Chronology of World War II

February 1941

Friday, February 14th

Balkans, Politics

Hitler meets the Yugoslav Premier Mirko Cvetkovic and his foreign minister at Berchtesgaden to urge them to join the Tripartite Pact. They still refuse to commit their country, in the hope that Hitler will soon be preoccupied with relations with the Soviet Union and that they can get aid from Britain and the USA.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Elisabeth Marie (616t) is sunk by German bombing northwest of Ireland with the loss of 1 crewman. The Canadian destroyer Ottawa rescues the survivors.
  • The Italian submarine Bianchi sinks the British steamer Belcrest (4517t) straggling behind Convoy SC-21 west of Ireland.
  • U-101 sinks the British steamer Holystone (5462t) in the North Atlantic west of Ireland with the loss of her entire crew of 40.
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Bulgaria, Politics

Germany is granted access to Bulgaria's border with Greece. This allows Germany to increase its power in the Balkans and provides a route to move troops for an invasion into Greece.

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Diplomatic Relations

  • Britain severs diplomatic relations with Rumania.
  • While Yugoslav leaders are meeting with Hitler in Germany, Roosevelt sends a personal message to the Yugoslav regent, Prince Paul, warning against participation in the Axis.
  • Eugene Dooman delivers President Roosevelt's ultimatum to Japan to Foreign Minister Ohashi in Tokyo. A Japanese attack on Singapore would be interpreted as an act of war and Japan would find itself at war with the US.
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Italian East Africa

The 22nd East African Bde takes Kismayu with fire support from the cruiser Shropshire and other smaller vessels. Elsewhere in Somaliland the British advance is also rapid.

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Greek-Albanian Front

The Greeks seize Hill 1178 in the Scindeli area after fierce fighting.

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North Africa

The first units of what will become the Afrika Korps begin to land at Tripoli. The advance guard of the expeditionary force which will later comprise the 15th Pzr Div and the 5th Light Motorized Div is a battalion of light infantry and an antitank unit.

Units of the Afrika Korps

Units of the <i>Afrika Korps</i>
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[February 13th - February 15th]