Chronology of World War II

April 1941

Thursday, April 3rd

Battle of the Atlantic

  • During the next 2 days German U-boats sink 10 ships out of a 22-vessel convoy in the North Atlantic. These losses prompt US naval leaders to bring American ships operating in the area under convoy progection.
  • The German tanker Thorn (5436t) is sunk by the British submarine Tigris 100 miles southeast of St Nazaire.
  • In attacks on Convoy SC-26 U-73 badly damages the British steamer Athenic (5351t) 340 miles south of Reykjavik. The entire crew is rescued. The ship sinks on the 5th. The u-boat next sinks the British steamer Westpool (5724t) with the loss of 35 crewmen. 8 survivors are picked up by the British destroyer Havelock. The British tanker British Viscount (6895t) is the next ship sunk by this u-boat. 28 crew are lost, 20 are rescued by the Havelock.
  • U-69 sinks the Finnish steamer Daphne (1939t) south of Iceland with the loss of all 22 of her crew.
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The Blitz

There is a heavy night raid on Bristol. 76 planes are in the raid led by KG100. There is damage in Bristol and the Avonmouth docks.

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Diplomatic Relations

  • Either this day or the next (sources differ-1 says the 7th) Britain breaks off diplomatic ties with Hungary. German diplomats leave Belgrade.
  • Sir Stafford Cripps, the British ambassador in Moscow, tells Stalin that German units are being deployed along their eastern front for an attack on the Soviet Union.
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In the early morning hours the Hungarian Premier Count Pál Teleki commits suicide. He feels that the honor of his country has been forfeited by the decision taken by Adm Horthy to collaborate with Germany in the invasion of Yugoslavia, a country with which Hungary has agreed to a non-aggression treaty less than a month before. He is succeeded by the notoriously pro-German Foreign Minister László Bárdossy, who retains the foreign affairs portfolio.

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North Africa

The British evacuate Benghazi. The Axis offensive has met with considerable success owing to the boldness of Gen Rommel and to the relative inexperience of the British troops and commanders - the most experienced of them have been sent to Greece.

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Red Sea

The Italian destroyers Daniele Manin and Nazario Sauro are bombed and sunk by British aircraft on their way to attack Port Sudan. A third destroyer turns back and 2 others scuttle.

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United States, Policy

Following the agreement putting Europe first Pres Roosevelt orders the transfer of 25 percent of the Pacific Fleet to the Atlantic.

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[April 2nd - April 4th]