Chronology of World War II

June 1943

Thursday, June 3

Air Operations, Aleutians

Despite bad weather that grounds other missions, 2 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s and 6 343rd Fighter Group fighters attack Kiska.

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Air Operations, Europe

The Russian air force makes a mass attack on the German base at Orel.

Evening Ops:
  • 24 Wellingtons and 15 Stirlings lay mines off the Biscay ports and there are 16 OTU leaflet flights.
    • 1 OTU Wellington is lost in the sea.
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Battle of the Atlantic

The waters off Halifax, Nova Scotia are mined by a German submarine. The field is discovered immediately, but only after the 2,000t Panamanian cargo ship Halma is sunk.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-24s attack a supply dump at Dobo.

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Air Operations, Solomons

  • During the evening, 307th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack 2 ships off southern Bougainville.
  • During the night, XIII Bomber Command B-17s attack the Kahili airfield on Bougainville and targets along the Moliko River. B-24s attack targets in southern Bougainville.
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The Japanese end their 'rice offensive' in the west of Hupeh province, in the Yichang area, and begin to withdraw. They have seized quantities of rice and captured many boats on the upper Yangtze.

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Eastern Front


Bombing raids inflict considerable damage upon the German air bases at Orel.

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France, Politics

In Algiers the Free French announce the formation of the Comité Français de Libération Nationale (CFLN), a provisional government of the French Empire under Gens de Gaulle and Giraud. Other members include Generals Catroux and Georges and MM Jean Monnet, René Massigli, Andre Philip and Gabriel Puaux.

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Newport News, Va.: US Army Signal Corps, Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation, June 3, 1943. Pier X, H.R.P.E. Troop Train and Troops embarking, chiefly 45th Division, for service overseas.

Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation

Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation

France, Resistance

The Michelin tire works at Clermont-Ferrand are badly damaged in a sabotage operation conducted by local resistance workers and SOE agents. 300 tons of tires are destroyed.

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Adm Halsey's HQ issues general instructions for the invasion of New Georgia, in the central Solomons. The main objective is to be Munda airfield, a jumping-off place for a series of 'hops' towards the northern Solomons. The landing force will be commanded by Rear-Adm Kelly Turner, the occupation forces by Gen John H. Hester at the head of the armys's 43rd Div reinforced by 2 battalions of Raiders from the US Marines.

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Photo from June 3, 1943. Zoot Suit Riot victims with zoot suit wearers looking on as the police investigate the scene in Los Angeles.

Zoot Suit Riot Victims

Zoot Suit Riot Victims

[June 2nd - June 4th]