Chronology of World War II

August 1941

Monday, August 11th

Air Operations, Europe

A Soviet air raid against Berlin is mounted by the newly formed 81st Long-Range Bombing Aviation Division, commanded by Maj-Gen Mikhail Vassilievich Vodopyanov. Flying from Pushkin near Leningrad, the Soviet bombers fly along the coastlines of Estonia and Latvia, then across the Baltic to a landfall north of Stettin, before heading for Berlin. The forces comprise 14 Petlyakov Pe-8s from Pushkin, 2 squadrons of Ilyushin Il-4s and a squadron of Yermolayef Yer-2s. Only 11 Pe-8s and 3 Il-4s reach Berlin to bomb the city, causing little damage.

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Air Operations, Mediterranean

British torpedo-bombers sink the Italian hospital ship California at Syracuse, Sicily.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Sir Russell (1548t) is sunk by German S-49 about half a mile north of No. 10 Buoy. The entire crew are rescued.
  • The British steamer Empire Hurst (2852t) is sunk in a German bombing attack off the coast of Portugal with the loss of 26 of her crew. 9 survivors are picked up by the British anti-submarine trawler Lady Hogarth.
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Eastern Front

The Finnish attacks south of Lake Ladoga reach Vuosalmi.


The Finnish Southeastern Army captures Vousalmi. To the north, Dietl's force is strengthened by the addtion of two infantry divisions moved up from Norway.


The XLI Panzer and XXXVIII Corps penetrate Soviet defenses on the Luga and secure bridgeheads at Ivanovskoye and Bolshoi Sabsk. The 8th Panzer Division moves up to support the XLI Panzer Corps' attack.


In an effort to strengthen the shaky Kiev defenses, the Soviets move a rifle division up to reinforct the line. German attack move up to the southern outskirts of the city, hitting the 295th Rifle Division.

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The Italian hospital ship California (13,060t) is sunk at Syracuse by a Swordfish from 830 Squadron from Malta.

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[August 10th - August 12th]