Chronology of World War II

May 1941

Saturday, May 31st

Air Operations, Europe

The Luftwaffe mistakenly bombs Dublin, Ireland, killing 28 people.

Although Belfast was severely bombed in April resulting in nearly 1,000 deaths the southern state had remained untouched. However in the early hours of the 31st of May 1941 several bombs fell on Dublin City. 28 people were killed, all in the North Strand.

World War Two comes to Ireland

World War Two comes to Ireland
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Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-38 sinks the Norwegian steamer Rinda (6029t) off Liberia with the loss of 13 of her crew. 18 survivors are picked up by the British anti-submarine trawler Pict.
  • U-69 sinks the British steamer Sangara (5445t) in the harbor of Accra with the loss of 1 of her crew. She is later salvaged.
  • U-106 sinks the British steamer Clan MacDougall (6843t) north of the Cape Verde Islands with the loss of 2 crewmen. 85 survivors make landfall in the Cape Verde Islands.
  • U-107 sinks the British steamer Sire (5664t) west-southwest of Freetown with the loss of 3 crewmen. 46 survivors are picked up by the British corvette Marguerite.
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The last detachments of British troops not separated from their units move as quickly as possible to Sfakia, but there is not room on the ships for all the ment awaiting embarkation.

Nazis Control Crete

Nazis Control Crete
Crete is taken by the Nazis. Despite the victory, the battle cost them the biggest human losses than any previous campaign up to that point in the war. Just two days before the Allied surrender, Hitler himself sent a cable to his general on the ground, asking: 'France fell in eight days, why is Crete still free?' This image depicts German dead, laying their troops to rest in what will be their final resting place – the fertile and hospitable grounds of Crete. Today, at the German War Cemetery outside Hania, are the remains of thousands of invading Germans. A total of 7,000 Nazis died in Crete.
This photo shows the loaned N-Class destroyer HMAS Nizam safely reaching Alexandria with 690 troops evacuated from Crete, having survived heavy dive bomber attacks en route. It was the Nizam's second Crete run.

Destroyer with Crete Evacuees

Destroyer with Crete Evacuees
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The following ships are seized at Suda Bay and taken for German and Italian use: British steamer Araubank (7258t), British steamer Dalesman (6343t), Greek steamer Nicolauou Ourania (6397t) and British tanker Olna (7073t).

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Vichy France

Adm Darlan makes a virulent anti-British speech. The French press becomes increasingly pro-Axis.

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[May 30th - June 1st]