Chronology of World War II

June 1940

Thursday, June 20th

Baltic States

Russian demands regarding territory and a new government are met by Estonia.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The French steamer Foucauld (11,028t) is sunk by German bombing at La Pallice.
  • The French tanker Brumaire (7638t) is sunk by German bombing off Belle Ile.
  • The Greek steamer Adamantios (4277t) is sunk by German bombing at La Rochelle.
  • U-30 sinks the British steamer Otterpool (4876t) 130 miles west of Ushant. 23 crewmen are lost. 16 survivors are picked up by the British sloop Scarborough.
  • U-38 sinks the Swedish steamer Tilia Gorthon (1776t) 45 miles west of the Scilly Islands with the loss of 10 crewmen. 11 survivors are rescued by the British sloop Leith.
  • U-48 sinks the Dutch motor tanker Moordrecht (7493t) west of Cape Finisterre. 25 of the crew are lost, 4 survivors are picked up by the Greek steamer Orion.
  • U-122 sinks the British steamer Empire Conveyor (5911t) 50 miles south of Barra Head, Hebrides with the loss of 3 of her crew. 38 survivors are rescued by the British destroyer Campbell.
  • The British steamer Stesso (2290t) is sunk by German bombing at Cardiff. The entire crew is rescued.
  • The Panamanian tanker James McGee (9859t) sinks on a mine 4 miles from Nash Point. The entire crew is picked up by the British destroyer Wolverine.
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Britain, Home Front

The entire output of Thompson sub-machine guns (300 t per week) is to be delivered from US manufacturers in weekly shipments.

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French and British ships are warned not to dock at Indochinese ports as Japan tries to stop French arms from reaching Nationalist Chinese.

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Diplomatic Relations

  • The French Foreign Minister, Paul Baudouin, sends to the Spanish ambassador to France the names of the French plenipotentiaries who will sign the armistice with the Germans. They include ambassador Lèon Noël, Minister Plenipotentiary Rochard, Adm Maurice R. LeLuc and Gens Georges Parisot and Jean-Marie Joseph Bergeret, with Gen Charles Huntziger as chairman.

    German Troops on the Outskirts of Paris

    German Troops on the Outskirts of Paris

    The directive given them contains a single clause: they are to break off the talks at once if the Germans ask for the French fleet to be handed over to them. At 2:00p.m. the delegation sets out for the armistice talks which are to be held at Compiègne in the same railroad carriage and on the same site as the negotiations which ended World War I.

    The German terms include important financial concessions, such as the extension to France of Reichskreditkassen, banks created in wartime for the troops in occupied countries, which will issue banknotes having legal currency at par with the French currency. Another provision is the Devisenschurzkommandos, by which all foreign bank accounts are immediately frozen and payments to them by French citizens are blocked.

  • French authorities in Indochina bow to a Japanese threat and halve the transit of arms to China via Haiphong. The area of Tonkin, adjacent to China, is opened to Japanese military control.
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German Raiders

The German battlecruiser Gneisenau is seriously damaged in a torpedo attack by the British submarine Clyde off Trondheim.

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The Italian submarine Diamante is sunk by the British submarine Parthian off Tobruk.

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United States, Politics

Pres Roosevelt strengthens his Cabinet by bringing in 2 prominent Republicans. Henry Stimson becomes Secretary for War and Frank Knox becomes Secretary for the Navy. Stimson is strongly against America's isolationist tradition and will be a champion of Lend-Lease.

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Western Front

German troops enter Lyons. Vichy is also captured. The Saumur Cadets are forced to surrender when ammunition supplies for their training weapons run out. 200 cadets have been killed. The Italian offensive on the Riviera is extended along the entire Franco-Italian frontier to Mt Blanc. Some German armored units leave for the Alps to assist the Italians who have opened their assault on the western Alps.[MORE]

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[ June 19th - June 21st]