Chronology of World War II

October 1940

Sunday, October 20th

Air Operations, Europe

During the night the RAF raids Berlin, Milan and Turin.

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Air Operations, Middle East

From East African bases, Italian aircraft attack oil fields in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

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Air Operations, North Africa

Italian aircraft drop bombs near Cairo.

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Battle of Britain

Day 103

Weather - Cloudy and overcast over most of the country.

Combat - During the morning bomb-carrying Me-109's make persistent attacks on targets in the southeast and on London. Between 0930hrs and 1130hrs Hurricanes of No: 249, 253, 302 (Polish) and 605 Squadrons and Spitfires of No: 41, 66, 74 and 92 Squadrons are scrambled to intercept these raids.

Just after 1300hrs another raid of about 50 aircraft is plotted over Dover and heading for targets in London, Hornchurch and Thames areas. RAF fighters are scrambled to intercept the raiders with successful engagements made by Spitfires of No: 41, 66, 74 and 603 Squadrons and Hurricanes of No: 605 Squadron.

At about 1430hrs Spitfires of No: 74 Squadron, scrambled from Biggin Hill, intercept another raid of Me-109's over Maidstone.

The remainder of the afternoon sees small raids being made over Kent without little incident.

During the night the main raids are on London and Birmingham with further bombs dropped in the Midlands, East Anglia, Derby and Manchester. Mines are dropped around much of the southern, eastern and northern coastlines.

R.A.F. Losses: 6 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 3 pilots & aircrew (Blenheim) killed or missing and 1 wounded.

Luftwaffe Losses: 22 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 12 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and 4 wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • In attacks on Convoy HX-79 U-100 sinks the British tankers Caprella (8230t) and Sitala (6218t) about 150 miles southwest of Rockall. 1 crewman is lost from each ship. 52 from the Caprella and 43 from the Sitala are picked up by the British anti-submarine trawlers Lady Elsa and Angle.
  • U-47 sinks the British steamer La Estancia (5185t) from Convoy HX-79 with the loss of 1 crewman. 26 survivors are picked up by the British corvette Coreopsis and 7 more by the British steamer Induna. A little later U-47 sinks the British steamer Whitford Point (5026t) with the loss of 37 of her crew. 3 survivors are picked up by the British trawler Sturdee.
  • In attacks on Convoy OB-229 U-124 sinks the Norwegian steamer Cubano (5810t) southwest of Iceland with the loss of 2 crewmen. 29 survivors are picked up by the Canadian destroyer Saguenay. The U-boat next sinks the British steamer Sulaco (5389t) about 360 miles west of Rockall. 65 of her 66 crew are lost. The lone survivor is picked by the Saguenay.
  • U-46 sinks the Swedish tanker Janus (9965t) straggling behind Convoy HX-79 with the loss of 4 crewmen. 33 survivors are picked up by the British corvette Hibiscus.
  • U-100 sinks the British steamer Loch Lomond (5452t), which has been acting as a rescue ship behind Convoy HX-79, southwest of Rockall with the loss of 1 of her crew. 111 survivors are picked up by the British minesweeper Jason.
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The Blitz

In a raid on London there are 400 casualties.

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Persian Gulf

Italian planes from bases in East Africa bomb oil refineries in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. An Italian bomber formation flies 4,506 km from the Dodecanese Islands to Eritrea via Bahrain making an abortive attack on oil installations.

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Red Sea

There is a surface action between four Italian destroyers and the escorts of a British convoy. The convoy is escorted by a light cruiser one destroyer and five smaller vessels. The Italians lose the Francesco Nullo which is beached and later sunk by Blenheim bombers.

Deportation of Jews

Deportation of Jews
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[ October 19th - October 21st]