Chronology of World War II

August 1941

Friday, August 8th


The Japanese begin a series of 40 air raids on Chungking during the few days ending August 13.

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Diplmatic Relations

The Japanese ambassador in Washington, Adm Kishisaburo Nomura, proposes that there should be direct talks in Honolulu between the American President and the Japanese Prime Minister to reach agreement on the differences between the two countries.

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The Atlantic Conference

The Atlantic Conference

Eastern Front

The Russian 28th Army is smashed fighting its way out of Kazaki, 110 miles south of Moscow.


To destroy Soviet units around Lake Ladoga, the Finns form I Corps, comprising the 2nd, 7th and 19th Infantry Divs.


Army Group North launches a fresh assault on Leningrad. The XLI Panzer and the XXXVIII Corps attack from the Kingisepp bridgehead, the LVI Panzer Corps starts from Luga, and the I and the XXVIII Corps attack from the Schimsk-Novgorod-Chudovo axis. The 18th Army is ordered to complete the conquest of Estonia, and the 16th Army is detailed to advance into the Valdai Hills.


The 2nd Panzer Group reduces the surrounded elements of the Soviet 28th Army around Roslavl, taking 38,000 prisoners, 200 tanks and 200 artillery pieces. Farther south, the 2nd Army commences an attack around Gomel against the Soviet 21st Army.

Pz.Kpfw III near Kiestinki

<i>Pz.Kpfw III </i> near Kiestinki

Fighting in the Uman Pocket comes to an end with a further 103,000 Red Army troops being captured, along with 300 tanks and 800 artillery pieces.[MORE]

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Soviet Union, Home Front

Marshal Timoshenko issues a proclamation to all Russians in enemy-occupied areas, urging them to join partisan detachments, carry out Stalin's 'scorched-earth' policy and 'wreak merciless vengeance on the enemy....for the death of your children...'.

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[August 7th - August 9th]