Chronology of World War II

May 1941

Friday, May 16th

Air Operations, Europe

There is an RAF night raid on Cologne with fires being started on both sides of the Rhine. Targets in Holland and France are also hit. 2 aircraft are lost.

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Air Operations, Middle East

He-111s bomb Habbaniyah causing serious damage.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-105 sinks the British steamer Rodney Star 420 miles southwest of Freetown. The entire crew of 83 are picked by the British destroyer Boreas and the British steamer Batna after 6 days at sea.
  • The British steamer Archangel (2448t) is sunk by German bombing off Aberdeen with the loss of 52 on board. 423 survivors are picked up by the British destroyer Blankney.
  • The British steamer Ethel Radcliffe (5673t), damaged by a German S-boat on 17 April, is sunk by German bombing at Great Yarmouth.
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The Blitz

German fighter-bombers hit southeastern England. In a night raid 111 aircraft raid Birmingham and West Midlands. Some RAF airfields are also bombed. 3 aircraft are lost.

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The Bolivian government takes over the German-owned airline Lloyd Aero Boliviano.


Britain, Policy

Britain bans all shipment of rubber to Japan.

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The Icelandic Parliament (Althing) issues formal declaration of independence from Denmark. A regent is appointed on June 17.

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Italian East Africa

The 7,000 or more Italians garrisoning the Amba Alagi positions surrender to the British on the orders of the Viceroy of Ethiopia, the Duke of Aosta.

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The Greek steamer Kythera (1070t) is sunk by German bombing in Suda Bay.

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North Africa

The German counterattack is in full swing. The German armor is advancing on Fort Capuzzo and aims to get behind the British positions on Halfaya from the west. The British cannot withstand this counterattack and withdraw. In a short time Fort Capuzzo is back in German hands while the recapture of Halfaya Pass is only a matter of days away. It only depends on how long it will take Col Cramer's 8th Regt to surround the pass. The maneuver, however, is known to the English commanders and in fact Gen Gott orders the 3rd Coldstream Guards defending the pass to retreat.

The chief of the German general staff, Franz Halder, orders Rommel to leave the task of besieging Tobruk to the Italians and to concentrate his own troops on the operations round Sollum.

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[May 15th - May 17th]