Chronology of World War II

Nobember 1941

Sunday, November 23rd

Axis Diplomacy

The Danes are informed by the Germans that they must join the Anti-Comintern Pact. 'If not, Germany will cancel the agreement of the 9th of April 1940, and Denmark will be regarded as an enemy country and must face the unavoidable circumstances.'

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Britain, Home Front

P. C. Wren, author of Beau Geste, dies at age 56.

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Eastern Front

In the Moscow sector the German offensive continues to make gradual gains. Progress is made on a 50-mile front northwest of the city. In these attacks Klin is captured by 3 of Hoth's Pzr Divs. Also captured are Solnechnogorsk and Istra, the last being only about 30 miles northwest of Moscow.


Heavy fighting rages at Venev as the Germans struggle to take the town from the Venev Group, a force of one rifle regiment and 2 tank brigades.


Elements of the 37th and 9th Armies reach the Tuzla River to the rear of the German forces in Rostov.


Guderian meets Bock and stresses the tiredness of his troops. Bock relays this information to Brauchitsch, but is is obvious that Brauchitsch is not allowed to make any decisions, being completely under Hitler's control.

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Japan, Planning

The officers and men of the Japaneses strike force designated to attack Pearl Harbor are informed of their mission. The force will be assembled at Tankan Bay, an anchorage at Etorofu Island in the Kuriles.

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An Axis convoy bringing fuel from Greece to Benghazi is attacked by the Malta-based Force K and loses 2 freighters. The British Mediterranean Fleet puts to sea to cover the operation.

HMS Penelope

HMS <i>Penelope</i>
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North Africa

There are more violent battles southeast of Sidi Rezegh towards Bir el Gubi. The fighting is especially hot in the afternoon when both German panzer divs and the Ariete Div make a headlong charge against the British armor and 2 South African Bdes of the 5th South African Div which have now joined the tanks. The 5th South African Bde is virtually wiped out. The losses on the German side bring their force down to less than 100 tanks. German infantry casualties are also heavy. To the Afrika Korps the day becomes known as 'Totensonntag', 'the Sunday of the Dead'. The British losses are also high and Gen Cunningham has now lost confidence in the outcome of the battle. This brings Auchinleck, the more resolute British Commander-in-Chief, forward to take more interest in the tactical moves. Rommel does not take part in the day's main fighting but is involved farther north around Gambut where the New Zealand infantry capture the Afrika Korps HQ and much of Rommel's communications equipment.[MORE]

Stukas On Their Way to Attack British Tanks

<i>Stukas</i> On Their Way to Attack British Tanks

Gun Position in the 5th South African Brigade Area

Gun Position in the 5th South African Brigade Area
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North Sea

The Swedish steamer Hedda sinks on a mine north of Borkum. The entire crew are rescued.

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With permission from the Dutch government-in-exile in London and the Brazilian government, US forces occupy Surinam, or Dutch Guiana, to protect the strategically vital bauxite mines which provide 60 per cent of the world's supply.

[November 22nd - November 24th]