
  • The US submarine Hake (SS-256) sinks the Japanese auxiliary netlayter Shuko Maru (889t) off Ambon, N.E.I.
  • [larr2larr | rarrrarr]

    Soviet Union, Home Front

    The Soviet forensic medical commission on the Katyn Massacre publishes its report. It blames the Germans.

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    United States, Planning

    Gen Claire Chennault, head of the US Air Force in China, submits to Pres Roosevelt a major plan for air action. First, to gain air supremacy in China, then an offensive against enemy maritime traffic; next attacks against major industrial targets in Japan; finally, offensives against enemy military installations in China, Formosa and Hainan.

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Images from January 26, 1944

WACS Participate in a Broadcast

WACS Participate in a Broadcast

7th Panzer Division Commander

7th <i>Panzer</i> Division Commander

Loading a Nebelwerfer

Loading a <i>Nebelwerfer</i>

Generals Keyes, Juin, and Roosevelt in Prata, Italy

Generals Keyes, Juin, and Roosevelt in Prata, Italy

A Burning Village on the Eastern Front

A Burning Village on the Eastern Front

Panzergrenadiers Somewhere in Russia

<i>Panzergrenadiers</i> Somewhere in Russia

Troopers of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment

Troopers of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment

Thursday, January 27

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • 19 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s, escorted by more than 60 AirSols fighters, attack the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul. XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack Japanese Army troops near Rabaul.
  • VMF-211 and VMF-321 F4Us down 7 A6M Zeros in the Rabaul area between 0740 and 0900 hours and VF-17 F4Us down 16 A6M Zeros over the Rabaul area at 0900 hours. 6 AirSols fighters are lost.
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Air Operations, Europe

Battle of Berlin
Evening Ops:
  • Berlin is the target as 515 Lancasters and 15 Mosquitoes are sent. 38 aircraft abort.
  • The German fighters are committed to action earlier than normal, some being sent out 75 miles over the North Sea from the Dutch coast. A number of elaborate feints and diversions have some effect. Half of the German fighters are lured north by the Heligoland mining diversion and action in the main bomber stream is less intense than on recent nights. The target is again cloud-covered and skymarking has to be used. Bomber Command is not able to make any assessment of the raid except to state that the bombing appears to have been spread well up and down wind. The time over the target is 20:28-20:42. 1,704 tons of bombs are dropped including 1,036 tons of high explosives and 668 tons of incendiaries.
  • Clouds over the Berlin area and strong winds cause the bomb loads to be spread across Berlin. 17 districts report damage. 413 people are killed and 20,000 are bombed out. 61 communities outside Berlin also report damage, mostly down wind to the east. 28 people are killed in those areas.
    • 33 Lancasters are lost on the raid. Aircrew casualties include 172 killed, 55 POWs and 4 evaders.
  • Extensive operations are carried out in support of the Berlin raid. 80 Stirlings and Wellingtons fly to the Dutch coast and lay mines there, 21 Halifaxes do the same near Heligoland, both hoping to draw the German fighters up early. 9 aircraft fly RCM sorties and 12 Mosquitos fly Serrate patrols. 18 Mosquito-bomber aircraft drop imitation 'fighter flares' away from the main bomber routes to and from the target. In effect, 140 aircraft are engaged in various operations in support of the main raid.
    • 1 mine-laying Stirling is lost.
Other Ops:
  • 9 Mosquitos attack a flying bomb site at Herbouville, 8 Halifaxes fly Resistance operations sorties, and 10 OTU aircraft make leaflet flights over France.
    • There are no losses.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack bridges and a marshalling yard.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack a rail line, a marshalling yard, and roads.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s provide close support for US 5th Army troops attacking Terelle.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s attack defended towns and road and rail targets in and around the battle area.
  • XII Air Support Command P-40s attack gun emplacements and provide on-call close air support for US 5th Army troops battling in the Atina an Cisterna di Latina areas.
  • Throughout the day, P-40 pilots of the 12th Air Force's 57th and 79th Fighter Groups and the independent 99th Fighter Squadron down 16 Luftwaffe fighter over Anzio, half between 0840 and 850 hours, and half between 1130 and 1500 hours.
  • In an effort to prevent Luftwaffe bombers from attacking shipping and harassing the Anzio beachhead and invasion fleet, the 15th Air Force goes after three Luftwaffe bases in southern France.
  • After running a gauntlet of 30 Luftwaffe fighters and while facing moderate to intense flak over the target 64 15th Air Force B-17s, escorted by 27 14th Fighter Group P-38s, attack the Salon-de-Provence Airdrome about 1215 hours. In a 30-minute running fight, the P-38s down 32 Luftwaffe fighters and damage 6 others.
    • 1 B-17 and 1 P-38 are lost, 20 B-17s are damaged
  • 68 15th Air Force B-17s escorted by 19 1st Fighter Group P-38s, attack the Montpellier/Frejorgues Airdrome about 1225 hours. Approximately 20 Luftwaffe fighters attack the P-38 escorts, but the leave the bombers alone. 3 Bf-109s are downed and several others are damaged or possibly downed.
    • 1 P-38 is lost, 1 B-17 is damaged by flak
  • In the third phase of the mission 27 450th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s, escorted by 28 P-38s, crater the runways and damage the facilities at Istres-le-Tube Airdrome with 80 tons of bombs about 1235 hours. No enemy fighters are encountered.
    • 1 B-24 is lost, all the rest of the B-24s are damaged to some degree
  • Overall, the attack is successful in that Montpellier/Frejorgues and Salon-de-Provence Airdromes are closed down and Istre-le-Tube can operate onl at a diminished capacity.
  • 15th Air Force P-38s sweep the area around Rome.
  • 15th Air Force P-47s sweep the area around Florence.
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Air Operations, Central Pacific

  • 6 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Nauru Island.
  • 12 VMF-422 F4U pilots who ditched together near the Ellice Islands on January 25 are rescued by a US destroyer, which has already picked up 1 squadron pilot who went down alone. Together with 1 pilot who reached Funafuti on his own and 3 who are rescued elsewhere, 17 of the original 23 pilots and 1 airplane are saved. VMF-422 will be rehabilitated and returned to combat status in March 1944.

Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping and the town area at Dili, Timor.

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Air Operations, Marshalls

9 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Wotje Atoll. 23 531st Fighter-Bomber Squadron A-24s and 10 VII Fighter Command P-39s attack the Mille Atoll. 7 VII Bomber Command B-24s mount a dusk attack against the Taroa airfield on Maloelap.

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Eastern Front

The Siege of Leningrad ends after 872 days. Gen Leonid Govorov, commanding the Leningrad Front, issues a special order of the day announcing that the blockade of Leningrad has been completely lifted. Between 1,300,000 and 1,500,000 people have died of which 100,000-200,000 were military. Nearby, Valosovo, Tosno and the railway line from Tosno to Lyuban are taken restoring at long last communications between Leningrad and Moscow. In the south Shpola is captured by Konev's forces as the encircling attacks proceed.


Govorov announces that the siege of Leningrad is completely lifted, Tosno and Valosovo falling to the 8th Army. The 67th, 8th and 54th Armies threaten to isolate the XXVIII Corps and elements of the I Corps.


The 60th Army launches strong attacks around Rovno but the going is difficult.

Shpola falls to the 5th Guards Tank Army while the 6th Tank Army captures Lysyanka, the spearheads of the 1st and 2nd Ukrainian Fronts drawing closer together.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

42 V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Lorengau airfield on Manus and the town in the Admiralty Islands. B-24s attack shipping at Sorong and MacCluer Gulf. More than 70 B-25s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command P-39 fighter-bombers are joined by RAAF bombers in an attack against the Bogia and Madang areas.

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In the southern sector of the 'Gustav' Line the divisions of the British X Corps try again to reinforce the bridgehead on the right bank of the Garigliano. Under an intensive German barrage the 46th Division makes for Monte Juga and the 5th Division for Monte Natale which is west of the village of Santa Maria Infante. Further north the regiments of the 34th Division of II Corps takes Height 771 and Monte Maiola, north of Cassino, advancing very slowly on account of the Germans' effective defense. The 168th Regiment of the 34th Division, having taken Caira, pushes on towards Monte Cairo.

The 3rd Algerian Division, French Expeditionary Corps, is driven from Monte Abate by German counterattacks.

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New Britain

The Cape Gloucester bridgehead is further expanded by the Marines' capture of Natamo in the northwest.

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Occupied France

39 aero engines are destroyed in a Resistance raid on the Bronzavia plant in Lyons.

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  • The US submarine Swordfish (SS-193> in an attack on a Japanese convoy about 130 miles south of Tokyo Bay sinks the gunboat Kasagi Maru (3140t).
  • The US submarine Thrasher (SS-200) attacks a Japanese convoy and sinks the transport Kosei Maru (2705t) and merchant cargo ship Kikuzuki Maru (1266t) about 70 miles southwest of Formosa.
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War Crimes

Over the next several days, Britain, the United States and Australia formally protest about the ill-treatment of prisoners of war by the Japanese, as more information comes to light. All three nations promise that there will be tribunals to investigate and punish those responsible.

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Images from January 27, 1944

M33 Artillery Prime Mover

M33 Artillery Prime Mover

Leningradians Lining Up For Water

Leningradians Lining Up For Water

Anti-aircrafters Guarding the Skies of Leningrad

Anti-aircrafters Guarding the Skies of Leningrad

Friday, January 28

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • AirSols SBDs attack targets in the Rabaul area. 25 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Tobera airfield at Rabaul at extremely low altitude with parachute fragmentation bomb clusters.
  • 347th Fighter Group P-38s down 5 A6M Zeross over the Tobera airfield at Rabaul at 0900 hours. VF-17 F4Us down 15 Zeros over the Tobera airfield at Rabaul at 0900 hours. VMF-211 and VMF-215 F4Us and 3 VMTB-143 TBF crews down a total of 16 Zeros over the Rabaul area between 0900 and 0910 hours. 5 P-38s are lost.
  • V Bomber Command A-20s attack targets around Cape Gloucester. V Fighter Command P-40 fighter-bombers attack the Cape Hoskins airfield on New Britain. P-39s attack barges in Rein Bay.
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Air Operations, Europe

Battle of Berlin
Evening Ops:
  • 677 planes including 432 Lancasters, 241 Halifaxes and 4 Mosquitoes are sent to Berlin. 66 aircraft abort the mission.
  • This night Harris calls for another maximum effort. The route to Berlin is a long northern flight over Denmark and the Baltic, well away from most night-fighter bases. Most of the diversions are early in the evening in the hopes of fooling the Germans in to believing there will be no main effort this night. Weather causes take-off delays twice before finally beginning around midnight. There is not much fighter action until the bombers reach Berlin. Most of the defending fighters have gone to Berlin and are waiting for the bombers. 17 Halifaxes and 10 Lancasters are brought down in the Berlin area. Pathfinders produce a concentrated and accurate marking. The main force is not so good. Time over the target is 03:13-03:33. Bomb tonnage is 1,887 tons including 1,050 tons of high explosives and 837 tons of incendiaries. 77 communities outside Berlin report bombs. Most of the bombs in Berlin fall in the south central, southern and southeastern districts of the city. It is a successful quickly known by Bomber Command Headquarter because there are gaps in the cloud cover and photos are brought back by the bombers.
    • 26 Halifaxes and 20 Lancasters are lost on the mission along with 5 Halifaxes destroyed in crashes back in England. Aircrew casualties include 254 killed and 67 POWs.
  • 63 Stirlings and 4 Pathfinder Halifaxes carry out minelaying in Kiel Bay 5 hours before the main Berlin operation. This is the first time that Pathfinder aircraft help a minelaying operation. 6 Mosquitos bomb Berlin 4 hours before the main attack and 18 Mosquitos bombed night-fighter airfields at Deelen, Leeuwarden and Venlo. 4 Mosquitos carry out a diversionary raid to Hannover and 6 more Mosquitos fly Serrate patrols at the same time as the main raid. 16 OTU Wellingtons carried out leaflet flights to France.
    • 2 mine-laying Stirlings and 1 Serrate Mosquito are lost from these operations.
  • 359th Figher Group P-47s are dispatched to dive-bomb the Leeuwarden Airdrome, bu the mission in canceled when they fail to rendezvous with their escort, the 352nd Fighter Group.
  • Led by pathfinder B-24s equipped with new GH radar, B-24s of the 2nd Bomb Division's 93rd and 446th Heavy Bomb Groups, escorted by 122 P-47s, are dispatched to attack two V-weapons sites near Bonnieres. Both groups are subsequently ordered to bomb the same target, but an early accidental release of bombs results in a widely dispersed and largely ineffectual bombing pattern.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack bridges at two locations.
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack a marshalling yard at Orte.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s attack Cisterna di Latina.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s attack Atina, tactical targets in the US 5th Army battle area, and a marshalling yard and other rail targets.
  • XII Air Support Command P-40 and P-47 fighter-bombers attack a road junction, and P-40s also attack several defended towns.
  • Throughout the morning, from about 0720 to 1150 hours, fighter pilots of the 12th Air Force's 31st, 33rd, 79th, and 324th Fighter Groups and the independent 99th Fighter Squadron down 23 Luftwaffe fighters and damage or possibly down 11 others.
  • 15th Air Force B-24s attack a marshalling yard at Ferrara.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attack a marshalling yard at Verona.
  • 64 15th Air Force B-17s drop more than 9,000 20-pound fragmentation bombs on the Aviano Airdrome to prevent the Luftwaffe from staging aircraft through it for attacks on the Anzio beachhead. At the time of the attack, 56 Luftwaffe aircraft are counted in dispersal areas on the ground, but only 1 is definitely destroyed in the attack.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Maloelap Atoll. The 5 A6M Zeros that intercept the B-25s are the last Japanese Navy fighters encountered by USAAF aircraft over the Marshall Islands.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-25s attack coastal targets of opportunity.

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Air Operations, Pacific

22 Corsair fighters and 6 pilots are lost in a severe storm while flying from Gilbert to Ellice Islands.

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Air Operations, Solomons

16 XIII Fighter Command P-39s strafe targets in the Shortland Islands.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • 2 'wolf-packs' totalling 20 U-boats are totally prevented from interfering with Convoys OS-66, KMS-40 and ON-221 by RAF Coastal Command.
  • The German submarine U-271 is sunk by US naval land-based aircraft (VB-103) in the North Atlantic area.
  • U-271

    ClassType VIIC
    CO Kapitänleutnant Kurt Barleben
    Location N Atlantic, W of Limerick
    Cause Air attack
    Casualties 51
    Survivors None


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Gustav Lussow
    Location W of Ireland, SW of Blacksod
    Cause Air attack
    Casualties 52
    Survivors None
  • U-571 is sunk by Sunderland 'D' of no 461 Squadron RAAF. A radar contact is followed by a visual sighting of the submarine which is attaced through a barrage of flak. A second attack resulted in the sinking of the U-boat.
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Britain, Home Front

Foreign Secretary Eden makes a statement in the House of Commons giving details of Japanese atrocities against prisoners of war.

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Eastern Front

In the Leningrad sector the troops of the Volkhov Front take Lyuban and several other small towns to the south as they push on toward Chudovo. South of Kiev Manstein is assembling tank forces from both 1st Panzer and 8th Armies to relieve the Korsun pocket. The movement of both sides is becoming difficult in this sector because occasional warm days turn the ground into a sea of mud. This freezes solid each night, trapping vehicles. The Soviet tanks are better suited for such conditions because they generally have wider tracks. The surrounded Germans themselves manage to encircle 2 Russian armored corps, the XX and XXIX, but the Russians succeed in breaking out.


As his army group falls apart, Kuchler issues orders calling for the withdrawal of the 18th Army to the line of the Luga River to prevent its annihilation. Lyuban falls to the 54th Army.


The 1st and 2nd Ukrainian Fronts link up near Zvenigorodka, the town falling to the 6th Tank Army after a brief battle. Gen Theo-Helmut Lieb's XLII and Gen Wilhelm Stemmerman's XI Corps are isolated. The Stavka immediately call for the destruction of the pocket, the 2nd Ukrainian Front being make responsible for this operation with the 27th, 52nd and 4th Guards Armies. Inside the pocket, centered on Korsun-Shevchenhovsky, some 56,000 men of the 57th, 389th, 72nd and 88th Infantry Divisions, 5th SS Panzer Grenadier Division Wiking and SS Brigade Wallonie prepare to break outh to the west. Gen Stemmerman, commanding XI Corps, takes control of the combined force. Outside the cauldron, Manstein begins preparations for a reliev attack, the III Panzer Corps being released from the Uman sector and the XLVII Panzer from Kirovograd. The counterattack will begin as soon as these forces arrive.

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In the southern sector of the 'Gustav' Line the British X Corps continues its efforts to broaden the bridgehead on the right bank of the Garigliano.

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Images from January 28, 1944

Playing with War Debris

Playing with War Debris

Examining a Damaged Tank

Examining a Damaged Tank

Loading Vehicles into a Landing Craft

Loading Vehicles into a Landing Craft

US Artillery Troops Shelling German Positions

S Artillery Troops Shelling German Positions

Moving Up To The Front

Moving Up To The Front

Saturday, January 29

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • 40 AirSols SBDs, escorted by nearly 60 AirSols fighters, attack the Tobera airfield at Rabaul. 19 XIII Bomber Command B-24s, also escorted by AirSols fighters, attack the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul.
  • VMF-211, VMF-212, and VMF-215 F4Us, and 2 VMTB-143 crews down a total of 13 A6M Zeros in the Rabaul area between 1050 and 1123 hours. VF-17 F4Us down 10 Zeros over Cape Gazelle between 1105 and 1115 hours. A VF-38 F6F downs 1 Zero over the Tobera airfield at Rabaul at 1115 hours.
  • 45 V Bomber Command A-20s attack Japanese Army ground positions in coastal areas around Cape Gloucester.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 13 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack oil refineries at Yenangyaung. 1 B-24 attacks Akyab. 6 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s attack bridges at Meza and Pyintha.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

  • Beginning with a dawn fighter sweep againt the Roi airfield on Kwajalein as a US Navy invasion fleet approaches the area, US surface warships, carrier aircraft, and USAAF and US Navy land-based aircraft begin the final neutralization of Japanese bases in the Marshall Islands.
  • Throughout the day, US Navy carrier aircraft from Task Force 58 mount nearly 700 effective sorties against airfields and other targets throughout the Kwajalein Atoll, thoroughly neutralize the Taroa airfield on Maloelap, and repeatedly attack the airfield on Wotje. 2 TBFs and their crews are lost in a mid-air collision over Maloelap.
  • VII Bomber Command B-24s attack Roi, Namur, and Kwajalein islands in the Kwajelein Atoll and other targets in the Aur, Jaluit, Maloelap, Mille, and Wotje atolls. 9 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack ground targets and shipping in the Wotje Atoll. 18 531st Fighter-Bomber Squadron A-24s and 12 45th Fighter Squadron P-40s attack the Jaluit Atoll. VII Fighter Command P-39s operating in four-plane flights strafe the airfield on Mille throughout the day to deny its use by the Japanese.
  • In US Navy fighter action, VF-9, VF-31, and VF-33 F6Fs down 13 A6M Zeros over the Roi airfield, Kwajalein between 0700 and 0720 hours. VF-10 F6Fs down 4 Zeros over the Taroa airfield at Maloelap between 0715 and 0800 hours. VF-6 and VF-9 F6Fs down 6 G4M 'Betty' bombers, 1 Zero, and 1 Ki-57 'Topsy' transport over or near Burlesque Island at about 0840 hours. A VF-5 F6F downs 1 B5N 'Kate' torpedo bomber over Wotje Island at 1445 hours. A VF-9 F6F downs 1 B5N 'Kate' Roi Island at 1550 hours.
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Air Operations, Europe

  • 800 bombers of the US 8th Air Force make a massive attack on the industrial center of Frankfurt-am-Main killing 736 people.
  • German bombers raid Britain. Losses on this raid and another that was carried out on the 21st total 57 aircraft, cutting sharply into available Luftwaffe resources.
Evening Ops:
  • 12 Mosquitos are sent to Duisburg, 10 to the Herbouville flying bomb site, and there are 6 OTU sorties. There are no losses.
  • In the largest USAAF strategic mission to date, 863 8th Air Force B-17s and B-24s are dispatched against industrial targets in and around Frankfurt am Main. In the end, 806 heavy bombers release more than 1895 tons of bombs against the primary or, in the case of one 3rd Bomb Division formation, against targets of opportunity at Ludwigshafen.
    • 35 B-17s and 5 B-24s are lost to flak and fighter attacks, 5 lost in operational accidents; 22 crewmen killed, 299 missing
  • Escort and support for the Frankfurt am Main mission is provided by 632 USAAF fighters, whose pilots down 44 Luftwaffe fighter along the bomber route over France, Belgium, and Germany between 1100 and 1305 hours.
  • Approximately 80 IX Bomber Command B-26s attack V-weapons sites along the Channel coast.
  • XII Bomber Command B-26s attack bridges north of Rome.
  • XII Bomber Command B-25s attack a marshalling yard.
  • XII Air Support Command P-47 fighter-bombers attack a munitions plant.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s attack tactical targets in and around the Anzio beachhead and the US 5th Army battle area.
  • 12th Air Force fighters and fighter-bombers down 3 Bf-109s and 1 Fi-156 in several early-afternoon engagements over central Italy.
  • 15th Air Force B-24s attack a marshalling yard at Siena.
  • 15th Air Force B-17s attack marshalling yards at Ancona, Fabriano, Prato, and Rimini.
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Eastern Front

In the northern sector the Russian 59th Army and the 2nd Guards Army liberate Chudovo and mop up the whole area between Tosno and Chudovo, southeast of Leningrad. The railway line to Moscow is now completely safe.

Hitler appoints Walter Model to command Army Group North in place of Georg von Küchler. The 18th Army continues to withdraw toward the Luga River.

South of Cherkassy the German 8th Army evacuates the town of Smela, in the area where the battle of Korsun-Shevchenkosky continues. Chudovo is taken by Kiril Meretskov's men and Novosokolniki by Markian Popov's.


Hitler forces Küchler to retire from command Army Group North following his unauthorized withdrawal order of January 28. Gen Model, commanding the 9th Army, is appointed to command Army Group North and is allocated 2 panzer divisions to halt the Soviet offensive. In fact, Model will carry out the withdrawal already ordered by Kuchler. Chudovo falls to the 54th Army and Novosokolniki to elements of the 1st Baltic Front.


The 13th and 60th Armies cross the Styr River, forcing back the thinly stretched LIX and XIII Corps.

Manstein tries to pull together his relief force as Group Stemmerman (Gen Wilhelm) redeploys inside the pocket. Already the Soviets have thrown up strong inner and outer defense rings, ready for any break out or relief attempt. Renewed attacks by the 2nd Ukrainian Front hit Gen Otto Wohler's 8th Army, forcing the XLVII Panzer Corps out of Smela.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • More than 40 V Bomber Command B-25s attack landing grounds at Bogia and Nubia.
  • The US 863d Engineer Aviation Battalion arrives at Saidor to help improve the airfield there.
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At Anzio the Allies now have 69,000 men, 508 guns and 237 tanks ashore. Lucas is at last ready to attack. But instead of the scattered units of the Geman 29th Panzergrenadier Division that manned the area when they landed, the Allies now face an improvised but none the less efficient, 14th Army, a total of 8 German divisions, under the command of Gen August von Mackensen. There have been intermittent German air attacks on the beachhead and shipping offshore. A token of the growing German strength is that on this one day a cruiser and a transport are sunk. The US 3rd Division and British 1st Division attack towards Cisterna and Campoleone, but are held up before they reach their objectives. However, the front is advanced slightly.

In the Monte Cassino sector the 168th Regiment of the US 34th Division, with appropriate tank and artillery reinforcements, advances swiftly towards Heights 56 and 213.

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Marshall Islands

In preparation for the coming landings, Adm Mitscher's TF 58 bombs and shells targets on Roi, Namur, Maloelap and Wotje. Over the next 9 consecutive days 6,232 sorties are flown. 49 planes are lost. Land-based aircraft also attack Jaluit and Mille.

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The British light cruiser Spartan is sunk by a German glider bomb off Anzio. 66 of those on board are lost. Survivors are picked up by the British light cruisers Dido and Delhi. Also sunk in the German aerial attack on Allied shipping off Anzio is the US freighter Samuel Huntington (7176t). 3 crewmen are lost in the explosions, 1 will die later from wounds received. The survivors are rescued by the tank landing craft LCT-277.

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The US submarine Tambor (SS-198) attacks a Japanese convoy in the Nansei Shoto and sinks the merchant cargo ship Shuntai Maru (2253t) north of Okinawa.

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Images from January 29, 1944

Canadians in Orsogna, Italy

Canadians in Orsogna, Italy

Rail Bridge Bombed

Rail Bridge Bombed

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IXs

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IXs

French Generals Listen to Report

French Generals Listen to Report

German Troops on the Eastern Front

German Troops on the Eastern Front

German Pak Anti-tank Gun

German Pak Anti-tank Gun

The Wehrmacht In Retreat

The <i>Wehrmacht</i> In Retreat

Sunday, January 30

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • 26 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s, with a large fighter escort, attack the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul. 18 XIII Bomber Command B-24s, with a large fighter escort, attack the Vunakanau airfield at Rabaul. 18 VMTB-233 TBFs, escorted by 50 AirSols fighters, mount a hastily planned late-afternoon attack against a single Japanese ship in Simpson Harbor—a small water tender that is easily sunk.
  • VF-17 F4Us and a VMF-211 F4U down 3 A6M Zeros over Rabaul between 1110 and 1120 hours. VF-17 F4Us down a Ki-61 'Tony' fighter and 9 A6M Zeros over Simpson Harbor at 1740 hours. VMF-215 F4Us down 11 Zeros and 'Tonys' over the Rabaul area between 1800 and 1830 hours. 1 F4U and 1 TBF are downed.
  • V Bomber Command A-20s attack barges along New Britain’s northern coast and V Fighter Command P-39s attack fuel dumps and barges in Rein Bay.
  • The Cape Gloucester airfield on New Britain is declared operational and is immediately put to use by C-47 transport aircraft carrying in urgently needed supplies.
  • The 42nd Medium Bomb Group’s new 100th Medium Bomb Squadron makes its combat debut over Rabaul.
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Air Operations, Europe

There is a daylight raid on Brunswick by US aircraft. A US Thunderbolt group shoots down 36 German and Italian fighters and a formation of Ju-52s for the loss of 1 fighter. Future action by the Luftwaffe in Italy is sharply limited when US 15th Air Force planes attack German air facilities in the Po valley.

Battle of Berlin
Evening Ops:
  • Berlin is the target as 540 planes are sent. This total includes 446 Lancasters, 82 Halifaxes and 12 Mosquitoes. 43 aircraft abort for a number of reasons.
  • The bombers take off in the late afternoon on a fine clear day. It is clear over England but there is wide cloud cover and icing over Germany which hampers the night fighters. The night fighters catch up to the bomber stream about 70 miles from Berlin. About 20 bombers are shot down on the approach, over the city and on the first part of the return route. There is thick cloud cover over the bombing area and as a result, there are no photos on either the 28th or 30th to determine if the raids are successful. The bombers came in from the northwest and produced and area of destruction along the same path both nights. The time over the target is 20:13-20:27. 1,896 tons of bombs are dropped including 1,029 tons of high explosives and 867 tons of incendiaries. Almost all districts in Berlin are hit in the 3 raids. The reported damage includes 2,923 buildings destroyed, 4,116 severe damaged and 4,576 with medium damage. 171,000 people have been bombed out. 1,341 people are killed and 1,090 are missing. Districts suffering the worst damage include Charlottenburg, Schoneberg and Kreuzberg, the first two of which had been hit in a November raid.
    • 33 planes are lost on the mission which include 32 Lancasters and 1 Halifax. The aircrew casualties include 193 killed and 53 POWs.
  • 22 Mosquitos are sent to Elberfeld, 5 to Brunswick, there are 8 RCM sorties, 7 Serrate patrols, 12 Stirlings lay mines in the Gironde River and there are 22 OTU sorties.
    • There are no losses.
  • Unable to visually pinpoint their briefed aircraft-industry targets in and around Brunswick, 599 8th Air Force B-17s and B-24s attack the various industrial sites throughout the area that they can locate. 39 B-24s divert to Hannover due to heavy smoke and contrails encountered over Brunswick. In all, the 8th Air Force drop 1,747 tons of bombs, mostly on Brunswick.
    • 18 B-17s and 2 B-24s are lost
  • A total of 635 USAAF fighters provide escort and support for the heavy bombers account for 47 Luftwaffe over Germany and the Netherlands between 1130 and 1345 hours.
  • Bad weather limits operations by the 12th Air Force, bu some XII Bomber Command B-25s are able to attack towns and two road junctions.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s attack a town and a road junction.
  • XII Air Support Command fighter-bombers attack a town.
  • XII Air Support Command fighter-bombers attack barges and fishing boats off Zara.
  • 15th Air Force B-24s attack strike targets in the Po River Valley.
  • When the four Luftwaffe airfields and landing grounds in the Udine Airdrome complex, in northeastern Ital, are targeted, it is decided to send the 325th Fighter Group, in 60 P-47s, early and below the effective level of German radar in order to take advantage of the Luftwaffe practive of flying all their serviceable aircraft to safety as soon as incoming bombers are pinpointed. After flying more than 300 miles at wavetop height, the P-47s suddenly gain altitude and fly directly into the Luftwaffe formations just as they are being scrambled. The resulting ambush nets 37 confirmed victories for the P-47 pilots alone.
  • Five minutes after the 325th Fighter Group opens its attack, 152 15th Air Force B-17s and 63 B-24s, escorted by 14th and 82nd Fighter Group P-38s, attack all four airfields in the Udine complex, causing heavy destruction. As many as two dozen aircraft are destroyed or severely damaged on the ground.
    • 1 B-17 and 2 B-24s are lost
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 6 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s attack bridges at Meza, Zawchaung, and near Kyungon. 8 14th Air Force P-40s strafe buildings at Loiwing airfield.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

  • In ongoing neutralization strikes, US carrier aircraft from Task Group 58.3 attack targets in tje Eniwetok Atoll, especially the Engebi airfield on Eniwetok, where all 15 G4M 'Betty' bombers in residence are destroyed in their revetments. Among numerous other missions, the carrier aircraft mount 400 effective sorties against Roi, Namur, and Kwajalein islands, which are the immediate objectives of the invasion fleet that will arrive on station at Kwajalein Atoll after dark. The Wotje Atoll is also attacked by carrier aircraft.
  • VII Fighter Command P-39s and P-40s continuously patrol over the Mille airfield and strafe the runway throughout the day.
  • A VF-12 F6F downs an A6M Zero near the Taroa airfield on Maloelap at 1130 hours.
  • At 2000 hours, the escort carriers of Task Unit 53.1.6 (Northern Attack Force Carrier Unit) are released from convoy escort duty to undertake pre-landing and ground-support missions.
  • During the night, VII Bomber Command B-24s mount continuous small attacks against the Kwajalein Atoll. Also, the invasion of the Marshalls begins with an unopposed night landing by US Army troops and US Marine scouts on several islands in the Majuro Atoll.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

34 V Bomber Command B-24s attack the landing ground at Nubia and targets around Hansa Bay.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-314 is sunk by the British destroyers Whitehall and Meteor during the passage of convoy JB-56B to the Kola Inlet.
  • U-314

    ClassType VIIC
    CO Kapitänleutnant Georg Wilhelm Basse
    Location Arctic, N of North Cape
    Cause Depth charge
    Casualties 49
    Survivors None


    ClassType VIIC
    CO Oberleutnant zur See Paul Heinrich
    Location Bay of Biscay
    Cause Air attack
    Casualties 49
    Survivors None
  • U-364 is sunk in an attack by Wellington 'K' of No 172 Squadron RAF.
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Barents Sea

U-278 hits the British destroyer Hardy with a Gnat badly damaging the British ship. The British destroyer Venus rescues the survivors and then scuttles the badly damaged ship. 48 of the Hardy's crew are lost.

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Eastern Front

In the northern sector the Russian 42nd Army and 2nd Assault Army occupy a long stretch of the east bank of the lower Luga River. Savage fighting continues in the Korsun-Shevchenkosky area.


Leading elements of the 42nd and 2nd Shock Armies of the Leningrad Front reach the Luga River, behind which the Germans plan to make a stand. The mechanization of the Soviet forces has enabled them to outpace the 18th Army. The fighting since January 14 has cost the German 18th Army 20,000 casualties.


The 3rd and 4th Ukrainian Fronts renew their attacks against Gen Karl-Adolf Hollidt's 6th Army, this time the main assault being launched by the 46th and 8th Guards Armies of the 3rd Ukrainian front from the Krivoi Rog area, the 37th and 6th Armies supporting to the right and left. To the south the 5th Shock Army, 3rd Guards and 28th Armies of the 4th Ukrainian attack the Nikopol bridgehad. In all the Soviets commit 257,000 combat infantry to the attack, supported by 1,400 tanks.

Hollidt, with 47,000 combat infantry and 250 tanks between the IV and XVII Corps in the bridgehead, the XXIX Corps around Berislav and the XXX Corps north of Nikopol, with the LVII Panzer Corps in mobile reserve, is unable to hold off these new Soviet attacks. Gen Maximilian Fretter-Pico's XXX Corps is struck hard by the 8th Guards and 46th Armies and comes close to collapse.

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France, Politics

A conference of the governors of the French colonies and the representatives of the Consultative Assembly is opened at Brazzaville. The main subject discussed is the new French strategy toward the peoples of the overseas territories, the first step towards the creation of the Union Française. Gen de Gaulle is present.

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Indian Ocean

The battleships Queen Elizabeth and Valiant, and the battlecruisers Renown with the carriers Illustrious and Unicorn arrive in Colombo from European waters. A battleship and a small carrier are already on the station and an increasing number of submarines are in operation in the area.

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At the south end of the 'Gustav' Line the British 5th Division breaks through and captures Monte Natale. Nearer the main focus of action opposite Monte Cassino, the US 34th Division manages to maintain its holding on the west bank of the Rapido. At Anzio the planned Allies attacks begin. The British 1st Division pushes forward a little but takes heavy punishment. In the American sector, a Ranger battalion leading the attack has all but 6 men killed or captured. The attacks continue with further heavy loss and no worthwhile gains for the next 3 days.

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Task Force 58 continues its operations against Kwajalien, Roi, Namur and Eniwetok. 7 battleships are involved in bombardment missions and 400 bombing sorties are flown. Battleship North Carolina (BB-55) sinks the Japanese transport Eiko Maru (3535t) off the west coast of Roi. The destroyer Burns (DD-588) sinks the Japanese transport Akibasan Maru (4603t) and the guardboat Nichiei Maru off Ujae Atoll, Marshalls.

US carrier-based aircraft are responsibile for sinking the Japanese submarine chasers Nos. 18, 19, 21, and 28 and the auxiliary submarine chaser No. 25 in this operation.

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  • The US submarine Seahorse (SS-304) attacks a Japanese convoy on the Palau-Rabaul track and sinks the army cargo ship Toko Maru (2747t) southeast of Palau.
  • The US submarine Spearfish (SS-190) attacks a Japanese convoy sinking the transport Tamashima Maru (3560t) about 400 miles north-northeast of Saipan.
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Images from January 30, 1944

Crashed British Fighter

Crashed British Fighter

Bombing Meza Bridge

Bombing Meza Bridge

Manning an Observation Post

Manning an Observation Post

Examining a Russian Truck

Examining a Russian Truck

Ancient City Streets of Pompeii

Ancient City Streets of Pompeii

Front View of a 240-mm Howitzer

Front View of a 240-mm Howitzer

Monday, January 31

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • AirSols SBDs, escorted by many AirSols fighters, attack the Tobera airfield at Rabaul immediately following which 17 XIII Bomber Command B-24s, escorted by many fighters attack, the same target.
  • VMF-211, VMF-212, and VMF-217 F4Us and a VF-38 F6F down 7 A6M Zeros in the Rabaul area between 1005 and 1055 hours.
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Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping off Cerman.

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Air Operations, Europe

  • 75 4th, 78th, and 355th Fighter Group P-47 dive-bombrs are dispatched, along with an escort composed of 47 P-38s and 87 P-47s, to attack the Gilze-Rijen Airdrome. 70 of the P-47 dive-bombers attack the briefed primary with 1 500-pound bomb apiece. The P-47 escort pilots down 5 Bf-109s near the Gilze-Rijen Airdrome between 1445 and 1500 hours. 55th Fighter Group P-38 pilots down 6 Bf-109s and 2 FW-190s between 1520 and 1630 hours, while conducting a sweep over the Eindhoven-Venlo-Arnhem area.
  • 74 8th Air Force B-24s, escorted by 114 P-47s, make an unopposed attack on V-weapons sites at St.-Pol/Siracourt.
  • XII Air Support Command A-20s attack a town and a road junction.
  • XII Air Support Command A-36s and P-40s attack several towns and a road junction east of the Anzio beachhead.
  • XII Air Support Command P-47 fighter-bombers attack a town.
  • 74 15th Air Force B-17s attack the Klagenfurt Airdrome, just north of the Austro-Italian border. Of 67 aircraft counted on the ground at the time of the attack, 11 are claimed as destroyed and 7 are claimed as damaged.
  • 41 15th Air Force B-24s attack the Aviano Airdrome.
  • 70 15th Air Force B-17s attack the Udine Airdrome.
  • 325th Fighter Group P-47 escort pilots down 2 Bf-109s and 3 SM-82s near Udine between 1255 and 1315 hours.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

  • Operation FLINTLOCK, the invasion of the Marshall Islands, opens in northern Kwajalein Atoll with the seizure by US Marines of 5 preliminary island objectives. Highly efficient close support is provided by naval gunfire and aircraft from 3 escort carriers (Task Unit 53.1.6) and 2 fleet carriers and 1 light carrier (Task Group 58.2). Little opposition is encountered on the ground at this time, but continuous on-call air support is available throughout the day.
  • ;With somewhat less direct support, owing to the much larger pre-landng bombardment of Kwajalein Island, US. Army troops occupy 4 islands and islets in southern Kwajalein Atoll against weak to moderate opposition. The main southern landing of the day, on Enubuj Island, is preceded by intense naval gunfire support and rocket, bombing, and strafing attacks by 51 fighters and bombers from Task Unit 52.9.1 (Southern Attack Force Carrier Support Unit) escort carriers.
  • By this date, ongoing strikes by Task Group 58.2 carrier warplanes have crippled or destroyed every one of the 83 Japanese Navy aircraft thought to be based at the Roi airfield on Kwajalein on January 29, at the start of the pre-landing carrier offensive. By day’s end, Task Group 58.1 aircraft have joined Task Group 58.2 aircraft in pummeling ground defenses on Roi and adjacent Namur, the primary objectives of the bulk of the US 4th Marine Division. Despite the heavy air and naval bombardment, the Roi airfield on Kwajalein is spared to the extent possible as it is to be rehabilitated as quickly as possible for use by regional land-based aviation units.
  • 19 531st Fighter-Bomber Squadron A-24s attack the airfield on Mille, which is patrolled and harassed by VII Fighter Command P-39s and P-40s for the entire day. 45th Fighter Squadron P-40s strafe targets in the Jaluit Atoll and Task Group 58.3 carrier aircraft continue to pound targets in the Eniwetok Atoll.
  • Before a scheduled amphibious assault by US Army troops can get underway, the Majuro Atoll is secured in its entirety by US Marine scouts—without a fight. Majuro is the first of Japanese pre-war holdings to fall into Allied hands. It will be turned into a major advance US Navy fleet anchorage.
  • Throughout the night, 8 VII Bomber Command B-24s mount individual attacks against the Wotje Atoll.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command A-20s attack Uligan Harbor and V Fighter Command P-39s strafe Bogadjim, Bostrem Bay, and the landing ground at Alexishafen.

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German MTBs attack Convoy CW-243. 2 ships are sunk.

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Australia, Home Front

A commission is established to investigate Japanese war crimes.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-592 is operating in the area of two convoys, SL-47 and MKS-38, when picked up in an asdic contack. She is attacked by the British sloop Wild Goose followed by an additional attack by the British sloop Starling. It is after the second attack a large explosion is heard and all kinds of debris rose to the surface.


ClassType VIIC
CO Oberleutnant zur See Heinz Jaschke
Location Atlantic, W of Cape Clear
Cause Depth charge
Casualties 49
Survivors None
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Eastern Front

Soviet troops reach the outskirts of Kingisepp in their drive west from Leningrad.


The fighting in the Leningrad sector has carried the 2nd Shock Army and 42nd Army to the Luga River north and south of Kingisepp.


Heavy fighting rages east of Krivoi Rog and around Nikopol as the German 6th Army is crushed by the 3rd and 4th Ukrainian Fronts.

In the Crimea the Germans have erected strong defensive positions. The XLIX Mountain Corps deploys 1 infantry division on the Perekop Isthmus and 1 infantry and 2 Rumanian divisions on the Zivash coast facing the 51st Army. The V Corps is near Kerch with 2 infantry and 1 Rumanian cavalry division facing the Independent Coastal Army. In the Jaila Mountains is the I Rumanian Mountain Corps, fighting Crimean partisans, while in operational reserve is another infantry division, Mountain Regiment Krym and the 9th Flak Division. The 17th Army has a total strength of 235,000 men.


1 panzer division, 1 infantry and 2 Luftwaffe field divisions have been struck off the German order of battle during January but in return 1 SS motorized division, 1 infantry and 1 ski division are commited, bringing the total German commitment to 23 panzer, 10 panzer grenadier and 139 infantry divisions. The Luftwaffe has 1,800 aircraft against 8,500 Soviet planes.

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English Channel

The British minesweeping trawler Pine is sunk by a German s-boat of the 5th Motor Torpedo Boat Flotilla southeast of Beachy Head with the loss of 10 of her crew.

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In the southern sector of the 'Gustav' Line the 138th Brigade of the 47th Division, British X Corps, reaches Monte Purgatorio. North of Cassino the 168th Regiment of the US 34th Division takes Caira and repulses vigorous enemy counterattacks. Further north on their right the French Corps retakes Monte Abate.

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The landing operations against Kwajalein Atoll begin Operation FLINTLOCK. Adm Nimitz has assembled the biggest force so far employed in a single operation in the Pacific -- 40,000 men of the Marines and army, against Rear-Adm Monzo Akiyama's forces of about 8,000. The archipelago, made up of 36 atolls comprising at least 2,000 islands and islets, is about 620 miles long and cannot be 'skipped' in any attack from the South Pacific toward Japan. The Japanese, well aware of this, have strengthened their defenses, especially those of the major atolls, on which thay have built a number of airfields. For some time, however, the 750 aircraft of Task Force 58 and hundreds more from bases in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands have been hammering the military installations and sea traffic. Adm Spruance is in overall command with Gen Holland Smith in charge of the various landing forces, the southern attack force under Rear-Adm Richmond K. Turner, the northern attack force under Rear-Adm Richard L. Conolly, the Majuro attack group and the reserve force under Rear-Adm Harry Hill.

During the night the Majuro attack force lands units of the 106th Regiment of the 27th Infantry Division on Majuro atoll. By the evening the atoll is firmly in their hands. At the same time a large number of US torpedo-boats attack the twin islands of Roi and Namur, the first of which consists almost entirely of the airfield. Starting at first light, Marines and army troops land on undefended islets a short way from Roi-Namur and Kwajalein, the southernmost island in the atoll of that name, and locate guns there so that they direct fire on the bigger islands, which are then subjected to an intense barrage of fire from B-24 Liberator bombers, carrier based aircraft and the battleships Tennessee (BB-43), Colorado (BB-45) and Maryland (BB-46). Never before has a landing been preceded by such a heavy barrage. The islands of Roi and Namur disappear under a cloud of smoke and dust, and many of the defenders are killed.

At 12:15pm the Marines of the 23rd and 24th Regiments launch their assault. They advance fairly quickly on Roi, but on Namur they are held up by some Japanese pillboxes which have escaped destruction. The explosion of a big dump of torpedoes and of 2 ammunition depots blown up by the Japanese causes numerous casualties among the attacking troops. During that night the Japanese put in furious counter-attacks, which are driven off with the support of tanks.

Two US naval vessels are damaged in the day's operations: the heavy cruiser Louisville (CA-28) by naval gunfire; and the destroyer Colahan (DD-658) by grounding.

Majuro is quickly made ready to become a major American base. It becomes operational on Febrary 2. The main carrier forces of TF 58 continue their attacks on these objectives and against Eniwetok and Maleolap.

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Occupied France

The Resistance blows up the Ratier aircraft propeller works at Figéac.

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  • The Japanese submarine I-171 is sunk by the US destroyers Guest (DD-472) and Hudson (DD-475) in the Bismarck Archipelago area.
  • The Japanese minelayer Nasami is sunk by the US submarine Trigger (SS-237) in the Central Pacific area.
  • The Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser No. 33 is sunk by aircraft in the Central Pacific area.
  • The US submarine Tullibee (SS-284) sinks the Japanese auxiliary netlayer Hiro Maru (549t) north-northwest of Saipan.
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Images from January 31, 1944

Amtrac Carries US Forces Ashore

Amtrac Carries US Forces Ashore

USS Idaho (BB-42)

USS <i>Idaho</i> (BB-42)

General View of Anzio

General View of Anzio

German POWs Captured north of Anzio

German POWs Captured north of Anzio

Devastation on Kwajalein Island

Devastation on Kwajalein Island

Gun Motor Carriage M10 (Tank Destroyer)

Gun Motor Carriage M10 (Tank Destroyer)

[ December 1943 - February 1944]