Chronology of World War II

March 1944

Sunday, March 12

Admiralty Islands

After a violent preliminary air bombardment, a squadron of the US 7th Cav lands on Hauwei Island, north of Manus, and manages to establish a small beachhead there. There is strong Japanese resistance under the command of Col Yoshio Ezaki.

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Air Operations, Bismarcks

VMF-216 and VMF-222 F4Us down 4 A6M Zeros in the Rabaul area between 1100 and 1145 hours. These Japanese aircraft have been assembled by maintenance personnel from numerous wrecks and spare parts.

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Air Operations, CBI

  • 1 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25 and more than 50 10th Air Force P-51s, P-40s, and A-36s attack Shaduzup, supply dumps at Malakawng and Manywet, and troops and supplies near Kamaing and at Shedwiyang.
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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 11 Mosquitos are sent to Aachen and 3 to Duisburg without a loss.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • 12 V Bomber Command B-25s attack Japanese Army ground troops and communications facilities at Lorengau, Manus Island. More than 40 B-24s, B-25s, and A-20s attack targets around Wewak.
  • 35th Fighter Group P-47s and 49th Fighter Group P-40s down a total of 18 Japanese fighters over the Wewak area between 1040 and 1130 hours.
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Air Operations, Solomons

  • The Japanese Army attack against the Piva Uncle and Piva Yoke airfields on Bougainville falters but cannot be fully contained by US Army ground forces. Japanese artillery, which has been silent for two days, bombards the airfield complex with great intensity. One Piper Cub is destroyed and steel planking on the runway is damaged.
  • Throughout the day, 114 AirSols SBDs and 45 TBFs continuously attack Japanese ground troops and artillery batteries.
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Allied Planning

The Allied Joint Chiefs of Staff issue a directive for Gen MacArthur and Adm Nimitz laying down the principles of collaboration between the two commanders, and setting as their objectives February 1945 the invasion of Luzon and Formosa. The projected invasion of Kavieng is cancelled. Instead, Emira in the St Matthias Islands will be occupied. The need to invade Hollandia, in New Guinea, is confirmed. Kavieng and Rabaul are to be neutralized and isolated with the least possible expenditure of forces.

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The Japanese are unable to exploit the small penetration made the previous day in the direction of the Piva airfield, and have to give ground in face of the American's determined counter-attacks.

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In the northeast of the country the Chinese and Americans try to surround the Japanese 18th Div, cutting the Kamaing road south of Jambu Bum Pass. In the Arakan sector the 15th Indian Div advances towards Razabil. The Japanese 33rd Div reaches Witok on the approaches to the Shenan Saddle.

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Diplomatic Relations

London orders a halt to all travel between the Irish Republic and Great Britain because the Irish refused to order German and Japanese diplomats out of the country.

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Eastern Front

Konev's forces reach the River Bug at Gayvoron. Other attacks capture Donliskaya. Uman in the Ukraine is captured by the 2nd Ukraine Front.

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Italy, Home Front

Pope Pius XII appeals to the belligerents to spare Rome from destruction.

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US forces occupy Wotho Atoll. There is is no opposition.

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Occupied Czechoslovakia

The Czech Government in London broadcasts a call to arms for civilians in Czechoslovakia.

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On Bougainville the American forces begin to gain the upper hand over the attacking Japanese.

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Images from March 12, 1944

A jeep with a mounted .50 cal machine gun tows another jeep out of the water after disembarking from an LCM (Landing Craft Mechanized). Photo: Lt. Gilman. Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. 12 March 1944

A Jeep Towing Another Jeep out of the Water

A Jeep Towing Another Jeep

B3 #21a 'HEAVEN CAN WAIT' burns at Friston, Sussex after crash landing wheels up on 12 March 1944 on return from a mission with mechanical failure.

Crash Landing at Friston, Sussex

Crash Landing at Friston, Sussex

Captured and interned aircraft in use by others Dewoitine D-520C1 used as an advanced trainer by the JG-101, Pau-Nord, France, March 1944

Captured Dewoitine D-520C1 Used as Trainer

Captured Dewoitine D-520C1 Used as Trainer

[March 11th - March 13th]