Chronology of World War II

June 1943

Sunday, June 6

Air Operations, CBI

  • 7 11th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s attack the airfield at Pailochi Airdrome.
  • 5 23rd Fighter Group P-40s strafe military targets at Tangyang.
  • 11 P-40s attack a bridge at Puchi.
  • 10 P-40s attack the airfield at Shasi and nearby river traffic.
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Air Operations, East Indies

V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Penfoei airfield at Timor and Koepang.

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Air Operations, Mediterranean

The Allied bombers press home their attacks on Pantelleria hitting shore defenses and gun emplacements.

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Soldiers of Port Labor Battalion June 6, 1943 on Attu

Soldiers of Port Labor Battalion

Air Operations, Solomons

AirSols P-38s and P-40s strafe coastal targets on Choiseul.

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Diplomatic Relations

Spain proposes the establishment of 'no-bombing zones'.

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A Sherman tank leaves a landing craft during an exercise on the North African coast, 6 June 1943.

Unloading a Sherman Tank on North African Coast

Unloading a Sherman Tank on North African Coast

[June 5th - June 7th]