Air Operations, Bonin and Volcano Islands 11 30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based on Saipan attack Haha Jima and nearby shipping, and 1 B-24 attacks Iwo Jima.
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Air Operations, CBI
- 8 10th Air Force B-25s attack the airfield at Nawnghkio.
- 3 B-25s attack bridges near Kawlin and Thityabin.
- 15 10th Air Force P-47s attack a Japanese Army headquarters and supplies at Mawhun, a military camp and supply base at Myazedi, and supplies at Naba.
- 2 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack a supply depot in Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbor.
- 15 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 22 14th Air Force P-51s and P-40s attack a supply depot at Tienho.
- 44 P-51s and P-40s attack the airfield at Tanchuk and occupied villages and river traffic in east-central China.
- A 76th Fighter Squadron P-51 downs a Ki-44 'Tojo' fighter in an afternoon engagement over the Tienho airfield at Canton.
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Air Operations, East Indies - FEAF B-25s, A-20s, and fighter-bombers attack airfields and oil facilities on Amboina, Boeroe, and Ceram.
- B-25s and fighter-bombers attack airfields and shipping in and around Halmahera.
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Air Operations, Europe
Daylight Ops:
- 47 Lancasters and 2 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group attack the sea wall at Westkapelle on Walcheren. The Bombing appears to be accurate but no major result are observed.
Minor Ops:
- 4 Hudsons are on Resistance operations, there are 4 Ranger patrols 2 Denmark and there are 5 RCM sorties.
Evening Ops:
- 12 Mosquitos of No. 100 Group fly anti-flying-bomb patrols. The Germans are now releasing flying bombs from aircraft over the North Sea. No interceptions are made.
- (?)The RAF makes raids on the German garrisons trapped at Boulogne and Calais.
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Air Operations, Formosa - 10 of 30 58th Very Heavy Bomb Wing B-29s dipatched from Chengtu, China attack the Einansho air depot while 14 B-29s attack several alternate targets.
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Air Operations, Philippines - 59 FEAF B-24s attack barracks, oil facilities, and other targets on Ilang Island and the Davao area of Mindanao.
- 15 8th Fighter Group P-38s attack a ship and floatplanes near Zamboanga, Mindanao.
- n support of the impending invasion of the central Philippines at Leyte Island, US carrier aircraft from Task Group 38.4 continue to mount attacks on Luzon to neutralize Japanese air power, but scheduled strikes by aircraft from escort carriers arriving in the area are postponed because of typhoon weather in the vicinity of the US escort carrier forces.
- Japanese losses for the day:
- 4 VF-51 F6Fs down 1 P1Y 'Galaxy' bomber at sea at 0800 hours.
- VF-20 F6Fs down 7 fighters over the Mabalacat airfield on Luzon between 0825 and 0840 hours.
- VF-13 F6Fs down 13 fighters over Manila and Clark Field between 0900 and 0945 hours.
- F6Fs and a VT-27 TBM crew down 3 P1Y 'Galaxy' bombers, 1 B6N 'Jill' torpedo bomber, and 1 D4Y 'Judy' dive bomber at sea between 1020 and 1539 hours.
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Eastern Front
The 31st Army attacks the 2nd Army near Suwalki, while the 39th Army attacks near Tilsit to support the 2nd Guards on its right and 5th Army to its left. Elements of the 11th Guards cross the East Prussian border and pushes close to Goldap.
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France, Politics The French War Ministry and the National Council for the Resistance reach agreement on the process for the integration of the resistance forces, FFI, into the regular army. This negotiation has not been easy because of the various political loyalties of the resistance groups.
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Greece The last Germans leave the island of Lemnos.
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Indian Ocean In Operation MILLET over the next 3 days TF 63 from the British Eastern Fleet sends 2 carriers, 1 battlecruiser and lighter forces to attack the Nicobar Islands as a diversion for the US attack on Leyte. The carrier aircraft attack on October 17 and 19 and the islands are shelled on October 17 and 18. Although considerable damage is done, as a diversion the operation fails.
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Italy The II Corps continues to advance north. The 91st Div reaches Luca, the 34th the slopes of Monte della Vigna, while the 85th continues its advance beyond Monterenzio.
In the British XIII Corps sector, units of the 8th Indian Div begin an attack on Monte Pianoresso. On the right of the front the Polish II Corps attacks toward Forlí.
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Japanese Planning Adm Soemu Toyoda activates Plan SHO ('VICTORY'), a series of 'decisive battles' to be initiated by the Japanese to end the threat to the home islands. This action is in response to the US invasion of Leyte.
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Philippines The attacks that began on the previous day continue and are reinforced by the 4 carriers of Div's TG 38.4 who attack Luzon. Also, minesweeping begins in Leyte Gulf. One US minesweeper, YMS-70, sinks during a storm off Leyte. The small island of Suluan and Dinagat at the entrance to the Gulf are occupied by minor US Ranger units in order to secure the approaches to the Gulf of Leyte, about to be entered by the main body of the Leyte invasion force, at present on board the 3rd and 7th Amphibious Forces.
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Western Front Troops from the 3rd Div, VIII Corps, British 2nd Army take Venray, about 10 miles from the German frontier, in their drive toward Venlo.
In the US 7th Army sector, while the 44th Div of XV Corps nears the Lunèville region, some 10 miles southeast of Nancy, the 45th and 36th Divs of VI Corps approach Bruyères, against strong opposition.
In view of his heavy casualties, Gen De Lattre de Tassigny, Commander of the French 1st Army, holds up the offensive by the 3rd Algerian and 1st Arm Divs toward the Vosges.
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Images from October 17, 1944
USS Houston (CL-81) Under Tow, 17 October 1944
P-51D Mustang 44-13686 'Rugged Rebel' Code 5E-N, Pilot Lt-Col Allison Brooks of the 1st Scouting Force, 17 October 1944
P-51D Mustang
Scenes of devastation in the harbor and docks area of Boulogne after German demolition had completed the destruction caused by Allied bombs, 17 October 1944.
Devastation in Boulogne
A 6-pdr Anti-tank Gun Set Up to Protect a Road in Nijmegen, Holland, 17 October 1944
Young German Prisoner Captured in Venraij, Netherlands, 17th October 1944
Challenger Tank, Holland, 17 October 1944
Corporal S Potter, commander of a Challenger tank of 15/19th Hussars, 11th Armoured Division, The Netherlands, 17 October 1944.
Looking Out From a Challenger Tank
Troops of 2nd Royal Warwickshire Regiment dug in with a Bren gun along a hedge near Venraij, Holland, 17 October 1944
British Troops Near Venraij
Churchill tanks of the 4th Grenadier Guards, 6th Guards Tank Brigade, Venraij, 17 October 1944
Churchill Tanks Near Venraij
Churchill tanks of the 4th Grenadier Guards advance towards Venraij in Holland, 17 October 1944
Churchill Tanks Advancing Toward Venraij
Stretcher bearers and infantry of the 1st Suffolk Regiment pass Churchill tanks of 6th Guards Tank Brigade near Venraij,17 October 1944.
Bren Gun Near Venraij
Infantry about to clamber aboard Sherman tanks during the assault on Venraij, 17 October 1944.
Catching a Ride
A Sherman Crab flail tank during the advance towards Venraij, 17 October 1944
Sherman Crab Flail Tank
Churchill tanks of 6th Guards Tank Brigade laying a smokescreen during the advance on Venray, Netherlands, 17 October 1944
Tanks Laying a Smokescreen