Chronology of World War II

December 1940

Sunday, December 1st


  • The armed merchant cruiser Forfar (16,400t) is sunk by U-99 west of Ireland. 172 were killed with 18 survivors.
  • In the South Atlantic near Cape Verde, the German heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer sinks the British steamer Tribesman (6242t) with the loss of 8 of her crew. 14 survivors are made prisoners of war.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-37 sinks the British steamer Palmella (1587t), a straggler from Convoy OG-46, southwest of Oporto with the loss of 1 crewman. 28 survivors are picked up by the Spanish trawler Navemar.
  • U-101 sinks the British tanker Appalachee (8826t) from Convoy HX-90 340 miles west of Bloody Foreland with the loss of 7 of her crew. 32 survivors are picked up by the British corvette Heliotrope.
  • The British tanker British Officer (6990t) sinks on a mine one quarter mile east of North Pier Light, Tyne. 5 of the crew are lost.
  • The Norwegian steamer Oslofjord (18,673t) about a half mile southwest of T2 Buoy, Tyne, with the loss of 1 crewman.
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The Blitz

During the night Bristol is raided by 120 aircraft. Serious damage is done in some residential areas. Southampton is hit again with a 6-hour assault by 130 aircraft. The dock area suffers light damage, but the damage in the city itself is extensive due to fires. 2 factories and 1 mill are hit. There are 140 civilian casualties.

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Italy, Home Front

Rationing begins for flour, rice, spaghetti and macaroni.

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North Sea

The Norwegian liner Oslofjord (18,700t) and a British tanker both hit mines and sink off the Tyne in the North Sea.

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[ November 30th - December 2nd]