Chronology of World War II

July 1940

Tuesday, July 2nd

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British merchant ship Arandora Star (15,500t) is sunk off the coast of Ireland by U-47. Aboard the ship are 1,500 Italian and German internees and PoWs on the way to Canada. Panic-stricken passengers fight for places in lifeboats. 670 are drowned. They are among the 8,000 'enemy aliens' who are to be deported from Britain for internment abroad. (see December 20, 1940)

    Arandora Star

    <i>Arandora Star</i>
  • U-29 sinks the Panamanian tanker Santa Margarita (4919t) southwest of Ireland and badly damages British steamer Athellaird (899rt). 3 crewmen are missing. 21 survivors were picked up by the British steamer King John. 3 of these survivors are missing after the steamer King John sinks on the 13th. The Athellaird sinks on the 3rd. The entire crew is rescued by British sloop Sandwich.
  • The British steamer Aeneas (10,058t) in convoy OA-177G is sunk by German bombing 20 miles southeast of Start Point. 18 are missing and 3 are dead. The survivors are picked up by the British destroyer Witherington.
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Britain, Home Front

As in the later cases of Japanese-Americans in the United States, the British internment policy is both harsh and foolish. Among those interned in Britain are many Jewish refugees from Hitler, including important scientists and many more who want to work for Britain. Hysterical fears of a Fifth Column are the main reason for the internment policy. It is gradually relaxed after August 1940.

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Marshal Pétain's government in France moves from Bordeaux to Vichy.

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Germany, Strategy

An Armed Forces High Command, OKW, order is issued entitled 'The War Against England'. It begins 'The Führer and Supreme Commander has decided that a landing in England is possible'. In response to this order Göring gives instructions for an intensified air blockade with especial attention to be given to attacks on shipping. The Luftwaffe has 2 air fleets in northern France.


Occupied Poland

Gen Wladyslaw Sikorski issues an Order of the Day to Polish Forces in Britain: 'We shall continue to fight with an iron will until victory is won.'

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The Rumanian government annouces a "new orientation" embracing naziism. Bucharest wants to impress Berlin with its unqualified commitment. Nazi Iron Guards are released from prison and British employees are expelled from the oil fields.

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[ July 1st - July 3rd]