Chronology of World War II

July 1941

Wednesday, July 30th

Battle of the Atlantic

In attacks on dispersed ships from Convoy OS-1 U-371 sinks the British steamer Shahristan (6935t) and the Dutch steamer Sitoebondo (7049t) southeast of the Azores. 65 are lost from the British ship, 33 survivors are picked up by the Spanish steamer Campeche, 37 by the British corvette Sunflower and 6 by the British armed merchant cruiser Derbyshire. The 77 on board the Dutch ship abandon the ship in 3 life boats. The occupants of 2 of the lifeboats are picked up the next day by the Campeche. The 19 occupants of the 3rd lifeboat are never found.

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Diplomatic Relations

Harry Hopkins, an advisor to Pres Roosevelt, is in Moscow to discuss the dispatch of help to the Soviet Union. At the end of his visit Hopkins concludes that Russia can somehow survive the German onslaught, a view not widely held by others who see the Red Army on the brink of collapse. He reports his optimism to Roosevelt who henceforth comes to the same conclusion.

Signing of the Sikorski–Mayski Agreement

In Moscow

Signing of the Sikorski–Mayski Agreement

In London

Signing of the Sikorski–Mayski Agreement
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The US gunboat Tuttula is damaged by an attack by Japanese bombers in Chungking. Japan apologizes for the incident but it does nothing to ease the strained relations between the two countries.

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Eastern Front


Elements of the I Corps reach Schimsk forcing the 11th and 27th Armies back upon a line Staraya Russa-Kholm. The 16th Army moves forces up to pursue the retreating Soviet forces.


The German High Command claim that between June 22 and July 30, the field armies have captured 800,000 Soviet soldiers and destroyed or captured 12,000 armored vehicles. The number of Red Army killed is thought to be in excess of 750,000 men.

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Germany, Strategy

Hitler issues Führer Directive No 34 regarding the progress of BARBAROSSA: 'In the Northern Sector of the Eastern front the main attack will continue between Lake Ilmen and Narva towards Leningrad, with the aim of encircling Leningrad and making contact with the Finnish Army. North of Lake Ilmen this attack will be covered in the Volkhov sector; south of Lake Ilmen it will be carried northeastwards only so far as is required to protect the right flank of the attack north of the lake. The situation around Velikiye Luki will have been previously cleared up. All forces not required for these operations will be transferred to take part in the flank attacking north of Lake Ilmen. The intended thrust by Panzer Group Three against the high ground around Valdai will be postponed until armored formations are fully ready for action. Instead, the left flank of Army Group Center will advance sufficiently far northeastwards to afford protection to the right flank of Army Group North.

'Estonia must first of all be mopped by all the forces of the 18th Army; only then may divisions advance towards Leningrad. Army Group Center will go over to the defensive. Panzer Groups Two and Three will be withdrawn from the frontline for quick rehabilitation as soon as the situation allows.

'Operations on the Southeastern front will... be conducted only by formations of Army Group South. Their objective must be to destroy the strong enemy forces west of the Dnieper and... to establish the conditions necessary for bringing Panzer Group One later to the eastern bank of the Dnieper. The Fifth Red Army, fighting in the marshland northwest of Kiev, must be brought to battle west and annihilated.

'Finnish Front: The attack in the direction of Kandalaksha will be halted.

'Luftwaffe. Northeastern front: The Luftwaffe will switch the main weight of air attack to the Northeastern front by attaching the bulk of VIII Air Corps to the 1st Air Fleet.

'Center: The task of such units of the Luftwaffe with Army Group Center is to afford such fighter cover as is absolutely necessary on the 2nd and 9th Army fronts.

'Finland: The main task of 5th Air Fleet is to support the Mountain Corps. The offensive by III Finnish Corps will also be supported at favorable points.'

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North Africa

A Forward Defensive Position

Forward Defensive Position
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- Planes from the British Home Fleet carriers Victorious and Furious attack German shipping and installations near Kirkenes and Petsamo. Little damage is done and 15 of the 57 attacking aircraft are lost to antiaircraft fire and the German fighters.

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[July 29th - July 31st]