Chronology of World War II

March 1944

Monday, March 20

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • In an operation covered by US carrier aircraft from elements of Task Force 36, a US Marine infantry regiment lands without opposition on Emirau Island in the St. Mathias Islands. 868th Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s also participate in covering the landings. To help cover the Emirau landings, US carrier aircraft from Task Group 36.3 attack Kavieng, New Ireland.
  • 2 VC-63 fighters down a Ki-61 'Tony' fighter at sea at 1700 hours.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 6 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Moulmein-Martaban area. More than 20 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and P-51s attack transportation and communications targets around Katha. 12 10th Air Force A-31s attack Japanese Army ground positions in the Arakan coastal region. 6 459th Fighter Squadron P-38 fighter-bombers attack a bridge at Lamu. More than 100 P-51, P-40, and A-36 fighter-bombers attack dumps and other targets in the Mogaung Valley, Myitkyina, Sahmaw, and Sumprabum.
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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 27 Mosquitos are sent to Cologne, 6 to Aachen and 3 to Oberhausen, 18 aircraft lay mines of the Channel and Biscay coasts, There is 1 RCM sortie, 3 Serrate patrols and 4 OTU sorties.
    • There are no losses.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

More than 30 V Bomber Command B-24s attack the airfield at Aitape. B-25s and V Fighter Command P-39s attack the Burui airfield, Erima, and other targets. More than 20 A-20s and P-39s attack a Japanese Army headquarters and other targets on the Bogadjim road. P-40s attack barges and villages around Bangula Bay.

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Air Operations, Solomons

During the day, US Marine Corps SBDs and TBFs begin moving through Piva Uncle Airfield on Bougainville to mount the first attacks against Rabaul in 16 days. From this point forward, despite light but incessant incoming artillery and sniper fire, AirSols aircraft return to Bougainville to resume a regular schedule of target-suppression attacks against Rabaul.

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Gen A. H. Noble's 4th Marines are landed on Emirau Island in the St Matthias group north of New Ireland. There is no Japanese resistance. They occupy the island to turn it into a base for aircraft and small ships. This completes the series of operations called CARTWHEEL, directed toward the capture of Rabaul. Adm R. M. Griffin leads 4 battleships and 2 carriers in attacks on Kavieng as a covering operation. 4 more carriers and 7 cruisers are in direct support of the landings.



The first bde of 5th Div has arrived at Imphal by air. A battalion is sent to Kohima. The Chinese and Americans secure the Hukawng Valley.

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Eastern Front

The Russians capture Mogilev Podolsky and Vinnitsa both important communications centers. The Russian advance in all sectors of the Ukraine is in considerable strength on a very wide front giving the Germans little opportunity for concentrated resistance. Having crossed the Dniestr north of Kishinev they push on toward Prut. The 1st Ukraine Front capture Vinnitsa on the Bug River.


The 1st Tank Army, having redeployed over the last few days from the left wing to the center of the 1st Ukrainian Front, attacks in conjunction with the 4th Tank Army between Proskurov and Tarnopol. These new attacks hit the junction of the 4th and 1st Panzer Armies. After a brief struggle the German line is broken again. Vinnitsa falls to Soviet troops.

The 2nd Ukrainian Front's 6th Tank Army captures Mogilev Podolsky. The 5th Guards Tank Army also closes up to the Dniestr to the left of the 2nd Tank Army. Hollidt's 6th Army makes a stand on the Bug but is struck all along its line by the 3rd Ukrainian Front.

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English Channel

British coastal batteries sink the German tanker Rekum off Boulogne.

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The Germans complete their occupation of the country.

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Gen Alexander agrees with Gen Freyberg that the losses in the battle for Cassino are growing too heavy and that it must be halted unless there are good gains in the next 2 days. The Germans are managing to bring their reserves into the battle while the Allies must move theirs over difficult ground under German artillery fire.

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New Ireland

In support of the occupation of Emira a task force commanded by Rear-Adm Griffin and comprising 4 battleships, 2 escort carriers and destroyers brings heavy air and naval bombardment to bear on the Japanese basse at Kavieng.

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US Army aircraft sink the Japanese auxiliary submarine chasers Nos. 47 and 49 north of New Guinea.

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Images from March 20, 1944

Patients Being Loaded in Ambulance Plane, Maingkwan, Burma, 20 March 1944

Patients being loaded in ambulance plane

Bursts from artillery shells and white phosphorous smoke belch skyward from a New Zealand ammunition dump as it burns

5th Army, Mignano Area, Italy, 20 March 44.

Bursts from artillery shells

Vinnitsa city was under German occupation from July 21, 1941. Was released on March 20, 1944 the troops of the 38th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front during Proskurovo-Chernovtsy operation

Vinnytsia Residents Welcome Soviet Soldiers-Liberators

Vinnytsia residents welcome Soviet soldiers

Orvieto Railroad Bridge North with Secondary Target Being Port Ercole, Italy hit by 320th Bomb Group, 20 March 1944

Orvieto Railroad Bridge North

Orvieto Railroad Bridge North

[March 19th - March 21st]