Chronology of World War II

February 1943

Wednesday, February 10

Air Operations, Aleutians

2 28th Composite Bomb Group B-17s, 4 B-24s, 8 B-25s, and 8 343d Fighter Group P-38s attack Kiska.

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Air Operations, CBI

  • 8 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack rail targets at Maymyo.
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Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 12 Venturas bomb the Caen railway yards. There is a fierce fight between escorting Spitfires and defending German fighters.
One of four bombs dropped on Reading by a lone German plane 10 February 1943, fell on building in Town Hall Square.

Damage in Reading

Damage in Reading
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Air Operations, Solomons

  • Cactus Air Force aircraft and 347th Fighter Group P-38s attack the Munda Point airfield on New Georgia.
  • A 347th Fighter Group P-38 downs a G4M 'Betty' bomber near Choiseul at 0700 hours.
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Battle of the Atlantic

A B-24 Liberator sinks U-519 off the Azores in the first success for the new aerial offensive against U-boats in this area. U-boats returning to their bases on the French Atlantic coast are being increasingly menaced by aircraft which are having more effect than the regular bombing of the U-boat pens at Lorient and St-Nazaire.

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Eastern Front

North of Rostov Russian forces reach the Rostov-Novocherkassk railway line. Further north, two armored columns which have been converging on Kharkov capture Volchansk and Chuguyev only 20 miles east of Kharkov.

The Soviet 40th and 69th Armies begin their assault on Kharkov, with some units of the 40th moving toward Oboyan, Grayvoron and Bogodukhov. The SS Leibstandarte Div finally has to yield before the Donets and falls back, allowing the 3rd Tank Army to recapture Chuguyev and Merefa. Farther south, the XLVIII Panzer Corps fights a rearguard action as it falls back to Stalino. In the Caucasus the North Caucasus Front's Krasnodar Offensive Operation, involving 390,000 troops, is threatening the southern flank of the 17th Army.


The 40th and 69th Armies throw themselves into a direct assault upon Kharkov, becoming embroiled in the German outer defenses. Elements of the 40th Army attempt to envelop Kharkov from the west, while other units of the army push toward Oboyan, Grayvoron and Bogodukhov. The Germans are forced back upon Borisovka, Zolochev and Olshany.

Units of the Soviet 6th Army reach the river opposite Zmiyev. Heavy fighting ensues as the Germans attempt to prevent their crossing but some succeed in crossing ant Andreyevka. Exploiting the 6th Army success, 3rd Tank Army begins an assault crossing of the Donets near Chuguyev. Pechenegi and Chuguyev falls as the SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler is force back. Other units of the 3rd Tan seize Merefa. German defenses at Rogan prove too strong for the moment.

The XLVIII Panzer Corps also comes under fierce attack as it withdraws from the Donets to the area north of Stalino.

In the Kuban the Soviet advance along the Black Sea coast succeeds in linking upo with those assault force already at Novorossiysk, threatening the southern flank of the German 17th Army.


The Stavka renames 21st Army the 6th Guards Army. Many of the armies that fought at Stalingrad are renamed in the early part of 1943. Chuikov's 62nd Army becomes 8th Guards.

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German Raiders

RAF 'Whirlibombers' hit the German disguised raider Coronel as she attempts to break out into the Atlantic. The Coronel puts into Boulogne.

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India, Politics

Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian leader, begins a 21-day hunger strike in prison at Poona, having been interned by the British along with all other members of the All-India Congress Party. This action puts considerable pressure on British policy in India, especially as Indian troops are dying for the Allied cause in places such as Burma and North Africa.

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New Guinea

While other forces are assembled for a big new offensive aimed at the complete expulsion of the Japanese from the island, small American units reach the mouth of the Kumusi River and establish a fortified position there.

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North Africa


In the British 1st Army area, the US II Corps assigns the 1st Armored Div responsibility for containing Axis forces at Faïd.

In the British 8th Army area, heavy rainfall delays operations against Ben Gardane, the main outpost of the enemy's Mareth positions.

Members of Maori Battalion and transport outside the Benito Gate at Tripoli, Libya, 10 February 1943

Maori Battalion at Tripoli

Maori Battalion at Tripoli
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Norwegian Sea

The Norwegian submarine Urred disappears off Bodo.

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[February 9th - February 11th]