Air Operations, CBI
- 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s and 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Monywa and the marshalling yard at Ywataung.
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Air Operations, Europe - In their first big daylight raid bombers of the US 8th Air Force make a successful attack on a synthetic rubber factory at Hüls, in the Ruhr, putting in temporarily out of action.
Evening Ops:
- Mülheim is the target of 557 aircraft including 242 Lancasters, 155 Halifaxes, 93 Stirlings, 55 Wellingtons and 12 Mosquitos.
- The Pathfinders have to mark through a thin layer of stratus cloud but reports indicate accurate initial marking. In the later stages of the raid, the Pathfinder markers and bombing move slightly into the northern part of the town. This has the effect of cutting all communication with the neighboring town of Oberhausen with which Mülheim is linked for air raid purposes. The post-war British Bombing Survey Unit estimated that this single raid on Mülheim destroyed 64 percent of the town.
Minor Ops:
- 4 Mosquitos each to Berlin and Cologne, and there are 26 OTU sorties.
- 1 OTU Wellington is lost.
Kindley Field,Bermuda, 22 June 1943, these are 390th Bomb Group B-17s in transit to England.
B-17s On Their Way to England
- 39 B-17s of the 381st and 384th Heavy Bomb Groups, in their combat debuts as part of the 1st Heavy Bomb Wing, attack industrial targets around Antwerp with more than 95 tons of bombs.
- 4 B-17s are lost, 18 damaged; 1 crewman is killed, 3 wounded, 40 missing
- 4th Fighter Group P-47s escort the B-17s part of way home from the target, but make no contact with Luftwaffe fighters.
- 183 of the 224 1st and 4th Heavy Bomb Wing B-17s dispatched and 11 YB-40s attack a synthetic rubber plant at Huls with 422 tons of bombs. Results of this first large-scale strategic mission against an industrial target in the Ruhr region of Germany are considered particularly good, but losses are high.
- 15 B-17s and 1 YB-40 are lost, 75 B-17s damaged; 2 crewmen killed, 16 wounded, 151 missing
- A diversionary mission by the 100th Heavy Bomb Group, making its combat debut, fails to confuse the German defenses on account of a late start.
Between 0915 and 0925 hours, P-47s of the 4th and 78th Fighter Groups down 7 Luftwaffe fighters over Walcheren Island without any loss.
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Air Operations, Gilberts 3 VII Bomber Command B-24s reconnoiter several islands and atolls.
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Air Operations, New Guinea V Bomber Command B-24s attack Taberfane.
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A nurse wraps a bandage around the hand of a Chinese soldier as another wounded soldier limps up for first aid treatment during fighting on the Salween River front in Yunnan Province, China, on June 22, 1943. (AP Photo)
Chinese Soldier Receives Treatment
Air Operations, Sardinia NACAF Beaufighters claim a small vessel sunk off the coast.
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France, Politics After several days of hard bargaining the Committee on National Liberation decide that Giraud will retain command of the French forces in North Africa and that de Gaulle will lead elsewhere. This is in effect a victory for de Gaulle.
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Ireland In the General Election Eammon De Valera's Fianna Fail party loses overall majority, but he remains in office.
Pacific The US destroyer Monaghan (DD-354) sinks the Japanese submarine I-7 in the Aleutian Islands area.
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Solomons Infantry units of the US 43rd Div reinforce the Raiders of the US Marines who have landed at Segi Point in New Georgia.
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Trobriand Islands An American regimental group starts to land on Woodlark Island, 95 miles southeast of New Guinea, without meeting any opposition.
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Racial strife subsided in Detroit on June 22, 1943 after the arrival of US troops the night before. Here are members of the 208th military police from Fort Custer setting up tents and equipment on the grounds of Northwestern High School, a location that makes for quick movement to almost any point in the city. (AP Photo)
US Troops Arrive in Detroit