Air Operations, EuropeItalian aircraft raid targets in southern France and Corsica. [ | ]Baltic StatesKaunas and Vilna, Lithuania are occupied by Soviet troops on the pretext of anti-Soviet activity by the Lithuanians.
Battle of the Atlantic
Diplomatic RelationsRoosevelt replies to Paul Reynaud's message of June 13 to the effect that the United States will continue to give France and Britain all possible material help and moral support, but will not make any direct military commitment. [ | ]United States, PoliticsAnother Navy bill passes into law. This provides for a much-expanded air corps, with 10,000 planes and 16,000 more aircrew. [ | ]Western FrontStrasbourg and Verdun are taken in the converging German advance on the Maginot defenses. The German 7th Army of Army Group C crosses the Rhine opposite Colmar. The French Army GHQ moves south from Briare, on the Loire, to Vichy. Reynaud decides to sue for peace, but he is opposed by Gen Weygand, who until now has supported an armistice. On the Channel coast evacuations begin from Cherbourg. In the next 3 days 30,630 British and Canadian troops are taken off without loss.[MORE]
[ June 14th - June 16th] |