Chronology of World War II

August 1941

Friday, August 1st

Bombing Near Memel

Bombing Near Memel
The results of a bombing run near the harbour of Memel taken by a Buckingham bomber of 633 Squadron, 194 Bombing Wing, Strike Command A, just after dawn August 1, 1941.

RAF Raid on German Ammo Dump

RAF Raid on German Ammo Dump
An RAF raid on a German ammunition dump in the desert. Each of the dots in the sand is a pile of around 50 bombs.

Glen Martin Maryland Bomber

Glen Martin Maryland Bomber
The American Glen Martin Maryland bomber now in service with the RAF in Egypt.

Battle of the Atlantic

The British steamer Trident is badly damaged by German bombing 4 miles from the mouth of the Tyne. The ship sinks on the 2nd, but the entire crew is rescued.

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Diplomatic Relations

In 'the interest of national defense', Pres Roosevelt forbids the export of oil and aviation fuel from the United States except to Britain, the British Empire and the countries of the Western Hemisphere. This decision hits very hard indeed against Japan because Japan has no oil of her own and is left with only strictly limited stocks. The position is such that Japan must either change her foreign policy very radically or decide very quickly to go to war and try to gain access to the oil of the East Indies. Roosevelt's decision confirms the steps taken recently when Japanese assets were frozen.

Britain breaks off diplomatic relations with Finland.

Thailand recognizes Manchukuo, a gesture to appease the Japanese in order to maintain Tokyo's recognition of Thailand's neutrality and independence.

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Eastern Front

Army Group Center contunues to attack the Soviet troops trapped in the Smolensk pocket. The Russians fight back with particular tenacity especially heavy near Vitebsk and Orsha, west of Smolensk. In this same central sector, Soviet forces under Timoshenko suddenly unleash a powerful counteroffensive at Gomel, south of Moglev, against the bridgehead established by the right wing of Army Group Center on the left bank of the Dniepr.

The Soviets attack along the northern edge of the Pripet Marshes from west of Gomel with the aim of striking into the German rear areas. In most sectors the Germans can withstand the attacks.


The Soviet 24th, 29th and 30th Armies mount desperate assaults in an effort to relieve those forces trapped in the Smolensk Pocket. To the south, the Soviet 21st Army counterattacks near Gomel against the 2nd Army. However, the 2nd Panzer Group pierces the Red Army's front to the north, with the XXIV Panzer Corps capturing Roslavl.


Despite the Soviet 5th Army attacking the flank of the German 6th Army from the Pripet Marshes, the German line holds. Meanwhile, Red Army units in the Uman Pocket are running out of fuel and ammunition. To the south the Soviet 9th Army goes on the defensive. The prospects of relief for those units trapped at Uman are evaporating quickly.[MORE]

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North Africa

There are artillery duels initiated by both sides in the Tobruk sector.

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[July 31st - August 2nd]