Chronology of World War II

December 1939

Battle of the Atlantic

Allied shipping losses are 73 ships of 189,900 tons. U-boats sink 25 of these ships at a cost of 1 of their number. (Allied Ships Lost to U-boats)

Friday, December 1st

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Dalryan (4558t) hits a mine and sinks 2-1/2 miles southwest of Tongue Light Vessel. This is the result of the German destroyer minelaying operation in the Thames Estuary the night of the November 12th. The crew is rescued and taken to Margate.
  • U-21 sinks the Norwegian steamer Arcturus (1277t) off the east coast of Scotland in the North Sea with the loss of 9 crewmen. 7 survivors are picked up by the Danish merchant ship Ivar and 8 more by the Norwegian steamer Eva.
  • The Finnish merchant ship Mercator (4260t) is sunk by U-31. 1 crewman is lost and 18 survivors are rescued by 2 minesweeping trawlers from Aberdeen. Another 13 arrive at Boddam in the ship's boat.
  • The French steamer Floride (7030t) hits a mine a sinks about a mile from the Dunkirk Light House with the loss of 2 of her crew.
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Britain, Policy

Blockade measures are put into effect. Neutral shippers need a 'navicert' certificate to allow their cargo to pass through British patrols. Several countries protest including Italy, the Netherlands, Japan and Belgium. The US issues an objection on the 8th.


Finland - Winter War

Day 2

Russian attacks on the Karelian Isthmus continue. The Finnish forces on the Isthmus withdraw to their first delaying position. Russian aircraft attack villages on Suursaari.

Cities bombed this day include Helsinki (80 dead), Lahti, Kirkkonummi, Loviisa, Kotka, Hamina, Kouvola, Antrea, Hiitola, Jääski, Immola, Tainionkoski and Viipuri.

Finnish Success

Finnish Success

Finnish fighters shoot down 13 Russian aircraft. The Soviet cruiser Kirov, supported by 2 destroyers, attacks the Russarö Fortress. In the late morning in an exchange of artillery all 3 Soviet ships are hit.

The legitimate Finnish government is reorganized. President Kyösti Kallio selects Dr Risto Ryti as Prime Minister and Väinö Tanner as Foreign Minister. The main goal of the new governmnent is the restoration of peaceful relations with the Soviet Union. The boundaries of the theater of operations is also announced by the new government.

Downed Soviet Bomber

Downed Soviet Bomber
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Germany, Home Front

Gottlob Berger creates the Ergänzungsamt der Waffen-SS (Waffen-SS Recruiting Office) within the SS-Hauptamt (SS Central Office). The remarkable growth of the Waffen-SS must be attributed to Berger rather than Himmler. He had generally been able to outmaneuver and outwit his military counterparts with a cunning cocktail of diplomacy, threat and duplicity. His successes also encouraged him to undertake increasingly ambitious schemes to expand the wartime role of the SS, thus fulfilling the desires of his Reichsführer-SS. Berger, who had proved his organizational ability by directing the activities of the Henlien Freikorps during the 1938 Sudetenland crisis, was appointed by Himmler to command the new SS-Hauptamt, with responsibility, among other duties, for recruitment. One of the functions of the district leadersof the Allgemeine-SS had always been recruiting for the SS, but with the threat of impending war it became necessary to centralize and consolidate this increasingly important role.

The establishment of a nation-wide SS recruiting network was Berger's first task, and on December 1 he created the Ergänzungsamt der Waffen-SS within the SS-Hauptamt with himself as its chief, with an order he prepared and signed by Himmler. In each of the 17 SS-Oberabschnitte (Higher Sections), an SS-Ergänzungsstelle (Recruiting Center) was established. Since the Wehrkreise (Army Defense Districts) were coterminous with these SS districts, Berger possessed a recruiting organization which geographically paralleled that of the army. The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW), High Command of the Armed Forces, at the same time issued an order to military district commander explaining the function of the new bureaus and ordering them to deal directly with the SS-Ergänzungsstelle in all SS personnel matters.

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Saturday, December 2nd

Battle of the Atlantic

The British tanker San Calisto (21179t) hits a mine and sinks 2-1/2 miles NNE of Tongue Light Vessel. This is the result of the German destroyer minelaying operation in the Thames Estuary the night of the November 12th. 6 crewmen are lost and 36 are rescued.

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Britain, Home Front

The government extends conscription to include all able bodied men between the ages of 19 and 41.

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Finland - Winter War

Day 3

Near Petsamo a Soviet regiment attacks the mine area. The Finnish Pennanen Detachment counterattacks pushing the Russians back (13 dead, 38 wounded). On the Isthmus the Russians reach the Vammelsuu-Kivennapa-Rautu-Taipale line. On the Ladoga Karelia Maj-Gen Juho H. Heiskanen orders his IV Army Corps to retake the area around Suvilahti. The attack runs out of steam by nightfall. The Soviet 8th Army achieves a small success near Suojarvi. The Finns pull back a little in this sector. They also send a small reinforcement to the forces opposing the advance of the Soviet 54th Div of 9th Army near Kuhmo. In other action there are Soviet landings with naval support near Petsamo and other units of 14th Army are attacking overland nearby. The Finnish defenses have not yet been reached in most areas.

Soviets Moving Up To Attack

Soviets Moving Up To Attack

Finland appeals to the League of Nations to mediate in their quarrel with the Soviets. The League meets between December 9-11 and agrees to intervene. The Soviets refuse to recognize this offer and are expelled on December 14. This is one of the few times that the League has attempted to take a decisive stand. Of course it is now quite useless.

Schools Close

Schools Close

Kuusinen's puppet government calls on the Finns to 'overthrow the oppressor' (meaning the legitimate government) and welcome the 'liberators' (the soldiers of the Red Army). Meanwhile Kuusinen signs a treaty with the USSR giving the Russians all they ask for, in exchange for the whole of Soviet Karelia.

The Soviet news agency Tass announces that a 'People's Government of Finland' has been formed (clearly a puppet government), under the presidency of Otto Kuusinen, a member of the Comintern for many years. But neither political and diplomatic developments nor military operations go in favor of the USSR. The Finns put up a desperate, determined and valiant defense. Moving along the narrow paths in the middle of the dense forest on bicycles or skis, they attack the big enemy units in the flank and inflict heavy losses as the Russians, of necessity, proceed along the main roads. The Finns attack the Russian tanks by hurling into their turrets a type of incendiary grenade which becomes world-famous as the 'Molotov cocktail' (basically no more than a bottle full of gasoline with a lighted rag in the mouth).

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German Raiders

Commodore Harwood with three British cruisers in the Falklands is alerted to the presence of the Admiral Graf Spee in the South Atlantic by a radio message from the freighter Doric Star (10,086t). The British steamer is then sunk by the Admiral Graf Spee south of St. Helena.

The British Steamer Doric Star

The British Steamer <i>Doric Star</i>

The British Steamer Doric Star

The British Steamer <i>Doric Star</i>
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United States, Home Front

New York's LaGuardia Airport

New York's LaGuardia Airport
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World Events

The 1940 Olympic Games, which were to have been held in Finland, are cancelled.

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Sunday, December 3rd

Baltic Sea

The Lithuanian steamer Kretinga (542t) is seized by German warships as a prize. She is placed in German service under the name Memelland.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-31 sinks the Danish steamer Ove Toft (2135t) with the loss of 6 crewmen. 15 survivors are picked up. A little later U-31 sinks the Norwegian steamer Gimle (1271t) with the loss of 3 of her crew. 16 survivors are picked up by the Norwegian steamer Rudolf.

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Finland - Winter War

Day 4

Near Petsamo the Russians again attack the mine area but are again beaten back. Finnish losses here are 13 dead and 38 wounded. On the Karelian Isthmus Rautu, Valkjärvi and Uusikirkko all fall to the Russians. The outer islands are shelled by Soviet naval detachments. The Soviets occupy Iso Tytärsaari Island. General Headquarters moves from Helsinki to Mikkeli.

The government annouces that the waters around Åland have been mined to protect the islands. Evacuation by civilians for the safety of the interior is begun from cities like Helsinki, Viipuri, Turku and Kotka among others.

Covering Force Withdraws

Covering Force Withdraws
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German Raiders

The Graf Spee sinks the freighter Tairoa (7983t) but, again, a 'May Day' signal helps Harwood to plot the enemy ship's probable arrival time off the coast of South America.

British Steamer Tairoa

British Steamer <i>Tairoa</i>
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Monday, December 4th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British battleship Nelson is damaged by a magnetic mine off Loch Ewe. This is the last notable success for this insidious German 'secret weapon'. English technicians have succeeded in finding a means of neutralizing the magnetic mine by 'de-magnetizing' the hull of ships using an electric cable. This method is known as 'de-gaussing'. The Germans have been employing this and other types of mine to good effect. By the end of the year the Allied shipping lost to mines will amount to 79 ships of 262,700 tons.
  • On a black day for the Allied navies, two destroyers are sunk and two others and one minelayer are damaged
  • Royal Navy submarine Salmon sinks U-36 in the North Sea southwest of Kristiansand, Norway. All 40 of the crew are lost.


    ClassType VII
    CO Kapitänleutnant Wilhelm Frolich
    Location North Sea
    Cause Submarine attack
    Casualties 40
    Survivors None
  • The British steamer Horsted (1670t) hits a mine and sinks off the Humber with the loss of 5 crewmen. This is the result of the German destroyer minelaying operation in the Thames Estuary the night of the November 18th. The survivors are picked up by the British destroyer Jackal.
  • U-31 sinks the Norwegian steamer Primula (1024t) 125 miles east of Aberdeen with the loss of 8 of her crew. 7 survivors are picked up by the Danish steamer Wm Th Malling and taken to Methil.
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Diplomatic Relations

Helsinki Bombed

Helsinki Bombed
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Finland - Winter War

Day 5

The senior command in the Isthmus is criticized by the C-in-C for being too quick to withdraw the covering force. Supported by tanks the Soviets advance near Suulajärvi, Nurmijärvi and Valkjärvi. The Russians also attack the bridgehead at Kiviniemi. On the Saunajärvi-Alasjärvi isthmus the Russian 118th Regt supported by artillery fire and a tank battalion attempts to break through but is repelled.

Foreign diplomats begin to evacuate from Helsinki. Prime Minister Ryti, through his Ambassador in Washington, requests a 60 million dollar loan from the U.S.

Soviets Advance

Soviets Advance
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Tuesday, December 5th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-47 sinks the British steamer Navasota (8795t) from convoy OB-46 50 miles southwest of Fastnet with the loss of 37 of her crew. 35 survivors are rescued by the British destroyer Escapade and 10 by the British steamer Clan Farquhar.
  • The Danish steamer Alexandria (1463t) is seized in Esbjerg by 2 German armed trawlers and taken to Germany.
  • The German steamer Ussukuma (7834t) is stopped by the British heavy cruiser Cumberland and the light cruiser Ajax. She scuttles herself rather than be captured. Ajax picks up 107 men that were on the ship.
  • The British light cruiser Despatch captures the German steamer Dusseldorf (4930t) off Punta Caldera, Chile. After passing through the Panama Canal the ship arrives in Bermuda January 12, 1940 where she is later placed in British service under the name Empire Confidence.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 6

The covering force on the Isthmus launches its final counterattack at Perkjärvi. It ends in a Finnish withdrawal to the main defensive position. Forward units of the Soviet 7th Army reach the main Finnish defenses, the Mannerheim Line, on the Karelian Isthmus. Carl Gustav Emil Mannerheim is the Finnish Commander in Chief. Already the Finns are learning to exploit the poor management of the Soviet advance. They are developing tactics to master the Soviet tanks by separating them from their supporting infantry and emerging from concealed positions during the night to destroy them in close combat. In the area north of Lake Ladoga the Finnish positions at Kollaa are attacked. Finnish troops disengage from Ägläjärvi. Farther north Soviet troops enter Suomussalmi on the east side of Lake Kianta after it has been evacuated by the Finns

Mannerheim Line

Mannerheim Line

In order to supervise war censorship a central office of censorship as well as a number of local offices is established by General Headquarters. The Finnish Broadcasting Company warns its listeners to be aware of Russian propaganda broadcasts.

Destroyed Soviet Tanks

Destroyed Soviet Tanks
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Wednesday, December 6th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The Greek steamer Paralos (156t) hits a mine and sinks 2 miles ENE of Tongue Light Vessel. This is the result of the German destroyer minelaying operation in the Thames Estuary the night of the November 12th. 3 crewmen are killed and 22 are rescued by the British steamer Roek.
  • The British minesweeping trawler Washington (209t) is sunk off Caister near Great Yarmouth on a mine laid by U-59 on the 5th. 7 of the crew are lost with only 1 survivor.
  • U-31 sinks the Swedish steamer Vinga (1974t) in the North Sea. All of her crew are rescued by the by the Danish steamer Transporter. U-31 also sinks the Norwegian steamer Foina (1674t) in the same area northwest of Rattray Head. All 18 of the crew are lost.
  • U-47 sinks the Norwegian tanker Britta (6214t) 45 miles southwest of Longships Light with the loss of 6 of her crew. 25 survivors are picked up the the Belgian trawler Memlinc.
  • During the night the German destroyers Erich Giese, Bernd von Arnim and Hans Lody are involved in minelaying off Cromer. During the operation the British destroyer Jersey is torpedoed and badly damaged by the Erich Giese. 10 of the crew are killed and 12 injured in the explosion.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 7

All of the covering force in now in the main defensive position on the Isthmus as the remaining troops pull back to the north of Vuoksi. On the eastern Isthmus a Soviet division launches an attack across the Taipaleenjoki River. A Russian battalion crosses the river at Koukkuniemi just before dark. On the Ladoga Karelia Group Talvela is formed to cover the Tolvajärvi-Ägläjärvi sector.

Fighting at Taipale

Fighting at Taipale
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Thursday, December 7th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-23 sinks the Danish steamer Scotia (2400t) in the North Sea. The Danish steamer Hafnia searches unsuccessfully for survivors.
  • U-38 sinks the British steaamer Thomas Walton (4660t) south of Vestfjord. 13 of the crew are lost with 12 survivors being picked up by the German steamer Sebu. 22 more survivors are picked up by the Norwegian steamer Irma.
  • U-47 sinks the Dutch steamer Tajandoen (8159t) in the English Channel with the loss of 6 crewmen. The British steamer Louis Scheid rescues 62 survivors.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 8

Lt-Col Pajari Takes Command

Lt-Col Pajari Takes Command

Near Taipale by evening the Finnish troops have beaten back the Russian attack there. On the Ladoga Karelia Soviet troops have made contact with the Finnish positions on the Kollaanjoki River. The first Soviet effort is repelled by Finnish troops at Kollaa. Lt-Col Aaro Pajari assumes command of the Finnish forces in the Tolvajärvi area and launches active countermeasures. Finnish troops begin defensive action near Ilomantsi as they fall back first to Möhkö and then to Kallioniemi ferry. The Russian 163rd Division succeeds in breaking through to the village of Suomussalmi, on Lake Kianta (Kiantajärvi). Reinforcments from the 9th Div under Col Hjalmar Siilasvuo are sent to the area by Mannerheim. In northern Finland the Russian 122nd Div attacks the Finnish positions on the Kairala parallel. The Finns cannot hold and drop back to the parish village at Salla.

The Russians announce a naval blockade on Finland's south and west coasts.

Finnish Artillery

Finnish Artillery
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Diplomatic Relations

The Fascist Grand Council re-affirms Italian non-belligerency. Denmark, Sweden and Norway declare strictest neutrality in the Russian-Finnish war.

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German Raiders

The Admiral Graf Spee sinks yet another British ship, the freight steamer SS Streonshalh (3895t) south of Trinidad. This dreaded German unit has become the bête noire of the Allied navies. A squadron commanded by Commodore Henry Harwood, consisting of two heavy and two light cruisers, is dispatched to the estuary of the River Plate on the assumption that the German raider is bound to return to that area to attack shipping on the crowded American route based on the estuary, which includes among others the ports of Montevideo and Buenos Aires.

British Steamer Streonshalh

British steamer <i>Streonshalh</i>
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Friday, December 8th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Merel (1088t) hits a mine and sinks just west of the Gull Light Vessel. This is the result of the German destroyer minelaying operation in the Thames Estuary the night of the November 12th. 16 of the crew are lost with only 2 being rescued.
  • The British steamer Corea (751t) sinks on a mine 1-1/2 miles from the Cromer Coast Guard Station. This minefield was laid by German destroyer the night of the 6th. 8 of the crew are lost and 7 rescued by the Cromer lifeboat.
  • U-48 sinks the British steamer Brandon (6668t), a straggler from convoy OB-48, 80 miles southwest of Fastnet with the loss of 9 crewmen. Survivors are picked up by the Belgian trawler Marie Jose Rosette and the British trawler Tritten.
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Diplomatic Relations

The US State Department challenges the British right to seize German goods on neutral vessels and protests the blockade of Germany as an interference with the rights of neutral nations to trade.

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Finland - Winter War

Day 9

Russians Repulsed

Russians Repulsed

On the southern Isthmus the advance guard of the Finnish 4th Div, which has been fighting forward of the main defensive postion, pulls back into the defenses. Meanwhile, the Russians in the area attempt to regroup. The Red Army's offensive through the wilderness between Lake Ladoga and the Arctic Ocean catch the Finns off guard completely by the size of the attack and the direction from which it comes. The Finns successfully repulse a Russian attack at Haukiperä in Suomussalmi. On the eastern Isthmus the Soviets begin a week-long artillery barrage at Taipale in order to destroy the Finnish positions there. On the Ladoga Karelia the Finns are overcome by the Soviet troops at Tolvajärvi. The Russians come close to capturing the village and the crossroads but during the night Col Pajari leads a flanking attack on the Russians which cause them to pull back. On the Isthmus K. A. Meretskov takes command of the Soviet 7th Army. In northern Finland the Russians enter the village at Salla.

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Germany, Planning

Raeder again talks to Hitler of invading Norway. Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi Party's political and racial 'expert' also introduces the head of the tiny Norwegian National Unity Party to Hitler. His name is Vidkung Quisling (see January 27, 1940).

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Italy, Home Front

In Rome the Fascist Grand Council votes to confirm its support of the Axis allieance but also to stay out of the conflicty.


Saturday, December 9th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-20 sinks the Danish steamer Magnus (1339t) in the North Sea. Her sole survivor is picked up 4 days later by the British trawler Philippe.
  • U-48 torpedoes the British tanker San Alberto (7397t) from convoy OB-48 west of the English Channel with the loss of 1 crewmen. The survivors abandon the ship and are picked up by the Belgian tanker Alexandre Andre. Attempts are made to salvage the ship, but she is eventually scuttled on the 11th by the British destroyer Mackay.
  • The British heavy cruiser Shropshire encounters the German steamer Adolf Leonhardt (2990t) northwest of Mossamedes. Rather than be captured, she scuttles herself off South Africa. 25 survivors are picked up by the Shropshire.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 10

On the Karelian Isthmus the covering force is reorganized to form the 1st Div under Maj-Gen Taavetti Laatikainen. They will be responsible for the eastern section of the front while the 5th Div will be responsible for the rest. The 13th Div is deployed defensively between Lake Ladoga and Varpajärvi. Near Suomussalmi the Finns mount a successful attack. A brilliant night attack is also mounted on 8th Army units near Kollaa.

In New York about 100 Finnish American volunteers, mostly pilots and mechanics, board ship bound for Finland.

Ladoga Karelia

Ladoga Karelia
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Western Front

A corporal from the King's Shropshire Light Infantry becomes the first British fatality on the Western Front.

King George at the Maginot Line

King George at the Maginot Line
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Sunday, December 10th

Baltic Sea

In error, the Russian submarine S-1 sinks the German steamship Bolheim (3324t) in the Gulf of Bothnia.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British auxiliary minesweeper Ray Of Hope (98t) hits a mine and sinks off Ramsgate. This is the result of the German destroyer minelaying operation in the Thames Estuary the night of November 17th. 9 of the crew are lost.
  • The British steamer Willowpool (4815t) from convoy FS-43 sinks on a mine 3 miles east of the Newarp Light Vessel. The mine was laid by U-20 on the November 22nd. The 36 survivors are rescued by lifeboat.
  • The Dutch steamer Immingham strikes a mine off the Dutch coast near Kallautsoog and sinks the next day. Her crew of 7 are rescued.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 11

On the Ladoga Karelia Finnish troops fight back a Russian battalion which had outflanked the defensive position at Tolvajärvi. On the Kollaanjoki River a series of offensives is begun by the Russians. At Koukkuniemi the Finnish artillery open fire against Russian artillery and infantry positions. The Russian offensive formations retreat after about a half-hour bombartment.

Deeming the situation on the front critical, General Headquarters issues orders to establish the first guerrilla battalions.

Finnish Artillery

Finnish Artillery
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Monday, December 11th

Battle of the Atlantic

U-38 sinks the Greek steamer Garoufalia (4708t) in Norwegian waters with the loss of 4 crewmen. 25 survivors are picked up by the Norwegian steamer Tellus.

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Finland - Winter War

Day 12

In northern Finland the Finns launch a counter-offensive at Suomussalmi and recapture Salla. The Soviet 163rd Div is cut off in Suomussalmi by the attacks of the Finnish 9th Bde. On the Ladoga Karelia the Russians launch a series of offensives at Kollaa. Besides a frontal assault flanking actions are also attempted. In the Tolvajärvi battle area, Col Paavo Talvela issues orders for the decisive attack. In northern Finland near Salla a Russian regiment shatters the defense at Märkäjärvi. The Finns fall back about 10 km west to Salmijärvi.

Battle at Tolvajärvi

Battle at Tolvajärvi
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Diplomatic Relations

Hitler meets the Norwegian politician Vidkun Quisling, founder of the 'National Union', a Norwegian pro-Nazi movement.

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Occupied Poland

Jews are forced into labor within the General Government area.

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Tuesday, December 12th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer King Egbert (4535t) sinks on a mine 4 miles southwest of Haisborough off Cromer. This minefield was laid by German destroyers the night of the 6th. 1 of the crew is lost; 32 survivors are rescued.
  • During the night the German destroyers Hermann Künne, Friedrich Ihn, Erich Steinbrinck, Richard Beitzen and Bruno Heinemann lay a minefield off the Tyne near Newcastle. 11 Allied merchant ships grossing 18,979 tons will be sunk in the field.
  • The British steamer Marwick Head (496t) sinks on a mine half a mile south of North Caister Buoy with the loss of 5 crewmen. The mine was laid by U-59 on the 5th.
  • The Swedish steamer Toro (1467t) sinks on a mine 35 miles south of Copenhagen.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 13

In the central section of the Isthmus Soviet troops launch reconnaissance probes at Summa. On the Ladoga Karelia 2 offensives are begun by the Finns against the Soviet 8th Army; one by Group Talvela's Detachment Pajari at Tolvajärvi and the other by troops of the IV Corps on the Lemetti road. In the Battle of Tolvajärvi the 139th Div is virtually destroyed there and the 75th Div is also hard hit. The Finns capture much invaluable equipment. 4,000 Russians are killed; 30 guns and 60 tanks are captured. Finnish attacks near Kollaa meet with less success. Detachment A's advance from Oinaansalmi to take Möhkö 4 km to the east fails to get very far due to command problems.

The Battle of Kitela. The Finns halt the Russian 18th and 168th Divs on the north shore of Lake Ladoga. The 18th Div is surrounded January 5 and the 168th on January 11.

Finnish mine laying operations begin in front of Suursaari harbor carried out by the motor torpedo boats Raju and Isku.

Authorization is received for Finland to buy 43 Brewster fighters from the US. France sends Finland 5,000 1915-model machine-guns; Britain contributes a number of Brandt mortars and light machine guns made in 1924 with some aircraft.

The League of Nations calls on the two warring nations to cease hostilities and begin peace negotiations.

Reconnaissance Probes at Summa

Reconnaissance Probes at Summa
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Britain, Home Front

Churchill speaks in favor of a landing in Norway. In his speech he says that 'it is humanity, and not legality, that we must look to as our judge'.

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United States, Home Front

Shipping Out for Finland

Shipping Out for Finland
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Wednesday, December 13th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • In the North Sea the British submarine Salmon torpedoes the German cruisers Leipzig and Nurnberg. Leipzig will only return to service in 1941 but solely as a training ship. Nurnberg will be out of action until May 1940.
  • The Belgian steamer Rosa (1146t) hits a mine and sinks off the Tyne Breakwater with the loss of 1 crewman. This is a result of the minefield laid by German destroyers the night of the 12th.
  • The British minesweeping trawler William Hallet (202t) sinks on a mine 3-1/2 miles ESE of St Mary's Light with the loss of 8 crewmen. This is a result of the minefield laid by German destroyers the night of the 12th. 1 survivor is picked up by the British trawler Ben Arthur.
  • U-38 sinks the British steamer Deptford (4104t) a quarter mile NNW of Honningsvaag. 31 of her crew are lost with 4 survivors being picked up by the Norwegian patrol boat Firda and 1 more by the Norwegian steamer Nordnorge.
  • U-57 sinks the Soviet steamer Ashkhabad (1173t) off Cross Sand. This is the former Estonian vessel Mina.
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Battle of the River Plate

The British Commodore Harwood has brought his squadron to the River Plate estuary hoping that the Admiral Graf Spee will come hunting there. Harwood has the heavy cruiser Exeter and the light cruisers Ajax and HMNZS Achilles. When Langsdorff does appear in Admiral Graf Spee there is a fierce 2-hour battle. Exeter is very badly damaged suffering 96 casualties and retires to the Falkland Islands. It is to be replaced by the cruiser Cumberland. Ajax also heavily hit and Achilles less so. Admiral Graf Spee has received some damage as well and Langsdorff decides to break off the action. He heads for Montevideo to make quick repairs and have his wounded treated. Ajax and Achilles take station off the port.

Admiral Graf Spee Enters Montevideo after the Battle of the River Plate

<i>Admiral Graf Spee</i> Enters Montevideo after the Battle of the River Plate

Finland - Winter War

Day 14

On the Isthmus the Russians continue their attacks with artillery and tank support in the Summa-Muolaanjärvi sector. In the Perkjärvi sector the last Finnish forward combat posts are pulled back. The attacks are repulsed on all sectors. At Ilomantsi the attack of Detachment A fails. In northern Finland Maj-Gen K. M. Wallenius assumes command to the Lapland Group.

The Finnish Center for Nordic Aid is established. The purpose of this organization is to help with the evacuation of Finnish children to Sweden.

The US refuses to grant Finland credit in order to purchase military supplies.

Northern Finland

Northern Finland
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Thursday, December 14th

Battle of the Atlantic

The British minesweeping trawler James Ludford (506t) sinks on a mine in the Tyne. This is a result of the minefield laid by German destroyers the night of the 12th. There is only 1 survivor from a crew of 18. Also sinking on mines in the same area are the British auxiliary patrol trawler Evelina (202t) losing her entire crew of 9 and the British anti-submarine trawler Sedgefly (520t) with the loss of her entire crew of 16.

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Chinese Nationalist forces occupy Ningxian after fighting the Communists.

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Diplomatic Relations

  • Following an emergency debate, Russia is expelled from the League of Nations following its aggression against Finland - one of the few decisive acts ever taken by this international organization which was to have guaranteed world peace. The League asks member countries to give all possible aid to Finland.
  • The US State Department lodges objections to the British about the diversion of US ships to British and French control bases.
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Germany, Planning

Hitler orders the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW), the Supreme Command of the German armed forces, to prepare a preliminary study of plans for an invasion of Norway, Weserubung. The study later becomes the actual operational plan for invasion.

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German Raiders

Admiral Graf Spee and Curious Onlookers Outside Montevideo

<i>Admiral Graf Spee</i> and Curious Onlookers Outside Montevideo
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Finland - Winter War

Day 15

On the Isthmus at Summa, the Soviet artillery continues its bombardment of the main Finnish positions. Soviet tank and infantry attacks in the area are successfully repulsed. On the Ladoga Karelia the Russians launch an offensive on the northern flank of the Kollaanjoki River line. In the Tolvajärvi sector, Detachment Pajari reaches Ristisalmi. In northern Finland the Soviet 273rd Infantry Regt crossed the Kemijoki River at Savukoski. The Finns retreat past Savukoski to the crossroads at Lunkkaus without engaging the enemy.

The League of Nations expels the Soviet Union and urges its members to render all possible humanitarian and material aid.

Utö Fortress on the Turku Archipelago sinks a Soviet destroyer.

Swedish Border

Swedish Border
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Friday, December 15th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The Swedish steamer Ursus hits a mine and sinks off Margate with a loss of 9 crewmen. This is the result of the German destroyer minelaying operation in the Thames Estuary the night of the November 12th. 12 survivors are rescued by the Dutch trawler Brinda.
  • The Norwegian steamer Ragni (1264t) sinks on a mine off the Tyne. This is a result of the minefield laid by German destroyers the night of the 12th. 6 crewmen are lost and 13 survivors are rescued. 20 minutes later the Norwegian steamer H C Flood (1907t) is lost with 4 of her crew. 17 survivors are rescued. In the Tyne the Norwegian steamer Strindheim (321t) is lost on a mine along with 9 of her crew. 2 survivors are rescued.
  • U-48 sinks the Greek merchant ship Germaine (5217t) west of the English Channel. The crew is picked up by the British destroyer Wanderer and then transferred to the Dutch liner Pennland.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 16

Battle of Suomussalmi. The Finns destroy the Russian 163rd (Tula) Div and the 44th (motorized) in the waist. The Russian losses are 6,000 killed, 1,800 prisoners, 54 guns, 97 tanks, 420 vehicles and 1,170 horses. The battle continues until January 5, 1940. In the eastern Isthmus at Taipale, a Russian division launches a tank-supported offensive that is halted at Kirvesmäki. In the central Isthmus the Finns launch a counterattack at Summa but only advance a few kilometers. On the Ladoga Karelia Col Hannu E. Hannuksela's troops of the 13th Div launch an offensive towards Ruhtinaanmäki.

A key element of Soviet strategy is to cut Finland in half by striking across country to Oulu. To this end, the Soviet 44th Motorized Rifle Div advances along the Raate Road from the south; and the 163rd Rifle Div marches from Juntusranta from the north. The plan is to link up at Suomussalmi and then drive west to Oulu. Soviet strength is 48,000 men, 335 artillery pieces, 10 tanks and 11 armored cars. Finnish forces comprise the 9th Div under the command of Col Hjalmar Siilasvuo, about 11,500 men.

Christmas Reminder

Christmas Reminder

Siilasvuo first attacks the 163rd Div in Suomussalmi. He cuts the Soviet division's supply line (the Raate Road) and places a blocking force in position to prevent the 163rd from being relieved. The Soviet 44th Div tries such a relief on December 25, and the 163rd attempts a link-up as well, but Siilasvuo's force holds. On December 30 the depleted 163rd Div again attempts fo escape from Suomussalmi, but is cut to pieces by Siilasvuo's ski troops and Finnish aircraft.

While these events are taking place, the 44th Div digs in along the Raate Road, but the Soviet troops are harassed mercilessly by Finnish snipers. Siilasvuo launches his main attack on January 5, and by January 9 the 44th has been destroyed.

The Battle of Suomussalmi cost the Red Army 22,500 men killed and wounded. More importantly, it ended the Soviet threat in central Finland.

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United States, Home Front

Lowe's Grand Theater, Atlanta

Lowe's Grand Theater, Atlanta

Gone With the Wind Premiere

Gone With the Wind Premiere
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Western Front

Three British infantry bdes sent to France in October are formed into the 5th Div, British Expeditionary Force (BEF). This division is deployed south of Lille along a fortified line, which is extended and strengthened during the months of inactivity which Hitler allows to his troops on the Western Front, perhaps in the hope of finding a diplomatic solution. The line is reinforced with 400 new casemates and 40 miles of concreted anti-tank ditches. The BEF is only in direct contact with the enemy in the Metz sector.

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Saturday, December 16th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Amble (1162t) is badly damage by a mine off the Tyne. This is a result of the minefield laid by German destroyers the night of the 12th. 17 survivors are rescued by the British escort vessel Wallace. The vessel drifts ashore later and is towed to Sunderland where it breaks up on the 25th.
  • U-59 sinks the Swedish steamer Lister (1366t) and the Norwegian steamer Glitrefjell (1568t) in the North Sea. 6 survivors from the Lister are picked up by the British destroyer Eclipse on the 21st and 13 others arrive on the Dutch coast in a large lifeboat. 5 crewmen are lost on the Glitrefjell with 13 survivors being picked up by the British destroyer Icarus and more by the Greek steamer Icarion.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 17

The main forces of 7th Army have now advanced to the Mannerheim Line and a major Soviet attack begins involving waves of Russian infantry and tanks with air support. Soviet shelling is pounding the entire length of the 5th Div and 1st Div's defensive sector between Summa and Muolaanjärvi. The first efforts are subsidiary moves against the northeast end of the Line in the Summa sector. During the night Finnish soldiers who have been given special training put about 70 Russian tanks out of action. The Russian attacks continue for 2 days without success. On the Ladoga Karelia, the Finnish defense at Wä is partly broken by the Soviet 168th Div. The Tolvajärvi offensive comes to a halt at Ristisalmi. In the eastern Isthmus the Finns repulse several enemy assaults on the Taipaleenjoki River.

General Headquarters Policy

General Headquarters Policy
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German Raiders


A Launch from the Admiral Graf Spee

A Launch from the <i>Admiral Graf Spee</i>
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Sunday, December 17th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-59 sinks the Danish steamer Bogo (1214t) 75 miles east of May Island with the loss of 17 crewmen. Survivors are picked up by the British trawler River Earn.
  • The Luftwaffe attack North Sea shipping off the British coast. 5 British trawlers are sunk: the Serenity (487t) 8 miles ENE of Whitby; the Pearl (198t) 65 miles from Outer Dousing Light Vessel with the loss of 1 crewman; the Compagnus (270t) 150 miles northeast of May Island with 1 crewman lost; the Isabella Greig (210t) 145 miles northeast of May Island; and the Zelos (227t) 110 miles northeast of May Island.
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Battle of the River Plate

Admiral Graf Spee Leaving Montevideo

<i>Admiral Graf Spee</i> Leaving Montevideo

Since December 13 the British Admiralty has been sending ships speeding to Montevideo. Only the heavy cruiser Cumberland has arrived so far. Local British diplomats try to have the Admiral Graf Spee held for a few more days until stronger forces arrive and at the same time contrive to give the impression that heavy units, including the battlecruiser Renown, are already in position. Langsdorff, an extremely humane man, therefore decides to scuttle his ship rather than fight a hopeless battle. Admiral Graf Spee is sunk outside the port with an audience of thousands lining the waterfront. 1,039 officers and men are interred in Buenos Aires. On December 20 Langsdorff kills himself.


The burning wreck of the Admiral Graf Spee

The burning wreck of the Admiral Graf Spee

Britain, Home Front

The first Canadian troops, 7,400 men of the 1st Div under the command of Maj-Gen McNaughton, arrive at Liverpool to join the war effort.

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Diplomatic Relations

Panama's president protests in the name of the American republics to Britain, France and Germany about hostile activity in South American waters breaching the Pan-American security zone.

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Finland - Winter War

Day 18

In the central Isthmus Soviet infantry and tanks launch their first major offensive at Summa. The tanks penetrate the Finnish postitions but the infantry are held at the front line. On the eastern Isthmus the Soviet offensive continues at Taipale. An attempted breakthrough is halted by Finnish artillery fire. The Finnish holding detachment near Porojärvi is overcome by the vanguard a Russian regiment. Detachment Pennanen retreats to the Kornettijoki River, 120 kilometers south of Petsamo. The Finns fighting at Mursula on the shores of Lake Ladoga lose 26% of their strength and have to retreat.

Central Isthmus

Central Isthmus
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Monday, December 18th

Air Operations, Europe

Battle of Heligoland Bight. 50 Me-109s and Me-110s destroy 12 of 24 Wellington bombers sent on armed reconnaisance to Wilhelmshaven attacking naval targets. 4 fighters are lost. As a result of this action, daylight bombing strategies are thoroughly revised to incorporate fighter protection. Night raids become the norm for much of the war.

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Battle of the Atlantic

For the second day in a row the Luftwaffe attack North Sea shipping off the British coast. 2 British trawlers are sunk: the Active (185t) 35 miles northwest of Rattray Head with 1 crewman lost; and the Trinity N B (203t) off Kinnaird Head with the loss of 2 of her crew.

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Finland - Winter War

Day 19

At Summa, Russian tanks again penetrate the Finnish defenses but the infantry assaults are repulsed in all sectors. The Soviets take the village of Oinala southeast of Muolaanjärvi. On the Ladoga Karelia Detachment Pennanen continues its advance towards Ägläjärvi in the Tolvajärvi sector. The offensive runs out of steam because of bad weather and exhaustion of the troops. Near Kollaa the Soviet offensive gets bogged down. Because of the difficult terrain the use of tanks and artillery is ineffective. In northern Finland troops under Maj Perksalo defeat a Russian regiment at the parish village of Pelkosenniemi west of Salla. The Russians break off contact and head for Savukoski. At the same time the Russian 122nd Div is halted at Joutsijärvi.

Finnish Troops Halt the Offensive

Finnish Troops Halt the Offensive
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German Raiders

The Crew of the Admiral Graf Spee

The Crew of the <i>Admiral Graf Spee</i>

Aboard the Tug Gigante

Aboard the Tug <i>Gigante</i>
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Tuesday, December 19th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The German liner Columbus is burned by her crew off Cape Hatteras to avoid capture by British destroyer HMS Hyperion.

    German liner Columbus in Flames

    German liner <i>Columbus</i> in Flames
  • The Danish steamer Jytte (1877t) sinks on a mine 18 miles east of Souter in the Tyne. This is a result of the minefield laid by German destroyers the night of the 12th. 10 of the crew are lost and 8 survivors are rescued by the Danish steamer Avance.
  • For the third day in a row the Luftwaffe attack shipping in the North Sea. 2 more British trawlers are lost: the Daneden (210t) ESE of the Shetlands; and the River Earn ENE of Kinnaird Head. The entire crew of the River Earn are rescued by the Norwegian steamer Rogaland and taken to Kopervik.
  • The Finnish steamer Uko (757t) is sunk by a Luftwaffe attack 80 miles south of Utsire with 3 crewmen and 2 passenger being wounded. The survivors are picked up by the Swedish steamer Sir Ernest Cassel and taken to Kopervik.
  • The British steamer City of Kobe (4373t) in convoy FS-56 is sunk off Cross Sands on a mine laid by U-60 on the 17th. 1 crewman is lost and 18 survivors are rescued.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 20

On the Karelian Isthmus the Soviet offensive near Summa continues. The only successes for the Soviets are temporary breakthroughs. By evening 20 Soviet tanks have been destroyed and their infantry have once again been stopped. The Finns, however, are unable to retake the village of Oinala. On the Ladoga Karelia in the Tolvajärvi sector, the Finns launch a new offensive to retake Ägläjärvi.

In northern Finland troops from Detachment Roininen hit the flank of the Russian 122nd Div from the south at Joutsijärvi. The Russians lose heavily in both men and material while the Finns have 22 killed and 29 wounded.

On Koivisto a Russian naval detachment led by the battleship Marat begin an artillery exchange with Saarenpää. The exchange lasts about an hour.

In bombing raids the city of Turku is hit for the first time. Also bombed on this day are Hanko, Helsinki, Viipuri and Jänisjärvi.

Soviets Bomb Cities

Soviets Bomb Cities
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Wednesday, December 20th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The Swedish steamer Mars (1877t) sinks 1 mile east of St Marys Light Vessel on a mine laid by U-22 on the 15th. 7 of the crew are lost and 15 are rescued.
  • The British tug Napia (155t) sinks on a mine off Ramsgate with the loss of her entire crew of 8.
  • The Swedish steamer Vega (1300t) is badly damaged on a mine off the Dutch coast. She runs aground at Westergronden on the 21st. 17 survivors are picked up by the Swedish steamer Venern.
  • The Swedish steamer Adolf Bratt (1323t) sinks on a mine in the North Sea with the loss of 5 crewmen. 16 survivors are rescued by the Latvian steamer Auseklis.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 21

On the Karelian Isthmus the Soviet troops continue their attack at Summa. The offensive runs out of steam. By evening the Finns retain control of the main defensive positions. The Finnish II Army Corps under Lt-Gen Öhquist is ordered to counterattack. In northern Finland in the Salla sector a Russian battalion infiltrates the Finnish positions at Mäntyvaara. The Russian force is destroyed in hand-to-hand combat. The Soviet 122nd Div is cut off by Finnish attacks while advancing toward Salla from positions near the White Sea.

Russian aircraft attack a train carrying evacuees at Jänisjärvi Station in the parish of Harlu. 16 civilians are killed. The Russians also bomb Kontiomäki, Sortavala and Matkaselkä.

Donated Ambulances

Donated Ambulances
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United States, Policy

The US issues a ban to export technical data for the production of aviation fuel to belligerent countries.

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Thursday, December 21st

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-21 sinks the Swedish steamer Mars (1475t) ENE of May Island. An hour later the u-boat sinks the Swedish steamer Carl Henckel (1352t). The crew from the Mars had been picked up by the Carl Henckel, but when the second ship is sunk 18 of the crew of the Mars are lost along with 10 from the Carl Henckel. 1 survivor from the Mars and 7 from the Car Henckel are landed at Kristiansand.
  • U-46 sinks the Norwegian steamer Rudolf (924t) 110 miles ENE of Rattray Head with the loss of 6 crewmen. 7 survivors are taken to Kopervik.
  • The British boom defense vessel Bayonet (530t) sinks in South Inchkeith Channel in the Firth of Forth on a mine laid by U-21 on November 4th. 3 of the crew are lost with 28 injured.
  • The Italian steamer Comitas (3482t) is badly damaged on a mine in the Wielingen Fairway off Flushing. She is towed to Flushing by a Dutch tug, but sinks in the port off Rammekens on the 22nd without any crew loss.
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    Britain, Policy

    Britain tightens the blockade on German imports and announces that all German exports will be stopped.

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Finland - Winter War

Day 22

On the Ladoga Karelia the Finns in the Tolvajärvi sector launch an assault for the purpose of retaking the village of Ägläjärvi. The strike force of 5 battalions overcome the main force of a Russian division.

In southern Finland Russian fighters attack a stationary train on the edge of the forest between Helsinki and Turku killing 3 civilians.

Soviet fliers in terrifying raids through the day bomb Helsinki and several more cities and villages in southern and western Finland today and machine-gun two trains. More than 30 bombs are dropped in the Helsinki hospital area. Only 2 persons are injured and none is killed in Helsinki, but many are killed or wounded elsewhere. 2 persons are announced by officials to have been killed aboard the Turko-Helsinki Express.

Earlier, Russian planes bomb a hospital dormitory, heavily damage a school for the blind, and hit 7 out of 10 other hospital buildings. 2 hospital patients are among the injured, and some deaths are reported likely. This raid on Helsinki, coming on the 60th birthday of Joseph Stalin, the Russian leader, started at 11:58 a. m., and follow earlier attacks on towns for 25 miles around the capital. It is the third successive day of aerial attacks on Helsinki and vicinity.

Officials say not all the bombs dropped in the hospital area explode, but the dormitory, a five-story structure of red brick, sustains a direct hit. The bomb collapses the roof and upper two floors.

Lighting Restrictions

Lighting Restrictions
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Friday, December 22nd

Battle of the Atlantic

Convoy Assembly Area

Convoy Assembly Area
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Finland - Winter War

Day 23

The main Soviet attacks go in against the Mannerheim Line around Summa. The same pattern is repeated for the next few days. The advancing tanks penetrate into the Finnish positions during each day. The infantry are held off and the tanks mostly destroyed during the nights by the Finnish troops who then emerge from their defenses. On the Ladoga Karelia the Finns retake the village of Ägläjärvi. 2 battalions pursue the retreating Russians heading towards the Aittojoki River. The Russians have lost over 2,000 men in the fighting in this area.

Red Cross Hospital

Red Cross Hospital
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Saturday, December 23rd

Allied Preparations

The first Canadian troops arrive in the United Kingdom. A heavily protected convoy has brought over 7,500 men of the 1st Canadian Div.
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Battle of the Atlantic

  • Two German merchantmen are intercepted by British ships near the United States coast. One of them, the Columbus (32,354t), is sunk, while the other takes refuge in territorial waters off Florida. In an explanatory letter to Roosevelt, Churchill argues that police action by Allied fleets in the Atlantic also serves to protect US and South American merchant traffic, since German raiders have the right, after taking off the crews, to capture or sink neutral ships if they are carrying goods for the Allies.
  • The British steamer Pandora (5670t) sinks after striking a mine about a mile eastward of Blyth Pier while being towed by tugs for breaking up. 7 of the crew are rescued.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 24

The Finnish II Corps launches a fragmented counterattack on the Karelian Isthmus at 6:30a.m. The offensive is suspended after 8 hours with the Finns suffering over 1,300 casualties. On the Ladoga Karelia the Finns counterattack at Kollaanjoki, but suspend the attack in the evening. In the Tolvajärvi sector, troops from Detachment Pennanen win control of the Aittojoki parallel. The fighting in the Tolvajärvi-Ägläjärvi sector comes to an end. In northern Finland advance troops of the Soviet 44th Div make contact with the Finns on the Raate road. On the Karelian Isthmus a Soviet long-range 'ghost gun' wreaks havoc and confusion in Viipuri. Many buildings in the city are damaged.

The armored coastal vessels Ilmarinen and Väinämöinen move out of the Turku archipelago and into the open sea at Kihti to protect vital shipping routes being threatened by Soviet aircraft operating from Estonia.

Finnish Counterattack

Finnish Counterattack

Russian Infantry

Russian Infantry
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World Affairs

The Pan-American Conference protests about the fighting inside the American 'security zone' during the River Plate Battle.

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Sunday, December 24th

Diplomatic Relations

Pope Pius XII makes a Christmas Eve appeal for peace.

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Finland - Winter War

Day 25

On the Ladoga Karelia at Tolvajärvi, the Russians are pushed back across the Aittojoki River. This sector remains stabilized for the remainder of the war. The Russians launch another offensive at Kollaa. In the northern Karelia the Soviets are pushed back across the border in the Inari-Lieksa sector. In northern Finland Group Ilomäki advances from Jyrkänkoski to strike at the Rasti crossroads in Kuhmo. The advance is thwarted and the Finns return to their original positions suffering 53 casualties. In Suomussalmi the Soviets launch fierce counterattacks at Hulkonniemi and along the Raate road.

In the Gulf of Finland the Russian battleship Marat shells Koivisto Fortress. The Finns mine the Soviet naval bases in the Baltic States.

President Kallio

President Kallio
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Occupied Poland

A Synagogue Going up in Flames in Siedlce, Poland

A Synagogue Going up in Flames in Siedlce, Poland
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Monday, December 25th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Stanholme (2473t) sinks off Foreland Point in the Bristol Channel on a mine laid by U-33 on November 9 with the loss of 13 crewmen. 11 survivors are picked up by the Norwegian steamer Liv and taken to Barry.
  • The British minesweeping trawler Loch Doon (534t) sinks 8 miles east of Blyth on a mine laid by U-22 on the 22nd. All 15 of the crew are lost.
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Britain, Home Front

King George VI broadcasts a Christmas message to the Empire: 'A New Year is at hand. We cannot tell what it will bring. If it brings peace, how thankful we shall all be. If it brings us continued struggle, we shall remain undaunted'.

King George's Christmas Message

King George's Christmas Message
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Finland - Winter War

Day 26

On the eastern Isthmus in the morning, a new Soviet division launches a third wave in the offensive at Taipale. Lake Suvanto is crossed in three places: at Sakkola, Kelja and Volosula. The assaults are repulsed everywhere except at Kelja.

Over 30 Finnish towns and villages are bombed and strafed. Among those hit are Hanko, Turku, Tampere, Porvoo, Viipuri and Ilomantsi. Finnish fighters and anti-aircraft fire shoot down 20 bombers.

Soviets Bomb More Cities

Soviets Bomb More Cities
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Western Front

Within the concrete and under the turrets of the Maginot and Siegfried Lines the armies celebrate the first Christmas of the war. The Front is quiet and the 'phoney war' goes on. But the Führer has prepared new plans for the coming months.

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Tuesday, December 26th

Battle of the Atlantic

The Royal Navy starts to lay a mine barrage from the Thames Estuary to the Moray Firth.

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Britain, Home Front

Royal Australian Air Force Squadron No. 10 arrives in Pembroke, Wales to join Coastal Command.

Australian Airmen

Australian Airmen
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Finland - Winter War

Day 27

On the eastern Isthmus Russian troops overrun Kelja. Finnish attempts to counterattack are repulsed. On the northern Karelia the Finns complete their offensive in the Pielisjärvi sector having forced the Russians back across the border.

The Russians bomb Kotka killing 4 people. On the Ladoga Karelia, the railway junction at Elisenvaara in Kurkijoki is bombed heavily. One bomb kills 29 people hiding in a sewage ditch.

Northern Karelia Offensive

Northern Karelia Offensive
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A powerful earthquake measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale hits Erzincan. 36,740 people are killed and the earthquake causes an estimated 20 million dollars in damage.

Earthquake Damage in Erzincan, Turkey

Earthquake Damage in Erzincan, Turkey

Wednesday, December 27th

Diplomatic Relations

The US State Department protest against the British examining neutral mail in the search for contraband.

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Western Front

The first Indian army troops arrive to join the BEF in France.

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Finland - Winter War

Day 28

On the eastern Isthmus a Finnish counter-offensive at Taipale pushes the Russians back from Kelja. In the fighting at Lake Suvanto 2,000 Russians are lost to 516 Finns. In northern Finland at Hulkonniemi the Finnish 9th Div launches an assault to destroy the Russian 163rd Div. The Russians are pushed back to Suomussalmi. On the Ladoga Karelia the IV Army Corps under Maj-Gen Hägglund launches a broad counter-offensive which lays the basis for January's 'motti' battles. In Lieksa, the Finns attacking in the Kivivaara region reach the Russian border and take up defensive positions.

Finland's Civil Defense

Finland's Civil Defense

House On Fire in Turku

House On Fire in Turku
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Thursday, December 28th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British battleship Barham is hit by a torpedo from U-30 while cruising off northwest Scotland. Repairs will take 3 months to complete.
  • The Danish steamer Hanne (1080t) sinks a mile east of Blyth Pier on a mine laid by U-22 on the 22nd with the loss of 15 of her crew. There are 26 survivors.
  • The British trawler Researcho (258t) 6 miles from Flamborough Head in a minefield laid by U-15 on November 17. The entire crew is rescued by the British destroyer Jackal.
  • U-30 sinks the British armed patrol trawler Barbara Robertson (325t) 35 miles northwest of the Butt of Lewis with gunfire with the loss of 1 crewmen. The British destroyer Isis rescues 16 survivors.
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Britain, Home Front

Meat rationing begins.

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Finland - Winter War

Day 29

In northern Finland the Finns take the parish village of Suomussalmi. The Russians begin to withdraw across Lake Kianta towards the border at Juntusranta. In Kuhmo, after 3 days of fighting, Detachment Kekkonen forces some Soviet troops back across the border at Kiekinkoski. On the central Isthmus Russian tanks penetrate Finnish positions at the northern end of Lake Hatjalahti. The tanks have no infantry support, however, and 2 are destroyed and 2 are captured.

Finns Defeat Soviet Tanks

Finns Defeat Soviet Tanks
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Friday, December 29th

Baltic Sea

The Latvian steamer Venta (1886t) is seized by a German warship. She is later renamed Undine for German use.

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Finland - Winter War

Day 30

On the Karelian Isthmus, Russian reconnaissance probes are successfully repulsed at Summa and at Kelja in the Taipale sector. In the Suomussalmi sector in northern Finland the fighting at Hulkonniemi ends. The Finns succeed in their third attempt to drive the Russians back from the north bank of Lake Ladoga; the survivors of the Russian 163rd Div are driven back in a desperate retreat.

The Finns capture 11 tanks, 25 guns and 150 trucks. On the Ladoga Karelia troops from Detachment Pajari take Viitavaara on the Aittojoki River. The Russians counterattack.

Russian aircraft bomb Käkisalmi, Jyväskylä and Vaasa. 6 people are killed.

Finns Repulse Soviet Probes

Finns Repulse Soviet Probes
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Saturday, December 30th

Finland - Winter War

Day 31

In northern Finland troops under Col Siilasvuo are ordered to destroy the Russian 44th Div encamped along the Raate road. The Finns are also continuing in their pursuit of the retreating Russians across frozen Lake Kianta. The Russian 163rd Div has lost about 6,500 men, about 35% of its strength. In the Hulkonniemi area the Finns capture a great bit of Russian equipment including 25 guns, 11 tanks, 150 trucks and 250 horses. The Finnish losses are 350 dead and 600 wounded. In the Lake Ladoga area the Finns repel an exploratory assault by the Soviets across the newly-frozen lake.

Finns Capture Soviet Materiel

Finns Capture Soviet Materiel
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Germany, Home Front

Hitler gives a New Year message to the German people: 'The Jewish-capitalistic world will not survive the twentieth century.'

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Sunday, December 31st

Battle of the Atlantic

U-32 sinks the Norwegian steamer Luna (959t) 17 miles north of the Humber Light Vessel. The entire crew is rescued by the Norwegian steamer Columbia and landed at Kopervik.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Finland - Winter War

Day 32

In northern Finland the Russians are pushed back across the border in the Kuhmo sector. The Russian offensives are held at all points along the front.

Heavy bombing occurs in Jyväskylä and Vaasa. Damage is heavy in both towns. 21 people are killed in Jyväskylä and 4 in Vaasa.

Swedish Volunteers

Swedish Volunteers
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

[ November 1939 - January 1940]