Chronology of World War II

April 1941

Wednesday, April 30th

Air Operations, Europe

The RAF attack shipping off the Dutch coast. There is a heavy night raid on Kiel and a light raid on Berlin.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-107 sinks the British steamer Lassell (7417t) 250 miles southwest of the Cape Verde Islands with the loss of 2 crewmen. 51 survivors are picked up by the British steamer Benvrackie.

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Gen Freyberg is given command of the British troops and Greek militia defending the island.


German Raiders

The German auxiliary cruiser Thor arrives in Hamburg from France after 329 days at sea.

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Italian East Africa

The 11th African Div advances from Addis Ababa towards Shashamanna, where an Italian division is based.

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North Africa

After Gen von Paulus has decided to allow a further effort against Tobruk the heaviest German attack yet goes in after a bombardment by artillery and many Stuka bombers. The British retaliate with incessant, violent and intensive artillery fire, but at the end of the day the attacking troops have succeeded in forming a salient some 2 miles deep in the defenses of the western sector around Ras el Madauar hill.

Australian Soldiers Near Tobruk

Australian Soldiers Near Tobruk
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Red Sea

The Indian patrol ship Parvati sinks on a mine in the southern part of the Red Sea with the loss of 16 of her crew. 21 survivors are picked up by a British warship.

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[April 29th - May 1st]