Chronology of World War II

July 1940

Tuesday, July 16th

Air Operations, Europe

The RAF raids airfields in northern France.

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Air Operations, Middle East

The base at Haifa, Palestine is bombed by an Italian air formation.



The cruiser Glasgow and the destroyer Imogen collide off northwest Scotland. Imogen sinks off the Pentland Firth.

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Battle of Britain

Day 7

Weather - Foggy across Southern England and the Channel.

Combat - A quiet day due to the weather conditions. However, a few raids materialize during the afternoon over the coast at Swanage and Cardiff. The most significant action of the day sees Hurricanes of No: 601 Squadron, from Tangmere, attack a raid of Ju-88's off the Isle of Wight at about 1700hrs.

Late afternoon also sees Spitfires of No: 603 Squadron intercept a raid off the Scottish coast, as Peterhead and Fraserburgh are bombed.

During the night several raids are plotted and are thought to be mine laying operations.

R.A.F. Losses: No losses.

Luftwaffe Losses: 6 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 5 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and 2 wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-61 badly damages the British tanker Scottish Minstrel (6998t) from convoy HX-55 130 miles northwest of Bloody Foreland with the loss of 9 of her crew. The tanker sinks the next day with 33 of her crew being rescued by the British corvette Gardenia.

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German Raiders

The German armed merchant cruiser Thor sinks the British steamer Wendover (5847t) in the South Atlantic with the loss of 4 of her crew. 37 of her crew are made prisoners of war.

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Germany, Planning

Hitler issues his Directive 16. It begins, 'I have decided to begin to prepare for, and if necessary to carry out, an invasion of England'. It goes on to explain the importance of the air battles for the achievement of this aim. Some commentators think that the tentative phrasing of the Directive indicates uncertainty in Hitler's mind over the desirability of the operation. This is the official beginning for the preparation of Operation Sealion. It is certainly true that it could have been issued sooner after the end of the Battle of France. At this stage in the planning the German army's views are dominant. They wish the Channel crossing to take place on a wide front from Ramsgate to Lyme Bay, basicly all along the south coast of Britain. They envisage that the force to be employed will be at least 25 divisions and perhaps 40 divisions. The operation will not be launched unless the Luftwaffe has complete air superiority over the English Channel. This is not a very realistic plan.

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Japan, Politics

When Minister of War Gen Shunroko Hata steps down demanding sweeping governmental changes, Prime Minister Mitsumasa Yonai resigns and on July 17 a new Cabinet headed by Prince Konoye is appointed. Yosuke Matsuoka is the new Foreign Minister and will be very influential. The Cabinet also includes a number of supporters of a more aggressive policy. The most important is Gen Hideki Tojo who becomes Minister of War.

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The British submarine Phoenix attacks the Italian escort ship Albatross off Augusta, Sicily. The submarine is sunk in a counterattack with the loss of all 55 of her crew.

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Vichy France

The new Vichy government withdraws French citizenship from naturalized Jews.

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[ July 15th - July 17th]