Air Operations, CBI
- Nearly 100 10th Air Force fighter-bombers attack troops, artillery, motor vehicles, pack animals, supplies and other targets in areas close to active battle fronts.
- 29 P-47s support Allied ground forces in the Namhsan area.
- 11 P-47s provide close support for Allied ground troops around Mongmit.
- During the night, 427th Night Fighter Squadron P-61s mount the first in an ongoing series of intruder and heckler missions against troops, road traffic, and airfields.
- 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack convoys in the Hengyang area.
- 19 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack occupied villages and road, rail, and river traffic, especially between Hankow and Nanking.
- 10 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s, organized into two-plane elements, attack a Japanese convoy composed of 4 merchant vessels and 4 escorts in the South China Sea. 1 destroyer is sunk and a freighter is left in burning condition.
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Air Operations, East Indies XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack supply dumps and Japanese Army ground troops on Borneo and the Labuan and Tarakan airfields there.
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Air Operations, Europe In Operation CLARION, whose objective is to cut transportation lines in central Germany and isolate the western Front, 9,000 Allied bombers and fighters from bases in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Italy attack rail and road targets over 647,497 sq km of the Reich. The 8th Air Force alone attacks 30 targets, including Lüneberg, Halberstadt, Ludwislust and Göttingen.
Daylight Ops:
- 167 Lancasters of No. 3 Group in forces of 85 and 82 aircraft are sent to oil refineries at Gelsenkirchen and Osterfeld. A Film Unit Lancaster of No. 463 Squadron, No. 5 Group, accompanies the Gelsenkirchen force. Both targets are accurately bombed in clear weather conditions.
- 1 Lancaster is lost on the Gelsenkirchen raid.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
- 73 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 6 to Bremen, 4 to Erfurt and 3 on 'siren tours' to various towns in Germany, 35 Lancasters are sent to the railway viaducts at Altenbeken and Bielefeld, 19 aircraft make Resistance flights, and there are 23 Mosquito patrols and 48 RCM sorties.
- 1 Mosquito from the Erfurt crashes in Belgium.
A Lancaster pictured over the vital Bielefeld viaduct at the start of the raid of 22/23 February. The area surrounding the viaduct is riddled with reminders of past attempts by Bomber Command to destroy the structure.
Bielefeld Viaduct
A plume of smoke rises as a bomb hits one end of the viaduct.
Bielefeld Viaduct
A shock-wave forms at one end of the bridge as a large bomb (possibly a Tallboy) explodes.
Bielefeld Viaduct
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Air Operations, Philippines - 100 FEAF B-24s attack Japanese Army ground defenses and Japanese-held caves near Fort Stotsenburg at distances of only 1,000 yards from US 6th Army ground troops, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack the same targets with napalm, high-explosive bombs, and machine guns.
- B-24s attack supplies near Baguio.
- V Bomber Command A-20s attack troops in the Baguio area.
- V Fighter Command P-47s attack Japanese-occupied areas of Corregidor.
- P-51s attack Angin and Marikina.
- Under guidance of a US Marine Corps air liaison party attached to Filipino guerillas on Luzon, 308th Bomb Wing light bombers begin direct-support operations in behalf of guerilla units. In this case, the Marine air liaison party’s first assignment is bringing 12 A-20s on target at the Japanese-held port of San Fernando, Luzon. Para-frag bombs are dropped with great accuracy, as are 500-pound bombs dropped in a follow-up strike by 1st Marine Aircraft Wing SBDs. As a result of the air support, guerrilla gains on the ground are considerable.
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Air Operations, Volcano Islands - Task Group 52.2 TBMs and FMs provide support for US V Marine Amphibious Corps ground forces on Iwo Jima.
- During morning searches for ditched aircrews from the damaged USS Saratoga, 2 VT(N)-90 are downed by friendly fire. 1 crew is rescued, but the other 3 airmen are lost.
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Burma In the British IV Corps, 2 mechanized brigades of the 17th Indian Div and one tank brigade advance from the Nyaungu bridgehead toward Meitkila. There are British landings near Kangow, in the Bay of Bengal, carried out by 6,000 men of the 3rd Commando Bde and other units.
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Diplomatic Relations Turkey declares war on Germany and Japan. Uruguay declares war on Germany and Japan.
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Eastern Front
The 8th Guards hit Posen with tanks and infantry. Fierce fighting rages in the citadel but a demand to surrender is refused. Gonell orders his force to break out before he commits suicide. All efforts prove fruitless though as repeated attempts are repulsed. By dusk the battle is over as Col Mattern surrenders the surviving 12,000 men.
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English Channel U-1004 sinks the Canadian corvette Trentonian, in escort of Convoy BTC-76, near Falmouth with the loss of 6 crewmen. Survivors are rescued by ML-600 and another ML astern of the convoy.
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Germany, Home Front The fugitive Vichy leader Jacques Doriot is killed in an air raid. He was 56.
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Italy 5th Army makes some gains in mountain fighting high up in the Reno Valley.
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Iwo Jima The struggle is still very bitter. The Marines, finding tanks and flamethrowers ineffective, fall back on the method of blowing up with dynamite every rock and every blind corner they encounter. With Mount Suribachi in the south cut off, they advance slowly toward the central part of the island and the second airfield, where they are pinned down by the cross-fire of Japanese skilfully sited on little rises overlooking the 2 airfields. The enemy perseveres with their night attacks and attempts to infiltrate. But both sides send up flares all through the night to avoid the possibility of surprise attacks.
Damaged in a collision in the area are the destroyer escort Melvin R. Nawmann (DE-416) and the landing craft LST-807.
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Philippines On Luzon the US XIV Corps is still preparing for the final assault against the Japanese garrison in Manila. In other parts of the island the Americans advance everywhere, but slowly.
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Western Front On the way to Calcar the Canadian 2nd Div, II Corps, Canadian 1st Army, takes Moyland. In this sector the German paratroopers of the 1st Army retain possession of 2 wooded hills, Hochwald and Balbergerwald, some 6 miles from the west bank of the Rhine. Meanwhile Marshal von Rundstedt, Commander-in-Chief of German forces on the Western Front, asks permission to withdraw what little is left of the 1st Parachute Army to the east bank of the river. Hitler replies that every centimeter of Germany must be defended to the last man.
On the northern front of the VIII Corps of the US 3rd Army, the 90th Div sends several patrols toward the Prüm River opposite Lunebach, while the 11th Arm Div reaches Eschfeld and Reiff, and the 6th Arm Div captures Irrhausen and Olmscheid, crossing the Our River. Units of the XII Corps consolidate their positions, while the 10th Arm Div, XX Corps, finishes off the mopping up of the triangle between the Saar and Moselle Rivers.
The 70th Div, XV Corps, US 7th Army, comes nearer to Saarbrücken.
Gen Eisenhower announces that 900,000 German prisoners are now being held by the Allies.
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Images from February 22, 1945
Churchill Mk V tank and POWs, Goch, Germany, 22 February 1945
Churchill Mk V tank and POWs
Exhausted Marines of Company G, 2nd Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, rest near a M4 Sherman of the 4th Marine Division. They are waiting for the tanks to attack the numerous pillboxes between Motoyama Airfield #1 and #2. Iwo Jima. 22 February 1945.
Exhausted Marines Resting
Iwo Jima, February 22, 1945. An LSM, (Landing Ship, Medium), drops it's ramp almost clear of the water and Marines roll supplies ashore for the inland drive on Iwo Jima.
A party sets out to repair telephone lines on the main road in Kranenburg on February 22, 1945, amid four-foot deep floods caused by the bursting of dikes by the retreating Germans. During the floods, British troops further into Germany have had their supplies brought by amphibious vehicles
Repairing Phone Lines in the Floods
US 10th Armored Division in the German city of Saarburg, 22 February 1945. In the foreground, an abandoned German 75-mm anti-tank gun PaK 40
10th Armored Division in Saaburg
A church damaged by near constant shelling during assault on Kerbach, France. The town was captured on February 22, 1945 by 274th Regiment.
Damaged Church in Kerbach
German civilians in February 1945 from Danzig and the surrounding area; fleeing from the approaching Red Army, they have had to leave their homes
German Civilians Fleeing the Red Army
Reloading Davy Jones. February 22, 1945 - Iwo Jima
Reloading Davy Jones