Chronology of World War II

April 1941

Saturday, April 5th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-105 sinks the British steamer Ena de Larringa (5200t) 205 miles east of St Paul Rocks with the loss of 5 of her crew. There are 38 survivors some of which are picked up by the Brazilian passenger ship Almirante Alexandrio.
  • U-76 is sunk by the British destroyer Wolverine and the sloop Scarborough south of Iceland with the loss of 1 crewman. 34 of the crew are rescued.
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Diplomatic Relations

The Soviet-Yugoslav Non-Aggression Treaty is signed in Moscow. It pledges war material to Yugoslavia in the event of a German attack, though not outright military support. The treaty is an attempt to form a barrier against further German-Soviet interests in the region.

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Italian East Africa

The Italians evacuate Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital. The Duke of Aosta disperses the remaining troops under him to several mountain strongholds: the redoubts of Amba Alagi, Galla Sidamo and Amara. South African and Commonwealth troops enter Addis Ababa.

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Japan, Policy

Japan declares it will control all rubber exports from Thailand, Indochina and the Dutch East Indies through a Japanese association of rubber dealers. At this time Japan has only a month's supply of rubber stocks.

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The Greek steamer Sifnos (2290t) is sunk by German bombing at Milos.

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North Africa

The Axis advance continues. On the coast Barce is taken and they push towards Derna while inland Tengeder falls and Mechili is threatened.

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A Soviet-Yugoslav Friendship and Non-Aggression Pact is agreed upon and is signed in the early hours of the 6th in Moscow but is too late to have any effect in halting the imminent German attack.

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[April 4th - April 6th]