Chronology of World War II

April 1944

Saturday, April 15

Air Operations, CBI

  • More than 40 10th Air Force A-31s attack artillery batteries at Buthidaung. 12 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack the airfield at Heho.
  • 3 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack 2 bridges at Viet Tri.
  • 12 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack targets in the Andaman Islands.
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Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based in Australia undertake a 17-hour mission to attack the Japanese Navy base at Soerabaja, Java.

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Air Operations, Europe

The 15th Air Force sends 500 sorties to Bucharest and Ploesti.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

More than 180 V Bomber Command B-24s, B-25s, and A-20s attack numerous targets in the Aitape area. 16 V Fighter Command P-40s attack barges at Seleo Island. 20 P-39s attack occupied villages, motor vehicles, and supply dumps around Hansa Bay and in the Alexishafen area.

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The airlift of the Chinese 50th Div to Maingkwan is almost completed. This division will be followed by the 14th. Chiang Kai-shek orders Gen Stilwell to move his troops cautiously into the Mogaung valley. Gen Chennault warns Chiang Kai-shek against the danger, which he believes to be imminent, of a huge Japanese air offensive against China. Mountbatten's headquarters are moved from New Delhi to Kandy, in Ceylon, a precaution which shows the danger threatening India.

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Eastern Front

After fighting for several weeks the Russians take Tarnopol southeast of Lvov.


After heavy fighting the XLVIII Panzer Corps gains a little territory on the approaches to Tarnopol. However, the battle proves costly, many of the German tanks being disabled and much of their available fuel consumed. Inside Tarnopol the Germans in teh Zagrobela suburb prepare to break out. The 1,300 men, forced to leave their 700 wounded behind, will launch their attack the next day. The forces cut off in the second pocket have been largely destroyed.

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The British X Corps replaces the II Polish Corps in the sector north of the 'Gustav' Line.

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Images from April 15, 1944

US Patrol is Briefed Before Attacking German Position in Italy, 15 April 1944

US patrol is briefed

US Patrol Fires on German Position in Italy, 15 April 1944

US patrol fires on German position

Woman Radio Operator of the Free French forces in Sessa Aurunca, Italy, 15 April 1944

Woman radio operator

US Patrol Fires Bazooka at German Position in Italy, 15 April 1944

US patrol fires bazooka

US patrol Fires at German Position in Italy, 15 April 1944

US patrol fires

[April 14th - April 16th]