Chronology of World War II

February 1940

Monday, February 12th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-33 is sunk in the Clyde by the minesweeper HMS Gleaner. This minor success is made significant by the recovery of naval Enigma cipher machine rotors.


    ClassType VII
    CO Kapitänleutnant Hans von Dresky
    Location Firth of Clyde
    Cause Depth charge
    Casualties 25
    Survivors 17
  • The German fishing trawler Herrlichkeit (268t) is captured near Tromso by the British light cruiser Glasgow. She is taken to Aberdeen arriving on the 21st and placed in British service with the name Empire Fisher.
  • U-26 sinks the Norwegian steamer Nidarholm (3482t) southwest of Ireland. 25 survivors are rescued by the Norwegian steamer Berto.
  • U-53 sinks the Swedish steamer Dalaro (3927t) in the North Sea with the loss of 1 crewman. Survivors are picked up by the Belgian trawler Jan De Waele and landed at Buncrana.
  • The British destroyer Hasty captures the German steamer Morea (1927t) off the Portuguese coast. She joins convoy HG-17 and arrives at Falmoutn where she is renamed Empire Seaman and placed in British service.
  • [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    Britain, Home Front

    Paper rationing is introduced. Supplies are cut to 60 percent of previous levels.

    [larr2larr | rlarrrarr2]

    Finland - Winter War

    Day 75

    On the Karelian Isthmus the Soviets enlarge their breakthrough in the Lähde sector. The Russians continue to attack on the Muolaanjärvi-Punnusjärvi isthmuses. The Kirvesmäki stronghold in Taipale is taken by the Soviets and Finnish efforts to retake prove unsuccessful. A counterattack late in the day by the Finnish 5th Div fails to expel the Soviet force from their hold on the Summa position. It becomes apparent the Karelian defense line will not hold.

    In the diplomatic negotiations the Soviets raise their terms a little further to match their growing military success. The Finnish cabinet authorizes efforts to end the war with the Russians. At the same time, Finland requests aid from Sweden (see Feb 16).

    Maximum Coffee Prices Announced

    Maximum Coffee Prices Announced
    [larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

    North Africa

    An Australian Imperial Force and a detachment of New Zealand troops arrive at Suez.

    [larr | rarrrarr2]

    [ Feb 11th - Feb 13th]