Chronology of World War II

June 1941

Monday, June 2nd

Axis Diplomacy

Hitler and Mussolini have a meeting at Brennero on the Brenner Pass to discuss urgent military questions.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • After damaging the Belgian steamer Mokambo, U-147 is sunk northwest of Ireland by the British destroyer Wanderer and the corvette Periwinkle. The entire crew of 26 is lost.
  • U-108 sinks the catapault aircraft merchantship Michael E (7268t) from Convoy OB-327 mid-Atlantic with the loss of 4 crewmen. 47 survivors are picked up by the British steamer Alcinous.
  • The British steamer Beaumanoir (2477t) is sunk after two air attacks by German planes near Robin Hood's Bay. Also sunk by German bombing are the British steamer Prince Rupert City (4749t) in the North Sea with the loss of 4 crewman and the Belgian trawler John (197t) 90 miles southeast of Inglos Hofti.
  • The Finnish steamer Kasteholm (5417t) sinks on a mine off Norway with the loss of 1 crewman.
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People of Crete Fight Back

People of Crete Fight Back

Following the invasion of Crete over 100 civilians were killed by a team of Fallschirmjager led by Oberleutnant Horst Trebes on the order of Generaloberst Kurt Student in retaliation for their involvement in the killing and mutilation of several dozen paratroopers who were caught in trees during the landings.

Everywhere on the island, Cretan civilians, armed and otherwise, joined the battle with whatever weapons were at hand. Cretan civilians went into action armed only with what they could gather, and many Fallschirmjäger were knifed or clubbed to death as soon as they landed. An elderly Cretan was said to have clubbed a parachutist to death with his walking stick before the German could disentangle himself from his parachute lines.

Resistance from the Civilian Population

Resistance from the Civilian Population

The Cretans' actions were not limited to harassment since the civil population also played a significant role in the Greek counter-attacks at Kastelli Hill and Paleochora. This was the first time that Germans had encountered broad resistance from a civilian population, and it was initially shocking for them. The Fallschirmjäger reacted with equal ferocity after recovering. The Cretans were regarded as partisans since they wore no identifying insignia or even armbands, the German authorities felt free of the constraints implied by the Geneva conventions.

Further enraging the Fallschirmjäger were rumours of battlefield mutilations by civilians torturing injured Fallschirmjäger. However the book ‘The Lost Battle’, by MacDonald argues that battlefield mutilations were more than likely a result of carrion birds and physical decay of corpses left in the extreme heat. In the village of Kondomari more than 100 civilians were rounded up and executed by the Fallschirmjäger.

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North Africa

Vichy grants the Axis powers the use of the port of Bizerta for unloading non-military supplies for their forces stationed in North Africa.

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Vichy France

A census of Jews is ordered.

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[June 1st - June 3rd]