Chronology of World War II

March 1944

Wednesday, March 22

Air Operations, CBI

  • 4 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack supply dumps at Prome. More than 20 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and 10th Air Force P-51s support Allied ground troops near Katha and Mawlu. 36 A-31s attack 2 occupied villages and Japanese Army ground troops along the Chindwin River. 1 459th Fighter Squadron P-38 damages a bridge near Pyinmana. More than 100 P-51, P-40, and A-36 fighter-bombers attack numerous targets in the Mogaung Valley.
  • 4 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack road, rail, and ground targets in northern French Indochina.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

  • 8th Air Force bombs Berlin.
Evening Ops:
  • 816 aircraft are sent to Frankfurt. Included in this total are 620 Lancasters, 184 Halifaxes and 12 Mosquitos.
  • Again, an indirect route is employed, this time crossing the Dutch coast north of the Zuider Zee and then flying almost due south to Frankfurt. This, and the Kiel minelaying diversion, confuse the Germans for some time. Hannover is forecast as the main target. Only a few fighters eventually find the bomber stream. The marking and bombing are accurate and Frankfurt suffers another heavy blow. Reports from the ground show that the damage is even more severe than in the raid carried out 4 nights earlier. Half of the city is without gas, water and electricity 'for a long period'. All parts of the city are hit but the greatest weight of the attack falls in the western districts. The report particularly mentions severe damage to the industrial areas along the main road to Mainz.
    • 26 Lancasters and 7 Halifaxes are lost.
  • 20 Mosquitos are sent to attack night-fighter airfields, 128 Halifaxes and 18 Stirlings lay mines in Kiel Bay and off Denmark, 22 Mosquitos are on diversionary and harassing raids to Berlin, Dortmund, Hannover and Oberhausen, 20 OTU Wellingtons make leaflet flights over France, and there are 16 RCM sorties and 16 Serrate patrols.
    • 1 mine-laying Halifax is lost.
[rarrrarr | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

More than 130 V Bomber Command B-24s, B-25s, and A-20s, and V Fighter Command P-40 fighter-bombers attack numerous targets in the Wewak area. 25 bombers and fighter-bombers attack targets in the Aitape and Tadji areas. V Fighter Command P-47s attack barges near Alexishafen. P-39s attack a Japanese Army headquarters and supply dumps along the Bogadjim road.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Axis Politics

The Germans announce from Berlin that a new Hungarian Government has been formed and will be led by Field Marshal Dome Sztojay.



The Chindits continue to carry out nuisance actions and sabotage against the Japanese in central Burma, and new units reach them by air.

Japan advances its large-scale offensive into India from Burma. Units of the 18th Army reach a point 30 miles east of Imphal in the mountainous area of Manipur.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

Pervomaysk, southeast of Uman is taken by Konev's 3rd Ukraine Front. Despite the skill of their commanders, von Manstein's Army Group South and von Kleist's Army Group A have suffered catastrophic losses in men and materials and have been forced to yield a lot of ground under Russian pressure.


Malinovsky's 3rd Ukrainian Front breaches the German line on the Bug. As the fighting rages along the river, the 5th and 7th Guards Armies of the 2nd Ukrainian Front captures Pervomaisk.


The Stavka amends the 1st and 2nd Ukrainian Front objectives. The 1st Ukrainian is to complete the encirclement and destruction of the 1st Panzer Army around Kamenets Podolsky, while the 2nd breaks free of the Dniestr to threaten the Rumanian borders.


As the Red Army draws closer to the border, Marshal Antonescu, the Rumanian dictator, flies to Berlin to meet with Hitler. Antonescu aims to seek some degree of German support or flexibility against the advancing Communist forces.

With Russian forces also approaching their borders, the 1st Hungarian Army, which has only just begun to form up, enters the combat line near Chernovitsy.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]


The Japanese offensive against India looks as if it may succeed. The British IV Corps, deployed to the west of the Chindwin to defend the Indian town of Imphal, shows signs of giving way.

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The New Zealand Corps makes a final effort against Cassino but to no efect. Afterward Freyberg calls off the attack. Some troops are withdrawn from the most adavnced positions below the monastery and the remainder of the recent Allied gains consolidated.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Japan, Home Front

Tojo informs the Japanese Diet the war situation is grave.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Images from March 22, 1944

B-17 Flying Fortress Releasing Bombs over Berlin, 384th BG, 22 March 1944

B-17 Flying Fortress releasing bombs

Bombs Lighting the Night Sky over London, 22 March 1944

Bombs lighting the night sky

Frankfurt is Bombed with Heavy Civilian Losses, 22 March 1944

Frankfurt is bombed with heavy civilian losses

Mount Vesuvius erupting during the middle of the war, canceling all flights of the 324 P-40 Fighter Group of Cercola but gave something for the boys to watch, 22 March 1944

Mount Vesuvius Erupting

Mount Vesuvius erupting

Relieving the Gurkhas in front of the Monastery

Relieving the Gurkhas

Douglas-Tulsa B-24H-10-DT Liberator 41-28678 taking off from RAF Horsham St. Faith, England. Aircraft was lost due to mechanical failure on the 22 March 1944 mission to bomb the BMW engine factory at Basdorf outside Berlin,Germany. Eight of the crew became POW's and one was killed because he didn't have the right type of harness for his parachute and went down with the plane.

Douglas-Tulsa B-24H-10-DT Liberator 41-28678 taking off

Douglas-Tulsa B-24H-10-DT

52nd Bomb Group B-17 over Berlin, March 22 1944

52nd Bomb Group B-17

[March 21st - March 23rd]