Chronology of World War II

February 1941

Saturday, February 8th

Balkans, Politics

The German and Bulgarian staffs agree on the detailed arrangements for German troops to enter Bulgaria.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Britain, Home Front

Lord Walter Moyne is appointed Colonial Secretary and Ernest Brown, Minister of Health.

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Diplomatic Relations

The new Greek Prime Minister Alexander Korizis reopens talks with the British about aid in the event of German intervention against his country. Churchill sends him an assurance that he has ordered the formation of the nucleus of an army for speedy intervention in Greece.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

German Raiders

The battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau approach the convoy HX-106 but do not attack because the escort includes the old battleship Ramillies. Hitler has ordered that no risk of damage to the ships is to be run if this can be avoided.

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Dr Fritz Todt with Hitler

Dr Fritz Todt with Hitler


The Royal Navy bombards Genoa.

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North Africa

In a letter to Mussolini, Gen Rodolfo Graziani, Commander-in-Chief of the Italian armed forces in North Africa and Governor of Libya, writes: "Duce, these latest events have severely depressed my nerves and my strength, so that I cannot continue to exercise command in full possession of my faculties. I therefore ask you to recall and replace me..."

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Persian Gulf

The British intercept the Japanese merchant ship Yamafuji at the entrance to the Persian Gulf and confiscate all the mail it is carrying. Protests are filed with the British. The British are also examining all mail on vessels calling at Hong Kong, which also embitters the Japanese.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

United States, Politics

The US House of Representatives passes the Lend-Lease bill by 260 votes to 165.

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[February 7th - February 9th]