Air Operations, EuropeTurin and Genoa are bombed by the RAF. [ | ]Baltic StatesThe Soviet government issues an ultimatum to Lithuania demanding territory and the establishment of a new government. [ | ]Battle of the Atlantic
ChinaThe Japanese capture Ichang, a vital port and air base on the Yangtse River, east of Chungking. [ | ]Diplomatic RelationsEgypt breaks off diplomatic relations with Italy. Turkey breaks off commercial relations with Italy. Britain and France sign non-aggression treaties with Thailand. The Thai-Japanese Treaty of Friendship is established and is set to run for 5 years. [ | ]Italy, Home FrontThe Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano is banned for publishing British and French war communiqués. The ban is lifted the following day after the editors agree to publish no war news. [ | ]Mediterranean
North AfricaThe British capture 62 Italians in a skirmish on the Egyptian border.
Western FrontIn the morning Guderian's troops cross the heights of Champagne and launches the XXXIX Pzr Corps against Chálons-sur-Marne. Here and elsewhere the German advance continues to be very rapid. The Germans reach the Marne and cross at Château-Thierry. Rheims falls. St Valery on the Channel coast is taken. Rommel captures remnants of the French IX Corps and a large part of the British 51st Highland Div there. Gen Weygand orders a general retreat. In the French Council of Ministers held near Tours, Weygand himself, supported by Pétain, presses the need for an armistice. The proposal, however, is firmly dismissed by the Premier, Paul Reynaud.[MORE]
[ June 11th - June 13th] |