Chronology of World War II

July 1940

Tuesday, July 23rd

Allied War Production

The British Purchasing Mission in the United States reaches agreement that it will be allowed to buy up 40% of the United States' production of aircraft.

Battle of Britain

Day 14

Weather - Light cloud and haze in the Channel with occasional rain across the country.

Combat - Enemy activity once again is kept to a minimum. Occasional plots are made of raids but very few cross the coastlines of Great Britain. Most are probable reconnaissance looking for convoys. The only action during the morning sees a Hurricane of No: 242 Squadron shoot down a Ju-88 off Great Yarmouth. Late morning sees two raids made near Kenley where bombs are dropped and trawlers are attacked off North Foreland. Neither is successfully intercepted.

The afternoon is also quiet with Spitfires of No: 603 Squadron shooting down a Do-17 well off the coast of Aberdeen and two raids are plotted; one over East Anglia and the other off North Scotland with the enemy successfully evading the fighters.

During the night several raids are reported along most British coastlines, most likely dropping mines. The only reported bombs dropped are near Hartlepool.

R.A.F. Losses: 4 aircraft damaged or destroyed (none due to combat) with 1 pilot wounded.

Luftwaffe Losses: 7 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 14 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and 3 wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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Britain, Home Front

The Local Defense Volunteers is renamed the Home Guard. Recruiting is officially terminated since 1,300,000 men have volunteered since May 14. The Third War Budget is in place: income tax is raised to 8s 6d in the pound, 1d on a pint of beer. The New Purchase Tax is retitled Merchant Sales Tax which is dropped later.

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Czechoslovakia, Politics

A provisional government is formed in London by the former Czechoslovak National Committee and is recognized by Britain. Dr Edvard Beneš is president and Frana Sramek is prime minister.

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East Africa

Gen Paul Legentilhomme, the Free French commander in French Somaliland, is replaced by pro-Vichy Gen Maxime Germain.

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Budapest is the scene of pro-Nazi demonstrations.

[ July 22nd - July 24th]