Chronology of World War II

January 1944

Friday, January 7

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • In the first successful AirSols light-bomber mission of the Rabaul air campaign, approximately 150 SBDs and TBFs, escorted by 72 fighters, pass through the Piva Uncle airfield on Bougainville from the Munda Point airfield on New Georgia. Finding the primary target, the Tobera airfield at Rabaul, beneath heavy clouds, the light bombers attack a radar installation on Cape St. George, New Ireland. 1 F6F is downed, 2 F6Fs are lost when they collide, and 2 SBDs are lost in operational accidents during the return flight.
  • VMF-211, VMF-215, and VMF-321 F4Us and VF-33 and VF-40 F6Fs down 10 A6M Zeros in the Rabaul area between 1100 and 1210 hours.
  • XIII Bomber Command attack the Vunakanau airfield at Rabaul.
  • 18 V Bomber Command B-24s attack Japanese Army defensive position at Cape Gloucester with 216 500-pound bombs while A-20s attack Japanese Army ground troops near Arawe.
  • During the night, RAAF Beauforts based at Kiriwina mount the last in a three-week series of individual night-harassment attacks against the Rabaul area. Hereafter, such attacks will be conducted by AirSols aircraft based in the Solomon Islands. Such missions, mounted by a steady succession of multi-engine bombers, will be undertaken every night, weather permitting.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 7 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and 15 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack an oil refinery, fuel storage, and antiaircraft batteries at Lanywa. 19 10th Air Force P-36s and P-51s attack troops and supply dumps at Nanyaseik.
  • 4 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 6 14th Air Force P-40s attack shipping in the Yangtze River near Hukow and Shihhweiyao. 2 B-25s attack a passenger vessel at Hong Kong. 11 449th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack sampans on the Yangtze River between Hankow and Chiuchiang.
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Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Boela, Ceram.

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Air Operations, Europe

The deployment of the German flying bomb is hampered by a series of Allied air raids on launch sites which have been located by reconnaissance flights. A Mosquito is brought down by German air defenses and its Oboe navigational aid is captured intact and counter-measures quickly devised.

Evening Ops:
  • 6 Mosquitos are sent to Krefeld, 5 to Duisburg, 1 aircraft is sent on a Resistance operation, and there are 28 OTU sorties. The Resistance operation aircraft - a No 138 Squadron Halifax - crashes in England soon after taking off, killing all 10 men on board, probably a crew of 7 and 3 passengers.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-24s attack Lorengau in the Admiralty Islands. B-24s and B-25s, and V Fighter Command P-47 and P-40 fighter-bombers, attack Bogadjim, Erima, and Japanese Army defenses near Saidor, and the road into Boagjim.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-305 sinks the British frigate Tweed southwest of Ireland with the loss of 83 of her crew. 44 survivors are rescued by the British frigate Nene.

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Eastern Front

The attacks of both Ukraine Fronts make good progress around Kirovgrad, southeast of Cherkassy, and toward the former Polish town of Rovno.


The 5th Guards Tank Army is introduced through the 52nd Army, breaking the XLVII Panzer Corps defenses around Kirovograd as it fights its way into the town.

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British and US units of 5th Army take Monte Chiaia and Monte Porchia in their continuing attacks. San Vittore is also captured.

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Japan, Planning

Japanese Imperial Headquarters orders the Southern Army to commence operations for the capture of strategic positions in the area of Imphal, in India, in readiness for a large-scale offensive.

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Occupied France

The Resistance sabotages the electricity supply to Arsénal National at Tulle. This is the first of many such attacks.

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United States, Home Front

Mrs Lou Henry Hoover, wife of ex-Pres Hoover, dies at age 69.

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Images from January 7, 1944

40mm Bofors Gun of 579 Battery, 115 LAA Regiment, 7 January 1944

40mm Bofors Gun

Four US Tank Crew Soldiers Study a Map in Italy, 7 January 1944

Four US tank crew soldiers study a map

An unidentified gunner of the Saskatoon Light Infantry (M.G.) laying down harassing fire with a Vickers machine gun near Ortona, Italy, 7 January 1944.

Harassing Fire from a Vickers Machine Gun

harassing fire

Panzer IVs in the Wide Spaces of the Ukraine, January 1944

in the wide spaces of the Ukraine

Burning US Trucks in Italy,7 January 1944

Burning US trucks in Italy

Retreating at first into the jungle of Cape Gloucester, Japanese soldiers finally gathered strength and counterattacked their Marine pursuers. These machine gunners pushed them back.

US Machine Gunners on Cape Gloucester

US Machine Gunners

US Forces Landing at Saidor, 7 January 1944

US forces landing at Saidor

US Officer Recruiting Volunteers for Road Work in Italy,7 January 1944

US officer recruiting volunteers

[January 6th - January 8th]