Chronology of World War II

February 1943

Monday, February 8

Air Operations, Aleutians

5 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s and 7 B-25s attack Kiska.

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Air Operations, Bismarcks

1 90th Heavy Bomb Group B-24 attacks the Gasmata airfield on New Britain.

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Air Operations, CBI

  • 18 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the marshalling yard and railroad station at Rangoon. 3 B-24s attack the Mingaladon airfield at Rangoon.
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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 6 Lancasters lay mines in Baltic areas without a loss.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-25s attack Dobo and A-20s attack Japanese Army ground troops around Mubo.

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Air Operations, Solomons

Cactus Air Force bombers and fighters attack the Munda Point airfield on New Georgia.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-571 sinks the British anti-submarine trawler Bredon off the coast of Morocco with the loss of 43 of her crew.

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The first Chindit, named after a figure in Hindu mythology(stone lions seen guarding Buddhist temples?), raid begins. This force of about 3,000 men, more properly called 77th Indian Bde made up of British, Indian and Ghurka troops, is led by Maj-Gen Orde Charles Wingate and its task is to penetrate behind enemy lines, causing damage and disruption. Above all the expedition is designed to demonstrate that the British and Indians can take on the Japanese in the jungle. The expedition begins at Imphal and sets out toward Tamu. The brigade is sub-divided into two groups, a southern group which has to cross the Chindwin River first in order to distract Japanese attention from the second, northern, group, commanded by Wingate himself. The object of this special unit is to carry out guerilla activities behind the enemy lines, making surprise attacks and damaging the communications system as much as possible. The Chindits' first objective is the railway, vital to the enemy, that links Mandalay with Myitkyina. It could be called an extended, large-scale patrol action, for once they have crossed the Irrawaddy the Chindits find themselves in increasing difficulties with Japanese forces and are ordered to return to India.

A Chindit Column Crosses a River in Burma, 1943

A Chindit column crosses a river in Burma, 1943
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Diplomatic Relations

Finland, through the US, offers to negotiate and to end its war with Russia. Contacts continues through April when they foundered on details of an armistice.

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Eastern Front

The Russian armored armies, which for some time have had part of the German 2nd Army trapped in a pocket, spread out westwards and take Kursk, one of the strongpoints of the German winter line which they have held since November 11, 1941. This loss still further endangers the whole German position in South Russia.


During the night of February 7-8 the 40th Army attacks Belgorod, fighting their way through the city. The Germans draw back to Tomarovka and bring the Grossdeutschland Division back across the Donets to cover the approaches to Kharkov. Kursk falls to the 60th Army while the 3rd Tank Army pushes south of Kharkov, threatening the German positions on the Donets. The 6th Army takes Andreyevka but then encounters stiff resistance from elements of SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler on the road to Zmiyev. Shakhty falls to the 5th Shock Army in the Donbas.

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Germany, Home Front

Himmler orders special precautions to be taken at concentration camps, to prevent mass escapes in the event of air raids. Each camp is to be sub-divided into blocks, each containing 4,000 prisoners, which are to be surrounded by minefields, electrically charged barbed wire, searchlights and dogs trained to kill on sight.

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The 161st Infantry, 25th Div, overcomes a light delaying opposition at the Tambalego and proceeds to Doma Cove. Pushing northward from Marovovo, the 2nd Battalion, 132nd Infantry, Americal Div, reaches Kamimbo Bay. Japanese rearguards still contrive to slow down the American advance towards Tenaro and Cape Esperance. The rearguards are evacuated bringing to a total of 10,652 men removed from the island during the past week, a remarkable feat in view of the American air and naval presence in the area.

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North Africa


In the British 1st Army's US II Corps area, the enemy orders an attack against the Gafsa area with the primary purpose of destroying Allied forces. The 26th Regimental Combat Team, 1st Div, less the 2nd and 3rd Battalions, is released by Combat Command A, 1st Armored Div, back to corps and moves from Sidi Bou Zid to Féreiana.

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[February 7th - February 9th]